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820705 No.820705 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one that vastly prefers the 2D Zeldas to the 3D ones?

I just feel like that the 2D have much better gameplay and puzzles. Really, the 2D zeldas are much harder, which I like. I just feel like the 3D Zeldas are the cinematic and casual ones, and without hard puzzles at all.

I feel the same way about Mario too btw.

>> No.820719

>Am I the only one that vastly prefers the 2D Zeldas to the 3D ones?
no, there are actually countless arguments over 2D and 3D zelda here
welcome to /vr/

>> No.820772

>Am I the only one that vastly prefers the 2D Zeldas to the 3D ones?
On /vr/? Are you nuts? Even if the 3D ones were somehow objectively better this place would be full of people nostalgic for the old style.

>> No.820947
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>Am I the only one that vastly prefers the 2D Zeldas to the 3D ones?
Perhaps the same could be said about all games

>> No.820956

No, you're not. LA, Seasons and Ages are all my top 3 favourite Zeldas.

>> No.821042

Most people on /vr/ prefer 2D zeldas.

I honestly really like OOT and Majoras Mask more than any other game in the series except maybe The Minish Cap, that game has so much charm

>> No.821049

to be fair, Lament of Innocence on the PS2 was good. If not for the lore than anything else.

>> No.821074

I just bought Seasons a few days ago on the 3DS.
It'll be the first Zelda I really play since the gameboy color one(s).

>> No.821079

the easiness is there to compensate for the fact that people have problems navigating 3D environments and 3D games generally require more user input

>> No.821093

I was more speaking of that all new "big" titles have to be 3D. For instance I would love seeing a new 2D Metroid on the Wii U, not some handheld device. And With SPRITES, not 3D models.

I believe there was some samurai game, Masamune something? for the Wii and also Wario shake dimension that were fully 2D and they look just gorgeous. Not saying they were great games, 2D doesn't magically make your gameplay great, but we could certainly have more big 2D titles in my opinion.

And whoever says that 2D and sprites cost tons of money bla bla, Fuck you. So does voice acting, shiny 3D graphics, music e.t.c.

Not saying that 2D is better but it would be nice to have a ratio more close to 50-50 than 95-5. This is about big titles, not indie games.

>> No.821118

The samurai game is Muramasa.

>> No.821449

>Am I the only one that vastly prefers the 2D Zeldas to the 3D ones?

Of course you're not. That's an extremely popular opinion.

>> No.822295

This. Though I feel like Seasons and Ages games were kind of half-assed.
OoT is fucking epic but I wouldn't pick it over LttP if it came down to it. If anything I'd almost pick Link's Awakening because it was a game I had when I was a lot younger, didn't finish, and then finished it when I was a bit older so I spent the most time with it I think.

>> No.823090

Why does OP pic says limited edition?
What edition was that?

>> No.823095

Honestly, I grew bored of the 3d Zeldas pretty quick. The 2d ones always kept me coming back for more.

>> No.823105

Oh god. The GBA and NDS Castlevanias? So rad. So much better than the 3D ones.

>> No.824229

I think it was the Gameboy Color 2 in one edition.

>> No.824239

slightly off topic, but about to start the Oracles via 3DS VC, I know there's a supposed order as to which to play first. And I am brain farting as to which, help?

>> No.824247

No you aren't OP, I share that opinion. Outside of OoT, the Oracle games and Link's Awakening were the Zelda games I grew up with. I didn't have the original 2 Zeldas on NES and didn't own a Super Nintendo, and was more into hand held games anyways. I had MM too, but meh, I don't really count it personally. But yeah, they were really epic games.

>> No.824360

I don't mind either.
I just wish they didn't ruin Zelda handheld games with useless touch gimmicks.

>> No.824372

There really isn't any specific order. Different events will occur on both games with linked files.

>> No.824374

This so much. I got to like the second return trip to the main temple in Hourglass, got so fed up with the touch controls I ragequit, and never even touched a copy of Spirit Tracks to consider buying it. So fucking glad LttP has normal controls.

>> No.824376

yeah, but isn't there something like a single map square that you can't reach in one of them if you play it first or someshit?

>> No.824413

Play Ages first. You get more stuff when you link with Seasons.

>> No.824416

Play Ages first. Seasons is better.

>> No.824890

What is a voxel? A miserable litte pile of pixels!