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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 363 KB, 594x616, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24439470 No.24439470 [Reply] [Original]

they are fucking 10000000%

>> No.24439488


>> No.24439536

Good Kiara needed to get laid

>> No.24439683

Im happy for them. I bet they are having a decent time. Hope the hotel is nice. Make sure they see the attractions. Renting some bicycles could be fun too.

>> No.24439689

I'm so happy that she ditched the alcoholic wigger and settled for a true princess :')

>> No.24439716


>> No.24439731

god, I hope so

>> No.24439765

Damn, Kiara really got a good latch on that Indog's billionaire's daughter.

>> No.24439767

its ... over

>> No.24439814

from that pic, the weather must be not that great hahaha, fucking gloomy sky. But considering how filthy rich both are, this is not a once in a lifetime vacation. They can just go back every month if they want to.

>> No.24439897

I thought she was related to some politican or an Imam

>> No.24439946
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>> No.24439984

dad politician, mom doctor, if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.24440060

You got fooled, she was just a daughter of a CEO, not really a big deal as some indo anons here said.

>> No.24440139

So they're not pure anymore, what will unicorns good onto now?

>> No.24440226

Having a better time than the onsen trip with Mori at least

>> No.24440234

I think they were concerned that the weather would be super shitty, so this is progress I guess

>> No.24440287

Good ending

>> No.24440292

Mori seething while drowning in her ten millionth drink today.

>> No.24440425
File: 242 KB, 680x763, 82A3D0F4-3E87-4FA2-999D-ABD14488AA34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn’t count if it’s two girls

>> No.24440427

Unicorns love /u/ action. As long as it's not a m*le they think they have a chance to self insert.

>> No.24440519

I read it as "Sipping the juice of pavoliareine"

>> No.24440528

I'm perfectly okay with this.

>> No.24440599

>not pure anymore

>> No.24440713

Hot lesbian action is pure idol love. Imagine not knowing this by now.

>> No.24440722

Her mom's a ceo of a certain media giant retard

>> No.24440829

>good onto now
Finish your mango before typing in English.

>> No.24440851

Mom a mass media mainstream press CEO

>> No.24440919

she’ll come back to the lean. they always do.

>> No.24441017

Thank you Reine for saving her from that drug addicted alcoholic wigger. She's truly a good influence.

>> No.24441043
File: 1.27 MB, 634x1200, 652c376bf12823e4c1794a2cad6ad221913dc674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't. Kiara was too dense to realize Reine wanted to fuck.

>> No.24441269

I hope they spend hours satisfying each other on a secluded beach before one of them gets sand in their cooch and have to go back to the hotel for steamy shower sex.

>> No.24441368

So Reine will be Kiara's sugar momma from now on.

>> No.24441392 [DELETED] 

Yes, totally, just like chicken totally fucked the lean queen during a similar vacation. Neck yourself, /u/ schizo.

>> No.24441451

Are there no chads in Maldives here?! come on, just install a hidden cam on their unit. You had one job

>> No.24441454

I don't think she is that stupid, she just purposely dodged the bullet.. Or the finger.

>> No.24441519

Fuck you killjoy, also calli is straight as an arrow. No hope about that

>> No.24441568

>Anons take the advice from other anons who say Kiara is oblivious
>End up misreading things that weren't actually signs of interest
>Anon gets arrested for rape

>> No.24441596

The Maldives are a series of islands connected by aircraft and has a total population of 300k, I doubt there's enough schizos there to do it

>> No.24441680

I hope they start going out for real. It seems Reine and Kiara are really good friends and I think they're pretty compatible if you ask me

>> No.24441722

Kiara did this to Mori, and now it's time for Reine to get super uncomfortable because people are shipping her with her friend.
She even said several times during the stream, how there were a lot of couples, UNLIKE them. But /u/tards still think that if two girl are physically close to each other they are fucking.

>> No.24441815

I mean this time Reine is a lesbian so I doubt she's put off with it. I'm fine if they're going to go that way, they're girls.

>> No.24441891

You've never watched a Reine stream in your fucking life have you, concern troll?

>> No.24441969

>concernfagging for Reine of all people being uncomfortable with yuri
kek get a load of this fag

>> No.24441972

It's not about Reine's sexuality, it's about Kiara being an insensitive yuribait machine. If Reine has feelings for her, then ok, good for them. But if she just wants to spend a nice vacation with her friend, it might backfire. Just like Takamori and their trip did.

>> No.24441989

>Reine, the openly lesbian fanfiction writer, will be uncomfortable with /u/ shipping
ogey rretard

>> No.24441995

Qrd? Is it off
colab? literally how indo and japan

>> No.24442044

ganbatte ESL anon
they're in the Maldives, vacationing together

>> No.24442052

>implying hot lesbian sex doesn't make them even more pure

>> No.24442099


>> No.24442100

Watch streams threadreader nigger

>> No.24442151

calliope "I LOVE LEAN" mori

>> No.24442169

>uncomfortable with girl-on-girl ships
You lack critical information

>> No.24442178

why is Kiara like this??? does she not know some women feels uncomfortable with shit like this?

>> No.24442192 [DELETED] 

Sure anon, /u/ schizos like you weren't going wild when they went on a vacation together.

>> No.24442211

Reminder lesbian sex is the purest form of love and there is nothing wrong if kiara, reine or your oshi is having sex with another woman

>> No.24442213

it's the purest form of love

>> No.24442263

That's how she is, anonchama. She did it with Mori and Ame too.

>> No.24442321

I'm not even all that much into Kiara, but I'm legit happy that this will help her to finally put the drunkard behind with her fans, finally no more fanart or schizos trying to get more takamori.

>> No.24442356 [DELETED] 

ITT: /u/ fags who only know how lesbians work from porn and hentai project their fantasies on yet another pair of female friends hanging out together

>> No.24442374

Us deadbeats have already gone through this, glad to see the orange woman is latching into Reine's popularity and leaving Calli alone

>> No.24442378

i'll see you in a couple months anon

>> No.24442380

they need to furiously make up on stream

>> No.24442394

Happy endings are real

>> No.24442432
File: 113 KB, 620x246, act.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you wanna falseflag as a cuckbeat, but come on, even those people have standards

>> No.24442467

you're just a retard taking every post 100000% seriously because you're obsessed with sexuality as an identity politics item (one way or the other)
we're just having fun, relax

>> No.24442485

>they are fucking
yes, me

>> No.24443296


>> No.24443485

The glasses are touching. That's basically sex.

>> No.24443503
File: 42 KB, 575x533, 16462617472724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> they are fucking 10000000%

>> No.24443534


>> No.24443599 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 480x640, 1644372748184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you're just a retard taking every post 100000% seriously because you're obsessed with sexuality as an identity politics item (one way or the other)
>we're just having fun, relax

>> No.24443630

Is it the loser factor that causes so many anons in this shithole to never stop thinking about others having sex?

>> No.24443682

we're all gonna make it one day

>> No.24443711

Imagine the gay sex

>> No.24443734


>> No.24443822

and stay there

>> No.24443836

Unicorns only care about m*les

>> No.24443897

good ol' ass to ass

>> No.24443908

neck yourselves /u/fags

>> No.24444111

We know that treerat and mori lurk /here/.
There's high chance that kiara and reine read this thread.
They might laugh about this or get aroused....

>> No.24444135

Kiara will submit to the will of Allah

>> No.24444156

happy for them

>> No.24444180

I'm Allah btw

>> No.24444306

Reine is the number one pusher of this relationship. Kiara is the (at best) ignorant one in this case. We have Reine on-stream doing the exact same thing about this exact trip that you are criticizing fans for doing (drawing lewd fan art of them as a couple).

>> No.24444427

Don't lie. My third side ho calls me Allah. She would know as her father is some kind of priest.

>> No.24444459

>vTubing is built from cute girls doing cute things
>"uhhh why dont the unicorn chuds care about two girls being cute together?"
Where do you retards come from

>> No.24444487

the one true God confirmed KFP, we're eating fried chicken for Eid this year boys.

>> No.24444738

This type of couple-posting means they definitely had sex last night.

>> No.24444769

>Hello all of you,my name is Kiara,I'm a girl with some of the best curves around and I'm here to please you. I'm a natural redhead and enjoy the attention from men and women alike, as I'm a very friendly and bubbly person, who loves a good joke and a good conversation. So, come on in and let's enjoy each others company. I also love the thought of getting turned on and turned on a woman while she looks at me like a wild animal and is about to unleash her pussy juices on my face, or body in my pussy, or both...

>> No.24444849

Lesbian sex is part of idol culture. If you're trying to destroy idol culture that makes you anti-LGBT.

>> No.24445154


>> No.24445244

Based, truly a fairy tale ending.

>> No.24445288

Why is a muslim drinking

>> No.24445370
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What compels ***people*** to become this?

>> No.24445422

religion is controversial if you're filthy rich

>> No.24445828

Will kiara sing leaving on a jet plane again? it’s been too long since I saw the crying microphone pic

>> No.24445834

A long series of unfortunate social experiences and an utter refusal to take accountability for any flaws they might have.

>> No.24445875

I'm sticking with Gura and Sora. The true Idols of Hololive.

>> No.24445905

Wait, is that alcohol? Kiara doesn't drink, I assumed it was juice. I guess I was stupid.

>> No.24445922

She should just move in with Reine.

>> No.24445943

watch streams

>> No.24445999

Kiara said that she asked they replace the bottle with non alcoholic champagne.

>> No.24446010
File: 543 KB, 600x585, cute chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yurichads win again.

>> No.24446090

Watch stream
They've planned vaction in Maldives for months

>> No.24446096

The reason she doesn't drink alcohol is because males always tries to rape her, on a private resort with her wife that's not a worry.

>> No.24446149

I despise lesbians so much it's unreal.

>> No.24446151

meds. now.

>> No.24446205

>every month
>Every day.

>> No.24446223

>implying she won't come back to mori on her knees when she realizes she can't leach off Reine
Mori always wins in the end

>> No.24446239
File: 157 KB, 480x480, A102D313-7F11-4BC2-B122-B87D98B77919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look fag, long haired feminine lesbians are the straightest thing ever

>> No.24446269

I'd be disappointed if they weren't. All that planning, money and time spent? allthe flirting, to get a nothingburger? No sir, I hope they fucked like rabbits.

>> No.24446274

Thats actually a pic of the chicken and the dyke, crying because they are irrelevant and have no record label deal

>> No.24446338

neither gives two shits about their music like mori, though chicken will always have the sparks arc

>> No.24446541

>the song she literally had to beg for people to hear
Oh no no no no

>> No.24446998

What's up with /pol/ shitting up this thread with their reddit pics?

>> No.24447059

>Kiara having unicorns
lol, lmao even

>> No.24447178

because of buffalo there are more feds than usual there.

>> No.24447461

lesbians can't be muslim anon

>> No.24447471

as well as the indoctrinated /pol/tard response to anything gay or just not what they like being tranny wojaks
retards leaking out of /pol/ with their copypasted personality and folder of shitjaks are so fucking boring

>> No.24447503

/v/ refugees

>> No.24447604

No one ever goes back to Mori once they've seen behind her mask.

>> No.24447680

Yeah sorry this just makes me hate them. They're showing off that they're rich people who can afford to laze about and do nothing, using the money of their dedicated fans and rubbing it in their faces. A little humility would be nice when your average fan is a wagie stuck in a deadend job who will never amount to anything in life and will die alone, but now they have to see this just because they wanted to support their oshi. Eat the rich and fuck the 1%.

>> No.24447718

Absolutely kino cuckbeats are coping over chicken moving on in this thread, Kiara schizos are losing their minds over her success, and everyone else is just happy over two lesbians fucking

>> No.24447850

i am happy for them, but it needs to be said that
i still want to rim kiara's asshole.

>> No.24447960

Nah we are too busy watching the protagonist of HoloEN collab with the JP members, instead of the chicken trying to leech off the knockoff branch

>> No.24448090

not even close, reine's mom is rich enough to buy the entirety of cover and kiara's country.

>> No.24449157
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>> No.24449270
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Lamo KPFkeks your oshi looks like this?

>> No.24449326

Little does Kiara know, those drinks were spiked with ruffies by Reine

>> No.24449415

>Reine and Kiara are pandas
>they are morally forces to fuck

>> No.24449563

Kiara of all the ppl to hang out with you pick this dud. I sent my resignation letter.

>> No.24449628
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>> No.24449699
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>> No.24449706

That would be nice and all if they were politicians and thus being funded through money they stole from you but the people who send them money are not wagies or mentally ill and shouldn't have legal right to their own money to begin with.

>> No.24449813

Mori was a dud as well, Kiara just has bad tase

>> No.24450754

pandas are idol chads

>> No.24450865

tranny thread

>> No.24451937

This is EXACTLY what people who donate to their oshi want to see: them relaxed and happy, comfortable with their friends and away from the vtuber rat race for a moment.

>> No.24452093

Reine is the seme and kiara the uke in this case, concern faggot

>> No.24452197

Pure resentment.

>> No.24452232
File: 368 KB, 475x633, 1651563094531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a unicorn. I'm just a /u/Chad.
All women should be lesbians, if they're not lesbians or at least heavily lesbian leaning bisexuals they should be discarded into a volcano

>> No.24452294


>> No.24452435

You are correct, and like all men I should kill myself to make way for yuri paradise.

>> No.24452576

I hate shipfags so goddamn much.

>> No.24452692

>all women
no, all vtubers*

>> No.24452743

Just delete /pol/ and tank the month long fall out before they all crawl back to their shithole of reddit.
Problem solved.

>> No.24452813

How would 4chan fund itself without that FBI-backed honeypot to give it cover?

>> No.24452926

Kiara is straight and had sex with multiple men

>> No.24452973

Yeah, me

>> No.24453214
File: 21 KB, 570x538, images - 2022-04-03T141343.621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a bait
But I wonder... even Subaru show some atraccion to women. Really someone think that kiara is straight unironically?

>> No.24453256

Holy ESL

>> No.24453287

Thanks autocorrect for the shitty grammar/orthography

>> No.24453313

Jesus christ women who are friends share glass of whine together "ThEy ArE FuCkInG" go outside and talk to a real woman /u/schizo

>> No.24453323

like that will ever stop me.

Boys, if you're in bed with a woman and she is stroking your fucking back, you're getting the green light that will hold up in any court.

>> No.24453350

Anon, this is 2022. You can revoke consent after the fact now. Get with the times.

>> No.24453370

All women are a little gay. Pretty much every chick you have ever met has experimented. I wouldn't be surprised if they two of them are exploring each other's bodies right now.
Kiara does kinda seem like a man hater so I could see her being into girls too.

>> No.24453393

Same with men

Nobody and I do mean nobody can beat the cock

>> No.24453418

It kinda surprised me she doesnt drink. I would give up drinking for her, half the reason I drink is to talk to women anyway.

>> No.24453468

Furthest I've gone with another dude was a kid son the lips. I geuss me and friends did do like group jacking off when we were kids.

>> No.24453506

two hot women making out is the sanest and most logical conclusion of all. women who don’t experiment on eachother are objectively mentally ill.

>> No.24453550 [DELETED] 

please do so now. lesbians are the coomers who salivate over them should all be killed

>> No.24453581

kiara does seem like a dyke more than a "man hater", your description is kson

>> No.24453662 [DELETED] 

a well-adjusted childhood with a happy family

>> No.24453663

Idk she has real contempt for men, maybe just ugly men.
She freaked out cuz some dude sat near her at McDonald's.

>> No.24453729 [DELETED] 

thats all women lad. if an undesirable man is near them. still get wet for the chads and the rich ones though

>> No.24453782

>was a kid son the lips
I know what you were trying to say, but I find the version of you mouthraping a shout funnier

>> No.24453790

I'm an undesirable man. No woman has ever been that rude to me.

>> No.24453827

>a shout
A shouta*

>> No.24453834

Kek that was a pretty funny mistype. But yeah def kissed the homies on the lips before.

>> No.24453867
File: 73 KB, 239x215, watamelon wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To put it in a feudal analogy that doesn't have any doxx info:

Imagine a kingdom
This kingdom has a very powerful guild that supports the royal family with a high tier noble at the head, producing many things for the kingdom.
This guild has a subsidiary guild with a mid tier noble who prints papers supporting the kingdom.
Reine would be the daughter of this mid tier noble, not the most extremely rich but the reason why indo schizos don't touch her is because of the alleged government propaganda interest this subsidiary has.

>> No.24453901

I assume that's non-alcoholic.
Kiara said she never drinks.

>> No.24453904 [DELETED] 

maybe not to your face. women are cowards

>> No.24454071

Based lunatic. GOD willing, these whores will be brought to justice and face upon themselves the severe retribution due their inexcusable crimes.

>> No.24454180
File: 93 KB, 600x500, 1234322345433456544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women who don’t experiment on eachother are objectively mentally ill
yup that about sums up this /u/schizo thread meds take them !

>> No.24454516

>Clearly the person writing and reading yuri fanfics would not be okay with yuribaiting
Kill yourself retard

>> No.24454688

I wrote this post

>> No.24455114

Not a deadbeat.

>> No.24456539

They become /u/nicorns. That's the last stage of unicorn's cope.

>> No.24456991

Man, no wonder everyone is so fucked up in this board.

>> No.24457264

Yuri is just a phase.

>> No.24457339
File: 185 KB, 622x866, 1608950752528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24457498

I forgot I hate lesbian relationships and just want this to end so they can go back to their respective chats

>> No.24457658

Unfortunately, mascoids are a necessary evil until we figure out how to do male-free reproduction. (I also hope troon tech advances to the point they could actually BAW, force-femming all the angry men, watching them give into the urges of their new bodies sounds fun)

>> No.24457726

No, you should kill yourself.
trannies are not and will never be women and will never be yuri.

>> No.24457989

Hold on.
That looks like Prosecco.
I don't know about other countries but in german cultural areas, Prosecco is a stereotype cause (for some weird reason nobody can explain) its very popular by gay men and lesbians.

>> No.24458025

That's not wine.

>> No.24458067
File: 586 KB, 1153x771, 1647480484558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't fucking.
They are touching themselves to the thought of thousands of guys thinking they are fucking.

>> No.24458073

It's alcohol free champagne. It's not Prosecco

>> No.24458161

You mean watching her leech off the the two JPs that speak enough English that she can collab with them despite all the time she's lived in nip land?

>> No.24458223

That's why the Sparks arc is over. She's moved on. She accepted that her nasally voice makes her the least popular singer in Myth even though she's the 2nd best on technical skill.

>> No.24458364


Sparks was a good song. I even bought it for the gym.

>> No.24458544

All of Kiara's songs are good, but quality is the least important factor of popularity and popularity is the most important factor when you're a professional entertainer.

>> No.24458611

In fact, kiara was liking pavonashi ecchi these days

>> No.24458658

tis true, I am the schizoid shes been banging.

>> No.24459620

how do lesbians have sex?

i know the porn i've seen isn't exactly representative of reality, like scissoring seems like it'd just be exhausting irl

>> No.24459653

Yeah it's exhausting if you never done physical exercise in your life

>> No.24459737

Kiara would be fine, but I dunno about Reine. Regardless, lesbians usually do mutual masturbation or use strapons.

>> No.24460892

Why not? I mean I am drinking, and muslim. Jahanam is our way.

>> No.24461110

Nobody is discussing the important part: do Kiara cosplay while doing it? Do Kiara force Reine to cosplay as Kiara to know the feeling of fucking herself?

>> No.24461169

Imagine Kiara wearing strapless strapon dildo while screwing Reine in doggy style...

>> No.24461471

Picture those 2 sloppy clams rubbing up against each other.
We know Kiara waxes, what about Reine?

>> No.24464348

Mate, forget watching streams, you're not even a threadreader at this point.

>> No.24464757
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>> No.24464758

Fingering and tonguing each others vag does most of the heavy lifting. Might use a toy if there is access to it. Scissoring is kind of a pain in the ass and because theres no actual penetration its only really effective when you're close to orgasm because at that point just the friction of rubbing clits can get you over the finish line... its probably my personal favorite way to finish because of how intimate it is.

>> No.24464873

Oral and fingering.
The main pleasure points for a woman are all relatively close to the entrance or on the outside,.
Actual penetration is more of a fetish thing than a direct pleasure thing.

>> No.24465052

Are we just forgetting Reine's like 30 different ways of telling various cute Holos that she wants to eat their pussy? How many times does she have to blatantly tell hololive girls she wants to FUCK them before people realize she's a turbo dyke? Like idk if she can make it any clearer anon.

>> No.24465337

You do know women don't actually feel much from penetration right? Like I think the percentage is like 90% of women can't even orgasm from getting dicked. In fact most women barely feel it that much. Its why the big porn industry lie about dick size is a huge meme. Women get all their pleasure from the clit

>> No.24465395


>> No.24465409

This is what I find so shocking when I meet men who don't like to eat pussy.

>> No.24465505
File: 128 KB, 942x862, 1652607925931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. copelet
your gf faked it all my man

>> No.24465562

Pussy tastes terrible especially if a girl doesn't have absolutely perfect hygiene. pubes are also just gross.

>> No.24465576

>lel epic tiny dick meme
>will never make a woman orgasm in your entire life
>will plow pussy like a fucking ape pounding on your chest while the girl lays there bored
Fun factoid anon, most women can't handle more than 5 inches of dick. There's a reason 5 inches is the standard average. Maybe do some research sometime.

>> No.24465736

Lets be honest anons, it doesn't matter if its true or not the fact you have to go out of your way to mention you tiny ass dick just makes it cope.

Also being penetrated does feel good for most women and they enjoy the penetration for reasons outside of direct pleasure. The other cope dicklets go with is
>well they don't orgasm from it
for women there's more to sex than an orgasm, unlike men its not just about cumming and then leaving.

>> No.24465797

Are there actually alot of femanons in this thread?
I love eating pussy tho. And bush is nice too.

>> No.24465849

her mom owned a TV company dumbass, dad missing/divorced idk

>> No.24465901
File: 62 KB, 212x205, 1645647741558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for women there's more to sex than an orgasm

>> No.24465985

>Muh tiny dick meme again
When did any one say they have a small dick anon? You seem awful defensive about this. Pointing out factual things doesn't make it cope. Its almost like there's a mountain of studies done on this and all of them have shown dick size doesn't matter unless you have a micro dick. 5 or up and your good. It's not rocket science. If you want to talk about the real genetic uncontrollable things that'll fuck you over when it comes to getting laid, its height. Not dick size.

>> No.24465987

Mori's hands typed this.
You lost her, fatty.

>> No.24467362

The companies have a net worth of hundreds of millions to potentially over a billion or so in USD so their pretty damn big and important still even if their subsidiaries to a larger Zaibatsu. It's like the difference between a Countess or Baroness in a Duchy instead of being the Duchess themself. No their not the head but their still huge and important.

>> No.24467499

She owns 2 companies technically.

>> No.24470470

The more you hate the rich the less likely you'll ever be one.

>> No.24470626

>eat the rich
Go to Twitter you fucking commie

>> No.24470835

Women don't feel anything from penetration and that's why they all own dildos.

>> No.24474483

Anon ffs you used it wrong three times, it's not just an oversight anymore, you're retarded

>> No.24476449
File: 49 KB, 370x343, T.T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24476506

Dude, they're married now. This is literally their honeymoon.

>> No.24477665

this is somehow one of the worst threads i've ever read and yet i want it to keep going

>> No.24478227

>they are fucking 10000000%
Yeah, me

>> No.24480455

thats actually sad wtf
