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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20949415 No.20949415 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20949455

> ID

>> No.20949460

is that starsEN?

>> No.20949477
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>> No.20949497

let the yabfes begin

>> No.20949507

whats this, are the homos already begging? Pathetic.

>> No.20949524

The way the guys have to act so subserviently, waiting for the girls to speak to them first, is just pathetic. And I don't even blame them, this is likely Cover's policy.

>> No.20949563

I kinda feel bad for the new jpstars they didn't even have a fucking minute to be the new kids, plus they come out with generic cyper pop designs

>> No.20949581

They simply understand reality, unlike Ollie.

>> No.20949607

The person in that picture is a man? Also Ollie has always interacted with holostars on twitter and in collabs

>> No.20949611

based, a peek into the future for m*les

>> No.20949629

>Ollie promoting unity and respect for all members.
>Holofags actually seething about it.

>> No.20949656

She didn't address him did she? He's addressing her?
It's just Ollie being a retard as always.

>> No.20949665

It's genderbent Moona.

>> No.20949682

No one unicorns for Ollie though?

>> No.20949706

>She didn't address him did she? He's addressing her?
Ollie already spoke with him so the communication channels are open. A Holostar/Uproar can speak freely to one of the girls if the girl is ok with it.

>> No.20949708

Board really hates Ollie for no real reason.

>> No.20949733

ollie's tweet in that screenshot is a reply to him

idk what OP is on about, if anything it looks like he's the one hesitant about interacting with the girls, not the other way around

>> No.20949802
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cool thread bro

>> No.20949820
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>he's implying Ollie and Homos

>> No.20949837

That homo actually pretty based

>> No.20949932
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>no real reason.

>> No.20949950

damn, sounds like a good dude, at the very least looks like he knows how to keep it publicly professional and not fumble the bag

>> No.20949962

I'm not interested in your schizo unicorn posting reasons.

>> No.20949973
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Immediately shutting down a twittard for going off about muh ebil idol culture
I love it

>> No.20949978

Indonesia doesn't have unicorns. They killed them all and turned them into ketchup hot dog spaghetti.

>> No.20949998

Pretty based of him but I wish he would calm down with the DeepL'd tweets as they can be a double-edged sword.

>> No.20950045

this deserves an OP post, can't be worse than the other shit non-split OPs in the catalog

>> No.20950061

Oil and her terrible idea.....

>> No.20950077

Ollie was never fingered and you will never convince me otherwise.

>> No.20950091

Then post it.

>> No.20950144

Yeah, how can people say she was fingered when she was clearly having sex

>> No.20950143

I felt a tingle in my knee just now.

>> No.20950187

are we sure this guy's a guy?

>> No.20950307

not news

based homo

>> No.20950325

Someone meme this man, or I'll do it myself.

>> No.20950327
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Oil communicating with males, /vt/ reaction : Cease what ur doin now Whore

meanwhile treerat :

>> No.20950357


>> No.20950394

Why would you even sign up for homostars at this point, it's so depressing to see these fags be like this.

>> No.20950698

Never a clearer sign that SEA hours have begun.

>> No.20950736

Risu got the m-word pass from Oga.

>> No.20950818

It's honestly kind of the other side of the coin. Holostars are Niji rejects. NijiEN(females) are Holo rejects. I can't imagine HoloEN(males) will change this dynamic, but I've been wrong before. It's just better than struggling as an indie, with potential to become far greater than that.

>> No.20950870

Why is Ollie always fucking involved somehow? Even when it has nothing to do with that bloated whore, she somehow manages to squirm her way into everything. Every pic I open has that fat idiot's face on it somewhere and I'm getting tired of it.

>> No.20950883


>> No.20950908

This guy is based. Fuck shippers.

>> No.20950974

Dark souls of vtubing experience

>> No.20950977

Who the fuck asked you Ollie? Why do you have to stick your literal brown nose into everything? Fuck off, you fat stupid whore.

>> No.20951097
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>> No.20951130
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same posting AND bitter? so, so sad. pouring one out for you tonight bro

>> No.20951144

Why would any m*le choose to join holo over niji? At least in niji they are treated like actual human beings rather than plague carriers.

>> No.20951250
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Bros I just wanna go back to calling everyone niggers, enough of these twitter screencaps of retarded western twitter warriors

>> No.20951260

>this is likely Cover's policy.
It's not. They just don't want to trigger a nuclear yab by hitting on lamy on twitter or something.

>> No.20951385

It's sad but being an indie 2view is sadder.

>> No.20951456

No, not even StarsJP according to Stars. More like an unit for some reason?

>> No.20951476

Damn... based homo.
I kneel.

>> No.20951521

Nice defuse

>> No.20951546

Holostars is the 9 person unit, while Uproar is those new four. Both are under Holostars group

>> No.20951553

From what I've read from their twitter they seem like genuine homostar fans, especially Fuma and Rio

>> No.20951633

It is StarsJP. They just don't call it Gen4 for some reason.

>> No.20951685

Looks like Uyu is the nepotism hire. He wasn't on the first teaser and brave enough to call Yagoo : Motoaki-chan

>> No.20952005

Based homo. Unfortunately I doubt the ENs will be like this.

>> No.20952208

They just need to be based like Luca and tell the shippers to fuck off and for the unicorns not to harass any of the other members because of him.

>> No.20952359
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Wew. That’s bold. I like him.

>> No.20952418

I'm going to be honest, I didn't know there was a ID gen 3 already.

>> No.20952431

This "guy" sounds like a massive bottom.

>> No.20952541

That’s actually sad dude as to walk on eggshells so he doesn’t get witch Hunted by virgin overweight losers

>> No.20952592

>straight ship bad
>gay/lesbo ship good
Why are chimps like this?

>> No.20952885

Mankind became dumber as they advanced, I fear how relationships turned out in the future.

>> No.20952943

I'm no historian but people these days seem to be very tribal. They just act under instinct and sometimes attempt to rationalise their beliefs/actions after.

>> No.20952954

Dont deny it anon, just let your knee do what it supposed to do

>> No.20953010

How about the fact she likes Assfaggots shooter edition?

>> No.20953020

Who even uses FB in 2022 other than boomers?

>> No.20953022
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>> No.20953120

>Western "fans" can't even parse JP English

>> No.20953264

I only know ollie in here, who are the rest?

>> No.20953513

Those are new HomosJP or HomosEN?

>> No.20955943

cant wait for them to have horrific voice like moona

>> No.20956324

Based guilt tripping faggot.

>> No.20956499

Why do we need a thread literally any time a Hololive girl interacts with a non-holo on twitter?

>> No.20956578
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NijiEN females are not treated like a plague. The new Holo boys were only greeted by the usual Stars fanclub+Mori. If a new Niji girl debuted, everyone would welcome her.

>> No.20956620

>this is likely Cover's policy
and that's why homos brand is fucking dead
at least let them collab with ones who don't care about unicorn's manchild whining

>> No.20956630

Maybe they are interested in the idol aspect of the stars, that could be the only reason to choose holo males over nijis

>> No.20956727

rent free

>> No.20956764

How many times does it need to be repeated that the girls that do not interact with men chose to do so and was not forced by management?

>> No.20956843

Retardchama? They collabed with Fubuki, Matsuri all the time.. even Suisei

>> No.20956948

I guess it's their own Gamers

>> No.20957015

Why do you clueless retards keep saying this
they can all collab, there is no rule against it

>> No.20957044

>singing robot
Fallen for either of hmthese is just asking for a bad time in the first place.

>> No.20957138

Because they will never watch stars, unless it's a clip of the stars and girls collabing but even then i doubt that they will watch it.

>> No.20957329

Instead of being based he is being retarded trying to be ESL. He should either reply in proper Japanese, or use the MTL by translating EXACTLY what he want to say the normal way instead of trying to be creative.

>> No.20957410

Disgusting ESL. I hate them already

>> No.20957468

already leak corpo policy even before his debut, immediate graduation incoming.

>> No.20957473

Ghost boy is terrified of upsetting anyone in management and hasn't quite got the memo that the ID girls have always thought the Holostars being isolated was unfair and will be the one branch that gives management the middle finger by pushing to include them in things. Yeah, some babies on here hate Ollie specifically because of this, even though the HoloIDxHolostars bond predates her and comes from ID1 treating Oga and Shien as genmates due to debuting in the same month.

As much as the Stars want to try and walk on their own two feet, when it gets to the ID girls birthday streams or moments like Oga watching Holofes and crying with proud happiness when ID perform, you can tell how much they really do appreciate the ID girls for having their back.

>> No.20957716

You niggers don't appreciate having bearable dudes as male talents in your corp. Holostars talents so far have been polite and chill. Look at how decent Holostars dudes are compared to the faggets on NijiEN or obnoxious retards on trashtaste.

>> No.20957777

And my respect for Stars got even lower somehow. Look at this dude being so submissive

>> No.20958038
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This. Based Ollie, /vt/ is just retarded as fuck.

>> No.20958087

you dont talk to women often do you

>> No.20958091

To fuck their oshi

>> No.20958124

She told him to stop, anon. What's the problem?

>> No.20958160

Based based!
I hope next time she gets DPd live so I can masturbate even harder to other people fucking my oshi!

>> No.20958193
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>> No.20959726

I do appreciate them.
The ones being loud and obnoxious about this are the people who watch those fags in the first place I'd guess.

>> No.20960785

>ID girls
Like half of them, the other half rarely interact with them.

>> No.20960872

Call me when you get better material

>> No.20961004

Kneel worthy behaviour. I should be kneeling right now.

>> No.20961200

Probably on different contract compared to their senpai.

>> No.20961220

I never thought I’d kneel to a homo…

>> No.20962825

Hasn't always been that way. Depending on your outlook the worst/best thing to happen with that was Alfred.

>> No.20964738

Takes a bit more than that to bend this ol' knee.

>> No.20966636

I only give a shit if a m*le interacts with a holo vtuber if said holo vtuber is cute, like most of HoloJP. So I have no issue with m*les meddling with IDs or ENs.

>> No.20967889

Is he still around after whatever Moona said?

>> No.20967958

No one is saying the policy is that they can't interact or are being forced to. People are saying the policy is that the males aren't the ones to initiate things beyond a "congrats' on twitter

>> No.20967985

And that is self imposed.

>> No.20968241

i find it funny that in regular 3d streams men are better than women but in vtubing men are to be discarded. why is this the case?

>> No.20968325

It's a good policy, anon. Keep your filthy male vtubers away from my oshii

>> No.20969496

Yes with different username

>> No.20969564

It's based. This is a good fucking sign for holostarsEN.

>> No.20969636

>that's why homos brand is fucking dead
Good. Keep it that way.

>> No.20969789

>I only spend my time for those who love me as I am and always will
I know it's machine translated, but this message should be penetrated into the brains of the faggots who virtue signal for the stars.

>> No.20969918

>homos have more integrity than all of /vt/
big shocker to absolutely nobody

>> No.20970364

this pretty much. What always bothered me about Ollie was how she always talked as if women didn't understand her and only got along with men, but she doesn't understand men either.

>> No.20970371
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why is Ollie being such a spastic busybody?

>> No.20970442

Because in 3d women act like whores that just do what men do but worse. At least in vtubing you can look at a cute anime girl and they will generally hide the fact they are whores. I don't really want to look at an anime dude and there are a billion male streamers that do what they do but better.

>> No.20970557

and then every girl he collabs with takes a hit in superchat revenue, you don't get it, Minase does

>> No.20970638

Every single woman who says shit like that is unironically a slut. They “don’t get” or “don’t get along with” other women because they put out easily and make boys think it’s that easy to fuck, which causes issues for them when they get boyfriends but they’ve been conditioned to receive easy sex.

>> No.20970734

We don't know if it is. Probably never will. Even if a Holopro were to comment on this, you can always go "they just had to say that" or "that's just the policy for that one person/gen/branch applicable to [timeframe]".
It would need a couple of statements by a couple of people to be unambigious. I presume social autism plays a large role here and contact could be initiated in private or by means of management first anyway.

>> No.20970821

what was the deal with him, I wanna have a laugh

>> No.20970829

>Even if a Holopro were to comment on this
Could you at least watch clips at the very least?

>> No.20970875

He is bankrolling Moona and managed to shut down any of her delusions about Connor.

>> No.20970908

you are aware that holoID is the niji of cover?

>> No.20970941

give the homos some slack
they are supposed to be part of the almighty JP side yet
the ID3 girls channels passed all of the homos in subs in 2hours after getting revelead while the homos been known for almost a week

>> No.20970971

i thought it was the apple to sunday big mac

>> No.20971011


>> No.20971071

What does that mean in non-schizo talk?

>> No.20971103

So they can live out their uta no prince fantasy

>> No.20971255


>> No.20971286

She triggered the fuck out of the SEAmonkeys by telling people to stop demanding she speak a heathen tongue instead of the Queen's English.

>> No.20971372

>closest with stars

at this point it's gotta be a marketing strategy to differentiate the ID branch. sorry, i don't speak non-schizo

>> No.20971409

>is unironically a slut.
Or ugly as fuck

>> No.20971462

Its not subservient. It could have been worded better, but no one likes a person who is clingy like a puppy.

>> No.20971641
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>> No.20971651

You're tripping if you think holoID talks about sex half as much as someone like Finana, who is so terminally down bad that she makes Numi look like a nun

>> No.20972029

Ugly bitches fuck. Hell, they often fuck more often than pretty ones because of how easy they are.
