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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.20688350 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 236x419, 1634482726313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh, aren't you bored of this drama already?
can we turn this into bunny's tits general instead?

>> No.20688392

No Bunny, it's funny watching the dogpile on you happening

>> No.20688492

>white person asian fishing
>creates a ton of drama and ruins other people's lives
why is it always white people who cause problems?

>> No.20688570

Ugly with a pound of makeup, fat hands, saggy tits, and bad plastic surgery.

>> No.20688583

how many times does bahroo needs to be outed as a manipulative asshole who got where he is by stepping over all of his "friends" corpses for people to stop enabling him
is that...
is that a cute panda?
forget what I just said

>> No.20688602

Bun, you've got out of every other hardship in life with your tits but not this one, too late.

>> No.20688685
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>> No.20688688

bruh there are innumerable places you can see her clown tits and only one place to appreciate the fine trash fire that is the drama she's made her life. Get your priorities straight.

>> No.20688712

Where did these come from?

>> No.20688724

Naked dogeza when?

>> No.20688726

Only if you, I mean she takes them out

>> No.20688734

>People unironically thing this is pure sex

Bitch is fat, has soggy tits, swolen feet and a wrinkly ass and since the pandemic it just got way worse for lack of physical activity and no, her 5 cucks pounding her doesn't count as excersize.

>> No.20688735

more importantly why the fuck does it need to be a general?
no new information has come out and as of right now its ended with meowris stream covering all the shit just like arcadum's shit ended with naomi's stream covering all the shit

>> No.20688820

This is a million times more boring than the saruei shit. Has that tranny Darius killed herself yet?

>> No.20688832

Seriously, the internet is full of better looking women, many of whom aren't legit sociopaths like she is. Throw her in the dumpster let her burn.

>> No.20688893

i'm surprised twitter trannys haven't accused her of trying to look japanese. with the whole name and look to her. she probably is trying to. white western roasties are always ashamed of being white.

>> No.20688915
File: 175 KB, 756x779, 1647723812798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QRD for those who inevitably ask:

>Bunny commissioned Layna to make a figurine
>Bunny is a bitch. Constantly asking for revisions, and making excuses as to why she's refusing to advertise/announce the very product she herself requested despite Layna being mostly done with her end of the bargain
>Bunny invites Layna to a private cosplayer Discord server
>Layna witnesses a lot of very toxic behavior by Bunny there. Accusing other girls of copying her, body shaming them, making up rumors, pressuring friends to retweet her stuff, weaponize her friend circle and community to shun people, etc
>No one says anything because she's the alpha thot of that circle
>One day Bunny is chewing out someone for not retweeting one of her posts. Layna had enough and objected, while Bunny got angry and left the Discord server.
>Bunny starts slandering Layna saying she attacked her, even reaching out to Layna's business partners trying to sabotage deals (despite still being in a business relationship with Layna for the figure)
>Bunny didn't fulfill her end of the contract, refusing to take photos for prints to be included with collectors edition of the model. Realizing that this was going last months while being sabotaged by Bunny's clique, Layna fired her as a client. No more figure.
>Refund time. Layna took on $20000 in debt paying back pre-orders out of her pocket. Meanwhile, Bunny kept $2100 in pre-order money without refunding anything.
>Bunny continues the slander, adding that Layna stole the money and ran.
>Layna reaches a breaking point and stops streaming for over a year. Says this is one of the reasons she is now a vtuber and refuses to ever facecam again; she was afraid of online harassment by Bunny and felt safety hiding behind an avatar.
>Bunny continues sabotaging relationships. Other streamers or vtubers Layna was on good terms with would suddenly block or ghost her, and she concluded that Bunny was likely responsible
>Layna keeps her head low to avoid trouble. But reaches another breaking point recently when Bahroo blocked her despite Layna never speaking to him
>Layna goes public with this story and a huge pile of screenshots and business receipts that back up her claims
>Bunny posts an apology -- with comments disabled, naturally. However, the exact wording makes it look like she's shifting blame and refusing to accept responsibility, instead insisting its partially victims' fault. Apology widely rejected.
> Google Drive records reveal the above apology was actually written by someone whose job title is "Influencer Relations Manager" and not Bunny herself. Unsurprisingly, this makes the apology backfire further.
>Bunny (or someone for pro-Bunny) report the post revealing the apology's fake origins, along with Layna's initital post revealing Bunny's bad behavior, in order to get them scrubbed from Twitter. Again, backfires.
>Eventually a few others in the vtuber/streamer community come out as backing up Layna's claims.
>Bahroo (yes, the largest indie twitch vtuber) is revealed to be one of the people directly slandering Layla to other streamers. He admits guilt and apologizes. Remains to be seen if he'll suffer a cancelling like Bunny.
>Sidenote: Bahroo is, or at least was, in an open sexual relationship with Bunny. Which is probably why he agreed to do her bidding despite not being in her cosplayer clique.

>> No.20688981

Who the fuck are these whores? I'm not reading any of this shit. Leave /vt/ forever.

>> No.20688991

Not really a general, I just wanted to collect all the info in the OP since people have been jumping in confused as fuck and it isn't easy to track unless you want to dig around twitter and who the fuck wants to do that.

New info has been dropping everyday so a new thread is needed, at least until we know it's a closed case. There are still 2-3 parties that implied they were going to release something last I saw.

>> No.20689037

She does have a porn dump, right?

>> No.20689074

Wow, as soon as the thread died to inactivity, you immediately replace it. Sasuga OP, you're a faggot.

>> No.20689091

Drama threads are shit, but they're better to have on the board than the usual 2-3 simultaneous anti-Niji trollbait threads.

>> No.20689112

When's Bunny doing a collab with Saruei?

She's not going to get much now, gonna be stuck playing amogus with the 2views in no time.

>> No.20689130

I wanted to reply to the last thread to the pic of her and her sister.
I don’t know if my taste is shit or what, but bunny is the closest a women has come to my ideal “type” so seeing all these people saying they he girl on the left looked prettier kinda shocked me, either that or I like fat chicks

>> No.20689202

I’m >>20689130
I’ll admit her feet and face aren’t the best but the rest of her body two years ago was perfection 9/10 if it wasn’t for the face and feet I didn’t like.

>> No.20689213

So it fucking nothing unless you a female

>> No.20689216
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>> No.20689276

The one who made drawfags seething over her not liking their work

>> No.20689296

It’s because these threads are filled with cgl bitches that had bad experiences with bunny, they’re out for blood right now. If you say anything positive about her appearance they’ll start screaming “HI BUNNY!!!1” immediately

>> No.20689455

I wanna discuss both though.

>> No.20689567

Bunny is hot yes, but also not someone I'd be near or interact with for anything but a quick fuck desu. Just waiting for her to get into the porn game

>> No.20689587

I mean has she even streamed again yet? Hard to say how this will affect her until then.

>> No.20689736
File: 83 KB, 339x262, FN0UfqSacAASEc0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters, bunnysperg, dramahounds and /lig/gers are going to keep making these threads for another few weeks even if nobody else says anything else about any of them.
At least nipple/lean/mfmfgate were hilarious pretty much the whole time.

>> No.20689913

Bunny's face is nothing special but the girl on the left looked like a fucking joker caricature compared to her. I don't understand how the fuck anyone would call her the better looking one let alone "hot".

>> No.20689917

Are there any bunny stans who have some sort of defense for this? I'm usually very forgiving of drama but this sounds like some of the worst I've seen and indicates a cluster B personality disorder.

>> No.20689933

twitch was a mistake. Cmon RIAA, Do your worst

>> No.20690008

Doesn't this count?

>> No.20690020

Literally who

>> No.20690163

The same Bahroo that sent his fans to spam Gura for a DbD collab?

Good fucking riddance.

>> No.20690202
File: 410 KB, 477x585, 1647543554752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty hilarious to me that plenty of these people act like they've never been on a chan and how that was an appalling part to one of the callouts
meanwhile meowri, god bless her heart for having the balls of steel needed for all this, literally got her start shilling herself here along with basically every other person who didn't already have a big name as a friend in the cosplay scene. because shockingly enough; this is the best place to start getting coomers drooling all over you and always has been picrel

>> No.20690326

There is no defense my dude, it's over for bunny. Hopefully she disappears permanently, but probably won't.

>> No.20690536

Are there any bunny "stans" who like her for anything other than her fat tits?

>> No.20690572

You're right. Even I can't saviorfag this BDP case, and my standards are really low.

>> No.20690574

>buncha drama EN Vtweeters and coombaits
You're a retard.

>> No.20690584

western vtubers and their consequences

>> No.20690632

Hopefully not, I wanna see if she gets as desperate as Momokun doing period porn.

>> No.20690667

I really don't see much of a defense, though I don't know many Bunny fans.
There's only like 1 anon I've seen here that seemed to have been an actual Bunny fan, and he was so devastated when he found out about all this. I actually felt bad for him when I read his posts, it seemed like genuine sadness from him.

>> No.20690714

Got a link to his posts?

>> No.20690797
File: 401 KB, 1339x753, cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's going to be an image i didn't need in the back of my mind thanks anon.

>> No.20690961

He was in this thread, here's some of his posts
It actually was pretty sad to see

>> No.20691055

you fuckers are so petty

>> No.20691148

This entire board is built on petty. You don't realize you're just as pathetic as the average poster in this thread.

>> No.20691301
File: 23 KB, 640x360, 181495_464079223606176_1976206621_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 4chan losers are talking about me again!

>> No.20691343

>died due to inactivity
>doesn't know about auto sage

Congrats for outing yourself on being an offsite white knight of the Bunny defense force you fucking idiot: threads naturally fall off when they reach the post cap because there was so much discussion.

Nice try spinning the narrative though, too bad you're dumb.

>> No.20691479

Damn, poor bastard.

>> No.20691546

Drama chads continuing to eat well.

>> No.20691594

Damn that sucks. Glad he has the perspective to be suspicious even though he's in this neck-deep.

>> No.20691755

I think he was recently in /vsj+/ and /lig/ looking for some recommendations and stuff for some new chuubas to watch so at least he seems to be moving on.
Can't imagine the few simps in her discord that are still believing her shit though

>> No.20691940

Bunny is legitimately my ideal woman physically, she has the hottest body I've ever seen. Huge tits and ass without being fat, just that right level of cute chub without rolls. Her face can be hit or miss depending on the angle and lighting. I don't think I've coomed more to any other woman

>> No.20692007

Bahroo, you have to let her go

>> No.20692040
File: 52 KB, 687x515, 1621118348281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is severely lacking in pictures of her tits.

>> No.20692067

Don't think anything is going to happen to her streaming but people will probably not stream with her anymore. Arcadum got mega cancelled and he's still streaming

>> No.20692095
File: 61 KB, 393x233, FOKqopvWYA040__.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I supposed to feel a single shred of pity for this guy? It's just some fag who got way too attached to a streamer and went to go cry about it on 4chan about how he's "not sure what to do". Call them a retard on twitter or whatever and then drop them, it's not that hard. I've been watching Bahroo for 8 years and after hearing all this shit all I had to do was just that and click unfollow.

Anyone who makes a single person a cornerstone of their online entertainment is far too young to be posting here anyways.

>> No.20692120

It’s like you faggots have never seen japanese porn before and only fap to the ugly imitations made by fat white women trying to look asian.

>> No.20692258

You say that, but most of the unicorns who post here are lonely men in their mid 30s. They'll start playing the age card and condescending to anons that admit they're in their early 20s.

>> No.20692315

Anon let's be realistic. Most people who post here aren't the most well adjusted so I wouldn't be surprised if they're way too reliant on streamers in their lives

>> No.20692352

>It's just some fag who got way too attached to a streamer
Given how people spend their time posting several concurrent anti-Niji (and occasionally anti-Holo) troll threads on this board, a good chunk of the population is way too emotionally vested in their chuubas.
Arguably the Holo/Niji ones are even worse, since they're literally defending not just oshis but the two largest corporations in the field./

>> No.20692456

tbf there aren't a lot of texan vtubers

>> No.20692488

Arcadum fell massively though. He's barely even a 3view nowadays. Of course I don't think either Bunny or Bahroo will face a drop anything like 17.8% did.
17.8% actually might have been one of the most successful "cancellations" to happen (and good fuck that guy). But a large part of that might be because his content relied a lot on other people, now no one wants to do anything with him.

>> No.20692509

Who the fuck is bunnygif
Is this the spicy new 2view drama

>> No.20692544

I don't really know the context behind arcadum, sorry. But, i can say i doubt bunny will hide away she is one of those types of women that realize they are somewhat pretty and know how to use it to their advantage, she is a very good manipulator which is why she needs to be isolated. Manipulators only have power if they are allowed it they can't take it for themselves but use others instead, being thrown out of her community is her absolute worst nightmare because she craves that kind of attention and high when she is controlling others.
Seen it a thousand times, bunny is incredibly easy to read if you understand the flags

>> No.20692622

The fuck is this, I don't even watch VTubers, what's the QRD of this literally who spicy drama

>> No.20692636

Jenna is hotter than bunny anyway

>> No.20692664

ok cool but whens her nudes getting leaked?

>> No.20692702

Oh shit nice.

>> No.20693113

bunny made the mistake of trying to double cross e-thots that were hotter than her

>> No.20693398

This is the only place that'll talk about you from now on bunny, and even that will stop pretty soon, your career is over you schizo whore

>> No.20694061

>w-we're all exactly the same!!
What a cope. I'm sure some people here are less and some are more pathetic than me, but I'm not as petty as most people getting off to the drama in this thread.

>> No.20694128

Why are you on /vt/ if you don't watch vtubers?

>> No.20694168
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>> No.20694204
File: 81 KB, 809x561, 1647579198489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday alone Bahroo got well over a thousand new subs and made close to $4000 in 7 hours even after admitting to his guilt and cuckoldry to his community, a number only half of what he got during his subathon.

Those people who are waiting to drop bombs on him shouldn't be waiting much longer.

>> No.20694251

ok. Congratulations I guess

>> No.20694397

Anon, I'm sorry to tell you this, but just because /cgl/tards are retarded does not mean you're not equally as retarded for posting on a board just as bad as they were in their heyday.

>> No.20694490

Way to make Saruei look like the average bitchy French woman

>> No.20694505

He went from 17k subs to 57k subs

So he made about 199k from just subs during subathons, Twitchs rate is 3.50 a sub to to the creator. He also got thousands in donations so overall his subathon probably made around 250k.

He then said he was going to give that money to the e-thots to which meowri said that money won't do anything and he needs to repent, but she'll take the money lol and he's a bastard man

>> No.20694512

>"I'm above such drama"
>Anon says, while posting in a drama thread. Causing additional drama by belittling others.

>> No.20694713

Woops dud all 57 instead of 40

He made around 200k

>> No.20694817

Did anyone see the herpes sore on meowri's lip last night? it's fucking scabbed over

>> No.20695007
File: 55 KB, 600x623, 1546509621105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was talking about in the past day and not the entire subathon as his involvement wasn't known until about the 17th I think, but in those three days he'd have made almost 7k subs according to twitchtracker without giving it any margin of error (which you should but for maths sake it's a clean number) that means he's made over $24,000 during the drama in the past three days. Completely ignoring bits as I don't know how to track those, taxes because I don't know texas shit, and completely ignoring the fact he will continue his career of making hundreds an hour with no consequences for any of his actions against people both new and old for years to come until he inevitably stops streaming with millions in the bank.

>> No.20695113
File: 36 KB, 1162x392, who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a pretty noticeable decline to me

>> No.20695321

It looks more like an incline to me, as he explicitly stopped his subathon and there was no reason for sub numbers to not be like they were during February with his completely normal streams. The fact he's getting anywhere close to a thousand subs right after the fact says it all, and until today is counted it'd be hard to say assuredly.

>> No.20695448

Nice try bunny.

>> No.20695596

Saggy tits are good and if you don't think so you are a virgin who has never sucked on a big fat sagging mommy titty

>> No.20695746

meowri is a literal lolcow and not worth discussing on the vtuber board

>> No.20695817
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>> No.20695909

I'd agree but she hosted a talk last night and a lot of vtubers were chiming in including silvervale to validate her for the drama and I love drama

>> No.20695944

all of them are lolcows and i can tell you first hand the threads on meowri/peach/literally any of them will be equally as hilarious
the difference is none of them are vtubers and bunny is, and on top of that she's had bad blood with vtubers people here already cared about

>> No.20696177
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Dubs of truth. Nobody here actually gives a shit about any of these cosplayers and just wanna see Bunny burn, and if they turn into vtubers they'll get the exact same treatment however many years down the line when someone comes for them. No cosplayer is guiltless forever.

>> No.20696227

I have no doubt in my mind that bunny has chronic dry pussy from taking birth control since she was 11

>> No.20697431

funny how an insanely active thread died the second anons shit on /cgl/sisters

>> No.20697512

How is that funny?

>> No.20697700
File: 76 KB, 500x676, 200494_210599495620785_100000122097891_955792_7305281_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny does not approve of these threads.

>> No.20697892

because e-thots realizing they have no friends either anonymously or otherwise is always a treat desu

>> No.20697917

Nobody cares about any of these hoes you shitbag. Jenna and Bunny are equally hideous and photoshop-obsessed

>> No.20698088

The vast majority of bahroo viewers give 0 shits about drama or vtubers in general, and the only way his followers and viership are going noticeably down is if he stops playing video games.

>> No.20698128

I don't approve of western whores ruining the vtubing industry

>> No.20698270
File: 524 KB, 2731x4096, FHHFwwDXsAA3Eii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why are you posting on the board made explicitly by and for westerners ruining the vtubing industry?

>> No.20698890 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 850x1321, breed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To trade hag art with the rest of the hag lovers, why the fuck else

>> No.20699017 [SPOILER] 
File: 738 KB, 2508x3541, 1647081520387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't argue with that my brother.

>> No.20699088

This fucking hawk.

>> No.20700204
File: 331 KB, 1338x1024, xbnhti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which way, western man?

>> No.20700307

>soulless shit colored eyes

>> No.20700535


>> No.20700607

>Sidenote: Bahroo is, or at least was, in an open sexual relationship with Bunny. Which is probably why he agreed to do her bidding despite not being in her cosplayer clique.

was it ever confirmed she let him fuck her? or did she only do the cucking?

>> No.20700934
File: 68 KB, 612x612, e51f3486458a11e2b62322000a9f12da_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based vintage Bunny appreciator

>> No.20701231

What point are you trying to make here?

If it's that seagulls are thinskinned then you've never interacted with /cgl/, those hags are absolute harpies that fear nothing.

>> No.20701317

The live together anon make of that what you will.

>> No.20701453
File: 488 KB, 1570x1512, wnul43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I'd like to say I've been a fan, I only learned how she used to look the other day. Older pics make me understand how she got popular

>> No.20701584
File: 107 KB, 900x1080, 1646816023170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based beyond belief.
I think at this point even the people who hate the both of them are hoping he at least fucked her, if only because Bahroo throwing away his reputation and going into a Spoony-tier hugbox without getting even a shred of coochie and just being a cuckold would be far, far too pathetic.
Hilarious, but pathetic.

>> No.20701857

>Arcadum is a 3 view
that's wishful thinking, he still gets 5,000 views per stream which is way better than most of the indies on this site

>> No.20703533


That faggot still hasnt an hero. Think bahroo will?

>> No.20704007
File: 177 KB, 1200x1450, 6846137461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's two

>> No.20706507

No one will ever reach spoony tier.

>> No.20706894

Is this trainwreck being discussed anywhere else than here and twitter?
I want to see other reactions, like that sad fan boy yesterday.

>> No.20707541

nobody care about this bunny drama, people just want to jerk off to her tits.

>> No.20707659

Jenna had a whole stream about this and it put a pretty definitive end to the whole thing. Don't know why OP is still making threads since until something new happens this thing is over. Bunny is probably /out/ as a vtuber entirely. Bahroo will likely suffer no consequences. And Saruei is still a cunt

>> No.20707725

it's practically a rite of passage for a vtuber to do a collab with bao at some point in time these days isn't it...

>> No.20707805

Unless bahroo does some serious shit to make up for his actions he's probably going to be pushed out of Criken's friend group for he treated Layna + his invoking of Arcadum of Strippin. Downside is he's bigger than any of them so it's one less friend group he'll have but he'll undoubtedly stay afloat

>> No.20707936

only new thing today is statement from person who attempted sudoku

>> No.20708020

Cope, incel. They’re everywhere

>> No.20708157

Why is twitlonger the preferred platform for cancelations? I don't think I've ever seen it used for anything else.

>> No.20708253

Ok someone spoonfeed me, I have no idea what the fuck is going on

>> No.20708297

Multiple youtube videos about it. Posts on livestream fails on reddit. Articles online as well.

>> No.20708301

There's this as well but not getting a lot of traction because it calls Susu https://twitter.com/yuretaO/status/1505593841797062657

>> No.20708382

>tranny cosplayer
Opinion discarded. He will an hero soon anyway.

>> No.20708656

Didn't hear about this one but holy shit that's bad.

From everything I've read it sounds like Su was emotionally and mentally abused by Bunny and probably just took her word for a lot of things and was shitty to a lot of people because of it. A few other stories have mentioned her coming to them after breaking up and wanting to make things right though so that was nice to see and I imagine she can make it through just fine. I'd still like to hear her side of things but it sounds like she doesn't want to talk.

>> No.20708706

To OnlyFans nudity she goes. Just like that groping Momo-something.

>> No.20708771

wonder if she'll actually post nudes to onlyfans now, for years its only been her in cosplays and shit showing as much cleavage as possible

>> No.20709450

I don't trust any of these thots as far as you can throw them, they're just cannibalizing one of their own right now as the harvest demands a ritual sacrifice every few months. They helped Bunny cancel Momokun and MikeZ and whoever else with their false platitudes and lies; a new queen bee will take her place soon enough as top dog of the cosplay whore scene.

>> No.20709711

I think the biggest takeaway from all this is that Bunny is a slut that doesn’t mind using sex to manipulate people.

>> No.20709733

Momokun and mike z got canceled because there were other accusations and lots of evidence. There is a youtube video of momokun grabbing some guys ass at a con. Mike z had tons of coworkers say he was a racist dirt bag. Cosplay thots have never been able to cancel anyone with just their petty stories.

>> No.20709760

So she's a woman?

>> No.20709939

So when is Bunny gonna an hero?

>> No.20710104

Everyone is nice to one another at face value but secretly collecting as much dirt as they can for when the time comes for a sacrifice. Nobody is an angel, mark my words, everyone has skeletons in their closet in this scene. Bunny was just stupid enough not to hide her tracks.

>> No.20710441

>a new queen bee will take her place soon enough as top dog of the cosplay whore scene.
oh shit, it's going to be hane ame, i can already see it.

>> No.20710456

Gotta do something after getting canceled.

>> No.20710509
File: 132 KB, 320x240, Sin, Bunny, and Adella ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.mp4_snapshot_01.20_[2022.03.21_01.40.46].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that writing is fucking atrocious, I could barely understand it. Who talks like that? Also I like how all these people are showing up now they've seen the Bunny pile on, this tranny and Sinnocent even did that dumb ice bucket challenge years ago with her.

>> No.20710679

Okay bunnyfag. This just proves those two have known bunny for years and the time line matches up.

>> No.20710895

Yes. But think about the incident with Shelby, she immediately tried adding them to her harem after they arrived, it’s like she’s a coomer or something.

>> No.20711145

Bunny is based and should bully more trannies to 41% themselves

>> No.20711488

Think about all the stress eating she is doing now. Bet she has put on 40 pounds in the last three days. 2nhv8

>> No.20711671

I'm not readying a whole Twitlonger thesis, the fuck is going on?

>> No.20711708


>> No.20711738

Architects win again

>> No.20712072


/vt/ is the reddit of 4chan

>> No.20712372

>cries about how he has no friends
>the friends he did have aren't genuine and talk shit behind his back
>turns out he's just projecting

>> No.20712474

Bunny_gif was doing a project with layna for a shitty figure that costs $300 a piece They fought because slutty women always resent each other do to being insecure layna canceled the project bunny shit talks her layna plays victim because she had to pay back preorders for money she got but didnt use fast forward layna bitches about it a bunch of e-thots that were all bullying each other blame bunny for all the bullying they band together and call themselves brave use a lot of buzzwords share pictures of bunny saying mean shit while they sat there agreeing and being bitches themselves bunny gets cancelled cries bahroo is attempted to be cancelled but nobody really cares because he has cute emotes E-thots band together to try and bully bunny for being being a bully

>> No.20712597
File: 949 KB, 1000x610, 1620904175498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny I get you're mad but Layna does great work.

>> No.20712617

Bunny and Susu were shitty bullies to everyone for years.
Susu: umm I was bullied by Bunny and she made me pretend to be a massive bitch
E-whores: We love you Susu!

>> No.20712629

There's more run-on sentences in this post than there are women whose careers bunny tried to sabotage.

>> No.20712783

Ok bunny.

>> No.20712794
File: 607 KB, 804x1200, 1635206149176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is one thing about all this that is never really acknowledged that I feel has to be intentional. Susu got her figure made by Layna and everything went by just fine with zero problems. But Bunny's is SO much more fucking complex and with so much more detail than Susu's was. I feel like it was a need to one-up her by having the higher-end and fancier figure.

Zero proof of this but Layna's saying that Bunny kept demanding revisions and comparing the final results of both of them makes it feel like it can't be coincidence to me.

>> No.20712827

The absolute state of /cgl/ thot kek

>> No.20713028

Literally everyone who questions the witch hunt is bunny according to this thread

>> No.20713087



>> No.20713102

That sounds like something Bunny would say!

>> No.20713197

It’s proven she posts here by multiple other women who got slandered by her. Also who would defend this whore besides herself or her cucks?

Remember how any criticism of bunny was accused of being “bunny sperg”? This is fitting.

>> No.20713335

No the bunny sperg was real. He was just a completely separate retard who is also you, because literally nobody and I mean nobody defends the bunnysperg.

>> No.20713372

Sure bunny.

>> No.20713631

I have no real investment or attachment to Bunny, I'm just skeptical that her behaviour was that out of line from the community at large. There's so much factioning, sabotage, shitalking around every corner. Bunny is probably villainous but the cosplay scene at large is not as wholesome and supportive as they are trying to pretend right now. Outcasting Bunny is not going to fix the bitchy toxicness in the overall social environment.

>> No.20713724

sounds like whataboutism to me bunny

>> No.20713900

>asian women have no ass and if you see anything remotely close to that is either photoshop or fish eye lenses.

>> No.20714192

Ok bunnysperg, believe any bitchiness or animosity from anyone ever was Bunny secretly orchestrating in the shadows, master manipulator and super villian she is

>> No.20714246
File: 32 KB, 850x680, 1986765794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bat would like to have a word with you about that

>> No.20714353

That's a drawing, anon.

>> No.20714426

Anon, cunt women seems to try to pull down anyone who they see as a menace to their popularity. She just was the alpha bitch of her circle and bullied people using peer pressure. You don't need to be a mastermind to do that shit, it's highschool tier bullying but with twitch thots.

>> No.20714512

>he doesn't know the lore of Kallin's ass

>> No.20714604

I agree, but susu and meowri claiming that bunny turned them all against one another brainwashed bahroo etc. Everybody is willing to turn on her and pin their own transgressions and misbehaviour on a single person.

>> No.20714654

I don't, but I'll do my reps. I apologize for my rudeness senpai, I'm always willing to learn the lore of vtuber's asses

>> No.20714656

I remember when Arcadum was getting canceled and all the girls just said, "Fuck his girlfriend" and isolated her saying they didn't trust her and she'd have to prove their trust despite all of their stories including abuse towards the girlfriend who they all knew.

She wasn't in the clique so she could go fuck herself as she was a potential threat to the narrative despite stating otherwise in their stories

>> No.20714664

This. They are all bullies and bitches. They only try to get along for networking. Bunny has gotten too old and fat. They turned on her to put her out to pasture. they did the same to momokun.

>> No.20714726

>My revered senpai
>My aniki
I can't take the statement as seriously when stuff is written like that.

>> No.20714800

Susu has barely said anything and I don’t recall her mentioning bunny brainwashing everyone. I also dont care that bunny hurt some ethots feelings. Plenty of online personalities dont get along. Bunny is actual trash and there’s plenty of proof that she didnt just talk shit but tried to destroy careers. The thots crying about bunny making mean comments like they deserve the same support as people who nearly lost their livelihoods is pathetic and transparent.

>> No.20714971

>master manipulator
>exposed with evidence by multiple people
your hubris is showing bunny

>> No.20714988

Jenna said on her steam that Bunny had turned the sexy cosplay scene against one another. There are stories coming out against Susu but she's keeping her mouth shut since I'm sure she's afraid of her own skeletons coming to light.

>> No.20715068

Susu was right there with Bunny doing all the shit. She was just better at pretending to be nice. Meowri posted tons of screencaps from "victims" were they were right there while bunny was bulling someone with their bullying blocked out. Also in the Meowri stream when someone brought up momokun layna jumped into chat and said don't bring up momo. They all bullied momo out when she got too fat and bitchy too.

>> No.20715330

No one cares because that’s actual low tier petty shit. Bunny isnt canceled because she was catty, she is canceled because she cost people 20k+ in losses

>> No.20715514

She is being cancelled for being a bitch though. The figure got canned cause Layna was tired of dealing with her.

>> No.20715530

Susu came out a little bit and said Bunny was emotionally abusive. However, at the time of them dating early on I remember Susu encouraging Bunny to do more ero-cosplay.

>> No.20715616

So? There’s pictures of bunny showing off her titties online from over a decade ago. It’s clearly something bunny enjoys doing considering she still shows her titties online even after quitting.

>> No.20715668

Speaking of which does the anon have any more vintage bunny photos?

>> No.20715784

Read the fucking shit from layna she told bunny she took all risks. Layna took in 20k in pre-orders. The figures never got made. Layna spent the money and then sperged out because bunnies cuck talked to laynas cuck instead of her. Then when layna canceled everything she got stuck holding the bag. If layna wanted to play business woman instead of being a whore like she normally is she should be ready to put her feewings aside and do business. Bunny is just a sacrificial cow because Bahroo tooks his cuck duties overboard and got too many people to block layna. And the shit about how Layna is only using a v-tuber because she feels safe is BS it's because she is an ugmo.

>> No.20715854

Go put ogs cock in your mouth bunny, it’ll help you calm down

>> No.20715927

Layna’s hot irl. Nice try bunny.

>> No.20716045

go ride OG in front of bahroo Bunny

>> No.20716106

Pay Layna back her money, Bunny.

>> No.20716114

Why is this /clg/ shit on a vtuber board?

>> No.20716158

I thought bunny did try to pay back the 2.1k she was paid for her pre-production work

>> No.20716179

Because Bunny_gif has always been a massive self poster here and was recently outed as such so all the lolcow whores are migrating.

>> No.20716294

Is there any evidence of this or just someone's word ?

>> No.20716442

Is she? all I've seen from her are some profile pics and she has a ratface.

>> No.20716493


>> No.20716835

She's IN THIS THREAD, anon.

>> No.20716836
File: 94 KB, 842x842, 1553576261380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bunny is probably villainous but the cosplay scene at large is not as wholesome and supportive as they are trying to pretend right now.
Well no shit, everything revolving around cosplaying and the people within is just a breeding ground for vultures. There's a reason why literally the only people who have anything nice to say about cosplaying after years are the people who either don't try to monetize themselves or don't try to make friends with everyone; Bunny's just the rotting corpse in the spotlight with some salt sprinkled on top by those with a legit bone to pick. And these vultures are the only reason why this specific thread exists even after nothing new happened. Anons earlier were right when they said all these cosplayers are just "people who are in the right" rather than "people" in the eyes of 90% of this thread, and they themselves said it right when they say the "uwu so comfy and wholesome :3" types are the ones with the most skeletons in the closet.

Because that's all of them. But what can you say except bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.

>> No.20716859
File: 347 KB, 586x1230, 20220126_090731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20716889

Layna’s cute

>> No.20716948
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>> No.20716997 [SPOILER] 
File: 855 KB, 582x830, ratface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this.

>> No.20717061
File: 63 KB, 800x600, 179199_691399560874107_1872193381_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny flexing her guns she uses to bully these thots and take their lunch money

>> No.20717077
File: 846 KB, 1570x1570, IMG_20180627_184214_439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny just mad that she got what she wanted taken away, no one ever tells her no so she couldn't stand it

>> No.20717123


>> No.20717144

no tits looks like rat no wonder she was so jealous of Bunny

>> No.20717164

No clue, she's hot

>> No.20717191

anyone looked at this thread?

lolcow farm/snow/res/705676.html#723408

>> No.20717221

Seriously? lolcow posting?

>> No.20717225

always thought bunny was a bag head

>> No.20717253

Bunny, you haven’t reformed. So insincere!

>> No.20717458

Lolcow farm is 1000% trannies and femcels.

>> No.20717506

Did she get surgery to look more asian?

>> No.20717534

All lolcow bitches care about is shit talking what other women look like. 90% of their threads are crying about plastic surgery and photoshop.

>> No.20717611
File: 91 KB, 978x1087, IMG_20210711_050752_810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up bunny, more laynapls

>> No.20717656

I hope this won't mean no more Bunny boob pics. She was my go to for coom material. I don't need nude photos, the suggestivess of her massive milkers spilling out of a tight top was always more titillating. Titillating. Tits. Do you get what I'm saying?

>> No.20717740

There are much larger and better tits in the world. Imagine going to this ugly bitch as your main fap fuel. Her fans are the biggest retards and simps.

>> No.20717952

Not bad. Wouldn't bother with bunny, though, her tits are clownish.

>> No.20717972

Shut the fuck up, Meowri.

>> No.20718004

Most filter apps are designed by koreans and Chinese so make women look really chinky

>> No.20718289

you're either fucking blind or bunny herself, either way get back to cucking your panda

>> No.20718615 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 566x612, ugly rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic of Layna with no clothes

>> No.20718722

>1000% trannies
Nah, everyone on lolcow is super transphobic. Which is a good thing. Admitting to being a troon gets you banned over there. The femcel thing is correct, though.

>> No.20718805

Only reason you'd keep calling her a rat is because she's squealing on you. Hope you have skills, because you're not gonna be in the cosplay game for long after this.

>> No.20718834

you cgl bitches are way too paranoid I was looking for bunny pics to fap months ago and found some on that thread

there's old bunny/suzu drama there in case the new one dries up but I didn't read

>> No.20719017
File: 306 KB, 1429x2036, 458761_487765884570843_481473519_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get mogged Layna

>> No.20719275

>hand tattoo
this ain't it chief, but hopefully she pulls through this mess

>> No.20719363

Weird that threads that are more directly tied to vtuber (even if petty) get nixed only for threads like this that argue over 3dp cosplay ethots to stay up.

>> No.20719428

Bunny was just jealous of Layna because she did that movie were she rode around on that dudes head cooking food

>> No.20719564

lol ew

>> No.20721018

oh wait this is that fatty who has a really hot friend? succubus something

>> No.20721356

I can barely read this shit

>> No.20721790

The fact bunnysperg was right is the most shocking thing to nobody who knew of bunny before her debut

>> No.20722026
File: 42 KB, 720x405, 5830257fd64643314f7290c982393ca9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my gorgeous and loving poly girlfriend Kaylynn, who melted my solidly frozen heart bit by bit with her sweet love.

Jesus christ why are so many of these whores in poly relationships? What even is the appela to them?

>> No.20722106

Only sexual deviants get into coombaiting on Twitter

>> No.20722127

They are dykes that let fat nerds cream them every now and then so they can pay the bills. They are incapable of supporting themselves.

>> No.20722816

it looks like a man with a wig and lipstick, damn.

>> No.20722923

this is your brain on h doujins. look at a real woman for once.

>> No.20723052

I think of the funniest things that happened was when a niche vtuber was outed a few days ago for dating/flirting with 15 women at the same time, and a lot of the women she dated stated in their twitlonger that they were poly so if she told them upfront they wouldn't have mind lmao.

Here's a long rundown of it

>> No.20723134

I deal with them daily because of my job. They are far more femine than that guy with a wig.

>> No.20723478
File: 1.68 MB, 1575x2325, AFest2015_Adella_Miku_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A literal tranny wrote that so it shouldn't surprise you, the hulk seen here next to Bunny

>> No.20723624
File: 86 KB, 565x600, 1647834534411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll flip the image to regular camgirl angle for you, how about now?

>> No.20724253

Yikes, funny how they chose an angle that specifically hides his broad as fuck shoulders

>> No.20724500

Manku Fatsune

>> No.20725717
File: 53 KB, 386x460, 1451697408402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20728510

It’s a sordid web of narcissistic women children. Don’t think about it too hard.

>> No.20728574

Some of these people deserved to be treated like shit.

>> No.20728614

Once Saruei opens big French mouth I fully expect people to pivot and jump on her again. I’m kinda looking forward to it.

>> No.20728677

you will never be a woman

>> No.20728812

Thanks for writing this up. I didn't want to read all these insane tweets but I was curious about what exactly happened here. What a mess.

>> No.20728861

The fact that these women are willing to absolve Susu of all her sins, when some people who came forward didn’t receive an apology from her or anything like that, makes me skeptical that this isn’t just a continuation of the girl group cancellations that bunny was spearheading. Bunny is the target, Su latched on to the new group in power, and she now receives protection from the girls who got kicked out of these circles in the first place. I don’t see how she is any different from Bahroo at all in this situation.

>> No.20728945

Does anyone know if Bahroo is still living with Bunny or have they broken up? He's still streaming like normal

>> No.20729112

I maintain that Bunny is the only one stupid enough to go around messaging randos on twitter and openly holding vendettas. The other girls are smart enough to cover their tracks, bunny got caught and since noone liked her anyway the horde is demanding as much blood as will spill forth

>> No.20729617

Yes, surgery has been confirmed.

And the years before surgery she'd edit her face in photos, prior to any of the beauty apps coming out.

On top of all that, using "Ayumi" as a name, doing makeup to look more Asian, and never correcting people to tell them she's Hispanic.
I'm surprised her pretending to be Asian and/or the pedo thing hasn't also been more brought up during all this.

>> No.20729695

Never gonna forgive Bunny for making Layna take time off and preventing more pinkcat collabs

>> No.20729711

lolcow calls literally everyone a pedo

>> No.20729776

Apparently he has gotten the fuck out and is back to his parents house.

It's probably wise to do so, I wouldn't be surprised if Bunny goes full menhera.

>> No.20729817

I'm talking about her public twitter pedo drama from a few years back, nothing about lolcow.

>> No.20729850

> says she likes anime shotas
have you forgotten you are on /vt/

>> No.20729904

Has there been any signs of life from Bunny at all? Anyone in her discord or something?

>> No.20730104

Call it whatever you want, I'm still surprised it hasn't popped back up with the current drama.

>> No.20730248

Lmao I've never seen her talk about surgery or pretend to be Asian. Do you have proof of any of this bullshit or did you just make it all up?

>> No.20730712

He'd better hope they were never a thing to begin with, because Texan commons law is retarded (like most of their laws) and depending on what's been said she could completely and utterly legally just walk off with half of his stuff as alimony despite never having a ring on her finger.

And while I wanna see Bahroo burn far more than her I don't wanna see Bunny get a couple hundred thousand dollars because he made the mistake of pretending she's his fiancee privately.

>> No.20730834

this is the most boring drama i've ever seen

>> No.20731266

>body shaming
kek telling western whales as a fatty is not shaming them you fucking snowflake nigger. Grow a spine

>> No.20731409


>> No.20731608

anon you can literally look at her old photos in this very thread. Her face and most obviously nose looks entirely different.

>> No.20732408

So no proof and you made it all up, ok got it

>> No.20732772

Wow, she really doesn’t have a lot of time left.

>> No.20732835

>No cosplayer is guiltless forever
Anon, one of the most loved and respected vtuber in this board is a cosplayer....

>> No.20732950

And she's got her own skeletons, and received hate at the beginning of her career for it. It just turned out she actually had matured and grown out of the worst of her petty drama. Or, at least, learned to keep it quiet in public.

>> No.20732981

*cosplayers who are climbing the closetcosplay conweeb> onlyfans softcore pornography> streamer/vtuber pipeline

>> No.20733154

Probably because she was talking about the main characters in Demon Slayer even though she was saying shota. And nobody wants to open the can of worms on whether it’s okay to sexualize fictional teenage boys on Twitter.

>> No.20733160

If anything with her isolation we might be looking at the possibility of her riding dildos and see her bare tits/pussy.

>> No.20733214

>Grow mature
I hope all of those whore also learn from her 2bh. I mean if the one of the most messed up and lolcow cosplayer who was constantly shat on by both lolcows and /cgl/ can change for the better, why can't they do the same?

>> No.20733333

It depends on the type of drama, and their age. She was still an emotionally driven teenager when she had her spergouts, so ultimately understandable. AFAIK this Bunny girl is a grown ass woman doing this. Adults doing this is a very calculated level of malicious, and they are unlikely to ever change.

>> No.20733352

Silent since the 19th. Looks like she’s slowly bleeding followers.

>> No.20733476

>>Feeders/Architects have shit taste in Women.


>> No.20733886
File: 42 KB, 800x533, hawkcomparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could sense it, I tried to get into Bunny's streams a couple of times and something about her just felt off and was repellent yet I couldn't name anything specific besides how it felt.

>>Am I cute? Skree!

>> No.20734062

>some chubby cosplayer I used to bust nuts to years ago when she was dating another cosplayer gal is apparently the focus point of a major /vt/ drama now
Well this was an unexpected blast from the past

>> No.20734075
File: 338 KB, 595x834, kc0wfk1kqou61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20734159

Yet Susu's figure still manage to look better in part because It's less pretentious and more minimalist. I'd hot-glue it if I were into that kind of thing.

>> No.20734227

I dunno about Pikamee but I'm pretty sure Iofi is faking it as a character quirk like Noel does.

>> No.20734281

That writing is somewhat melodramatic but at the same time, if you go over the effects of having a Narc triangulate on People from other personal accounts. It's actually consistent and not that much of an exaggeration. It's not so simple as someone just calling you names but using incredibly subtle tactics that hide veiled intentions and even projecting serious forms of negative energy to make you feel like you are at fault and deserve to be isolated and made to feel like dirt.

>> No.20734306

Wait who blocked Silver?

>> No.20734357

Good writeup, thanks, I hope you'll have a good day

>> No.20734443

>>Also in the Meowri stream when someone brought up momokun layna jumped into chat and said don't bring up momo. They all bullied momo out when she got too fat and bitchy too.

Classic deflection, find your soul Psycho-Rabbit.

>> No.20734454

Spotted the KFP

>> No.20734521

you have 100 words or less to explain this in a way where there is even a chance I will give a shit

>> No.20734576
File: 40 KB, 500x377, 4322738c2876def5377fcb0afaf135ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny is no doubt a massive bitch but the figures being canceled was still 100% Layna's fault. Layna just needed to hunker down for just a few months and deal with Bunny's bullshit and not cancel the figurines and everyone involved would've walked away with a shit ton of money involved instead of being 20k in debt.

In business, you're going to inevitably work with people who are gonna give you a hard time, it's up to you to just tolerate it until it's all over. I understand not wanting to deal with anyone's bullshit but when you only have 3 months left to work with and absolutely everything to lose, she should've just hunkered down.

This is probably the only comfort Layna can have over canceling the figurine, the hope that the 20k in debt was worth making Bunny seethe over

>> No.20734746

What you also do in businesses is writing contracts with agreements and who is responsible for what

>> No.20734772


Makes me think of a Brian Froud Fae in real-life. Would cuddle.

>> No.20734940
File: 2 KB, 125x113, 1643625437401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google Drive records reveal the above apology was actually written by someone whose job title is "Influencer Relations Manager" and not Bunny herself.
holy jej unreal. do whores really

>> No.20734948

Depends on what she says and how she says it. Saruei has some issues but she at least has a soul and wants to be a better Person.

>> No.20735010
File: 403 KB, 591x529, 1633556886864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire "drama"
>Unironic lolcow posting
>IRL posting
And the only reason why it's allowed on this board is because they all jumped on the vtuber bandwagon at some point... God, this is the fucking worst.
But sadly, it was bound to happen at some point.

>> No.20735210
File: 324 KB, 850x1202, __karyl_princess_connect_drawn_by_bushi_henmeng__sample-660637322b3be2822c1ab11424e11a4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the reason they only did an email contract was because Layna's company took 100% of all of the risk so there was no reason to pay a lawyer to draft one.

What they should've done however is had a format contract that states that Bunny would pay for the development costs if something like this were to happen, or SOMETHING that would've punished bunny for being a rude bitch instead of letting her walk away with 2 thousand dollars lmao. Bunny really did walk away scott free. And I think even her vtuber career will be okay as long as long as she doesn't outright quit.

If I were Layna I'd just start a defamation suit and get a fat settlement from Bunny. There's definitely a lot of evidence now.

Whole Saurei drama reminds me of a classmate I had back in college, she was just a bitch to everyone... for absolutely no fucking reason lmao, like it was just her natural state to be a bitch, how those people get anywhere in life is beyond me.

Most vtuber drama is just between literal 2viewers, this is the first time this happened to big names. We' probably won't be seeing this type of thing for a while

>> No.20736221

Bahroo, at Bunny's behest

>> No.20736358

Come to think of it, were never on the same collab were they? Only in Lewdcast were they on at the same time

Nyanners also never collabed with her
>she was just a bitch to everyone... for absolutely no fucking reason lmao
Maybe she also had borderline

>> No.20736520

Stfu Betim, your BPD whore is a 29 years old retard who leeches at every opportunity. Did you forget how when Pomu reacted to her tweet she asked people what's Pomus avg-viewer count to judge if it's worth answering? wwwwww

>> No.20736613

>how those people get anywhere in life is beyond me
Usually, tits.
Also, some people are genuinely enjoying being treated like shit too.

>> No.20736651
File: 24 KB, 780x400, Why-Do-Rabbits-Thump-780X400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe she also had borderline
Possible, but man I I have an artist BPD friend who was never ever rude to me and only treated me with kindness so I wouldn't know. She's currently in a mental hospital because she cut herself pretty bad because of a small dispute she had with her crush, I hope to God she's okay.

Come to think of it she did have a nice rack so you may very well be correct lmao.

>> No.20736720

Fucking hell, I genuinely wonder how many people Bahroo has blocked / distanced himself from just because Bunny told him to do so.

>> No.20736921

>BPD meme
I enjoy that we call being a woman a mental disorder

>> No.20737009

Yes and I bet you think telling someone that's depresses "just stop being sad" will cure them

>> No.20737061

>I'm a failure I fucked up my life
>I have developed depression
No bitch tits you're sad, clinical depression is an issue producing serotonin. Man the fuck up and beat up a hobo

>> No.20737141

Bahroo has always been a huge asshole. I remember him banning some poor guy because his TTS read out their donation during a dialog he wanted to hear.

>> No.20737260

Right keep telling to just be happy and that will cure them

>> No.20737364

You're right they should get medicated and project their issues outward. Wallow in self pity and hate the world rather than do anything to combat sadness. I recommend doping on SSRI's and finding online friends who will jerk you off saying it's not your fault

>> No.20737512

>making twitlongers
Why don’t these supposed savvy streamers realize this is always the worst thing you can do? you never apologize.
>ignore it
>ban anyone in chat who brings it up
>the majority of your viewers won’t care if you’re big enough
>soon enough it’s going to die down
sure you’ll certainly burn some bridges but if you’re a big name streamer it won’t matter. hell fucking bahroo was still doing 10k+ numbers even yesterday. There’s never been a case where a public apology to the court of opinion has ever helped

>> No.20737602

>ban anyone in chat who brings it up
This is pretty much a sure way to ensure it will never die down. Just ignoring it completely is the correct way to do it.

>> No.20737700


>Bahroo tooks his cuck duties overboard and got too many people to block layna
This reminds me of Death Note so much.

>> No.20737813

100% this
apologies are cheap. A person that accepts the apology would also accept an action and the person that rejects it will use anything they can to drag you to hell and back

>> No.20737839

I think there was even a study done that shows that apologizing just makes it worse. Since the crowd that fucking despises your guts is never going to be pleased, and your real fans will always forgive you, it's best to just ignore it and move on.

But the people involved deserved it 100% so it's okay in this case.

>> No.20737958

No surprise here, yet another case of big numbers getting to a streamer's head.
It's crazy how the "wholesome streamers" are always the worst fucking ones.

>> No.20737987

Apologies with your actions, not words

Which is my way of saying she should do a gangbang video

>> No.20738419

>Most vtuber drama is just between literal 2viewers, this is the first time this happened to big names. We' probably won't be seeing this type of thing for a while
Considering that the big names tend to be e-famous cosplayers there's always bound to be some drama lurking

>> No.20739483

hope so, this shit is always entertaining

>> No.20739552

Exactly. Giantwaffle raped a girl but is doing just fine by ignoring it lol.

>> No.20739592

Quick rundown?

>> No.20739728

unwanted dick in wanted hole

>> No.20739730

It's a long story

>> No.20740271

Just read through that twtlonger and I can see why the dude is fine. The problem with this is that there's no evidence at all and just schizo pastebins, it just reads like a really bad rape fantasy fanfiction. Why did her husband just leave the room and leave her alone with two drunk guys? Where's the text screenshots? Videos of the party? Proof a party even took place? Proof these people even attended said party? Rape kits?

There is literally no evidence to back up any of her claims.

>> No.20740314

he told his ex mod he fingered bum but that's all the evidence and it's hearsay

>> No.20740373

new thread, if needed.


>> No.20740466

Quints of truth
