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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5579663 No.5579663 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: homosexuals in retro video games

>> No.5579669
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dunno about in them, but there's one playing all of yours lawl only joking heres one

>> No.5579672

>dunno about in them, but there's one playing all of yours lawl only joking heres one
man summer starts earlier with each passing year

>> No.5579678
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>> No.5579680

I thought he was canonically bisexual?

>> No.5579686

textures were a mistake

>> No.5579689
File: 4 KB, 92x186, trapsaregay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5579690

I hope Sevenleaf shares her cosplay pics

>> No.5579696
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>> No.5579698

Trans people are by definition not homosexuals

>> No.5579710

just a silly joke friend don't be sad

>> No.5579714 [DELETED] 

Hearty kek.

>> No.5579719

traps are not gay

fucking Poison is an attest of one's heterosexuality

>> No.5579721

"your truth" is not the truth

>> No.5579729

not sad, just cringing

>> No.5579750 [DELETED] 

This doesn’t even make sense even with retarded liberal logic. Either it’s gay for them to fuck some one with same reproductive organs as them or it’s gay for them to fuck someone with the opposite ones. I’ll let you decide which is which since you’re clearly a retakes faggot.

>> No.5579791

One day, with enough of the proper genetic manipulation, we will make the real futa.
That shall never be gay, but the true final step to peace.

>> No.5579813
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>> No.5579840
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not 100% sure if this guy is gay but I suspect he is

>> No.5579976

Poison is a woman

>> No.5580015

This. Fuck Crapcom USA

>> No.5580032

You suck anon, I wanted to make a thread out of this website:


>> No.5580073

Traps can still be homosexual the same as anyone else. If you're male to female and attracted to women you'll become homosexual after transitioning and the opposite. Likewise two trans people of the same origin who are with each other would be homo as well. Bisexuality is also pretty common though.

>> No.5580081

Ocelot isn't gay, he is just a Gemini

>> No.5580084

Back in the day I just thought he was the standard arrogant rich bitch trope. Then years later on the internet I found out he was a tranny, I was like "I should have known." I thought the Dou Niu character was just a big bully leader, turns out he's actually a sick degenerate with lots of weird secrets going on, makes it more interesting.

>> No.5580169


I wish it was originally a woman, but sadly not.

>> No.5580187

Vamp was bisexual but I don't know about Ocelot

>> No.5580517
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>> No.5580518

Ok apologies for the confusion, please carry on being a grown up posting gay pixels

>> No.5580530
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look how reddit those youtube comments are

>> No.5580554


I play the Jap version so she's a girl, fuck you faggots and your homosexual US version of the game.

>> No.5580573

>youtube video
The original designers both said she was originally designed as a woman, as a DNA XX woman. She was based on female models from fashion magazines.
One of the original Final Fight designers plain doesn't consider her trans/newhalf at ALL, she's 100% woman to him and he explained that the sole reason the whole newhalf thing was made up was to avoid possible lawsuits from american feminists for beating up women on games.
Akiman, on the other hand, was lighter about it, saying that he considers the japanese Poison to be female, and the US Poison to be newhalf.

>> No.5580595

If porn has taught me anything,it's that all of sonic is bi.

>> No.5580614

Poison is more insteresting as a transgender.

Now she needs to impregnate Jessica with her monster trap cock making Cody snap, quit his job as the mayor and become the villain of Final Fight 4 (in 2D pixel art).

>> No.5580616

Poison is female you goons.
Came here to post this

>> No.5580638
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>> No.5580886

Am I the only one who's ok with both Streets of rage 3 and Bare Knuckle 3? I don't like some of the changes to SoR3 but the removal of ash allows for shiva to be a playable character. The game isn't unplayable or anything.

>> No.5580919

this, but who the fuck cares about a dead and cringe series anyway

>> No.5581096
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>> No.5581142


Shiva is a playable character in Bare Knuckle III too anon.
I don't exactly remember the cheat but you had to hold a button after beating him at the end of level 1. (the fence area)

>> No.5581191

canon autogynephile, so technically not gay

>> No.5581276
File: 8 KB, 193x225, Ganbare - Ebisumaru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honorary gay

>> No.5581304

Any retro game Op plays.

>> No.5581325

>i live in rainbow and cotton candy land: the post

>> No.5581328

lmao now THAT'S funny

>> No.5581469 [DELETED] 

Most of us aren't. I'm pansexual :)

Sure! I'll probably get some good quality pics from the pride parade next month, if the weather isn't terrible...

You wanna know the best thing about having sex with a pre-op trans woman? You don't have to worry about sticking it in the wrong hole :P

>> No.5581656

I am gay, yes.

>> No.5582042


>> No.5582242

Gunbird 2 is the gayest game.

>> No.5582374
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>> No.5582496

>I'm pansexual
>I'm a faggot but I need a fancy name so I don't get lumped in with faggots
You should reconsider your life, and possibly end it.

>> No.5582583

makes perfect sense that a gay in a beatemup would be into fist fucking

>> No.5582593

He's actually supposed to be very into girls though, to ecchi/hentai levels.

>> No.5582595

>The original designers both said she was originally designed as a woman, as a DNA XX woman. She was based on female models from fashion magazines.
Sauce? Genuinely interested.

>> No.5582597
File: 23 KB, 600x350, e284d9db41da20417e73a1783f9af5a36e9d348c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sevenleaf has probably fucked more girls than me

>> No.5582602
File: 72 KB, 590x800, poison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Nishitani's twitter

>> No.5582607
File: 240 KB, 768x1024, poisonjpuys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Akiman comment on a Capcom art book

>> No.5582664

Thank you very much. Saved.
I wish Capcom would just say she's a woman and end this. We've been beating the shit out of Chun-Li and Cammy, it's not like it's taboo to hit women in video games.

>> No.5582717


>> No.5582782

>US Poison is transsexual and JP Poison is a woman
Some people would get really upset with that wording. Not me though.

>> No.5582860

it's strange because the usual practice is to remove degenerates from the US version

>> No.5582980

Those "girls" are 6'3", hirsute, wiyh fridge bodies and enormous "clittys."

>> No.5583291


>> No.5583631

Why should I go to /lgbt/ to talk about retro video games? I don't go to /lit/ to talk about vampire video games.

>> No.5583919
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best vidya homo

>> No.5583929

Dunno if it was in DnD ToD or SoM, but that night elf boss was pretty faggy, both in sight and sound.

>> No.5583973

Waluigi is more in line with metrosexuals than he is with gays. However Yoshi is actually canonically gay since he's in love with Birdo who's suppose to be a dude.

>> No.5585176

Bird is supposed to be a trans woman, so Yoshi isn't gay. The manual for one of the Mario sports games literally calls her Yoshi's girlfriend. It's also not even remotely gay if you find Poison attractive, most of the men I've had sex with have been straight-leaning as well.

>> No.5585184

>It's also not even remotely gay if you find Poison attractive
That's because the original designers made her as a woman, based on female models from fashion magazines.

>> No.5585186
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>Another thinly veiled excuse of a comment for Sevenleaf to tout his sexuality problem
Please, consider suicide.

>> No.5585196

Anybody else feel like low poly is an art?

>> No.5585214
File: 151 KB, 313x343, previewfile_1409483787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5585216

If you love low poly models, is that poly-amory?

>> No.5585231

dude just fucking stop.
my friend is having the worst time of his life borderline suicide bc his long-term gf got him into polyamory.

>> No.5585236

I now understand the term "mustard tiger." Thanks.

>> No.5585301

Okay well that's not my problem? A lot of my friends are poly, me and my boyfriend are poly, I love sex and I love sharing my body and its pleasures. Me and my boyfriend have communicated our desires and our boundaries, I have needs, he has needs, we're both happy. Sorry your friend is a bit of a cuck.

>> No.5585309
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>> No.5585325

fuck you, polyamory only works for girls, men who are into polyamory are ALL cucks (that includes you)

>> No.5585331

Says the literal cuck.

>> No.5585448

I'm not defending the practice, but how is she a cuck? A cuck (in the fetishistic sense) is a man who likes to watch his girlfriend get fucked by other men. In the non-fetishistic sense it's a man whose girlfriend cheats on him because he isn't "man enough". The whole dynamic is inherently heterosexual. You need to understand that LGBT culture doesn't value monogamy like we do. Sure, they'll form "relationships" because it's what society expects, but a trans woman fucking around isn't really any scandal. By definition, LGBT people cannot be cucks, it is literally their nature to be promiscuous.

>> No.5585456

The sweltering summer of 92 proves this.

>> No.5585478

Things like falling in love or jealousy weren't invented by modern society or some patriarchy boogeyman.
Gay people can, and are, cucks.

>> No.5585741

I'm in a low polyamory relationship with me myself and I

>> No.5585872
File: 7 KB, 188x231, GrandUpper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gayest cody clone

>> No.5586005

Poison's status is officially "Depends on the player's perspective".

>> No.5586008
File: 515 KB, 818x900, 1f77d2b6a0bc5f54e692ce658d7c4852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asellus is a lesbian.

>> No.5586025

Crapcoms elegant solution to the problem
"let the spergs argue among themselves, we have no part in this shitfest"

>> No.5586060

I would argue that monogamy is a modern construct, most ancient cultures practiced some form of polyamory or polygamy.

You don't go into a relationship with a trans girl with dyed hair and piercings expecting loyalty. Fucking around is in their nature; two thousand years ago Sevenleaf would probably be in a brothel somewhere serving out blowjobs for pieces of bronze.

>> No.5586161

You say that as if Sevenleaf isn't doing that shit now.

>> No.5586386

>for pieces of bronze.
Well, prostitution isn't polyamory, it's another thing.
Being a monarch or a landlord and having multiple wifes also isn't polyamory.
Regular people realized that it's easier to live if you have 1 partner, for survival and substantial reasons, and also for psychological reasons.
Of course cheating has always existed, and orgies/degeneration too, but I think the ideal was always to find the "one" partner in your life, form a family, etc. This isn't a modern western construct by white people. It's all over the world.

>> No.5586498


>> No.5586518

whether you disguise as a woman or not, doesn't affect your sexual orientation

>> No.5587481

trannies aren't traps

>> No.5587517

Poison was designed as a woman, a DNA XX woman.

>> No.5587656

>by definition
Yeah, fag's definition

>> No.5587713

There's that gay pedophile prison warden in Vandal Hearts 2. That was pretty fucked up.

>> No.5587923

XY chromosomed people attracted to XY chromosomed people makes them gay.
Doesn't matter if they wear women's clothes or chop their dicks off, they're still dudes on a biological level.

>> No.5588095

Very underrated comment and great picture.

>> No.5588125


"Our fathers taught us not to be afraid of our weapons, especially since they're so big and all."

>> No.5588251
File: 50 KB, 587x879, 1546292481494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all massive faggots lol

>> No.5588351

Futa, not trap.

>> No.5589443

Actual woman. Uterus, womb, etc.

>> No.5589572

is... is this real?

>> No.5589823

News flash, lgbt culture is fucked up and degenerate, it's not simply "just two people in love ".

>> No.5589907

That's kink culture you ignorant tard. Contrary to what your video games and Reddit echo chamber tell you not every gay person is an S&M-loving Village People dropout.

>> No.5589916
File: 318 KB, 500x750, CMC_2016_Wildcard01_M_Benjamin_533x800.jpg.132104_2pNwzRB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like saying a gay guy is straight for wanting to fuck this.

>> No.5590260

Hey Sevenleaf go back tripfagging or else I can't filter your shitty comments about how much of a trans degenerate you are.

>> No.5590262

go back to /pol/ or reddit, or wherever newfags like you come from.

>> No.5590264

I'll not say it again, go back being a tripfag you absolute faggot

>> No.5590278

stay mad :)

>> No.5590487

Nobody here is mad, mine was just a kind invite that will benefit everyone.

>> No.5592185

>some men are denied TRT while degenerates like these run amok
The absolute state of this world.

>> No.5592224

>the fucking ugly scar on the arm from skin grafting
40% is not high enough.

>> No.5592698
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>> No.5592858

Pong is homosexual propaganda. Two long hard shafts batting balls back and forth. Totally gay.

>> No.5592950

not gay, balls never touch