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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 30 KB, 700x500, retrotink 5x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9537425 No.9537425 [Reply] [Original]

What 1440p monitor should I buy to get the most out of my retrotink 5x?

>> No.9539269

Shit I just ordered a 2x, so bump.

>> No.9539270


>> No.9539305

how is getting the best picture out of retro games not /vr/ related

>> No.9539318

Just look for something that's both low lag and supports VRR. You can look for HDR as well but monitors don't really do HDR well in general. Obviously make sure the RT5X is updated so it supports that stuff.
If you got a 2x you wouldn't really get much with a 1440p display since you're just getting 480p.

>> No.9539346

There's literally already a thread on the front page 24/7 with that info

>> No.9539361

>playing real hardware without a CRT + composite
Just use an emulator at that point...

>> No.9539431

Fuck off, scalers are retro-related in the exact same way Misters, Raspberry Pies, and Retroarch are. We're not taking this to some generic, shitty board just because you have buyers remorse over buying an OSSC.

>> No.9539438

Retro scalers do not fall under the "CRT" category, try again.

>> No.9539441

they also do not fall under the "best possible picture" category, zoomie

>> No.9539451

I'm not that guy, you're out of your element.
Anyway, to answer OP's fair question, which is a valuable contribution to this board:
At this point, you should wait on the LG 240hz, 27'', OLED Ultragear monitor — it's slated to start shipping this month. If you want a glossy monitor though, then you are SOL because "gaming" companies are fucking pathetic.

>> No.9539470

I love my CRT, but even I admit that we're getting VERY close to the full obsolescence of CRTs. OLED motion clarity at 240hz is nearly identical, and input lag has come down to 4ms — that's far more appealing than the 1-16ms of variable input lag you'll get on a CRT. Unfortunately Windows has a baseline 32ms of input lag, so any sort of emulation is incapable of competing with a CRT. Video scalers with genuine hardware represents our last step towards the final goal.

>> No.9539474

I don't like CRT's because of motion clarity or input lag, I like them because of how they look

>> No.9539487

I think you'll change your tune in 5 years if you're willing to have an open-mind. I can understand having that opinion right now though, after 20 years; backlit LED display are still utter shit, it's ridiculous.

>> No.9539670

>I want to game on a CRT with the most accuracy possible and original controllers
Get a MiSTer

>I want to game on a modern display with a massive amount of additional features, options, and customization

So where exactly does retrotink fit in here? Why would you want the limitations of original hardware, with the downsides of modern displays for retro games, with a hefty price tag?

>> No.9539709

I'm not buying your shitbox and I'm not downloading your buggy emulator. Post something on the topic of the thread or fuck off.

>> No.9539712

Isn't that a bit overkill for retro games? there are 1440p monitors that sell for way less.

>> No.9540310

Not OP but my body is ready for 24inch OLEDS already.

>> No.9541292

No, IPS and VA monitors are fucking garbage at this point. OLED is a complete game changer, and at 240hz — can approximate a CRT pretty well once filters are involved.

>> No.9541315

This is my first post here but yeah man modern displays can suck my heavier nut. I want to believe you, I really do, but virtually nothing I can think of is quality anymore, not really. You can spend hundreds of thousands on a brand new vehicle and it's made of plastic and screenshite. I have no faith left in tech doing anything cool at all outside of those folding displays which at least is an ATTEMPT at something cool and innovative, but that's still probably ten years out from being a good idea. Idk man. Those old hunks of shit still do exactly what I need them to. I like the hum, fuck it.

>> No.9541321

4chan is filled with stand offish zoomers with really fucking bad takes and sub 90 IQ. What's the point even of this board. You're all retards. Let the fucking guy talk about a retrotink for fuck sakes. Most of you have no idea what you're talking about any way.

>> No.9541374

why would you want a glossy monitor? All I ever got out of glossy monitors was reflecting every nearby light source.

>> No.9541384

I've noticed on console to HDMI adapters (xbox, ps2, wii) that the games don't always fill the entire screen. Often there are black bars on the sides, even in "widescreen" on the system setting. My suspicion is that the games always rendered this way, and the consoles/TVs just stretched the image to fit, where these adapters just tell the monitor/TV over HDMI not to fuck with anything, so you get the "native" rendering. I could be wrong though. It's kind of interesting, Xbox games show up as rendering at 720x480, which isn't 16:9 at all. Didn't know that 480 widescreen wasn't always 16:9, guess because the first time I had a widescreen TV was in the HDMI era.

Anyway, what's up with the games not filling the full screen anymore? Do these higher-quality boxes fix that, or allow you to manipulate the screen image to fit?

>> No.9541389

In a light-controlled environment, glossy monitors are superior in every way. Gaming companies refuse to make them and it's such a piss off. LG just released a 27'', 240hz OLED monitor with some of the shittiest matte finish I've ever seen, it's infuriating.

>> No.9541393


>Xbox games show up as rendering at 720x480, which isn't 16:9 at all
That's anamorphic widescreen, it's up to your set to stretch the image out to display the correct aspect ratio. Xbox games are made with CRTs in mind, and so they account for overscan with those black bars,

>> No.9541417

why are they superior? Also, I think the companies don't make them because most people don't use "light-controlled" environments, whatever that might mean.

>> No.9541426
File: 2.58 MB, 2205x937, Eve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrast, Blacks, Clarity, and Colour-depth are all greatly diminished when you apply a matte-coating. No joke, picture related are the exact same monitors.

>"light-controlled" environments, whatever that might mean.

It means you can... control the light... in your environment.

>> No.9541589

I'll accept left because it means I don't see everything reflected in it. Case in point, the guy is invisible in left image compared to it being a mirror in right image. Acting cute about what "light control" actually means won't clarify the matter or improve your position either. I'm interpreting it as being in a dark room. Is that correct or is it not? Stop wasting time.

>> No.9541645

>buyers remorse over buying an OSSC
NTA but why would anyone have buyer's remorse over the OSSC? I've had one for years and I love that thing.

>> No.9541656

What "position"?
Phones, Macbooks, Tablets, TV screens — all of these have glossy screens as a standard. I don't hear people complaining about seeing their reflections in their S22s. Now if a company made a matte Smartphone, it'd flop tremendously because consumers can directly compare it to the competition. Matte screens look like shit, it's not an argument.

>> No.9541659

I just mean people who've bought one in the last two years, to save 50 dollars. I loved my OSSC but the RT5X curb-stomps it based on broader compatibility alone.

>> No.9541929
File: 182 KB, 336x417, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a 2K monitor to play retro games

>> No.9541940

Do you ride the short bus or something

>> No.9541947

there is no reason to play retro on higher than a 1080p monitor. you don't get any benefit from it.

>> No.9541951


a 1440p monitor can scale lower resolution content perfectly. A 1080p monitor can't do that.

>> No.9543586

at least you're finally making some reasonable posts. It makes sense that things for passive entertainment consumption are glossy given your explanation. I buy matte for work, because I don't like glossy shit reflecting things, and frankly I prefer that my monitors are matte because it means light isn't bouncing off of them/showing the room reflection on load screens/etc. I assume there's ways to eliminate that or else you wouldn't keep on talking about how great glossy shit is, so if you'll continue to stop wasting time and actually explain how to produce a "light-controlled environment" instead of just sarcastically re-ordering the exact same words like a social media quiptard, then maybe we'll get somewhere.

>> No.9543674

i have one screen in the gaymen room, and don't want space dedicated to a boxy CRT or a secondary screen at 1080p. Even if you think the benefit of a higher res is minimal or non existent there's no harm.

>> No.9543681

It's the best of both worlds. You get perfect emulation because you're running on original hardware, and you get the increased image clarity and resolution of emulating

>> No.9544963

So what monitor should I get
Preferably one that’s not a thousand dollars

>> No.9545046

1440p monitor can't scale 1080p content perfectly.

for everything else, if you count in overscan, it can scale things perfectly.

>> No.9546430

Bro people don't post enough on this board for any of that, let hime make this thread. I didnt even know what this was till he made the thread.

>> No.9546746

You weren't aware of CRT televisions until today?