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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 30 KB, 581x226, ANDROID USER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15990831 No.15990831 [Reply] [Original]

Does your oshi use Android?
If so, then he / she is BASED and a winner

>> No.15991074
File: 129 KB, 1080x775, ALICE ANDROID ARABIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15992148

Subscribing to Kiara now

>> No.15992194

Why is Alice writing in Arabic?

>> No.15992395

Only Americans use a**le products.

>> No.15992491

Mashallah don’t question the will of allah

>> No.15992651

Europe isn't like the US where 95% of the people have bought into the Apple ecosystem, android phones are very common there.

>> No.15992882

Only Americans use Apple and still care about smartphones in general.

>> No.15993120

as an apple user, stock apple products suck
however, no other manufacturer makes a normal sized phone (no, pop tarts are not normal sized)
for this reason i continue to use an Iphone SE gen 1 2016 edition, and if it ever breaks i'll be upgrading to either a 12 mini or a 13 mini
also, just jailbreak your iphone. stock iphone software is shit, jailbroken iphones are great.
comparing a jailbroken iphone to androids, iphones win because you're stuck with shitty sizing/form factor on your androids. (and no, those stupid micro android are not normal sized or usable either)

>> No.15993196
File: 85 KB, 750x341, mashallah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touched by the light of allah

>> No.15993715

pop tart supremacy
custom launcher banzai

>> No.15993861

itoddlers btfo

>> No.15993935

Only americans go into debt for an apple phone so they don't look poor.

>> No.15995023

>manlet having trouble using phones built for kids
every time

>> No.15998722

Advice: don’t buy an iPhone

>> No.15998950

I use Iphone because I have a job and I can afford luxury and also provide for my oshi, your point is?

>> No.15999208

wtf i love kiara now

>> No.15999225

i wear a mens medium for just about everything, including gloves.

>> No.15999712

She's Japanese so she has an iPhone

>> No.16000003

roru rumao

>> No.16000208

Allah is great!

>> No.16001344

third-world peasant here, iPhones are indeed considered luxuries in most non first-world countries, even the cheap and old ones, mostly because you have to nearly pay for everything in their App Store, meanwhile you can find hundreds of cheap copies of the same paid app (of variable and also questionable quality) in the Android App Store and non-official stores so most people go for android, also there are less or none anti-repair measures that don't tend to be present in cheaper Android devices (specially chinese stuff), meanwhile Apple just keeps upping their anti-repair game which means buying an entire new phone or get charged a painful extra for small fixes within official Apple repair centers, which is why people get the cheaper Android Mobile options that sometimes get even fixed with the wrong parts or extremely rustic homemade solutions.

>> No.16005923

>Being stupid is a luxury.

>> No.16007289


>> No.16007475

>Iphone SE gen 1 2016 edition
>H: 123.8 mm (4.87 in) W: 58.6 mm

>Pop Tarts
>10.01 x 5cm
Your phone is 2cm wider and 1cm longer than a pop tart, it is one of the most pop-tart sized phones in existence.

>> No.16007528

Pretty sure many of the holos have confirmed that their tracking runs on an iphone so chicken uses both.

>> No.16007993

>I use Iphone because I have a job and I want to be seen as a richfag

>> No.16008152
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1636531880302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have both.

>> No.16008305
File: 28 KB, 593x225, dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every holo is given an iphone for face tracking and they generally use company-given iphones for twitter, etc. to make sure they're not ever mistaking their roommate twitter accounts with their holo accounts.
But there are some holos that just don't care or are too dumb to care.

>> No.16008440
File: 172 KB, 331x279, 1641351234583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's willing to pay thousands of dollars for a phone he can't even customize whe he could fucking buy a luxury phone with linux-based software for the same price
Thanks for telling us that you're bad with money

>> No.16008441
File: 299 KB, 1920x1080, pop tart se.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the hell did you get your measurements from, i couldn't find an online source for the dimensions of pop tarts, did you measure them yourself? if so, what the hell kind of pop tarts did you measure because those aren't the measurements of any pop tarts i've ever seen.
and yes, the phone is taller, but that's not what really affects comfortable usability, it's width. phones that are much wider than this become annoying to use 1 handed
(camera quality is shit because, my main camera is my se gen 1)

>> No.16008960
File: 1.41 MB, 638x470, risitas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute madman

>> No.16009063

Based anon, put in effort to btfo a retard

>> No.16009122

Did you scrape all the icing off those poptarts for just this photo

>> No.16009145

nah, you just get unlucky with them like that sometimes

>> No.16009198

Wait what? What kind of third world hell hole do you live in that you pull fucking poptarts like this????? Nigger I've been eating them since I was fucking 10 and this is my first time seeing this shit.

>> No.16009200

She said she has iPhone too

>> No.16009223

i heard you can't watch webms on iphone
fuck that

>> No.16009345
File: 834 KB, 2000x2667, 20220107015750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hawaii, but yeah that's probably the least frosted one i've ever seen. the other one was better as you can see, still not great though.

>> No.16009354
File: 52 KB, 967x517, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard did you search exactly?

>> No.16009410

What the hell are we shipping the defects to Hawaii now don't coconut nigs deserve quality toaster pastries?

>> No.16009450

Anon, poptart company has had a worker strike, people are finding hair and shoelaces in cheezits and poptarts.

>> No.16009467

Sounds more like you use an iPhone cause you're a pretentious cunt

>> No.16009500

wrong, i have a small collection of ero anims on my phone (some mp4, some webm, mostly custom udon). and just like most people on most platforms, you just use vlc

>> No.16009570

They haven't been on strike since the 21st and it was less than 1500 people how could quality control slip that badly that quickly is Kellogg that fucky

>> No.16009745

If you call their number and give details about when you bought them, where, and codes on the box they will send you a year supply of Poptarts for reporting a quality issue. Ganbare anon.

>> No.16010108

When do you think think the pop tart on the shelf today was packaged? Hell, if anything it should be the "strike didn't start until October."

>> No.16010141


>> No.16010256

And Australians. And Japanese people. Doesn't sound like bad company desu.

>> No.16010526

Didn't vlc die years ago?

>> No.16010572

based alicechad

>> No.16010659
File: 223 KB, 375x426, 1612068053807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an Android user I must say I am jealous of the iphone's power, efficiency, long term updates, and security features.

>> No.16010756

American hands typed this post

>> No.16010764

Nice falseflag, applefag, have a (you).

>> No.16010819

i used to hate her just like how i use to feel weird seeing pekora first time in my life.. but maybe it time for changes and give it a try?

>> No.16010848

That makes no sense.

>> No.16010862

/g/ autsits are the worst. it's genuine autism, nobody cares what sort of phone you use.
>my oshi uses android, shes so based teehee
is just you seeking validation for your autism. and this is coming from someone who uses android and dislikes most apple products.

it's just a phone, who gives a shit?

>> No.16010893

Did you miss the tribalism posts on your way to this thread anon

>> No.16010930

did you miss /g/ on the way to this board, tourist?

>> No.16010971

couldnt tell you, my oshi isnt a phone poster

>> No.16011011

Yes I don't visit shitty boards that have zero relevance on my intetest retard its called a life now go touch grass

>> No.16011049

if you like arguing over inane shit only a small amount of autists care about then /g/ is definitely the board for you my friend

>> No.16011058

Tis true
nah I haven't owned a Apple since the iphone 7. I rock a OnePlus 8 pro for now, but I might upgrade to the iPhone 14 if they have gotten rid of the notch.

>> No.16011075

wtf I don't hate Kiara anymore

>> No.16011154

>As a cheap chinkphone user I must say I am jealous of actual phones' power, efficiency, long term updates, and security features.

>> No.16011195

Nigger you literally have people arguing over which company is shit based on virtual avatars of anime women and men.
At least with phones you can argue of actual issues such as battery life, closed vs open file systems, repairability and a bunch of other bullshit. Here its just
>Your corpo gay cause males
>No your corpo gay cause numbers
If thats not the absolute most insane shit then Idk what is

>> No.16011235

Only Japanese are good company here, American and Aus are like the bottom of the bottom

>> No.16011275

>Nigger you literally have people arguing over which company is shit based on virtual avatars of anime women and men.
that's also retarded, but at least it's contained to /vt/

>> No.16011286
File: 24 KB, 582x193, REIMU ANDROID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi five to Reimu as well

>> No.16011289
File: 3.05 MB, 194x155, 1619708232890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16011302

I remember her using the CCP botnet Huawei and breaking it shortly after debut and saying she wanted to by another one. I'm certain she's posting on Twitter with chink hardware. Not based.

>> No.16011382

Consoom more, goy.
All of them are provided iPhone 10s? from Cover to stream with.

>> No.16011410

All holos are provided an iPhone for their L2D setup, so Kiara could very well use the iPhone that Hololive provided her, but she decided to get an Android instead. Based dual-wielder.

>> No.16011441

I use an iphone because OSS is aids and should be eradicated.

>> No.16011505

Anon, I have some bad news about where the parts in your phone were manufactured...

>> No.16011952

>he thinks picrel wasn't on purpose
It was a marketing move to bring her old subs over.

>> No.16011976

Probably Taiwan, yes I'm aware of that but there's a difference between Chinese made parts and Chinese manufactured phones with all the spyware loaded into the system on Day 1. I believe only Motorola has chips not made by the bugs.

>> No.16012135

>first this
>muted during debut 3 times in a row
>then fucks up minecraft servers and has an impromptu collab with Polka during collab ban period

Nah, she's just a dork. I dislike her design and I'm indifferent to her singing, but she's the cutest dork out there. Makes me want to pinch those plump, soda-filled cheeks.

>> No.16012361

Nonsense. Muslim immigrants in Europe do the exact same thing.

>> No.16012495

Jesus christ this is a family friendly board cover that lewd shit up.

>> No.16012605

They just steal that shit.

>> No.16013106

Nice try itoddler

>> No.16013172

She's latina of course she uses android, probably a xiaomi too

>> No.16013344

Loleeeee, thanks for the lole

>> No.16013445

>iPhone autism
>Pop tarts
>Dirty photo from greasy lens/fingers
>Poor grammar and punctuation
Possibly the most American post I've ever seen on this board.

>> No.16013489

I switched to an iPhone after using Android for a decade. It's not a meme that everything just werks. My next purchase is replacing my T420 Stinkpad with an iPad Pro and Magic Keyboard.

>> No.16013785

Just get a RAZR 5G if you don't want retarded huge phones

>> No.16013826

There is a whole social class in china made of young costumers who take loans after loans just to have the latest iphone

>> No.16013927

Caring about what phone people use is so fucking childish. Literally sounds like you're thirteen.

Unless you're poor. If you're poor and get an iPhone, get fucked and prioritise your life.

>> No.16013972

honestly, i want to fall into this iphone meme so bad but the fact that it cant emulate for shit keeps holding me back

>> No.16017569

by allah

>> No.16017777


>> No.16020418

I don't know what you are smoking to even think that Iphone = luxury

Take your meds bro

>> No.16020665

Look at the size of that lad.

>> No.16020687

Alice of Arabia

>> No.16021203

I wonder if there's evidence that anonymous online culture facilitates tribalistic monkey behavior, or if you are just a faggot.

>> No.16021339

The fuck is this seethe about americans? The Japanese are obsessed with apple products you retards

>> No.16021347

>with linux-based software for the same price
pine phones never ship

>> No.16021550

>contained to /vt/
Oh anon....

>> No.16021689

I'm glad my oshi uses an iphone that respects her privacy and doesn't collect data on every single screen touch she makes.

>> No.16021698

anon chama... Tribalism is on pretty much every board

>> No.16021716

Seethe all you want, but that won't change the fact that English as a language suck donkey balls

>> No.16023101

kek based

>> No.16026544

>year's supply
>only receive 4 boxes because you're only supposed to eat 1 a week

>> No.16027251
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 1496590170623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

human nature facilitate tribalistic monkey behavior, it's on our DNA

>> No.16027887

how can something be a luxury if like 80% of americans have it

>> No.16027913

you actual fucking faggot, you literally have looked at a samsung phone and nothing else

kill yourself, you clearly don't know how to use google

>> No.16027958

imagine trusting your data with google over apple

>> No.16028116

I don't think my grammar is poor... though i do get really lazy with my punctuation when typing informally
the camera isn't greasy, it's just a really shitty usb webcam that i had lying around. and yes, inches, i've had that ruler for as long as i can remember. if you prefer i could have instead used my 30 foot tape measure, which also only has feet/inches marked on it. i don't think i have any metric rulers or tape measures, don't need them, they're irrelevant. sometimes i'll measure a liquid in mL, or a mass in grams, but only rarely

>> No.16028257

Apple is alright, but the way they Jew you over RAM and storage leaves a bad taste in the mouth

>> No.16028287

Sort of. They go into debt to buy the phone, then fail to pay the debt.

Not quite the same thing as getting a phone that dropped off a truck, but same end result, I guess.
