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18422441 No.18422441 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the ENxJP crossover groups fail?

>> No.18422820

Phase Connect is doing just fine, retard

>> No.18422884

Niji EN and Niji JP collabs are doing great.

>> No.18422959

H-HoloEN and HoloJP collabs are doing g-great...

>> No.18423073

Mori was in them and she ended up drankin a bit too much, ya hur?

>> No.18423157

nobody wants to hang out with en whores

>> No.18423406

not really
chigu desperately trying to jump on the latest fad and getting garbage numbers, yet still praying jp clipniggers will notice her
the jp interest in enshit doesn't seem to transfer much to actual streams

>> No.18429385

JP branch is the sick man of the company.
Do you mean stuff like Umisea or companies with JP & EN branches?

>> No.18435349

bullshit. the Minecraft collabo with mumei, bae, lui and chloe was a blast

>> No.18435439

Japs didn't do their reps and the EN that do speak Japanese aren't worthy to Collab with JP besides Irys.

>> No.18435463
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Umisea is dead, and holodead was stillborn.

>> No.18437997

the hell even happened to Umisea? Was it a one time thing or did Cover had bigger plans but flopped due to people calling out how forced it was?

>> No.18438133

They literally can't talk to each other. What the fuck did anyone expect?

>> No.18438143
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I heard Ina crashed the whole thing for unknown reasons.
You can tell she was never really into it. She was quiet during the collabs and her voice work in the shorts had was low effort.

>> No.18441140 [DELETED] 

Cuckbeat deflection thread

>> No.18441277

HoloDeath would have actually rolled if not for literally every member getting plagued with a cuck scandal.

>> No.18441600

1. Language barrier. JPs can't speak English, and most EN can't speak Japanese. The ENs who can (Irys, Bae, Ina, Kiara but that's issue 3) are okay when they collab

2. Time-zones. It's not easy to match up their schedules, and if they don't one side will mog the other hard.

3. Kiara. Overly enthusiastic, it's okay in EN, but tends to make the JP side feel awkward.

>> No.18441775

>The ENs who can (Irys, Bae, Ina, Kiara but that's issue 3)
Ina's and Bae's Japanese is barely enough for basic conversations, I wouldn't include them in the same tier as Irys and Kiara. And as you pointed out, Kiara fucking sucks when interacting with any of her JP coworkers, which makes Irys the only collab-able HoloEN. Iofi and Anya do well in their JP collabs.

>> No.18441829
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>HoloDeath: Mori, Ollie, Rushia
the jokes write themself

>> No.18441927

Language barrier and time zones. It filters some of the vtubers and/or the audience, especially when it is on a bad time for Japan or North America.

>> No.18442229

>Kiara fucking sucks when interacting with any of her JP coworkers
Yes anon that's why she interviews JP holos on Holotalk, participated in the Mikorone new year stream, recently recorded two JP segments for the Hololive main channel, and typically does one or more JP collabs per month. Because she sucks at interacting with her JP coworkers. What's wrong with your brain?

>> No.18442302

Because most of holo en can barely socialize with people in their own language.

>> No.18442427
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>unknown reasons
Her beef with Aqua was never resolved.

>> No.18442473
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Anya should be part of every group.

>> No.18442484

That anon has egg brain.

>> No.18442522
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The burger syndrome...

>> No.18442658

Well, I meant in terms of what I like watching. But you have point, she does well in more organized settings like Holotalk. But she sucks in game collabs.

>> No.18442698


>> No.18442920


>> No.18442967

Antipodal points of time and language

>> No.18443001

Because aside from Kiara and Baelz nobody puts in any effort into learning Japanese
On the JP side I don't know who's putting in effort into learning English besides Lui

>> No.18443143

i think subaru took some lessons

>> No.18443568

So the solution is to hire more Japanese ESL

>> No.18444466
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>> No.18444538

Should've begged Matsuri to get her into Hololive.

>> No.18445089

>3. Kiara. Overly enthusiastic, it's okay in EN, but tends to make the JP side feel awkward.
retarded opinion. Kiara has a very "jp" talking style (constant aizuchi's, isn't afraid to butt in and say something stupid to liven up a conversations, or retort to something stupid calling it out, basically tsukkomi boke manzai dynamic, etc.) that is immediately familiar to JPs and slots in easily to how they talk anyway. "Overenthusiasm" is not a negative quality in Japan either, they want you to sound like you actually give a shit, and do cheery greetings and join in with "haaaiii" group exclamations and so on. It's rather mostly in EN who prefers a more "cool" (ironic, detached, look how little I give a shit, etc.) attitude, and where more talents are more on the reserved/introverted/wet blanket side, that her enthusiastic approach sticks out more (naturally, when surrounded by others who are more softspoken and "uuuh...yeah" non-conversationalists) and was received rather arkward (especially in the beginning when they hadn't yet adjusted to their roles and each other and were more unsure how to act, that's mostly okay-ish nowadays... they still suck in big group collabs tho, especially compared to JP where everyone at least tries to work together to make the stream fun and entertaining).
Seriously, Kiara in JP collabs (especially with people who can actually banter back and aren't conversationally challenged, like most of EN is) is usually pretty good

>> No.18445625

Literally me.

>> No.18446894


>> No.18446955

Aqua and Marine fucked off because of mentall illness and healt issues for months

>> No.18447676
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>> No.18447769

Bae's jap is fine. She's not near Irys level but she's able to get by like Mori is. Pair her up with the JP Holos who know at least a little English and they'd be 100% fine.

Also as bad as Ina's is she and Sana apparently chat with Watame off stream so she's probably able to make it work via text when she has time to compose her thoughts and maybe look up a word.

>> No.18448408

It was their summer unit project... which happened at the very end of summer... with no swimsuits... and then Marine fucked her throat right after it...
Be glad Aqua included them in her live.

>> No.18448581

It's like they speak completely different languages and come from very culturally difference places.

>> No.18448876
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Turducken is fine even with Kiara's timezone, though they complicated things by adding two more birds which makes getting Holotori all together at the same time harder. It's at least a group that can talk to each other thanks to Kiara and Reine having good Japanese, Lui having good English, Subaru doing her English reps, and then there's Mumei.

>> No.18449169

Don't want to make a new thread for this but how would you rank the moon of non JP members? Obviously mori is dead last and anya/irys at top? Where would say, risu or reine rank

>> No.18449227

>OP doesn't specify
>Everyone just jumps into their own conclusions

>> No.18451179

>Bae and Kiara
>Aren't worthy to collab with JP
Cuckbeats are delusional

>> No.18451246

Turducken seems to be fine though, maybe because it's integrated by people who have a good grasp at each other's languages?

>> No.18451330

This, Subaru can actually speak English even if she is far from being fluent. She is probably the most fluent among holoJP, maybe only behind Haachama

>> No.18451691

Bae is a straya cunt, she needs to be quarantined lest other girls be unable to handle the bantz and end up like Haachama.

>> No.18451793

Lui is already fluent starting out, she is just refining.
Subaru is okay at reading English but isn’t great at speaking or conversing as she needs to take it slowly and rapid discussion can lose her.

>> No.18453063

actually yes. Notice how the actual best EN is Japanese? Maybe instead of hiring Bongs, Leafs, and Burgers, they should hire ESLs and JSLs living in Japan.

>> No.18455401

How about you get among some bitches
