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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6610262 No.6610262 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought a PS1 (with DualShock) at a Goodwill for 15 bucks. What are the must-have games for it? No weeb shit.

>> No.6610264

winning eleven and fifa

>> No.6610268

Vr needs a wiki pinned

Its ot WHAT GAME so much as its WHAT COMPANIES. Capcom, Konami, Namco are safe bets.

>> No.6610269

Test Drive 5

>> No.6610278
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Ridge Racer Type 4.

>> No.6610280
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Bust a Move 2

>> No.6610282

Fucking liar goodwill is closed its late.

>> No.6610289
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Championship Motocross featuring Ricky Carmichael

>> No.6610291

weeb shit? Typical zoomer ...Idk man the best stuff on the console is "weeb shit", otherwise you got a couple of outdated platformers and games that have been remastered.

Back then it wasn't about escapism and waifus, it was about different points of view, tales where anyone could be a hero and things of that nature.
You zooms have such a distorted view of everything.

>> No.6610294
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>> No.6610357

I didn't mean right now you tard
>the best stuff on the console is "weeb shit"
Name one weeb/anime game on any console that isn't complete fucking trash, excluding Pokemon

>> No.6610381

Mega Man

>> No.6610407

On this console alone

>arc the lad collection
Made a thread about it, and pokemon is trash compared to this, and has a better monster system.
>breath of fire III & IV
>legend of mana
>FF Tactics
>Valkyrie Profile
>Dragon Quest 7
>Lunar 1 &2
>Jade Cocoon
>chrono trigger/cross
>stear ocean
>Thousand arms
>Megaman lengends

So ignorant, you zooms saw waifus on some meme shit or saw some fucky weebs irl and decided anything in that style is shit.
So fucking dumb.

>> No.6610412
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>back then it wasn't about waifus and shit

>> No.6610419
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>Name one weeb/anime game on any console that isn't complete fucking trash
Eretzvaju Evil Zone motherfucker. Aw hell yeah it's like anime in condensed capsule form for astronauts in space, just add a little water and it will inflate into 20 different anime.

>> No.6610423

t. SEETHING weeb

>> No.6610424


>> No.6610436
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Idk I'd rather take obnoxiously weebshit over good games with great gameplay but that are so generic I barely remember anything about them like C-12 Resistance

>> No.6610440


>> No.6610546

stop being an edgy zoom..it was honestly the only way to go back then, what choice did we have?

>hyper real shooters and sports games
They looked like abject ass at the time
>console mascot games,
they were fun, but they got too easy once you turned 12 or so
>TMNT and shit like that was on it's way out
licensed games and established ips coming to games dogshit and cash ins back then
anime based games were honestly the option

>white man can't sprite excpet in very rare occasions
>were in abundance
>had huge companies backing them
Yeah after the "action figure" show craze died off we were lacking serious action and shit like rugrats started taking over.

Haven't played this one, but it doesn't seem like the outright lewd shit we have now my dude.

>> No.6610573
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tekken 3, mgs, chrono cross, ff7-9, ff tactics, tetris plus, tenchu 1&2, driver 1&2,
Ridge racer type 4, bloody roar 2, rival schools, rayman 1&2, crash 1-3, ctr,
street fighter ex 2, tomb raider 1-4, pacman world,
legend of dragoon, xenogears, legend of mana, valkrie profile, digimon world 3, megaman legends 1&2,
misadventure of tron bonne, wild arms 1&2, lunar 1&2, legacy of kain, armored core,
One, gex 1-3, parappa the rapper, um jammer lammy, spyro 1-3 I could go on

>> No.6610579

>must-have games
Typical sonygger. Needs to be told what to buy.

>> No.6611137

>ctrl+f ape escape
>0 matches
Game is a blast, but you need a controller with sticks.

>> No.6611152

Maaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhyes, so nice to see our zooming zoomity zoomy zoom zoomers discover the majesty that is the pisssex... Hmm? What is the pisssex, you ask? Oh my sweet, darling, adorable little zoom zooming zoomity zoomzoom zoomer zoom... The pisssex was the term that we '90s kids used exclusively to refer to the PSX back in the 1990s... zoom! zooom! zooooooom! We pisssexheads (as any other '90s kid will verify, this is how enthusiasts of the pisssex referred to themselves back in the 1990s) revered our pisssexes. Zoom. Zooooom. Zoooooooooom. ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. ZOOMZOOMINGZOOMITYZOOMZOOMERZOOMZOOM. Zoom. Zoom. Zooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom. Only '90s kids will understand.

>> No.6611223

>ctrl+f any good game
0 matches
>ctrl+f zoom
There's nothing of value on 4chan's containment boards aside from observing this zoo of a board like you would with a shit flinging ape cage IRL. I don't know why people bother instead of just observing from afar.

>> No.6611224

stop doing that

>> No.6611230

>No weeb shit.
Good job tard, it's literally weeb games: the machine. 70% of the library is JRPGs

>> No.6611465
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destruction derby
twisted metal

>> No.6611468
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>> No.6611479

You better belive in weeb boards.. you're posting im one

>> No.6611495

Regain composure this instant you pissant

>> No.6611507

>zoom zoomy zoom zoomzoom zoom zoomzoom

>> No.6611532
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>No weeb shit.
Oh well, your loss.

>> No.6611635

If you've got $60 to $100 to spare get Silent Hill.

>> No.6611737

No JRPG's? What about SHMUPS?

>> No.6611743

>no weeb shit
Nice bait.

>> No.6611786

Fifa 98
Winning Eleven 2002

>> No.6611841
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My O.G. childhood PlayStation is kill (took a fall years ago, nothing inside is obviously broken, but suspect it’s the PSU altogether as it still refuses to power on after replacing that lil tube thingy). My yard sale replacement has a weird issue where games don’t have any music but seem to play okay otherwise.

I’m contemplating just saying fuck it and buying a new, pre-modchipped one, because I’m lazy and I’ve got COVIDbux. Will such a console play my """""backups""""" from any region w/o any further messing around?

>> No.6612313

Castlevania Sotn

>> No.6612824

that's japanese, this zoom will hate it.

>> No.6612825

How does this play?

>> No.6612828

So long as it's a stealth mod chip you're fine. Mayumi v4, mm3, psnee are all fine.

>> No.6612832

Are there significant pros and cons between them?

>> No.6612835

>ugh i can't play games with good gameplay if there's no anime toddlers to jack off too

>> No.6612836

Stop making up enemies in your head, by "weebshit" OP probably mean jrpgs, maybe he had played them before and he just got sick of them

>> No.6612837

between those 3 not really, more about difficulty of install/freedumb bullshit.

>> No.6612926

high speed action, light navigation challenges and lots of shooting. Movement almost feels disorienting, it's easy to pick up on your objectives and the bosses feel appropriately challenging. You're always moving and this can make fights against bigger foes (of which there are many) really satisfying to chip down. Parts where the game pushes you to use the movement are some of the best, it's a great feeling scaling a skyscraper.

>> No.6612985
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Jerry Seinfeld: the motion picture:the game

>> No.6613031

>no weeb shit
hmm... that's gonna be hard as that's like 90% of the library.
Ape Escape
Army Men Series
Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. (heard good things about it)
Bomberman Games
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
Command & Conquer Series
Cool Boarders Series
Crash Series
Croc Series
Discworld Series
Driver Series
Duke Nukem Series
Fighter Maker
Frogger Series
The Game of Life (best version)
Gex Series
Glover (not the best version but still a fine version.)
Grand Theft Auto Series
The Grinch (divisive cult classic)
Hydro Thunder (not as good as dreamcast version but still good.)
Intelligent Qube
Irritating Stick
LEGO Island 2
LEGO Racers
LEGO Rock Raiders
Lemmings Series
Metal Gear Solid
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Mortal Kombat 4
Motor Toon Grand Prix
Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness
Muppet Racemania
OddWorld Series
Pac-Man World
Pandemonium! Series
Power Shovel
Psychic Detective (weird FMV game)
Ridge Racer Series
Rayman Series
Resident Evil Series
SimCity 2000
Sim Theme Park
Spyro Series
Tekken Series
Tetris Plus (everyone needs to experience this trainwreck)
Theme Hospital
Theme Park
Tomb Raider Series
Tony Hawk Series
Toy Story 2
Toy Story Racer
Twisted Metal Series
Worms Series
You Don't Know Jack Series

>> No.6613070

Shadow Tower
Kingsfield II

>> No.6613073

Even if it's not a stealth chip you can still find patches for games on https://consolecopyworld.com

>> No.6613107

>Chrono Cross
>Final Fantasy VI
>Vanguard Bandits
>Dragon Warrior VII
>Final Fantasy IX

You should've just tried to buy a fat PlayStation 2. Just try to buy all the RPGs for it.

>> No.6613283

>I'd rather take obnoxiously weebshit over good games with great gameplay
This just means you're a weeb, you moron
Nah never even played a jrpg, I just absolutely hate the anime aesthetic and all the retarded tropes that come along with it.

>> No.6613286

I'd say Alundra but seeing as how you are most likely a brainlet, I wouldn't even attempt playing it because you will only be frustrated when you can't beat it.

>> No.6613295

Crash 1, 2, 3 ( the best one is 2, but 3 is most polished)
MediEvil (very underrated game)
Crash Team Racing (if you are into racing)
Gran Turismo 1, 2, 3
GTA series ( GTA 1 and GTA London are best on PS1. GTA 2 isnt that great, went for a weird style that didnt work)
Metal Gear Solid (is that weeb?)
Syphon Filter
Jedi Power Battles (very underrated game)
Tekken 1, 2, 3 ( 3 is best)
Music 2000 (underrated)
Resident Evil 1, 2, 3 (best one is 2)

>> No.6613302

>Gran Turismo 1, 2, 3
I should clarify; if you are into [serious, non-jokey] racing go for Gran Turismo; best one is 3 on ps1.

WipEout isnt that amazing, and Tomb Raider is crap.
Silent Hill is OK if you are into that survival horror thing.

>> No.6613309
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Damn Orson, all these Saturn threads are really getting to you, huh?

>> No.6613475

Wasn't Gran Tursimo 3 for the PS2?

>> No.6613523

This is a great idea but will reduce threads made by about 50% idk if the board can afford it. At least OP isnt asking "What are some super obscure japanese ps1 games that never came out elsewhere or ever got translated that I can finish without knowing how to read any japanese? Thanks guys"

>> No.6613589

Soo playstation is shit unless your a weeb? Ok

>> No.6613603


>> No.6615531

>war on jrpgs
>war on anime
Include in that war on euro games.
This is only destroying the board, stop that.

>> No.6615554
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Anon please, licensed anime games are majorly shmups, fighters, rhythm games.

>> No.6615578
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>This just means you're a weeb, you moron

>> No.6615602

>Tetris Plus

Nigga what. That game is great.


>> No.6615615

>Tetris Plus

>> No.6615693

Medal of Honor 1 and 2

>> No.6616126

yeah. gt3 came out when i was 15 and i played it almost daily until i got my license. i drove on the street like i did in the game and got a lot of tickets

>> No.6616132

this is true and yet anon was strangely fixated on the one with a loli in it

>> No.6616169

Spyro 1 and 2
Crash 1 and 2
Twisted Metal 2
Ace Combat 2
Tomb Raider 1
Resident Evil 2
Silent Hill
Bust A Move 4
Ridge Racer Type 4
Ghost in the Shell
Castlevania Chronicles
Castlevania SotN

>> No.6616172


Metal Gear Solid

>> No.6616181

>no weeb
PS1 isn’t for you then, throw it in the garbage and pretend like you never had it.

I recommend you get an Atari Jaguar instead for your tastes.

>> No.6616872


>> No.6617483

if by no weeb shit you mean nothing from japan, then uh, pass along the psx and get an xbox i guess, because it's a japanese console

>> No.6617517 [DELETED] 
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There's a difference between something just being made by japs and something being gay anime shit for obese basement-dwelling otakus who only shower once a month.

>> No.6617550

m8 if you think dark souls is far removed from anime, you have not seen much anime
i think a lot of people get a skewed idea of what anime is by only being exposed to the anime which has made it to their countries' public tv, which is almost if not entirely just the anime for kids, then scoff at the very idea of an anime not targeting kids

>> No.6617592

buying an original ps1 + games is pretty expensive online
should I look round second hand places like OP or just by a Classic and mod it?

>> No.6617602

I haven't perused garage sales in a few years years, but I was regularly seeing them going for like $5-20 back then.

>> No.6617614

Yeah, if you can find someone selling irl it's usually super cheap.
But you can find prices of $70 USD+ for an original PlayStation on Ebay and Amazon.
Double that price for the later "PS One" version.

>> No.6617626

that's more than i paid for a psone new when it had just been released

>> No.6618324

>idk if the board can afford it
Do you know how many posts >>>/po/ has gotten in the past ten years? 170,000. What do you mean "afford it"? If anything the faster a board gets the bigger a shitheap it ends up as.

>> No.6619376
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Semi related, got a cool PS1 arcade stick. What are your suggestions of games that'd be fun to play with a stick? Of course I'll go for some fighters like Tekken 3, need more though.

>> No.6619545

>What are your suggestions of games that'd be fun to play with a stick?
Strip naked and squat onto it, seeing how far you can fit the ball on the end into your ass. If your cheeks touch the base, conglaturation!

>> No.6619552

Thanks for the bump bb

>> No.6619559

You left out Syphon Filter

>> No.6619565

>Spyro 1 and 2
>Crash 1 and 2
>but only Tomb Raider 1


>> No.6619579

The Mega Man X games and King's Field.

>> No.6619593

maybe he hasn't played any other ones (i also have only played tr1)

>> No.6619621

I'm aware I left out Syphon Filter. I made a list of GOOD games.

>> No.6619791

Yep, unless you want to pay the convenience tax just search around locally, if you pay more than $10 then it better be in perfect condition else you're overpaying.

>> No.6621092
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>Name one weeb/anime game on any console that isn't complete fucking trash, excluding Pokemon

>> No.6621238

Just emulate them for yourself and buy physical copies if you feel it necessary, or don't once you realize emulation is just as good for PS1, and you're a hipster dope that has to jump through extra hoops (buyfagging at insane prices, PSIO, weird swap tricks, ActionReplay, getting a CRT or god forbid some memescaler for it to look half-decent) to play shit on your gay hardware.

>> No.6621251

>he'll never play Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius, once of the best damn shmups of all time, because it's 'weebshit', on NTSC-U hardware, and too lazy to work around it.

>> No.6621961

All this shit is on PSN

>> No.6622512

>He doesn't know what a collector is

>> No.6623743

Why are you Gay ?

>> No.6623847

>starting to collect in 2020
Sounds like an intelligent use of resources.

>> No.6623864

You had decent survival horror, stealth action and 2d-3d platformers, also some good puzzle and arcade games.
No need for weebshit JRPG trash, and no need for bro-dude normalfag trash like sports games and generic military shooters like medal of jarhead.

>> No.6625063

No weeb shit? LOL wrong console, buddy.

>> No.6626413
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>> No.6626429

syphon filter is pretty decent. the second one with its mandatory stealth sequences is where shit stated to go downhill

>> No.6626432

emulation sucks so bad. real hardware or nothing

>> No.6626474

thanks for your irrelevant opinion

>> No.6626567
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>Die Hard Trilogy
>Project Overkill
>Wu Tang Shaolin style
>Broken Helix
>Jackie Chan stuntmaster

>> No.6628058
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>> No.6629059
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>bust a move 2
i remember my mother being hooked to it holy fuck good times

>> No.6629070

Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo 2, Crash Bandicoot, Parappa the Rapper

>> No.6629498

any other good weeb games
people always recommend the same games

>> No.6630180
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Cash banuca 2

>> No.6630251

>the second one with its mandatory stealth sequences is where shit stated to go downhill
wrong, SF2 is the best in the series, and the first game had stealth missions too; the sequence where you have to follow Phagan as he slowly walks through the museum is worse than any stealth section in 2

>> No.6632229
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>> No.6632840

>all the jrpgtards SEETHING
hahahaha good on you OP. Personally I recommend the following:
Resident Evil (survival horror)
Silent Hill (survival horror)
Metal Gear Solid (stealth)
Colin McRae Rally (racing)
Gran Turismo 2 (racing)
Ridge Racer Type 4 (arcade racing)
Civilization II (4x strategy)
Medal of Honor Underground (FPS)
Quake 2 (FPS)
Alien Trilogy (FPS)
Tekken 3 (3d fighter)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (2d fighter)
King of Fighters 95 (2d fighter)
Castlevania Symphony of the Night (2d plataformer)
Parasite Eve (jrpg)
Jedi Power Battles (hack and slash)
Ace Combat 2 (flight combat)
Crash Bandicoot 2 (3d plataformer)
Tomb Raider (3d plataformer)
Diablo (arpg)

MGS is my favorite of those, and it's pretty short. You could start there.

>> No.6632849

>buys ps1 doesn't want weeb shit

>> No.6633038

Mo analog support on this sucks

>> No.6633043
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Here's my library

>> No.6633048

Spyro 3 sucks ass.

None of the other tomb raider games capture the atmosphere and mood of the first one.

Crash 3 is too gimmicky and is for people who don’t actually like crash.

>> No.6633051

Without Japanese games the PS1 library is shit ass.

>> No.6633060

Japanese PS1 library is visual novels, sound dramas, mahjong games and simulators. There really aren't that many Japan exclusive PS1 games that are good. There's a very good reason most of those games stayed in Japan.

>> No.6633061

fuck i meant dating simulators

>> No.6633075

I'm a huge early TRfag and TR4 is literally better at being TR1 than TR1 was.

>> No.6633298

I know you "aren't allowed" to play the PSP Lunar and say you played it but are the PS1 games ok?

>> No.6633312

Myself I'm not keen on the driving stuff but Gran Turismo should be in most people's library

>> No.6633345
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Its weeb waifu shit (and thats gay) and its a driving game (which "always" age badly and there is no reason to play them) but I'm throwing in Ridge Racer Type 4 as well.

>> No.6633347

Seconded. It's good shit, a good racer with a fantastic aesthetic.

>> No.6633582

Monster Rancher 2

>> No.6633583

what a gay retarded opinion

>> No.6635321
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It's expensive nowadays but a very fun game.