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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 29 KB, 360x450, Moona_Hoshinova_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1991211 No.1991211 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone believe the rrat that she is actually autistic?

>> No.1991222

Is it really a rrat if it's plainly observable to anyone who watches her

>> No.1991249

pew pew pew

>> No.1991263
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Trips of truth

>> No.1991284

she either actually has aspergers or reads the rrats on 4chan and plays it up

>> No.1991283
File: 830 KB, 1009x817, sdsads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit, can't argue with those numbers

>> No.1991423

What is a rrat

>> No.1991451

hi moona

>> No.1991461

Damn you figured me out

>> No.1991577

a miserable little pile of secrets.

>> No.1991640

What does the letters stand for tho? Thanks

>> No.1991898

Rrat is from naRRATive. The word itself is from pekora

>> No.1991938

Thanks hero

>> No.1992066

She has to have something, her reactions to some things is just too on the nose for it to be a ploy. Then again I work with children with actual autism so maybe Im more hyper aware of that stuff.

>> No.1992178

just curious, how can you tell if someone has aspergers/autism? and does moona exhibit some if not most of those behaviors?

>> No.1992420

It really isn't difficult to tell certain sign but, as someone who isnt "legally" licensed, I can't diagnose someone. But, yeah Moona does exhibit a lot of typical signs
> Poor Social Skills
She is very obviously a quiet person even during her collabs she barely talks and if she does it has to be initiated by someone else
> Detail-oriented
Her OCD is a very VERY big detail that many over look as a jokey symptom but, many autistic children do infact have this in spades.
> Persistence
She always seems to want to finish something she has started regardless of what is in her way, which again many autistic kids do. Hell take most autistic kids and put a lego set in front of them, many of them will actually get mad and or depressed if they are not allowed to see it through till the end.
> Not Socially-driven
Her lack of initiating collaborations is a big giver of that.
>Opening up to very few people
Besides some of her ID friends and Peko she doesnt really seem to like anyone or try to at least. Which I know from experience with a friend of mine who is on the spectrum it is very hard for them to open up to someone new, but when they do they are almost bonded to you in a weird way.

Again these symptoms and traits are only some things that tip me off that she has something going on, but of course a lot of it can also be up to the fact that her parents maybe never pushed her to make friends or overly sheltered her which can also be misunderstood as being autistic. But, if I had to put some money on it, I would say 100% Moona if not autistic is at least on the spectrum.

>> No.1992480

Fuck im autistic

>> No.1992597

>Her lack of initiating collaborations is a big giver of that.
She does a lot of collabs though just not on her channel. She does more non-Hololive collabs than most of the JP girls. But all your other points are spot on. Even when in a collab, she is much more quiet than a solo MC stream.

>> No.1992637

Hey, thats me though.

Well i always know that i have a bit of autism lol... Thats why i see myself within the moon

>> No.1992982

You could always get checked for it, honestly having autism is not anything too heinous especially now that we know about it much MUCH more than we did even 10 years ago. I know plenty of people that even with it have lived very good lives.

>> No.1993254

she's clearly has Asperger. she checks out all the symptoms.

>> No.1993285

She's not autistic, she likely has aspergers.
Basically she's normal but yeah... she's special at the same time.
Also Aspie people get annoyed/frustrated easily.
From an armchair psychologist standpoint she's got all the aspie checkmarks

>> No.1993408

Always has been

>> No.1993467

You you bastard, Rrat is an ogey rrat aka a Russian Ration aka a Raw Rat

>> No.1993604

hello 4chan, Moona's brother here.
it's actually kinda funny how some of you can point out so much symptoms and connect it with her behavior.

I don't have any degree with psychology, but I don't see her as autistic kid. She is just a shy person.

yeah this is just a joke, but the real autistic might take this seriously

>> No.1993625

I believe

>> No.1993662
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>> No.1993685

I do but I'd like to see her without the model. Her derp expressions trigger my autism sensor and that may be compromising the readings.

>> No.1993736

oh hello my future brother in law

>> No.1993790

didnt someone leak moona's roommate performing anisong and shit before

>> No.1993822

Yeah, her roomate looks pretty normal outgoing girl.

>> No.1993872

oh hello kind-hearted anon

I actually tried to introduce 4chan once to her, but she can't get how the imageboard works. apparently she prefer use reddit, since r/minecraft give a lot of tips

>> No.1993908

Its on youtube. She cute!

>> No.1993922

>I actually tried to introduce 4chan
dont you fucking dare

>> No.1993963

Hello, Moon'as brother! Can I fuck your sister until she becomes autistic? Sincerely, Moona Lover fan.

P.S. Can we arrange this before the cops find my hiding spot since I've been on the run lately. Nothing serious, just been working on my cardio for 10 straight days.

>> No.1993990

send moona's armpits photos please

>> No.1994083
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>She always seems to want to finish something she has started regardless of what is in her way, which again many autistic kids do. Hell take most autistic kids and put a lego set in front of them, many of them will actually get mad and or depressed if they are not allowed to see it through till the end.
This one is just normal brain function. There are whole memes about doing shit wrong and it bothers people. I agree with the rest of it, but there is a huge number of people who get upset by unfinished things, things that are askew, or things not done properly. Hell Ina was joking about making her pond bridge slightly off center just to mess with people. Though I don't think she would do that since she probably is the most autistic out of EN. Hell she had to fix Gura's tennis ball from orange to green.

>> No.1994087

I wonder how moona's steamy sweaty armpits taste

>> No.1994290

stubbly since she probably doesn't shave them regularly

>> No.1994528

no, she said she will married bher brother when she was 5

>> No.1994642

I know it's just a joke, but good for her. I don't want Moona to visit this hellhole.

>> No.1996934


>> No.1997156

I believe the rrat that nearly all vtubers are at least mildly autistic.

>> No.2000396

If those observers actually know what autism is like and don't just call every hint of poor social skills and quirky/awkward behaviour autism, sure.

>> No.2000817

I have light autism, have known many people with autism, read a bunch about the subject and followed some workshops too. I'm not a professional mind you, and I don't watch Moona, so I can't tell you whether she has the 'tisms or not. But I do have a pretty sharp auti-radar. In my opinion If you want to know if she has it, you gotta look for the following things:

>difficulty with quick, intuitive decision making. People may think they're spacey or clumsy.
>bad at small talk. Some have a hard time coming up with conversation topics at all, especially without some sort of external stimulus they can comment on. Others talk a lot, but they talk about specific topics, often in great detail.
>tends to lose grasp of the "big picture", easily gets lost in details. Sometimes spends more time/effort on something than needed in the context.
>Difficulty "reading the air", difficulty with (social) context. May react more "strongly" or weakly to people than appropriate.
>Quickly overwhelmed by stimuli, may not handle loud sounds very well. (Less common/strong with lighter forms IME.)
>May get hyperfocused at certain interests or topics. Many autists have a couple of things they're strongly interested in, but don't care much about other things. (Less common/strong with lighter forms IME.)

I only listed the ones you could detect online, so I'm not even going into things like gait and gaze.

These aren't the only signs of course, and many autists do not have all of the symptoms I listed either. Having one or two doesn't necessarily make you autistic either. But if someone shows a bunch of these signs they often have it in my experience.

>> No.2000945

To add to this, autism often manifests differently in women than in men. From what I've seen irl and read about, female autists often have less problems with socials skills and context than male ones. Instead they tend to have more problems processing stimuli and tend get easily overwhelmed overwhelmed. Plenty of autistic women are diagnosed with hypersensitivity disorder at some point in their lives.

>> No.2001022

> This one is just normal brain function. There are whole memes about doing shit wrong and it bothers people.
Anon, it's implied that it bothers them much more strongly than neurotypicals. Much more strongly than is normal or healthy.

>> No.2001118

Autism is an illuminati scam. Like covid.

>> No.2003643

back to >>>/pol/ with you

>> No.2004276

Yes, she's against lewd pics so must be autistic.

>> No.2004444

please teach ur sister some proper english, thanks

>> No.2004713

People from other countries especially asia tend to be more detail oriented. Like 90% of the shit Japanese people do Americans would call autistic. If you want to see auisim read the EN minecraft chatlogs. Between chat and building PPP Ame pretty much quit minecraft aside from the collabs she's has done with Indo gen 2. Kiara at this point has pretty much migrated to the JP server.

>> No.2005667


>> No.2005887

Actually not so far from the truth

>> No.2008994
File: 164 KB, 1040x1200, EeigVpYU0AAHZeA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogey neurotypical

>> No.2009165

>normal person sees slightly off center pond
>Moona sees off center pond
>will stop whatever she's doing and re-dig it
There was another stream where some other holo left a missing block in a road or something and she just couldn't let herself walk past it

>> No.2010240

>She fixed an out of place block left in a road she's on the spectrum!!!

You're like those people who think Mark Summers was in living hell because he was host of family double dare, but when interviewed; he says no he loved it. He only gets bothered if things in his house were messy or out of order. I'm not saying that she doesn't have some level of autism or ocd. Though most people can have these and it still doesn't control their life.


>> No.2010354

Aspergers is part of autism so if she's aspergers she is autistic, but yeah it shows less signs than the other types of autism do I understand why some people wouldn't notice it

>> No.2010725
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>> No.2012499
File: 309 KB, 608x595, 1607579190795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the fact that her parents maybe never pushed her to make friends or overly sheltered her

One of her Indonesian snippets in birthday streams:
>It's hard for her to make friends because she's shy and awkward.
>She only had one friend at school (from elementary until high school), and still friends until today.
>She prefer to have one very close friend, rather than many
>She was close with two person during the first semester of her uni.
>So when she asks to join them for lunch, they left her after they finished eating, so she had to rush finishing her meal to catch up. (They were kind of inconsiderate to wait for her a bit, but she still keep in touch with them)
>So the only real time she ever had friends, people who understands her, is Hololive. The management really took care of her.
Not a native indo speaker, but its the gist of it.

>> No.2012852

Just with the way she laughs it should give the indication that she has extreme form of autism.

>> No.2013183

Easily 80% of Hololive is at least mildly autistic.

>> No.2014382

Damn man. Its like point by point somebody listed all the problems I have. Guess I just figured all of that meant I was just a loser. But apparently its a medical condition? Kinda makes me feel better about myself, feels like I can push the blame of my failures onto something else at least

>> No.2014556

I really feel for her. She has so many social debuffs which is why it always feels like a miracle when I can appreciate watching a funny moment of her or seeing her engage with others in Hololive or indie collabs. Happy for her now but I wish she got to experience at least a little more friendship when she was younger.

>> No.2014568

She actually stated as much...

>> No.2015807

>her OCD
I wish people would stop misusing this so much.

>> No.2020503

Moona and Pekora have autism. If they manage to have a proper conversation then they won't be friends anymore.

>> No.2020557

God i want to make her a mom.

>> No.2020820


>> No.2022601


>> No.2022683

OP the vast majority of anime fans are on the spectrum

>> No.2022904
File: 354 KB, 1167x1063, and this is beyond MAX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 40% of holopro is under the spectrum...

>> No.2022918
File: 58 KB, 850x478, Dead-Rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post needs A LOT OF OGEYRRAT replies.

>> No.2022983

When medicine decide to change a clear definition into a spectrum/gradient of symptoms, this happens. Technically no one's fault but those "neurodiversity" shills.

>> No.2026181

See >>2008994

>> No.2026594

She is a bit weird but mostly normal girl on irl.
Moona is actually Nab*** from a****en and often comes to various weebs event as indie local idol or a cosplayer.

>> No.2027758

Based indog customs.

>> No.2031782

Risu would probably do a better job than you

>> No.2037850


>> No.2040268

I don't know and I don't care, she is who she is and will continue to be this way regardless of what kind of diagnosis you slap on top of her. Literally doesn't matter and makes no difference.
