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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 500 KB, 593x1444, computer gaming world november '92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7869074 No.7869074 [Reply] [Original]

What? You mean kids would rather play Streets of Rage than Reader Rabbit Teaches Typing? Say it isn't so.

>> No.7869081

Stupid fuckin punks. Reader Rabbit was pure TLC kino

>> No.7869094
File: 3 KB, 320x200, 1427825030864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this PC game called Mental Math Games that I enjoyed quite a bit back in elementary school. Among other minigames, it had a LAN game based on TRON cycles where you shifted direction by solving math problems. Unfortunately it seems that the version of the game that includes that is lost.

>> No.7869098

Everyone knew at least one kid with "those" kind of parents who didn't let them have vidya and you go over to their house and they would have NPR or classical music on and there would be a "Complete Works of Shakespeare" set on the shelf in order to intimidate you.

>> No.7869108

Yep. Snobby liberal university professors lived across from me who refused to get their kids video games. I don't even think they had a Wii.
Both their son and their daughter turned out to be gay arts majors. Serves them right.

>> No.7869118

Edutainment software is like having sex, but with a biology teacher by your side, constantly interrupting the intercourse to explain the function of every sexual organ, its parts and bodily fluids.

>> No.7869124

Sounds sexy

>> No.7869128

My grandparents were like that (like they had a subscription to Psychology Today and stuff like that), although they didn't have university professor money. When my dad was like 5 they made him sit and watch the Kennedy-Nixon debates because they thought it was educational but what does a 5 year old want with watching some guys talking? I mean, it's like what? where's the cartoons?

>> No.7869132

Well... That's entirely on the teacher.

>> No.7869153

>The Boomer Factor
>It's all those 30- and 40 something parents who are demanding high-quality experiences
>The evolutionary shift that carried disk-based gamers from 32k arcade games to complex RPGs and simulations is beginning to cause similar tremors in the videogame channel.
based boomers improving video games even in 1992

>> No.7869154

>that article admits Americans fell for the Nintendo meme hard
>lyl enjoy your crude early 80s arcade games while other countries were doing far more immersive, complex computer games

>> No.7869158

The world goes as America goes. Amiga is dead, long live Nintendo.

>> No.7869162

Nintendo might as well be dead since they have nothing but nostalgia to run off of and nobody with a serious interest in vidya cares about them anymore.

>> No.7869170

Wow thats so dope. That you know you got over on all those people thirty five years ago and their NES consoles.

Sir could you tell us more?

>> No.7869178

>as we're making shitty ports of Japanese arcade games on even more crude bleepy early 80s hardware like the ZX Spectrum

>> No.7869372

Sorry, limey but the Amiga's time ended in 1994.

>> No.7869385


>> No.7869393

in all fairness the Amiga did have a window of a few years where it was cutting edge hardware, in fact PCs didn't start overtaking it until about 1992.

>> No.7869430
File: 173 KB, 356x280, barbie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo the NES has the same formulaic, unoriginal fighting games
>now occasionally someone will attempt something different like a sports game or a barbie game, but those damn japs will fail to support it
great article anon, 10/10

>> No.7869485

My parents were like that. Wouldn't let me buy a console, let alone buy one for me. So I started off with computers, which I had to buy. I suppose in some ways I have to thank them for that. By trying to force me into their pseud libcuck lifestyle they ironically forced me to learn to take responsibility for my self. I got a paper route, learned to manage my own money, and learned to work with computers long before it was common. Still, they were colossal faggots.

>> No.7869871

Which is unfair. The NES brought to console gaming the longer, more cinematic presentation of computer games whereas before that time they were just simplistic shit where you had no real aim except to get as high a score as you could before your thumbs fell off.

>> No.7869917

People forget the amiga hardware was scalable, theoretically there are no ram or cpu limits it's just that the majority of games were designed to run on the base model.

>> No.7870318

What is unfair and why are you so ignorant about console gaming before the NES?

>> No.7870813

the Amiga suffered from the same disease as the Atari 8-bits where everyone would just only make games for the lowest common denominator machine

>> No.7870825
File: 100 KB, 210x247, cloudshrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, if I wanted to learn something, I could just go to the library and pick up a book, I don't need a video game to teach me things.