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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 385 KB, 799x599, 1611657497749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1783824 No.1783824 [Reply] [Original]

Go to 2chan
Bring something back

>> No.1783854
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I'll start

>> No.1783962
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>Holostars Thread
>I've only ever watched Roberu, but I'd be pretty happy if somebody could tell me about their individual character traits and streaming styles
>Oga usually does some pretty weird streams
>Aru-san does pretty weird streams too
>I heard Aru-Oji's streams are pretty easy for ossans to watch
>Are you telling me all they do is weird things!?

>> No.1784029

How the hell does this site work?

>> No.1784049

It's like 4chan but Japanese

>> No.1784074
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>As expected this is rejected

>> No.1784089
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>> No.1784111

They're all just horny

>> No.1784128


>> No.1784222
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>> No.1784352

the hololive stream threads on futaba are very active. Amazing

>> No.1784419

Seems a lot more peaceful after the board split.

>> No.1784436

They are basically global but without the strange community they've built up so of course they are.

>> No.1784459
File: 758 KB, 1440x1657, Screenshot_2021-03-21-23-13-18~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shopped in ice cream instead of a pixelated cock
How refreshing. Though I have no idea what the posts even say.
Speaking of, I'd appreciate any JP reading anon to peek into the Haachama thread and see what they're saying about the long break.

>> No.1784490 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1784495

>go to /jp/

>> No.1784518
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>I was looking at Twitter and suddenly a shocking image came up...

>> No.1784537

They're just waiting for her return.
Excited about new haachama goods (the folder thing from Family Mart).

>> No.1784616


>> No.1784617

The dick is shopped in mentally

>> No.1784639

The JP bros really respect Sora, shitposting with Sora gets you reported on 5ch

>> No.1784646


>> No.1784662
File: 719 KB, 711x517, 1614249339888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is /hlgg/ really that weird?
t. /hlgg/fag

>> No.1784701

it's basically a circlejerking general that rejects everything outside of it so yes
just look at how kiara hate is considered normal in every thread besides there

>> No.1784706

I... I don't understand. How can something look so much like 4chan but be fundamentally completely different?

>> No.1784736
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>> No.1784740

Pretty based desu.

>> No.1784751

Every time I poke my head in there you guys are involved in some kind of esoteric internal drama that involves shitting on each other or some discord or some twitter etc etc. Sometimes it feels like you guys care more about each other than hololive and the streams.

>> No.1784833
File: 31 KB, 720x404, 1600094397961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiara hate is considered normal
a w*man typed this

it's always brigaded by outsiders it's honestly pretty annoying. They have some special status because /vt/ was solely made for /hlgg/ afterall. Not that they agree to that in the first place though

>> No.1784842

found the /hlgg/ tranny

>> No.1784871

>you guys care more about each other
We're best friends

>> No.1784891
File: 105 KB, 761x250, 1590383838786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I see they are fellow men of culture too

>> No.1784908

I already said I use /hlgg/, retard. Can't you read?

>> No.1784911

found the /hlgg/ tranny

>> No.1785008

yes you are, i wont doubt you suck each other off

>> No.1785016

Even in 5ch? What do they think of Loafy being buddy buddy with her?

>> No.1785032

Man, fuck reddit

>> No.1785033

Yes, we literally have Amefags and Inafags in old /jp/ that refuses to post in Global

>> No.1785064

They didn't get an influx of subversive newfags during elections.

>> No.1785115

Futaba's hololive board is pretty unique in it's own way since it's a pretty new community compared with the other boards in the website. We do have more similarities with 5ch though

fuck off

>> No.1785184

ask them what they think about kiara

>> No.1785200

News. It's all news' fault. The first big thing that lead to people coming here was that threat to American football fields back in 2006 getting large media attention. Holy fuck, that's a long time ago.

>> No.1785228

I need to go back in time and stop Fox News from showing that exploding van, who's coming with me

>> No.1785230
File: 117 KB, 880x466, IMG_20210322_135302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so japanese or kagai nikki doesn't matter, we are all interested on ollie's smells

>> No.1785311
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>> No.1785334

do 5chfags go on reddit? it's kind of cute if they do, we've sort of come full circle on shitty internet websites. I don't see a lot of jp posts there though, even though coco actively encourages it and the redditors would welcome it with open arms.

>> No.1785383
File: 231 KB, 603x283, god hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now that capcom gave permissions they wanna see one of the girls play the ultimate chad game
uhhhh based?

>> No.1785814
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>> No.1785840

They had a reddit thread on there so you tell me.

>> No.1785932
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>> No.1785942

I check the reddit daily and somehow missed it, do you have a link?

>> No.1785953

There was one on 2ch awhile ago, I don't see it now but you can probably archive dive for it

>> No.1785956

what's the difference between /hlg/ and /hlgg/? i'm not new to vtubers or 4chan but i am new to talking about vtubers on 4chan

>> No.1785960
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>> No.1785961 [DELETED] 

/hlg/ is for /jp/ faggots and /hlgg/ is the hololive global threads here.

>> No.1785986
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>> No.1785995

one existed before the english branch did, the other didn't
hololive general vs hololive global general
in reality you can talk about anything in either thread because the mods don't care but /hlgg/ is intended more for talking about every hololive member in every branch which /hlg/ has a very singular focus on the japanese hololive members

>> No.1786026
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>> No.1786034
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>> No.1786044

Too busy circlejerking over board culture to watch the streams, pls understand

>> No.1786049
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>> No.1786187

Have no clue why I'm on /vt/, but I browsed a bit of 2chan cause you said so, and I have to say, it's pretty neat and may possibly help me learn Japanese, so thanks.

>> No.1786230

how new

>> No.1786321
File: 49 KB, 900x507, 1476311028112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how new?

>> No.1786346

Inafags on /jp/ are the people who are crazy enough to say that Ina is 'the only good EN', likely because she's the Asian one. I wouldn't count their opinion.
I don't know of any Amefags on /jp/ /hlg/

>> No.1786347

it's been 5ch since 2016 buddy

>> No.1786369

not that guy but you're misunderstanding the original point of contention lol
the guy called 2chan 5ch. 2chan is a totally different thing than 2ch

>> No.1786378
File: 62 KB, 553x403, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been 5ch since 2016 buddy
this isn't the 5ch thread

>> No.1786381

melposter likes ame because she gives mel attention

>> No.1786390

ah I didn't read the whole chain, my mistake.
sorry bro didn't read clearly

>> No.1786412

They've known for a while now, there's even a Japanese twitter hashtag for it

>> No.1786433

/jp/ inafags are just /hlg/ dog fuckers who think Ina is the best because she's asian

>> No.1786460

I japed both of you. The truth is it's late as fuck and I'm sleepy so I mistook 2 for 5. Absolutely devilish

>> No.1786535
File: 87 KB, 834x154, same.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found my people

>> No.1786739

>browse 4chan and only 4chan
>never once cared about the others or rebbit

>> No.1787242

They're all dirty rags, yes.

>> No.1787291

Why would people use 2ch over 5ch? Or vice versa? I know pekor uses 5ch

>> No.1787296
File: 189 KB, 1112x581, morithread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori thread

>> No.1787298

I hate that I've become so old that I get annoyed that people no longer know the difference between 2ch and 2chan.

>> No.1787352
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>> No.1787368

Irony, it's futabachan and 2ch

>> No.1787372

> Why does this person like Japan so much?
Literally implying she will never be Japanese

>> No.1787414

>but /hlgg/ is intended more for talking about every hololive member in every branch
nigga please, not even global believes that, even during JP prime time the thread is still like 70% of EN talk

>> No.1787438
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>Forest Calliopesure

>> No.1787448

most newfags don't even know that there are more imageboards than 4shit

>> No.1787542

>just look at how kiara hate is considered normal in every thread besides there
Yea HUGE FUCKING SHAME there's at least one thread you can talk about Kiara without the same bullshit getting dredged up time and time.

Kiara hate isn't normal, there comes a point where you've given all the criticism and hate you can, most of you faggots just dredge up ancient arguments or post the same tired doxx we've seen a billion times.

>> No.1787550
File: 3.93 MB, 1284x2011, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we have to be a blue board? The porn thread is so nice, just imagedumpin, nothing else

>> No.1788115

>they know about the autistic webmfag from the voms thread

>> No.1788126
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>> No.1788267

So the antis is actually on 5chan, and 2chan was like reddit? I thought it was the other way around.

>> No.1788471

2chan have like 1/5 of the 5ch posters.

>> No.1788681

go back to your containment thread trantran the magic MAN

>> No.1788693
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>> No.1788740

>newfags during elections.
You fags go on about elections but years before that there was a massive influx of reddit faggots shitting up the place.
By the time of the election this place was already changing, for the worse, due to the import of low quality demographics.

>> No.1788772


All I know is 2chan overlaps with NND which hates everything especially Hololive and posts all day in anti threads of 5ch.

>> No.1788811

don't even attempt to reason with that faggot. It's a newfag from twitter pretending to be le epic oldfig like all of them do. It's fucking annoying and I hope they all fuck off

>> No.1788816

They really don't like it when some foreigner tries to be them. They don't mind tourists but if you stick around too long and start speaking *too well then they generally have an instinctual aversion to you.
They like Mori still because she sounds cute and dumb with her level of the language and they figure she's not going to try and be there forever.

>> No.1788849

>which hates everything especially Hololive
So why 2chan have a board exclusive to hololive that is the only board that accept 8mb files?


>> No.1788883 [DELETED] 

I don't give a shit about that fag, I'm posting for the benefit of any retarded lurkers or actual anons too dumb to realize to the keep the record straight because I'm sick of this fucking gaslighting that's actively being pushed on here by the kinds of reddit fucks that would change this place into more of a reddit "anonymous edition" than it already is.
>hurr it was never like that here before trust me
>hurr racism was always banned outside b!!
>hurr go back to POL the board that lives rent free in my fucking head!
It's an active campaign, they even plan this shit out in their discord tranny holes.
Keep that in mind whenever you read some shit that seeks to police content on here.

>> No.1788899

Reading the 2ch Haachama thread it's actually insane how much more collected and positive they are
Now of course that has a good and bad side to it, but still

>> No.1788911

I remember the antis got too riled up that 2chan mods had to nuke everything. I don't know if they're still keeping them in a tight leash.

>> No.1788936

This board is already heavily policed. Banned too many times for roommate discussions, "racism", "trolling", etc

>> No.1788971


>> No.1788993

Futaba has a vtuber board and after a long time of petitioning and getting shit on by everyone else on the board, the hololive fans got their own board

>> No.1789034

Tbh probably would be the best for here too
Over 50% of the discussion as is, is about Holo, probably even more

>> No.1789086
File: 76 KB, 983x317, tranny_raider_cant_take_it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That only happens at specific times, signifying that it's one mod and janny pair, the rest don't give a shit like the rest of the site unless you break one of the really bad global rules.
how's your hrt going?

>> No.1789091

go to komica instead https://sora.komica.org/00/

>> No.1789122

How much of that is because they're not retards running about like headless chickens and how much of that is because the Japanese fallback of trusting (corporate) leadership because that's what they're indoctrinated into from birth?

>> No.1789124 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1789157

If there is a country where the phrase "You will never be Japanese" is most direly needed, it's Taiwan

>> No.1789161

That is the question, yeah

>> No.1789164

they really dont reply to each other much over there, do they?

>> No.1789176

stay in /pol/ schizo, you're not even trying to conceal yourself

>> No.1789189

>hurr go back to POL the board that lives rent free in my fucking head!

>> No.1789198

see how the /pol/tard recoils in fear when he is called out

>> No.1789212
File: 347 KB, 400x476, 1605969281585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you are not welcome, no you were never welcome, yes you will get banned

>> No.1789255

that image comment reads so much like satire and I can't stop laughing

>> No.1789268

>you're not even trying to conceal yourself
pic related

>> No.1789313

>reads so much like satire
They are satire, a mockery of normal people. See man in a dress aping a woman and you can't help but laugh.

>> No.1789395

Who gives a shit? People like you were stormfront colonizers in the first place. The whole fate of 4chan is being a culture war between outside groups trying to change the dominant brand of thinking with samefagging and false flagging and in the end they either succeed and then the next group starts trying to do the same thing to them, or they fail and are replaced by a different group trying the same. 4chan is so far away from it's original purpose and has been for over 12 years, before politics even became the dominant topic. Trying to fight the flux is pissing in the wind

>> No.1789405

They're just trying hard not to be Chinese

>> No.1789449

Ritualfags are cancer and so are the 50+ retards who reply to them

>> No.1789451

>People like you were stormfront colonizers in the first place
and that's where you out yourself as another clueless election tourist
you know shit about this site and how it's changed

>> No.1789464

Yeah sure. It's not like moot literally deleted /n/ over it or anything.

>> No.1789514

Yeah only to bring back /new/ lel. Go cry about muh /pol/ boogeyman on /qa/ you limp dicked fag

>> No.1789550

You're one crying about discord tranny conspiracies, not me. I'm simply pointing out that there's no point in giving a shit about people trying to colonize 4chan when it's literally been that way it's entire existence. Stormfront wasn't even the first group of faggots

>> No.1789562

>you're one
>you are one
Not only a faggot but also an ESL. Fuck off

>> No.1789566


I wish i could post those sound webms
Mindbroken by girldick lmao

>> No.1789604
File: 241 KB, 300x300, tomodance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their taste is music is pretty good

>> No.1789628

Enjoy raging in impotence against shadowy forces "corrupting" your imageboard values, buddy. I think I'll just continue to take it easy myself. People come and go and values change, but atleast I can post on 4chan without having to register for an account.

>> No.1789647
File: 53 KB, 300x250, ykckvlevl1gp6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not your "buddy". Go back to twitter

>> No.1789775
File: 51 KB, 626x708, polshill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a conspiracy!
It shrieks as it collects it's paycheck.
You're just another election tourist and you need to go back to /pol/ with all the other shills.

>> No.1789893

>sometimes you may feel what you're doing is unethical
>Don't worry about it, it's normal

>> No.1789924

They do, it's just that they don't have a direct reply function like we do. The closest thing they have is quoting.

>> No.1789983

It's mostly because they know that they are not going to accomplish anything by running around like headless chickens and unlike this place they don't have the delusion that they are going to affect any changes if they make a big enough fuss. Those people are all on 5ch

>> No.1790008

Catbox is sadly our alternative

>> No.1790035

Why are they so polite? If this was in /vt/ at least one person would call OP a faggot or have a schizophrenic breakdown

>> No.1790050

They dont have seaniggers to worry about

>> No.1790057
File: 103 KB, 654x496, IMG_20210207_104318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probabky because she didn't get the reference. The nyancat meme with Mio edited in didn't make it too even when its upvoted to heaven, so I'm not surpsrised

>> No.1790096

No americans

>> No.1790132

If you actually bothered to read the whole thing, The point was actually that it's pointless to worry about conspiracies since there's atleast five groups trying to influence the direction of 4chan at any one time, and if by some measure one manages to "win", they'll simply be the next ones in line crying about conspiracies trying to displace them. Even if by chance they manage to do something crazy like get into the IRC circlejerk of people that call themselves 4chan mods, it's not like a 4chan ban even means anything. People will just reset their IPs and continue posting as they did before.

Much easier to just take it easy and let things fall where they may. Shouting at people on imageboards achieves nothing. No amount of saying "go back" makes someone actually go back, and no amount of complaining achieves anything.

Just like now for example. I'm going to go bed, wake up, and continue posting. And there's literally not a damn thing you'll be able to do to stop it.

Night, Pal.

>> No.1790180

Nyancat isn't copyrighted the same way capcom's characters are though, and there's always been wierd gaps in what contains too much copyrighted content to be on meme review and what aren't

>> No.1790217

No she's always been weird about which memes she picks, most of the stuff that shows up on her reviews have like a few hundred votes and the top voted ones almost never show up. The recent review is kinda notable for picking pretty all top voted ones.

>> No.1790235

Holy hell I ain't reading that tldr of a diatribe. I hope you get paid a hefty amount of cash doing absolutely nothing but to fight against NEETs with literally nothing to lose because your financiers are stupid enough to pay you for it.

>> No.1792031

The benefits of a monolingual/monocultural community.

>> No.1792654
File: 23 KB, 544x412, not jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it took mw HALF AN HOUR to write this fucking...AAAAARGH

>> No.1792852
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get fucked howaito piggu

>> No.1792895

Kohaku... stream more onegai...

>> No.1792999

Much more, and when the fags over at global make more than 1 thread after it's archived they always kill some indie for a thread that will be deleted when it's not used.

>> No.1793035

>Banned too many times for roommate discussions
That's great though, roommates aren't vtubers.

>> No.1793110

Blocks non jap IPs
Very Nippongo concept
Press undastando

>> No.1793216
File: 955 KB, 1000x1214, nene panik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I am brown!

>> No.1793471
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>> No.1796806

post it here so we can laugh at the shit you wrote

>> No.1796935

maybe only if you're a white person. Bora from Nijisanji is a Korean who speaks Japanese and she's loved a lot in 5ch

>> No.1797084

She isn't in japan though, that's the key distinction.

>> No.1797136

link the post

>> No.1797184


>> No.1797256

>Literally what /hlg/ was in jaypee
How low you've fallen, /hlgg/

>> No.1798274

It is satire, no?

>> No.1798825
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>> No.1798883

They are just like us

>> No.1799299

link to the 2chan porn thread please

>> No.1799379
File: 336 KB, 912x936, C134944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about Luna's tsukomi when Haachama made takoyaki in Luna's thread

>> No.1799393
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>> No.1799403

Do you think they call people JSLs whenever they see botched japanese?

>> No.1799449

netouyo on 5ch and twitter are always accusing others of being chinese
if they see a jap with bad behavior and a single irregular kanji is used (or a misspelling) they claim it's not actually a jap acting poorly but a chink framing them

>> No.1799454
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because it is satire, its a /pol/tard posting there, then screencapping it to whip migatards and redditors on /pol/ in a frenzy, thinking they are epically owning them by spamming ywnbaw and sneed

>> No.1799463
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>> No.1799872

Taiwanese are the only based chinks

>> No.1799972

To go fuck yourself

>> No.1799985
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>> No.1800101

neck yourself chink

>> No.1800316


>> No.1801042

Futaba 2-3 months back made a Hololive board that's seperate from the Holo anti thread that's in their vtuber section(Niggersanji central).
Futaba's vtuber board's most active thread was the dedicated holoanti thread for the longest time until fairly recently. most of the posts were just linking new videos to report or discussing which games they can get taken down. It's probably still there, but hidden in the catalogue because of downvotes.

>> No.1810090

4chan did not look like that before the election.

>> No.1810355

Guess we aren't the only ones that think Oga is strange.
>Aru-Oji's streams are pretty easy for ossans (old people) to watch
This is actually true...

>> No.1810576

The one girl out of that group that actually knows English (a bit?) and she's never around.

>> No.1811335
File: 125 KB, 834x649, 1615234254018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Things like pictures of george floyd's neck crammed between the buttcheeks of some yellow cartoon character with the caption "I can't seed."

>> No.1811390

theres no trannies over there.

>> No.1811533
File: 362 KB, 680x956, 1615754337091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read, keep seething nigga

>> No.1811895
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>> No.1812407


>> No.1813042

SUNTORY BOSS is the boss of them all since 1992

>> No.1813126

Yeah, he's such a dumbass.
If you can't condense what you want to say in 130 characters or less, you're saying nothing good.

>> No.1813863

>The /pol/dditor is immunized against all dangers. One may call him a retard, shitposter, faggot, shill, and it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him /pol/ and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

>> No.1814167

pretty sure pekora stopped replying to his artposts on twitter when she discovered his degeneracy lifestyle

>> No.1814431

I guess it's kind of similar to how you can get banned for posting yostuba lewds despite loli lewds being allowed.

>> No.1816792
File: 2.06 MB, 1280x720, 1603321152314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1816805
File: 1.89 MB, 980x1675, 1594590090414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1816911

Hate double standard purityfags

>> No.1817351

>Redditors openly admitting their existence on 4chan

>> No.1818015


>> No.1818035

Huh. 2chan Vtuber?

>> No.1818142

What's wrong with unityposting, anonette?

>> No.1818157

What did they mean by this?

>> No.1818162

you didn't find the /hlgg/ tranny, the fucker outed himself

>> No.1818171

Wait, did the Marine Ayame collab finally happen?

>> No.1818173
File: 383 KB, 1220x1277, 1616304452654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute ...

>> No.1818179

What rock were you living under, it happened 18 hours ago

>> No.1818217

I saw some article explaining that one of the 4chan mods is CTO of a data mining company that just mines 4chan data all day for political purposes. Pretty plausible.

>> No.1818230

I was sleeping 18 hours ago, then I had work, and after that I moved some more stuff into my new house. It's currently 9:15pm here.

>> No.1818289
File: 1.42 MB, 1200x675, 1616066927047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the right.

>> No.1818298

Well go watch it, its good

>> No.1818571


>> No.1820374

Rape of Nanking debunking stream when?

>> No.1821288

>they get sound webms

>> No.1821454
File: 573 KB, 912x979, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1821590


>> No.1824698

what site is that

>> No.1824805

Hiro-tan, fix your site

>> No.1825064

god I fucking love napes

>> No.1826483
File: 542 KB, 797x1278, RBC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2ch Roboco threads are just like ours
>she's cute
>so comfy

>> No.1826674

good taste

>> No.1826676 [DELETED] 
File: 2.35 MB, 1280x720, trannybtfo3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1827201
File: 28 KB, 1125x193, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was curious about reactions to the shark's super metroid stream, and found this.
>Super Shark Synopsis
>A brilliant mercenary, Aran-Same-chan, to catch Ina Lloyd, a giant octopus that is a wonder of the universe.
>She received super power from the KFP store manager, struck with space pirate Mori, and played with a famous detective to make the planet Zebebes.

>> No.1827576

inhumanly and extraterritorially based keep it up lads and hopefully he'll fuck off and kill himself
