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Why does Gura want to join Akukin?
Because she likes Aqua?
Shion is in Akukin Kensetsu?
>入ってないぞ 面接コラボの落ち担当だったからな
She's not, but her rejecting the job offer was the big joke of the job interview collab

Aquatic themed bonds.

Well, she said that the reason she joined Holo originally was Aqua clips

>サメちゃんはあくあと船長も好きだからな シオンはあくあ船長と絡みも多いしあくきんな憧れがあるんやろうな
Same-chan likes Aqua and Senchou, after all. And since Shion also has a lot of connections to Aqua and Senchou as well, it makes sense she's interested in Akukin

>なんな船長好きじゃなかったっけ それが入りたい理由か知らないけど
She likes Senchou, doesn't she? I don't know if that's the reason she wants to join though.

>正直な話、あくきん誰も英語できないし活動もしてないから先が見えない・・・ サメちゃんがそれで良いなら良いと思うし文句はないんだが、ちょっと残念な気持ちもある
I'll be honest, I'm not sure what the point would be, since nobody in Akukin can speak English and they don't do anything either... Of course Same-chan can do as she likes, I'm not complaining, I'd just be a little disappointed.
>やっぱ入るんだったらGAFAにならぶ多国籍企業兎田建設だよなw まあ冗談はともかく、サメちゃんが好きなことをするのが一番や。言葉なんかなんとかなるやろ、ぺこムーンの奇跡もあったわけだし。
If she's going to join anyone, she should join Usada Kensetsu, a multinational company that can even rival the GAFA. Well, jokes aside, it's best for Same-chan to just follow her heart, miracles of language like PekoMoon can always happen again, after all.

>もともとあくあの切り抜き見て入ったのもそうだけどあくあにもらったTNT大事にしてるくらい好きなんじゃなかったっけ それに加えてシオンと船長も居るし・・・何よりサメだしな
She really treasured the TNT that Aqua gave her, and she originally joined Hololive after seeing clips of Aqua. And on top of that she also likes Shion and Senchou... More importantly, she's a shark.
>まあこれが理由だろうね ホロ沼に嵌ったきっかけがあくあで、あくあマリン号建造の配信も当時見てたらしいし 自分が見る側だった場所に立てたのが嬉しい的なことも言ってたね
Yeah, this is probably the reason. She got stuck in the Holo swamp because of Aqua and she said she watched the Aquamarine ship building collab way back then. She also said she was happy to finally be able to be in the places she used to only see on stream.

>ぐらも日本語ほとんど分からんから、中々茨の道かもしれんね。 とはいえ新言語覚えるならネイティブの人と喋るのが一番だろうし、お互いにやる気があれば意外と何とかなるかも。
Gura doesn't know much Japanese either, so it might end up being a bit of a rocky road. But if you want to learn a new language the best way is to speak with a native speaker, and if both sides are motivated enough it might be enough to scrape by.
>この前のマイクラでサメちゃん日本語の看板読めてて感動したわ コツコツ勉強しとるんやろなって
I was really impressed when I watched Same-chan's minecraft stream and she could read the signs in Japanese. She's definitely been studying hard.

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