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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20713199 No.20713199 [Reply] [Original]

If you hate Kiara even after seeing this image, then there is no hope of you ever becoming a sane person

>> No.20713278

I want to rim kiara's asshole

>> No.20713807

Kiara is a true idol and probably the best example of living out the idol story in the whole company. In the anime IDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls, Mio Honda has an almost identical story.

>> No.20713904

i kneel

>> No.20714014

>Wrestling match
Seriously though, it must have been a fucked up situation before someone would accept such a shady job. Out of all the EN chuubas, she is probably the one who has the most love for the job, and the most to lose.

>> No.20714217

she kept working and finally got a massive break because she's fluent in EN and JP and wanted to be an idol and that's supposed to make me like her?

sorry I don't like her voice at all, deal with it.

>> No.20714295

Kiara was a hero... I just couldn't see it.

>> No.20714597

Chikim mogs your oshi in talent and being an idol and she isn't even Japanese

>> No.20714682

How much did she cry talking about the concert? Or has she not yet?

>> No.20714792

Kiara has definitely improved personally there has been real growth in her and she has a more positive overall reactions than Mori and now has moved on from her incessant victim complex but unfortunately KFP haven't, They are just as annoying post Holofes if not more than how they were pre holofes

>> No.20714955


>> No.20714999

Kiara's strong point is clearly not talent but work ethic so it's crazy to try and claim that lmao.

I'm not even trying to shit on her just the argument that I should like her in the OP because she is perseverant is stupid af and then trying to claim she's super talented instead of just incredibly dedicated is also stupid af. must be kiara diehards.

>> No.20715060

what about Nene, Korone, Sora, or Watame?

>> No.20715082

This post was pre-recorded

>> No.20715142

holy eslchama

>> No.20715153

hololive love! they're all great stories too!

>> No.20715160

>I should like her in the OP
He said "if you hate kiara" tho

>> No.20715196

they could see the public from the other side of the stage or they had the same view as us?

>> No.20715342

well kiara was doing a watch along at the time of her "performance" so..

>> No.20715405

This was written by a paid poster hired by Tsunderia corp.

>> No.20715420


>> No.20715428

Every story needs a villain, or it would be a shitty story. You have to keep the tension up even after happy breaks like this one.
And that's why I will always hate Kiara.
Because no one else will.

>> No.20715471

best response.

>> No.20715482

She wasn't though? It was just a waiting room for KFP to chat amongst themselves.

>> No.20715613

this is corporate tactics anon. telling sob story to get pity point from viewer.

>> No.20715684

Every GOOD story has a compelling villain
Disney tier villain that are evil for the sake of evil are boring, you need to make sense to the audience

>> No.20715688

She should at least bother getting her Austrian Matura an equivalent to an American GED since she dropped out of school to pursue idol activities in Japan.

>> No.20715715

Nice try, but you only gave up on hating Kiara when she switched over to being a teamate like you

>> No.20715872

I never hated her, I just don't watch her. I've always respected her determination since it's a quality I wish I had. She works really hard and for me it's always nice seeing someone's hard work paying off.

>> No.20715913


>> No.20715918

brainlet tier view on villains

>> No.20715919

>lots of people work hard
>get nowhere
>Kiara works hard
>gets somewhere
>nah bro she only succeeded because she works hard its not like she's talented or anything
Imagine actually believe this lmao

>> No.20715934

Tell me you don't watch Kiara, or Myth, or ID/EN in general, without telling me you don't watch any of the above.

>> No.20716169

why does this look like a reddit post

>> No.20716197

I said she got lucky and if you don't count being fully EN and JP fluent while wanting to be an idol in Japan while a japanese company is looking for english idols as lucky I don't know what you would consider lucky.

>> No.20716203

I like the aspect of idols where they are people you can cheer on, provide happiness when they succeed, and inspire others to do the same, and even as the definition of idol has blurred over years, that aspect should never disappear. So even though Kiara isn't one of my oshi, I really appreciate her story and path towards getting to where she is now

>> No.20716378

>not talented
>destroys all of JP with her energy on stage
She is more talented than at least half of JP. She's also bothered to learn Japanese and English and learn it very well while the Japanese branch can barely speak retarded baby English. Nobody can take away that she's talented and has the willpower to see things through. Watch one of her long superchat readings sometime and you'll understand.

>> No.20717392


>> No.20717783

Kiara's best accomplishment is getting into Hololive. EN2 barely stream outside of bae and they still get 500K+ subs.

>> No.20717888

She already did, according to her roomate.

>> No.20718079

She's talking about the wrestling clip right?

>> No.20718286

Is it true that she slept with oji san for 300k yen?

>> No.20718437

/cgl/ and cc is really seething at this lmao. stay mad failed women. Kiara won.

>> No.20718644

What did they say?

>> No.20718650

even if it is, Kiara and Gura were obviously hyped as fuck to see people cheer them on
Compared to EN or at least to Gura, Kiara is not that talented. Just look at Bae's Bday stream where Kiara put in all that effort into that song and then got mogged by Gouda.
I wish she would fix her mic because her voice can get annoying, but when I've seen illegal vids of her and her on vr chat her voice was no more annoying than Bae's.
Kiara clearly tries and I am happy the crowd recognized that and her

>> No.20718777

I'm happy for her. Truly.

>> No.20718964

I guess Orange Woman was good after all.
Pink Woman bad

>> No.20719072

orange woman good. I've really grown to love her over the past few months, I'm real proud of her.
t. former anti

>> No.20719196
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>> No.20719272
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>> No.20719324

too bad she is irredeemable

>> No.20719345

t. SEAnigger

>> No.20719349

>>20718964 (Me)
I just watched Mori cry about Kiara's idol journey
Pink Woman good too.

>> No.20719405

no amount of drama can fix this trash

>> No.20719583
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you are getting too cocky KFP, you want to be remembered of your place in the food chain

>> No.20719684
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>> No.20719920

>orange woman
>annoying voice
don't care

>> No.20719937

>le pink women meme
>balding eggs and cgl discord trannies seething
>b_but she doesn't have real talent

Kiara has the most retarded set of antis.

>> No.20719966

>greyname anon
>tranny retard
don't care

>> No.20720104

I want to rim kiara's cunny

>> No.20720127

how mad are you? maybe your oshi shouldn't have chosen an orange color scheme and worked on her voice training

>> No.20720184

kek who's mad retard, I just had the best weekend of my year

>> No.20720198

NTA here
i'm a SEAnig but I love her performance
it's really different when it's live on stage

>> No.20720270

She was literally homeless at the time doing shit like that just to afford literal hole-in-wall closet sized hotel rooms when she let herself sleep.

>> No.20720279
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>> No.20720284

>she's too orange
Cry about it on kiwifarms

>> No.20720376

Kiara is an insane psychopath who belongs in a mental institution.

>> No.20720414

Why would you spend a single fucking moment of your short life listening to Kiara, the crazy psycho, when you could be listening to any one of the thousands of other people out there?

>> No.20720601

Samefag gonna same and fag.

>> No.20720715

Do they speak english? No?
Don't care

>> No.20720779

That wrestling video is physically painful to watch.

>> No.20721061

Honestly I'm not a huge fan of her KFC-inspired costume and her voice is a little grating, but in terms of understanding idol culture Kiara really is the best in HololiveEN. It makes complete sense to me that Kiara and Pomu are friends.

>> No.20721099

She definitely deserves respect for all her hard work, dedication and effort. She truly is an idol and I'm glad things are looking up for her.

>> No.20721122

I admit Kiara has grown
But it's just the toxic fanbase that is kfp that just opts one out.
I genuinely think kfp are delusional idiots.
Especially the kfp on Twitter.
You guys are just something else that I just don't wanna be apart of a toxic fanbase.
Go seek something for your mental health

>> No.20721201

>I said she got lucky
Kiara's success is based on her talent. You can pretend it isn't but that just makes you wrong and gay.

>> No.20721225

>kfp are the toxic ones
>being on twitter at all

>> No.20721254
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>> No.20721351

Whether Kiara succeeded because of talent or luck I don't give a shit, I'm just proud of her for not giving up and continuing to try no matter what. That's what makes her story compelling to me.

>> No.20721591
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>> No.20721898

Sure, cya next week when people will hate her again because of some dumbshit she's gonna do as per usual, like talking about nijien right after holofest.

>> No.20722104

Hate it or love it, her story represents classic JP idol experience where you follow and support your oshi when she's still at the very bottom of whatever it is until when she shines and reach the top. Congratulation, KFPbros. You get yourself an excellent oshi

>> No.20722120

I concur.
The mature view is to acknowledge that all three (hard work, talent, and luck) are important ingredients for success, and admitting the existence of one does not invalidate the other.
If she had less of one ingredient, she wouldn't be at where she is right now.
I may have all the luck in the world for something but if I don't move my ass and take the shot then that luck means nothing.

>> No.20722277

There's definitely psychos in Hololive, but Kiara isn't one. She's just a needy, whiny narcissistic girl. The Japanese girls have some of the psychos.

>> No.20723396

>Get constantly told she loves idol culture the most out of all of EN
>Open stream
>Swears constantly
>Whines constantly
>Close stream
Why do you lie to me? I might have given her a chance

>> No.20723498

shes a real underdog, not as much as kanata but more genuine than mori

>> No.20724018

always playing the pitty card

>> No.20724219

why do you think her fanbase is so devoted? they want to save her

>> No.20724543

None of the things you listed are about idol culture though? Are you one of those newfags who think seiso = idol? You fuckers didn't even know about idolfaggotry before Hololive

>> No.20724864

>He doesn't know about Idol Gravure

>> No.20725031

Hahaha fucking woe is MEMEME menhera

>> No.20725136


>> No.20725169

I can fix her

>> No.20725465

As a former fan of AKB48 and momoiro clover I have to ask what the hell you think idol culture is? The seiso act of an idol is an integral part even for the lewd ones, as it makes their lewdness and jokes punchier as it comes out of nowhere, like Ayaka Sasaki joking that as an idol she doesn't shit, but her farts smell like cotton candy. The whole appeal is to play up the fucking idol character, it's in the goddamn name. Excessive swearing is for the haraguro chara to do "backstage" and then do a 180 in front of the fans, basic fucking WWE shit.

>> No.20725472

Better than Mori that's for sure

>> No.20725476

I know about Sora and Nene, but were Korone and Watame idols? I thought they were only utaite

>> No.20725956

>fan of akb48
>centre was sashihara rino for years
you are full of shit

>> No.20726010

How funny would it be if after the holofest she did a stream where she described the emotional rollercoaster in her idol journey and then went "Well guys, I guess this is it, I finally made it, my work here is done." and then you just hear a gunshot from her end and her model just drops from the screen.

>> No.20726246

All she has to do is drop the chicken voice to become absolute god tier. Her normal voice is hot as fuck

>> No.20726250
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>Kiara is a true idol and probably the best example
that applies to more of than half of the jp holos, but since you are just a sad EOP of EN trash you think she is unique and special.

>> No.20726447

but Mio Hondas a shithead

>> No.20726542

Even without knowing her roommate's background, it's still incredibly enjoyable to see her see the fruits of her labor after the beginning of her holo career. Initially I found Amelia's design to be the best, but Kiara's personality and design drew me in the most. She was like Subaru with her energy. Now she achieved one of her main goals of performing in front of thousands, and she deserves every praise she gets for it.

>> No.20726575

i genuinely don't see how thats pity or attention begging
its just thanking her fans and acknowledging her flaws

>> No.20726662

its just HERHERHER schizo

>> No.20726779


>> No.20726806

>acknowledging her flaws
You mean she is fishing for complements?
Remember when she said being in hololive is hard work, and now she acknowledge how bad she is but besides that people will always cheer for her. Really makes you think.

>> No.20726924

She has an awful, shitty personality and if she wasn't behind an anime avatar you'd despise her because she's your average narcissistic roastie who will henpeck her future husband about how the neighbors wife has a nicer car than her.

>> No.20727010

Bitch has been working hard towards that one goal for more than 10years - others work hard and give up after some months

>> No.20727157

But she isn't very talented. Her singing voice is somehow worse than Ame in their song. Kek.

>> No.20727246

So you're saying chimkin is like Mio Honda?

>> No.20727740

Don't care. Hate her.

>> No.20727848

based asshole enjoyer

>> No.20728166

I got filtered by her western Karen chicken thing at first, but she's actually not bad at all at this idolshit

>> No.20728644

Korone wasn't even an utaite, just a streamer.

>> No.20730159
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>> No.20730970

did she end up doing wresting and selling lewd explicit cosplay pictures to people before becoming an idol while probably fucking half of the producers to end up getting nowhere?

>> No.20731033

Used to attend odottemita and idol events in Japan. Her roommate really couldn't get much attention asides from some schizo that DMs every single gaijin dancer. Being a gaijin isn't a buff and not to mention the pay is bullshit.

Glad she found somewhere she could shine, all she had to do was hide her face and market to the same audience.

>> No.20731060

more like el PUTA

>> No.20731090


>> No.20731237

Everything in life is luck and skill anon

>> No.20731238

but vt told me she hates kiara and hololive?? whats going on??

>> No.20731419

Hell I don't care for her voice much either, not a lot of range. Her choreography however was stellar, and more importantly she's fervently passionate about what she does. That, I can respect. Keep doin' you KFP.

>> No.20731725
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It's beautiful journey and it's just starting

>> No.20732137
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>> No.20732809

Based rimbot
