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12992773 No.12992773 [Reply] [Original]

Streaming monster

>> No.12992907

streaming kaibutsu

>> No.12992947

How about Ayame

>> No.12993196

Won't she develop Korone's disease and die if she keeps this up?

>> No.12993211 [DELETED] 

She's really dedicated to make the impression that she has no boyfriend.

>> No.12993387

the New luxury mansion won't buy itself

>> No.12993428

Korone was streaming as long as she was, PLUS doing her Idol reps(Watame opted out), PLUS usual Hololive off-stream time wasting meetings(standard practice in idol groups to kill free time so they can't develop relationships with potential romantic interests), PLUS her own personal projects she took on because she couldn't say know, PLUS she led a super active life style(literally said she was slimming down and she trains her ass off physically), PLUS she's been having lots of emotionally traumatic health scares with her family in the last few months

Watame does cry a lot on stream, but because she eats chips and has reprogrammed herself to feel intense sexual pleasure every time a person she feels her heart break due to a Watamate trusting her with the innermost intimate soul-devastating details of their life, it balances out. She also eats enough chips that she replenishes her electrolyte deficit.

>> No.12993638 [DELETED] 

>hey bby got plans l8r ;) wuz thinking tonite wud b all bout u n me n sum wine
>can't, I have to move sand in Minecraft
>how much sand we talkin lmao
>all of it

>> No.12994207
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>Less than seven hours on average.
Yeah, I guess that's a lot...

>> No.12994344

But she's not in VOMS dayo

>> No.12994778

Eh, she's impressive, but Pekora is still out there pulling near Watame stream time while also doing meetings for promo work, Cover meetings in general, and doing that idol grind to the point where she has gained enough muscle tone and lost enough body fat that she looks physically skinnier while gaining weight through muscle mass AND she's on double time because of the upcoming concert
All that and she's only vaguely bitched twice(and bitch is a super strong word for what she did) about be8ng exhausted to tears, literally not having an ounce of free time, and being terrified of Discord messages
Add onto that her near religious ritualistic numberfag egosa that she uses to construct her sense of self-esteem, and her literally spending her free time observing western streamers and bits and bobs of English reps, and at least right now the rabbit is the biggest fucking monster on the scene

God help us if Cover cuts off all aidoru activities for like a month or two and kills the beuaracratic fluff at the same time, Pekora might end up streaming for 14 hours a day every day

>> No.12994881 [DELETED] 

Apparently not since everyone already knows about mukkun.

>> No.12995007

Nah, she's admitted she doesn't have the physical stamina to stream for that long. She won't do more than 8 hours tops.

>> No.12995267

Pekora says a lot of things
I'm curious if she will still be singing that tune if what I said somehow happens and she's two weeks in to a suddenly relatively free schedule and is getting tired of rubber band balls and has been listening to poorly translated Youtube guides for western streamers where they emphasize stream time over and over again.

>> No.12995642
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>Streaming monster
i actually almost never saw her properly streaming or playing games, almost always i entered her stream she is reading super chats, and talking for hours and hours, that's kind of intimidating (and boring) like she has a high wall to overcome to enter, like watching hundreds of boring episodes of one piece to start enojying it, i respect the watamates but she filters me hard

>> No.12996094

You forgot lusting after Hikakin's viewers. That takes a lot of stamina as well.

>> No.12996547

Watame is more liable to get diabetes and other complications from obesity with the amount of potato chips she consumes and not doing much of anything else outside of streaming, rather than getting anything from streaming too much. Korone is at the very least physically active outside of streaming.

>> No.12996856

Isn't Hikakin just a well-known relic of an older era at this point?

>> No.12998563

I gotta be as fit as Korone or die trying

>> No.13000702

You have to be retarded to even consider asking that question.
Pekora would stand around naked at the Shibuya Crossing if she could land a collab with Hikakin.

>> No.13000898

Watame's charm is being white noise in the background because she's generally so quiet and laid back

I wonder how many actually actively watch her rather than having her just break the silence in their daily lives

>> No.13001273

korone is weak shit

>> No.13002400

You guys think Watame is just sitting around on her ass when she isn't streaming? After she released what, 10 original songs this year and had her solo concert?
She's a skelly anon, she barely eats other than occasionally snacking on stream, everyone she meets tries to feed her because she's so skinny

>> No.13002613

>Pekora would stand around naked at the Shibuya Crossing if she could land a collab with Hikakin.
Pekora is undoubtedly a numberfag and I like to remind people of that, but this is legitimately the most retarded exaggeration of her numberfagging that I've ever seen. You should be embarrassed for even typing that out, let alone posting it.

>> No.13009114

I'm sorry I'll go repent.

>> No.13009554

Nearly every time i see her its superchat reading...

>> No.13009665

Also, Her reactions to chat and collab partners is like Solid Snake. Someone says something and she replies to it by repeating what was said back again. It's pretty dumb , not very engaging as a viewer.
She is good at games and great at singing though , and giving a collab partner that actually makes her have proper conversations she is good, she needs to get out of her comfort zone more.

>> No.13009752

Marine will listen to your sins today
