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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15998201 No.15998201 [Reply] [Original]

>Manage to make it to the finals
>Neither of them stream it
This is fucking retarded. For real.

>> No.15998363

Not usually a fan of drama, but yeah. They blew it.

>> No.15998602

Why the fuck would they not stream it? Gura is even doing really well.

>> No.15998651

This is embarrassing

>> No.15999400

Next year they need to make a rule against this shit

>> No.15999540

>be streamers
>don't stream your pov of a huge tournament
This is so fucking stupid, you wouldn't see this behavior in any other company or gamer scene in general. I blame the managers for allowing this.

>> No.15999547

Need time lord paizuri

>> No.15999615

Sleep deprived shork will swear a lot

>> No.15999709

The less of pedo-shark the better

>> No.15999859
File: 90 KB, 960x950, 1591411795614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN is a fucking stain on Cover corporation. Nuke all of them. I'm not joking.

>> No.15999891

Wow, Gura made it to the third spot. And fourth overall! This sure would have been interesting to follow!

>> No.16000725

For once, I have a hard time disagreeing

>> No.16000917

tummy hort

>> No.16000935

Its your fault for being ENfag and letting them get away woth being lazy

>> No.16000951

Hope someone at Cover is pissed about this. So stupid.

>> No.16001046

i wasn't expecting anything from kronii but gura streaming part of it then just ditching without saying anything hurts.

>> No.16001173

Just let the fucking shark sleep already

>> No.16001228

If fans have any sense, they will be disappointed in Gura for this and say as much. Don't let it slide.

>> No.16001263

blame japs for making they stay up to 3am

>> No.16001639

You are speaking of EN fags. They literally have no standards at all and will eat eveything their oshi spews. Most likely tummy hurt as usual

>> No.16001663

Everyone in this thread neck yourselves. You'll never be Japanese your oshis all hate you for being gaijin.

>> No.16001678

She could play but not stream? Not even just her PoV? It's not like she had to talk a lot.

>> No.16001757

And you were forced to watch those oshis, looking for Gura/Kronii in the background, because they refused to stream.

>> No.16001942

T. dumbfuck who has never stream before

>> No.16001956

My oshi would stream if she made it to the finals

>> No.16002007

the state of EN whiteknights

>> No.16002062

It's 3 am so they're tired, or to help with the network connection to Japan.

>> No.16002216

These girls make more money in a month than you make in a year. There is no excuse for not streaming for 20 minutes at the end of the tournament that they chose to join.

>> No.16002231

shut up nigger

>> No.16002251

>No EN MC for the tournament
Omega... do your job.

>> No.16002341

Got the full pic? Asking for a friend.

>> No.16002342

I'm sad we didn't get to hear Gura drop an n bomb on getting hit with that blue shell.

>> No.16002358

It's really a dumb and flabbergasting decision. It really killed a lot of the mood for the finals.

>> No.16002395

Their bfs were playing, pls andastan

>> No.16002458

This is what I get for being an ENcuck. Still not gonna bother learning Japanese, but not gonna stay up until 7 AM for a tournament either. EN just decided to treat their own selves as a side branch.

>> No.16002491

Blame management. She mogged all her sempai's in live viewers they had to shut her down to contain her power level.

>> No.16002513


For a second there I thought is was Kiara but no, it was OP instead.

>> No.16002524

Uh uh. Totally. Just let her keep being a lazy disrespectful asshole and suffer no consequences because it's always someone else conspiring.

>> No.16002537

Who are they meant to pander anon? Mutts in NA or Kiara in Austria?
Or perhaps they are gonna make it so that its early morning for EU and late night for NA and standard time for JP as they did now. Its the only sane option.

>> No.16002568

So you all acknowledge that JP VTubers are superior and will watch them exclusively from now on right?

>> No.16002623

The one time this asshole would have come in handy.

>> No.16002642
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Always have

>> No.16002743

I watch EN and JP Hololive. I refuse to be put into camps. Unity is perfection. Unity is love.

>> No.16002750

No because I don't want to learn Japanese. I'll just watch less Hololive instead. Cross branch collabs are a lie and for once, it was not JP's fault

>> No.16002847

Fuck off. Gura could have manned up and streamed that.

>> No.16002867
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sorry, we were have a raw threesome and didn't look at the time, I gave my little brother and sister their accounts so they could play in their place

>> No.16002999

That's probably why she didn't stream it, she'd badmouth someone and the chunbuds would go rabid (see Iofi)

>> No.16003176

There was no unity today. The JPs streamed the finals and the ENs couldn't be arsed.

>> No.16003192

look at this zhang

gura said it during her last training match with fauna. she concentrates and plays better when she's not streaming, and didn't want to stream the tournament so she could give it her all. I'm sure cover wanted her to stream the first round, but she probably got permission to skip streaming the championship round.

this isn't a surprise.

>> No.16003291

Tough shit. The other holos probably play better when they aren't streaming either, but that's beside the fucking point, isn't it?

You would have actually been happy with Gura if she won the whole tournament without even streaming it? I would have been even madder at her than I am now. It misses the whole fucking point.

>> No.16003353

Of everyone had that mentality, they'd just tell us the results

>> No.16003379

A-chan told them not to in order to direct the views to the JPs.

>> No.16003405

she never said that, she said it doesn't make any difference whether she streams or not, go back and watch it fag.

>> No.16003426

Almost all the JPs streamed while barely any of the ENs streamed. Ame was wondering if she was even allowed to stream it. I honestly suspect EN management austism is involved somehow.

>> No.16003453

Every JP finalist streamed their POV, even the ones that tilt and seethe at the game.

>> No.16003527

EN vs JP fanbase tribalfaggotry is honestly the most pathetic and retarded thing, especially if its within the same company.. If the girls are not enemies with each other then why treat it as if that was the case

>> No.16003531

Source: Your Ass

>> No.16003538

Who is the tournament for anon? What is the idea of having tournaments? Why are EN talents treating it like the tournament is for them?
Suisei was tryharding hard and she wasnt neglecting her fans.

>> No.16003606

Except the tribalfaggotry, in this case, is me being on the EN side and being fucking disappointed that I get treated like shit because of it. Is this their first ever actual fully competitive collab where they aren't divided into groups and it's everyone just participating by themselves? And these idiots didn't even stream it. It boggles the mind.

>> No.16003697

This has nothing to do with that

>> No.16003714

You want Cover to punish Gura for pulling off this bullshit, but they won't, because they're the one who made it so.
Search it in your heart, you know it to be true.

>> No.16003743

Expected from Kronii, but at this point Myth is as worthless as Council
Only IRyS matters

>> No.16003769

All of Holo EN are western subverters that brought in the cancerous SJW Reddit audience, intentionally or not. They can go fuck themselves.

>> No.16003789

>me being on the EN side and being fucking disappointed that I get treated like shit because of it
lmao shut the fuck up you concern troll faggot

>> No.16003793

No. They won't punish her because she can get away with anything and no one tells her to do better.
She's celebrating on twitter and on member only posts and it's all people just being happy for her.

>> No.16003802

>None of them won
Well, now we know why

>> No.16003839

Suck my dick. I watched like 4 JP streams at once to try to figure out where Gura even fucking was. And so did every single one of you faggots. So don't get on your high horses and pretend it's raining when she's pissing down on us.

>> No.16003909

She also said she's not competitive and may throw to have fun in zako cup, point is Gura says a lot of dumbshit that only global redditors like (You) believe instead of looking at her action. She would have ruined the whole thing if she won, retard.

>> No.16003984

Convenient that you forget that Coco, a JP, had an entire reddit segment and was truly the one to bring in reddit popularity?

>> No.16004010

It might just be because I stayed up until 7 AM, but this is the most disappointed I've been at Gura

>> No.16004016

Guess who else was a westerner, faggot.

>> No.16004036

Coco may be HoloJP but she will never be Japanese.

>> No.16004046

They deserve to lose because of that

>> No.16004073

no actual fan has this infantile take you fucking clown
you're not fooling anyone

>> No.16004114

Kill yourself nyantard

Unironic cope
Gura is lazy when she's not streaming

>> No.16004115

legit same

>> No.16004197

How is it infantile to want to cheer for Gura when she's on the Top 12, and eventually, the Top 4, of the fucking finals of the tournament?
It's so preposterous you're treating me like the bad guy here. This isn't about yabes or whatever. I'm not doxxing Gura. I'm not saying she's a dirty Westerner that needs to be destroyed. I'm saying that this decision, in particular, was fucking retarded, and made this event much worse for people that were following her along, and I'm obviously right.

>> No.16004198

Changing the goalpost from "EN" to "Westerner" as cope with the shame of being called out on your stupidity? Ah very clever!

>> No.16004201

She was already swearing on the group race, she would've went Pewdiepie on that Blue Shell

>> No.16004249

Coco is an honorary EN, cope, all western VTubers are fucking cancer and you know it.

>> No.16004269

I'm glad that Coco is gone too.

>> No.16004327


>> No.16004378
File: 124 KB, 1375x749, 1622624882258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
It sounds to me Nousagis are still asshurt ahahahahahha

>> No.16004382

Nah, I think they're fun and are at the precipice of innovation of vtubing


Is that what you wanted me to say? Nah I don't care either

>> No.16004418

I was ecstatic when Gura beat Pekora. If I knew she'd pull this shit, I wouldn't have been.

>> No.16004424

If by "fun" you mean SJWs and by "innovation" you mean subversion then sure.

>> No.16004442

I really get the feeling both of them approach their channels in a very analytical (and boring) way. They probably came to the conclusion a Mariokart stream right now waters down their content and makes Susan's algorythm upset or something. They deliberately avoid streaming games everyone else in Hololive streams at the same time as much as they can get away with.

>> No.16004458

Coco was the reason HoloEN was born in the first place. She shouldn't have debuted to save us from reddit cancer, Taiwan cancer, and worst of all, EN vtuber cancer.

>> No.16004524

Wait, Kronii didn't even stream the qualifying round?

>> No.16004563
File: 4 KB, 227x222, 76391A04-F021-4AC0-ABE3-F1D0117CEABC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le 9000 years old loli shark
>cancerous SJW Reddit audience

>> No.16004615
File: 220 KB, 500x372, 1588036010321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get this assblasted about minor inconveniences from free entertainment you have serious issues.
Or you're trying to rile up reaction as others have already pointed out.
Either way OP it's time to purchase the rope.

>> No.16004647

Nothing wrong with that but she should have streamed the finals.if she was one of the two ENs that made it there, especially if Gura inexplicably decided not to do it either

>> No.16004662
File: 17 KB, 396x513, LCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being one of the more obscure JPs, not making it into finals because you got hit by a red shell or some shit and having the already absurdly popular EN members that took your place not even fucking bother to stream their pov. Sasuga EN

>> No.16004666
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>> No.16004711

I may be more upset than most, but no one here can find a genuine reason to defend it. It's just objectively a stupid thing to do.

>> No.16004714

Ah the classic "SJWs ruined everything in my life" cope for having a pathetic and unsatisfied life, classic.

Oh boo hoo

>> No.16004773

>"Ma, I posted it again"
Neck yourself

>> No.16004788


SJW Reddit shits hate Gura. She even still spitefully references the googoogaga thing once in a while.

>> No.16004793

>OP may have legitimate criticism
>thread full of schizo seething
Many such cases.

>> No.16004804

It’s amazing how Hololive managed to create a branch out of streamers who don’t stream or hate streaming. And people love those stream-less streamers nonetheless.

>> No.16004853

They love her. See:

>> No.16004924
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1619211191319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's "I'm disappointed they didn't stream" and there's "I taking it personally."

>> No.16004958

eat shit white trash tranny

>> No.16004962

Defending Gura and Kronii is legitimately idiotic. This was a once in a year event and the first time EN participated in it, and as far as I can tell every JP streamed their POV for every stage they participated in. I think next time Towa should add the rule that anyone who wants to race needs to be willing to go live.

>> No.16004966

Kill yourself you fucking western cancer upon VTubing. If you ruin this hobby like your disgusting kind ruined gaming I will make your life hell and everyone else's here as well.

>> No.16004979

who cares nerd

>> No.16004998

You will do nothing like the valueless monkey you are.

>> No.16005012

Pekora is my oshi and Gura is one of my favorite ENs and I am double dissapointed
So yeah...

>> No.16005035

"Oh, well, that sucks, maybe next time :)" is just a cuckish way to react to this. When are they ever gonna correct their behavior if they won't even notice it. Gura and Kronii already got away with it, and even in an anonymous imageboard I'm unreasonable for being mad about it

>> No.16005037

Get out, pink cat.

>> No.16005054

>not saying all vtubers are trash streamers like 99% of the human population cause they anime larp
>only pinning it on westerners
Nice cope, go back to /a/ faggot

>> No.16005092

>Coco was the reason HoloEN was born in the first place
bold claim.

>> No.16005095


>> No.16005112

No, it's a non-neurotic way to react to it. Take your meds.

>> No.16005151

You're the one coping you fucking tranny scum, there's a reason the JPs actually streamed their fucking POVs and the ENs didn't.

>> No.16005157

the fullpic is unironically showing the three best EN performances today
they need to grind more together

>> No.16005182
File: 444 KB, 709x1436, 7A0E3B45-63A4-481E-B7DC-E8D0F10C0F98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, even vtweeters hate her

>> No.16005201
File: 229 KB, 680x383, 5615478951024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your (you) for not understanding business

>> No.16005246

who gives a fuck what twitterniggers think? I'm wiling to bet they got some skeletons in their closets.

>> No.16005264

I will not and I will stay here
u mad? your culture will be appropriated and normified. in a decade your personality will be a character archetype in hollywood movies. You will never be happy again, not that you were deserving of happiness in the first place.

>> No.16005317

And there was a post about wanting Holos to get along with Nijis just yesterday.
As if that's possible when you fling shit to each other all the time IN THE SAME COMPANY.

>> No.16005358

>i'm coping
>tranny scum
you implying most of the population are decent streamers then?

>> No.16005481

>Hahahhaahaha, I'm so glad we got less content! u mad, bro?
Someone explain this mentality

>> No.16005537

>More of a loli
B-But she already is one wtf

>> No.16005725

They were/are both youtubers before being holo so they probably over think this and don't realize YT algo already handles streams differently.
It honestly is dumb to get mad over this but it is quite perplexing as to why not at the very least stream final rounds, it is only like an hr event but a big one

>> No.16005834


>> No.16005872

>rats gnawing at the feet of their superiors
Success breeds jealousy. And resentment.

>> No.16005931

We don't even know why she didn't stream it. So how are you making judgments with this lack of base information?

>> No.16005968

Rolling my eyes.

>> No.16005998

Give me a break. Nearly all the JPs streamed. Pretty sure all the finalists streamed. You really expect me to believe there just so happened to be a really good excuse for neither Gura nor Kronii to stream? It's pure lazyness.

>> No.16006018
File: 164 KB, 1242x910, 2AE88AE1-41C1-4AE5-96DF-AEF44628A377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same person by the way, kek

>> No.16006052

>"Watch streams"
>They don't even stream anymore

>> No.16006088

Because you know I'm right and you're just mad.
I expect you to not know, which you don't. But I'm going to speculate here for a moment and bet that you don't actually give a shit about the VOD, but just want a POV of the blue shell and nothing else.

>> No.16006133

I'm going to speculate that people that liked Gura in the tournament would have been way happier if they actually got to watch Gura in the finals. Not really speculation, though, because I'd fucking know.

>> No.16006161

Woulda been nice, but I'm not beating myself with switches over it like you fags are.

>> No.16006172

wllmagic on twitter

>> No.16006218

You know I never expected that the big booba clock and the loli shark would end up to be a pair of kindred spirits. They did not seem like they would end up being similar at all, but they really are.

>> No.16006220

>I will make your life hell and everyone else's here
You realize the reason why all the things you love have turned to shit is because you already do this and never really contributed to their betterment in the first place? Like this board. Games are as shit as they've always been; don't know what you're complaining about, their stagnancy should comfort you. They were the same; you were just younger. You feed off the nostalgia like how every country loves their own shitty, regional local dishes.

>> No.16006241

you're delutional if you think gura gave a single fuck about that one attention whore

>> No.16006742

Yeah, it was cringe

>> No.16007308

IRyS is barely even an EN at this point. Outside of Bae and Mori, she has more meaningful connections with JP and ID than EN

>> No.16007317

I am happy gura did well but i would be a liar if i did not say that I do not feel strong second hand embarrassment. Gura and kronii should have streamed the jp senpais and kouhais did kronii and gura are not exempt from the same responsibility end of story.

>> No.16007394

Or just don’t invite EN and their cancerous fan base

>> No.16007429


>> No.16007483

Imagine if none of the finalists streamed their perspective and they just tweeted the winner an hour later. That's how I feel right now. I can't describe how much Gura's decision completely ruined my excitement for this entire event, something I've been looking forward to for months.

>> No.16007525

weeaboos are scum and the most pathetic thing on this planet

>> No.16007548

If something like this "ruins your excitement" your life must be totally empty. You are pitiful.

>> No.16007549

Same honestly.

>> No.16007571

Why didn't you watch the other racers?

>> No.16007605

Most of your precious JPs have reddit accounts you deflecting nigger. Remember that epic Marine Meme contest? LOL

>> No.16007637

Same, though I've only been looking forward to this for a few weeks.

>> No.16007659

Because I was overjoyed seeing my oshi get out of B bracket through sheer dedication and training only for all my hype to be crushed when I realized she didn't give a shit whether her fans wanted to cheer her on or not.

>> No.16007677

no reason, he is just a dramanigger scum that have nothing better to do because his life is sad and dark

>> No.16007735

imagine the sex

>> No.16007747

>And so did every single one of you faggots
I like Gura and all, but I was too focused on my (JP) (kami)oshi to care about her. Maybe seethe a bit less next time

>> No.16007774

Because the other racers aren't my oshi. Also, I don't speak japanese.

>> No.16007791

it definitely sucked neither streamed the finals, they should really make it a rule next time for these types of events. In the end i went with mikos POV and enjoyed watching the rest of the race

>> No.16007809

Yeah. People who care more about the score than the streams are literal numberfags.

>> No.16007817

You watched it so it accomplished its purpose.

>> No.16007840

When others wanted to see their oshi in finals, they just watch their streams. Why couldn't we have that?

>> No.16007922

>gura was once humble about being a dumb shark
>now she's a bitchy shark who thinks she's great

Especially since Krongus is like this because she dislikes having attention. I don't see how people who can draw huge audiences are allowed to just fuck it up like that. Councilfags being 'content' with small audiences really annoy me.

>> No.16007927

The fact is, Gura doesn't care if we're there or not. She even sent a member's post afterwards thanking everyone for their support over the last month while she trained for this, but when the time came, she didn't care if we were actually there.

>> No.16007962

But she did her best

>> No.16008269

Yea Gura didn't think about us and that made me kids sad.

>> No.16008396

>Made me kids sad
You have kids, and are Scottish?

>> No.16008398

they don't need to talk, they could've just streamed and said "sorry guys, i'm tired so i will mute my mic" rather than nothing at all

>> No.16008508

Honestly I typed this laying in bed on my phone and I have not clue how Kinda turned into kids but here we are I guess.

>> No.16008542

Please stop using logic anon it's not fair.

>> No.16008952
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Do you think people expected them to interact with the chat and read SCs during the races? Dude, people just want too see their racing POVs and reactions to wins/losses. You're forgetting that during the EN x ID tournament Gura still streamed despite not being able to get her motion capture to work.

>> No.16009159

The JPs must have thought Gura and Kroni are retarded when they realized they just didn’t stream. I don’t think they can fathom content creators deliberately refusing to make content just because.

>> No.16009294

>Why the fuck would they not stream it?
Obviously got someone else to play for them

>> No.16009588

Do yourself a favor and watch JP.
>I’m a retarded zoomer I can’t speak Japanese.
Learn it.

>> No.16009991

when are the finals? am totaly lost did they end or what??

>> No.16010196
File: 1.16 MB, 3840x2160, FIfLWBOaUAAFbQK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over,you missed it

>> No.16010375

tried too hard, better luck next time anon

>> No.16010432

wasn't really that hyped for the cup desu loved some of the training streams of Ina and Gura

>> No.16010518

Imagine if she won and we didn't even get her point of view.
That is literally retarded.

>> No.16011917

>Gura, Ame, Kiara, Kronii, Sana, Mumei, Fauna

Hololive fans will always remember this, if they are lazy to stream in big events, what's the point of them participating. are they ashamed to be seen playing badly in front of the fans? fans will always support no matter how bad their gameplay. look at calli and choco sensei, they don't care if they play badly, the most important thing is to entertain the fans. isn't that a streamer's job? entertain the audience?
