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18212033 No.18212033 [Reply] [Original]

إذا كان معبودك
ليس امرأة مثلية
إذا فأنت
طائر الوقواق

>> No.18212120
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Based & True.
Wallahi, my brother

>> No.18212153

Inshall allah

>> No.18212193

say wallah bro

>> No.18212236

based sandfriend

>> No.18212245

The only good muslims are the Nafri ones, rest can go to hell.

>> No.18212383
File: 65 KB, 720x720, 1644484670101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to not draw porn of halal chuubas

>> No.18213595

absolutely based

>> No.18213637 [DELETED] 

fuck off indogs

>> No.18213818
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Inshallah, Islam will be imposed by force on these Holowhores, and they will be forced to account for each and every crime they committed.

>> No.18213893
File: 148 KB, 666x436, 1644640885945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, did I miss the stoning?

>> No.18213936

Isn't art of the human form haram?

>> No.18214044

Only if you draw the prophets and the likes and probably nsfw shit but even imams watch porn so who cares

>> No.18214053

Nin nin!

>> No.18214195
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pretty sure it means accurate depiction. so this doesn't count

>> No.18214672


>> No.18214823

Miko basada

>> No.18214876

where do i sign up for that 72 virgin chuba pussies

>> No.18217172

Based, but I can't read chinese

>> No.18218055

Imagine not reading or recognizing Arabic, the most beautiful language.

>> No.18218152

all gachis berayed by lying whores should turn to islam, eventually you can stone the whore that betrayed you, Inshall allah

>> No.18218976

LMAO. Imagine believing that old rrat
The real number is unlimited since the afterlife is basically cosmic sandbox mode for everyone in heaven

>> No.18219354

halal post in a halal thread. inshallah, brother.

>> No.18219865

هل هناك كثير من العرب الذي يشاهدون هولولايف؟ انا اعرف فقط فيتيوبر واحدة تتكلم في العربيه و لهجتها خليجية من الصعب أن افهمها

>> No.18220618

Speaking of Miko, why the hell does Miko got away scott free from the Rushia x Mafu Yab? She was present in that yab stream too, so she should be partly responsible too.

>> No.18220705

we cant even read it retard

>> No.18220792

She was not an accomplice. She's insurance.
Rushia knew that if her keikaku didnt doori she will have a witness to back her up

>> No.18220825

responsible in what way?

>> No.18221089

Paradise is living in gmod flat grass with nude sex mods and cool sweps

>> No.18221220

You're gonna get 72 redditors.

>> No.18221252

Miko is my oshimen and she is as pure as it gets. She is so pure, in fact, that she sets up "collabs" in order to expose whores like Rushia. This is the power of an elite shrine maiden, and I love her even more because of it.

>> No.18221262

Don't shitpost with Reine in this disgusting thread

>> No.18221306

Responsible for what? She didn't get that message.
Not to mention that Miko is much more of a comedian than an idol.

>> No.18221511

That's barely scratching the surface
Islamic paradise is essentially
>each human is given their own realm/universe to do whatever the fuck they want
>everyone has sandbox mode to create whatever and fulfill their fantasies
>with an unlimited number of servants by your side to help you on your shenanigans
If you want to create a fantasy world? Got it
Ask the servants to create something you never experienced back on Earth? Got it
A 1:1 replica of Earth when you were alive back in 2014, only this time you have console commands just to get the shit you always wanted when you were alive? You fucking can! With everyone in it, besides you, being intelligent NPCs who do not know they are copies of actual people who perished a millennia ago.
All that for an eternity.
The actual description sounds like a cosmic power fantasy as reward for dealing with the bullshit of the material world.

>> No.18221634
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>ا كان معبودك
>ليس امرأة مثلية
>إذا فأنت
>طائر الوقواق
>si tu idolo No una mujer lesbiana vos tambien pájaro cucú

>> No.18221752

so youre saying that god's reward for the pious is unlocking godmode?

>> No.18223957
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>> No.18223994

>each human is given their own realm/universe to do whatever the fuck they want
What if WE are the result of someone's realm/universe?

>> No.18224249

>dies and go to heaven
>gets an eternity to do whatever you want
>recreates the very same boring world you came from
Why would anyone do this?

>> No.18224448

Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne already answered that in the Neutral ending

>> No.18224721

Yeah but youre the admin with isekai cheat powers
You can just snap your fingers and change history without anybody realizing
Sure you could make an actual fantasy realm to live out your desires. But compare that to going on a power trip, doing almost everything you couldnt before when you were alive.

>> No.18224771
File: 550 KB, 679x868, 1640676798135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18225097

>be muslim
>live a boring neet life
>but youre a good boy who never do drugs
>dies in a truck accident and goes to heaven
>use creative mode to spawn a copy of the world the moment you died
>resume neet life but with unlimited health and money with your oshi by your side

>> No.18225319

>1:1 replica of Earth when you were alive with console commands
you mean to tell me i can actually fuck my oshi?

>> No.18225462

based sand lizard

>> No.18225556

Mashallah we must cleanse hololive of the impure

>> No.18225578

Youre thinking too small bro.
become the oshi but nobody can hate you because you can just rewrite everyone's preference

>> No.18225669

How can one man have such idiotic and clueless opinion.

>> No.18225711

shut up you dumb kafir, allah will frag you dude.
