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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18208350 No.18208350 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18208871

Cool I guess

>> No.18208908

Don't care.
She's a whore.
Stop wasting time on whores.

>> No.18209395

>a whore who cant even get a proper job
>still whoring after almost hitting it big by joining a corp
>supports another whore
REALLY? can you imagine it???

>> No.18209406
File: 334 KB, 1080x1501, IMG_20220210_120807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. I will stop wasting my time watching Rushia

>> No.18209512

Imagine losing the chance to become a millionaire in your 20s for being a whore.
Whores defending whores

>> No.18209614

I fucking hate women.

>> No.18209644

a whore that couldn't support her life as a holo and solo supporting another whore? Guess whores attract whore, I hope Allah sends his judgment on the both of you

>> No.18209835

How is having a boyfriend being a whore? That's the complete opposite. Committing to one guy and being his gf is less whoreness than being a single bitch just fucking everything.

>> No.18209961

how is being an e-girl streamer for your entire adult life not whoring KEK

>> No.18210042

>all our mom are whores for having sex

>> No.18210048

Why is she using this situation to talk about herself

>> No.18210104

they probably dont care that you hate them. lol

>> No.18210110


>> No.18210144


>> No.18210155

>Batshit crazy whore supports a batshit crazy whore
Somewhere else, this would be groundbreaking

>> No.18210165


>> No.18210173

Doesn't mean i can't keep hating them.

>> No.18210199

true and real

>> No.18210237 [DELETED] 

Allah doesn't exist you dumb sandnigger fuck.

>> No.18210245

If only that were true.

>> No.18210265

whore supports other whores

>> No.18210279

>all this Aloe hate
Reeks of nijjers. Go watch a brand that doesn't even want you as a fan.

>> No.18210467

>literally promoting about her fanbox in this 'support' message
come on....Use your eyes and brain for once...

>> No.18210475

I don't care about rushia but nobody cares what this loser thinks lmao
You dropped out before the race, stop trying to put your 2 cents in whenever there's a drama

>> No.18210494

Sorry Delta but "you reap what you sow" if she is really gonna to kill herself she has her boyfriend to save her... Oh... right he washed his hands well that's her crop too

>> No.18210505

Tell me, for whom do you simp?
Hmph, how very glib
And you belieb in Rushia? Rushia's wedding ring is forged in falsehoods it's meaning is built on deceit and her GFE is an instrument of deception, it is naught but a cobweb of lies, to belieb in Rushia is to belieb nothing. In idol culture/twitch.tv the idols/thots often summon batshit insane fans to simp in their stead, though your oishi's only rarely respond in kind, which is strange, is it not. Is your Oishi otherwise not engaged? I was giben to understand that they were your wibes? if you truly belieb they were your wibes why do you not repeat the same akapusa that served you so well on stream and call them down? They will answer, so long as you labish them on money and gorge them on akapusas, your 'wibes' are no different than those idols/streamer whores, e-thots, every one accept but this and you will see how your faith is bleeding your wallets dry, nor is this unknown to Rushia. Which prompts the question, why do they cling to these false whores, what dribes men of learning, even the great Orca, to grobel at their feet. The answer, your fellow simps lack the strength to do otherwise, for the world of simps to mean anything, simps must own the world. To this end, he hath fought to raise himself through ignoring 3DPD, to grow rich through discobering anime tiddies and when the dust of dried cum settles, it is ever the strong who dictate the fate of the week. Knowing this, but a single path is open to the impotent Oishi - that of false simping, which leads to cuckoldry and death, only a vtuber of power can rightly steer the course of cibilisation, and in this land of creeping GFE and desperate simps, that one truth will probe it's salbation, come, simp of Rushia. Face me, your defeat shall serbe as proof of my readyness to crush simp culture, it is only right I crush your delusions, for none of your among you has the power to stop me

>> No.18210542

you know basically nothing of neither Holo nor Niji if you think Aloe hate comes from Niji

>> No.18210661

stfu godless kike

>> No.18210714

>Rushia-chan Fighto!!!
>While we are at that, please keep subscribing to my Fanbox
KEK, you cant make this up

>> No.18210796 [DELETED] 

Complain about the board's state.

>> No.18210828

18-35 Year-Old Woman Try Not to Have Sex Challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]

>> No.18211156

Has any GFE streamer spoken out against her yet? If they all defend her, people will assume they have secret boyfriends.

>> No.18211195

>That post doesn't exist anymore

>> No.18211207

I wish she had actually jumped off of that building instead of bullshitting about having done so with zero injuries.

>> No.18211250

>he doesn't realize Islam is unironically the answer
How many more times do these rampant, runaway whores have to cuck you, anon.

>> No.18211284

Didn't ask

>> No.18212048

I asked

>> No.18212340

They won't touch that shit to begin with. The real test will be if they continue to collab with her

>> No.18212397

Kys redditor

>> No.18212415

>menhera supports menhera
Of course she does.

>> No.18212441

Still searching for a boyfriendless girl.

>> No.18212535

>the one that broke under pressure has an opinion
Who cares?

>> No.18212780

This. Literally. I'd be similar to a garbage human like Pokimane expressing her support for Rushia. Of course she's fucking going to do it.

>> No.18212821

which part of the Bible is this?

>> No.18212842

Remove this anon's hands

>> No.18212887

All your dads are also whores

>> No.18212919

I care

>> No.18212986

Yeah, it's sad people supports bitchery and taking advantage of autists that never got love and affection from their parents

>> No.18213136

FF14 anons really like this?

>> No.18213188

Those autists are responsible for their own fucking money, I respect people making money not people losing it. I respect the casino owners not the losers spending all their money there.

>> No.18213218

ok now imagine actually being that bf and your streamer gf is pandering her love to thousands of men online

>> No.18213320

He does bfe on niconico.

>> No.18213394

yeah they are both whores

>> No.18213400

>I respect drug dealers but not addicts
Why not dislike both?

>> No.18213482

This is how the world works, you're either a duper, or a dupee. All these losers are dupees, me and Rushia, dupers.

>> No.18214479

>all of you who are here have saved one person's life
Holy shit, big if true, she was really going to neck herself over the yab
I mean, understandable, I would have too if I tripped and broke my neck out of the starting gate of my career, but... damn

>> No.18214988

>let's all be a ball!
What did she mean by this?

>> No.18215210

It's a joke, she said she has grown as a person but is still far from perfect, and she'd like everyone to become a more well rounded personality.

>> No.18215735

>I'm not sure what to say, but I'm not sure what to do
It's a thing the machine translation say when translation error happen. It's couldn't translate that emoji

>> No.18217207
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She could support her by removing her chink fans instead of encouraging them and making them mods on her channels.

>> No.18217371

Post this on her discord

>> No.18217504

Fuck off, nijinigger. Don't bring Holo into this.

>> No.18217551

Nijiniggers are really fucking stupid.

>> No.18217907

>an ex-holo commenting on a holo
>nijinigger, dont bring holo into this

>> No.18218255

Are you retarded or something? Go back to your containment thread nijinigger.

>> No.18218313

i unironically think she doesn't have an active bf right now

>> No.18218401

it's funny that they continue to support her even after her anger over Coco's graduation
they've been there since there since day 1, she had zhangs who ran wheelbarrows modding her YT chat too

>> No.18218418

Match made on whore heaven

>> No.18218466

Why do you nijiniggers care btw?

>> No.18218558
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she couldn't handle it, she quitted and failed, her words as advice means nothing, a coward and a failure that could never stand up

>> No.18218707

Is victim blaming cool now? Nijiniggers harassed this young girl and that's all you have to say?

>> No.18218860

Why in the name of God does Aloe think she's still allowed to communicate with people from hololive? She was a flash in the pan and has been gone for two fucking years.

>> No.18218952
File: 176 KB, 368x360, 1626633196086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, i see you are an ignorant peace of shit, she herself recognized by her own words, that even after all the support she has received by her fans and donations, after all this time she can't fix, start or finish anything, she keeps saying i will do this, but never follow through, it's always drama after drama with her, Cover really avoided a huge problem with her

>> No.18219033

How easy it for you to not have sex faggot, super easy i bet hahaha

>> No.18219114

I want to see what happens if kson and Deluta ever interact. Not even collab, but a simple Twitter exchange would probably make them apoplectic.

>> No.18219128

Comeback Aloe we need you to redebut.

>> No.18219187

This. Get a real job ladies, then maybe I'll feel bad when a street hobo calls you a cocksucking slut.

>> No.18219344

you're talking to retards, anon. they think "whore" means "has encountered a Y chromosome at any point ever". just look at this thread. 99% of it shares a collective single digit IQ.

>> No.18219391
File: 205 KB, 541x546, 1624761116132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously her love is an act because it is reserved to one man. Only he is close to her not only emotionally, but physically. None of her fans will be there physically unless they want to be viewed as a stalker. Face it, her fans got played, and all you can say is whore even though she did zero sexual acts with her fans.

>> No.18219556
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>> No.18220159
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 82F977C5-DD79-4516-9478-99AC926132E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow who possibly could have guessed

>> No.18220205

>falling in love with one of the worst Vtubers
serves you right

>> No.18220287

every SINGLE "Idol" in the industry got plowed by their producer and everyone up the chain before they were allowed to premiere

>> No.18220392
File: 256 KB, 488x395, 1644220364456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Delta wasn't retarded, she'd realize there's a major difference between having a BF prior to idol career, vs:
>Being an idol.
>Grooming Gachikois.
>Leaning into the Parasocial aspect heavily.
>Going around and screaming at your fans when they watch other girls.
>Legit scream in your community post when a fandead unsubbed and writing multiple paragraphs.
>Sell merch that is unironically a fucking engagement ring that isn't actually some cheap PoS ring.
All the while this happens, you're getting railed by some Fujo baiting faggot that is legit doing the same thing, with females.

>> No.18222069

since this is a Triangle thread, Shigu is streaming... please save her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImI4aFEyE_M

>> No.18222177


>> No.18222487

>An opinion of fanbox whore who solely relied on bating saviourfags while produce no content
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.18222534

Not a nijifag, but this place couldn't be more retarded with its tribalfagging.

>> No.18222613

can't watch it who is this?

>> No.18222750


>> No.18222793


Can you imagine the thrill they must've had while fucking each other? The hushed, adrenaline-wrought giggles from knowing their livelihoods depend on an illusion they're dispelling with their bodies in that moment.

The grift is sublime. This whole controversy is the most beautiful thing I've seen in years, just humanity rendered in its most debased form.

It's beautiful.

>> No.18222821

Shigumano, the longtime fan that Delu designed a character for years ago and that became an actual vtuber with a model she drew and rigged herself. she can't stream regularly because either her sister who she shares a room with is there or because her parents (who have stolen from her) get into loud arguments so she's stuck in two view hell with little chance of escape

>> No.18224416 [DELETED] 

whore supports whore

>> No.18225285

Your answer is in the question already. Herself.

>> No.18225572

>Legit scream in your community post when a fandead unsubbed and writing multiple paragraphs

I didn't know the extent until reading a message she sent to someone who unsubbed, it was fucked up. I imagine that working on so many guys and if they didn't have the money for the memba they probably felt like shit. I can't help that I have a soft spot for men on the fringe of society being manipulated even if they live on the other side of the planet.

>> No.18227730


>> No.18228162

I have pity for those influenced into it before they had the capability to make decisions, like teenage addicts.
I have absolutely none for those who decided to get into that stuff after adulthood.
GFE is also similar. If you seriously buy into it, you're no different from someone thinking Undertaker can actually shoot lightning from his hands and died 4 times.
For kids, it's something you laugh at them for, but they will get over it.
For adults, it's pathetic.

>> No.18228764

i just simply dont care since i didnt pay a cent to vtubers
they are just for entertainment
unironically if botan got a boyfriend i would be happy since she is a hag same as Pochi sensei

>> No.18228931

whore is just another term for woman, anon

>> No.18228937

This. I can support someone that blindly sits by and watches parasites like this and promotes them no less.
Harassers are bad, always, fuck any of them regardless of where they are from.

>> No.18229457

Who is Aloe? Someone's RM?

>> No.18229533

>literally selling the idea of sex to the horny and the idea of a relationship to the lonely through performance
Gee, I wonder.

>> No.18229572

Hitomi Chris' past life.

>> No.18229615

who the fudge is that

>> No.18229650

Oh wow, I thought she disappeared off the face of the planet. Kinda interesting such an OG is still going. Hope things turned out better for her after all that shit that happened.

>> No.18229778
File: 37 KB, 500x700, 01640791297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it's for you

>> No.18229831

Lel at this retard

>> No.18229911

>be mentally ill
>support person who exploits the mentally ill

>> No.18229959

I like triangle but wouldn't this just make things that much worse? They'll perceive it as the whore giving approval to a cheater.

>> No.18230007

you can't reason with schizos. just don't talk to them

>> No.18230046

Aloe could have prevented this, based CEO of SEX

>> No.18230138

by selling her love for money anon. the literal definition of a whore?

>> No.18230200

>giving approval to a cheater
that is exactly what she is doing

>> No.18230839

A failed chuuba that literally goes to a mental hospital every month. She's a regular patient at this point, why should I care about her opinion?

>> No.18231209
File: 39 KB, 616x209, ksondelta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They follow eachother

>> No.18231278


>> No.18231512

nobody cares about yours, and you already knew that, but you posted it anyway. life is full of mystery

>> No.18231556
File: 236 KB, 1170x1614, 1644418838443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made my day anon
I was feeling pretty shitty from all the coffe i drank but this post made me kek so hard

>> No.18232441


>> No.18232482

This is not exactly surprising.

>> No.18232508

Menhera whore supports menhera whore. More news at 11

>> No.18232534

You are mentally weak and fickle. You must find strength through allah

>> No.18232632

Slander (or libel, which is the correct term) implies that there's a lie being told. There isn't one.

>> No.18232682

>Is victim blaming cool now?
What, is it only cool when normalfags do it to men?

>> No.18233587
File: 100 KB, 1024x1006, E6DxOB_XoAAChrz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you guys are retards. This is what she said.
>flaming people and harassing them is serious people have killed themselves because of this (There have been several Japanese who have made news for being harrassed into suicide also speaking from her own experience.)

>I shouldn't say anything but having experienced a similar firestorm I feel my words hold more weight on these matters.

>I have seen my fans engaging in this discussion and would like them to stop.

>That is all I will say. I don't have the courage to post this publicly but I can at the very least ask my fans to stay out if this.

>Many of you had your reasons for following me into the fanbox. I want to remind you all that you saved my life. I believe you are good and kind people. Thank you.

>Sorry I was selfish and spoke about myself a bit but you are all kind people and I am improving because of your support. Let's become like a ball and roll forward together.

She then went on to talk about a song she is releasing in a few days and chatted with the fans a bit.

You dramaniggers have nothing.

>> No.18233666

wtf I hate aloe now
graduate soon
oh wait

>> No.18233672

I wish aloe is my gf, she seem cool

>> No.18233708

>an opinion on a girl who wasn't talking to (you) but to her fanbox.
Into the trash with this anons opinion.

>> No.18233904
File: 239 KB, 1544x2048, FHUZpyxakAAsEPd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty fun once you get used to her highs and lows. She also makes it clear she is not GFE... even she feels like it sometimes.

>> No.18234354
File: 7 KB, 235x201, unknown-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually menhera
>broke up with her bf to be with (you) and enter a parasocial relationship
>would have been hyper dependent on chat
>weird mix of Lamy, Shion and Ayame
>daughterwife energy
>has had such awful romantic experiences she has sworn off love
>concernfag despite being unable to manage her self without a herculean fan movement
>Shigu Gen 7 nepotism hire
What could have been... however.

>became an MGS protagonist
>defeated the Ultimate Anti
>saved her Mom
>has a puppy
>saved drunk Christmas Cake Umeko-sensei
>Final defeat of the Bogdanoff Twins
>We are all safe inside the Box
>a relationship with her fans forged in the fires of battle and suffering that gives her the strength to carry on
>spending Valentine's Day with her friends and family
>wants to hold live concerts in Japan, America and China
>The Delu Way

>> No.18237171


>> No.18238268


>> No.18240638

actually bluepilled, women crave to be hated
if anything it's the only correct thing to do

>> No.18240765

more like
18-35 Year-Old Woman Try Not to Tell People You Have a BF Challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]

>> No.18240801

GFE is unironically a form of prostitution.

>> No.18240852

i'm not sure how encouraging the words of someone who quit hololive at the very first sign of controversy is though.

>> No.18241144
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>> No.18241176

Did you read the pic? She's just asking her fans to not harass Rushia

>> No.18241273

she also said you're subbing to my fanbox for creepy reasons but I'll take the money
whores supporting whores imagine that

>> No.18241408

>her fans got played
Every vtuber is getting fucked man. Unless they are some creepy 2view /here/ vtuber I guess.

>> No.18241430
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, 1635727175411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is not encouraging Rushia she is telling her fans to stay out of it and to stop involving themselves with the drama and that even jokes can pile up and become to much for a person.

Nice try. To paraphrase she said many of you joined for creepy or just out of curiosity(this is true) but even so you still saved me and I am grateful to you. How about you fags outside the box stop acting like you are experts. You are to fanbox members what EOPs are to JP.

>> No.18241812


>> No.18241851
File: 95 KB, 870x1137, Blue [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F80vxuh.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way here is what faggot OP left out since he is a dramanigger.

Translated Fanbox tweets:

>It might not be a good idea for me to bring up stuff like this. But, I'm saying this because I'm confident my words have a different weight than other people's, sorry.
>It makes me really sad to see my fans and viewers doing this.

>It feels kind of selfish cause I'm the one being helped here, but those of you who know whats going on, please be careful.
>That's all. Sorry.

>Obviously I don't have the courage to say this on my main account, but, at the very least, I'd like it if those of you looking here would be careful.

>Of those who subscribed to my Fanbox, I'm sure people have various reasons for doing so.
I think there are people here too who just joined out of curiousity without thinking too much about it.
>No matter what kind of person you are inside, everyone looking here has accomplished saving one individual that is me, so I'd like you to keep being that good of a person. I'd like you to become a kind person.

>Thank you all for everything.

>I'm being selfish, but I want you to promise me something. I'm far from being a perfect human, but I'm slowly turning into a sphere(a more rounded person).
>So let's all become balls!

>I'm so glad that some of you are taking immediate action to delete it.
>Thank you so much.

>Every time I talk to my old music friends and family, and every time I ask them to compose, mix, or illustrate something else, they always say.
>The person I'm talking to always says, "Your audience is so warm!
>That's what they say to me!
>It makes me really happy.
>In fact, I think my viewers are the warmest among all the broadcasters.

>Anon: "They say the audience resembles the streamer... Maybe we're like this because Delu-san is so warm and kind"
>No, I'm not at all.
>I'm a person who, when I didn't have the luxury to be kind to people, would live in envy and jealousy......
>It's because of the kindness of my viewers that I decided to change, and have tried to improve myself in retrospect.
>I'm grateful to everyone who helped save me.

>> No.18241853

I feel bad for Rushia but Aloe can fuck off making this about her

>> No.18241872

lets save rushia too!
how much money do you think she'll need?

>> No.18242003

>makes a members only tweet
What's the truth anon. You don't really even watch vtubers do you?

>> No.18242032

If anything they're trying to poach her donators

>> No.18242467

I feel bad for Aloe but Rushia can fuck off making this about her

>> No.18242531

I feel bad for Yagoo but Anon can fuck off making this about him

>> No.18242578


>> No.18242627

I feel bad for Coco but KSon can fuck off making this about her

>> No.18243845

Poor little seething tranny mad no one wants her busted chinese bootleg pussy.

Hang yourself faggot

>> No.18243887

shes a massive slut and fucks around on the daily.

Enjoy your used goods.

>> No.18243943

Cut that dick off Turbo TIsmo

>> No.18243958

>Hang yourself faggot
Thats what he wants fandeads to do

>> No.18243998
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Of course, Aloe is the CEO of Sex

>> No.18244011
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>> No.18244018

Dont mistake me, i want Fandead AND Rushia to hang themselves.

Would be hillarious

>> No.18244152

Delta is visiting her discord RIGHT NOW!

>> No.18244207
File: 447 KB, 1024x1024, Better Believe In Yourself Shout Out To All the Dreamers [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmqsqee.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>15日から毎日 気まぐれタイミングでDFSに1時間筋トレしに来ます!!

>I bought some muscle training products.

>I've been taking walks and doing some light strength training every day, but I've recently found a new goal that I want to achieve. I've found my goal, and I'm going to do a more rigorous program!

>About an hour a day!
>I don't have the strength to keep going, or I try, but I tend to dawdle or quit a little early, or I tend to be lax.

>I'll be coming to DFS every day from the 15th for an hour of strength training on a whim!

We hit the Self Improvement Route! We /fit/ now! Delta is /fit/ now! Take your sad cunts and leave! Go on tiny theirs the door!

>> No.18244307
File: 1.67 MB, 1000x1000, 1451935176235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on you heard me get you fatasses outta here you can barely lift yourself out of your computer chair much less drop a set!

>> No.18244390
File: 252 KB, 738x540, loomis when will they learn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think I don't see you Asian manlets! How does it feel to be cucked by the universe itself! B-b-but she's not a v-v-v-irgin! You think I care when you probably couldn't even tap the hymen! Get the fuck outta here!

>> No.18244464
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 1451848897898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18245742

God I hope you idolniggers never find true happiness

>> No.18245867
File: 352 KB, 1920x1080, 1452008809750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they can find happiness because they will realize they were acting like sad cunts this entire time.

>> No.18245946

Sell a dream, act surprised when people want that dream to become real. Certified female moment.

>> No.18247582

Strong delu soon

>> No.18247706

The fanbox isn't even available to subscribe to at the moment.

>> No.18249033

Yes it is you fucking liar

>> No.18250173

Whores support each other, I see.

>> No.18252172

Based aloe

>> No.18253131
File: 17 KB, 474x248, Rich Piana Man [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2mdpug.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Delu stalks the fan discord
>people were talking about getting fit and lifting
>a few weeks later Delu is buying weights and intends to get swole
Leave Humanity Behind you little dork.

>> No.18254405

>The slut defending another slot

>> No.18254505
File: 200 KB, 311x1920, 1488140819191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares tiny we're talking about lifting now!

>> No.18254591

I'm sorry cuck, but this is the virtual youtuber board and a thread about a whore, so I'm talking about the whores

>> No.18254720
File: 98 KB, 716x429, 1554354904995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you check all the boxes? Careful we got a tough guy here. Keep talking like that and you'll have a session of rape correction you little brat.

>> No.18255926

Well they have the right to do whatever they want as long as it concern them. But getting willingly in the GFE do has consequences

>> No.18256039

I'm just in it to burn down hololive, you wretched woman

>> No.18256267

Yeah they're all premium prostitutes but purefags love to pretend otherwise

>> No.18256411

Prostitutes you get to fuck, these vtubers don't even succ. Purefags are majority Japanese, so it would explain the cuckism present.

>> No.18256435

Any example of said message from Rushia? Just curious.

>> No.18256557
File: 120 KB, 1426x1152, 1644651457863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18256602

meant for

>> No.18256732

How many squats can Aloe do?

>> No.18256845

that micro? yeah, me

>> No.18256879

At the moment probably 1 no bar. In 1 month 2pl8s ass to grass.

>> No.18256963

How do you know that? Those behind hololive likely fucked every pupils they have

>> No.18257077

Well, she should face consequences.

Thanks, do they all do that? Maybe a policy forced by Hololive, still awful

>> No.18257172

I'm talking about the gachikois throwing money at the vtubers thinking they are the saints of pureness. Of course the company men and managers fuck them just like in other professions in the entertainment business, but to be a gachikoi and pretend otherwise is just pure cuckism at its finest. No one can beat out the Japanese in cuckism, absolutely no one.

>> No.18257221

> ok now imagine actually being that bf and your streamer gf is pandering her love to thousands of men online
I actually thought this was the reason Watame and her BF broke up (or are they back together again? dunno).
Can kinda understand that, I don't know how I would react to my girlfriend spending hours on end doing something like that. I've been jealous in relationships before, so I don't think I could take that.

>> No.18257260

>do they all do that? Maybe a policy forced by Hololive
The Holos that do GFE, do so by choice. Most do not actively do it, like Fubuki, or have explicitly said they do not want gachikoi, like Laplus. Rushia pandered hard to this gachikoi crowd, and went as far as saying on her roommate account that she'd want to marry a fan.

>> No.18257318

>her roommate account that she'd want to marry a fan
got a screenshot?

>> No.18258229

None exist, from what I can tell looking through /jp/ archives.
Only people posting about its existence during one of Rushia's menhera breakdown about gachis leaving her.
To give an idea, all of this happened in the same thread.


Also this anon was unironically right

>> No.18259085

Ah, the woman who cried wolf

>> No.18259227
File: 11 KB, 800x123, rushia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.18260074

So is this the new Delutaya thread? When's the Apex tournament that she's hosting?

>> No.18260212

bro stop being such a fucking chuuni and act normal
say somthing like >cope cuckdead or i dunno

>> No.18260301

That unironically had to be at least some of the vtuber's fetishes. They must have had the best sex of their lives and will have even better sex soon once it dies down.

>> No.18260383

Sort of we should make a thread since the next few days will be busy it seems.

>> No.18260449

Damn, Rushia....

>> No.18260621
File: 38 KB, 1082x182, delusions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some gems in that thread

>> No.18260938

Is /vt/ really filled with this many bitter people?

>> No.18261508

Out of the 31 IPs in this thread only about 3 at best are. The rest are talking about Delta, talking about Rushia, or shitposting. The thread itself was made rather maliciously because it presents it like Delu is taking sides or something when she was simply telling her fans to stay out of it and don't act like antis. Something she has repeatedly done when she sees her fans doing things like that so it isn't like she is acting out of character or anything.

tl;dr This is a bait thread.

>> No.18261633

There's 120 IPs in this thread. 31 is the number of images.

>> No.18261704

Are you really that shocked? It is a bunch of lonely nerds talking about how much the love a streamer with a anime avatar. We are all that pathetic and I really don't know where all these people are coming from acting like this is new. When I first start with holos I used to go to bed hoping to one day meet Marine just to feel something again. Lucky for me I am dead inside once again but some people cling to the good feelings for longer.

>> No.18261777


>> No.18261780

Maybe the people they attracted weren't positive people but very negative people looking for something to give them hope.

>> No.18261837
File: 88 KB, 443x387, delu chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it is.

>> No.18265624

How do you know is her?
From where did you get this?

>> No.18266477

>wrote a message but regretted it instantly and quickly deleted it
>faggots on here go on about how it's advertising
And I don't watch delu and thought cover dodged a bullet with her.

>> No.18266490

It's from her fanbox twitter

>> No.18267279

Makes perfect sense, afterall -
guess which company's fans are the ones trolling Rushia's comment sections. Aloe had to deal with the exact same shit

>> No.18267526

What about the people posting blind support of Rushia?
Not trying to deflect, I just wonder how many people defending her actually watch her

>> No.18267604


>> No.18267829
File: 289 KB, 593x846, twitter.com_hina_malina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubers don't actually care about you, they despise their audience. Never paypig.

>> No.18267855

>implying Im going to read all that shit

>> No.18267911

Yes and a ching chong wong to you too anon

>> No.18268209

The support was overwhelming on twitter by actual fandeads. Search by "るしあ" "レ" for japanese fandeads. The vast amount of Japanese support was Japanese fandeads and some hako-oshis.
In English the support is from people who aren't her fans, but this is because there are almost no English fandeads for Rushia in the first place. Almost all English fans have attempted to talk in Japanese for Rushia for a while now.

>> No.18268305

What the fuck am I supposed to be looking?

>> No.18268318 [DELETED] 

>giving attention to a genshit 2view
Saged, reported, hidden, called the mods, emailed moot, emailed hiroshima nagasaki, called the cops, called the state police, called the county sheriff, called your ISP, called the District Attorney, called Interpol, called the NYPD, called the State Attorney, called the LAPD, called Child Protective Services called the FBI, called US Homeland Security, called the CIA, called the NSA, called the US Marshals, called the local courthouse, called your State Constable, called London Metropolitan Police, called the German Police, called the TSA, called the US President, called the attorney general, called the National Guard, called the US marines, called the US Navy, called the US Air Force, called the US army, called the Royal Navy, called the governor of every state, called the Federal Air Marshals, called every sheriff deputy, called the Coast Guard, called the US Customs and Border Protection, called the RCMP, called every park ranger, called the mayor of every city in France, called the British Army, called the Queen, called NATO, called the Russian Air Force, called the Federal flight deck officers, called the UN, called the Corrections Department for every state, called the Australian Federal Police, called SWAT, called the Supreme Court, called the Mexican Police, called the White House, called the DEA, called the inspector general, called the Secret Service, called CNN, called ABC, called the vice president, called the senators for every state, called congress, called the pope, called CHP, called the Department of Fish and Wildlife for every state, called the internet police, called the US Capitol Police, and called the Party Van.

>> No.18268614

The channel names from their comments found on "vtdata dot info" are from Niji channels.

>> No.18268762

Anon, you should be able to tell what fucking にじさんじ from the end of all those stream titles they chatted in means by now.
Its fucking nijiniggers, with comment history in a bunch of niji streams.

>> No.18268809

Aren't fandeads already cucking eachother anyway?

>> No.18270775

Hate = attention
Women survive off food, water and attention.
Hate = baggage
Stop wasting your time and mental resources giving women attention, you're not a simp are you?

>> No.18270876

They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.18271934

This is only tangentially related, but I would like to remind everyone that at one point in history there were women who were treated with reverence, whose entire duty was to look after a fireplace and stay chaste, BUT if they didn't they would get buried alive (if they let the fire run out they would just get beat up a little). Guess what happened - they couldn't keep their legs closed anyways. I remember being surprised when I learned about this for the first time.
