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8068889 No.8068889 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, what did /vr/ think of Sakura Taisen?

>> No.8068913


>> No.8068924


>> No.8069071

Sega can’t settle on release Saturn title oversea?

>> No.8069106

Saturn game right? Is there a translation so i can play it? inb4 the "just learn Japanese" faggot shows up.

>> No.8069158 [DELETED] 

>platform: Sega Shiturn

the holy trinity of cringe

>> No.8069163

Please learn native language of Yamato.

>> No.8069192

What's more cringe is you clicked on a thread irrelevant to you and posted this faggot shit.

>> No.8069215

Made me lol

>> No.8069224
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I tried to get in to it, I guess it just doesn't appeal to me. I like mecha, old timey meiji stuff, anime, waifus, etc. I just don't like the games. I like the Alchemist coomer tactics game, Sengoku Rance, Shining Force, Spectral Force, Summon Knight, Langrisser, Growlanser, and SRW. . . many of which I've played in Japanese so I can do Sakura Taisen too. I just don't like it. There is a reason all the other series I talk about has a little weeb following in the West, but ST doesn't, and that's mainly because of what I said in that it's not enjoyable aside from the visuals.

That and Sega is such a horribly mismanaged company they try to remake it and it fails horribly. The only way Sega cam make a game is spin off their development teams so they can work independent, but that won't happen again.
Yeah faggot it sounds right up my alley then, and it sucks.

>> No.8069235

I've been trying to play it but I'm too retarded to get this Saturn emulation right, but I like the Taisho and mecha steampunk combination
I'm thinking of just watching the anime if my IQ points keep lowering

>> No.8069241

It's a VN with strategy game elements

>> No.8069243
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Honestly 1 is not that good, even with the PS2 remake which has its own pros and cons. 2 however is great.

>> No.8069258

hello australia-kun

>> No.8069281

>There is a reason all the other series I talk about has a little weeb following in the West, but ST doesn't
I mean the first translation was the fifth game and released on the PS2 deep into the PS3's lifespan and the first one only got translated like two years ago.

>> No.8069329

>Is there a translation so i can play it?
Yes, it got a translation patch a couple years ago. The only other game in English (besides the recent PS4 reboot) is the fifth game on PS2/Wii, which was officially localized.

>> No.8069348

So what, we play it in Japanese. Maybe you just don't hang out in my circles. We have always imported games and played in Jap for a good number of series. Never did I hear the guys on irc or in the forums say "oh hey I'm checking out Sakura Taisen" and it started a big discussion.

Even to we very few who know eachother and have been checking out anime and games from japan since we traded VHS tapes in the 90s just don't touch ST.

>> No.8069645


>> No.8069703

I wouldn't say I have the exact opposite opinion here, but there' s a charm to 1 that 2 just didn't quite have. Everything about 2 is objectively better: it uses more 3D graphics, the 2D art and animation is stellar and more varied, and of course the battle system is (while still annoyingly simple) much deeper, with maps having more interesting geometry and objectives.

Yet despite that, there's something about the rough-around-the-edges look of the first one that I loved. And this may be fetishization of the 90s, but I felt it played to that sort of aesthetic a little bit better. Characters and plot were cliche, but they were done astoundingly well. I can't say I dislike Orihime (who is very hot) or Renny, but their arcs bordered on melodramatic which I did not really like. The battles in 2 have higher highs, but lower lows, and sometimes you find yourself wasting turn after turn just trying to move your units into position. The first game was short and sweet, but 2 it feels like 2 just drags on and on. I just got to the final boss literally right before I posted this, and I'm honestly ready to be done with it.

Either way though, really enjoyed these first two. Love the setting, love the characters. Loved the bad guys who felt like they were right out of a 90s anime. These really don't seem like the kinds of games that make replaying easy, though, and I probably won't move onto 3 for a while out of fear of burning out (and because I don't have a JP Dreamcast).

>> No.8069938

We're pretty much polar opposites in some ways here. Despite what my first post said I did get a lot of enjoyment out of 1, particularly doing night patrols and such. But by what I assume is the end of disc 1 (side note: I played the PSP version where 1&2 are on a single UMD) I was already getting fed up with the battles and thought "let's just get this over with, give me your three form final boss fight already." You can guess I wasn't a very big fan of Satan going "it's not over yet" and spawning more uninteresting enemies. I even dropped the game for months at the second to last chapter but I did come back eventually and finish.
So I left 1 with hopes that 2 would improve on all that which thankfully it delivered on. I liked the situations the characters faced more compared to 1; the final boss's antics and his cohorts were amusing to me; the fights themselves while still simple were actually pretty fun, even the dogpile boss fights that I hated in 1 I didn't mind in 2. Despite being longer I wasn't wishing for the game to be over.
Overall I did enjoy 1&2 but I don't see myself replaying 1 much while 2 I could probably go for all the endings given enough time, I even wanted to do a replay as soon as I finished it. I can agree 1 has a bit of a charm though. I booted up long day on 1 while playing through 2 sometimes, it's very rough compared to 2 but not in a bad way. Rewatching the anime scenes, listening to music, doing that quiz minigame testing what I remembered and such makes me wish I came out of the game with a better opinion than I did so I'm actually glad you liked it a lot more than I did.
Also I finished 2 myself a few weeks ago and took a burnout prevention break so I'm looking forward to 3. I'll have to settle for just transferring my PS2 1 remake save.

>> No.8069948

kek, seems like you were right.
auster is such a virgin with poor taste on all levels, imagine not liking Sakura wars

>> No.8070038

Love all girls from the Teito and Paris team. Very charming series.

A shame sega fucked up its reboot. Hopefully whatever that Sakura Ishin thing that leaked a year ago wasn't killed by the gatcha failure.

>> No.8070053

Why bother, the new series is completely unrelated tht just happens to share the same name like Tony Taka's Shining or Tokyo Xanadu. You're not the intended audience, creepy old man.

>> No.8070069
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I will bother

>> No.8070082

Be sure to make a thread complaining how the reboot misses the mark because you're not the target audience. This is intended for teens.

>> No.8070086

The art, settings, characters etc. are all really great, but the gameplay itself is appaling. The battles are braindead easy, perhaps the easiest and most boring I've ever played.
It's such a waste.

>> No.8070672

Yeah, I definitely wouldn't argue that 2 is objectively better, and the fights especially are more fun. I appreciate that the overarching story spans both entries, even if I saw the ending of 2 coming a mile away before I even finished 1. But what it lacks in creativity it makes up for in its earnestness and charm.

It's definitely a bit annoying. Clearly the battles are not the point of the game, but then why bother including them to begin with? I can't say I don't enjoy steamrolling an easy game once in a while, but I agree; if the series cared a little more about its actual gameplay, it might be more highly regarded. It felt like 2 (most recent one I played) was approaching something like a fun battle system, but it still missed the mark by a wide margin.

>> No.8070686
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You WILL be old one day, awkwardly defending what is near and dear to you.

>> No.8070726
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Trying to get fluent in Russian so I can play this shit

>> No.8070809

wow the art in this is terrible

>> No.8070849

I cannot believe Sakura Wars of all things got a Russian release. Even the second one!

>> No.8070854

Translation of the third game was ready as well, but publisher went out of business and it was never released.

>> No.8070859

I love it
Sumire is best girl, btw

>> No.8072097

Isn't the Russian translation apparently awful?

I like both. 1 has a lot of charm and feels like a very self-contained game, 2 feels like a very different approach that pretty much all lands perfectly. If I had to place one game above the other, it'd be 2, but only by the smallest of margins.

>> No.8072546

Unusual crossover

>> No.8072874

Sumire = Maria > Kohran > Kanna > Sakura > Iris.
But everyone loses to Erica Fontaine. Wish the other games were translated so I didn't have to use an old gamefaqs guide. Maybe it's time I finally learn Moon.

>> No.8072997

I love them all, but Iris is great. She always made me smile. I'm not a normie, but it's annoying how the games incessantly pushed for a romantic relationship with her when all I wanted to do was make her happy. I had to stop doing that early on in 2 because she overtook Sakura (my #1) so quickly.

Also, Kouran's accent/voice is extremely hot.

>> No.8073106
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Sumire has the sexiest voice

Sakura and Kohran voice when they get rapsy is extremely cute though

>> No.8073129

You however will never grow up.

>> No.8073141
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>> No.8073238
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It's an extremely early 00's crossover, Powerpuff Girls really had a following then and did for some years later

>> No.8073245

I'm a family man, than you

>> No.8073597

Sumire is good, but I'd expect her voice to be kind of archetypically sexy. Kouran's accent is so unusual that there's a novelty to it that really got me going unexpectedly.

>> No.8073605

zoomer utterly btfo

>> No.8073814

Holy Miku

>> No.8073905
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>make new series entry in incredibly niche Sega IP that has 90% chance of only being bought by those who already know what it is and was fan interest that got a new entry to begin with,
>Fans of series are not the intended audience

>> No.8073907

the fuck, were these released on Saturn or like a PC release or some shit?

>> No.8074007

It certainly does not look like that screenshot was captured from a Saturn.

>> No.8074010

PC release. Sales of two previous games wasn't profitable enough for release third which was almost ready.
Besides it wasn't good time for Akella. Unprofitable projects and so on. As you can imagine in RF nobody cares about weebs, so their whining on company's forum was useless, and then forum was cancelled at all.

>> No.8074013

is the anime worth watching? It for some reason has an English dub despite none of the games being brought to The Only Country That Matters at that time.

>> No.8074043

From "watchable"(ST: Ecole de Paris) to "looks almost like the original"(ST: The Movie) through "total shit"(ST TV). Only for gluttonous fans ofc.

>> No.8074060

these were released back around the time these were out on the Saturn/few years after?

>> No.8074083

>ST1 on Saturn: 1996
>official ru-translation on PC: 2006

>> No.8074280

It's an adventure game/dating sim first and tactics game/SRPG second. If you're not into the setting and the girls the actual gameplay is very unsatisfying, and kinda tedious.

>> No.8074310
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>mfw I like Iris the most

>> No.8074714 [DELETED] 

Auster was right though, only lonely basement-dwelling incels would be interested in playing this cringey shit.

>> No.8075150

I just finished 2, what the hell bros. I know 3 is in Paris but couldn't they have left it open-ended so I could imagine my wife Sakura being happy? God dammit!

>> No.8076186

ST: The Movie shows live of squad without Oogami(band of unorganized bitches and whores among whom only Maria doing cool things by herself).
And yes, Sakura will be definitely NTRed during events of ST3.

>> No.8076484

Yeah, russian translation is very clearly either edited machine translation, or a crappy word-for-word one.
At least they did not alter the dialogue to reflect their agenda.

>> No.8076501

> either edited machine translation, or a crappy word-for-word one
I read interview with Russian translator of ST2 and it is both. Still, it gets the job done if you really want to play the game.
The bigger problem of Russian translation are new bugs that appeared during the localization process (because Sega didn’t provide any help and translators had to make their own tools to extract resources and put it back) that potentially can destroy your save file. Also, DRM Starforce that Akella used on all their games back then, doesn’t make your life easier. I have a physical copy of Russian ST1 and it just refuses to launch because for some reason it can’t bypass DRM.

>> No.8076521

Shit I completely forgot about StarForce, the Denuvo of that time, yet somehow much worse.

>> No.8076526

>At least they did not alter the dialogue to reflect their agenda
I can assure you RF government doesn't pay attention for such small things like old Japanese games and changing their text with putting an agenda. Better divide money with assistance of Cinema Fund and make another unhistorical crap about Great Patriotic War.

>> No.8076531 [DELETED] 

>RF government doesn't pay attention for such small things
US government doesen't pay for that either
they do it for free

>> No.8077634

My wife

>> No.8077730

Really long

>> No.8077815

The gacha game was decent desu, at the very least it was way better than it's nearest mobile equivalent/ripoff Princess Connect. It just went bankrupt because they spent way too much on marketing (making a 30 minute OVA, live concerts, etc) plus the director was heavily mismanaging things and most of the original staff got fed up and left/got switched around.

>> No.8077921

What are you on about? The gacha died because the game did extremely poorly at launch thanks to terrible marketing resulting in Sega pulling out, and the few players they did manage to get got bored of the game pretty fast given it was a complete clone of FGO. DW are completely incompetent.

The story was alright, the characters were cute, but at best it would've lasted a year.

>> No.8077941

>The gacha game was decent
Watakshi does not like you didn't use the proper word here, DESUWA.
All gacha games are trash and should be stricken from time.


>> No.8078129

nothing you said disproves what the anon you replied to said.

Sega made a huge risky investment and it blew up on their face.

>> No.8078405
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Should I get the Saturn version of 1 & 2 or the Dreamcast versions?

I have a RGB SCART cable for Saturn and a Toro VGA adapter for DC. But I don’t feel like buying an RGB cable for DC and I think 1 and 2 dont support VGA on it anyways.

>> No.8079347

The DC versions let you import your save, dude. Sure, you can just answer the questions at the start instead for 3, but that's soulless. The FMV quality on DC is much better.


There's also the PS2 version with the combat system from 3, but I don't like it's dumb film filter for the previews, and there's no updated version of 2 so you still have to go back to isometric. You could also play the PC versions, but they're a nightmare to run on normal computers. I got 1 and 2 running fine on Win 7 through an XP VM, but on W10 2 had massive issues I gave up on resolving so I just played the DC version instead.

>> No.8079542
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mai waifu <3

>> No.8079974

Oh dear

>> No.8081817


>> No.8082161

Love it

>> No.8082996

I stopped half way through
Can you wife the short haired instructor MILF? If so I might get back to it

>> No.8083061

Ayame? No. I'll never understand people who want hag routes.

>> No.8083068

You can get special scenes with her I think? The ps2 remake added more stuff for her but you still can't romance.

>> No.8083069



>> No.8083195
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>I'll never understand people who want hag routes

>> No.8083240

A+ doujins

>> No.8083747
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>forces you to marry her at a church in her route

>> No.8084002

Ah Hate it, when a good drawer can corrupt an innocent, pure, cute character so well without veering into comic, horror and cringe.
He drew it identically, but she's corrupted!

>> No.8085218

Trash fanfic for fag/simp

>> No.8085624

>There is a reason all the other series I talk about has a little weeb following in the West, but ST doesn't
It HAD a weeb following when the Anime was still current.

>> No.8087292

Very cute PTSD victim

>> No.8087306

I'm morbidly curious about what the Iris route looks like. The game did its damndest to put me on that course but I couldn't follow through. Don't know if I could handle the second-hand embarrassment of my 12 year-old anime gf introducing me to her parents as her lover.

>> No.8088535
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Just finished Sakura Wars V yesterday. Man, it started pretty shit, but I ended up really liking it. Can get pretty annoying on the hard difficulty though. Namely chapter 2 (environment warns of and performs AOE attack while only giving me time to move 1/3 troops) and tower defense in final chapter (same issue, only now with tower defense mode). Especially since I know I could have done plenty of my interactions better. Needed to practically break the game's mechanics at some points.
Also in terms of ST5 girls:

>> No.8089480

>Subaru isn't best girl
Nice try.

>> No.8090460

Nothing Special.
At least for the first game, Ogami absolutely feels like a big brother to Iris (No, Building love from the cradle).
(Leaving aside the fact that Iris of the six main girls is the worst written. She seems to be more in-depth in the manga/anime.)

>> No.8090492

The second game was where I really felt it, but maybe it would have been a little more tongue-in-cheek than I suspect. I promise I'm not even a normie but Iris just feels so out of place as an option in this game.

>> No.8090516
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>> No.8091323

Where this pic from?

>> No.8091473

>That miserable cunt named Subaru

>> No.8091821

>draws a girl
>calls it a boy

>> No.8092570

Not the Anon
But I'm sure it's a collection posted on Twitter by a Japanese collector.
(I'd be interesting in the card game, but I couldn't find any information about it.)

>> No.8093552
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>draws a boy
>calls it a girl