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18323651 No.18323651 [Reply] [Original]

Amesame is OFFICIALLY dead.

>> No.18323729

Good. Fuck Chumpedos for spamming that shit.

>> No.18323742

amesame was always forced anyway
it was just the thread's two most popular girls being shoved together

>> No.18323848
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>> No.18323998

>Shit cover with good animation.
Like most of Kiara's songs. Hollow as her pairings as she hops from one hololive member to another. Remember she did a song with Ina?

>> No.18324068

You're in the wrong thread.
This is the thread that shuts down Amesame permanently.

>> No.18324153
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>replacing a dead ship with a forced ship
thank you, orange woman!

>> No.18324222

GurAme was a better name

>> No.18324273

Reminder that Amesame is dead all because of chumbuds spamming Ame's chat with gura mentions. I don't think I will ever forgive them for the amount of kinos we missed out on.

>> No.18324301

Why did AmeSame die? They seemed to have the most natural chemistry and similar senses of humor. My guess is that their roommates got into a huge argument over work.

>> No.18324320

No, it wasn't, you needlessly contrarian dumb fuck.

>> No.18324380

It's the teamate
Gura audience has less overlapping with Ame's

>> No.18324419
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Yeah, and she's still friends with Ina. Same as with Ame.

>> No.18324461

After all these months Amelia still on opposite day

>> No.18324470

Kiara acts way better with Ame anyway and is more supportive in general. Gura's weird lesbo fixation with Ame was (and still to is) over the top. I'm not surprised it freaked her out. Chumbuds pushing their ship everywhere was also annoying. If they toned it down and didn't raid chats collab begging maybe it wouldn't have turned into such a shitfest.

>> No.18324539
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Who is Toni?

>> No.18324543

>Kiara acts better
>He doesn't know the deleted tweet

>> No.18324564
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>> No.18324642

See >>18324273

>> No.18324704

>forced ship
Ame is flying to Europe to meet Kiara. The ametori ship exists because they actually like each other in real life.

>> No.18324840

>1) ame's chat wouldn't shut up about Gura
>2) ame didn't want to be known as "Gura's girlfriend"
>3a) ame didn't want her success being contributed to riding Gura's coat tails
>3b) ame wanted her success and channel be of her own effort

>> No.18324900

The people who post that don't watch Gura or Ame streams. They probably missed out on the recent guerilla collab that a lot of people enjoyed as well

>> No.18324951


>> No.18325011

Just take the L, what AmeTori has is beyond what AmeSame ever was.

I like how they team up in the video to punish a KFP employee.

>> No.18325019

No POV. Doesn't change the fact that Amelia doesn't want Amesame on her channel.
And how they interact seems holding back a lot. It's not the amesame we enjoyed anon

>> No.18325042


>> No.18325078

Jesus christ people like you are so insufferable to be around

>> No.18325083

>Ame is flying to Europe to meet Kiara
>they actually like each other in real life
just like takamori, right?

>> No.18325154

Amesame, Ametori? All yuri is gay and shit. I'm not going to let some WHORE get in the way of me and my oshi.

>> No.18325166

>Gura's weird lesbo fixation with Ame was (and still to is) over the top. I'm not surprised it freaked her out.
Fuck off their chemistry was great. The only thing that freaked Ame out was the amount of chumbuds being rude to her in chat demanding her to call Gura all the time.

>> No.18325174

The worst part is, Ame and Gura seem to actually be really tight offstream. It probably sucks to artificially limit how many stream collabs they do just because cumsharts are so annoying about the ship.

>> No.18325209

ame toni?

>> No.18325281

Ame has said very bluntly that she didn't want to be known as "gura's girlfriend" and for chat to stop "asking to collab with gura"

>> No.18325352

People enjoy content
Not doing said content because principle
This is how HoloEN declined
NijiEN gets more collab

>> No.18325514

>Ame doing something Mori never did
>just like takamori, right?
I think you might have brain problems anon

>> No.18325531

>Fuck off their chemistry was great
Their chemistry still is great. They have a great sister/friend relationship going on and that's clear. What's missing now is the "romantic" shipping undertone. Which is actually a good thing because that's the one thing which caused the drama in the first place.

>> No.18325535

Yeah. I think it's mostly Ame's decision to keep Gura collabs to a minimum.
It's mostly a business decision, not a personal one.
People who are saying Ame and Gura has personal beef obviously have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.18325577

Get pissed by the loud minority, made Gura difficult to find collab when there was only Myth and she was one of the few close stream time
Stupid and immature
Gura deserves better

>> No.18325609

Do you remember the Takamori vacation thing? It was so kino!

>> No.18325647

Anon you have to let go, the accident wasn't your fault.

>> No.18325658

who the FUCK is Toni?!

>> No.18325735
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No, because Mori couldn't even be bothered to keep contact once Kiara didn't live a couple minutes away from her.

>> No.18325888

really they both talked about hanging out alot when both of them lived in jap

>> No.18325902
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LOL no it fucking doesn't, Teamates ship themselves with Ame why the fuck would they want Gura to fuck her? They notoriously hate Gura's fanbase and tend to just ignore them when the two do collabs, the closest cross pollination you'll see between Ame ships that aren't Teamates themselves are InAme and that's because Takos like their oshi are very tolerable.

>> No.18325918
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Takamori thread? Naisu!

>> No.18325952

Difference between you and gura. Is gura isn't a little bitch and didn't take it personally.

>> No.18326136

Did a teamate make this thread?

>> No.18326202

Chumbuds don't care about other chuba and already moved on when Ame declared Amesame dead. It's only teamates that still talk about it these days

>> No.18326223


>> No.18326255

You're clearly new if you actually believe this.

>> No.18326270

>Remember she did a song with Ina?
What the hell is this supposed to point ?

>> No.18326272

Same things happens with Takamori, most Takamorifags don't actually watch Kiara, they just seep in from Mori and act like a general nuisance.

>> No.18326302

Did a chumbud make this thread?

>> No.18326330

>Kiara and Ame do vacation recap stream
>Ame acts bored like she doesn't care at all
>Kiara starts crying because she thought they bonded so much

>> No.18326348

So… Ame went to see Kiara? Do you think she’s eating her out for Valentine’s Day???? I wish I was a girl and a lesbian…

>> No.18326372

NTA, but that's what he's saying ? When it was easy and convenient, she made the "effort", but as soon as it became more difficult, she dropped it

>> No.18326396
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why you gotta open up old wounds like that

>> No.18326402
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>Fuck Takamori
>Fuck Amesame
Hail the Ametori!

>> No.18326409

Kiara's efforts to always be part of a shipp are actually really funny, sadly the next time she gets a collab with Mori or Ame gets one with Gura everything goes back to normal

>> No.18326410

No… it’s another beatcucks thread.

>> No.18326418

Teamates ship themselves with Ame. They don't necessarily push for collabs either. Chumbuds feel the need to bring up AmeSame or act with some kind of aggression whenever they see Ame with somebody else and this has become even more evident ever since the possibility of Ame visiting Kiara came about.

>> No.18326441

It's been dead since Gura started riding the deer and sucking the clock

>> No.18326543
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>> No.18326551

Teamate never feel mad because their oshi doesn't want to collab with anyone
Chumbuds feel mad because their oshi get ghosted multiple times

>> No.18326618
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>Takamori mention
Every single time. Top kek

>> No.18326646

Good to hang out with friends with less autism

>> No.18326755

this will literally be what happens and you faggots will act so surprised.

>> No.18326802

The takamori vacation was extremely kino but there's a big difference between Kiara and Mori taking a vacation together, and Ame traveling across the world just to visit Kiara. These are two different things.

>> No.18326804
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>> No.18326894

I wonder how Amelia will react to the Austrian culture if Kiara shows it to her

>> No.18326989

Based frog-phone poster

>> No.18327022


>> No.18327231

Did anyone make this thread?

>> No.18327299

Probably the first time Ame left the country outside of Mexico. So she's probably in for a culture shock.

>> No.18327398
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Fucking based.

>> No.18327407

She would probably enjoy quite a lot of it. Ame has talked about being fascinated with the chance to see some european castles. I can see why going to Austria is a lot more inviting than taking a plane to the other coast, to an area of the country she's probably already been to before.

>> No.18327514

>good animation
good how?

>> No.18327527

>Remember she did a song with Ina?
She can draw you know? What a gal.

>> No.18328568


>> No.18328888

Yeah, sharky is too busy riding someone else's Very HARD, RIGID and LONG scythe.

>> No.18329884
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Is this cuckdead/cuckbeat deflection?

>> No.18330144

"How come she says she kills them kfp employees and serves them at the restaurant but she doesnt run outta employees? Doesnt add up, does she kill'em or does she not? Makes no sense"

>> No.18330295

>Ships are meant to be permanent
No, it's a seasonal thing that comes and goes but retarded Ame don't understand the part of how to "stop" it entirely and still continues to feed the shippers hopes, as a result /u/schizo teamates still following her
but the fact is this ship was already long gone.

>> No.18330311
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Sametori is massively underrated.
Especially since they're the only ship that could believably actually fuck IRL

>> No.18331031

>people cannot be friends with more than one other person at a time
please exit the basement, faggot.

>> No.18331544

Good. They were always more like friends just not besties. At least Ame let's kiara fangirl about her this time so that's already a plus over gurame/amesame

>> No.18333160

You can only have one best fried.
You can pretend to have several, but that's the same faggotry as having multiple oshis.

>> No.18337092 [DELETED] 

>50 summons so far
>all shit

>> No.18340054
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oh nyo

>> No.18341705

Good. Ame and Kiara has better chemistry with each other and Gura already moved on with more people she has better chemistry with like Fauna and Kronii. Don't push something that clearly doesn't work.

>> No.18342037

These things go in cycles and always change. After ametori it might be inatori or amemori.

>> No.18342274

Orange woman wins again

>> No.18342455

Ame and Gura still collab a fair bit, but it’s almost always on Gura’s channel only.

>> No.18342661

This is just the chill friendship pair of Myth. Zero romantic link, but good bro chemistry and are always happy to chill together.
Maybe when pigs fly. It’s by far the rarest Myth tandem. Mori gets along better with Irys and the whole of Council than she does Watson.

>> No.18342784

gura tummy is hurt,, please understand

>> No.18343340

Negative chemistry. In fact the only one pushing ships in Myth is Kiara. The other girls are barely talking to each other.

>> No.18343443

Mori and Gura interact a decent amount.
Aside from that yeah, all of Myth is pretty autistic.

>> No.18343555
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Amesame is dead!
Now Gura can go for girls that like her back.

>> No.18344071

them interacting is once in a blue moon. dare i say even rarer than iname.
like iname, however, i want to see more content of it.

>> No.18344365

I enjoy this pairing as much as the next guy but don't tell me you actually believe this shit.
Most holopairings are forced and are influenced by management.

>> No.18344479

An Ina and Ame collab sounds like it would be incredibly anemic unless it was a game that had communication as a core gameplay mechanic.

>> No.18344557
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Wait, do you really believe that Ame is lesbian?

>> No.18345289
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shes bisexual with a preference of male at most, but probably just mostly hetero.
which makes the lesbo antics of gura and kiara even more funny

>> No.18345401

Gura collab fairly often with her genmates as well but yeah outside of Kiara & Gura you don't see much from the other 3. Ame in particular seem to be really active in discord/behind the scene but rarely go out her way to stream with others.

Someone actually asked Ina about her next collab with Ame. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4TO6Vs33Jg

>> No.18345459

Any person who cares about these forced ships has brains smoother than that of a fandead believing his oshi loves him. There is no sincerity in Hololive, only e-whores faking relationships on their japanese pimp's orders

>> No.18345745

>management mandated ships
So glad that I stopped paying so much attention to hololive, this shit has always been dumb on the EN side.

>> No.18345871

Honestly Amesame no longer fun to watch with them holding back the interaction.
It's just sad to watch now knowing there were better days.

>> No.18346072
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>management mandated ship
Anon this ship was literally born out of mutual spite towards management.

>> No.18346415

Only good post itt

>> No.18346559

Why Ametori shipper shit on Amesame so much? Claiming it's fake and Ametori is real?

>> No.18346727

Probably because Amesame are historically some of the more agressive, intrusive and annoying fags on the community (this one or otherwise).

>> No.18347538

If Ametori happened back then it'd be the same.
Instead of 30k we only have 10k viewers now

>> No.18347736

That's impossible. The only reason Amesame managed to be like that in the first place is because Gura has the biggest, most casual-friendly following in the industry. If Ametori had happened back then it would have been a slightly weaker Takamori.
