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File: 79 KB, 1200x884, 1200px-Dreamcast_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9463774 No.9463774 [Reply] [Original]

SEGA shouldn't have pulled the plug on it as quick as they did. It mogged the PS1 hard for graphics quality. Had online capability as standard.
It was too ambitious ;_;

>> No.9463780

I should fuckin hope it outclassed a console from the previous generation. How is that a reason to keep supporting it when the PS2 came out literally the next year and destroyed it sales-wise?

>> No.9463784

Also, stop trying to make "mog" happen, you insufferable zoomie cunt faggots

>> No.9463805

Too bad nobody bought it

>> No.9463815

Dayvayday player!

>> No.9463818

Way to announce you weren't there, zoomie

>> No.9463819

Sega should never have pulled the plug on the Saturn, it absolutely MOGGED the Atari in graphics.

>> No.9463830

Do you think toyota is the only car company that makes money?

PS2 selling more doesn't make sega lose money.

>> No.9463835

i wonder if switching to a larger disk format would have saved the dreamcast?
it already had the sports crowd and netplay years before the console online gaming boom

>> No.9463846

Competition literally does take money away from you. That's how markets work. There's a limited pool of consumers out there and a company's goal is to make as much money from them as possible. Pay attention in middle school economics next time.

>> No.9463847

having saturn backwards compatibility wouldve been nice

>> No.9463852

No. Dreamcast's problems didn't have much to do with the media. The system was mostly arcade ports and a few Sega exclusives.

Also it did not have the sports crowd, despite the fact that the best sports games in the period were on that system.

Most of the Dreamcast's problems had to do with leadership. Stuff like how Sega as an organization exercised very little central control over its different regions, so you had bizarre situations like Sega paying FIFA hundreds of millions just to put Sega's name on the screen during football games in a handful of countries. It was basically the same stupid leadership problems that made stuff like the 32x.

>> No.9463854

it's already happened you retarded newfag

>> No.9463867

Retard. Try to understand the fact that most people are not irredeemable turbo-autists who buy every console. That's true today, and it was even more the case in 2000.

>> No.9463871

I know that's what you zoomie faggots want to pretend, but no. It's not a ting, it never was a thing, and the only thing that's happened when you say "mog" is that you've proven yourself to be pure cancer.

>> No.9463894

it sold pretty well it just hit a lull and sega was losing too much money from their arcade segment and had to make cuts fast.

>> No.9463896

mogged hard

>> No.9463903

They should have kept it around as a budget system like 2000s ps1. Just do a slow 3rd party transition before going full stop.

>> No.9464165

It takes POTENTIAL money away, it doesn't magically suck money out of your fucking bank account. In fact the company in 3rd place can be more profitable than 1st in some cases. Like how Xbox has literally never made any profit because they sell the consoles at a loss and they invest so much. Idiot.

They don't need to be, fucking idiot. You can make money off a small audience and not go out of business. Business isn't a winner take all world. Why do you think more than 1 TV channel exists? Derp.

>> No.9464183

Sure, but PS1 outperformed it in sales. And then PS2 came out. There really was no chance in hell by then.

I mean, i loved my DC too, but reality sucks sometimes

>> No.9464265
File: 280 KB, 779x626, ethanRalph20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, DC mogged Saturn. I knew several people that had a DC but never a saturn. Sega didnt have a chance at this point unless they came up with a pokemon tier franchise

>> No.9464296

There was never anything particularly innovative or special about any of Sega's consoles.
Consider an alternative path. Sega abandons making hardware after the Genesis, and becomes a third-party developer. All of the Sega CD, 32X, Saturn, and Dreamcast games are instead developed for Playstation, Nintendo 64, Playstation 2, Gamecube or Xbox.
None of their games would be any worse for it. They would have avoided a lot of expensive mistakes - and not just consoles that they failed to sell, but games that they failed to sell because they were only available on unpopular consoles.
Console wars are pointless. Sega eventually figured it out, why can't you?

>> No.9464305

ok zoomer

>> No.9464504

Spotted the sweaty

>> No.9464507

>anon gives Sega business advice 22 years late

>> No.9464657

>They don't need to be
Retard. Reality has already proven that you don't know what you're talking about. Nobody bought the Dreamcast, thus nobody bought Dreamcast games, thus Sega lost a shitload of money and pulled the plug. Only reason you think they should have kept it going is because you weren't fucking there, zoomie

>> No.9464808

It sold 9 million
It flopped because you could burn cds on it

Also, the way you tyoe shows me you're clearly some shit skin

>> No.9464843 [DELETED] 
File: 2.75 MB, 3638x4329, tekken 3 review 1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tekken 3 review

>> No.9464873

>burn your fans by creating add-ons for your first successful console, only to abandon them shortly after release
>burn your retailers by messing around with the Saturn's release date
>decide to invest it all in one last make or break console
>instead of focusing on making a strong gaming console, create a kitchen sink console
>get Windows CE ported to the console for reasons
>make special controllers only used by a handful of games
>decide that multimedia music CDs are so very important, the console should support them
>end up circumventing built-in DRM features with multimedia music CD format
>burn 3rd party devs by making it possible to pirate games for console by burning them to CD
>sell console at a loss so company loses money even if console sells well
Sega got lucky once with the Genesis, and proceeded to make every possible bad decision from that point forwards. Rather than make the 32X and Sega CD, Sega would have been much better off throwing the 32x's second 68000 inside of cartridges. They were under $20 in the 80's, I doubt it would have raised the costs of carts all that much in the 90's. Instead of asking their fans to buy a $200+ addon and only release a few games for it, they could have had 32x quality games on the base Genesis. Then their fans would have been eager to buy the Saturn since they didn't already blow their money on an addon. They realized their mistake too late and tried with the VDP, but they got scammed.

>> No.9464941

9 million worldwide sales is fuckin abysmal. The fact that you think this was a strong argument shows that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. PS2 sold well over 100 million.
>the way you tyoe
Ironic but unsurprising

>> No.9464953

>sell console at a loss so company loses money even if console sells well
Fuckin zoomies. This was the standard strategy for console sales at the time. Sell the box at a loss and make your money on software. It's called the razor blade theory of marketing, it's as old as the hills, and it works for gaming if you actually have software people give a shit about. Every time you retards go "well, uh-HUH, uhm, they sold the console at a loss, which is clearly stupid" you confirm that you know absolutely fucking nothing and should have shut the fuck up

>> No.9465146

Ps2 is one of the best selling consoles of an time and therefore not the benchmark for success you fucking moron. That was almost 10 million in just 2 years.

For comparison gamecube did 20 million in 6 years. Xbox did 24 million in 6 years.

That means dreamcast sold faster than gamecube and Xbox, but then was dropped.

Your Childish screaming rage again shows everyone that you're clearly a 3rd world shitskin.

>> No.9465660

It has the most kino bootscreen of any console to ever exist, that much is for sure;

>> No.9465684

>Like how Xbox has literally never made any profit
That stopped being true during the last few years of the 360, I think, but they were in the red for most of that time. Nintendo never took a loss on any console they made.

>> No.9465694

>it flopped because piracy
It's a special kind of stupid to blame piracy for it, especially when neither developers nor Sega executives thought so.

>> No.9465695

Xbox sold at a loss but they made money from every game sold, even 3rd parties. You need to sell a lot of consoles and a lot of games to make profit that way. Microsoft did, Sega didn't.

>> No.9465707

What were the best Dreamcast games?

>> No.9465708

Sega wanted to make games that looked like current gen games, that's why they eventually had to settle for other companies' consoles.

>> No.9465712

>marketing bad
Ok zoomie

>> No.9465734

You can't tell me the bizarre cryptic TV commercials didn't confuse or drive away some people. It's fun to watch in hindsight knowing the object being advertised, but zero people watching them in 1999 know what the fuck they were being sold on.

>> No.9465736

>Your Childish screaming rage
Projection lol
9 mil worldwide is fuckin abysmal for a console, deal with it. GameCube did more than double that and it was a flop too

>> No.9465739

Even though the Dreamcast did quite well when it was out, it made sense for Sega to give it up sadly. Sega was burning loads of cash at the time, from arcades dropping off to writeoffs on the Saturn. The Dreamcast hardware wasn't profitable even before they did a massive price cut, and software revenues weren't as strong due to the ease of piracy.

The Dreamcast was destroyed by hype for the PS2. It was a common sentiment to "just wait" because it would be so much more powerful and have much better support. While in reality, the DC was nowhere near as far from the PS2 as it was hyped up to be, but these decisions were being made before the PS2's capabilities were well understood. This led big companies to not invest in the Dreamcast. In fact, the day that EA formally announced that they wouldn't be supporting the DC was the same day that Sega announced they were discontinuing the DC.

If Sega were to continue, they would've had to commit to several more years of fighting at a loss against much better funded competition. If they had the money, they probably could've done okay, but they didn't, and what investor is going to give Sega the kind of cash they would need to go up against Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft?

>> No.9465748

In my country we don't even get taught economics in class. It's pretty fucking obvious even to the most retarded methhead that competitors compete over a limited resource, hence competing in the first place. In the case of marketing, they compete over the confidence of a limited pool of customers. I'm sure you have to be extremely retarded and not even human for the concept of competition to not be ingrained into your evolution.

>> No.9465754

>It takes POTENTIAL money away, it doesn't magically suck money out of your fucking bank account
You fucking tit, you almost grasp it. That potential money was what Sega NEEDED. The Dreamcast failed to give them that money, so they stopped making consoles.

>> No.9465773

Sega didn't make the Genesis/MD at a loss. Sony didn't sell the PS1 at a loss, and was even able to profit on selling them at a $99 price a few years later. Nintendo sure as shit wasn't selling the NES at a loss using a 10 year old CPU. Hell, a 6502 CPU was $8 in 1981, they would have been dirt cheap by 1985. In what world does Nintendo take a loss on $150 consoles with sub-$10 CPU's?

>> No.9465775

Shut the fuck up, zoomie, you weren't there
People knew that Sega made game consoles and they knew the ads were for a Sega console because literally what the fuck else were they for
Besides, the truly weird spots barely ever aired while the sonic DJ spot aired multiple times per day

>> No.9465784

>The Dreamcast hardware wasn't profitable
You idiots keep saying this like it wasn't the standard practice in the industry at the time. The box was never profitable for any company, it was always a loss leader and the profit was made on software

>> No.9465789

Confirmed for knowing absolutely fucking nothing about the console business

>> No.9465795

Motherfucker, your implication is that the PS1 was sold at a loss for years, which is true. So you have in fact given an example of a machine sold at a loss before the Dreamcast

>> No.9465859

It isn't common practise to sell consoles at a loss, nintendo sure as hell doesn't or atleast activelly avoids doing that

>> No.9465887

It literally was common practice for decades. Confirmed for knowing absolutely fucking nothing about the console business

>> No.9466009

Phil Harrison himself said the PS1 only sold at a loss on launch IF you consider the R&D costs that went into it. Go imply a dildo up your ass.

>> No.9466034

>it only sold at a loss if you consider what it cost
Are you actually retarded?

>> No.9466050

Bro the PS1 was outperforming it in sales a year after it released. Forget about the PS2.
Technical capabilities don't matter. People buy consoles for the games.

>> No.9466798

>throwing the 32x's second 68000 inside of cartridges
You clearly have zero technical knowledge.
The 32x did not have a 68000, it had two 23mhz, sh2 cpus.

>> No.9466813

the Dreamcast is one of the worst consoles ever made.

>> No.9466896
File: 8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dreamcast sold faster than other failed consoles so that means it should have lasted longer

>> No.9467861

The Kinocast is one of the best consoles ever made

>> No.9468749

You're one of the worst humans ever made.

>> No.9468750

find me a sexier bootup screen.
I dare you.

>> No.9468869

I think the library is fine, but if it’s had lasted with full support until even mid 2003 it would be competitive with others of the generation

>> No.9468901

GameCube was profitable lol. It didn’t need crazy sales to make money. Cope harder sonypony

>> No.9470621

>It flopped because you could burn cds on it
You could do the same thing on the ps2 and it's the best selling console of all time.
If anything piracy actually helps you sell hardware since it makes it more appealing to poorfags who otherwise wouldn't buy it, and the PS2 had more games that people wanted to pirate.

>> No.9471248
