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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 125 KB, 754x924, Nintendo's Old Legal Page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9384410 No.9384410 [Reply] [Original]

Do you remember when Nintendo's legal page complained about emulating their old systems so hard that it read more like a fanboy trying to bitterly defend them on a forum than actually something written by a lawyer to the point where they deleted and re-wrote the page after everyone started dunking on the absurdity of it?

>> No.9384416

They built the NES off a bootlegged 6502 and a reverse engineered TI VDP so they can suck it when it comes to whining about IP theft.

>> No.9384428 [DELETED] 

They also probably bankrupted a few devs by mandating how many copies of a game they could make.

>> No.9384436

nintendo doesnt steal anything. everyone however stole lock on targetting from nintendo.

>> No.9384443

I think my favorite part is when they threw a temper-tantrum and insisted on it "not being open to debate" when basically asked why not officially release stuff on PC:

>How Come Nintendo Does Not Take Steps Towards Legitimizing Nintendo Emulators?

>Emulators developed to play illegally copied Nintendo software promote piracy. That's like asking why doesn't Nintendo legitimize piracy. It doesn't make any business sense. It's that simple and not open to debate.

Also gotta love their insistent terminology of "Emulators developed to play illegally copied Nintendo software", like they are trying their hardest not to talk about emulators in general because they can't legally lie that they are illegal, so they try to make the entire argument about these nonexistant mythical emulators that were ONLY developed to play illegal Nintendo software while making it sound like they are talking about emulators in general.

Shame this page went down late 2020 and was re-written to be less stupid (Though the current version still has some doozies), everyone was making fun of it by then.

>> No.9384478

Remember the time a US district judge ruled that Nintendo's exclusivity clause for developers violated antitrust laws?

>> No.9384503

Understandable, probably 50% the people who play Nintendo games are emulating them without buying them

>> No.9384510

It's funny. They then came out with Virtual Console. Which evidently didn't make them as much money as they expected, as they now just give away NES and SNES emulation, included with their online service. There are doubtless a few people who sign up for it just to play some old emulated games, but it's really just a bonus for people signing up to play Splatoon online.
And they will never admit the obvious, but they don't go after ROM sites for discontinued hardware anymore. It's pointless because nobody can make much money off old games.

>> No.9384518

Hopefully by now they have some Gen X/Millenials there who understand the Internet and emulation a little better than a guy like Yamauchi who was born before WWII and by his own admission never played vidya.

>> No.9384524
File: 273 KB, 911x828, Nintendo being Nintendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are forgetting that when NSO was first announced, their "benefits" included.... a single NES game a month... which will be REPLACED (Yes, as in you lose access to it) with a different NES game every month.

Sony and MS are offering several current-gen titles a month to keep (admittedly, at a higher price for their subscription) while Nintendo seems to have felt like giving you the glory of playing a 30-35 year old game for a month and then yanking it away for a different one was a fair equivalent.

It was only after massive WTFs being hurled their way over that where they relented and offered the NES and SNES thing.

>And they will never admit the obvious, but they don't go after ROM sites for discontinued hardware anymore. It's pointless because nobody can make much money off old games.

Are you forgetting how just last year Nintendo tried their hardest to ruin the life of some guy who was running a rom site, and then kept trying to see how much further they can ruin his life over and over just to by their own admission set an example?

>> No.9384527

>Also gotta love their insistent terminology of "Emulators developed to play illegally copied Nintendo software", like they are trying their hardest not to talk about emulators in general because they can't legally lie that they are illegal, so they try to make the entire argument about these nonexistant mythical emulators that were ONLY developed to play illegal Nintendo software while making it sound like they are talking about emulators in general.
Nah, I think it's about the fact that Nintendo itself uses emulators to sell old games - Virtual Console and all that jazz.

>> No.9384547

>because they can't legally lie that they are illegal
You say this, but they do exactly that in at least two other places. Claiming the archival exception is illegal is one. Claiming that "game copy" devices are illegal is another. There's likely more. They obviously don't care about being honest or legal in their wording if they think it will trick you into believing you don't have the rights under the law that you do.

>> No.9384565

>which will be REPLACED
correct me if im wrong, but no game has ever been removed from NSO

>> No.9384580

As I said, that was the original plan, a single NES game that switches out every month.

>> No.9384619

And I bet there'll still only be a limited selection of NES games with no licensed or Famicom stuff.

>> No.9384643

If they had continued the old model of virtual console, at the pricing it was, and allowed those games to be transferred via online profile, I probably would have spent $2k by now if the games were there. I had 0 problem paying them to play games I liked on official hardware. Call me a normie or whatever, I don't care, it was convenient and I'm fine playing a fair price to play the games.
Of course, Nintendo didn't do that. They made every bad choice possible with the VC and now I play the downloaded roms they were oh so upset about. Me and many others, I'm sure.

>> No.9384693

>Are you forgetting how just last year Nintendo tried their hardest to ruin the life of some guy who was running a rom site, and then kept trying to see how much further they can ruin his life over and over just to by their own admission set an example?
I am aware of many recent examples where they've gone after people hosting Switch ROMs. I haven't seen them go after people who don't have Switch ROMs.

>> No.9384695

didn't they get butthurt at that guy who ported SMB to C64?

>> No.9384705

yes they did. he also made the great turrican games and a lot of great shooters. everyone in japan hated him because he could turn their shit games into gold.

>> No.9384707

No not Giana Sisters the guy who did a homebrew port of SMB to C64 two years or so ago.

>> No.9384752

Yep, it's pretty fucking sad that they shit on their loyal customers so hard.

>> No.9384887

>it was convenient and I'm fine playing a fair price to play the games
Sure, but there weren't enough people doing that. It's not like Nintendo really cares either way. They just want to make money. If people will pay them for old games, they will sell old games.
Old games are just a small market. Nintendo will sell collections of their more popular old games emulated on the Switch, and emulator boxes like the NES mini, but they make the big bucks with new games.

>> No.9384894

>Are you forgetting how just last year Nintendo tried their hardest to ruin the life of some guy who was running a rom site, and then kept trying to see how much further they can ruin his life over and over just to by their own admission set an example?
Not defending Nintendo, but wasn't the dude a grade A retard? Aren't you talking about the dude basically selling roms, and then he went and did it again immediately after or something like that?

>> No.9385103

jokes on them I have their entire library, and I downloaded it for FREE XDDD

>> No.9385291

>jokes on them I have their entire library
>entire library is >100TB
If you weren't larping the joke would be on you for wasting space on that garbage

>> No.9385309

>if you don't want me to steal your old games, sell them to me
>uh, no sweetie...
Lol, even back then.

>> No.9385363

>If these vintage titles are available far and wide, it undermines the value of this intellectual property
Cool story, but not making these games available in any legal way serves to improve this prospect how? If someone can't buy your game legally in the first place, you've undermined the value of the IP by default.

>> No.9385515
File: 420 KB, 1391x912, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although original hardware is preferable, the anti-archivist and anti-preservationist stances Nintendo has compels me to keep a local library of my favorites plus things I missed or want to check out

>> No.9386364

Their fault for not trademarking it

>> No.9386368


>> No.9386506

Not that anon, but you mean the guy that (retardedly) represented himself in court and lost spectacularly?
That's him no doubt. There was also that autistic kid who leaked a ton of Nintedo's stuff a few years ago and also leaked stuff prior, but he got a slap on the wrist the first time, then when he did it again Nintendo sicked their lawyers on him.

>> No.9386649

t. 6yo lawyer

>> No.9386665

Yes and I still have all the Gigaleak shit that actually was stolen. Feels good.

>> No.9386904

>Not that anon, but you mean the guy that (retardedly) represented himself in court and lost spectacularly?
Yeah, that's the one

>> No.9386951

>There was also that autistic kid who leaked a ton of Nintedo's stuff a few years ago and also leaked stuff prior, but he got a slap on the wrist the first time, then when he did it again Nintendo sicked their lawyers on him.

Are you talking about the Gigaleak guy, or someone else? Didn't the Gigaleak guy get arrested for CP or something?

>> No.9386975

I love that, I used to send links of retards' pages to Nintendo to get them DMCA bombed off the internet.
With many web hosts you can even just make your own DMCA claim in place of Nintendo, or as a legal representative of Nintendo. Hosts don't check. They just automatically make the domain inaccessible to public until the content is removed.

It's awesome.

>> No.9386985

>literally doing it for free
Imagine being actually even more of a cuck than the janitors here. At least they don't work for a multi-billion corporation for no pay.

>> No.9387450

Sorry I got your Pokemon rom site nuked, Joey.

>> No.9387491

What's the point of reeeeing about this so publicly when emulators have been ruled legal several times? Just makes you look bad.

>> No.9387492
File: 2.11 MB, 640x360, C36F5560-397C-41B7-B407-7AFFB74A1089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the gigaleak autist. Don't know what he leaked prior, only saw people saying that wasn't his first rodeo.

>Didn't the Gigaleak guy get arrested for CP or something?
Lol This is the first I've heard of it if true.
Last thing I heard was they let he go after the gigaleak while his friends held onto the data, drip feeding it to the public.

>> No.9387494

That is correct however even when emulation was found legal, Nintendo continued for years to lie and claim it wasn't.

>> No.9387495

Kind of. I remember first seeing an FAQ in Vimm's Lair which point-for-point debunked everything Nintendo claimed, then later reading the legal stuff on the Nintendo website.

>> No.9387512
File: 28 KB, 1800x1100, 1562629356552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any recs for no-intro/redumps to add to my collection? so far I have:
>all Nintendo consoles and handhelds up to GC/DS
>all Sega consoles and handhelds up to Dreamcast
thinking of adding 3DO to the collection, there's enough worthwhile games i think. Playstation is a bit too massive for now, I'm gonna need a whole separate drive for that.

>> No.9387670

This. It's the type of thing where you download it, back it up, and just have it forever. I'm not going to rely on fucking Nintendo to give me the games I want.

>> No.9388087

Gigaleak guy (Zammis Clark) and CP guy (Ryan Hernandez) are two different people. The latter phished Nintendo employees for information on the Nintendo Switch before it released.
>Don't know what he leaked prior, only saw people saying that wasn't his first rodeo.
Far from his first rodeo:
>Discovered vulnerabilities in various school monitoring software and computer manufacturer bloatware
>Leaked Red Star OS, the official Linux distro of North Korea
>Hacked VTech (cordless phone and educational toy maker)
>Exposed them for collecting the personal information of children (including photos and chat logs) and leaving everything unencrypted
>Got away with it because VTech didn't want to admit to violating COPPA
>Hacked Microsoft and leaked pre-release Windows builds
>Got arrested, then released on bail
>Proceeded to hack Nintendo
>Got arrested again
>His lawyer and parents successfully convinced the judge that he's too autistic to survive prison
>Got house arrest instead

>> No.9388340

>Playstation is a bit too massive for now
Buy a hard drive and get it done. Only 7th gen full sets should be considered too massive right now, and that gen was half shit plus all the wii shovelware. Once you get to 8th gen it's just not worth backing up except for a few select titles.

>> No.9388467

i plan to, I just don't have room left for it on this drive, so for now I'm just looking for whatever else to fill out the remaining space till i get another one.
I'm looking for some other oddballs or lesser known consoles with smaller libraries. maybe Jaguar or something, for shits and giggles.

>> No.9388495

This guy definitely has the good kind of autism.

>> No.9388496

>console crap
that's baby's first archive
try finding romsets of PC-88, PC-98, MS-DOS or Win95/98

>> No.9388518

I can't imagine how pathetic you need to be to LARP this hard on 4channel.

>> No.9388578

Based Nintendo.

>> No.9388589

oh my bad i am retarded. i actually do remember that, such a dumb idea.

>> No.9388614

>of DOS/win9x
does such a thing even exist?

>> No.9388742
File: 940 KB, 498x498, hacker-pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zammis disappeared from the Internet (presumably due to prosecution by law enforcement) in late 2018 before news reports were released in early 2019 stating that he had been arrested for the breach. Reportedly, he was not incarcerated due to concerns over his autism making him a potential target while in prison.
The perfect crime

>> No.9388840

>implying I would swoop that low to earn money when I have a great 6 figure job
>implying I would even get into game development of any type, even modding, given the terrible incentive structures in place and care about making any roms I would share with anyone else
Especially with the audience on this website, the chances are higher than not your mod gets shit on socially and legally. Would rather put my time and energy elsewhere.

>> No.9388880

>official hardware
you have no idea what a real NES controller feels like

>> No.9388898

>cowering convention
take the no-intro pill, anon

>> No.9388908

Doesn’t nintendo realize if you didn’t play the game on MiSTer you didn’t even play the game at all?
How does Nintendo cope with the fact that MiSTer outperforms NES and SNES?

>> No.9389397
File: 90 KB, 274x294, JohnnyTurbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

written by comicbook guy's cousin

>> No.9389410

>dpad gives calluses
>rectangle hurts to hold for extended periods
>simultaneously pressing B+A together is a chore
real controller was shit

>> No.9389436

>console crap
>PC-88, PC-98,
I don't get it, why is jap "crap" on consoles worse than japjank on japanese computers?

>> No.9389470

kek nintendo can suck my emulated cock

>> No.9389486


>> No.9389589

>Gigaleak guy (Zammis Clark) and CP guy (Ryan Hernandez) are two different people. The latter phished Nintendo employees for information on the Nintendo Switch before it released.

Ah, I see, got them confused as the same person.

>>Hacked VTech (cordless phone and educational toy maker)

Oh shit, that was him?

Also, from what I recall, the person who uploaded the Gigaleak stuff wasn't the one who originally hacked Nintendo to get that data and was instead a friend who apparently only had a small piece of it? With the implications that the original hacker potentially had a lot more and lots of other unrelated far more illegal stuff?

>> No.9389609

That's the kind of thing you patent, anon.

>> No.9389653

>I have a great 6 figure job
1. you are larping
2. give it a few years, it won't be worth anything due to inflation and increased cost of living. Right now this is the worst in Europe, but it's only a question of time before it hits America too.

You need to be making 7 or 8 figures to consider yourself financially secure.

>> No.9389723

Personally I just have no-intro full sets of everything pre gen 5, and from those an unzipped personal collection. If I hear about a new game that I want to try out, I just take it from the no-intro collection and give it a shot. If I like the game it goes into the personal collection, if not whatever.

>> No.9389747
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 1649954045519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You need to be making 7 or 8 figures to consider yourself financially secure.
>You need to be a millionaire or multimillionaire to consider yourself financially secure.
Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you sound?

>> No.9391131

I never would have known about this pathetic trainwreck had it not been for Larry Bundy

>> No.9391220

>They then came out with Virtual Console. Which evidently didn't make them as much money as they expected, as they now just give away NES and SNES emulation
I think the problem both Nintendo and Sony ran into is all their legal agreements for rereleasing emulated games only accounted for releasing them for one generation of consoles (Wii, PS3/PSP) and then to make them available for newer consoles (Wii U, PS Vita) they had to renegotiate everything with the publishers, so a lot of games didn't make the jump. The trauma of this put both of them off of selling VC games for a while - Sony is recently almost getting over it but still favors making emulated games exclusive to a subscription service.

>> No.9391223

>us copyright laws 75 years
Thanks Walt Disney.

>> No.9391230

75 years? How optimistic of you

>For works created after January 1, 1978, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years if published. Unpublished works last 90-120 years. - copyright.gov

Yeah, it's even worse.