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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23137817 No.23137817 [Reply] [Original]

Who did it better?

>> No.23138392

I don't have a vagina but I can feel pain from reading this.

>> No.23138454

The latter has done a bunch of other nasty shit, I think this wasn't even her worst.

>> No.23138475
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Snails design was pure sex so I'm on her side.

>> No.23139008
File: 97 KB, 760x908, B74164ED-223D-413F-A3DF-5C3E69E8BF6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comma love!
Akira love!
Mai love!
Minori love!

>> No.23139352

What kind of sicko enjoys people being in pain, let alone women in pain.

>> No.23139416
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x1080, 107D58EB-6459-45C4-84C9-83229C99E050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.

>> No.23139470

anyone has the link to her website again?

>> No.23139497

What's the point of pain if you're not the one inflicting it? Genuine question.

>> No.23139581

The latter also ripped her nails

>> No.23139589
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>> No.23139663

One ripped her nail, the other stapled her pussy.

>> No.23139724

>banned from YT again
Akiwa ;_;
At least she is excited about having an official eroguro H-manga about her getting murdered.

>> No.23139835
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>> No.23140285

Nobody can answer that. My best guess is some people's brains are just wired weirdly.

>> No.23140307

I used to cut and burn myself, it felt like I was releasing pressure from stress.

>> No.23140353

Why...why did they do it?

>> No.23140515

Some kind of depression and maybe also psychosis. Mental dicerolls.

>> No.23140528

whos the one on the left?

>> No.23140536
File: 398 KB, 2048x1451, 9AB9288E-DD04-4372-8FEF-BF82FC09DDBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is hot.

>> No.23140616

So like 60% of this board

>> No.23140685

did she actually do it irl or is this just a meme

>> No.23140731

I'm a masochist and I'm more interested on the other side
Why do people like inflicting pain? I can't do it, it makes me feel bad

>> No.23140898

Latter put razors in her vagina

>> No.23141080

Snail did it because of that. I think comma just has a really fucked up fetish.

>> No.23141119

Its the best, i especially like when little girls suffer. Makes me rock hard

>> No.23141140

Oh you poor sweet summer child

>> No.23141141

>Wooden horse
Flamenco is that you?

>> No.23141405
File: 100 KB, 900x900, 53643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nail ripping clip
Man, those screams...
Sounds real to me.

>> No.23141540

Now where is the stapled vagina clip

>> No.23141704
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 1632120356624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they grow back?
They grow back right?
Why the fuck would she do this? She doesn't sound like she's having fun at all

>> No.23141719

I do wonder if he is subbed to Minori on a second account or something given the alignment.

I hope komma blowing up like this means more meat x non-meat collabs.

>> No.23141773


>> No.23141822

They do eventually but it takes quite a long time, the skin underneath will harden in the meantime

>> No.23141855

Are you stupid or something? They’re the same as hair of course they grow black over ~8 months. Real annoying at first but you get used to it, real cockshy around car doors forever after though.

>> No.23141914

Hinamizawa syndrome pls understand

>> No.23141952

Yeah they grow back. I had one (on a toe) ripped out due to an infection.

>> No.23142102


>> No.23142256

I remember having one nail removed after i accidentally left a rock smash my right hand. It didn't come out instantly, it took like 45 mins. to fall off, and it was painful. It took weeks to regrow again. I was like 7 or 8 y/o.
Another day i hit one of the small fingers of my feet so hard, it turned black for 2 weeks. It was worse, way worse.
So in conclusion, the latter was better. Wish I didn't see that shit

>> No.23142280
File: 164 KB, 305x311, C9469337-582B-4B11-9A69-BC87FDA30FA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubing is just the modern coliseum anon, the sooner they start killing each other for real the better.

>> No.23142309

I once smashed by finger with a sledge hammer while breaking down tables to take them to some landfill/dump. Whole nail turned black/purple so I ended up chipping away at it and used a razor blade to cut away at the skin that was still attached to the nail. No blood involved (well...it was all dried up under the nail). A new one grew back in like a month or 2. Looks like nothing ever happened.

>> No.23142344

I thought nail ripper did it cause her nail was broken.

>> No.23142420
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 1631740731443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Stapled her pussy
Thanks. Another reason to never watch an indie.

>> No.23142440

>people being in pain
That's just awful. I'm a mean bastard but I'd put even my worst enemies without any pain involved.
>let alone women in pain
Most modern day ones are trash and don't get enough pain if you ask me.

>> No.23142449

She had a mental breakdown.

>> No.23142498

>Did it because she wanted to get out of a black company
My morbid fascination has turned to disgust, poor girl

>> No.23142604

>>23142420 and others
Are you really disturbed by that? 5-10 years ago most of you probably was watching videos that were way more fucked up (Queen Snake, gore etc.)

>> No.23142660

Another one that happened: by being an idiot, i sliced my dick's forehead with my finger. Even if it was a small portion, it bleed for a while.

>> No.23142787

It's not about being disturbed anon. I want to watch cute girls do cute shit. Not everyday college whores talking about their periods and stapling their pussies shut.
I'd go to /pol/ or /b/ to a rekt thread if I wanna see that shit.

>> No.23142959

These people forget or too young to remember the crazy flash shit from oldschool newgrounds website. My god...I feel old.

>> No.23142998

>everyday college whores
>stapling their pussies shut
What fucking college did you go to?

>> No.23143233

you misread his post

>> No.23143697

>Not everyday college whores talking about their periods and stapling their pussies shut.
implies everyday college whores both talk about their periods and staple their pussies shut unless I'm having a massive retard attack and have completely forgotten how English works

>> No.23143940

>It's Not everyday college whores are talking about

>> No.23143989

The vagina thing just seems weird, but when hearing the girl rip her nail off you can feel it so I think that one is worse.

>> No.23144144

>i want to watch ___
>not ___
nta, but either you are the one that misread his post, or you fucked up and didn't add the "it's" to (you)r post.

>> No.23144458

/vt/ has even more newfags than /pol/ at this point, it really shouldn't be a surprise

>> No.23144513

He's calling them plain and unattractive

>> No.23144950

so, we got a bit internet famous for a while, how long until it dies over? a few months or so? hopefully more people who genuinely enjoy our content will get notified of our existence and stick around afterwards.

>> No.23145484

From that perspective it also doesn't make sense, because you are not even the one receiving the pain here, so really what's the point? it seems like no one really wins

>> No.23145490

Thanks for explaining the blatantly obvious too me

>> No.23146403

Comma is crazy in that she’s an extreme masochist who derives intense sexual pleasure from pain. She enjoys what she does, to the point she’ll put it above her physical safety.

Snail legitimately had a psychotic breakdown. She didn’t enjoy the nail-pulling thing, it was torture for her like it would be for a normal person, but she felt she *had* to do it as ‘punishment’ for her failures.

Snail is honestly a very sad case because it’s not masochism and it’s not consensual, it’s a legit mental patient self-harming.

>> No.23146592
File: 101 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about Kaiten Tsuzuri. Should I just go full saviourfag and subscribe to her fanbox?

>> No.23146890

it takes a long time but yeah they do grow back
I went to a doctor about an ingrown toenail after years of digging them out myself (usually you can if you have a decent pain tolerance)
not sure if it's just part of the procedure or the doc fucked up but half the nail on my big toe was just straight up gone and it took a good year or so for it to grow back. Grew back kinda wonky though, discolored looking compared to the rest of the nail so I had to cut it off myself and then it grew back normal.

>> No.23147737

should this be the new /meat/ thread?

>> No.23148519

Whats her deal? I don't remember following her, and she just seems to stream herself browsing twitter

>> No.23148902

She's the reincarnation of the snail

>> No.23149415
File: 260 KB, 500x500, E9imxOvVkAEADfQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does Japan have like no lawyers?
If you tried to have a contract like that in the USA that would be an easy lawsuit especially with the suicide attempt.

>> No.23149447

So I've seen the staple pic. Are the staples bent back underneath like paper staples? Can they just be pulled right back out? Is that, like, permanent damage? How deep would those go?

>> No.23149594

She's pursuing a sweepstakes challenge by only live off food prizes she won from following/retweeting on twitter. I don't know how well she's been doing and she sounds extremely exhausted from the stream this morning. I just gifted her some guitar streams from Amazon Wishlist cause she'd probably do a guitar stream which I'm down to watch. I don't know much else about her but wish her the best regardless.

>> No.23149697

the staples probably aren't bent, but even if they were, it could be removed without any lasting damage pretty easily. comma isn't a retard, and she could probably feel if she was doing something that would create lasting damage.

>> No.23149937

Have you never accidentally staple your fingers? It only takes some bandages and a couple of weeks for it to fully recover. Though putting thumbtacks down your cunt could be a whole different story I imagine.

>> No.23150128

i once got a lyre string stuck in my thumb. it curled so deep that it was a bitch to get it out completely, and every slight movement or vibration played a note straight into my flesh. no lasting damage, but it hurt pretty bad.

>> No.23150194

No, I have not. And I sure as fuck wouldn't put a staple gun near my crotch.

>> No.23150771

She used a staple gun, so there isn't anything on the other side of the staple to bend it. Based on the model of staple gun she posted, the staples probably didn't go too deep, like less than 1cm. Pulling them out should be trivial, and the wounds should heal pretty quickly assuming proper dressing. She most probably knows how to handle wounds like that, though, considering all the stuff her pussy has experienced, and the number of precautions she takes in other experiments when they could actually cause serious damage to herself (like the alcohol enema).

>> No.23151339

4 threads pertaining to the stapler situation, it isn't even the most intense thing she has done.
not sure how i feel about the thread spam, but here's hoping it proves to be beneficial in the long run.

>> No.23151522

I thought Snail was some deformed Rushia edit at first

>> No.23151631

It's never dying down, this is the first spark before they find something else to really rocket out of here. The /meat/ squad is going to flashover and be bigger than VTubers, they'll be on TV like Tsugu, they'll be condemned on the floor of congress and parliament.

>> No.23152085

we'll see in time. desu, it's not as widespread as twitter is making it out to be. maybe a few 2views and vtkek or whatever and that's it. granted, they only figured out that we weren't larping a while ago, so it's not like it would be so fast regardless.

>> No.23155171

which thread are most /meat/heads in?

>> No.23155260

I choose the cervix shooter

>> No.23155315

They asked for it, I just give them what they wanted

>> No.23155375

Masochist are real. Some ppl get turned on when abused

>> No.23155386

The nail ripping because those screams were fucking insane and it was the result of a mental breakdown

>> No.23155484

It's like unleashing the bloodthirsty animal within my body. Or just an activity to release stress

>> No.23156489

