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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 281 KB, 955x751, 1646198327485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19410466 No.19410466 [Reply] [Original]

Fat bitch ate two burgers

>> No.19410526

only two?

>> No.19410602

Dont worry anon

The fa- the nutrients just goes to her already large breast.

>> No.19410671

Bitch forgot my cum sauce for protein

>> No.19410774

Takes a lot of energy to carry those massive cow tits of hers every day. Must be ten pounds put together on her chest.

>> No.19410795
File: 376 KB, 1536x2048, 1646198638447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danchou pls
That's merely a light snack for Moona

>> No.19410849

Appealing to the EN audience.

>> No.19410870

I want burgers now.

>> No.19410906

>the two holos with the biggest tits and ass need to eat a lot
Was anime right?

>> No.19411133

Gross af

>> No.19411176

That's nothing though? Look at how small they are, that's not even a single normal sized burger.

>> No.19411540


Fucking fat bitch can’t even walk out of her house for some food

>> No.19411584

I need to drink her titty milk

>> No.19411598

I can eat 8 you skinny basedboy cuck

>> No.19411608

Two fast food burgers is fine so long as you aren't getting fries with it.

>> No.19411658

Her massive tits need to get fat somehow.

>> No.19411713

How fucking fat are you people???

>> No.19411749

>MCD cheeseburger
That shit’s tiny. There’s a reason they normal come as two.

>> No.19411833

They get shrimp burgers at mcdonalds in japan? I'm jealous.

>> No.19411871

Depending on what else you are eating during the day, 2 burguers aren't much. Only 2 burgers for all the day ain't much, depending on how big they arw of course.

>> No.19411922

i literally and unironically refuse to believe that's a meal for moona, and not what she eats throughout the entire day
stop calling my whore wife fat

>> No.19411986

mac in japan

>> No.19412018

yeah, it's not like it's a quarter pounder or a big mac or something, single cheeseburgers are smaller than a pancake.

>> No.19412024

They are small.

>> No.19412045

mcd in japan are tiny compared to america, she'll be fine

>> No.19412057

One is for her boyfriend dumbarse.
t. Her Boyfriend

>> No.19412058

None of those anons but that's legit not that much.
Then again I do OMAD so when I eat McD's I aim to get all my calories for the day in.

>> No.19412062

I think those two burgers as the second and final meal of the day is acceptable every once in a while. Even if it wasn't this would still be okay because Noel is cute

>> No.19412104

I would like to try the shrimp filet-o.

>> No.19412239

Moona has a drawer under her bed filled with snacks. The girl loves to eat

>> No.19412351


I'm a 62kg skeleton and even i could down those two burgers in a sitting

>> No.19412401

japanese hamburger is the size of a oreo cookie

>> No.19412407

I imagine those are for when she’s too autistic to leave her room to make real food.

>> No.19412460

>Even in America, the single cheese burger is only 300 calories on its own
Yeah, if you eat even twice a day, that cheese burger and shrimp filet-o are acceptable as a meal. Though obviously still not particularly healthy.

>> No.19412540

ikr OP so retarded

>> No.19412575
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Not nearly enough.

>> No.19412599

63kg anon
Those are small and not filling at all.

>> No.19412635


>> No.19412644

I know "arse" is our thing, but it just sounds odd instead of "dumbass". Like when an American tries to say "wanker"

>> No.19412658

gonna make her a nice cock and balls meal

>> No.19412684

she's eating for 3

>> No.19412702

Assuming the other one is just a cheeseburger like the wrapper suggests, it's not that much since the normal sized burgers are pretty small, unless jp McDs has bigger sized than us which I doubt

>> No.19412979

Big Mac and the Quarter Pounder and McDonald's larger burgers. Everything else is small, though by Nip standards it's probably normal sized.

>> No.19413156

You're all fucking kidding me. Now I have to google what the fuck is an American burger. No way the size can be that different.

>> No.19413169

>asian mcburger
They're tiny compared to the one sold in any western country.
Had to buy 3 when we went to kpop country, no wonder they call us fat

>> No.19413170

3 mcdonald cheeseburgers isn't even a particularly big meal and is like half the calories of a large milkshake.

the fries and drinks are much worse for you than the burgers

>> No.19413245
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barely, surprisingly

>> No.19413261

mcdonald does not do big burgers. They never have and probably never will

https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/product/cheeseburger.html even a double quarter pounder with cheese is 740 cals only.

>> No.19413265

All the fat goes to her tits and ass so it's fine.

>> No.19413294

Enough about the sizes

Which brand or a not known brand sells the most delicious burger

>> No.19413327

whenever I would eat mcdonalds, I would always get 5 mcdoubles

>> No.19413333
File: 894 KB, 902x1280, 18 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 75kg 1,80cm tall. Here are some things I can and have eaten in the past in one sitting. I can eat 5 pizza slices (40cm); 1 500g of meat burger with some fries and coke; 3 MCDonalds burgers with two sides of fries; 2L of icecream; a bucket of KFC for two (15 wings) with two small fries.

Not even American. We just aren't bitch made like Europeans. Most people I know can accomplish similar if not greater feats.

>> No.19413337

Nice, can't wait to see people argue

>> No.19413354

drink sizes and fry sizes are doubled in the US but burgs are the same size. Source: lived in both US and Nipponland. And the specialty burgs in Nippon are absolutely disgustingly covered in additional sauces, just drenched in weird liquids that's all extra calories. I am convinced the equivalent of a specialty-flavored Big Mac is more calories in Japan than US.

>> No.19413406

Fat fucking poorfags itt who can’t afford 5 star meals at their leisure, I feel bad for you wagies

>> No.19413417

I think any burger joint that sells a normal burger (patties not made in a factory, hand made in house daily) is the best

>> No.19413429

Nice, I live in the US so didn't know about that

>> No.19413435

In n out is obviously the shittiest brand

>> No.19413483

Exactly. They don't even serve bacon. What sort of shitty burger place doesn't serve bacon?

>> No.19413673

>Burgerman proud he can mow down food like a pig
Bet you would've boasted about loving the pink slime version too

>> No.19413711

Never had Whataburger cause the fast food selection where I live is pretty bad. In n out is the most overrated thing though

>> No.19413833

Latino here, Mostaza is my favorite and the damn luettuce was fresh instead of black and dry like in other places.

>> No.19413888

god that's fucking hot

>> No.19413927

Those fat tits and fat ass has to get lard from somewhere anon.

>> No.19414049

Whataburger is a regional chain. As someone who worked there for 4 years upper management was real strict and would come by all the time to make sure that standards were being upheld. Honestly one of the cleanest restaurants I've been in.

>> No.19414063

Yea doesn't it sound delicious? So many weird things that i'd like to try once in my life...

>> No.19414259

I've never been a big fan of burgers in my life, but I'd vouch for a charburger from The Habit Grill.

>> No.19414279

luv me sum fat bitches

>> No.19414373

sounds good, none in my state though

>> No.19414407

Those a re pretty good

>> No.19414517

Huh, very interesting, as a burger I would have thought the opposite

>> No.19414520

Who cares shes still sexy asf all the fat goes to her tits

>> No.19414535

I want to lick honey mustard off of Noel's thighs

>> No.19414688

>The Habit Grill
This, Habit is way better than In-n-Out.

>> No.19414836


>> No.19415001

>tfw it unironically does and they keep growing

>> No.19415108


>> No.19416223
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SEAniggers acting as if not eating a single time in a 24-hour period is normal. I know you fucks don't have running water and barely have internet going but come on at least pretend to be human.

>> No.19416374
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>> No.19416487

cute little anon can't eat two burgers let's order you a kid's meal i want to watch you eat

>> No.19416580

Two burgers for a meal is nothingburger.

>> No.19416704
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, 1639408436015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empty calories like alcohol make you fat

>> No.19416811

All calories are empty, the only thing that matters is in and out and how long you fast per day.

Vitamins and minerals are for faggots.

>> No.19417079

Unless you're 6'2 or taller, that's not a skeleton at all. Or maybe you're going by burgerland standard of "skeleton".

>> No.19417184


136 lbs is underweight even at 6 foot.

>> No.19417393

>that's not even a single normal sized burger.
you amerimutts clearly don't know that your burgers arent normal size.

>> No.19417799

57. I'm fat as FUCK

>> No.19417828

what video ?

>> No.19417951

Burguer King>Mostaza
Can't eat a Mostaza burguer because the bread tasted sweet and I don't like the meat they used.

Wanna eat a fucking stacker

>> No.19417955

Hey dumb faggot, it's literally only 250 cals

>> No.19418005

Hell yeah. Nice.

>> No.19418036

I often eat two burgers instead of a burger with fries. It's almost the same amount of calories nut more protein.

>> No.19418068

i'll have you know the well in my backyard has good depth and it only slightly smells like swamp as long as i boil it for long enough

>> No.19418095

Five Guys > everything that's not a mom and pop joint.

I lump these guys in with mom and pop joints. Pretty good.

If I had to rank the fast food burgers, it'd be Rally's > Burger King > McDonald's > Wendy's > Hardee's

>> No.19418202

anon... burgers are american. if you want a little baby burger thats fine but thats not a standard size hamburger.

>> No.19418333

Those massive tits aren't that large for nothing.

>> No.19418370

all fat absorbed in her tits.

>> No.19418486 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1080, 37fad264-67bf-43a8-8d10-701b6789768a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fat might be going somewhere else too

>> No.19418500
File: 71 KB, 300x225, DCB82758-54D5-448B-B0E0-90BBAF7489B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be skinny as fuck when I was 18 and could easily eat this pizza back then.

>> No.19418575

I'm surprised she stopped being shy about it too, before she was shy as fuck about her belly and ass.
I need to recheck if I have that set.

>> No.19418631

She is only fat at the right places. ALSO bitch is known to eat inordinate amounts of curry rice.

>> No.19418682

god damn source!

>> No.19418698

She’s getting hornier and straighter, it’s only a matter of time.

>> No.19418893

Hornier she is, even Flare is starting to get turned off which I found funny, straighter, I don't know, she wants to fuck the duck lately.

>> No.19418915

But digs aside, even my 45kg ass could finish that much in one sitting. Only I will be stuck on my seat after that and might need stomach medicine.

>> No.19419025

It also depends on how fast you eat it, if you eat it slow you can take more of it, if you wolf it down in one go then you are gonna feel like shit pretty fast.

>> No.19419123
File: 2.62 MB, 413x233, 1645894102928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moris got some competition

>> No.19419441

Abayo nigga

Blindchama... Your reading reps...

>> No.19419594

Maybe, since I am always wolfing down by default.

>> No.19419758

Good healthy girls gotta eat.

>> No.19419916
File: 32 KB, 480x360, 1628913815769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks delicious, I suspect she ordered more unless Japan puts a single burger in each bag...

>> No.19420350

Also, a lot of this burger talk basically made me hungry and go to the nearest burger stand. A dollar for two cheeseburgers with patties half the size of a typical McDonald's burger but tastes more like beef and less like chalk.

>> No.19420410

She has good genetics, her fat always goes to the right places.

>> No.19420411

You've never seen the tiny japanese girls who win eating competitions ? If you're /fit/ enough you can eat a lot.

>> No.19420465

Oh god I want to lick all of it

>> No.19420850

it all went to her fat tits

>> No.19420867


>> No.19420901
File: 445 KB, 960x770, based2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ordered 20 micky Ds burgers once and it ended up tasting like ass by the end of the day and i vomited twice. good memories

>> No.19421020
File: 150 KB, 850x1063, 3513B96D-E442-4519-854D-9FAAF5F018E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel is pregnant please undastan

>> No.19421037

mcdonalds burgers are so shitty and small so 2 of them barely count as a snack

>> No.19421054

>t. american

>> No.19421080

Fatsuri ate 3 a day in her prime

>> No.19421089

Who is the father?

>> No.19421133

>Zhangs and SEAnigs are so poor and starved they think eating more than 300 calories is a massive meal

>> No.19421181

not sure
we have threesomes with Flare so it might be Flare's or mine

>> No.19421369


>> No.19421430
File: 106 KB, 806x574, DFEAECD2-6A20-444F-B6AE-720BF265A630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are here and monitoring the thread

>> No.19421605

Everyone's. She is constantly pregnant and wont stop pumping out babies.

>> No.19421832


>> No.19421850

>big tits/ass
You must be confused anon

>> No.19421872

So McD is the key for fat tits all along

>> No.19421911

you know what I think I'm gonna go for some mickey D today :)

>> No.19421951

Drawfags please I beg you Moona and Noel squeeze in McDeez lewd art onegai heck I'd take a draft

>> No.19422063

I could probably only eat half of it realistically.
That's a lot a calories.

>> No.19422193

Actually anon they are from Germany but its ok

>> No.19422247

this thread made me wonder what vtubers regularly eat

>> No.19422300

More like yuropoors thinking everything fast food is 3000 calories

>> No.19422414


>> No.19422471

me in belly.

>> No.19422534

tranny detected

>> No.19422606

need moar pics of her ass

>> No.19422672
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>> No.19422704

I could eat 5 of those and I'm 77kg, but I'm a mover so I can get away with eating like a pig.

>> No.19422856

i would normally struggle, but in 90 mins? i'd down all of that in 60.

>> No.19422882

You have not seen an European christmass dinner, lol. 24 cannelloni in one sitting.Then meat, then sweets.

Its just that gorging yourself everyday is not good at all.

>> No.19423781

I could have done that when I was 8 years old and had no concept of moderation when eating, why do you think that shit is something to boast about?

>> No.19424274

>this was a year ago
geez time really flys...

>> No.19426359

2 burgers is normal for me and i am only 65 kilo (~150lbs).
One of my common (maybe once every 2 weeks) meals for supper is 2 1/4lb homemade burgers from storebought ground beef. No fries though.

>> No.19426506

Because it is. Eating a lot is a sign of a strong body. If you ate two loafs of bread and had to call it quits in the 1500's you'd pass out carrying around a bucket of water and die

>> No.19428286

Japanese hamburgers are small.

>> No.19428697

I'd be sick, and probably throw up, but $3500 is $3500.

>> No.19430554

Fatasses be droolin in the thread.
t. Fatass

>> No.19430592

Ez. Where my money.

>> No.19431208
File: 100 KB, 720x962, EV0_D8xXYAADV0j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a bodybuilder needs to eat big in order to sustain his body, Noel's body asks her to eat big to sustain herself, trust me

>> No.19431332

I'm sure the four drinks alone would make this almost impossible

>> No.19431494

Reminder that japanese people have bad eating habits, like no eating in the morning and barely eating in the afternoon, then eating a lot in the night like in the pic.
not all people obviously, but most chubas and people who live alone

>> No.19431561

Wow have I actually been Japanese this entire time?

>> No.19431629

yes anon do your daily reps and strive forward to your japanese origins

>> No.19431706


>> No.19431750
File: 38 KB, 590x442, 5988898776084a6b008b62a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, fuck the Fillet-o-Fish. Get me one of these

>> No.19431887

okay real talk, a bigmac is the cheapest protein you can buy on the market and a perfectly acceptable post workout snack.

>> No.19431979

>gross vegetables
>not even real beef
>perfectly acceptable post workout snack

>> No.19432005

I didn't know Aki had such a SEX model

>> No.19432089
File: 337 KB, 338x407, 1619695385043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sinful woman...

>> No.19432104

you don't need fucking vitamins post workout, just protein so your body doesn't go into stress and break down muscle for energy (and to help it build muscle).
a big mac has the most protein per dollar out of anything you can buy, fact.

>> No.19432226

Aki is pure sex.

>> No.19432568

My usual mcdonalds order is 2 double quarter pounder with cheese, 20 nuggets, a big mac, large fries, a mcfish and a medium sized diet coke.

>> No.19432585

Noel eating beef is cannibalism.

>> No.19432660
File: 3.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1621125188201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the calories are not going to waste either.

>> No.19432729

Enjoy your scurvy

>> No.19432929

>not even real beef
I hate mcdonalds but are you retarded? Next you're gonna be talking about "pink slime" (ground chicken and spices)

>> No.19432965

>ground chicken
They plant them now?

>> No.19432980
File: 30 KB, 540x468, 77f61c92c36283a74539e1afdbf5b54232ff7e43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phuq you Anon. Japanese McDonalds is way better than the American ones.

>> No.19432998

It's impossible to be vitamin c deficient in the first world

>> No.19433007

Okay, Big Smoke

>> No.19433090

You might be. I think I might be, too. Listen to this guy: >>19431629

>> No.19433279

>When the real ones are a bigger cup size than the fake ones

>> No.19433299

god, I want to bury my face on those two big mountains

>> No.19433329
File: 37 KB, 758x644, 1634774288234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither of you are Japanese, regardless of reps

>> No.19433457

You know, if it was just 2 cheeseburgers and not two doubles, and only a single slice of cake, I wouldn't really scoff at it.

>> No.19433491

Anon, you know people will regardless because female diet jokes.

>> No.19433958

It's two small burgers that should fit into the smaller bag but there's also a large bag. Is she ordering for more than one person?

>> No.19434016
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Thanks anon

>> No.19434383

anonchama, post some
also, what distro?

>> No.19434447

I tend to eat 4 burgers made with ingredients I buy by myself. I'm only weighing 87kg too, but I always tend to eat more than twice the quantity of a normal person.

>> No.19434552

Noel is perfect.

>> No.19434578

22% bf
I could down 8 of those burgers in 10 minutes

>> No.19434644

This unit's tits literally weight twice as much as your fucking head, you moron.

>> No.19434672
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>> No.19434721

Nice. Thanks for the pic.

>> No.19434737

>don't mind me, i'm Just A Linux User, haha, oops, i guess i outed myself, heh wanna know which distro i'm using?

>> No.19434769
File: 348 KB, 1808x1928, 1646126510715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to show my increasing number of vtubers with borgars anon, and thank my fellow anons that post them

>> No.19434777

#BobMob won bitch

>> No.19434878


i want a bitch that can eat two burgers

>> No.19434881
File: 422 KB, 1464x2048, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_dodon_gadon__656d77792cd894ee4334510b14f30c8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eat McDonald's with Noel.

>> No.19435086

God, I want her to get fat again. Busted the biggest loads to that tummy.

>> No.19435294

>Anon has never seen how portuguese and french people eat every single weekend

>> No.19435397
File: 394 KB, 720x720, 1630856696811.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont feel bad my oshi loves McDonalds too and is always talking about burgers and liking their ads on twitter

>> No.19435837

What fast food place do I order from today bros?

>> No.19435900
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It's okay, hurea likes them chubby

>> No.19435952

Your reps, newfag chama

>> No.19436018
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>> No.19436156

ID 3D fuckin WHEN???

>> No.19436197
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>> No.19436270

>Have said 3 sizes
>Have mentioned weight multiple times
>Her butt is so big that her mom have smacked it on multiple occasions

Within the next month or two is quite likely as EN and ID are supposed to be present for Holofes.

>> No.19436334

Each time I see them it's like they're even bigger than last time.

>> No.19436351 [DELETED] 

>Never has seen the GAME ON Gif from twitch
>Moona has to put two sports bras when playing RFA
You're the one confused, newfag.

>> No.19436464

The food would be easy, the drinks would be the problem, unless it's the normal "all ice with more ice" drinks.

>> No.19436571

>There is a few mentions of M Cup on her Twitter when the pandemic was still going strong

>> No.19436735
File: 1.83 MB, 1280x720, situp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think its true boys...

>> No.19436752

What the fuck

>> No.19436852

In the early 90s mcdonalds burgers were huge. Like as a kid I'd have trouble finiahing a big mac.
Then as a pre teen i started eating 2 bburgers regularly as a badge of honor, and maybe not eating anything else that day but drinking 2 liters of water
But somewhere in the 2000s the size of the burger was cut like 30% and 2 burgers are literally nothing. I bet the ones Noel is eating are even smaller than what we got here.

>> No.19436930
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maybe u just got bigger lol big boy

>> No.19436937

How can someone like her even hide at Holo events.
I doubt there's many japanese women with curves like that

>> No.19437006

First thought it was 2 burgers, fries and about 30 nuggets, but then I saw the drinks and another pair of burgers and whatever that was cut off as well kek

>> No.19437018

I can now say I've seen the outer rim of a chuba's asshole.

>> No.19437130

that reminds me, an obvious SEAnigger once made a thread trying to make mori look bad cause she spent like $75 on desserts to share with a friend and he thought that was something only rich people can afford

>> No.19437133


>> No.19437341

Its actually true in a way. The quality of McDonalds in the 80s and 90s is vastly different compared to now which includes smaller everything. That company is so profit driven state-side.

>> No.19437374

i bet it has more to do with fat fucks as well.

>> No.19437418

Partly. But also health nuts, hipsters and eclebs that like to do those stupid celeb meal promotions.

>> No.19437451

I found the thread

>> No.19437488

The moon is at it again....

>> No.19437496

>But also health nuts, hipsters and eclebs
>ywn get the supersized shit anymore because of a documentary made by a fraud

>> No.19437512
File: 190 KB, 360x450, Pekora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, she only lets pekora buy her nuggets

>> No.19437545

Large is all that is left

>> No.19438059

>Tfw will never go on a dorky faasto deito with Danchou at McDonald's and hear her excitedly talk about mechs the entire time

>> No.19438295


>> No.19438375 [DELETED] 

>>Never has seen the GAME ON Gif from twitch
Where is it? I wanna see

>> No.19438442

Made her fuccin titties fat

>> No.19438488

they went to her fat tits

>> No.19438839

>i literally and unironically refuse to believe that's a meal for moona, and not what she eats throughout the entire day
ENs are known for being overweight IRL. Might as well face the facts.

>> No.19438843

I'm pretty skelly tho I was chubby when I was 11.

>> No.19438876

Shit I didn't mean IRL I mean in general. FUCK YOU.

>> No.19438882

Good for you

>> No.19439011

Is this some indog psyop to make us think that Indonesia has entered the civilised half of the world?

>> No.19439085

I always order two or three burgers but never fries.

Fuck fries.

>> No.19439100

fries are the worst part of fast food. that and soda.

>> No.19439139

Reminder that MCdonald's meat has human meat.

>> No.19439236

Source? Salsa? Molho? Bing chilling?

>> No.19439245

I'm thin and I also eat two burgers - i just don't get any fries or soda or dessert alongside - pretty much what she's done here as well

>> No.19439260

Highly agree, the only time I've enjoyed fries was when I was hanging out with my innawoods uncle and he fried them in tallow, they weren't pretty but holy fuck does the oil matter when it comes to taste. He told me that McD's used to fry their fries like that using the fat from the burgers... Boomers really did have it better man... ;(

>> No.19439312

Tiny SEAmanlets will never understand bro

>> No.19439417

Damn this one hit me hard
Imagine her dork laugh at your shitty gundam s jokes

>> No.19439442
File: 205 KB, 420x420, 1642134633305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn eat burgers with Noel
fuck Anon why must you have to remind me that my life is shit?

>> No.19439490

Wow, 2 whole mcdonalds cheeseburgers? Thats like what, 2 oz of meat, and 4 oz of bread and condiments? What a feast, what a pig, oh my

>> No.19439543

Nobody can do it because she'd just eat the other person's burgers too

>> No.19439629

I would gladly starve to feed those titties

>> No.19439751

ya te vi chori, no te me hagás el difícil

>> No.19439805

Not even, some places have cut down on Large sizes, fucking BK had even removed the Triple Whooper until recently they started adding it again.

>> No.19439835

Only two?

>> No.19439870

only 72kgm here
now KYS

>> No.19439937
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>> No.19439945

Is that her fucking bunghole? Danchou.... have some class man.

>> No.19440046

Unless those fries are really long then the size of those burgers are small, those cakes seem also the size of Hershey's Pie from BK which are also small as fuck and one can eat them in 3-4 bites.
In fact it made me hungry as fuck.

>> No.19440109


>> No.19440214

Whats your order go-to order at McD? I get a Double Cheeseburger, McChicken and an Apple Pie.

>> No.19440486


>> No.19440682


>> No.19440770

I will seed this when it finishes.

>> No.19441633

Two cheeseburgers have the same amount of protien and are cheaper

>> No.19441781

Those massive boobs require sustenance

>> No.19441816

I'm gonna eat burgers with Noel once I meet senchou and start dating her.

>> No.19441822

Damn her videos seem to be getting lewder honestly. I guess I need to go watch this now.
Wait, is it really? I didn't think she would allow that. I thought maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me?

>> No.19442034
File: 959 KB, 2560x3840, 1645488726434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking stop, man, that's all I want in this world and it hurts knowing I'll never get it.

>> No.19442836
File: 161 KB, 1008x1030, 1619585565513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know I needed these until now

>> No.19443709
File: 305 KB, 2705x1817, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta keep those fat tits of hers well taken care of.

>> No.19443887

>by a fraud
Fucking a, I remember when people wouldn’t shut the fuck up about that documentary. Did he really turn out to be some phony? Wouldn’t even surprise me

>> No.19444028

iirc yes. there was some dude who busted that fucknut by basically saying he forced himself into eating like a god damn retard

>> No.19444113

>not eating the main thing a joint can hardly ever fuck up on
That said, sometimes they go above and beyond to screw that up too

>> No.19444122

He consumed 2-3 times the normal amount of calories a person would every day and also was an extreme alcoholic off screen.

>> No.19444224

>extreme alcoholic
Heck, that obviously hit him harder than any of the “pink slime”.

>> No.19444271

Holy fuck, I've spilled so much semen to this woman.
Doesn't she hate doing that though?

>> No.19444357

No, her eggs are begging to be fertilized

>> No.19444384

yeah that too. again, spurlock is a hack. "le supersize bad" yet guzzles down booze and shit.

>> No.19444536

Weird how canan posts stay up but any mention of Mooner's massive moons gets deleted fast.

>> No.19444605

>canan posts
anon you haven't seen the amount of cananposters in one of the stickied threads at /pol/

>> No.19444638

because Canan is THE roommate, even mods respect her tiddies

>> No.19444851

I want to hold Noel’s massive tits in my hands just so I can feel the weight men’s hopes and dreams are made of.

>> No.19444928

I never understood how people thought that documentary could possibly be valid, who even eats McDonalds every day for a month? It must be such a small minority of people it isn't worth considering

>> No.19444997

I decided to check her a little, dear lord I think I need therapy

>> No.19445036

No gay women does this

>> No.19445072

Not an alcoholic, he was a fucking VEGAN and went straight from that to eating six thousand calories of meat and processed food every day. No wonder he was puking his guts out.

But, yeah, reducing portion size and adding items nobody ever ACTUALLY buys to the menu, was McDonalds answer. The former actually means their profits went up per item.

>> No.19445096

I don't even think I could make it sexual if that was the context. I can't help but respect them.

>> No.19445391

sort of serious question. Are women with large breasts doing more excercise just sitting straight or walking around? Or is the relatively constant weight ignored by the body and they get no gainz?

>> No.19445456

I had a short friend who had massive tiddies and she complained all the time about their weight.

>> No.19445486

I didn’t understand either, but mid 00’s was a weird time. That’s when pedo Jared with Subway took off too.

>> No.19445656

does Moona still post pics of her snack draw under her bed

>> No.19445721

I'm pretty sure it came out that years later he was actually eating a lot more than what was supposed to be his official McDiet. People did the math on his daily calories and it didn't add up for his weight gain. There's a good response to that Mockumentary with one called Fat Head (2009), where some nerd kept things around 100g of carbs daily, didn't eat like a pig and didn't eat outside of the planned macros/calories for the day and he ended up losing weight and getting healthier. I highly recommend Fat Head, I watch it every now and then as a reminder from where I used to be to when I started a low carb diet and lost over 50 lbs. Cutting out the carbs made one thing make sense from the original Spergler doc though, the guy that ate Big Macs every day never ate the fries... it was there all along.

>> No.19445819 [SPOILER] 
File: 143 KB, 1344x756, 6465b0891a6bb7eb2d7ed41e96294c82e0b139d475482e3ada4e3642811a5ee7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd still make it sexual, as tits those perfect deserve proper worship, but just lifting them and feeling the heft of such massive tits is special in its own way.

>> No.19445872

No wonder people are diabetic. Goddamn.
And here I am worried that if I drink more than one can of soda a day.

>> No.19446247


that one was what i watched

>> No.19446648

No prob anon, I recommend it all the time whenever I see SSM get mentioned.

>> No.19446676

SSM just proves how much worse shit like beer and sedentary shit is.

>> No.19447299

Is there an album of all her pics?

>> No.19447424

She’s the first jp woman I’ve seen with perfect teeth

>> No.19447451

Literally an American snack, fuck off twiggy.

>> No.19447571


>> No.19447647

Suisei could learn a thing or two from these woman, with herself being a stick

>> No.19447823

>shrimp filet
Whatthe fuck

>> No.19447954

Standard Japanese menu item it is honestly pretty good.

>> No.19448014

two burgers isnt a lot

>> No.19448068

This has got to be a joke pic. I'm a 1.84m, 100kg man, not slim by any measure, and I could maybe eat one burger + all the fries as my big meal of the day. If I were ravenous, I could follow it up with one slice of cake - and I'd feel like a guilty fatass all day afterwards.

Even if you set aside the calorie content I just can't imagine a SEA girl being able to eat all that without puking it back up. There's LITERALLY not enough space.

>> No.19448149

the perversion of the cursed isle of japan knows no limits

>> No.19448280

Your stomach slowly expands depending on how much you eat. I'm 183cm but 65kg and I can put away a family pizza (40cm diameter) plus fries easily. Two burgers, especially the empty fluff mcdonald's burgers, is nothing.

>> No.19448315

>haven't seen her pics

>> No.19448345

It's not. Seriously, have you seen a naked woman? It's nowhere near that high up. That darker area is razor burn from shaving.

>> No.19448380

/vt/'s TWO SCOOPS incident

>> No.19448738

she's flat as fuck

>> No.19448823

Are you sure that was her? She has some pretty big tits, not Noel size but still pretty decent.

>> No.19448857

You lack critical information

>> No.19448875

I don't understand how people can eat this
If I have instant noodles, pizza, kebab, etc, my stomach is weak enough that I'll then have explosive diarrhoea for the next 24-48 hours

>> No.19449034

It's two flat cheeseburgers, some fries and a slice of cake. My 175 cm 65kg ass can finish that no problem. That's not really an insane amount to eat. Now if you eat like that everyday than you're a landwhale tier.

>> No.19449253
File: 105 KB, 1078x1331, 1645219133168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19450165

>not Noel size but still pretty decent
Anonchama, Mooner is second place for Holobooba.
She is nearly Noel size now.

>> No.19450359

Moona's breasts for her little brother.

>> No.19451553

Yeah, this thread proves that 4chan's mainly made up of skinny twinkish looking motherfuckers. You guys really don't realize how lucky you are to be cognizant of body weight, even if you have dysmorphia and complain about a belly it really could be so much worse lol

>> No.19452010

That's kinda cute, just makes me think that they'd rather stay thin so their waifus can be curvy. I recently lost 30lbs (most of it from my tummy) and I keep getting asked who did my BBL, so I'm a thicc bitch 4lyfe.

>> No.19452379

those aren't full size burgers looks like she went to mcdonalds and had some cake with it. If so that's a mcdouble, which is not a big burger which is basically a kids sized double cheeseburger.
I used to eat it with a small fry for lunch every day, because the meals like 3-4 dollars, I lost a ton of weight doing that. It's a bit chonky of a meal for a woman adding the second burger and the cake, but not that out there.

>> No.19453255

Give me a hint. I've only seen "Indo girl dancing" and it didn't give me much to go off of.

>> No.19453900

search massive moons in one of the archives

>> No.19454700

Is it at least in a Moona, ID, or architect thread?

>> No.19454777

Jesus fucking christ, my jelly levels are off the charts
just fucking kill me already
