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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 15 KB, 194x259, retrogaem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6871149 No.6871149 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Japan have a better retro culture than the west?

>> No.6871160

Because in Japan gaming is still a hobby for people that actually enjoy it and celebrate it's roots, meanwhile in the west there's an obsession with making better graphix and better tek while shitting on the past and straight up changing history to suit the modern agenda that is being taken over by non-hobbyists

>> No.6871164

cus no one here takes care of their shit

>> No.6871178 [DELETED] 

chill the fuck out /pol/

>> No.6871179

Based and video game pilled

>> No.6871185

Only if you live in an african american country

>> No.6871186

What the fuck does it have to do with /pol/? It's not a secret that gaming has turned in the film industry where everything is carefully manufactured and the hobby aspect of it is gone, from devs to players it's not even the same culture

>> No.6871192

I just want to know why theres an abundance of retro games over there. Do japanese people not collect retro games or something?

>> No.6871193


>> No.6871210

make too many games and there isn't that much people in japan to buy them all

>> No.6871218

good conduct with preserving their own stuff + too many games + younger people aren't interested

>> No.6871220

younger people just play mobileshit, it's purely a hobby like it used to be here before the PS2 went mainstream

>> No.6871238
File: 187 KB, 700x440, 70687252_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't really collect games like you see in the west. Nips buy a game, play it to satisfaction, then sell it back to the used vidya store. It's like an extended rental culture.

American collectors are fucking this system up hard though by going to Japan, clearing out the secondhand stores for rare shit and then sending the goods back home. Some of the stores now refuse to sell to foreigners for this reason.

>> No.6871246 [DELETED] 

The weeb response is that the Japanese are closer to socialism where if you offer a niche product they identify with Japs will throw money at you to support your business model which is why you have niche platforms like the pc engine cd, sega saturn, neo geo, psvita with infinite budget visual novel trash they keep obsessively buying like some sort of instinctual animal just because they like the character designs on the cover.

The west is a more belligerent militaristic culture that is all about curb stomping the competition or "enemy" and if your business goes bankrupt that's your own fault you were lazy and didn't work hard enough which is why you have exploitative anti-consumer models like scalpers, unfair credit feeding Acclaim arcades and microtransactions and lootboxes.

>> No.6871247

Based commie nips

>> No.6871251

>Some of the stores now refuse to sell to foreigners for this reason
I don't believe this. Also it's only amerifats

>> No.6871258

The weeb response is that the Japanese are closer to socialism where if you offer a niche product they identify with, Japs will throw money at you to support your business model which is why you have niche platforms like the pc engine cd, sega saturn, neo geo, psvita with infinite budget visual novel trash they keep obsessively buying like some sort of irrational animal blinded by instinctual behavior just because they like the character designs on the cover.

The west is a more belligerent militaristic culture that is all about curb stomping the competition or "enemy" and if your business goes bankrupt that's your own fault you were lazy and didn't work hard enough which is why you have exploitative anti-consumer models like scalpers, unfair credit feeding Acclaim arcades and microtransactions and lootboxes.

>> No.6871261
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No S.0y.boys, No Hoarders, No Hipsters, No infiltrators & No Space.

>> No.6871263

Heard they don't sell to youtubers

>> No.6871295

That’s strictly your opinion and I do no share it with you.

>> No.6871308

>LCD filter for a game commonly played on CRT

>> No.6871313

The hobby aspect never left anon, you are complaining about the industry of selling video games, which a lot of people, including myself, take a hobby in.

>> No.6871358

But it's true that modern videogame is made to appeal to the masses

>> No.6871382

Nips respect their elders, americans hate on them. Simple as

>> No.6871389

>autistic filterfags

>> No.6871415


>> No.6871503

Anon it’s been this way since video games were made public to the people...the point of making video games is to have people play them..as many people as possible... Mario was arguably bigger in the early 90s then he is right now. Anon I think you are complaining at the wrong thing, you seem to be mad at what is popular today in video games, which doesn’t reflect the hobby of video games at all.

>> No.6871515

>Some of the stores now refuse to sell to foreigners for this reason.
Lolno, money reigns supreme as always. There's more Japanese stock for some systems on Ebay than there is on yahoo auctions now, at higher prices of course.

>> No.6871521

Wrong, nips hate old people as much as Americans. It's the Chinese who look after their elders, and mostly only because the Government decrees it kek

>> No.6871527

shut up, bootlicker

>> No.6871532

kys commie

>> No.6871548

americans live paycheck to paycheck and have an economy that is 60% consumerism
There's no hope for us

>> No.6871550

>implying nips didnt learn their lesson about pissing off americans

>> No.6871561

I try to stay away from politics but, why is it that recently "bootlicker" is unilaterally the only insult that lefties seem to use when they are the ones, after all, advocating for bigger government?

>> No.6871581

Rent free

>> No.6871591

Lmao are you actually retarded

>> No.6871601

True for men, Japanese women are still expected to be care takers even if they have professional careers so they end up taking care of their elderly parents over raising children of their own.

>> No.6871616

This. Monetization rules in the west. Companies don't get paychecks cut for resales 20 years after a game launches. Old games are a threat to their profit margin. Gotta push "new tech" as hard as you can, whether or not it's good or ready, while belittling past games.

>> No.6871639

I wasn't aware Japs were the ones making all the emulators and dumping as many retro games as they can find online.

>> No.6871660

No one takes care of kids in Japan, the few children that exist just do whatever because they get decently educated in pre-school and the streets are really safe. It's just old farts that need to be taken care of
Not retro

>> No.6871674

Not hetero

>> No.6871676

my dick

>> No.6871681

people took care of their stuff, people dont hoard games, ie they buy it play it till satisfaction and then sell it back, and only keep the ones they want like r-type pc engine

>> No.6871748
File: 111 KB, 1440x1438, 3handedn64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that I can pop into my local Book Off and pick up any old console and retro game I want right off the shelf. They're cheap too. Snes, N64, PS1, dreamcast, etc. games often go for about 100 to 300 yen depending on the title. A clean retro console with all accessories might be up to 3500 yen or so. You can get even better deals if you buy on Mercari (like japanese craigslist) but I generally don't find it worth the hassle.

>> No.6871778

Find me a copy of Battle Mania Daiginjou

>> No.6871832

Anything pre-Dreamcast is expensive as fuck though, I've never been to Kanto but prices in Chubu for Sega shit suck balls

>> No.6871860
File: 56 KB, 750x750, 1586274456953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Companies don't get paychecks cut for resales 20 years after a game launches

Holy shit, what a horrible business practice. That probably explains all these rehashes and remakes we've been having for quite a long time now.
Is Japan different or are they also obliged to stick to such a shitty business law like the rest of the world? And is there a history and source as to when and where it was made? Genuinely curious btw.

>> No.6871870

Our zoomers are less cancerous

>> No.6871886
File: 1.16 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200914_082554_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in Tokyo but haven't had a good look at pre-dreamcast games. I know the Book Off in Ikebukuro has an ok selection though. Failing that, there's always the retro game shops at Akiba.

Book Off has none in stock online and it's pretty damn pricey on Mercari. I don't know anything about it but I assume it has collectors value or something?

>> No.6871927

Just a really good game that sold like shit. Been trying to find one in good condition for years. I'd pay about 60,000 for it. There's also a lot of fakes so you have to be careful.

>> No.6872180

>african american country

>> No.6872210

I think this is partially correct, but it's additionally fueled by Japanese people taking autistically good care of their belongings, used goods being notoriously cheap (even when in great condition), along with a culture that tries to recycle/eliminate waste as much as possible and you have the perfect conditions set up for people who want to get into old games.

>> No.6872225

Akiba is a tourist trap, saw plenty of games going for American prices there, just because they know dumb Americans are used to those prices. Out of the way Hard-Off/Book-Offs are way better.

>> No.6872274

No. US of Cucks

>> No.6872370
File: 97 KB, 717x833, 1584760046556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the Japanese hate weebs. Posts like these are why I have to second guess everything a weeb says. It's like they think Japan is Anime IRL.

>Conveniently ignores all the throw backs to retro shooters
>Conveniently ignores all the ports of old games on platforms like steam, GOG, xbox live arcade, etc
>Conveniently ignores retro gaming exploding in popularity causing the prices of old games to sky rocket
>Oh those don't count because they're too hard for me

>Companies don't get paychecks cut for resales 20 years after a game launches. Old games are a threat to their profit margin. Gotta push "new tech" as hard as you can, whether or not it's good or ready, while belittling past games.
How the fuck does this not apply to Jap games?
You're just going to pretend Nintendo and every other Jap dev doesn't kill fan ports of their old games?
You're going to pretend western devs don't port their old games over like Microsoft just did for Halo, Insomniac did for Spyro, Naughty Dog did for Crash?
FYI most of the console devs are japs pushing new tech, meanwhile PC, The hottest tech in the industry at any time period,
No the other anon is right. People who were calling the shots use to be enthusiasts int he industry. Now it's a bunch of suits who appeal to shareholders who never seen a game in their life.

>> No.6872374

Japan has a better culture than the west in general

>> No.6872407

Japan's culture is the West's culture 10 years behind.

>> No.6872437

lol companies in japan are switching to making mobile and gambling machines over video games. Video is dying here in japan stupid weeb fucks

>> No.6872502

>Japs are socialist, so they're more likely to vote with their dollar and foster competition among companies, allowing more choices for the consumer
Doesn't sound very socialist to me

>> No.6872530

this is a thread about retro games

>> No.6872537

because Nintendo's lawyers made sure you could never rent or pirate

>> No.6872547

odd all those gaijin youtubers like KidShuryuken have zero problems

its almost as if you are a dumb twat talking out his ass. almost.

>> No.6872551

you are thinking of Koreans

>> No.6872575

You trigger easily, don't you?

Anyway they don't care about retro gaming like the US and Europe. That means there is plenty.

>> No.6872601

the first half of what you said was right.

in the west, there's an obsession with hoarding and appearance

>> No.6872602

>anti-otaku nonesense
>Word of Twitter propaganda

>> No.6872609

Nothing in his post is political, retard

>> No.6872641

>it's better because I can COOMLECT easier
Ah, is that really all it means to you? I like retro culture because we're still making mods, hacks, source ports etc of old computer games, and we see a lot of cool content from music, video and journalist content being put out. Collecting hasn't meant that much to me (besides preservation) for a long time.

>> No.6872775

which isn't a bad thing mind you.
just means they have to learn from their mistakes a lot more critically if they dont want their whole country ending up like then.

>> No.6872815

Name a single shop in Japan that won't sell to foreigners. I've been buying retro games during visits to Japan for a decade, and I've never had a single problem, not even once. I've never been refused service anywhere in Japan. (I obviously would get refused at fuzoku businesses, but I don't go there for obvious reasons)

>> No.6872818

Nice falseflag.

>> No.6872828

bro, you are being a faggot
western games might be for gay retards by gay retards, but that doesn't excuse you for the gay retard you are being right now.

>> No.6872897

They absolutely don't. The japs used to automatically throw their old vidya and consoles that were deemed obsolete into the garbage bin, until they figured out that a lot of gaijins were actually interested in acquiring said old stuff.
A big bunch of games had their source code lost forever because the devs deleted all their work once they were done and didn't see the point of conservation.

>> No.6873029

Go back with your copy pasta burger cuck

>> No.6873039

Europeans are the stronghold of retro gaming. Go fuck yourself

>> No.6873045

Europoors are FIFA monkeys, you don't even count

>> No.6873050

that's not retro, you're shitting over the source material. Retro is respecting the past and enjoying it as is. Playing SNES games on an HDTV is not retro for instance.

>> No.6873053

So normies and corps don't care about games but the actual hobby scene is alive and well. OK

>> No.6873070

Mind giving your time machine so I can go back and play Super Famicom games as a Japanese 10 year old in the '90s as was intended by the devs?

>> No.6873340

except it isn't lol we collect what we can to sell it for big money to you weebs lol

>> No.6873458

Because Japan doesn’t care about collecting retro games. They sell them when they’re done with them

>> No.6873459

it is possible to be right without making everyone smell you from the internet

>> No.6873473

Because Japan has closer ties with its culture and heritage, period, than the west. Not sure why you even asked the question.

>> No.6873502

a pike for the head of every shrieking /vr/ purity autist

>> No.6873535

Stop trying to turn everything into an ideological vehicle.

>> No.6873584

After spending some time in Japan, this is what it basically boils down to.

The Japanese really look after there stuff to the point that buying second hand is like buying brand new over there unless the previous owner was a retarded school kid.

So everything retro looks still looks great and works without hardly having to do any cleaning or refurbishing like we have to do here in the west. Therefore retro is much more accessable abd coupled with their gaming culture means it's everywhere.

I wish we were more like them

>> No.6874016

All the other people are fucking wrong.

After a few visits I know 100% it has to do with no one having space to keep games around. Meaning everyone sells non-stop and stores can get loads of games cheap because NO ONE keeps collections. A big collection is one of several systems and some flash carts. Rarely do people have more than 50-100 games in total.
Nip sells fewer games total but they seem to have more strictly because almost no one keeps them in collections like most other countries.
Ma n pop shops are like storage containers for the entirety of the Nip collection of games.
Oh, also younger people emulate and are ok with it.

>> No.6874018


>> No.6874043

why do retards think calling something /pol/ immediately disqualifies the statement?

>> No.6874083

Most live in small apartments so they don't have the space for them.

>> No.6874292

Because 4channers are illiterate and only believe what already agrees with their retarded worldview.

>> No.6875501

your a nigger

>> No.6875507


>> No.6875510

this is only something a /pol/tard would say

>> No.6875521

He's actually right though, modern lefties are the biggest statist/corporatist useful idiots on the planet.

>> No.6875523

both these statements contradict each other

>> No.6875526

4channers are bad and yet you post here. Pathetic

>> No.6875530

>its traditionalism so it must be /pol/
nu /v/

>> No.6875534

Because its the only argument they have.

>> No.6875539


>> No.6875571

2010 culture is way better than 2020 culture desu

>> No.6875576

less culture stealing zoomers shitting everything up

>> No.6875581

What is this forced meme I keep seeing everywhere, and why has it become so common after the 6th gen merge

>> No.6875594

No niggers.

>> No.6875617

>Also it's only amerifats
When I went there a couple years ago the retro vidya stores had a ton of French people, I didn't realize what a big game culture they must have

>> No.6875739

Cause nips know they can make a quick buck out of westurds

>> No.6875779

I already know one of you got so assblasted at this post that you made a reaction thread LMAO >>6875710

>> No.6875793

The only butthurt cunt is you, you admire Japan "retro hobbyists" but the reality is that those stores are made for you burger to consoom, in the west retro gaming is enjoyed on any hardware and people genuinly work towards improving and patching older games unlike nips that dump their source code on purpose

>> No.6875802

>the west is pirating games so we're better
go fuck yourself

>> No.6875816

>japan is better because they resell ports with awful graphics on iOS
go fuck yourself

>> No.6875818

By this point you should be filtering every single idiot post with an OOM word in it.

>> No.6875940

because the japanese players/hobbyists actually care to play, and like mentioned earlier, they're basically extended rentals. in the west, its all retards buying up everything for ~MuH KOLLEKSHUN" with no intention of ever playing those games, to later resell or to post on their godawful youtube channel.

>> No.6876079

Lmao nips don't play console games anymore, you are a fanboy of a country

>> No.6876128

Not playing on home console doesn't mean you don't like your games, the 3DS had plenty of classic games that you could buy

>> No.6876417

same problem here, the question isn't invalidated if you call me out as a regular of a particular board

>> No.6876761

Next month I’m going to Japan. Which city/place should I visit first?

Ps: I have a Moroccan heritage.

>> No.6876804


>> No.6876837

Because they don't consider 6th gen retro

>> No.6876909

It doesn't. Japanese consoles and games have worse packaging than their American equivalents. Plus they're not as nostalgic.

>> No.6876941

>Ps: I have a Moroccan heritage.
who the fuck cares

>> No.6876972
File: 48 KB, 266x267, 81261988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ps: I have a Moroccan heritage
Imagine being proud of having blood tainted by centuries of inbreeding.
And fuck off, nobody asked and nobody cares.

>> No.6876986

Maybe Japanse will treat me differently based on race and ethnicity?
The only imbred creature fucked by niggers is you and your ancestors. Now fuck off and die.

>> No.6877034

Japanese only mildly like whites, and look down on every other non-Japanese group with extreme prejudice. You probably won't be allowed off the plane.

>> No.6877040

That is, if they even let you on in the first place.

>> No.6877045

Not that anon but you sound like an ignorant retard and a fucking liar.

>> No.6877073
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>> No.6877078

Tokyo and Okinawa.
Also you will be fine. The japs don’t really give a shit about you or your heritage. As long as you don’t attract any attention.

>> No.6877086

Are you a pajeet? Why so angry Mr. pajeet?

>> No.6877106

meant for >>6877045

>> No.6877131

Meant for >>6877073
You >>6877106 are a fucking retard.

>> No.6877134

>muh agenda
You know god damn well what it has to do. Fuck off nazi.

>> No.6877138


>> No.6877179

You mean people have different opinons??

Get the fuck outta here!!!!

In reality we're both right to an extent. It's a bit of colume A and a bit from colume B

>> No.6877248

seethe turkroach

>> No.6877304

Autistic coping /pol/tard subhuman

>> No.6877342

I like when youtuber finds "hidden gem" for worthless game. price go up and you weeb fucks will pay top dollar for it. My favorite is watching Panzer Sage going for 1000+ I sold it to a shop in Austin and they have sat on that thing for 5 years now unable to sell it i go every couple years to unload more trash we do not want lol. Enjoy buying "rare" games weebs, keep thinking we have some massive retro scene like you do in the west. Keep making videos for games we don't even care about that cost me less than 5 which I sell for 80+ lol. Weebs are the best thing to happen

>> No.6877346

You're a Leftist trannie, aren't you?

>> No.6877349

Don't you have a stoning to be the recipient of, seeing as you're a gay towelhead?

>> No.6877395

Dont come motherfucker, we are in a pandemic we don't want dirty roach infected shitskin

>> No.6877401

/pol/tard aka incel aka faggot.
Also mentally ill neo-nazi.
Seething faggot for not being able sucking his bf’s cock

>> No.6877404

fucking reply to me bitch, dont do this pussy ass phone number shit nigga

>> No.6877414

Shut your dumb mouth tranny weeb. Your kind isn’t welcome in Japan either, no matter how hard you larp as a gook, you will never be part of them.

>> No.6877421

im japanese pussy fucking shitskin roach dont pretend to be white because you get bullied by your pol friends fucker

>> No.6877424

Then you should have done that in the first place you retarded bitch ass punk nigger whore instead of sperging like a schizo.

>> No.6877426
File: 53 KB, 768x448, msh-I dont date social justice incels with gender pronouns on their twitter profile..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentally ill
t.Seething Social Justice Incel Trannie

>> No.6877429

lol nigga you aint even fuckin human thats why i wasnt talking to u but im higher than you so you gotta bow and reply to me NIGGER

>> No.6877431

Shut the fuck up bug looking yellow face rice eating gook. I don’t give a fuck about your mentally ill crossdressing buddies. Keep talking shit before you get another nuke upon that tiny little shit island of yours.

>> No.6877436

shut the fuck up morocan pussy all you do is get killed by portuguese shit brazilian scum go fuck yourself dark skin cockroach

>> No.6877441

Seething coping mentally ill crossdressing alt-right cocksucking nazi incel subhuman poltard

>> No.6877450


>> No.6877453

Lmao at you pathetic insect. You’re beneath dog shit, you inferior piece of shit bastard mongrel.

>> No.6877456

>Tranny Social Justice Incel faggot still seething

>> No.6877459

The only thing beneath dogshit is your fucking existance you incel fuck my girlfriends are laughing at you while I lick their pussy bitch meanwhile you sit alone keep crying nogger fucking darkskin salty ass zamoan pussy

>> No.6877464
File: 231 KB, 220x178, tenor (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.6877471 [DELETED] 

Again, shut the fuck up you rice eating yellow monkey looking subhuman. All you faggots do is reading manga and watching anime jerking off to traps and little girls while wasting more time on hentai, you soulless ugly bugman.

>> No.6877473 [DELETED] 

looks like u already gave up and now youre pretending to be a bystander bitch, you dont fool the lord nigga no you dont go fuck yourself if you gonna be runnin like a negro you better get ready for me nigga

>> No.6877480

meanwhile the fat brown bastard sits in his home with his 5 children born in his 14th birthday watching football with diabetes and morbid obesity yes yes meanwhile japanese men are skinny strong and healthy enjoy your chipotle burger nigger

>> No.6877481

Hang yourself tranny.
>mentally ill neo-nazi weeb homo is raging hard and coping

>> No.6877489

this fucking lil nigga seething so hard i called out his fake gender

>> No.6877497

The worst and lowest thing in this whole universe is you and your yellow ape mongrel imbred race. Go ahead and lick your whore mother’s pussy and your little sister’s asshole while I laugh at you like the pathetic imbred grotesque monkey you truly are. I hope America will drop another bomb on your poor pathetic worthless life.

>> No.6877507

Mentally ill creature is projecting his gender crisis upon other people because he don’t know how to cope with being a sick tranny while at the same time being a drumpf supporter.

>> No.6877512
File: 198 KB, 220x208, tenor (6).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please keep entertaining me

>> No.6877521

im not even gonna talk to jamal nigger anymore maybe theres no basketball today nigga so i guess that why you chimp out why dont you go play some fornite jamal and calm down maybe you can go and throw rocks at some store niga

>> No.6877523

In truth, this obese yellow rat-looking creature is jerking off to hentai while laying down with his waifu pillow because he is too ugly and retarded to find a nice decent girl, so instead he lusts after traps and little girls like the pedo degenerate he is like the rest of his fellow gooks. Go eat some raw rotten fish, you ape.

>> No.6877524
File: 246 KB, 752x490, mk2-Likes... Tough masculine men Hates... Social Justice Incels hipsters Pansies basement dwellers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metally ill
That would be you, Leftist Social Justice Incel.

I'm pretty sure you Leftists are the Neo-Nazis, even Richard Spencer supports Biden.

>weeb homo
Definitely describing yourself, Lefty.

>raging hard and coping
You must be describing yourself again.

>> No.6877531

fuck you samefagger motherfucker get a life and maybe buy some condom amerinigger maybe they can put you in the zoo once you go to another country but your poor and can never leave springfield niggervile lol

>> No.6877537

Because most of the shit was made there.
hth Anon.

>> No.6877542

What’s that Ching Chong? No anime and manga today? Ah you poor little baby, there is always cheap hentai for dirty pedo gooks like you. Oh that’s right, you’re a mutt. A spic halfbreed who watches dbz and Naturo all the day after coming from his low wage job. Go eat some tacos, wash it with that filthy El Corona beer and fuck some donkeys in the ass while you’re at it Pedro Hirohito.

>> No.6877556

>Next month I’m going to Japan.
Lmao no you're not, Japan is currently closed to all gaijin.

>> No.6877559

>metally ill
As befits the typical Drumpf supporter
>I'm pretty sure you Leftists are the Neo-Nazis, even Richard Spencer supports Biden.
Ironically coming from a mentally ill stormfag /pol/scum. Nice try tranny boy.
> Definitely describing yourself, Lefty.
/pol/tranny in denial, how nice.

>You must be describing yourself again.
Cocksucking /pol/tranny weeb goes “no u”. How amusing.

>> No.6877585

Eat shit and swallow cum you poor filthy spic. Maybe one day if you manage to get a legal passport they wouldn’t throw your illegal spic ass back to me-hi-co. But here you are cleaning toilets for minimum wage like the brainless subhuman you are. Take bath Pablo, you smell like shit and mud.

>> No.6877596

How can one dumb ugly Nigger have the gal to act so smug and arrogant even if he already knows he’s a lowly inferior worthless subhuman? Shut your dumb nigger whore mouth you annoying ugly ape. Take your poor nigger ass back to the Compton so you can get clapped by your fellow ape.

>> No.6877638

Because they don't have the "latest console" mindset, so it's actually quite common to sell and buy old stuff there. Meanwhile in the west people just jump in the latest trend, throw away their old consoles or just keep them stored somewhere, thus increasing the prices and making retro gaming a subculture.

>> No.6877665

did someone link this thread on /v/ or something?

>> No.6877686

Huh? Why?

>> No.6877719

Honestly I wish all weebs would move to Japan, they can get what they want and destroy it, at the same time! Then hopefully they kill themselves after realizing what they've done.

>> No.6877727

They take better care of their shit and therefore have more and better quality things to put on the reseller market?

>> No.6877736

>Drumpf Supporter
>tranny boy
Pic one, moron.

>> No.6877781

no we don't lol. Most of it goes into the landfill. No one cares about this shit here

>> No.6878512

>for not being able sucking
Improve your English skills, Mohammed.

>> No.6878610

*for not being able to suck
Happy now, Cletus?

>> No.6878619

>Mentally ill Drumpf supporter is also a tranny
Why not both, retard.

>> No.6878674

No, because it still applies to you, hummus breath. Don't skip your public flogging, you'll only get punished worse.

>> No.6878702

United States of America.

>> No.6878742

Holy smokes, I don't believe that this underrated went for 6k Yen. Fuck.

>> No.6878758

It's literally the birthplace of retro gaming.

>> No.6878762
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>> No.6878764


>> No.6878780

Emulation is illegal in japan as is hacking your systems

>> No.6878785

Like that stopped anyone before.

>> No.6878836

based trad gamers

>> No.6879135

Gaming was never a "hobby" it's a pastime. Only zoomers would think a consumable media was a hobby. Are dvds a hobby?

>> No.6879196

Watching movies is of course a hobby, so is reading. Occasionally the word hobby is more limited, for example if someone says "do you have any hobbies?" they're not looking for "hurrr I watch movies", but in the broader sense watching movies certainly counts as a hobby.

>> No.6879206

>Japanese only mildly like whites
Which is why they depict themselves in anime and manga as white, with eyes so wide it comes across as compensation.

>> No.6879394

The reason those games are available over there and not here is because only a teeny tiny fraction of used games in the west ever make it back into the retail market--ESPECIALLY once the generation the game belongs to is over.

There are tens of millions of video games that will essentially sit in peoples basements as "dead stock" for the next 20-50 years and then when that person dies they'll appear in an estate sale or more likely be thrown away.

Not only is your average customer a better custodian of their games/consoles than a western consumer, but, they trade in games all the time. They definitely didn't throw games away like Westerners sometimes used to.

>> No.6879405

they are trashed all the time. We find most the stock we sell to you weebs in the landfill lol

>> No.6879495

The only upside about the western games market is that we're going to see a lot of games re-enter the market for the first time, and, I suspect a lot of collectors will be lightening their loads. Because I'll be jerking off their dicks and spraying the cum in my eyes

>> No.6879604

nice headcanon

>> No.6879856

>A big bunch of games had their source code lost forever because the devs deleted all their work once they were done and didn't see the point of conservation.
Nice meme, you must believe everything Frank Cifaldi says. Source was lost because data storage was expensive back then. Many devs simply didn't have the resources to store and protect source that was viewed as having served its purpose. Tape backup was the "best" method back then, now imagine trying to keep magnetic tape from deteriorating in one of the most humid countries on Earth. Just because Square deleted most of their old source code doesn't mean they all did, and just because Frank Cifaldi made some false claims with no real evidence doesn't mean it's true.

>> No.6879870

Like I said, most of them are fake

>> No.6880214

they care more about infantile shit? also you're cherrypicking.

>> No.6880308


>> No.6880371

Please delete this anon

>> No.6880543

t. Mentally ill self-hating tranny social justice incel with TDS

>> No.6880645

t. retarded autistic sick mentally ill imbred trailer trash Drumpf /pol/incel crossdressing creature with anorexia

>> No.6880740
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>> No.6880845
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>they're still going

>> No.6880861

Monkey soup

>> No.6880874
File: 720 KB, 200x273, 8c8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhh don't disturb them

>> No.6880879
File: 253 KB, 752x490, mk2-Sorry leftist I only date strong masculine men. I do not date soyboys who put in gender pronouns on their twitter profile. Get lost before I kick your sorry ass..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this salty because a woman like Kitana would never date a tranny social justice incel like him.

>> No.6880915

>/pol/scum tranny is so autistic that trannies and video game waifus live in his tiny sick mind
>Drumpf weeb nazifag is in love with fictional waifus

>> No.6880936

Because they have more respect for old things than we do. We fetishize shit and it leads to scalpers and shitty resellers turning a $50 game into a $300 one.

>> No.6881047


>> No.6881069

I don't know if you're memeing but yes. The moment some fucking asshole makes a "hidden gem" video on youtube the game blows up in price. Even if it is very common.

>> No.6881073
File: 47 KB, 718x377, SJW crying over Trump winning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still hates himself by calling Trump supporters "trannies", despite being a tranny himself
I can see why you SJW's are suicidal.

>> No.6881104

That makes things clear.

>> No.6882435

and you weeb fucks will still buy it. I love when youtuber make video. I have made thousands off you dumb weebs because of metal jesus and others lol

>> No.6882437

theyre consoomers

>> No.6882450

>Why does Japan have a better retro culture than the west?
Commercial video game rentals are forbidden by law in Japan, so it's built up a culture of reselling that strongly incentivizes taking care of video game hardware and software.

>> No.6882785

wrong, most the stuff ends up in the landfill. We get many of our FC and SFC from the dump and give a slight clean before reselling on ebay. You weeb fucks are stupid and think people take care of things here lol

>> No.6883041

I miss japan post bros...

>> No.6883671


>> No.6884994

Yes but that's because they're absolutely retarded when it comes to computers so most of them don't know how to emulate shit.

>muh glorious nippon
No it's mostly because of people above and dumbass tourists that are willing to pay $300 for one (1) Saturn schmup.