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>> No.19689551 [View]
File: 446 KB, 680x675, gell-mann amnesia (look it up).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>so I see people who look like me being killed, their cities destroyed, and a plan to genocide them?

Im sorry you had to find out this way anon, but people telling you this are bad people who are like, you know, just lying to you about it.

Putin is not the Czar of White Russian Orthodoxy he should be; but he is a lot closer to that ideal than a literal jew literal faggot like zelensky. Never forget that the whole puppet regime in the Ukrainian occupied region (not actually a separate nation in terms of either genetic, cultural, or political history) was placed there by globohomo in the first place.

Using the existence of the Azov Battalion to troll bluechecks is funny, but don't lose sight of the fact that normies are just going to feel whatever the current ruling priesthood tells them to feel anyways - that's the defining quality of what makes a normie 'normie' to begin with. They've been running their racket in broadcast media for close to a century now, and in the past decade have worked very hard to converge social media into yet another plank in their social engineering platform as well. When people are stressed they become more suggestible. That's why the programmed 'news cycle' of mediated reality is such an important component of a demotist state; a never ending procession of crises, which the polygon uses as pretext (regardless of how flimsy) to do what they always do; give themselves power and destroy those they hate (occidental civilization in general, and SWMs in particular).

This whole business with the fake uke state is such an obvious trap. Which makes it even more pathetic how so many cuckservatives are desperately falling over themselves anyways to start larping as (((neocons))) in response to prompting by synagogites. "See, im not a fascist, i hate Putler too!"

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