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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23068161 No.23068161 [Reply] [Original]

Place your bets on who will graduate first.

>> No.23068228

Finana or Mysta

>> No.23068263

Fulgur, diabetic coma resulting in a stoke and inability to reliably stream leading to graduation.

>> No.23068271


>> No.23068355

All the males hopefully

>> No.23068441

Either Rosemi, Mysta, Nina, or Fulgur.

>> No.23068546

One of the males

>> No.23068827

I respect the fact that Millie hasn't graduated despite the many many oopsies she has done on stream.
>PL mention
>Ignored the month collab ban rule
>Getting bonked for the not permitted songs in Karaoke
>Constant doxing herself
>Targeted harassment
>Consistent vod deletion
>Discord leak
>Getting Botted

>> No.23069198


>> No.23069412


>> No.23069911

Refuses to invest in herself for streams (legit is using some basic-ass 1070 gaming laptop) and in turn, will likely go the atypical path of finding "real" work due to her Chinese parents.
Very popular, however completely and utterly unstable in the mental department. I feel like with the wrong guidance (as seen with Mika) the guy can easily be led astray. Would not shock me if he went indie and retained a loyal demographic, around 1/2k viewers
Japanese/English clash is becoming too frequent to the point that I think they'll fold under pressure
Already planning a break a month into joining the group. As a streamer, fails to really understand that you need to talk and react. Various times, he'll go silent for large gaps and if you are a newcomer curious, is a poor sale. I think his gay sass will clash with the Indian mangers at some point.

>> No.23070143


>> No.23070171

Selen will graduate due to dying from a heart attack

>> No.23070386

Add in Alban breaking down when people call him out for being loud. Uki is probably the least likely to improve so he's a good bet though.

>> No.23070528

Yugo, All-in.

>> No.23070569
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Selen will be there for more than 5 years minimum

>> No.23070974

Alban I think will be much later. I picked the most obvious ones on the fringe

>> No.23071060


>> No.23071245

I know the least likely are Elira, Vox, Nina and Selen.

>> No.23071345

Someone from Noctyx. Depressed boomer wave is full of potentional graduates.

Yugo. Honestly the japanese are already after his blood and the pressure of them constantly looking for ways to tear him down is going to end him.

Sonny is gonna say a slur or do something eventually and graduate.

Uki I think is having trouble streaming in general, and is more mentally unstable than he seems at first glance.

Alban will not graduate but I think we'll see a breakdown sooner rather than later. He is pushing himself a lot recently and you can see cracks.

Fulgur will be fine streaming to 1k people until infinity or some disability related thing forces retirement.

>> No.23071474

Mysta or Yugo.

>> No.23071597

Rrat is Uki hates his model and how hes called male by everyone because of his character

>> No.23071606

>ignored the month collab ban rule
I don't think Niji has the same rules as Holo.

>> No.23071876

Uki is overtly gay. Nobody would call them she? Unless you are mixing them up with Yugo? Niji needs to do mental health background checks

>> No.23071939

I think they mentioned it being a thing but based on how noctyx acted, they might have gotten rid of it, or it was never a rule and more of a suggestion.
Honestly given how little personality noctyx has developed as a group I have mixed feelings and almost lean toward it being a good thing. It might just be that they're boring though.

>> No.23071954

It was a weird "inter-branch collab ban period" they suddenly put forth for Ethyria

Maybe it was always there, we just found out about it when Millie had to cancel an ID collab in her first week.

>> No.23071970

Uki mentioned being called "they" in his debut. Hes one of those nonbinary gays.

>> No.23072080

I disagree. I think Noctyx has a ton of personality when they are together. If you add a non noctyx member to the mix though suddenly have of them get shy and Sonny changes his personality.

>> No.23072150

Mysta, Yugo, and Uki. I have no fucking idea how the fuck the latter two even got hired. Yugo has zero streaming experience and couldn't even operate basic streaming equipment. Uki has to be the worst conversationalist I've ever seen, and, unlike Sonny, he has no talents to compensate for it.

>> No.23072185

That's even hotter.

>> No.23072215

Oh, doing it for appearances. Like the "bi" guys during the Emo phase.

>> No.23072230

Honestly not sure

>> No.23072360

They really wanted a full male wave after Luxiem blew up and quickly. So they took what they could get from the past auditions.

>> No.23072460

>I have no fucking idea how the fuck the latter two even got hired
The amount of males that can be good entertainers and are willing to be vtuber is that small. Yugo is especially telling consider that they hired japanese woman for en male avatar.

>> No.23072563

Considering the number of anons that said they got no views on auditions recently anon, I'd say that they've filtered a lot of people unintentionally

>> No.23072722

Considering how many people they're trying to hire for EN right now, I'd say they don't have the manpower to go through all the auditions that have happened since Luxiem prove NijiEn can grow.

>> No.23072835

This is the first time Finana has really had anything to do as a job and as an outlet to not be totally under her restrictive parents. Her income is also the only thing keeping her from going into gacha debt so she would need a really good reason to leave

>> No.23072916

She also is one of the few talents to have her own song in the EN branch. NijiJP like her too, because she blurs the line of innocent looking ad sexual topics

>> No.23072973


>> No.23072982

Even Fubuki likes her

>> No.23073006

She had a job before this, but I don't see her graduating. Being an e-girl is what she is good at.

>> No.23073176

They think she is a retard

>> No.23073178

This is honestly tough. Most of the girls are bound together by being close friends and seemingly really like what they do, and the guys are the cash cows so they have less incentive.
Maybe Mysta since he's menhara and getting worse, Yugo because of autism, or Reimu for not being that popular and afaik not super close to anyone else other than Vox

>> No.23073231 [DELETED] 

this may be me being too hopeful, but if someone on twitter brings attention to the stuff Ike did in his PL I can't see him being allowed to stay

Same could be said about Vox and Sonny but Vox's fans are too dedicated to care and nobody cares enough about Sonny to do so

>> No.23073722

Reimu is the only Ethyria member that seems to get on well with every other Ethyria member.
She's very close with Petra, i'd probably include Ike as well at this point.

>> No.23073949

petra will graduate college before haato

>> No.23073959

Fair then. I don't watch her so I was only going off of the minimal interactions with other members I see her do

>> No.23074009

the fish with 0 self awareness and confidence will suffer one really dramatic event and retire immediately

>> No.23074240 [DELETED] 

what did ike and sonny do?

>> No.23074505

>be nijiEN management
>filter all people from a fucking EN nation
Every fucking wave after 1, unironically has less native EN speakers than not.

>> No.23074597

I can only assume Ike is confirmed fully no-sausage tranny due to his voice, but in all seriousness sonny's only "drama" is that he faked being dead for some money or some shit.

>> No.23074650

What did Vox do in the past?

>> No.23074684

...which nation? As far as EN countries (no ESLs) Pomu and Finana are in the US, Elira + all of Obsydia + all of Ethyria minus Reimu are in Canada, Vox, Mysta and Fulgur are in the UK, and Luca is in Australia. That's the entire anglosphere.

>> No.23074845

Flirted with a 14 years old when he was 16 that somehow got twisted in trying to make it seem like he is a pedophile

>> No.23075129

He lives in the US now and is Irish anon, not British.
>Enna Alouette
All of them are speak English as a secondary language and/or are children of Asian migrants. Whereas some of them even lived in or still live in Japan. Vox, Ike and Nina represent the most deserve qualities of EN, seeing as they are Welsh, Swedish and Russian.

>> No.23075167

Is NijiEN the Asian mob?

>> No.23075236

No one is graduating soon, if any of them stop feeling like it they'll just move into irregular activities without making any big statements like some JPs do.

>> No.23075283

No. Some of these are vanity hires to appease the older members. But for the most part, having actual EN reps is rare in a mathematical sense. Even ID has the same problem, with Koreans and mutts making up the numbers

>> No.23075312

>PL mention
>Constant doxing herself
>Consistent vod deletion
All these things are the same thing though. Either way Millie is one of the least likely to graduate, especially compared to the guys in noctyx

>> No.23075327

Pomu is 100% white american through and through

>> No.23075351

>Ike and Nina
It's NijiEN anon, not NijiWhite

>> No.23075705

>not Elira
ogey threadreader

>> No.23075708


>> No.23078405

I legit laughed at this
I %100 agree noctyx will get fucked first

>> No.23078793

I think Rosemi si Canadian but she maybe born/raised in Quebec so she is speaking both French and English and Japanese comes from her being weeb

>> No.23078954

Probably Yugo. Mental = boom.

>> No.23079053

i see vox akuma doing a coco so he can become independient.

>> No.23079143

Rosemi when Hololive decides to pick her up for Holo EN 5

>> No.23079148

I don't wanna pile onto Yugo but I mean it is difficult for him to manage this as it was always a challenge from the getgo both with English and trying to hit a fujo audience as a girl, which I'd imagine is about as appealing as a babiniku in a gen otherwise with cute girl voices.

That being said Rio in Holostars Uproar is a similar situation but is doing about the same as (his) genmates in subs/views (haven't measured income yet). So I think the straddling two languages thing may be the bigger hurdle. I could see him just moving over to NijiJP eventually in a lateral move, if they'd allow it that is however, unless he gets way better at English.

>> No.23079156

yugo, either hiatus or moved to jp

>> No.23079288

Rosemi is Japanese hafu anon. She grew up speaking Japanese and still speaks Japanese like a kid, do your reps.

>> No.23079460

>Not Elira
>Not Rosemi
You dont know much about NijiEN..

>> No.23080017

My candidates, possible tabs included are (I don't want this first one, but) Mysta for a menhara episode, Finana for trash behavior or a neediness episode gone wrong, Yugo for a hard flaming that she couldn't handle or Nina for a hard sperg out.

My wild card is Elira for doing or being involved in something FUCKED UP like killing a little kid, a serious false allegation or something else.

>> No.23080086

Either Mysta or Yugo.
>Yugo: blatant nepotism hire that has a VERY poor grasp on English
>Mysta: incredibly, powerfully mentally ill to the point that the more facts you learn about the guy the more concerned you are he'll kill himself by mistake

>> No.23081388
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>his gay sass will clash with the Indian mangers

Poor Noor

>> No.23081659

How can you support shit like this nijibros?

>> No.23081813

being in retail/customer service isn't really career worthy.

>> No.23082714

My dark horse pick is Nina. I bet her personality eventually gets to be toxic behind the scenes and since all the other girls are basically friends she gets forced out

I don't see why people think it would be Yugo when they could just do JP streams

>> No.23082790

Because JP fans hate her for being half korean and don't consider her really EN. They're the ones who keep nitpicking everything she does.

>> No.23083125

>I don't see why people think it would be Yugo when they could just do JP streams
BECAUSE THAT'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM ANON. They are in Niji EN. Not Niji KR, ID or the main branch. No, they are in EN and can barely speak English. It belittles the entire branch's entire purpose. They should have put Yugo in the third VTA wave

>> No.23083319

Well what's done is done and they have to do something because yugo's english isn't even up to Tenma Maemi standards and at least tenma has a very unique style that mitigates it a bit

>> No.23083685

makes you wonder what niji's hiring standards are for EN. Having asian ESLs isn't or hafus isn't odd given holoen but some don't seem to be particularly able or interested in an EN audience.
Probably wanted some to link en and the other branches to grow the audience but most of nijijp really don't seem to give a shit about en.

>> No.23083766

NijiEN doesn't really care about their JP senpai, so its not really surprising, no? You'd have to actually know who they are to have cross-branch collabs.

>> No.23084061

nina is staying in it as long as possible for the eboy cock

>> No.23084126

Pomu is the only white female NijiEN.
The only other is Nina and she is a slav so she is disqualified

>> No.23084175

niji is massive in japan. They couldn't even find a single dual japanese and english speaker in japan who is a fan of nijisanji like kiara and irys were for holo?

>> No.23084471

We're already scraping bottom of the barrel here for auditions as is, anon. You're asking for someone in the small, SMALL intersection of:
>Jp/En dual speaker who is fluent in both dialects
>Wishes to become a corporate vtuber
>Fan of NijiJP
>Actually competent
Hilariously, if Yugo was more competent at English, she'd probably be perfect for their cross-collaboration efforts. In fact, that's probably why she was hired.

>> No.23084651

Of course not, but it's still a job.

>> No.23085064

Elira, Rosemi, Petra, Reimu, Sonny and Shu are all dual jp/eng speakers. And all of them except Sonny were fans of NijiJP.
Elira and Rosemi are hafus and Shu is japanese. So I dont know what anon is talking about. That NijiEN doesnt care about their NijiJP senpais is just straight bullshit

>> No.23085123

I think Petra will go if she picks up an internship while going to school since that doesn't leave much time to stream. Otherwise it seems that her parents don't mind her streaming and when she graduates she could still part-time stream around work.

>> No.23085144

>That NijiEN doesnt care about their NijiJP senpais is just straight bullshit
Vox, Mysta, the noctyx guys

>> No.23085224

I bet nijien management is as incompetent as the other branches is that they don't know shit about the internet outside of japan and just hope it'll work out. That's why all foreign branches implode in on themselves outside of china which needs to have china directly involved by law

>> No.23085303

the green one

>> No.23085319

Mysta will "graduate" after he offs himself from the depression caused by being an ugly Flip manlet

>> No.23085382

Good bets on Yugo

>> No.23087817

Watanabe You isn't a vtuber, Anon.

>> No.23088104

NijiEN is ran by the failed Indians apparently

>> No.23089141

>Reimu for not being that popular and afaik not super close to anyone else other than Vox
lmao, Reimu will be the last person to quit

>> No.23089251

>born and raise in US and Canada
>All of them are speak English as a secondary language and/or are children of Asian migrants.
You oxymoron

>> No.23089550

Lmao, you holobronies don't even watch nijiEN and still dare to talk like you know about them.

>> No.23089967

>people can only speak a single language as they grow up
Not everybody are as retarded as you, amerimutt.

>Reimu for not being that popular and afaik not super close to anyone else other than Vox
How fucking new do you need to be for you to not know the people close to Reimu other than Vox?

>Vox, Mysta, the noctyx guys
Wow it's all the men! Especially the Noctyx guys who inconsiderately and incorrectly called Elira "daisenpai". No surprise really.

>> No.23091611


>> No.23092255

>his gay sass will clash with the Indian mangers at some point
that's impossible, Noor is gay too.

>> No.23092279

Wishful thinking: All of Luxiem and Nococktis
Realistically: Fulgur due to harassment over being morbidly obese, whichever one is the girl playing a guy due to harassments having a female voice, or Nina because she's been in the streamer game for way too long to be loyal to any company.

>> No.23092326

Rosemi is already on her way out.

>> No.23092371

Yugo for sure

>> No.23092629

after luxiem they realized they needed to rebrand to NijiCN

>> No.23094147

When did people find out Fungus was morbidly obese? I know his roommate mentioned he had a physical disability, but I never heard anything about him being obese

>> No.23094380

With any luck, all of them.

>> No.23096048

Pomu. No point in maintaining a dying dead channel.

>> No.23098540
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>> No.23098826

Her having my kids is pretty good reason.

>> No.23099066

Anon, raw dough made from freshly milled Kansas wheat would be less white and less American than Pomu Rainpuff.

>> No.23101385

A reminder that Hana's dad is the cause that reduced a lot of EOP viewers thanks to him peddling his American politic in INDONESIAN streamer channel.

>> No.23101416

What? I don't understand, why they do that?

>> No.23101439

Pomu IS Japanese.

>> No.23101526

I feel bad for NijiIN, they deserves better.

>> No.23101578

Oh shut up. NijiIN failure wasn't because of their incompetent. The management messed up again and again.
They can infiltrate the English speaking market, but nooooooo

>> No.23101741


>> No.23101825

Uki will, someday, inevitably grow so quiet and soft-spoken that he will see himself out

>> No.23101826

Fulgur, hes too fat.

>> No.23101932

Already deleted

>> No.23102118

They had no management

>> No.23102315

Reimu's not fluent in JP which really showed during the apex tournament that she joined.

>> No.23102960
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No way, even if she's not the most subbed one anymore she's still the face of NijiEN, also half the branch are her IRL/PL friends
Doubt it, she seem's mostly happy and likes her JP senpai, also has a very good relationship with her chat
I don't think so, but among Lazulight she would be the most likely. Doesn't seem to have a particularly strong friendship with any of the other girls nor any kind of special interest in the brand but she owns the Minecraft server so maybe she does a lot more off-screen, also was the first to get her original song and it's pretty popular.
Could see her going indie again now with a strong follower base, doesn't seem to care much about Niji in general but she's having fun. Her minecraft collab today with the boys from all the other branches was fun and she seemed to enjoy herself a lot.
Maybe, don't watch her much but I know she also goes to uni and is very busy off-stream. Likes her JP senpais a lot so I doubt she'll graduate before callabing with some of them though
I don't know what to think of Rosemi in this case, is she stable enough?
>millie & enna
No, they're a package, as long as one stays in the other stays too and both of them seem to lovve what they do. Elira buff.
The biggest weeb in colombia, there's no way she's quitting when there's the possibility of getting noticed by their JP senpais, specially her oshi. The girl literally cried two whole days just because of how happy she was for playing in that JP Apex Tourney and getting noticed by Ebio and Noah-chan
As much as I would love for her to quit it's not happening anytime soon. Not only she's getting the numbers with the boys, most of the girls seem to genuinely like her off-stream . I mean, it's time to accept it guys, most of these girls are obviously libs and/or feminists off-stream, some of them even give glimpses of it on stream, even Pomu, and the younger ones are all tumblr/twitter girls.
I don't really watch the males but
No, unless he does a KSON, but not before 1m subs
Actually likes nijisanji, has a decent following and is fluent in japanese. Elira buff
I don't know, he's having fun and seems to like the girls, also he's probably scared of going back solo on twitch
I've only watched a few clips of him and that collab with Pata-nee. He seems to know his japanese memes and stuff and JPs like him
One of the most likely if he doesn't fix his menhera act. Feels disconnected from the rest and only knows JP from clips.
Don't know anything about him
Don't know anything about him
He seems to enjoy streaming but doesn't particularly care about all the other vtuber stuff, would probably happier as a twitch flesh streamer
Probably. Mental problems, too fucking quiet, doesn't do anything interesting, already burnt out after a month. Elira buff
This is the obvious choice. Extremely ESL, as a woman doesn't know how to interact with her genmates and ends up bringin the mood down and is always apologizing, japs hate her, doesn't know anything about streaming or nijisanji

>> No.23103194

Reimu is fluent in japanese, she just struggles with kanji. The Apex thing was because she didn't know japanese gamer lingo. Actually, I would say Reimu's pretty impressive because she can change her thought process from one language to another extremely fast. There are people in NijiEN that are better at japanese but if you watch them you would note that all of them struggle to change from english to japanese, they stutter a little or go "uuhhm, eto..." before they can actually start speaking in japanese, she seems to have the grammatical structure of the language ingrained in her mind, which is extremely important if you want to speak like a native, specially with a language so grammatically different like japanese.

>> No.23103305

It is obvious that some of them are in it only for the money and will bail once the well dries up. Finana, Selen, Nina, and basically every male are like that. The only ones that I'm sure will keep going no matter what are Elira, Pomu, Rosemi, Petra, Millie and Enna. Reimu may actually stop because of her poorfag status which honestly would suck.

>> No.23103470

God I fucking wish. Whatever it takes to be free from fagoons.

>> No.23103623

We don't. It's the chingchong fujosharts supporting him.

>> No.23103682

Because management is full of japs and indogs. Lazulight's manager is a fucking jap and they have meetings with her at fucking 3am east coast time.

>> No.23103813

Noor was its management. The branch had so little success that they weren't able to find a 3rd poo in the loo interested in being a vtuber.

>> No.23104332

But you said there's no ID office in Indonesia?
The audition is purely vetted by Japanese

>> No.23104358


>> No.23104393

I don't watch any of these people but I like Elira's, Nina's and Yugo's models.

>> No.23104507


>> No.23104580

I'm legit worried for Mysta, he's nice but unstable.
Everyone else can suck a dick

>> No.23104616
File: 377 KB, 720x1129, IMG_20220425_151841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect. Noor's model was never open for audition. People were only asked to apply for Vihaan and Aadya. Noor's roommate was an Indian youtuber and as she was already working at anycolor, they must've asked her to play Noor.
Her branch didn't succeed but she was still doing better than the other 2 because she mostly streamed in Japanese + her model was amazing.

>> No.23104706

I also bet on Noctyx. But it's either Yugo or Uki.
Uki the most, since he had an actual breakdown in the pogo stream. It's funny that he feels ignored when he doesn't really engage and half of his interactions are just calling other people "bitch".

>> No.23104761

>reddit spacing

>> No.23105167

he wont be the 1st but Sonny's gotta get tired of fujobaiting with Alban at some point

>> No.23105530

At this rate every post who have spacing will be called reddit spacing even when that spacing was used to make a post far more coherent and easier to read.

>> No.23105562

Everyone except Vox because he is swimming in too much CN money to bother the thought of leaving.

>> No.23106976

that faggot is 1 (one) yab away from getting destroyed by the chinks. it will happen sooner rather than later

>> No.23107050

how to tell someone you're a republican without saying you're a republican

>> No.23107054

Rosemi is still holding?
Damn, girl.

>> No.23107123

Not really, she's been streaming less and for shorter amount of time. She also stopped doing membership things she promised like letters to fans.

>> No.23107165

HoloEN with have a graduation first.

>> No.23107210

Ya bet the orange whore is gonna jump ship once the 2 years contract is up.

>> No.23107235

Surprised no one has said Pomu by way of metastasis or something

>> No.23107332
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What the fuck?
Why are their suddenly 10 of these male faggots?? Who asked for this multiplication bullshit?
Dont tell me they hired 5 more since christmas?
Jesus christ nijiniggers cant stop gargling gallons of faggot cum.
Im so glad i stopped watching this crap when they hired nina.

>> No.23107417

They hired five males and debut them last month. April is the end of the newest audition wave. Meaning that EN is likely to get even more new names in the next three/four months

>> No.23107781

She couldn't even understand some orders which led to misunderstandings kek

>> No.23107819

>Lazulight's manager is a fucking jap and they have meetings with her at fucking 3am east coast time

that explains a lot about niji management and hiring practices. Management doesn't know shit about the EN side of the internet so they flail around uselessly.

>> No.23107918

rosemi. def going to quit to join hololive

>> No.23108130

Remin since her viewership is atrocious and no one buys her shit. She also betrayed her own fans by sucking Vox's dick and doesn't even realize it.

>> No.23108153
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Uh huh, sure just like a year ago lmao

>> No.23108183

Stupid unicorn. Reimu's not gonna fuck you

>> No.23108232

a fujoshit's fat fingers typed this

>> No.23108332

Which is funny when the males with the biggest sub ratios / viewership ratios are:
Only speaks English, surpassed 600k in three months
Flip-mutt, but can only speak English. Passed 500k the other day
English and Swedish. Not the heavy hitter of the group, but actively has his own niche
Flip-mutt with limited Japanese

Meanwhile Shu, Uki and Yugo, the native speakers are all actively floundering in comparison. Just hire EN talent like Holo and you'll see things pan out.

>> No.23108336

Found the American

>> No.23109539

yeah probably got rejected from hololive. can use nijisanji as experience and apply again. give it 2 years

>> No.23110177

Please explain how you possibly came up with this wild card

>> No.23110419

>NijiEN was so desperate they hired a woman who can't speak English for Male wave 2
Wow, maybe I should have applied if there's that little competition.

>> No.23110471


>> No.23110808

Wrong timing. Council were all nijirejects, not the other way around.

>> No.23110889

Shu is the biggest nijiEN sc earner after Vox.

>> No.23111747


>> No.23112605

Do you have 2 million followers on tiktok? Did you apply to Wactor? If no, then you're ngmi.

>> No.23113754

all niji girl

>> No.23116592

Hopefully not Pomu. I'm enjoying her MGS streams.
