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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17038380 No.17038380 [Reply] [Original]

>Nux Vshojo drama
>Mori Calliope getting suspended for a meme
>Independent EN vtubers starting fights on twitter
Why are English Vtubers unprofessional?

>> No.17038444

Very HD your pic related OP. Also how new? It's been said since /jp/ that EN vtubers were a mistake

>> No.17038498

Its just a job for most of them. Gura, Kiara, and a few holo council mems are the only ones being professional and taking vtubing seriously

>> No.17038506 [DELETED] 

>Mori Calliope getting suspended for a meme
For attacking her fanbase. If she was JP she would have graduated, but cover knows westerners would riot.

>> No.17038528

>getting suspended for a meme
Except she's not suspended retard

>> No.17038559

nice bait

>> No.17038588 [DELETED] 

What has Ina done even remotely close to this? Veibae also had disdain for cover and Kiara wanted to collab. Kiara wasn;t even the one to cancel that. I agree that Kiara is no longer the worst holo, but Kiara did something similar to mori.

>> No.17038603

and for trying so hard to defend the guy who insults their talents

>> No.17038623

>who insults their talents
never happened.

>> No.17038636

>11 month old lolcow farm tumblr screenshot thumbnail
average /vt/sister thread, we're well on our way to turning into /cgl/ with jealous catty 30-year-old foids who hit the wall whining about cute girls being cute

>> No.17038653

Ina doesn't do anything offensive, but vtubing isn't her primary job. She's professional in a different way

>> No.17038665

They grew up under the feminist social order.

>> No.17038673

classic cuckbrap pathetic attempt of history revisionism again. But now it's even more pathetic because they're trying to defend Connor. Kek

>> No.17038683

Yes it did moron why are you denying it

>> No.17038693 [DELETED] 

They would never announce the suspension of an EN unless they said something like "I really do hate niggers" or some shit that the general social media tards could eat up. If they announced one it would just add fuel to the fire and make the divide deeper.

>> No.17038740 [DELETED] 

>still trying to memory hole
He absolutely did.

>> No.17038843

Even if he was retarded enough to not realize the implications of his thoughts on Hololive, it's clear that he got that opinion from somewhere

Hmm, I wonder if he talks to a Hololive member with imposter syndrome who feels like her success only comes from the brand

>> No.17038849 [DELETED] 

It's a cartoon dude. Mori's hit the wall herself. Any decrepit cat lady can use one.

>> No.17038874

you're right maybe it's a personality issue for the lolcow foids after all

>> No.17038899

it's in the nature of Japs to be submissive

>> No.17038930 [DELETED] 

>Hmm, I wonder if he talks to a Hololive member with imposter syndrome who feels like her success only comes from the brand
Why are deadbeats still so desperate to throw the heat off on Gura? She's done nothing. Can't you fags at least try and do it to someone who has started drama or collabed with the fags you are talking about before?

>> No.17038936

Not an EN but they absolutely would announce it, they did for Coco and Chammers

>> No.17038948

You knew Mori would be shit because of how many Canadian fans she attracted.

>> No.17038961

I have no doubt /vt/ has a big crossover with /cgl/ and lolcow, so many posts give off that salty femcel jealous of successful women vibe

>> No.17039117


>> No.17039164

not surprised, see how much they shit om everything that isn't vshojo standards

>> No.17039278

Some british youtuber that does anime shit, said that the whole vtuber thing anyone could get hired because just about any loser would watch, forgets to realize that vtubers have singing capability also

>> No.17039286

cuz it didnt, you are spreading misinformation. false rrats.

>> No.17039376

>said that the whole vtuber thing anyone could get hired because just about any loser would watch

that didnt happen

>vtubers have singing capability
except those that dont

>> No.17039402
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>most EN drama come from bad social circles
Get better friends

>> No.17039461

cool opinion bro.

fact is collabs with your "worst" category are far more entertaining than clumsy awkward collabs with someone you cant naturally communicate with or relate to.

>> No.17039466

Jesus fucking christ this isn't even mental gymnastics anymore. This is some mental triathlon you're doing right there just so you can justify your hatred on some dude who had a dumb but non-malicous opinion.

>> No.17039470

you haven't read enough bitchy femcel rage if you haven't seen them cry about twitch streamers

anyone generally liked by men is an enemy or a "pickme"

>> No.17039538

Imagine thinking your shitty e-celeb is as entertaining as Sugita

>> No.17039588

This is the meaning of what the retard said.
>Hololive's brand is so good, if they hire you you got it made. You don't need to work hard or have talent
He didn't say that about any holo specifically, but boy was he right on the money with Council.

>> No.17039631


>> No.17039651

>"collabs with 3D males bad!"
>posts collab with 3D male
what the fuck is your point

>> No.17039664

Maybe it came across like that because I'm retarded.

My point was that he was parroting the same opinion that Calli has talked about in reference to herself.

I don't care about or watch anitubers. Is he even getting any hate from this? I figured no one cared enough about him to harass him

>> No.17039679

>Mori Calliope getting suspended
Kys schizo

>> No.17039700

He literally said you dont need talent to be a hololive vtuber

>> No.17039707

>only understands subtitled content
i bet you feel special watching foreign shit, youre not like the normies watching english shit. that's why you don't seethe at english vtubers, right?

nothing entertaining about watching people trying and failing to communicate.

>> No.17039719

JPs are the same, you just can't tell.

>> No.17039720

The term /vt/sisters cracks me up.

>> No.17039728
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>> No.17039773

>He literally said you dont need talent to be a hololive vtuber
he literally didn't say that, didnt even use word "talent" . Stop lying and spreading disinfo. That's not how you use the word "literally". You're literally an idiot.

>> No.17039808

tard-chama,the only people who ever cared about chuba drama were JP, CGL and VT. jpfags tried moving their schizo to LC but all of the threads quickly got nuked

>> No.17039830

are you just the same person, posting this over and over in every thread? damn

>> No.17039844

>He didn't say that about any holo specifically
I think fruit is disgusting

my dude you are now just arguing specifics and missing the point entirely

>> No.17039878
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You are literally a cuck

>> No.17039882
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