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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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13028017 No.13028017 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start with the obvious answer.

>> No.13028055


>> No.13028614

All of the hololive songs suck, only the covers are good.

>> No.13028624

Mogu mogu

>> No.13028640

Everblue is really good though.

>> No.13028677

Go back to work in your slave conditions so your government can take most of your check Chang

>> No.13028694

poggers ocean

>> No.13028706


>> No.13028712
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What you just said applies to the US as well.

>> No.13028722

OP is a zhang.

Anyway, probably Marine - Unison. I love Senchou but that song is weird as shit.

>> No.13028776

The song is fine, but she can't sing for shit.

>> No.13028794

>original song
Thats a parody

>> No.13028831

Twilight started as fanfiction but is considered its own series. Same with Fifty Shades, I think.

>> No.13028861
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>Tatsuniggers are fucking retards with shit taste whos only known defense is to sling chink at anyone who calls out their bullshit
Big fucking surprise. To be fair though, I would probably lash out as well if I found it my oshi n just became s massive whore the moment she left hololive. What a fucking joke

>> No.13028884

Kill yourself zhang

>> No.13028901

Parody of what? I thought it was an original.

>> No.13028909

I have nothing against Coco, I just think her song is dogshit.

>> No.13028949

Don't try to reason with them, all tatsunoko are mentally ill.

>> No.13028953

Her song is pretty good but obviously you don't understand any of the lyrics.

>> No.13029248
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Meds now.

>> No.13029277

As much as I dislike the orange woman, I think her first 2 originals were pretty ok, but Sparks sucks and it makes me want to throw my headphones to the floor.

>> No.13029358

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.13029377

Tatsunokos did it all in 3 weeks.
Usually, it took 3 months for 1 decent original song. What are you expect?

This song is good thou.

Op is gay

>> No.13029418

You take meds not them and Infinity + Big red heart are good songs

Fuck off

>> No.13029508

Red Heart is good.

>> No.13029510

I enjoyed Unison, Big Red Heart, and Blue Crapper.

>> No.13029756

Weather Hackers is a great song

>> No.13029797

I love Unison's weirdness. It's only downside that it's NOT a loopable song by itself, but the specific sections are. Big ups for Marine for being experimental.

>> No.13030126

The actual obvious answer:

>> No.13030284

good fucking taste anon

>> No.13030293

>People invested thousands of dollars into this shitpost of a song.
Based but also a bit cringe.

However my vote for the worst song is Haachama's "2st" Original song.

>> No.13030479

Oh man the tatsunoko's are gonna leave their bunker to call you a zhang anon, watch out.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of heart challenger, I get what Kiara was going for but its just not a good song.

>> No.13030520

>However my vote for the worst song is Haachama's "2st" Original song.
There is not any objective consensus about that song due to that personal feelings involved in its creation. If you are a Haaton or you followed her through this year you will like that song, if you are not a regular in her channel I can see why you dislike it.

>> No.13030687

eh? this song was made by fans using their own skills and time.
when coco wanted to pay them they flatly refused.

>> No.13030857

I got stockholm syndrome'd into liking Heart Challenger. It's a fun earworm song, just like Sparks. If anything, Kiara's worst song is Hinotori because it's just painfully generic.

>> No.13031173
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>proving his point

>> No.13031336

Unison, the mv is great but the song itself is meh

>> No.13031392

WH is legit top tier. It's the kind of song that could only have been written by a very big fan who 'gets' her streams and the whole True/Idol double subtitle gimmick is very unique and fits her perfectly.
The video is not the definitive version though. The mixing is a bit weird, she sang it better in her karaoke streams and the censor sound management forced on it is super annoying.

>> No.13032689
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Correct. If you're not a Haaton and haven't been watching her since at least the start of 2021, then you wouldn't understand the song's many layers of meaning.

Many long time Haatons agree that Infinity is better than Red Heart because it's a much more personal song.

>> No.13032771

Eh, I like Mogu Mogu and That one Calli song where she dresses like a bunny girl in a casino

>> No.13032832

Dunno about the worst since I haven't listened to all of them but Adtruck is definitely the best

>> No.13032907

Reminder that this song is fan made, and Coco acknowledged and embraced and enshrined it to the point of making it an official song. It’s the platonic ideal of “soul” made manifest.

>> No.13033057

>All of the hololive songs suck
Most of Suisei’s originals are good.so are Ahoy and Unison

>> No.13033079
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How do I pick only one?

>> No.13033117
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>> No.13033408

>US government takes most of your check

rofl, turn CNN off. The US tax burden for all salaries below 400k don't even break 15%. And that's including SALT taxes (State and Local Taxes)

>> No.13033465

Wtf is wrong with eyes

>> No.13033496

>written by an amateur
>performed by someone who can't sing

>> No.13033546

Everything that Mori releases. Complete dogshit. But she has big tits so

>> No.13033552

Not even bad compared to AZKi.

>> No.13033553

>whore whore whore whore whore whore
you forgot about creative freedom and favorite phrase
>thank God she left hololive
get the fucking program brother

>> No.13033595

And…? My point still stands.

It isn’t about the quality of the music in this case, it’s the way the entertainer and her fans interact. Do (You) not know what soul means?

>> No.13033694

It's the ambition of 800k in the video vs the reality.

>> No.13033711

>no you can't listen to her music with your ears
>you gotta listen... with your soul

>> No.13033798

>Every suisei songs
>most of Azki songs
>This sora song https://youtu.be/LPEE4MMDieo
>mogu mogu
>Aqua Iro and For the Win
>Monner's Ai no Chiisana Uta
>Here Comes Hope

>> No.13033802
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Why is it that every thread that revolves around Coco is cursed to devolved into a bunch of schizos accusing each other of being chinks?

>> No.13033847

why not, this is bait thread

>> No.13033911

What ruins the song is Kiara's ugly nasal voice

>> No.13033915

The story of how the song came about and the gimmick are cool, but that has nothing to do with it being good or bad as a song by itself. It's still a pretty mediocre song. Definitely not the worst original though.

>> No.13033968

you fucks just bring Coco to talk shit about her. Make a appreciation thread or something, hololive fans are all backstabbers?

>> No.13034064

It's a professional composer who just happens to also be a fan

>> No.13034096

This is secretly a "Chink roleplay session".

>> No.13034143

if your oshi was atacked from months like her, you would become like them.

>> No.13034235

I get the joke, anon, don’t worry.

>> No.13034252

but hololive is cover

>> No.13034263

Not really what I was saying, but it seems you have a much narrower scope of what aspects can make a song good than I do. The song may not be good in isolation, but it’s the context that makes this song precious.

>> No.13034290

I love Polka and I loved all her songs until Po, which makes my ears hurt and isn’t… all that much fun. It’s a bit extreme if you ask me.

>> No.13034664

I mean I guess, but the idea of there being chinks here feels unlikely
Even less likely that they would say something as tame "I think song isn't very good"

>> No.13035035

But it is good, only problem is that its censored/recorded like shit

>> No.13035970

op said worst not best

>> No.13038109

The only tatsunokos left are just /pol/ tards that never left that crowded around here cause she stood up to the chinks(she didn't).
Rest of them have moved to Kson already.

>> No.13039050

You call senior and famous professional composser as ameatur?

Who are you? Newfag

>> No.13039056

It's not nice to make fun of the dead/dying, Anon.

>> No.13039738
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>the idea of there being chinks here feels unlikely

>> No.13039927

Seriously who the actual shit composed this shit song, it could have been good

He should be fired and extradited

>> No.13040763

For me, I’d say the song itself is forgettable, while the title reminds me of The Who’s instrumental piece following Amazing Journey in Tommy, so it’s a double whammy of a mediocre song with a title that makes me think of a much better one.

>> No.13040880

Dude, the still spaming Holos.
Even EN one latley

>> No.13041037

I like watame's everlasting soul, it reminds me of late 2000's early 2010 harem action anime openings

>> No.13043257

oh come on that one was kino

>> No.13044599

That’s actually the best.

>> No.13044771

Ah, another bait post, do you not get bored doing this all the time?

>> No.13044830
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>the idea of there being chinks here feels unlikely
Are you sure about that?

>> No.13044912

So you are telling me that it’s burgerland 4channers spamming Fubuki rn?

>> No.13044980

most hololive originals

>> No.13047190

Its a parody of Weather Hackers, anon she even sang the original a lot of times and in one 3D stream

>> No.13047449

Weather hackers is actually one of the most interesting songs in term of chord progression. Frequent use of V over I and things like that makes it a good song to listen to, despite Coco being a mediocre singer.
No, I will not take my meds.

>> No.13047517

Because only chinks would say anything bad about Coco.

>> No.13053844
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anything by the wigger.

>> No.13053933

I genuinely do think Weather Hackers sounds a tad bit trashy, y’know?
...but then again, that was her personality.

>> No.13053985

I'm not sure if you're joking or not but it wouldn't be the first time I saw someone confused by there being two sets of lyrics. Both sets are original and were written simultaneously.

>> No.13054044

b-but she posts cringe memes and likes ntr meaning her fans who love her are cucks because she loves the idea of cucking the betas

>> No.13054186

>Watame's lullaby

>> No.13056856

ERROR is a cover

>> No.13057049

people forgetting Palette is the best original hololive song.

>> No.13059206

>We're going to shit on Coco's music when all of Mori's chuuni rap exists
stream sparks you chink faggots

>> No.13059220


>> No.13059311

All EN songs are shit they're not even worth mentioning

>> No.13059366

at least we have 2 en gens, zhang.

>> No.13059508

Most of them are actually great. Guras and Inas are really good, most of Moris are good, and Kiara's Hinotori is really good.

>> No.13060262

Nice try KFP

>> No.13062319 [DELETED] 

For a serious opinion:
Weather Hackers was meant to be cringekino. Intentionally so bad it's good.
Honestly, I found Kiara's Sparks to be the absolute worst. Her Japanese songs like Hinotori and her covers were decent to pass for Jpop, but to hear that chicken voice singing an english song is like a grater to the eardrums.

>> No.13062356

I kind of like Shiny Smiley Story. Does that not count as an original, or am I just a basic bitch for liking it?
For some reason it reminds me of the season 2 opening to Oregairu. (Or maybe S1, been a while since I watched either.)
But that might just be my autism and ignorance of musical theory.

>> No.13062405

Reflect is weird

>> No.13062617

My honest opinion:
Weather Hackers was meant to be cringekino. So bad, it's good. Coco/Kson can sing, as evidenced with her cover of Fansa as well as her participation in Kiseki Knot, though post Hololive she no longer practices that much and only wants to have fun when in karaoke.

What I found to be the absolute worst is Kiara's Sparks. Okay, Kiara's voice works on Jpop songs like Hinotori or Japanese song covers. But to use her chicken voice on an English pop song? It's like your eardrums are being fed through a fucking grinder. If Sparks was pure Japanese, it would be a lot better and help with her obsession with streaming it everywhere.

>> No.13062737

I haven't finished Reflect yet.

>> No.13065392

> Infinity is better than Red Heart
you're fucking delusional, Red Heart is a better song hands down

>> No.13065435

i have been watching her every day since the Taiwan yab and i don't like Infinity

>> No.13065477

My oshi is based.

>> No.13065504

yes, exactly.
only the covers are good.

>> No.13067054

>guaranteed replies
Though given it was just her pushing bet "look how crass I am" bullshit I am inclined to score it very low, when we have folks like watame, suisei, etc whom sing for reasons besides making their existences a meme.
>ex-tatsus continue their sacred cow ideology and call everyone who doesn't suck off coco 24/7 a zhang

>> No.13068626

