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File: 420 KB, 2048x1536, Eublf3eUUAEjw_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7437089 No.7437089 [Reply] [Original]

SHOWTIME: Epoxy melting.

>> No.7437167

Was it like then when you or the person playing received it or did it melt after playing?

>> No.7437183

No idea. Some unhappy jap dude posted this on twatter. He claims its sticky and leaking.

>> No.7437193
File: 57 KB, 800x800, 1609448418369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gift that just keeps on giving.

>> No.7437203

>Translated from Japanese by Google
>When I opened the PAPRIUM, the cassette was black and sticky and messed up, but it seems that the guy who is solidifying something in the cassette is leaking out rather than being intentionally attached with this kind of production ... First of all, I can't insert it into an MD. I wonder if it will work properly after cleaning ...

So it came that way. That's what happens when you pour a glob of tar on your PCBs, Fonz.

>> No.7437223


>> No.7437258

Guessing the ARM chip on board is heating up enough to melt the epoxy

>> No.7437292

So why isn't this happening to anyone else then?

>> No.7437295

Epoxy was improperly cured/mixed?

>> No.7437297

It touched something else that reacted to it.
I have a PS3 with an ethernet cord shaped melted spot on the bottom, guess someone cheaped out on the cord they used.

>> No.7437306

Could it be heating the chip more than usual? Maybe that's the tradeoff for those shiny graphics.

>> No.7437313

This been ripped yet?

>> No.7437320

What's the reason behind cords melting plastic? I've seen a fair amount of old electronics ruined because some dumbass stored it with the cord wrapped around it.

>> No.7437350

Fonzie intentionally designed the cart to self destruct if you try to play it on inferior hardware.

>> No.7437356

Conflicting plastic types. First time I heard of it was a collector talking about an old Star Wars Jawa toy that would have the bandolier melt into the body if it touched it without the robe.
I don't know the chemistry, maybe it's like how you need to mix epoxy with an activator, the one plastic is the other's activator perhaps.

>> No.7437803

Wouldn't it be so funny if this will be the fate of all Paprium carts? Like adding melted shit to disaster.

>> No.7437851

That'd be incredible if Paprium became lost media mere months after it released due to Fonzie's paranoia of it being emulated and incompetence.

>> No.7437889

I opened my cart when I got it because the aluminium plate was loosy and there was not that much of that black 'epoxy' above the chips so it looks more like a factory defect sample that got through their 'QA checks' (if there is even one)

>> No.7437893
File: 53 KB, 771x540, 1584808368386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thong tho

>> No.7437897

Why the FUCK would anyone pot a device to prevent dumping in the 21st century? Dissolving that shit is baby tier in an era when dumpers have done shit like microprobing bare silicon decapped with fuming nitric acid using chip fab level tools?

Whoever made that cart must still think it's 1988.

>> No.7437947

It's not to prevent it, it's to make it harder. Show me how many gamers have access to fuming nitric and chip fab level tools? That's right, one in a million. You make dumping difficult to buy time and recover your investment. The same goes for stupid DRM in games; it'll eventually be cracked.
Not that Fonz deserves any profit out of this huge mess.

>> No.7437961

Mame contributers have resorted to such extreme measures to reverse engineer proprietary stuff. It's a different world than consoles apparently.

>> No.7437973 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 1601x989, pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing there that would melt the plastic you pleb.

>> No.7437996


>> No.7438045

Check the used games in japan, they even found cartridges with cum...

>> No.7438058

>a tard is guessing on the internet
what's new

Never underestimate how stupid people are in the 21st century. In a previous thread someone posted pics of a board where someone tried to chisel the epoxy off. In the same thread some ass clown claimed he could dump those broken chips with a picture of an eprom programmer. That epoxy has already cock blocked a few lads who consider them the smarted guys in twitter/reddit/4chan, and to be fair they're probably smarter than most. The world is just chock full of idiots.

>> No.7438086

>"Show me how many gamers have access to fuming nitric and chip fab level tools"
>easily melts off in OP's pic
>infinitely more complex hardware has been reverse engineered in many many emulators

This shit will be easy to dump and get working compared to far harder things that have been achieved with almost countless emulators and hardware. But will anyone even bother trying with this mess of a game, and someone will first have the give that frog cunt their money to get hold of it.

>> No.7438137
File: 36 KB, 515x259, votrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1970s tier copy protection. Reminds me of this comfy page on depotting a Votrax speech synthesizer made of discrete components:

>> No.7438226

Nice, then dump it >:3

>> No.7438228

Hello Fonzie. Your game WILL be CRACKED and it WILL be DUMPED.

>> No.7438236

Why do thes retards actually think that epoxy is a protection? Did they ever heard of security by obscurity?
Epoxy can be removed easily, if needed at all.
In most cases you don't even have too, since when the console can read the game, you/your dumper can too, with few software fixes (if at all).

Even further, what is the logic to ""protect"" against dumping / copy, when you are only selling a limited quantity and maybe never sell again?
Very brain dead idiots there.

>> No.7438239



>> No.7438253

Stop damage controlling Fonzie your shitty "security" will be broken soon.

>> No.7438262

WTF, did you even READ the post?
The whole post was an actual flame against that "fonzie" and everyone who still do shit like this.

>> No.7438263 [DELETED] 

Sure it was Fonzie.

>> No.7438267

maybe (you) are fonzie trying reverse psychology.

>> No.7438281

Maybe you BOTH are FONZIE.

>> No.7438293

Everyone is Fonzie while covering their dick in Epoxy.

>> No.7438305


>> No.7438307

>dude on kickstarter actually releases the game
>people still find a reason to bitch and complain anyway

Why can't you people just be grateful he released it?

>> No.7438406

Shut up fonzie

>> No.7438418

hello i'm fonzie

>> No.7438478

Probably the same guy. Schizo arguing with himself.

>> No.7438546

>Guessing the ARM chip on board is heating up enough to melt the epoxy
>So it came that way
fonzie is just shipping garbage. the epoxy wasn't properly dried when that retard put the cart together and boxed it.
>Fonzie intentionally designed the cart to self destruct if you try to play it on inferior hardware.
fonzie has had problems with his game failing on all kinds of legit megadrives and mega-sg
>the smarted guys
you illiterate baboon.
> In a previous thread someone posted pics of a board where someone tried to chisel the epoxy of
a few carts have been stripped. chisel? lmao. ok.
> broken chips
i remember the threads but I don't recall broken chips. care to try again? maybe post links to support your schizo ramblings?

>> No.7438560

We are Venom

>> No.7438564

> be french frog
> spends the best part of a decade making a game
> people are receiving broken shit and are now demanding refunds
> Why can't you people just be grateful he released it?
get fucked, fonzie.

>> No.7438616

Tried it but only got the troll 8-bit game as everybody else and only 64KB worth of code/data (all the rest of the dump is either mirror of the ROM first KB or garbage that corresponds to nothing when disassembled).

Unfortunately, people figured there is a timer in the cart that starts as soon as it is powered and if you don't read data from the cart fast enough (like a few ms as with a real console), it will return the incomplete dump with the troll game.

All the MD cart dumpers I know power up the cart as soon as they are plugged to usb port do when you start the dumping software, it is already way too late.

>> No.7438681

This seems kinda fake-ish but I guess it's not impossible either. I haven't dealt with specifically this type of epoxy before but I've had some dealings with industrial tier epoxy equipment and from what I've seen the mix doesn't have to be that far off for the epoxy to not harden completely.

>> No.7438896

>u made typo so illiterate
Slick burn facebook. You need to go back.
>i remember the threads but didn't read them and still haven't read them spoon feed me
lol. Nope. Either learn to read threads or don't pretend you did. Skimming for (You)s isn't reading the thread.

>> No.7438901

sounds pretty easy to dump though when it's just a timer thing. just a software thing.

also anywhere a download of that data, like the game and everything else?

>> No.7439154

No it is not easy because you need to build a custom dumper board with a cartridge port that simulate all the port signals with exact same timings as real console hardware + develop some custom firmware to drive these signals and read from the cart somewhere.

>> No.7439432

please tell me you have a link to this

>> No.7439589

None of the real pros are going to waste their time on a shitty homebrew. Mame team regularly cracks custom encryption asics and shit on arcade boards and would be all over the problem if it was a Vertexer or shit.

>> No.7439596

>None of the real pros are going to waste their time on a shitty homebrew
lol, dude, people will do it just for the challenge, not even because they actually give a shit about it

>> No.7439624
File: 123 KB, 536x550, 1607966834293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fonzies lack of electrics knowledge led to Pier Solar cartidges frying themselves and sometimes the console
>Literally the same thing happens 10 years later with his next game

That fucker never learns.

>> No.7439795

I did think of the point, i.e. the Streisand Effect so yeah. Still, getting the best of some frog is little reward for the effort.

>> No.7440163

No, it's not a real Genesis game.

>> No.7440709
File: 69 KB, 598x512, GEMS-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not even fonzo it's a fonzo simp
nearly everyone know he didn't use KS but Gems, to avoid using a pro paypal account and evading paypal preorder policy

>> No.7440745
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Ohh thats interesting

>> No.7440753
File: 127 KB, 1543x682, watermelon-is-dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all you see now when you go to magicalgamefactory.com. Claiming they're "sold out" despite not having working payments for the last month. Also a "big announcement" for next Monday.

>> No.7440829

The "for emergencies" line is weird, as if they secretly consider the possibility of the carts catching fire or exploding to be non-trivial.

>> No.7440836

>monday the twenty secondth

>> No.7440939

Probably a dumb question, but as I understand it the way certain clone systems like Retron 5 work is that they flash the entire ROM of the cartridge to memory, and if you know what you're doing you could use it as a ROM dumper (I was actually just reading about a method someone came up with to do just that using a Retron). Commercial Genesis dumpers might not be fast enough, but could Retron 5 do the trick given that it usually only takes 5 or so seconds to flash a game to memory?

>> No.7441037

Big announcement is that after 3 years of waiting, Fonz is finally willing to do refunds.

>> No.7441046

As a noob I was thinking the same thing, but there's probably a reason it hasn't been done yet.

>> No.7441073

There's so much bullshit in the game, it's leaking out of the cartridge

>> No.7441086

It's highly unlikely it's just about speed. If I was building it I would be programming the onboard ARM to watch for a certain pattern of access. A MD will first get the RESET vector, then read that area as the CPU starts pipelining opcodes for use, then as the CPU decodes and executes them it will generate a known pattern of address lines on the cart bus every time. So in order to dump it successfully you need dumping software that actively emulates a 68000 and only pulls the bytes absolutely necessary.
But then the question is, how long is it watching for? Is it doing a recheck constantly so you would have to "refresh" this pattern every 16.67ms? Or is it much worse, is all data read via a packet system whereby the game logic "requests" an object and has it mapped into memory at a certain location and failure to provide the right "key" means it locks up? Arcade hardware uses all sorts of devious tricks like this when they have a CPU acting as ROM mapper and gatekeeper. And Paprium uses an ARM, the sheer power gives them access to a wealth of tricks that could make getting an accurate and complete dump as difficult as cracking Denuvo...

>> No.7441124

Can't wait for the announcement to actually come on the 22nd of next year after WM goes down for half a year.

>> No.7441137

the fucker couldn't make his paranoia code run on og VA6s. Despite his claims he is not some kind of beethoven of the 68k, at best he's some sleight of hand trickster

>> No.7441158

>the fucker couldn't make his paranoia code run on og VA6s. Despite his claims he is not some kind of beethoven of the 68k, at best he's some sleight of hand trickster
Though the cartridge does look really cool, and the game does look cool (in some ways) too.
It's too bad Fonzie didn't have someone to keep in check, like a CEO or board of directors.

>> No.7441176
File: 55 KB, 640x448, fantasia-013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The farthest to go the ugliest it gets
the perspectives, the wrong palettes when fog disappear, Rugal Murdok doing 1 frame Submarine screw...
Oh yeah and abuse of foreground objects
You know what other MD game abused of foreground ?
Fantasia, and it was also a shitty game.

>> No.7441183

Fonzie didn't do the copy protection himself. He barely knows how to program, which shows in Paprium. He's a visionary more than anything.

>> No.7441197

>what works is fonzo
>what doesn't is not fonzo
yeah right.
he knows some "code", there are various demos floating around. He just choose to be a pretentious dick and devise some overblown paranoia code.

>> No.7441203

You can be the best coder in the world but if you got no one to test your shit there's bound to be glaring bugs which is what happened with Paprium due to his paranoia of spoilers in a fucking beat em up on the dang Genesis.

>> No.7441216
File: 808 KB, 280x210, CircularHauntingAmericangoldfinch-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beethoven of the 68k

>> No.7441264


>> No.7441823

Maybe most owners are dumb normalfags who don't know shit.

>> No.7441950

It's extremely easy to remove the epoxy with a heat gun and some patience.

>> No.7441958

He deliberately broke compatibility with Mega Sg because he wants you to use real hardware. Kevtris has already developed a workaround for whatever Fonzie did.

>> No.7441965

He already refunded some people who had asked for it. I asked for it years ago and when I heard he was shipping the game, I told him to just send the game and he did.

>> No.7442012
File: 149 KB, 703x428, Fonzie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"big announcement" for next Monday.

>I Gwénaël "Fonzie" Godde, have decided to retire from the retro gaming scene after the failure that is Paprium.
>I humbly apologize to everybody I have wronged with my maniacal ways
>And hereby relinquish ownership of Watermelon back to its original Co-Founder Tulio Adriano.

>> No.7442052

>>7442012 F I N A L L Y !
The mini moustache is gone.

>> No.7442076

Well Luke Morse delete is videos, when was going to shop, but i can show you a NES game how it looks in a japan store. Disgusting.

>> No.7442154

If you're the guy who has the OP pic it's even easier than that. The shit will just run off the board on it's own. Probably used the wrong ratio. Should have been 1:1 but he used 1 part frog to 2 parts tard.
Also, someone should tell the guy who has that cart that if the shit is literally just running of his card he can probably sell that to someone who wants to dump it for substantially more than he paid for it.

>> No.7442231

is he too retarded to release a pc port?

>> No.7442241

You think it's some sort of achievement to release a game if you were funded on kickstarter?

>> No.7442243
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>> No.7442247

It looks like Haze dev without a moustache, but more soft and gay friend.

>> No.7442368

kill yourself, fonzie - you ILLITERATE BABOON.

>> No.7442386

Comment osez-vous m'appeler un babouin, j'ai réalisé le meilleur jeu vidéo de l'histoire du Sega Mega Drive! Je vais vous poursuivre pour tout ce que vous avez! Un babouin! Je suis consterné!

>> No.7442408

killl yourself, you retarded frog.

>> No.7442431

Oui Oui, froschman le frog mon ami.

>> No.7442446
File: 56 KB, 600x622, OrigCash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salut les fagots,
Je m'appelle John et je déteste chacun d'entre vous. Vous êtes tous gros, attardés, sans vie qui passent chaque seconde de leur journée à regarder des photos de fesses stupides. Vous êtes tout mauvais dans le monde. Honnêtement, est-ce que l'un de vous a déjà eu une chatte? Je veux dire, je suppose que c'est amusant de se moquer des gens à cause de vos propres insécurités, mais vous passez tous à un tout autre niveau. C'est encore pire que de se branler sur des photos sur Facebook.

Ne basedez pas un étranger. Frappez-moi de votre meilleur coup. Je suis quasiment parfait. J'étais capitaine de l'équipe de football et partant de mon équipe de basket-ball. À quels sports jouez-vous, à part "branler des Japonais nus"? Je reçois aussi des A directs et j'ai une petite amie sexy (elle m'a juste soufflé; Merde était tellement d'argent). Vous êtes tous des fagots qui devraient simplement vous suicider. Merci pour l'écoute.

En relation avec la photo: c'est moi et mes chiennes

>> No.7442453

I don't speak gay.

>> No.7442463
File: 11 KB, 239x210, trumpkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Merde était tellement d'argent

>> No.7442491

>fagots instead of fayots
Weak attempt

>> No.7442558
File: 236 KB, 606x630, Cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salut les fagots,
Je m'appelle Gwénaël Godde et je déteste chacun d'entre vous. Vous êtes tous gros,
retardés, sans vie qui passent chaque seconde de leur journée à jouer à des jeux Snes téléchargés illégalement.
Vous êtes tout mauvais dans le monde. Honnêtement, est-ce que l'un d'entre vous a déjà joué à SOR2 avec une fille?
Je veux dire, je suppose que c'est amusant de se moquer des gens à cause de vos propres insécurités, mais vous
tous prennent un tout nouveau niveau. C'est encore pire que de télécharger des roms PC Engine.
Ne basedez pas un étranger. Frappez-moi de votre meilleur coup. Je suis quasiment parfait.
J'ai fait une prise de contrôle hostile de mon équipe d'échecs du lycée et j'ai pratiquement dit à mes professeurs comment installer Windows 3.11.
Quels hobbies avez-vous, à part "développer un jeu dans RPG maker"? J'ai aussi des A directs et j'ai un merveilleux
partisan de YouTube sans estime de soi (il m'a juste donné une excellente critique; Merde était tellement ca $ h).

Vous êtes tous des fagots qui devraient simplement vous suicider. Merci pour l'écoute.

En relation avec la photo: c'est moi et ma chienne"

>> No.7442563

Everyone else only bought the game to put on their shelf and aren't actually playing it

>> No.7442573

But then mine came in a weird box that I don't remember even ordering, and now it can't even stand on my shelf.
So Fonzie managed to screw me not once, but twice.

>> No.7442595


>> No.7443082

Agreed, French is a Gay Language.
Women who speak are Lesbian.

>> No.7443151

You got the investor box with the red Genesis label, sounds like. Sorry to hear that, I saw that box in the game sack video and cringed at how badly designed it is.

>> No.7443165

I'm glad someone decided to wear and document it, for posterity, of course.

>> No.7443173

Epoxy does not melt, its a duroplast when hardened and rather burns than melting

>> No.7443565
File: 662 KB, 500x648, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7443573

>I am retarded and underage

>> No.7443597

>2 hour beat em up

>> No.7444726

This is what you fucking deserve for playing Genesis for 30 years.

>> No.7445526


looks like the game is glitchy as hell on real hardware

>> No.7445613

Looking at all other youtube reviews and people reporting it working fine on the models that guy said he was using, it's more like he got a busted cartridge... or maybe he is using a cheap ass ac adaptor as this cart seems to require some more power than a normal genesis cart.

>> No.7445645

Hi fonzo

>> No.7445690

In reality he's most likely going to take preorders for Project N at $200 a cart.

>> No.7445850
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>> No.7446123


>> No.7446140
File: 5 KB, 160x111, NEC PC-9801 - Puyo Puyo - Zoh Daimaoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fix it.

>> No.7446152

It's looking like that because he's running it on an LCD when Paprium can ONLY be played on a REAL Sega Genesis displayed on a CRT. This is a man's game you wanna treat it like a bitch then it'll treat you like a bitch. Next time you buy Fonzie's game please read the damn FAQ first before trying to run it on inferior hardware then get mad when it can't power its might.

>> No.7446207

I doubt he'll get many, given how much goodwill he's squandered.
If the old WM people came back, and someone became to the CEO to whom Fonzie would have to answer, that would probably restore confidence.

>> No.7446216

>given how much goodwill he's squandered.
I wanna believe that but the homebrew community is full of retards who will throw cash at any homebrew and defend utter garbage like Papi Commando because they still are under this mindset that if they don't support every project they may end up with nothing at all. Fuck a romhack of Kung Fu with Chumlee from Pawn Stars got $30,000 on kickstarter not too long ago. Hardest thing Fonzie will come across is finding people to work on the game with him if the claims of unpaid wages are true.

>> No.7446406

Weekly Paprium seethe and cope thread.

>> No.7446437

Daily, you fucking faggot.

>> No.7446458

Not him but there's not a new thread everyday so he's right

>> No.7446679

Mark doesn't seem happy...

>> No.7447119

Anon, tu parles français comme une vache mexicaine. On dit pas "fagot" (ça, c'est des morceaux de bois) mais "pédé". En plus, tu utilises des expressions littérales dégueulasses qui auraient même pas leur place sur VICE france.

On en reparlera le jour où tu arrives à apprendre une autre langue mon lapin. Ou à perdre ton pucelage. Ou les deux.

Sinon, Paprium c'est de la merde surestimée et Fonzie un crétin. Perso même le dump je m'en tamponne complètement. Mais c'est rigolo de lire les commentaires à chaque fois.

>> No.7447225

I would insult you back, but you're French and that's punishment enough.

>> No.7447271 [DELETED] 


Top 3 of countries that cry when someone online makes fun of it.

>3. Brazil (YOU INSULT BRASIL????)
>2. Spain (This is not even correct Spanish, the correct way is to understand the difference between the male and the female form and the blabla)

>> No.7448143

Do you have the one where he says he's quitting youtube because his wife left him due to him filling up their house with games?

>> No.7448356
File: 466 KB, 780x2442, dante vergil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7448401
File: 2.67 MB, 500x281, mm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hate it for you guys. Now back to my officially licensed, non-melting and destroying my console games.

>> No.7448430

Instead of being a le cunt you could have just rewritten it for him, thus improving on the meme.

>> No.7448437

Most common I can think of is EPA (polystyrene) and PVC


>> No.7448698

That's now how 4:3 works

>> No.7449893

I prefer you to be quiet

>> No.7450045


And most of MAME still sucks still cant find a perfect emulation of Double Dragon 2

>> No.7450338

>>7447119 I Agreed.
Well for the losers doesn´t know french, why don´t use google translator? I got the answer easily. The comments are more important to laugh.

>> No.7450346

>>7447119 I learn French at school, but i hate it, i can translated in to portuguese, but i fucking hate it, so trash and disgusting.

>> No.7450348

Works for me on mame 100%.

>> No.7450351

just give me the rom ahhhhhh

>> No.7450357
File: 82 KB, 674x1362, 1613826741455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. Have a little more... Le Shit...

>> No.7450359
File: 49 KB, 492x700, 02c44301686f852fb9940083f7419824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7450365

everyone wants the rom sadly....

>> No.7450425

Ohhhh boy!

>> No.7450481


The absolute unmitigated audacity to give virtually no details about your game and end your joke of a webpage with how to pay lmao

>> No.7450509

I wouldn't give Fonzie my money, since he seems untrustworthy, but this guy is such an annoying faggot all the same.

>> No.7450551

Originally there was still a bit of hope since Watermelon was more than just Fonzie. but then he did a very hostile takeover which was so fucking foul that the co-founder actually packed his bags and left.
Fonzie is the lowest of the low, scum of the earth. the sooner he's gone the better.
Spread the word, do not support Watermelon any longer. and make fun of those who do.

>> No.7450573

Yeah, i couldn't watch. Massively stereotypical mutt manchild.

>> No.7450968

>all the jealous mediocres itt

>run Paprium on ps4 display

>> No.7450987
File: 114 KB, 1227x645, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In an hour and a half Fonzie will announce that he's retiring and leaving the industry with all the preorder cash.

>> No.7451000

>v4.8 notes:
>- Fixed graphical corruption in Paprium
>- Fixed six button controller reading for Ultracore, Paprium and other games

>> No.7451070

good now all it takes to dump paprium is to hack the mega sg

>> No.7451275
File: 63 KB, 550x588, fonz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It took so long, because good things takes ages" - Fonzie.

>> No.7451329
File: 233 KB, 2458x1086, watermelon-confirmation-of-death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep cool, this page is not closed but we need your full attention for the next couple of days.
>PAPRIUM is the biggest game of its kind and should be sooner or later recognized as a landmark of the genre.
>However, this game has been developed, manufactured and shipped at our own expenses.
>We can't allow any further #LOCUSTERY to happen: We will fight-back.
Its over.

>> No.7451362
File: 173 KB, 734x543, Le Douchebags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these Frenchies always come off as giant douchebags?

>hononohon le fonzie you are great
>*lights cigarette*
>tell us about how le great you are honhonhon

>> No.7451384

Fonzie being interviewed by a French version of Tomonobu Itagaki? Figures.

>> No.7451485
File: 213 KB, 1353x715, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will now buy your game

>> No.7451493

>faggot: so will the jack be for updates?
>fonzie: no comment honhon wear your underwear!

ugh, French humor.

>> No.7451538
File: 1.08 MB, 1013x577, 2021-02-22 21_27_38-PAPRIUM - THE FONZIE INTERVIEW (English Subtitles) - YouTube — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If what he's saying is true I feel really sorry for the guy

>> No.7451597

Based, I'm also doing OMAD and having ridiculous gains.

>> No.7451616

is there anyway to replay the fake game from when you first boot up the game for the first time?

>> No.7451619

Download the bad paprium dump and run in any emu.

>> No.7451626

That would be pretty A E S T H E T I C if Paprium wasn't such a shitshow.

>> No.7451681

Anyone read the full announcement? Looks like he's abandoning ship...
Does anyone want to try and buy the rights so the game can be fixed up and actually widely released?

>> No.7451716

imagine being this insecure about your micro penis that you blurred that shit

>> No.7451849

Game still isn't very fun to play.

>> No.7451852


>> No.7451859

Don't forget he literally threw a big party for the release of the game and then didn't release the game for more than another year. If he was only eating once a day it's his own fault.

>> No.7451868

It's pretty obvious that PayPal have just frozen his account again because yet again he received a massive influx of cash that they're assuming is dodgy/money laundering etc and they won't unfreeze it because when asked why he's receiving tens of thousands of dollars out of nowhere and he's said "im making a videogame" they aren't happy with the answer.

PayPal are a shitty company.

>> No.7451887

Such a pay((pal)) they are...

>> No.7451894

>PayPal are a shitty company.
And Fonzie is a shitty ego tripping autist, so it kinda evens out.
I'm glad he's selling off his IPs, he just needs to disappear.

>> No.7451902


>> No.7451930
File: 78 KB, 830x853, Screenshot_2021-02-22 PAPRIUM_Communique_de_presse_EN_02_2021 pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since the announcement and release of PAPRIUM we have been under relentless attacks from a few individuals who worked day and night to have us fail. This has a name: hate, envy, stupidity.
>Unfortunately, combined with the cowardize (or opportunity?) of the biggest internet actors,their actions managed to get our funds (once again) seized making PAPRIUM the biggest game ever developed, manufactured and distributed "for free".
>We have continuously, over the last 12 years, manufactured and delivered, always exceeding expectations. We defined and shaped our own market with quality and - although retro - innovative products. Many un-matched even a decade later. Each of our games released are new milestones in the retro gaming industry.
>However, with the rise of management by bots, political correctness, quantum computing fabrication, design over function and digital fart ownership combined with the recent taste for mediocrity from various worldwide monopolistic internet actors such as Paypal, Amazon and Google, it seems harder, if not impossible for companies of our size to get paid for our work.
Who is he talking about?

>> No.7451937

Mostly paypal, he refers to them as a mafia organization for seizing his funds and a bunch of other shit. Watch the interview I actually believe him
>inb4 lmao shutup fonzi
no u

>> No.7451940

>It's pretty obvious that PayPal have just frozen his account again because yet again he received a massive influx of cash that they're assuming is dodgy/money laundering etc and they won't unfreeze it because when asked why he's receiving tens of thousands of dollars out of nowhere and he's said "im making a videogame" they aren't happy with the answer.
Towards the end, Fonzie had trouble paying certain people (artists, for example), so that may be part of it.
Or it could just be PayPal being (((PayPal))).
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised, given his conduct, if Fonzie was (((Fonzie))) himself.

>> No.7451994

Fonzie wants to be a rockstar, not a dev. so he throws money around and then gets into trouble because he can't pay people.
its an age old problem.

>> No.7451996

game is alright. annoys me that i have to disconnect the 32x to play it. certainly not worth the current prices for it

>> No.7452017

I was going to create a separate thread for it, but didn't, assuming a tyrannical trannyjan would delete it.
But yeah, that guy, the interviewer, somehow comes across as a bigger, more arrogant douche even than Fonzie, which is a remarkable achievement.
I get that he's hamming it up a bit for YouTube, but he's still probably a arrogant, chain-smoking douche in real life.
I'm glad that the biggest bitch class in TF2 is based on this stereotype.

>> No.7452029

It will never be cheaper either. In that interview that was released today Fonzie was against porting Paprium to any other platform. Probably because there will never be money to do a port.

>> No.7452101


It will be free, eventually

>> No.7452108

Why are you pouring acid onto your carts?

>> No.7452114

The only people really interested in this are retro collectorfag types, who definitely want the physical media.

>> No.7452119


There are tons of people that want to play it, all over.

However him selling his IP's maybe will lead to a cheaper cart

>> No.7452197

Lets hope Piko will snatch it up, improve the game till its fun. and then sell it as Paprium DX. now on cart and steam.

>> No.7452364

when fonzie needs more cocaine money, it will get ported or get cheaper versions

>> No.7452380

>There are tons of people who want to pirate it and play it for free

Yes there is. And they seethe 24/7 in these threads begging for it to get dumped.

>> No.7452429


I don't really see anyone seething 24/7 lmao, more like every now and then

>> No.7452445


>> No.7452456

And even then its clearly the same little autistic rom begging kid every time.
probably thinks he'll get it faster if he just keeps asking for it.

>> No.7452540

I want to see the rom dump just for fonzo paranoia code to go to heck
I know I won't play it soon since the cart is literally 100x more powerful than the console it runs on lol, and also sound is 100% generated on cart.

And I don't want to play it anyway. Inexistant AI that just one-shots to balance lol.

>> No.7452551
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>> No.7452557

Cords have a plasticizer inside that keeps them flexible. Over time the plasticizer can leak out and the cable will become more brittle. The leaked out plasticizer can then be absorbed by other plastic next to it, making it "melt"

>> No.7452576

fucking hysterical, blaming the anonymous internet hordes when you made a shit game that you couldn't deliver as expected

>> No.7452586
File: 27 KB, 1586x52, Screen Shot 2021-02-22 at 7.01.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a faggot

>> No.7452602

It's going to be a landmark. A landmark in everything NOT to do when making a homebrew game. Oh well at the very least Fonzie's legal troubles and issues of getting everyone's copy out along with sheer infamy will make the few owners rich in the future.

>> No.7452609

Godde is finally losing it for real

>> No.7452676

Frankly, even though most of my comments in this (and other) Paprium threads have been somewhat negative, I don't understand why people are eager for this to be dumped.
It's not a great game, and dumping it will only harm an indie dev.
Yeah, the guy is Weird Al-looking douche, but it seems needlessly spiteful and selfish to dump (and I assume, distribute) his game.
I'm not an EE, but can't that theoretically cause the chips to overheat?

>> No.7452683

>Inexistant AI that just one-shots to balance lol.
The AI actually seppukus, from what's seen, by jumping into death pits.

>> No.7452691

Absolute madman.

>> No.7452694

It wouldnt have a significant impact in thermals. If a chip is getting hot it deserves a heatsink or other thermal consideration. Covering a normally cool chip in schmoo isn't any different than the schmoo the chip is already put in from the factory.

>> No.7452707

>and dumping it will only harm an indie dev.
How would it harm it? If someone was willing to pay $200 for this after all the shit that happened they would've already done it by now. The guys holding out for a dump were never going to buy it regardless if it ever happens.

>> No.7452716

>an indie dev.
WM is a fucking company
when things works it tries to pass as the greatest in the universe
when things are shitty "oh noes we're just a humble dev that took your money 8 years ago, please wait 8 more years"

If he acts like a diva, then he should assume the consequenses of diva lifestyle.

>> No.7452732

So what does the ARM CPU do

>> No.7452738

lmao what an asshole

>> No.7452754

Everyone because he still can't admit throwing that "launch" party with preorder money was the dumbest fucking decision.

>> No.7452852

he spent more time on the copy protection than on the game
>PAYING for drm crap

>> No.7452967
File: 12 KB, 782x95, 1612250536438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> digital fart ownership
what did fonzie mean by this?

>> No.7452987

putting a game into a cart that relies on custom chips is more of a nuisance than a copy protection. it's like denuvo claiming how their protections are only to save a title during its first month or so. eventually it gets dumped. since the megadrive is old as fuck and the game is overhyped trash, nobody is interested or in a rush.

>> No.7453001

In the next version the game comes entirely encrypted, and with it's own 5g chip and subscription. It will connect to the ethereum network to check the validity of its IP coin, and obtain a decryption key.

>> No.7453017

It seems like the custom chips really are only there for the decrypting the data so even if people dump the flash chip they will only get junk data
And since the cart doesnt even seem to work in some original systems its crap

>> No.7453028
File: 714 KB, 1100x1100, 1587320648112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> logs into fonzie's network
> gets key
> *megadrive crashes*
> *YM chip screams in agony* as the molten epoxy melts and drips into the console's cart port

>> No.7453069


>> No.7453154
File: 363 KB, 640x359, EuDEoS7WQAcEkGH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Circumvent the paypal pre-order policy through "GEMS"
2. Take the better of a DECADE to deliver a ludicrous product
3. Meanwhile customers lose faith and complain to paypal
4. Paypal thinks FONZO is another scam-artist and freezes money

This is what happens when you are basically stupid, but you somehow delude yourself into thinking you are smarter than anybody else on the planet.

>> No.7453173

The whole tude persona he's trying super hard to pull off absolutely does not work if you failed to do almost every aspect of your job properly.

>> No.7453445

>4. Paypal thinks FONZO is another scam-artist and freezes money
And they'd be correct.

>> No.7453446

Honestly, this shit >>7451930
reeks of a personality disorder

>> No.7453489
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>> No.7453537

NPD, psychosis, paranoia, pretty common combination in this day and age

>> No.7453713

It's an unholy combination of not being able to accept fault and trying to market your shit the same way Sega did in the 90s.

>> No.7453735

>Fag: Some people say "why not your news done by someone else?"
>Fonzie: NON!!!!! Only I can share the news, and I can't because then I lose game of making ze game! honhonhon wear your undies!

I'm not sure what these faggots tried to accomplish with this interview, Fonzie just came off as even more of a cunt.

Piko, buy his good games.
Gamers, don't buy his dolphin crap.
Fonzie.. leave.

>> No.7453819

I don't understand why he does not just sell the rom. When he speaks of experiencing the game as intended like it's art or whatever it just reeks of elitism.

>> No.7453853

Everything is a dam faggot, dumps now!

>> No.7453857

Love each other. They had sex before.

>> No.7453861

2 shit cheeto's.

>> No.7453863


>> No.7453873
File: 1.68 MB, 1000x1000, bonzi buddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gives a reason for why he didn't bother making it available digitally on other platforms in an interview and it basically boiled down to muh input lag as if Paprium required inputs more responsive than say Dragon's Crown on PS4. Personally I think a lot of these security measures and reluctance on releasing a rom is him not wanting people to see how much of the game is running off real Genesis hardware and how much is running off those chips he hyped up.

>> No.7453961

>Input lag

Jump, kick, jump, kick, jump, kick really needs to be accurate

>> No.7453982

Fonzo has a point though. Modern consoles lag like shit right out of the box.

>> No.7453984

more like he absolutely despise ports.
Pier Solar ports were made when he wasn't at WM, and when ports made money, he managed to come back and tried ti divert money to pooprium instead of paying outstanding loans and salaries for the ports.

>> No.7454001

It reminds me of the myth of the perfect collision of old games.

>> No.7454020

He's right about new consoles having no soul and forced censorship, but in the end you gotta make money to pay the people you owe.
So sometimes you gotta compromise on your beliefs, but he won't because he's a BAAAAAAAAAAAD businessman who wishes he was a rockstar.

>> No.7454373

Once the rom is out he wont make as much money, at least he thinks this
I dont see the extra chip do anything but memory mapping for muh copy protection

>> No.7454703

What the fuck... Rev.2/July 2010, this Fonzo made us waiting for so long.

>> No.7454730

that's pier solar

>> No.7454737

Does this mean the Dolphin Rape game got cancelled? Is he leaving the industry?

>> No.7454764
File: 246 KB, 600x600, 181028090300167359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from this...

>> No.7454774
File: 2.55 MB, 4000x3000, ckwWwLDc_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over this...

>> No.7454780
File: 2.38 MB, 4032x3024, EpyEKK1XIAYLmRP.jpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to this

>> No.7454805

has the game been dumped yet, though? stupid or not, assuming it hasn't been dumped, it worked.

>> No.7454816


there was an incomplete dump, that was just the minigame, at this point I think we'll get
PAPRIUM DELUXE STEAM EDITION before we get a rom. The IP's are going up for sale according to the mustache man

>> No.7454823

All that bragging about his amazing hardware, all that datenmeister bullshit.
and then he ends up covering it in black gunk to hide the fact that its just off the shelf tech.

Worst. Businessman. EVER.

>> No.7454865

The "amazing hardware" is just some fpga and/or arm cpu that plays wave files and implements the drm for the game

>> No.7454878

This. Which means there's more than one of these out there.

>> No.7454883

You're an idiot.

>> No.7454952

>It takes 50 companies to make a cartridge
technically true but almost all only provide off the shelf parts that are everywhere

>> No.7454984
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>> No.7454989


>> No.7454990
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>> No.7455002
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>> No.7455015

Cheap ass chink N64 pirates probably use the same shit that's on this board for a tenth of the price.

>> No.7455028
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>> No.7455045
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>> No.7455072

ok. LOL.

>> No.7455082

Profit yes, a Fonzie's dick in your ass.

>> No.7455134

lmao/10 good post

>> No.7455979

Fonzie needs to sell his organs and refund EVERYBODY.

>> No.7455998
File: 363 KB, 494x409, gscd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when he ported Joe to the Sega CD?

>> No.7456607
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>> No.7457245

>I'm not an EE, but can't that theoretically cause the chips to overheat?
it's not about heating, it's to stop people from learning what the chips are and to annoy anyone that attempts to tamper with the chips.

>> No.7457286
File: 80 KB, 640x480, HNI_0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished the pier solar maze minigame when it first came out and followed the URL it gave me and zebbe said I’d get a discount on their next game but he’s gone now, do you think fonzie or whoever would still honor that agreement?

>> No.7457297

(In faggot voice) look at me, i am zé french, haw haw haaaww

>> No.7457335

no, mame guys literally couldn't do this and had to send it to drdecap because he was literally the only one that could do it
and then he go tired of doing it and kept everyone's rare boards and money

>> No.7457563

Hundreads or rare boards they don´t dump it or release/emulated for everyone. I ask haze if want money to dump games, it said no. Why the fudge is working on mame?

>> No.7457582

Hello, I am here for my daily seethe and cope.

Please give us the rom.

Thank you, I will return tomorrow.

>> No.7457685
File: 7 KB, 350x299, Una_EPROM_con_cancellazione_dei_dati_mediante_raggi_UV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7457712

Aaaaaah cover up that window before the rom gets erased!!
Too late.

>> No.7457776


>> No.7457963


Excuse me how do I load this in KegaFusion

>> No.7457981


Save jpeg and renane to parium.bin.gen.smd and load as Mark3 iso.

>> No.7458109


Why is my computer not working now

>> No.7458114

You forgot to install Gentoo.

>> No.7458125


Ok, I'll try it on my laptop now, this will work right?

>> No.7458445

Would we lie to you?

>> No.7458801


>> No.7459161

Alright, let me get this straight.
>this game was supposed to be released in 2013
>there was a "launch party" in 2019 featuring a game that wasn't finished
>Nobody was allowed to pre-order the game for a few years because of "paypal issues", then they finally released the game and cranked up the price to $200, now pre-orders are blocked again
>Paprium doesn't run on like half of all Mega Drive/Genesis revisions, you just have to get lucky. This means the game that's supposed to only run on real hardware doesn't even run on real hardware.
>Paprium includes a joke game when you try to run it on certain clone consoles as a fuck you for not using a real console. Even though the game doesn't work on certain real consoles either.
>The epoxy fucking melts
>The Datenmeister chip or whatever they're calling it now doesn't do much, it was just an elaborate copy protection scheme like everyone said all along
>WaterMelon is sending weird e-mails about standing up to the haters or some shit, jerking themselves off about how important they are, probably going to announce a new game soon while you can't order Paprium and they haven't even sent all existing orders yet.

Seriously what is this shit? https://www.paprium.com/press/data/PAPRIUM_Communique_de_presse_EN_02_2021.pdf

It just never ends.

>> No.7459206

You forgot to mention
>They shipped it to backers with a fucking thong

>> No.7459218
File: 63 KB, 550x588, fonz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All according to plan.

>> No.7460005
File: 101 KB, 600x409, karma-but-thats-9e272c60d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, just got an email where they're asking for support to get paypal to release the money.

>> No.7460028

Why are schizos so often French

>> No.7460207
File: 348 KB, 684x384, 100per100_game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best retro game dev. comp not even close.
truth hurts.

>> No.7460464

>>Paprium includes a joke game when you try to run it on certain clone consoles as a fuck you for not using a real console. Even though the game doesn't work on certain real consoles either.
now the joke is on fonzie. i'm sure he didn't expect that one to happen.

>> No.7460470

>kek, just got an email where they're asking for support to get paypal to release the money.
what are people going to do about it? send more money after bad and hope for the best?

>> No.7460474


Hello sir and I hope you are having a good day. I have tried this method with Gentoo but my laptop is also broken now. I think I am doing something wrong, can you help me? Today I will try my uncles computer but it is the last one in our village.

>> No.7460762
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>> No.7460774
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>> No.7460828
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>> No.7460854

he then claimed that game not working on VA6 is because they use crap components
the fucker is never short of excuses

>> No.7460897
File: 708 KB, 2290x470, 1612007828381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7460943

The paypal holding funds story doesn't even make sense. If paypal genuinely thought it was some scam or went against their policy that money would've gone right back to the buyer they wouldn't had held onto it for 4+ years without a single word.

>> No.7460965

fonzie is literally the Mia Khalifa of retrogames
At this point I wish PP would do a facts don't lie page.

>> No.7461001

If they disassemble the black thing in that cart to show the roms chips, then fonzie have is own days counted, soon will be dumped. I can feeel it! I don´t care about the emulation, if we have the rom is a great start to cry fonzie.

>> No.7461004

The problem is that the data is encrypted and its not easily possible to dump the FPGA programming to know how to decrypt it.

>> No.7461204

It will one day, the good thing is disammbled nice.

>> No.7461209

Gay likes anal sex and still complain.

>> No.7461220

Like dissolves like

>> No.7461263
File: 47 KB, 920x777, 757457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16th day of the 16th month, thats fonztember?

>> No.7461390


>> No.7461417 [DELETED] 

You're weird and I hope you get banned.

>> No.7461513

DG is a giant douchebag and Kojimatard that nobody in France likes except his tiny fanbase. Since he can't keep it growing he keeps whining about Youtube shadowbanning him.
When you think about it he has a lot in common with Fonzie

>> No.7461624

Stfu newnigger

>> No.7461646

lol, facts hurts, eh fonzo ? ;)

>> No.7461710

As a frog they both look and sound like try hard dorks. Fonzie's pretty insecure, not eloquent at all. Subs helps the comprehension a lot because he's a borderline autist who doesn't finish his sentences.

Dorks can't be douches. Don't get fooled by the stache.

>> No.7461715

Never heard about this guy before to be desu. I just know he was the official reseller for Pier Solar, if anyone wonders why he was choose by Fonzie for this interview. True videogame journalism right here.

>> No.7462004

that's racist you gay fonzo shit fuck.

>> No.7462013

The 'interview' is just the guy basically blowing fonzie, saying how great he is and did nothing wrong, makes sense they had a business partnership

>> No.7462084 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7462156 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 800x445, 2020-12-16_012345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7462271
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The same guy two months ago was making his bucks shitting on Cyberpunk, while here he's saying you can't criticize a videogame if you're not part of the dev team because game dev'ing is HARD. Crunch is bad, but not paying your employees? Gee that's the mafia's fault!
And all the comments are literally blowing these two. I don't get it.

>> No.7462276

>So the Megawire(tm) can be used to update Paprium?
>Oh Fonzie you're a genius!

Fonzie's like some sort of cult leader, I can't believe how many idiots are signing his paypal petition.

>> No.7462340

he managed to get some HARD FUCKING CORE fanboys for some reason, that will defend him NO MATTER WHAT, lying even (ie that yannosh dude that put a video with some lameass staff roll mentioning him being filming, and in comments LOL NO IT WASN'T ME). And I'm pretty sure they don't get paid...

>> No.7462374


>> No.7462396



>> No.7462452

Part of me thinks he's trolling people with the whole "I'm selling my IPs" email.

>> No.7462645

He gave some content that Sega fans could brag about on dumb console wars stuff, he's their hero and their god

>> No.7462693

The homebrew community is full of retards who act as if they don't support any homebrew dev 100% of the time then it will cease to exist and I'm pretty sure Fonzie is aware of this.

>> No.7462761

the mere concept of making a game that has so much additional hardware just to try dwarfing neogeo is laughable at best.
The reason MD homebrew scene is thriving is because the console can stand on its stock specs. He just went pants over head because he's a hack that doesn't want to work with limits.

>> No.7463351
File: 878 KB, 2560x1920, JnTSGDe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if he's related to Drakon

>> No.7463430

He melts plastic cases, not epoxy.

>> No.7463519

What is that eldritch nightmare

>> No.7463528

The man with the glue gun.

>> No.7463629

I doubt it will come out at all, it doesn't look like much more carts will be available (if Ponzie isn't actually trolling everyone about selling everything) and almost everybody that already have the cart don't know jack shit about dumping games on this level and wouldn't give it to anyone that could dump it for obvious reasons. The only ones I know that could make it happen are the dude from Game Sack and maybe Mark Smith if he gets mad enough about his 3 genesises not running the game and having to buy another one only to find out the game is actually shit

>> No.7463634

I'd love to try it with my own Retron 5, but I don't think I can justify plonking down whatever Paprium is selling for. Nothing against creators charging full price for new retro console games, but what I gather from this thread is that it's a bit too pricey.

>> No.7463771

>Fonzie's like some sort of cult leader,
he has the same psychological configuration, soon he will make us all drink the kool aid

>> No.7463875

that PADAWAMHD dude is crazy chain smoking

>> No.7464001


>> No.7464194

This is only the tip of the iceberg. There are much much worse pictures of his (Drakon) "creations" and "professional" "mods".

>> No.7464336

Crap-rium - "Looks nice, yes? It's better than Streeets of Riage!. I mean, jus loooook at those grfaiks".

>> No.7464496

GayGrium is way better

>> No.7464503

Would it even run on a Retron 5? It doesn't even run on real hardware. WM are publicly stating that you need to buy a Mega Drive 2 (The audio is one of the main selling points and the target version is the one with the worse audio) for the game to actually run properly.

>> No.7464647

Oh, the "seethe" guy again... You actually do the same, asshole... Remember, sooner or later it will be dumped ;)

>> No.7464818 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 1739x365, 1111111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual, JUST STOP!
All the people need to stop feeding mameworld, because this jackass instead being quiet, it should leave the mame community, even the licenced dumping projects... is always a trash on twitter.
Just get a doctor please...

>> No.7464824 [DELETED] 

Sorry wrong thread.

>> No.7464845 [DELETED] 

You know you can delete posts here, right?

>> No.7464860
