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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 17 KB, 320x200, 2582-prehistorik-2-dos-screenshot-tag-one-of-these-and-when-you-die.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4949462 No.4949462 [Reply] [Original]

I never see /vr/ talk about DOS platformers. Post your favorites.

>> No.4949469
File: 261 KB, 320x200, cosmo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure.

I just replayed it. It's still awesome.

>> No.4949478

Are the Douk platformers any good?

>> No.4949479
File: 3 KB, 320x200, daev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerous Dave. It's pretty simple and i really like the pc speaker sound.

>> No.4949487

This was only a thing in Europe. People here rented a Genesis cart from Blockbuster if they wanted that shit.

>> No.4949502
File: 23 KB, 480x360, skunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember playing these "skunny" games as a kid and even in my young years i realized how bad the level design was

>> No.4949524

Manhattan Project is great but it's not retro.

>> No.4949542
File: 246 KB, 960x600, hocus_pocus_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoyed Hocus Pocus

>> No.4949546

I'm a big fan of the first game.
2 is impressive for only using EGA graphics, but game play is a little bit of a cluster.

>> No.4949550
File: 21 KB, 650x408, commkeen4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone not play Commander Keen 4/5?


>> No.4949612

i don't remember which ones i played

>> No.4949613

Skunny & Rosy!

>> No.4949618
File: 146 KB, 800x975, 262689-rick-dangerous-commodore-64-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

technically the definitive version is on the amiga, but it's still on DOS and the GOAT platformer so im gunna post it anyways

>> No.4949621
File: 38 KB, 640x400, Jazz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4949623

He has 'tude

>> No.4949720
File: 21 KB, 255x159, 2F9441A1-80BF-44F6-9633-6BC230A01FEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4949723

>that sneaky red land shark

>> No.4949731

Why were westerners so bad at making platformers? Most DOS platformers were Amiga tier trash.

>> No.4949734
File: 322 B, 80x60, Treasure_Eater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not actually sharks but we thought they were in my house.

>> No.4949735

There wasn't much demand for them, because most who had a $2000 PC could just buy a $200 console.

>> No.4949740

This game is far more challenging than anything Mario, with its one hit kills and very sinister enemies like that weeping angel rock. Super Mario World is somewhat dull by comparison.


>> No.4949805

Commander Keen isn't good because it doesn't have parallax scrolling.

>> No.4949907

Yeah people who had PCs wanted games they couldn't get on consoles. The games I played for DOS were flight sim games like X-Wing and TIE Fighter, strategy games like Master of Magic, WPRGs like Dark Queen of Krynn, and Wolfenstein. Also Scorched Earth: The Mother of All Games though I think that might have been an early Windows game.

>> No.4949953
File: 148 KB, 800x970, 21879-duke-nukem-ii-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke II, Bio Menace, Monster Bash.

>> No.4949958

Most aren't aware Duke was ever 2D

>> No.4949962

apogee games were my jam back in the day, sad these gems are forgotten.

>> No.4949969

How does it feel to be so special?

>> No.4949975
File: 382 KB, 287x492, ant man dos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very short game but a lot of fun. Cool music too.

>> No.4949976

They're not forgotten by those who had PCs. Most had little interest in them before the web was relevant. One time last decade, I brought a laptop to a cabin that was still too remote to have cellular service and my cousin was like "wtf why computer if no internet?"

>> No.4949986

>This was only a thing in Europe
we're talking about DOS here you nincompoop

>> No.4949987

Another issue is that PC developers didn't necessarily have a standard gamepad controller they could design for. You had big-ass flight-stick style joysticks and you had console-style pads like the sidewinder, but the only thing you could be sure that people had was a keyboard & mouse. Most platform games work best with a real gamepad, preferably a 4th gen console pad or later, and are a bit awkward on a keyboard.

>> No.4950010

Scorched was DOS.
Fuckin' MIRVs.

>> No.4950020
File: 97 KB, 645x405, msdos_The_Adventures_of_Captain_Comic_1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain Comic, niggas

>> No.4950094
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>> No.4950104
File: 43 KB, 320x200, Vinyl_Goddess_From_Mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4950126

First off, the hardware was different from consoles - not optimized for smooth-scrolling platformers.
Second, there were WAY more computer games than console games due to the lack of restrictions. So of course there would be more bad games.

>> No.4950438

Pure kino.

Back in the day, a mouse was an obscure peripheral.

>> No.4950480

Apogee platformers are so much fun, I still play them on occasion.

My favorite is one of the lesser known ones, though, Crystal Caves.

>> No.4950656

Is the pic in the corner supposed to show what weapon you have equipped? Because that's a neat little excuse to leave a closeup of her ass whole time

>> No.4950691
File: 20 KB, 320x200, vinyl-goddess-from-mars_10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea. Sadly it's the only weapon that does that.

>> No.4950695

How is Zool 2?

>> No.4950706
File: 342 KB, 1920x1080, 358230_screenshots_20160506142949_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a platformer, but the best (and only) sokoban-like I had. Came on the same floppy as that well known platformer.

>> No.4950842
File: 10 KB, 320x200, secret-level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prehistorik 2 had really funny secret levels.

>> No.4950858
File: 12 KB, 320x200, 29968-zool-dos-screenshot-level-1-sweet-world.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zool was pretty nice. Not a DOS exclusive, though, but that's the system I played it on.

>> No.4950867

Are the DOS Zools very different? I had fun with Sega Zool up until a level where you had to rely on random drops while to get enough collectibles to continue while on a time limit.

>> No.4950885
File: 777 KB, 1000x1250, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Vinyl is a decent DOS platformer albeit marred by its association with the aggressively exploitative beauty industry, and Jill of the Jungle was just plain a better game. BUT, I also have nice things to say about Vinyl. The soundtrack is pretty rad and like, it perfectly nails that 90's game feel with all the weird monsters and inane excuse-plot. It's actually a legit good game, it's fun and I recommend it.

>> No.4950927
File: 9 KB, 320x200, Vinyl_Goddess_From_Mars_-_DOS_-_Episode_3_Level_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jill of the Jungle was just plain a better game
ehhh...I always liked the way jumping and weapons felt in Vinyl more. That exploding bottle weapon can go fuck itself though.

>> No.4950984
File: 115 KB, 641x641, jill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumping in JotJ is definitely very stiff and takes some getting used to, I'll admit that. But like, just the general "feel" of Jill, it's hard to explain but I just think Jill is a very unique game with some interesting atmosphere to it. And Jill is a cool character.

>> No.4951010

One of the first video games I ever played, but I have played them so much that the nostalgia is already gone. I played a few fan games recently (Battle of the Brains, Atroxian Realm) and was really impressed by them.

At least you can save everywhere. I can only imagine the frustration if you couldn't. Dunno, maybe they were balanced around savescumming.

>> No.4951014

Did the "Sanic with guns" thing 10 years before the edgehog

>> No.4951035
File: 79 KB, 508x379, shieet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I have been looking for this game but couldn't remember its name

>> No.4951065

nice one

>> No.4951098

Played Duke 2 a lot, but it doesn't feel like a Duke game without one-liners, gore and strippers

>> No.4951114
File: 662 KB, 764x474, 2407644-charly_the_clown_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had the shareware of this. It looked really nice and played smooth, but the gameplay is really hectic at times.

>> No.4951124

Holy fuck OP. I played that game when I was kid, while I was visiting small office that mom was working in. Yes, somebody had installed bunch of dos games on workplace computer, it was different time back then. Never to this day, I didn't know that game's name. Thanks.

>> No.4951132

I've been working in offices pretty much my whole life, and they always have strict policies on what you can and can't do with a work computer. It's weird to think there was a time when businesspeople could install games like Doom on a work computer and play it during their breaks. The call center I work at won't even let me let me read on my Kindle outside of designated break areas :(

>> No.4951149
File: 27 KB, 640x400, BadCat_Amiga_title.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an exclusive for DOS, the amiga version looked great, but I still enjoyed it a lot. I still consider it a platformer, but on every screen you have to perform a different task.

>> No.4951198

Man I feel lame I mostly played the fuckton of Sierra point and click shit back in the day.

>> No.4951238

>marred by its association with the aggressively exploitative beauty industry
Jesus Christ...

>> No.4951319

I'm surprised it took so long for someone to point out this bullshit. When I first read it I thought the game was produced by Revlon or some shit.

>> No.4951421

Save-anywhere was essential for a DOS game because it couldn't be put in the background when you wanted to do something else with your expensive IBM clone.

>> No.4951425 [DELETED] 

Isn't that Metroid as soon as he finds screw attack?

>> No.4951523

I loved that game.

>> No.4951539

Many of the games, at least many of the Apogee ones, were also heavily "puzzle" based, meaning that you usually spent much more time in a level than you would in a game like Sonic. I always appreciated the save function.

>> No.4951545

>Back in the day, a mouse was an obscure peripheral.
Yeah I realized that mistake as I hit submit, oh well. Point is platform games are usually designed for game pads and the console game pads were usually superior unless you were doing something like a flight simulator.

>> No.4951665
File: 169 KB, 1024x829, SuperFrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh? the premier euro platformer super frog is available on dos.

>> No.4951704

Super Mario World is far and away more mechanically engaging though, which is the most important aspect of a platformer.

>> No.4951713

>Most platform games work best with a real gamepad, preferably a 4th gen console pad or later, and are a bit awkward on a keyboard.
2d platformers all perform just as well on a keyboard as they do on a gamepad. Top Dustforce players very frequently use keyboards.

>> No.4951857

Try getting a good time in Super Metroid on a keyboard and get back to me on that.

>> No.4951870

>The run-ahead feature in RetroArch is banned.
I don't like playing on CRTs, so that's a no-go for me.

>> No.4951890

It's not just about performance, it's about being accessible to a typical player. Whatever gear experts might use to optimize their performance is not the point.

With a gamepad you have directional movement and 6 buttons to handle jumping shoot, blocking, changing your weapon, etc. You often wind up with a standard button for some action across all platform games on that console.

>> No.4951897


Sure, keyboards work for the most simplistic of platformers, but they're shit for anything remotely complex.

>> No.4951913

Dustforce has a far higher skill ceiling and more buttons than Super Metroid, so your point is kind of redundant, but why would you not be able to?

>> No.4951915

>they're shit for anything remotely complex
Dustforce is the most complex 2d platformer in existence by far and many of the top players use keyboards.

>> No.4951916

Worked pretty well for Keen, which has jump, shoot, and pogo stick. For digital inputs, I think keyboard can be just as good with enough practice. I have some gamepads on my desk but I often play the more difficult platformers with Cherry MC Browns.

>> No.4951917
File: 24 KB, 640x400, Xargon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4951919

>they're shit for anything remotely complex.
what a load of shit lmao. fighting games are more complex than any platformer and FGC players use keyboard style control schemes (box controllers, etc) all the time.

>> No.4951923

>-- DOS platformers

winnuke worked pretty well until Microsoft got broken up

>> No.4951925
File: 110 KB, 200x200, Brown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Cherry MX Browns

Cost me $50 shipped because the manufacturer was wanting to be rid of some boards with different branding.

>> No.4951926
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, Alien Carnage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4951927
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, Jetpack - Christmas Special.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4951931
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, Word Rescue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4951939

Dustforce uses 4 buttons. You need 6-7 buttons to play Super Metroid at a high level. Good luck doing that effectively on a keyboard.

>> No.4951945

Based on popular Youtube personality Xargon of Akkad.

>> No.4951948

>two thumbs and two fingers are better than two thumbs and 10 fingers
you sound like a retard.

>> No.4951953

8 fingers*

>> No.4951956

You sound like someone who's never actually played video games before.

>> No.4951957

No, that isn't correct.

>> No.4951960

how is that an argument? there's no reason someone wouldn't be able to do on a keyboard what can be done on a digital gamepad.

>> No.4951973

>You need 6-7 buttons to play Super Metroid at a high level.
Good thing keyboards allow you to literally use all your fingers at once lmao.
>Good luck doing that effectively on a keyboard.
Why would you not be able to? So far you're just screeching "nuh uh!!!" and it makes you look like a mongoloid.

>> No.4951980

The reason is that the inputs you have to perform simply aren't suited to keyboard layouts. Yes, they are physically possible. They're also incredibly awkward. There's a reason none of the top players (even the ones using emulators) use keyboard. Maybe you'd have better luck if you could attach a real d-pad to your keyboard, but then it's just a big, unwieldy gamepad.

>> No.4951985

>The reason is that the inputs you have to perform simply aren't suited to keyboard layouts.
Why? You keep asserting this ad nauseum without elaborating on what the fuck it even means.
>There's a reason none of the top players (even the ones using emulators) use keyboard.
It's because SNES consoles run at a slightly higher refresh rate than emulators, saving a few seconds across the run. Also, original hardware is generally preferred over emulators in speedrunning to begin with. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
>if you could attach a real d-pad to your keyboard
Literally arrow keys, you feloniously stupid cunt.

>> No.4951989

>It's because SNES consoles run at a slightly higher refresh rate than emulators, saving a few seconds across the run. Also, original hardware is generally preferred over emulators in speedrunning to begin with.
Also, SNES consoles have no input lag when played on a CRT and emulators do. Forgot to add that.

>> No.4951991

The fact the Keen games HAD scrolling in the first place was a big fucking deal back then.

>> No.4952001

>SNES controllers are perfectly suited for the elaborate tech in a speedrun that the devs didn't intend to ever be done on the controller or see coming in a million years
how many paint chips do you have to eat as a child to be this stupid?

>> No.4952052

SNES has no *additional* lag. Most games have 1-3 frames of internal lag. run-ahead is neat :-)

>> No.4952092

>tfw you make a simple observation about motivations of platformer devs in the 90s and start a nerd war over game pads vs keyboards.

>> No.4952112
File: 34 KB, 640x400, zorro-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was total crap which is kind of strange since the same people released Witchhaven the same year

>> No.4952115

II is clunker but i had fun with it

>> No.4952451

It's a weird thing to war over though. In a digital game it's almost all preference. I use arcade sticks but I wouldn't say they're better for everyone.

>> No.4952461
File: 214 KB, 1600x1200, Competition-Pro-Joystick-für-PC-Gamepad-15-Polig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use one of these for DOS platformers just because they're the ones I've played with back in the day. They're far from convenient, but they feel so right.

>> No.4952627


>> No.4953110

That looks pretty damn sweet, anon. I'd rock one.

>> No.4953142
File: 13 KB, 320x200, abuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abuse seemed pretty interesting, but i can't honestly say it's my favorite because i stopped playing after only a few levels. It seemed like it could have had greater potential.

Also, (i know it gets hate but) the DOS Turrican II port is quite decent IMO.

>> No.4953235

Keyboards are generally superior input devices because you can allocate a finger to each button. The problem with gamepads is that they're designed to be played with thumbs, so every time you need to do simultaneous actions (like jump and shoot), you need to slide your thumb on it, costing time. The only exception is if you have huge fat fingers that cover both buttons at once, but this shouldn't be a requirement. Simply, no gamepad is able to match the usability of a WASD setup, a huge number of available keys with barely any travel time.
Seriously, have you tried holding a controller so you cover, say, X and square with two fingers? It's extremely uncomfortable, clearly not intended, whereas this is a natural action on any keyboard.

Now, obviously gamepads are made for laid back comfortable play, so I can sit back on my couch and relax. I don't emulate console games with keyboards generally. But I sacrifice input reaction and overall performance to get this comfort.

>> No.4953279
File: 16 KB, 259x194, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever played a REGISTERED copy of Skunny? Gotta save those pizzas though.

This is an Australian game.

>> No.4953325
File: 53 KB, 800x600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.4953339

hi lgr

>> No.4953342


>> No.4953379

What is your trustworthy site to download these games?

>> No.4953424

e-celeb babble. Just ignore it.

>> No.4953440

Is he the guy who keeps using "ape" as a verb here?

>> No.4953497

>This is an Australian game.
It shows.

>> No.4953502
File: 18 KB, 330x260, 46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. my neighbor had that game. it's all coming back to me

>> No.4953710

Based as fuck. Jazz Jackrabbit was my favorite game as a kid

>> No.4953732
File: 22 KB, 640x400, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4953734
File: 8 KB, 640x400, secret agent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4953839

Rip from the 5.25” that I purchased legally.

>> No.4953841

You can do circles on a dpad with your thumb much faster than you can do circles on WASD with three fingers. Dpads work so that you can hold your thumb in the center of it and simply tilt your thumb slightly to hit any button. Gamepads are objectively better here.

The buttons on a snes pad are designed so that your thumb can cover about two at a time. This is where keyboards reign supreme, because you can reach 5 buttons at a time without moving your fingers.

Keyboard is better for action buttons, but not for 8 directional movement.

>> No.4953856

lol tell that to hitbox users who are literally banned from tournaments.

>> No.4953864

Melee doesn't use a dpad.

>> No.4953869

who gives a shit about melee?

>> No.4953927


>> No.4953934
File: 126 KB, 324x450, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, man. That pic brings up a bittersweet memory.
>Dad is installing games in our Win95 from a bunch of floppies who knows where he got from.
>He was big into DOS games and I would watch him play, occasionally sitting and playing too.
>Some days later, while on school recess, I started picking up some games at random while he prepared lunch.
>Last one was Prehistorik before shutting down the machine.
>When I turned the PC on, it when from the boot sector straight to the Titus logo, starting Prehistorik.
>I panicked, dad checked it out, if it didn't had a floppy disk inside or anything.
>Nothing worked. The game apparently overwrote part of the boot sector and would start the game.
>Nice joke from whoever gave him the games or something.
>Four days passed until he said he would reformat and reinstall the OS.
>I kept playing, barely making progress, saying all that time "maybe if i win, I will restore the PC".
Young me felt responsible for messing up and I would wake up early and use the half hour i was allowed to play to "undo what i did wrong". Now, whenever I see the Titus logo I remember how much I suck at platformers.

I also remember playing The Lost Vikings, Earthworm Jim and others. Fun times.

>> No.4953942
File: 124 KB, 1280x800, Bio-Menace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought it was really weird and kind of creepy how the perpetrators behind all those gory corpses and half-eaten skeletons scattered around the levels in Bio-Menace were actually Barney-looking jiggly googly-eyed monsters.

>> No.4954402

I formatted my computer because it was generally running like shit when my parents were away and when they got home my dad went apeshit, blamed it on porn and took away my dreamcast.

>> No.4954453

Actual boomers don't understand they need to keep backups or even that digital information can be copied without degradation. I've known some to keep an old PC set up just to sometimes view a few photos.

>> No.4954457
File: 90 KB, 642x402, msdos_Inva-taxi_1994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein neger! I had pretty much the same experience as a kid.
>install a (literally) retarded game on our Win95 machine
>play for a while, come conclusion it indeed was retarded and good for couple of laughs
>exit game
>somehow PC reboots ... into the retardo game
>again ... and again
>dad has to reinstall Windows
Felt super shitty about it even though I didn't get yelled at or anything. An accident's an accident and I didn't do anything to make the game insist on starting up on reboot instead of OS.

>> No.4954497

nah he's an electrical engineer who built pcs before but just happens to also be a fundamentalist christian

>> No.4954703

Nice! I remember playing this

>> No.4954874
File: 146 KB, 640x400, robbo-4.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4954876
File: 10 KB, 320x200, 359981-tubes-dos-screenshot-wave-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4954883
File: 10 KB, 640x480, 760351-bert-s-african-animals-dos-screenshot-the-game-s-title-screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4954893
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, eafasf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4954895

I had bert's dinosaurs. what a shitty "game".

>> No.4955041

Hitbox is only banned from Melee but so is every other controller that's not an original Gamecube controller preferably with a slight design flaw to make the game play better because fuck Melee.

>> No.4955074


>> No.4956303

If my kid was that much of an oblivious, inconsiderate dumbass he'd never touch my computer again.

No matter what my backup strategy.

>> No.4956520

+ Crystal Caves :D

>> No.4956636

Breddy good.

>> No.4957185

..... Because one of the game's marketing gimmicks was that the main character is a digitized supermodel (she was that year's Miss Universe IIRC) and the game came with a freakin' CENTERFOLD. Learn your herstory you screwbs.

>> No.4957236

This doesn't change or "refute" anything that has been said in response to you, you clown. No one was denying the game's use of sex appeal as a marketing gimmick. I just thought your problematizitation of it was ridiculous.

>> No.4957238

Took me a while to even spot the player character.

>> No.4957282

I can't find the game. It was a platformer where you control an astronaut of sorts going through tunnels. There was a bouncing ball enemy that would be fucking annoying and push you into spikes.

>> No.4957287
File: 1 KB, 50x50, Bounder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bounder is your friend :D

>> No.4957329
File: 46 KB, 640x400, 16456ce968ccb2979d781c5119c02b21136f98b13e631f9808f8c7d82cba39f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alien rampage, just found about of it some years ago. It's pretty playable

>> No.4958143
File: 258 KB, 560x347, VinylGoddessFromMarsV1.1sw1995unionLogicSoftwarePublishingInc.action_screenshot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved this game as a kid.

>> No.4958194

omg I've been looking for this very game for 20 years. Thank you anon

>> No.4958451

Just came here to see if anyone would post this. I played the shit out of this as a kid.