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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 416 KB, 913x917, 1637080986944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14217207 No.14217207 [Reply] [Original]

holostars general

>> No.14218058


>> No.14218254
File: 300 KB, 2048x1152, 03586578-2D70-4DDD-BA36-38E58445226B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel love! 3d soon!

>> No.14218811
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>> No.14218939


>> No.14219047
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>> No.14219149
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>> No.14219215

Auran's zatsudans are honestly so fucking comfy.
And is it just me being horny or is Aruran starting to play up the sexy bit just a smidge. Just a little bit, like he feels more confident being the older guy.

>> No.14219246

Pretty retarded given that Shien would be totally down for a collab if Ame asked, it's the other way around since Amelia is the one who promised not to collab with the holostars

>> No.14219513
File: 1.41 MB, 792x965, unknown-8_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majin love!

>> No.14219649

Probably a side effect of being stuck in the unit with a sexy and mature concept

>> No.14219710

my son keeps winning

>> No.14219736
File: 225 KB, 1285x720, Screenshot_20211123-221554_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not Roberu's fault that everybody loves him

>> No.14220836
File: 49 KB, 1060x598, 6124D729-1EEE-4C90-B6B5-2FE43B82BDF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Roberu!!

>> No.14222233
File: 4 KB, 105x150, 62860991_p21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this

>> No.14223434
File: 54 KB, 500x500, Maid_Oga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want you to know that i see and appreciate you every thread

>> No.14223682
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>> No.14226078
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Roberu beating meat!

>> No.14226858

>Liz and Robin
>one of the oldest ships in FGO
What about it?

>> No.14228342

They look like Roberu and YMD cunny

>> No.14228887
File: 199 KB, 986x820, 1621437398166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have a chart like this for the boys?

>> No.14228907

It's about buttholes btw

>> No.14229173

Aruran - Big Brain Academy

>> No.14229543
File: 597 KB, 1000x751, FF-pLeBXoAM-LQi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14229725

What is Knight looking at?

>> No.14230184

can't wait

>> No.14230185

Froppy hentai

>> No.14230744

I hope Miyabi plays Big Brain Academy, but he's too busy melting into an FF14 puddle for that.

>> No.14230924

Is no-one excited? I thought there'd be some hype posting or something

>> No.14230965
File: 237 KB, 660x649, kero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody posted the stream link

>> No.14230968

the hype for his 3D debut has been pretty lackluster this entire week. That's what happens when you don't really do anything to promote it. Hell I'm still 90% sure Cover hasn't made a PR statement about it either.

>> No.14231018

15 Minutes to Astel 3D debut!

>> No.14231031

I was sleeping anon, sorry

>> No.14231107

Astel has like 30k more subs than Roberu did at the time of his 3D debut, if he doesn't pass his view count, I'll honestly be surprised.

>> No.14231155

I mean there are already 3k likes even before the stream start, the numbers should be ok enough.

>> No.14231181

Subs != views anon
Especially since the stars subs are inflated by savioufrags and brand worshippers. Take Selen of nijisanji for an example she has less subs than Roberu but gets more live viewers

>> No.14231202

i predict less then 10k viewers for astel

>> No.14231222

it'd be kind of funny and sad, but also kind of deserved for doing absolutely nothing this entire week and waiting until the day of to give any kind of model preview.

>> No.14231252

>Nothing the entire week

>> No.14231263

Don't be a Debbie Downer anon.
I'm rooting for Seaweed like Roberu would like you to.

>> No.14231276

We already know Matsuri won't be at the 3D debut since she literally just tweeted she's going to bed. So that debunks the idea that the special thanks list are going to be guests.

>> No.14231285

I just woke up for this as it happens 6am my time
I have to agree (a little) with anon that I wish he showed his model. I get that it's a fancy showing like a concert but I wanted at least a peek maybe his slender legs...
>he missed the fakeout stream

>> No.14231286

nta but I want astel got decent numbers but not enough for his expectation

>> No.14231304
File: 19 KB, 680x458, 0b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about the promotion was done horribly. And he's been hyping up his 3D for months it would basically be pic related

>> No.14231306

He announced it. And that's about it. The model previews are a huge part in getting people hyped, and we didn't get that until literally the morning of.

>> No.14231308

Why? What makes you such a bitter person?

>> No.14231317

Is this it? do they all finally have 3D?

>> No.14231329

twink crying voice arroused me, gomen

>> No.14231336

Now we wait for idol costumes

>> No.14231344

No, because Gen 4 will be announced right now and you'll have to wait another year for them to get anything.

>> No.14231371

That's a fair reason, I'll give you that.

>> No.14231383

Anon, he wouldn't cry over that live as he isn't THAT menhera, so it would be pointless. I want him to get overwhelmed with happiness in 3D and cry there, then I can more easily see his crying body language

>> No.14231398


4k views right from the start

>> No.14231431

So THAT'S where Astel got one of his headers from

>> No.14231466

>Gen 4
doubt it

>> No.14231507

GOING TO 7K!!!!!!

Let's go NUMBERS!

>> No.14231542

This BGM is so cool

>> No.14231569

It is!

>we need to step in
What does he mean by that?

>> No.14231595

if he starts singing disney we need to stop him

>> No.14231598

Wtf is all this music bruh show us the model hurry up

>> No.14231618

It kind of sounds like Tarzans bgm

>> No.14231643

I doubt it'll reach Robe numbers, but anyways, congrats to the space seaweed

>> No.14231653

Wait really? Well Seaweed's asshole stays safe for another day then.

>> No.14231662

Ahhh it's starting!

>> No.14231697

Almost breaking the 10K barrier bois!

>> No.14231731


>> No.14231732


>> No.14231748


>> No.14231750

He's so handsome.
>on stage
Fuck all of the Stars will show up, won't they?

>> No.14231764

What's with the shoulders

>> No.14231765
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>> No.14231779

Oh god those arm are clipping hard, what the fuck is wrong with cover 3D???

>> No.14231789


>> No.14231795
File: 432 KB, 1011x840, Screenshot 2021-12-07 060418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a charming lad

>> No.14231813

Someone post caps already im mobilecucked

>> No.14231817


>> No.14231823

suntempo has shoulder problems, please understand

>> No.14231825

Suddenly I'm not looking forward to any 3D anymore

>> No.14231835

I'm crying ;-; he's beautiful

>> No.14231839

OOF the arms are pretty bad nut the costume's cute atleast

>> No.14231842
File: 1.38 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-060345_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting from mobile since my laptop doesn't do well with 1080p videos.

>> No.14231860

The glitter in his hair... bros..........

>> No.14231871


>> No.14231882
File: 833 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20211207-060251_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so beautiful

>> No.14231889

he's so bad at dancing I love him

>> No.14231894

he's so cute bros...

>> No.14231901

He really swings his hips when he walks, like Temma said

>> No.14231902


>> No.14231906


>> No.14231922

Hair looks good

>> No.14231934

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Boruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.14231942

This is the cutest he has ever been

>> No.14231948
File: 1.11 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-060842_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot that Astel looked anorexic...

>> No.14231949
File: 2.85 MB, 1905x1059, starz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14231950
File: 677 KB, 1051x817, Screenshot 2021-12-07 060836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14231972

>it's not Astel's stage but all of Holostar's
Wonder if he will get one for himself.

>> No.14231971

Cute eating disorder for a cute lad

>> No.14231976

did he just teleport

>> No.14231991

Holy shit that transition

>> No.14232024


>> No.14232033

>He'll visit all of the Stars 3D settings

>> No.14232049

Imagine all the fun sex they could have with each other in 3D haha.

>> No.14232061

probably not Aruran's though unless he lives right by the studio.

>> No.14232067
File: 2.12 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-061142_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14232074


>> No.14232081

Bossu is such a faggot, i love him

>> No.14232084

movin' like bern

>> No.14232090

sex season?!

>> No.14232092

why are his hips swaying so much

>> No.14232101
File: 1.14 MB, 970x627, unknown-346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14232108

I'm also a fag so it's a win-win situation

>> No.14232116
File: 1.82 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-061218_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3P with Astel uoooooooh

>> No.14232127

That's his chad stride

>> No.14232131

He craves penises

>> No.14232137


>> No.14232158

Holly shit his hips!

>> No.14232166
File: 2.09 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-061418_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel can puke out stars.

>> No.14232173
File: 1.43 MB, 1105x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14232194


>> No.14232203

>Astel can puke out stars.
I would let Astel puke all the stars he wants on me.

>> No.14232208


>> No.14232210

Pre recorded?

>> No.14232216
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>> No.14232220

It's really sweet that he's featuring all the guys... bros I fucking love Astel so much

>> No.14232235


>> No.14232242

Old man!

>> No.14232251
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>> No.14232274
File: 1.53 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-061609_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give the old man a heart attack.

>> No.14232279
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>> No.14232291

>Aru just sits like that and does nothing in his free time

>> No.14232294

It's Astel's 3D and papa is flexing his moves kek

>> No.14232297

Bros??? Will Astel actually gonna get his ass beaten?

>> No.14232331

He's old, please understand.

>> No.14232333


>> No.14232341
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Just like an old man!

>> No.14232347
File: 698 KB, 1076x1080, Screenshot_20211207-061857_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Aruran so caked up?

>> No.14232366

Nice ass

>> No.14232385

deep dish pizza

>> No.14232387

So, is this gonna be his default 3d model? How about the original yellow outfit?

>> No.14232398

This game is so retarded, it's even more retarded that it's two old men and a twink playing it

>> No.14232404
File: 1.25 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-062045_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Papa abuse

>> No.14232408

They just like bullying old man

>> No.14232409

Old man gets POUNDED live

>> No.14232419

Seaweed your stamina reps...

>> No.14232422

>Two old men and a twink playing with long hard sticks

>> No.14232424
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>> No.14232431
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what do you mean

>> No.14232434

>Shoking: Alien kills old italian man on stream

>> No.14232458
File: 222 KB, 582x624, Screenshot_20211207-062255_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14232459

Stop feeding your vomit stars to old men Astel.

>> No.14232470


>> No.14232471

I can't get over how tiny and skinny he is. Cover, I FUCKING KNEEL

>> No.14232472
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fuck off they love 'em

>> No.14232486

Alien twink sells drugs to mentally handicaped old men

>> No.14232489

Dude, the way he moves his hips.
Temma was not kidding.

>> No.14232500


>> No.14232517
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>> No.14232520
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>> No.14232527

This is reaching dangerous levels of sex they just hugged

>> No.14232528


>> No.14232533


>> No.14232536

I assume he will visit everyone then summon everyone at the end for 1-2 songs?

>> No.14232539

The gay is off the charts

>> No.14232545
File: 721 KB, 727x787, Screenshot_20211207-062525_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seaweed is so adorable

>> No.14232573

Wtf is Miyabi doing?!

>> No.14232594

Stop bullying Miyabi Astel, he's dying

>> No.14232598

M-Miyabi please don't make it too obvious..

>> No.14232599
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>> No.14232601

Miyabi making sexy noises during Astel's 3d debut...

>> No.14232606

Miyabi gasping for air is making me hard

>> No.14232614

Frail boy would get knocked out if you look at him

>> No.14232637
File: 2.04 MB, 1366x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

migabi recieving astel's feelings

>> No.14232643

Who do you think killed Kira? Astel is such an apex addict he made holostars into a battleroyal death game

>> No.14232672

Me on the right rn

>> No.14232688
File: 320 KB, 547x469, FGAGnfNUYAAWx3K.png:large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14232691


>> No.14232697

>Does unnecessary jump kick
He's like a puppy wiggling his tail

>> No.14232719


>> No.14232721

Eh Izurubulls, Izuru will show up, right?

>> No.14232722
File: 2.00 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-063032_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afro time.

>> No.14232729
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>> No.14232739

ENTER WINNING SON and Shy knight

>> No.14232746

>Astel spawns afros

>> No.14232752


>> No.14232767
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>> No.14232768
File: 1.83 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-063143_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14232798

He has plans to kill all of them anon, in case they turn evil.

>> No.14232805

>princess carry
I can die happy now.

>> No.14232808


>> No.14232816
File: 254 KB, 1920x1080, stdin_snapshot_41.11_[2021.12.07_05.32.09].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess Astel

>> No.14232824
File: 1.82 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-063225_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14232828

Become lamy? No. Become astel

>> No.14232844

So how much sex do you think Temma got after that princess carry?

>> No.14232865
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>> No.14232868

Suntempo all in one hole!

>> No.14232914

I can't stop staring at his little hip thrusts...

>> No.14232928


>> No.14232949
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>> No.14232951
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>> No.14232965

Oh shit the R18 part.

>> No.14232983

Holy shit those milky white thighs, I don't think I can hold it in any longer bros..

>> No.14232989
File: 1.10 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-063720_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Izuru's legs

>> No.14232990

If only Kira were here to see this...

>> No.14233030

>Views drop with Izuru, the one Astel collabs with the most
that doesn't make sense

>> No.14233033

This part should be emotional for me but man Izuru's thighs are so distracting

>> No.14233080

They only dropped by 100, I think it's because there are no fun hijinks just heart to heart talking.

>> No.14233085

I miss that little nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.14233088

They only care about suntempo, whores.

>> No.14233094
File: 887 KB, 1366x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

izuru is blinding

>> No.14233102

Just kiss already jesus

>> No.14233171

He puked stars again!

>> No.14233180

Alright time to summon everyone.

>> No.14233194
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>> No.14233200

Izuru is so bad at acting, no wonder he needed Bossu to direct him.

>> No.14233211
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>> No.14233239

This is so emoi

>> No.14233240
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>> No.14233243
File: 1.64 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-064558_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14233285

No lag, beautuful lighting, gorgeous hair, pretty stars on stage, this is amazing

>> No.14233294
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>> No.14233299

Seems like I was right about 14k max

>> No.14233301

Oh that was where all the special thanks coming in I think? Those are a lot of people for the backup vocal

>> No.14233326

These are his members

>> No.14233333
File: 1.46 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-064801_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14233334

He’s doing better than I expected. I was predicting 13k at most

>> No.14233342

>those backing vocals

>> No.14233467

Someone make him a Disney princcess already!

>> No.14233485

This is some Disney shit

>> No.14233517
File: 1.33 MB, 1897x1080, Screenshot_20211207-065211_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14233533

I was right!

>> No.14233558

This is his original song right?

>> No.14233604
File: 1.38 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-065328_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to get off of Astel's wild ride.

>> No.14233651
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>> No.14233658


>> No.14233669
File: 1.30 MB, 1916x1079, Screenshot_20211207-065447_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14233679

I've always thought the big orange cute looked bad but seeing it paired with the hat and tie makes it work.

>> No.14233715
File: 1.17 MB, 1928x1080, Screenshot_20211207-065542_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14233724

jesus christ this quality

>> No.14233733

>a fucking flying whale
I love how over the top this is.

>> No.14233757

What a spoiled little slut, love him

>> No.14233766
File: 1.95 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-065606_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14233807

What a cool personal stage!

>> No.14233834
File: 2.16 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-065806_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merch time

>> No.14233858

He's launching a whole album!!???

>> No.14233864
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>you're next
s this a threat?

>> No.14233885

it's the soundtrack to the stream you just watched.

>> No.14233895

Welp, nevermind.
Also, high quality space seaweed and his space train

>> No.14233944
File: 1.74 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-070011_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so proud of Astel.

>> No.14233956

I kneel

>> No.14233991
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>hiding his tears

>> No.14234000
File: 2.32 MB, 2480x3000, 1615001999680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Shinove.

>> No.14234077

Loved that bit of fun service

>> No.14234109

It feels like Christmas.

>> No.14234114
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>> No.14234166
File: 1.96 MB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211207-070522_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pachi pachi.

>> No.14234176

So special thanks 1 are just people that helped him and special thanks 2 are composers and writers of new songs?

>> No.14234220
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>you're next
This is DEFINITELY a threat

>> No.14234225

The best 3D debut from holo including the girls sasuga cover

>> No.14234255

> special thanks 1 are just people that helped him
I knew it I fucking knew it they probably gave him emotional support or friendship bullshit

>> No.14234268

This was really good. It met my expectations.

>> No.14234295

My man really just commissioned a whole ass OST huh?

>> No.14234315

Arusan is still undefeated

>> No.14234321
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>> No.14234327

No retard it's for the chorus for one of the songs

>> No.14234346

A Disney movie needs a sound track after all.

>> No.14234359

FUCK all the doubters.

>> No.14234361
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>> No.14234401
File: 1.83 MB, 1914x1079, Screenshot_20211207-070910_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be the best 3D I've ever seen. There's no doubt that Astel put a lot of love and sweat into his 3D debut. I might consider joining his membership.

>> No.14234418
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>> No.14234420

I fucking love the holostars

>> No.14234440

actually unbelievable

>> No.14234441

I can't wait for the live now holy shit.

>> No.14234446


>> No.14234469

I thought it was average. Half of it was pre-recorded segments that basically just involved doing the same things every other star did for their debuts(Aruran's stick whacking game, Miyabi exercise machine, etc) but this time Astel is there. I liked the new stages they made and the songs were neat, but like I'm not going to call it the best thing ever.

>> No.14234503

Yeah, good luck with that.

>> No.14234518

Real talk.
Is this the highest quality 3D live from a vtuber?
No lag. No scuff. No broken ankles. Crisp quality. Amazing lighting. Despite dozens of on-screen effects it still didn't lag.

>> No.14234536

jesus that was a lot of people for just a short chorus

>> No.14234599

Did you already forget Ono Yuu concert yesterday?

>> No.14234645


>> No.14234670


>> No.14234698
File: 380 KB, 726x570, Screenshot_20211207-061511_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, I forgot the lowest tier is 10 bucks for some reason.

>> No.14234712

That was kino of the highest caliber, but it didn't have all those stages Astel's did, sometimes 3D lives have lag when there's a ton of shit happening in the bg, not to mention the entire train animation with fantastic camerawork
I can't tell anymore I'm just over the moon at how great it was and need sense knocked into me

>> No.14234736

Where can I check SC again?

>> No.14234748

Real talk though. Why did he get rid of the astronaut suit?

>> No.14234782

It was one of the best from Cover, on par with some of their sololives. Now I really want a Seaweed sololive just to see how much crazier it'll be when he has access to a bigger budget.

>> No.14234788

Can you imagine a 3D model with that outfit?

>> No.14234792

it still exists in the form of his conductor jacket, just less bulky now

>> No.14234811

Watch Kizuna Ai concert or Niji recent concert. Astel 3D is great by cover standard but saying it's the best vtuber 3D live is plain wrong

>> No.14234846

I won't lie, I dislike it compared to his others, so I'm glad. It's great as a jacket.

>> No.14234856
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>> No.14234869

Not that anon but they also are paid concerts. Honestly one of the coolest ones is still the Niji AR one for me.

>> No.14234877

I don't know enough about stuff like this but maybe the design was too complicated to model and to have him move around in? The new jacket is a nice replacement and the hat's cute too, I love the alien train conductor theme.

>> No.14234894

Kinda disappointed that he didn't beat Roberu's record

>> No.14234926

Yeah, the pre recorded bits were a little off. It was nice but you expect that out of a regular live not a debut

>> No.14234931

Kizuna Ai is unparalleled I should have clarified. However Niji free concerts still have lag. Their paid concerts are very smooth with AR.
I'll retract my statement but it was still great.

>> No.14234933

Thanks anon!

>> No.14234937

I kneel homos, I kneel, like ngl I rarely watch 3Ds from the holo side recently but I knew from the start that with this brat, anything could happen and it sure fucking did, maybe it's not the best for some but I gotta say he knows how to stonk it up, it takes a lot of efforts to commission songs, add merchs, put the whole gang in, and also match up the voices from your fans and vtuber friends alike and design 2 of the most kino stage in holopro, no wonder he wants to be last but oh boi he knows how to hype it up so be glad that YAGOO and Cover really going all out for the bois because damn, that shit has top tier efforts. Maybe not the best they for but sure they went over the top for this brat

>> No.14234939

We didn’t have enough smart fridges

>> No.14234958

He might have beat it if Mio didn't do a huge stream over him.

>> No.14234964

Stop speaking like a retard

>> No.14234970
File: 590 KB, 1555x2009, 65F29E57-26E4-40C3-9C8C-2F5833BC860C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel the love anon.

>> No.14234982

Why not? Having a choir for the chorus always makes the song 100x cooler.

>> No.14235012

duality of man

>> No.14235029

It was the beste vtuber 3D concert because Astel is anons oshi.

>> No.14235033

You just don't stream over 3D debuts... Unless it's a special case? I don't watch Mio

>> No.14235055

Who cares, their audiences probably barely overlap

>> No.14235074

They both share the same debut date. Dunno why Mio wasn't instructed to stream a little bit later tho.

>> No.14235077

Eh. If you're talking in regards to production scale, then no, Hayato is still better.
But polish-wise though, Astel's was really good.

>> No.14235081
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He was so perfect. And perfectly small.
I'm already downloading it so I can watch it at any time of the day anywhere

>> No.14235134

It is a little sad that this is pretty much the biggest even in Holostar history yet he didn't even beat Shien's 3D

>> No.14235138


People who sang in the chorus:
Kagura Nana
Gomano Lio
Takatsuki Ritsu
Ryuugasaki Rene
Hinokuma Ran
Kazami Kuku
Seto Miyako
Nun Bora
Kurumi Noa
Annin Miru
Utai Meika
Shirayuki Reid
Nanase Taku
Ashieda Lenri
Momose Asobu

>> No.14235145

I've always disliked the shinji haircut and turtle shell suit, so I consider the conductor gear a vast improvement.

>> No.14235159

T be fair Shien 3D intro is fucking really good

>> No.14235165

Holly shit.

>> No.14235173

>huge stream
She got like 50k anon, that's mid tier numbers for a totsumachi

>> No.14235172

Don't forget:
(YOU) (if you are a member)

>> No.14235177
File: 675 KB, 736x372, 1610842313275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Astel's stage effects looked better. It just looks amazing. I'm not even a stars fan so I have no bias.

>> No.14235187
File: 305 KB, 1176x2048, 6A2B19B5-5E3B-4F05-BCAA-2C1D893335C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel by his Papa!

>> No.14235195

And me

>> No.14235207

Look at that handsome boy.

>> No.14235218

Now you're just being a contraria for the sake of being a contrarian, like yeah for sure it was good but no need to exaggerate just for the sake or arguing

>> No.14235251


>> No.14235258

I was not that anon btw >>14234518

>> No.14235272


>> No.14235293

So many connections were made this year..... I'm so fucking proud of my oshi

>> No.14235297

>mid tier numbers for a totsumachi
My bad, I haven't watched Hololive for a while, so it's still hard for my brain to process the ridiculous numbers they get.

>> No.14235316

>No broken ankles.
Did you in less than an hour somehow manage to forget about his arms?

>> No.14235358
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This is more among the lines of a "big" totsumachi

>> No.14235370

I feel like most of you are basing your entire opinion on the 3D debut on the final 10 minutes when most of it was kinda eh. I mean, cool that everyone got to be involved, but the segments themselves weren't really all that engaging at times. I mean, the stick game was fun the first time and the bike was funny the first time, but this 3D debut kind of had to rush through all of it so Astel could say he got all of holostars involved. Also Astel didn't really do much during some of the segments. It's kind of lame. I just hope you guys don't base your entire impression of the debut on the final 10 minutes

>> No.14235375
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Design sheet posted

>> No.14235423

No, I was being retarded and the only ome who said it so no need for >you guys, I fully concede and dogeza

>> No.14235480
File: 861 KB, 1920x1080, ASTEEELL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's cool I still really liked the debut though. It was sweet to include them all and it was cute and goofy. I'm proud of all of them and I'm excited for what's to come next year

>> No.14235506

The seaweed actually invited his oshi to sing in the chorus. This man is too powerful


>> No.14235547

>how dare you enjoy something

>> No.14235557

Ollie's talking about her aniki's stream on a space if anyone wants to listen

>> No.14235583

So cute

>> No.14235598

There was just so much at stake with the live that even if it was straight up dogshit hardcore Astellas and harcore Holostar fans would say that it was the best thing in the world.
And thankfully it was fine, I wouldn't say that it was the best Holostars 3D, but like a good third place. Pre-recorded segments kinda kill it for me

>> No.14235608

you can say you liked it, but the people going "IT'S THE BEST 3D DEBUT BY A WIDE MARGIN, NOBODY COMES CLOSE, THIS JUST SET THE BAR ALL VTUBERS JUST GOT SHOWN UP BY /OUR/ SEAWEED" need to calm down.

>> No.14235620

What a chad.

>> No.14235640

I saw exactly same comment in another thread
Reminder not to respond to baiters please

>> No.14235642

It's just astellas overreacting as usual. For me Papa still have the best holo 3D debut

>> No.14235645

>Just consume
You can enjoy something and be critical of it at the same time anon, pretending like everything you like is perfect just because of your personal emotional investment is something toddlers do

>> No.14235674


>> No.14235675
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>> No.14235679

What a cool and mature loser.

>> No.14235684


>> No.14235701

Papa is a pretty good example how it's all on the showmanship and not in how much money you manage to toss at it. It wasn't the best on a technical level. But he was the best host posible and actually planned for an entertaining show without the need to make pre recorded

>> No.14235703

I can't get over Astels hip moves

>> No.14235714

Sad. You’re baiting people to shit on papa. You’re not a fan of holostars just a shitposter

>> No.14235716

So everyone else is allowed to be happy for their oshis calling it the best thing they ever watched when it comes to their 3D debut, but because you're a faggot with a chip on his shoulder you need to continue to say it's shit.

>> No.14235729

Okay why do the 3d models look like ps2 era and sometimes their feet clip through the floor and props appearing out of nowhere is jarring and do you understand what you're watching?

>> No.14235734


>> No.14235741

IKR? Anon is so smart, such a serious and adult person.

>> No.14235746

It's just people getting excited for their oshi, everyone does it

>> No.14235755

>hurr prerecorded hurr
Is this going to be the new cool thing to spam now

>> No.14235773


I'm so proud of him anons, it feels like the time he was crying about disappointing his fans expectations was last week.
He cares so much ;_;

>> No.14235786

It’s literally just a vocal astel hater that shits on everything related to astel. Easily recognizable

>> No.14235791

Him not beating Shien is really weird.

>> No.14235803

Astel called her there.

>> No.14235810

Leave the guy, he obviously has a hate bonner for Astel and fun.

>> No.14235817

Me btfo'd

>> No.14235826

I expect dozens of lewds

>> No.14235877

Shit I missed it.

>> No.14235889

As others said he's the resident Astel-anti, but now using a different language and concern trolling instead of going full aggressive.

>> No.14235887
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Thank you anon!

>> No.14235904

Wait... what was the big announcement?

>> No.14235906

It was just Ollie listening to Astel's tweet

>> No.14235914

I'm not disappointed at all, That Astella larper schizo would be shitting threads for weaks

>> No.14235950

What? Everyone with a brain know that papa 3d debut is very entertaining. Okay if you don't want me to compare your precious Astel 3D debut with other Holostars members, Shibuya Hajime 3D debut beats all Holostars

>> No.14235989

Isn't that his new original? That's pretty big.

>> No.14236024

All the recent male Niji 3Ds are still better than any Holostars 3D. But that's just expected out of Nijisanji now the actual content might be debatable but the actual quality of their recent work is top of the line

>> No.14236041

>your precious Astel 3D
It's not about comparisson retarded, stop being autistic.
We just want to have cheer about his concert going well, it's not that deep.

>> No.14236044

I think it's a fair criticism. People wanted to watch an Astel live event since it was his first time showing off the model and it was his anniversary. Instead, he's not actually present for half of it and you're watching a video collection of 5-10 minute segments for 70% of the show with only about 10-15 minutes of the entire thing actually being live(4 minutes for just follow stars, about 6-10 minutes on the other two songs, and maybe like 2 minutes for the merch announcement). It's a similar issue people had to things like the 3rd gen concert, except that was worse since people paid to watch that.

>> No.14236073

Even Aruran and Temma have originals

>> No.14236075



>> No.14236102

Are the Stars finally getting big now that we have resident antis for one of the members? Will we ever have a Kiara-like arc but with Astel?

>> No.14236103

3D after party

>> No.14236106

Kind of gay that this is the only thread that shits on every single boy during his 3D debut. Not even the numberfag general does this. Or /hlgg/.

>> No.14236113

So? It still is a big announcement, even if Aruran and Tenma didn't hype it up. We just had a "Big Announcement" stream to announce Pentas.

>> No.14236138

This is the containment thread.

>> No.14236146

Yeah, you pretty much got it right. The main issue is not the live being pre recorded but the fact that it was his first live and that after about a year of baiting with it, he wasn't actually "there" for it.
pre recorded lives can be good, specially when there's no other way to pull it off. But I'm pretty sure that Astel could have had all the stars there live if he actually wanted to, the little precorded segments are better off as side material, like Aruran's shorts or the skits Temma and Miyabi recorded

>> No.14236149

It's just envious seaniggers

>> No.14236155

>We just want to have cheer about his concert going well,
Sure, anon all those ASTEL 3D IS THE BEST post are not overreacting
Most people including me has issues with astellas not Astel himself

>> No.14236178

He was there, sorry you're blind.
So post about the millions of Astellas flooding the thread... when it's actually you fags shitting it up.

>> No.14236183

I love them I want the best for them bruh tough love

>> No.14236189

shut the fuck up and listen to astel’s original song

>> No.14236190

You seem painfully new, like /vt/ newfag levels of new. What happened to lurking for 6 months instead of posting retarded shit off one thread, but yeah anon holostar-antis and Astel-antis are totally a new thing and not something that's been around since /jp/

>> No.14236219

Okay next time I will always shit on astellas just for you

>> No.14236235

Would you say you saw a band live if you showed up to a concert and they just played a recording of themselves on stage? And then in the final 10 minutes came out to say "Thanks guys!"

>> No.14236252

>Astel could have had all the stars there live if he actually wanted to
Again, how many times must this be repeated? Cover can only handle 5 models at a time, and if they were to do everything live, it wouldn't have flowed so well. We would have so many transition screens just to set shit up. Astel wanted it to be packed, so this was the only compromise.

>> No.14236255

>been around since /jp/
Damn, people really hated him even when he was the least popular member? That's quite pathetic.

>> No.14236259

>anon just saw his first 3D
Don't you retards usually lurk before posting...

>> No.14236263

Oh it’s you. Astellas don’t care about you and neither do we. You’re nobody, stop shitting up the thread

>> No.14236266

Anon, I'm saying this very sincerely. If you unironically want a hugbox why not simply use reddit instead? Ain't the point of these type of threads on 4chan to have a place where negativiry and schizo shit are allowed to exist. Pretty stupid to complain about a shit thread on post election 4chan like this entire website isn't just /v/ and /pol/ leftoevers.

>> No.14236308

>Cover can only handle 5 models at a time
Cover's 3D has clearly improved as show by this live and they've always been willing to do the extra work for the boys

>> No.14236320

If the toilet dump of a general that is /hlgg/ can appreciate ALL their 3Ds yet this thread can't then it isn't a matter of /stars/ not being a hugbox.

>> No.14236334

I've watched most holo 3D debuts and niji 3D debuts and a majority of them were actually live. Whether or not they were "lip synching" when they sang at the end is a different question all together from "did they just play a bunch of skits they made over the last couple weeks"

>> No.14236365

You clearly care because you reply to my post. Remember Astellas are fuckin pathetic that Astel can't get numbers without Apex and Karaoke

>> No.14236373

Then we'll see in the future and I'll gladly be wrong, because there is nothing showing they can go past 5 NOW.

>> No.14236388

You literally shit on astel comparing him to papa how papa’s is the Best 3d ever!!
But when someone says that about astel all of a sudden they are “those darn astellas”

>> No.14236398

The fact that you said you watch Niji 3D debuts and say there's less pre recorded segments just proves you're lying

>> No.14236411

Damm how many pre-recorded segments did the other 8 Holostar lives have?

>> No.14236425

>N-no u
Please die so this thread is cleansed, thanks

>> No.14236443

>Astel can't get numbers without Apex and Karaoke
What's wrong with that? He's really good at those after all.

>> No.14236467

I never shit on astel debut you numbskull. I only said Astellas are overreacting by saying Astel 3D is the best vtuber 3D live ever where it's clearly not and gave personal opinion that papa 3D is better. That's it

>> No.14236471

Reddit and Discord schizos come here BECAUSE they are hugboxxes. They come to shit out all their baggage here that they can’t there

>> No.14236474

Gosh, I can't believe i'm saying this, but I can't wait for burguer hours.
At least the ship posting then is horny posting, not a bunch of sea seething.

>> No.14236499

But you're literally asking for a hugbox

>> No.14236532

In the same sentence you give your own opinion but somehow when someone gives their own opinion on astel they’re overreacting astellas?

>> No.14236542

Yeah that's the fucking point, anon is fucking asking for a hugbox when this place exist as a a way to post outside of those hugboxes.

>> No.14236567

>Astellas being insecure like their oshi again

>> No.14236576

Because Cover has track record of losing permission several times. There's non zero chance that cover losing permission again because they for pissing of some EA or JASRAC executive in the future

>> No.14236579

I think in general, Shien's and Aruran's were the best two. Oga's was the worst since it was just kinda boring.

>> No.14236601

Forgot that Temma exists?

>> No.14236602

>say something positive about astel

>> No.14236611

I'm asking for a non-faggot infested thread, with no numberfags when you already have your own containment, and this obsession with a fanbase who barely even posts here. 1 single comment caused over 30 posts about how crazy Astellas are.

>> No.14236641

And my point is 4chan isn’t your litterbox. Have some common decency

>> No.14236644

Papa has best 3D debut of all holo is at least arguable. But saying Astel 3D debut is the best of all vtuber live ever is just plain wrong

>> No.14236650

>Proving my point

>> No.14236679

>no u!!

>> No.14236689

Temma at least had nice surprises like the retarded Lion and his orisong. Oga's was just boring all the way through and the only reason it had good-ish viewers was because people thought FBK would be there

>> No.14236735

anon, your self-awareness reps...

>> No.14236740

Temma's was great because he's cute.

>> No.14236741

New debuts soon?

>> No.14236742


Shien just has charisma to spare, despite his 3D being the most "basic" he still killed it, pretty impressive as well given that he was most likely given the least time to plan it out

>> No.14236758
File: 2.25 MB, 1919x1078, Screenshot_20210725-013523_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you in the next thread, homies.

>> No.14236778

Temma had some silly moments and had little things to it like riding around on a horse bike that made it stand out a bit more. Oga's just kinda happened, there wasn't really much to it.

>> No.14236780

Oga save me from the shitposters

>> No.14236900

I love Holostars.

>> No.14236914
File: 972 KB, 911x720, 1636127555266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After I witnessed his way of moving in 3D he is kind of cute

>> No.14236982
File: 108 KB, 648x767, BF31FF49-604F-47E0-8C22-3ADE7B0E3F26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14237027

Help us Oga

>> No.14237075

Look at this niggas feet he is a girl

>> No.14237160
File: 722 KB, 1279x1600, 1638876633736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14237193

Tsubamama is making sad. Maybe another child will fill the hole in her heart

>> No.14237297
File: 72 KB, 386x377, 8237334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Cover won't do it, I'll give her one once the foreign travel ban is lifted.

>> No.14237331

When Astel and Izuru were talking about the past 2.5 years it really felt like Kira was missing there. I feel sorry for Tsubamama and Guchico-sensei who are still big Holopro simps even after their kids graduated.

>> No.14237353

The segments in Astel's 3D didn't really do a good job of showing what kind of energy Astel has which I think is the reason why some of it fell flat. Shien's 3D stood out a lot because he came in with a ton of energy and maintained it throughout which made each part of it feel more engaging, same with Aruran, and even Roberu to an extent(in spite of technological issues). you watch parts of Astel's 3D debut and he's just kind of there while the other people in the segment were carrying the energy along. I mean come on, Temma picked the guy up in the middle of their segment and started running around the room. Also doesn't help that a solid chunk was Izuru's segment, which while heartfelt and emotional, probably wasn't the best thing to put in the middle of a 3D debut since half of it was zoomed out shots of the two of them just sitting and talking. The content of the conversation was the focus, but people aren't really tuning into a 3D debut to watch two people sitting and having a chat, they want to see fun little games and songs.

>> No.14237447

Uoohh astel’s girly feet...

>> No.14237490

Astel is not a very entertaining person, this is about what you should expect. His appeal is on how skilled he is at certain things no on who he is as a person

>> No.14237543

Shut the fuck up already

>> No.14237554

I liked it and I don't think he could pull off skits like Shien or battles like Arupapa and Oga. Astel always said this is a first step for the boys so he featured them all. Not like you watch him anyway so you have nothing to expect.

>> No.14237560

I just rewatched the 3D and I’m crying out of happiness.

>> No.14237644

>Not like you watch him anyway so you have nothing to expect.
nta but you don't need to watch him to knows that because astellas loves to post that bits over nad over again

>> No.14237654

>this is a first step for the boys
Very nice of him to dismiss all the efforts made by others including those who have graduate, but I guess since THE Astel wasn't at the front those times don't matter

>> No.14237655

For those commenting all sorts of hot garbage about Astel's 3D, you would know exactly why he did it this way if you even knew a thing about Astel.
He knew that not everyone would be happy with what he wanted to do, but the most important thing to him has always been Holostars as a whole. All shitty narratives or whatever aside, he is truly happy to be in the Holostars and wants to make sure everyone can shine as much as he can.
He kept mentioning how he wanted to move forward as himself, and how he behaved in each scene during the 3D shows that.
The whole point of involving them was to communicate that he only exists because Holostars exists, and the star he gave to each member will definitely be important in some way during the live.
I'm an actual homo and you guys are bigger faggots than I am. Fuck off.

>> No.14237710

Blah blah blah

>> No.14237716

>For those commenting all sorts of hot garbage about Astel's 3D,
but most of the post only shitting on overreacting astellas tho. Most agree Astel 3D debut was decent

>> No.14237743

There are literally more posts bitching about Astellas than any Astella meltdown.

>> No.14237783

Huh, I didn't know Rene knew Astel

>> No.14237838

>The whole point of involving them was to communicate that he only exists because Holostars exists, and the star he gave to each member will definitely be important in some way during the live.
Man get a fucking grip, the world doesn't revolve around Astel , no matter how much he wants it to

>> No.14237845

And still the retards bitching about how the 3D wasn't 24/7 Astel need to be reminded so I'll keep fucking posting it.
He wanted to feature all his friends that he's thankful for.

>> No.14237882

Why are Astellas like this?

>> No.14237892

well duh astellas are gloating that his 3D debut being the best live evah, that's indirectly shitting on every other vtuber live (not limited to holostars). Of course lot's of people will get mad

>> No.14237934

His live was the best production Cover has ever put together, far better than Bloom

>> No.14237951
File: 2.65 MB, 498x498, HolymolyAstel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei and Astel? Anya and Astel? Since fucking when???

>> No.14237965

So... what are the plans for the live concert? I bought my ticket, but I figured someone would setup a room to watch it together.

>> No.14237978

>that's indirectly shitting on every other vtuber live
And you call astellas insecure

>> No.14238015

Sex party

>> No.14238016

Sorry you're on your period.

>> No.14238017

Anya tweets to the stars fairly often.

>> No.14238067

that's a big detail that's not there
you call fact checking as being insecure?
yeah a period of being not over reacting to everything

>> No.14238084

Fucking Izuru's thighs backstage.

>> No.14238107

I'm going to watch the restream on the cytube

>> No.14238111

Apex apex apex...

>> No.14238191

>not overreacting
>is still having a mental breakdown

>> No.14238242

>you call fact checking as being insecure?
I'm not the one trying to find a deeper meaning on what another fanbase is saying just to feel offended.

>> No.14238271

I'm not the one whose saying the best live evah to safe by the book half boring 3d debut you know
deeper meaning, really? astellas minds are really something else

>> No.14238276

Bros... Astel is not at 1M yet, what happened wasn't he supposed to save the holostars with his live?

>> No.14238277

Is it the part of the song where they go "hoo ohh, ooh" and shit?

>> No.14238312

You are melting down over an opinion. How do you operate in the real world?

>> No.14238333

Honestly he could have just made up the list because I deadass can't tell anyone apart

>> No.14238357

You're the kind of person that makes me really glad about all the Stars hate here.
