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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27086640 No.27086640 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27086686
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>> No.27086711

Why? I love Mori and never doubted her for a second

>> No.27086754


>> No.27086772

Not until she willingly suspends herself for a minimum of two weeks and public apologizes for slandering gura and putting the rest of myth in danger.

>> No.27086801

Do we have any reason to?

>> No.27086927

Fine, she can be suspended for two weeks after her sololive. Then antis can never say anything again because the slate is wiped clean like whenever it happens with a JP.

>> No.27086945

She apologizes like 30 times a week for every instance she notices she offended a sensitive twitter or vt faggot over something dumb that nobody even cared about.

Just consider the yab dept paid. She does more good than harm.

>> No.27087185

i hope she dies

>> No.27087235

Lol no.

>> No.27087239

I used to hate Mori but now so many people hate her that I like Mori. I just have to ignore certain events and pretend they don't happen.

>> No.27087303
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>> No.27087345

>if i spam bullshit all the time, people will forget about it
weird tactic but okay

>> No.27087548

Didn't watch streams, did Mori do something redeeming today? I doubt she can make up for the net bad she caused to Myth but I'm willing to consider it

>> No.27087648

>did Mori do something redeeming today?

>> No.27087696

I do actually think the sister booking the place for a party without telling anyone in advance was rude.


And whatever you think of Calli, she did save these off collabs. Tonight's streams were way more entertaining than Kiara droning on about Poptarts while Ame was locked in a car, or playing Smash with 4 people and 3 controllers (Sponsored by Anime Expo merchandise.)

>> No.27087742

Sure wipe the slate clean. In a month we'll be right back where we started.

>> No.27087794

Loud as fuck, sounds like a dying elephant so no.

>> No.27087835 [DELETED] 

>It's just this board somehow turned it into HELP, GURA IS BEING RAPED IN A SEX DUNGEON AND CALLI IS NOT SUPPORTING HER.
Congratulations you swallowed the cuckbeat deflection whole. That was never the issue with mori allowing her sister into the airbnb and throwing a party.

>> No.27087924

She should be suspended permanently for being a wigger rapper

>> No.27087960


>> No.27087974

Says the guy who swallows /vt/'s cock so deep he believes in everything people on /vt/ says

>> No.27088005

You should be suspended from a lamp post and beaten like a pinata

>> No.27088128 [DELETED] 
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no I think that's what happened to your kind

>> No.27088137

That's like saying that people only like her if they are disabled

>> No.27088159

>believes in everything people on /vt/ says
Everything was straight from mori's mouth.

>> No.27088306 [DELETED] 

They dont like evidence. You may also want to delete your own post as the deadcuck janny will ban you for discussing streams.

>> No.27088352

Even the 'she's getting drugged and raped RIGHT NOW' part?

>> No.27088353

If anything she ruined the fucking karaoke spouting her wigger shit while the other girls were singing.

>> No.27088422

You're awful at reading comprehension huh? Go back to the start of the reply chain and this time slow down.

>> No.27088483

She does that literally every collab.
Which is to say she ruins literally every collab.

>> No.27088505
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Why can't she do it, wtf is wrong with her

>> No.27088514

what exactly did she do to save it?

>> No.27088524
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The only thing that's straight is the dick that goes into your mouth, little samefag Mori anti

>> No.27088608

Says the guy who wears a dress and pretends to be a woman

>> No.27088614 [DELETED] 

Death to you and your pondscum family, whore!

>> No.27088627

how long have you been one of mori's members and how much have you dropped her superchats?

>> No.27088640

hate to admit it, but this collab was a lot better than the other two, and as much as I don't like Calli as a streamer, the girls riff off her well and she does make them more energetic. Just wish her every word didn't make me cringe

>> No.27088650

I wouldn't know, the only collab I've seen with her present was literally the first one after they debuted. After that I haven't seen a single stream with her on it.

>> No.27088659

Don't you guys get tired of the same things over and over again?

>> No.27088746

Questions of suspension should come down to the one who was wronged. Does Gura want Mori punished? Not likely. Nothing bad resulted.

But if it's about "Well something COULD have happened because of carelessness." then Gura should be suspended for being there instead of going somewhere different.
As should Kiara for the unrelated incident of giving her own info away to TSA.

>> No.27088797

>I'm out of "evidence" so Imma say whatever
0 seconds and 0 superchats, Youtube only just allowed SC from our country from literally today. I'm a 1 year, 7 months, 15 days
Gura member btw.

>> No.27088889

If /vt/ can get tired of the same things over and over again, the quality of this board would've drastically increased by 10000x

>> No.27088902

I don't know, people seemed to have fun watching it. Maybe you get too easily triggered over something like that.

>> No.27088966 [DELETED] 

Typical cuckbeat wanting other girls suspended

>> No.27089183

I don't think anyone should be suspended. I think people complaining should apply standards rather than be obvious in going after one girl they dislike, but claiming it's for some good cause.

>> No.27089223

>Nothing bad resulted.
Negligence needs to be addressed even if nothing bad happened this one time. If you don't you create a culture of carelessness and then eventually something bad WILL happen.

>> No.27089251

>then Gura should be suspended for being there instead of going somewhere different
This literally wouldn't be an issue if mori didn't constantly brag about NDA shit to everyone, while also promoting her IRL shit in the same places she did interviews/podcasts with her model
Mori has never once cared about separating her vtuber identity from her IRL

Gura was literally being dragged around by Mori and lied to her about the situation, Mori doxxed Gura to countless people without her consent.
No shit Gura is going to say no big deal, that's the way adult women handle things, they tell people they care about that everything is fine so it doesn't sour the mood or make people feel weird because they internalize how people react to their reactions

>As should Kiara for the unrelated incident of giving her own info away to TSA
Honestly, Kiara answered that like a retard, there should be a covercorp regulation when it comes to passport questions where you have to direct them to your company for questions in order for them to confirm you are an employee there for business.

>> No.27089283

So then punish them all. Otherwise you're singling out and trying to create another Coco situation.

>> No.27089303

>Say it Gura

>> No.27089356
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Mori has done much worse than pic related to violate NDA.
Is this that white privilege that all the kids talk about?

>> No.27089439

>Mori doxxed Gura to countless people
Proof? A location they were in for a short time was leaked by someone unrelated. Don't try to make it sound juicier than it was.
It wasn't good that it happened but they avoided any problem by leaving. It's a lesson to learn from and suspending anyone after the fact achieves nothing.

>> No.27089465

So do you think Mori should be suspended?

>> No.27089673

>suspending anyone after the fact achieves nothing.
What do you think the purpose of punishment is?

>> No.27089766

I was there and I saw gura's cute little face as she went upstairs. Didn't know it was her at the moment though.

>> No.27089822

What do you think punishment here achieves? If Mori deserves it then so do the others discussed. Go ahead, cut half of Myth off from streaming and tweeting for a week. All it does is give them time to rest and then guarantees big return streams.

>> No.27089897

>Acting like the zhangs did during the Taiwan drama
Convince me you're not one

>> No.27089929

>If Mori deserves it then so do the others discussed.
OKay, mori gets suspended
Gura gets a soft dressing down about sticking up for herself
Kiara has to attend a meeting about how to deal with customs
What, did you think all punishments had to be equal to the worst offenders?

>> No.27090070
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>Worst offenders
All are guilty of the same thing in your view, carelessness and endangering themselves.
Mori is bad for being a doormat and not ending a party or leaving the location with Gura.
Why does Gura get a pass? She should have recognized the danger and left. She didn't. She willingly put herself there.
Kiara exposed her info and there were likely others around who heard it.

So in the end the punishments are given. What changed? You get to stroke your boner because you can claim "She didn't get away with this one!" and then try to insist the next time something happens that it's "a pattern and she needs to go." If you were a manager, you would have been the one that sent Coco packing. AKA losing your company money and goodwill. You should be fired.

>> No.27090237

Now to suggest something actually effective. Brief all the girls about the importance of privacy.
It's up to each of them to ensure their own information is protected. If someone wants to have a side profile or whatever, that's on them and it should not overlap with Hololive activities. The only issue with what happened with Mori and Gura were other people than just those who could be trusted were there (and for whatever reason that was contrary to what Mori was originally told by her relative.) The two of them could have went to a hotel for the night but they both decided against it.

>> No.27090250

>faggot hands typed this

>> No.27090380

Gura doesn't seem mad at Mori about the party situation if something bad really had happened to her so I guess she's fine, she just had a lot of fun and that's it. I apologize.

>> No.27090437

>Mori is bad for being a doormat and not ending a party or leaving the location with Gura.
And allowing her sister entrance to the residence in the first place, broadcasting the details of the party live which only served to increase the risk of interested parties finding sensitive information, and speaking slander against gura.
>Why does Gura get a pass? She should have recognized the danger and left. She didn't. She willingly put herself there.
Gura is the equivalent of the victim in this situation. She was brought to a location where something was happening without her knowledge or consent.
>Kiara exposed her info and there were likely others around who heard it.
Kiara was in a situation wherein she felt she was obligated to speak truthfully, speaking to a border control agent about the reasons for her entering a country. Her speaking about who she was wasn't negligence or carelessness in the least. She even took steps to protect her identity by using non-verbal communication.

>> No.27090479

>Out of words 9.0 so I'm just saying whatever
Why are you like this?

>> No.27090612

No she's still a retard and that will never change

>> No.27090614

>Why does Gura get a pass?
She's the guest, retardchama. Mori was providing the place for them to stay, it was her responsibility to make sure it was decent and safe. If Gura just took off on her own she would have to go looking for a hotel immediately without having time to do any research.

>> No.27090660

So what would you do with Mori then? Suspension how long?

>> No.27090758

The catalyst for the problem was Mori's sister bringing over more people than she said when she asked for the code. The airbnb was supposedly rented by Mori to celebrate her sister's birthday. Something she mentioned on stream awhile back. Mori didn't know anymore about a party that day than Gura did, they walked into it. That's the kind of thing which should not happen again but it did and it wasn't Mori's or Gura's doing.

Gura is an adult with the same responsibilities. Mori and her could have said "This isn't safe. Let's find somewhere else for the night." They decided they were fine at the house.
That was their call to make. Mori couldn't just clap her hands and have everyone go home, as it was people were being told to clear out before they got there.

>> No.27090808

I'm not privy to mori's schedule so I can't say how long would be a sufficient amount of time for her to realize, understand, and internalize how badly she screwed up. Frankly I see endangering and slandering fellow talents as being termination worthy, but I also believe people can learn lessons with the right incentives to improve.

>> No.27090849 [DELETED] 

>Congratulations you swallowed the cuckbeat deflection whole.
anon, the guy you're replying to is the cuckbeat.

>> No.27090867

what for? what happened? I feel like im missing info on this

>> No.27090881

And this is why you do not have a management job.

>> No.27090884

apparently you're not because you're still here.

>> No.27091237

>The airbnb was supposedly rented by Mori to celebrate her sister's birthday. Something she mentioned on stream awhile back.
Mori's own words seems to contradict this:
She was contacted by her sister while she was still on the plane flying over asking about where she is staying, not having the details about or the ability to access the house.
She also mentions she "wants to keep it clean for her friends that are coming", and that it was "the fantastic place I am going to meet the other girls", and that she's looking forward to meeting them but they are "not here yet, but they will be".

>> No.27091371

>She was contacted by her sister while she was still on the plane flying over asking about where she is staying, not having the details about or the ability to access the house
But that makes her sister look even worse with her just going and using her birthday as an excuse to leech of Mori.

>> No.27091548

If that was where the Myth meeting was supposed to take place then they arranged an alternative. One which did not have those privacy problems. The lesson was already learned. She saw what was going wrong and resolved it as she could. If she stayed in the house and then tried to bring Myth over anyway, yes that would have been a legitimate problem and something to be addressed.

>> No.27091659
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>> No.27091669

>One which did not have those privacy problems.
privacy problems created entirely and exclusively because of mori's actions.
>She saw what was going wrong and resolved it as she could
Did she? how do we know it wasn't management screaming in her ear about it?

>> No.27091689 [DELETED] 

Simple. Coco literally did nothing wrong. Mori is a nigger loving fat whore that dragged Gura to a drug party of strangers.

>> No.27091726

So either Mori solved the problem herself or management stepped in and did their job.
You've yet to explain how a suspension teaches or helps anything.

>> No.27091780

Suspension teaches the other girls (and Mori herself, though I don't hold out hope) not to make the mistakes Mori made.

>> No.27091818

But I didn’t do anything to you or Mori, OP

>> No.27091875

>how do we know
Dunno man you prove it first

>> No.27091907

This was a serious breach of privacy that Mori indirectly caused, she needs to face consequences for it

>> No.27091951

Alright, I'm out of the loop, what's this whole thing with Gura going to a frat party with Calli?

>> No.27091954

the rrat that /vt/ just make shit up

>> No.27091970

Graduation stream were she does dogeza for 5 hours while saying "I'm sorry" 10 thousand times.

>> No.27092002

Lessons which were already learned.
Suspension in Hololive just creates more drama from speculation/debate, isolates a talents so they can be harassed, and then gives the streamer SCs when they come back, while still keeping them stressed out. We've been through that song and dance before: Haachama, Coco, Marine, Miko. The only time someone was suspended and I would say it was deserved was Towa because she directly lied about speaking to Cover managers to try to cover herself.
Mori didn't lie. She did something which was in poor judgement and then it was fixed before it got out of hand.

>> No.27092040

>You've yet to explain how a suspension teaches or helps anything.
Again I ask you what do you believe the purpose of meting out punishment is?

>> No.27092114

Maybe sometimes punishment doesn't have a purpose. First time something like this happened, give her a warning. If she does something like that again then suspend her.

>> No.27092158

>Haachama, Coco, Marine, Miko.
and look, they don't fuck up anymore, they learned.
Coco excepted. She did nothing wrong. Cover caved to chinks on that one. Fuck chinks. Don't try to bring Coco into this discussion to muddy the waters.

>The only time someone was suspended and I would say it was deserved was Towa

Towa deserves a termination.

Vtubers need to be handled like traditional J-Idols, that is, with a heavy leash and a strong backhand.

>> No.27092167

To give bored retards like you something to feel momentarily satisfied about before you move onto bitching about the next thing?

>> No.27092248

>they learned.
They didn't do anything wrong in the first place. All suspension did was fuel the drama and put the girls into bad mental states because they lost their support group and outlet.

>> No.27092275

I apologize

>> No.27092314

>First time something like this happened, give her a warning. If she does something like that again then suspend her.
For something as serious as this suspension is the warning, termination is if it happens again. This is a serious issue concerning the safety, privacy, and image of more talents than just herself.

>> No.27092315


>> No.27092330

Punishment isn't to teach someone a lesson, it's to incentivize people not to let it happen again. "If you endanger your coworkers like an airhead bitch, you will face consequences"

>> No.27092412

>They didn't do anything wrong in the first place.
Do you believe mori did nothing wrong?

>> No.27092446 [DELETED] 

>nigger loving
But she isn't. She hardly even listens that kinda music.

>> No.27092455

Mori not only allowed this dangerous situation to happen, she fucking bragged about it live on stream while it was still ongoing. This isn't negligence, it is willful defiance of common sense

>> No.27092476

Gura ganbang doujins when?!

>> No.27092491

Suspension solves nothing here. But if you want to work as management and then attract a shit ton of attention because suspension = announcement = confirmation of something then that's on you. You can then deal with the increased drama hogs or people harassing a talent because they blame her.
Handle it behind closed door and be firm when saying why it was unacceptable.

>> No.27092529

Not until naked dogeza.

>> No.27092539

call it a vacation

>> No.27092549

>she fucking bragged about it live on stream
I would not call it bragging. She was clearly nervous.

>> No.27092557

>Punishment teaches
3rd worlder spotted.

>> No.27092626

Mori deserves to be blamed and should be harassed, why would I care about that? Mori has a long pattern or thoughtless behavior, fingerwagging isn't gonna do shit

>> No.27092637

Trying to deflect your constant shitposting yesterday now huh tranny?

>> No.27092661

All Mori did wrong was decide against going somewhere else, same as Gura. The overall situation in the house was outside of their control. I don't think either being suspended would fix anything. Not unless it was done immediately and they were told "Move now and do not speak of it or you're done."

That's something between Cover and UMG because it was a promotional stream. If it could have been rescheduled, then perhaps it should have been.
Even without Mori talking about a party. People would have found what they did and the problem still would exist. The wise solution would have been to go to a hotel or something.

>> No.27092684

She exaggerated the details of it, I understand she's a pathological liar and everything but it's pretty clear she was proud of it if she was lying to her viewers about it

>> No.27092717

>The overall situation in the house was outside of their control.
Again, Mori permitted her sister to use the house and gave her the means to access it. her sister did not materialize at the house, mori enabled it to happen.

>> No.27092770

now they are contained

>> No.27092802

A vacation...when she's already obviously going to the first meetup of her entire gen. Right.

So now you stop pretending to care about the wellbeing of the talents overall. You just want to fuel a petty vendetta against one you dislike.

>> No.27092859

white libcuck spotted

>> No.27092898

>She exaggerated the details of it
Like what?

>> No.27092938

How would they know that the party that Calli's sister was at was Calli's unless she specifically said it publicly. Just don't fucking talk about where you're going and what you're doing and who with, basic infosec. Wait she streamed an official promotional stream during a party she was throwing? She deserves to be punished just for that alone, that is unbelievably unprofessional and literally put their partnership with a major media corp in jeopardy. She should absolutely be put in the punishment room and fired once her contractual responsibilities are up, she is a walking liability Jesus Christ

>> No.27092942

How DUMB do you have to be? How does it feel to be completely and utterly wrong for the 45921th time you stupid fuck? You have been malding to Mori for half a year now. Were you hoping for a light at the end of the tunnel to desperately hear that you were right all along and your 6 months of useless malding didn't go to waste?

>> No.27092965

Pray tell, what do you believe the consequences are that mori should face?

>> No.27093033

Look at the IG video, it wasn't a "rager that was spilling out onto the street", it was 20-25 people wandering around and talking with music

>> No.27093046

They'd sooner ban IRyS for calling peasants gypsies, than do anything to Mori. Pink Whore actually brings in contracts and revenue

>> No.27093059
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Oh fuck off. Write a letter to the real managers about it if you're so concerned.

>> No.27093082

How do you know it wasn't UMG who wanted her to stream so she can promote her new song?
>she was throwing
Again it wasn't Mori but her sisters party.

>> No.27093174

Being told to not do that shit again. If she had to relocate then that already cost her money. Plus it made her evaluate her actions and see why they were wrong. If she didn't think they were wrong, then she would have stayed there. Even Mori realized that was not a good idea.

>> No.27093189

What? She's a rapper. She makes that kinda music

>> No.27093230

She endangered Cover talents through her own ignorance. She enabled this whole thing and did absolutely nothing to stop it. She carries the full blame and people absolutely should blame her. If she gets harassed it's a result of her own actions

>> No.27093244

She is more influenced by J-rap than American rap.

>> No.27093297

People were already following her sister online. The video in question came from someone entirely unrelated, but a tagged profile tipped them off. Mori gave info to what was happened but none of it was damning or "slandering". If she stayed silent, the house still would have been found and then people would have still made rumors. People looking for drama do not care about truth. I'm fairly convince you're falling into that category. You don't want improvement, you just want to find something to punish Mori.

>> No.27093333

Her house, her party. With a house full of randos there's so much shit that could have happened that could have endangered the stream. She is wholly responsible for allowing this situation to continue during an important stream

>> No.27093429

>Plus it made her evaluate her actions and see why they were wrong. If she didn't think they were wrong, then she would have stayed there. Even Mori realized that was not a good idea.
How do you know this is the case? How do you know this wasn't done purely on the advisement of her managers? Simple answer is you can't know.

>> No.27093485

I agree she should have told her sister to go away but she is a pushover.

>> No.27093533

End result was the same. They got out of there. Either Mori fixed her mistake or management did their job and stepped in.
How do you know Cover didn't already speak to Mori, dress her down, and tell her not to address it because it would be admitting there was a lapse in security?

>> No.27093580

Nobody fucking cares, Jeremy. Go white knight on Youtube. Maybe they'll buy it.

>> No.27093630

I quit browsing /vt/ for a few weeks and you guys go ahead and introduce a new main character named Jeremy and just expect me to know who he is?

>> No.27093645

how do I into Jeremy

>> No.27093679

I'm sorry I called you shit in Holocure, Calli. But chain explosion buffs early game? That's way too overpowered.

>> No.27093684

This. How do we know that she hasn't already gotten punishment of some kind but it isn't just public?

>> No.27093686 [DELETED] 

the cuckbeat janny who somehow managed to leak his personal info on an anonymous image board

>> No.27093750

>End result was the same.
That's not the point in contention and does not answer the question. How do you know mori has evaluated her actions, see why they were wrong, and realize staying would have been a bad idea?

>> No.27093803

Mori's rap sucks and I WILL NEVER APOLOGIZE for saying that

>> No.27093854

Wait what's the deal with kiara?

>> No.27093859

She confirmed that her sister was currently throwing a party at her AirBnB, from that point people looked into her sisters circle to find a party, then they used the fact that Calli confirmed it was an AirBnB to narrow down all the houses in the area, and finally used the pictures that were taken to compare to the remaining houses to find the right one. Calli provided 2 of 4 key pieces of information to her location doxxing for absolutely no reason, she is responsible. Without saying it was an AirBnB the searchers would have to look through every house in the city to find it, without confirming that her sister was partying at her house then there could be no affirmative confirmation that Calli's sister wasn't partying at someone else's house.

>> No.27093970

So now we're both speculating and neither will come out ahead. I choose to believe if Cover saw the problem then they addressed it how they saw fit. If Mori does get suspended when she gets back to Japan, then so be it. But if it was such a grievous mistake then I think it would have already been done. The fact no statement has been made, and everyone in Myth being in a good mood, suggests to me nothing further was (or will be) done.

>> No.27093987

We don't and we are all just guessing now what happened.

>> No.27094043

You say pushover, I say liability. What other situations is she gonna be too afraid to stop?

>> No.27094094

Yeah I'm sure airBNB and a judge will listen to that argument if they trashed the place.
Even if they didn't, if airBNB finds out she's banned for life.

>> No.27094099

I think in a way it could have been worse if the info to the house was found on its own by obsessed people looking for whatever they can. But then Myth really did go there without knowing it was compromised. That would have been a worst case scenario. If it was discovered the houses were the same. If the change in location was planned or not, it was publicized in a subtle way that Mori and Gura were not there. So that shows some understanding of the situation and why it had to be resolved.

>> No.27094153

I don't know but if cover doesn't see her as liability then that's that.

>> No.27094167

>So now we're both speculating and neither will come out ahead
>We don't and we are all just guessing now what happened.
Agreed. So where it stands is that I believe a suspension (however they want to cloak it, but a forced break from streaming and events) is a suitable consequence, while (one of) you believe being told not to do it again is a suitable consequence for mori's gross irresponsibility.

>> No.27094337

Where did cuckbeats get this idea that Mori got the airbnb for her sisters party or that she was aware that her sister was going to be bringing in a bunch of random people to it?
She said on stream the airbnb was going to be for myth that was showing up later and she gave her the code to get in because she thought it was going to be her and her bf that was showing up.

>> No.27094427


>> No.27094464

Just like they didn't think that Mel's manager was a liability, right? Just because the company isn't aware of a problem doesn't mean there's not a problem

>> No.27094479

Does it count roommate events? Because those are happening soon?

>> No.27094556

i would never apologise to a 4chan poster even if i was in the wrong. suck my balls!!!!

>> No.27094595

Well you are free to try get their attention but I doubt it helps.

>> No.27094599
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Apparently she is neither banned for life nor did a judge have anything to say about it. What's your next "even if"? A family feud? Because mosf of Council isn't there to play against them and the format might actually be trademarked so I am not sure about permissions.

>> No.27094682

Cover can't impose restrictions an unaffiliated activities.

>> No.27094687

Then at the last minute Atlus will announce she can stream Persona and she will hop up and go "jk"

yagoo will then hand the reins to Coco and 99% of /vt/ will commit sudoku for doubting goddess calliopee

>> No.27094720

She will appear on Judge Judy and be found guilty. She won't get away with this one!

>> No.27094823

From the stream where she tells people about the party, one of the very first statements being that she is streaming from a closet, someone from her family being there too, and said person starting a party.

>> No.27094995

I now imagining a daytime TV court show with the live2ds behind the podiums and smiling serenely. Thanks anon.

>> No.27095116

You are ignoring something, Mori has a very long history of thoughtless, damaging behavior. She has a sperg-out on stream so COver had to pre-screen all of her donation comments in case she explodes again, she had another freak-out across Twitter and Reddit that Cover forced her to delete and most likely restricted her access to those accounts. The company can't trust her judgement after the whole Trash Taste debacle either. She has a long history of acting without thinking and this is something that can be very dangerous and need to be checked and addressed.

>> No.27095206

I get the reason she was in the closet was because of the party.

But where did she say she specifically she got the airbnb for her sister's party?

The airbnb was meant to be where all the girls in myth would be staying for the week during the off collab. Because it got doxxed she had to find a new place in less than 24 hours to move all the girls to since their location got compromised.

>> No.27095335

Why is Callie the asshole in this when her sister is being the gigantic piece of shit in this equation?

>> No.27095423
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You can say that about everything but it doesn't help over the fact that >we know of no transgression any of the girls did. People assume that property was destroyed because she used the word "rager" and that Gura's reputation was obliterated since she was "maybe up to shenanigans". People also think that the location was leaked and that a few anons were at the party. But there is no stream presence or statement confirming any of that so... do we know anything bad happened? How?

>> No.27095425

Because she enabled it to happen.

>> No.27095631

That's kind of a stretch when you can see and hear her on stream being visibly pissed that her sister is being inconsiderate and how she told everyone to be quiet as politely as possible. If she told them all to fuck off, wouldn't that make it more likely they'd retaliate with something nasty? Again, her sister should have thought about that before inviting people unannounced.

>> No.27095741
File: 823 KB, 850x554, 1653333858783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did not get it for a party, she got it first to be there with Gura, her sister and her bf were allowed to enter and these two invited other people without Mori's approval.
>for all of myth
>had to finda place in less than 24 hours
This is news to me. Most obviously because only Gura was there with her, the rest stayed somewhere else already, in all likelihood the same location they stayed in for the mocap studio.

>> No.27095843

How old is Mori’s sister? I have no horse in this race but it is pretty impressively shitty to host an entire party at an Airbnb that your sister rented out for her job without consulting her.

>> No.27095922

if this location was intended for the Myth gathering, her sister and all the other people should not have been there in the first place

>> No.27095946

I want to see it.

>> No.27095972

She is Mori's little sister so maybe two years younger than her.

>> No.27096040

Nothing with or caused by her sister would have happened if Mori did not tell her where the house was or give her access to it.

>> No.27096039

Takamori Divorce Court.

>> No.27096077

Remember pink woman is cringe

>> No.27096088

What for?
Mori did nothing wrong once again

>> No.27096113

It doesn't matter if anything bad happened, there was the potential of something bad happening, this is what most people would call...a liability. A company that does nothing to control its risk is headed for bankruptcy no matter how well off. Cover cannot wait around until Calli's drunken idiocy allows something truly catastrophic to happen just like a construction company cant wait around for a couple workers to fracture their skulls before requiring hard hats. A functional company ought to anticipate and manage risk

>> No.27096286

Damn, old enough to know way better.

>> No.27096485

Have some backbone. Stick to your convictions. Don't be so fickle and flip flop from hating to loving Mori on a daily basis. See, I don't have the memory of a goldfish, I don't forget. It doesn't matter what that loathsome cunt does, she'll always and forever be irredeemably shit.

>> No.27096486
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>> No.27096654

She's a spoiled rich bitch, just like Mori

>> No.27096965

If she had a reason to be afraid that asking her sister to leave would result in violence or vandalism she should never in a million years have let her near the house.

>> No.27097025

For what exactly? I have never hated for anything she later made good on. The things I hate about her are central to who she is as a person.

>> No.27097099

This is so fucking funny lmao you can get mad at her for being a pushover *maybe* because it means she's a subpar host...except she didn't want those people there at her airbnb, didn't know that party was gonna happen, and it is entirely her sister's fault. Nothing bad or ridiculous has happened so far, so until anything happens there is no "liability" beyond her losing the airbnb.
Which again, would be entirely her shitty sister's fault. If Callie could mindread her sister's intentions she would not have invited her because she, herself, has a vested interest in keeping her airbnb. It's like you guys are purposefully trying to make Callie look like shit for having basic trust for her sister.

>> No.27097430

The fact that retards like you think Mori is capable of learning is why she gets away with everything.

>> No.27097735

God why is it everytime Calli doesnt like a song she has to ruin it with silly voices and goofing off.
Nobody else does it and awkwardly laugh it off but she just goes on. Take a hint whore

>> No.27097808

>Nothing happened so obviously there was no risk
You have to be 18 to use this website

Upon realizing her trust had been betrayed she could have made her sister and her friends leave, after Gura went up into the room and she had to get ready for her stream she could have made her sister and her friends leave. She did neither of these things.

>> No.27097837


>> No.27097872

If only Cover knew what they had done when they hired a white woman… they are simply unable to lose. They stay winning. They’re monsters.

>> No.27098085

Shut the fuck up Zhang you and your bug people are not welcome

>> No.27098097

Don't mangle what I said to make up another argument entirely you fucking moron, reread what I said and google "liability" and "negligence" before you make up more delusions

>> No.27098143

Other members seems to find it funny though.
Isn't that what all matters in the end?

>> No.27098891

The primary purpose of entertainers is not to entertain themselves retard.

>> No.27098951

Kek, imagine thinking any EN Karaoke worths anything, except Gura's solos
And maybe Watson's, that's soul

>> No.27099040

please stop posting underage opinions
You know Mori's the host, right? Even if she didn't want her sister throwing parties it's still her responsibility to provide a place to go. If she arrived there with a party going on, why didn't she just find another place BEFORE streaming this godawful stream which caused this entire debacle to happen?

>> No.27099271

Retard, you don't invite a family member to a place intended for a work meeting. It's just an extremely unprofessional and short sighted thing to do, specially in this line of work where doxxing is a concern.

>> No.27099280

>Which again, would be entirely her shitty sister's fault.
Yes, I said she shouldn't have been there in the first place. Glad you agree, cuckbeat-chama.

>> No.27099332
File: 51 KB, 1040x426, Fucking moron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop embarrassing yourself, here, I will pull from a learner's dictionary so you can understand better

>> No.27099421

especially especially if you know that family member is an irresponsible party animal.

>> No.27099544

Chat seems to like it. You have to remember that /vt/ is pretty small part of this.

>> No.27099688

Mori seems to be too trustful with her family members.

>> No.27099732

If you believe numbers are actually all viewers, then chat is just as small a part (if not smaller)

>> No.27100045

she's legit annoying, keeps making everything about herself
I know an autistic guy who does that, it's not narcissism, just pure autism
she's just not funny, goofy singing bring me to life is good for a 10-second video at best, but she just keeps going

>> No.27100553

I laughed at first, but she never stopped

>> No.27100721

>work meeting
They're fucking. Vtubers. They're all grown adult women you fucking idiot

>> No.27100816

>They're fucking
yeah, me

>> No.27100949

I'm actually laughing so hard this board has to be filled with actual underages projecting

>> No.27101695

The take that vtubers should be treated like j-idols is so fuckin' nuts it makes me dizzy. Imagine being such a weeb that you want one of the most disgusting aspects of an already deeply flawed society not only preserved into the digital age but propagated to other cultures. Even traditional j-idols shouldn't be treated like j-idols, that shit's inhumane. They're people you fuckin' sociopaths. At worst she should be suspended for making a mistake that lead to another talent being uncomfortable and banned from bringing her family around work sponsored events because her sisters provably a dumbass.

>> No.27101779

What's the opposite of preaching to the choir? You're preaching to a horde of mindless zombies who will kill you for your opinion even though you're correct, and they don't care how logical what you're saying is. Don't waste your time on them, just come chill and watch some Nijisanji streams.

>> No.27102212

Are you trying to imply that it's not their job? Anything the say or do under these personas, they do as company workers. They're under contract and have signed NDAs. They're doing this to earn a living, as a career.

Also the second part of your statement devalues the first one, since them being adults should mean that they should be able to act and function like responsible human beings.

>> No.27102248

Twittertard alert

>> No.27102372

Concession accepted.

>> No.27102501

It's not a concession of anything.
I'm not ever getting in a good faith arguement with you or your ilk anyways, since the gesture would be entirely one sided

>> No.27102538

You are filth and you do not belong in this fandom, hang yourself tranny

>> No.27102572

I’m the moderator for this discussion and I’m afraid the concession has been recorded in the minutes as accepted. I did not read the rest of your post.

>> No.27102586

I had to double check if I didn't accidentally end up on reddit or twitter after reading this abortion of a post.

>> No.27102662

genuinely sorry calli, your bartending skills were appreciated

>> No.27102745

But this website looks nothing like those websites! And it’s spelled differently! What the!

>> No.27102901

Concede some weight.

>> No.27103183

One time in casual conversation I said something like shaking and crying and vomiting and pissing rn as a reaction to something mundane and everyone just stared at me.

>> No.27103242

The answer to all this is that Calli is an irresponsible dumbass who trusted her sister too much not to be retard, which backfired spectacularly since they are both substance abusers with low risk analysis efficiency

>> No.27103281

Anon I busted out laughing reading this thanks man

>> No.27103314

Drug party and shenanigan slander aside, why even let your sister and her boyfriend in a house you specifically rented for you and your coworkers to work in?

>> No.27103324

I'm sorry Mori, I love you

>> No.27103903


>> No.27104440

This is all speculation but it was apparently her sisters birthday and Mori probably though she would look like an asshole if she denied it and that she probably though they would be gone by the time Gura came.

>> No.27104596

hehe gura came

>> No.27104604

>This is all speculation but it was apparently her sisters birthday
>she probably though they would be gone by the time Gura came.

>> No.27104628

She dropped TT And Vshojo??

>> No.27104708

Mori gonna drop hololive before any of her "friends"

>> No.27104720
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im sorry cali

>> No.27104896

How is that contracting my theory?
Not that I am saying I am right.

>> No.27105123

>vshojo cuck hands typed this

>> No.27105305

People did that because it was funny. Also, the cuckbeats are the ones insisting that Mori is a virgin or too autistic to have a boyfriend or something. Meanwhile you got Niji fans who want to get back at the Holo fags, JP fans who think all EN chuubas are whores, VShojo fans who hate idol culture in general, fans of Gura's old roommate that like edgy humor, and SEA monkeys who behave according to patterns that defy human understanding.

>> No.27105384

Then there is nothing to apologise for

>> No.27105417

>Also, the cuckbeats are the ones insisting that Mori is a virgin
I never did but I do doubt that she was/is like her sister who clearly likes casual sex.

>> No.27105893 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1648832840685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw gura into an extreme social situation
>forces her to interact with normie druggies
>get her raped
>"don't worry guys, gura is just up to some shenanigans"
few days later
>uses her superior physical abilities and social pressure to get gura to literally massage the shoulders responsible for her rape
>throws in the cheeky "wow you're really good at finding the right spot to massage" comment, alluding to her rape
>her sheer gigachad energy forces everyone in the offcollab to laugh awkwardly
>"I-i actually wanted to be... be a masseuse" a weak, dominated shark girl replies
>yeah, you're amazing at it, keep going.... oooohhh you're really finding the stress points.

truly a gigachad abusing a submissive cunny.
nothing to apologize for, just kneel.

>> No.27105972

Gura probably put on a novelty mask and addressed the people in the part as Mr. Delphine, slayer of THOTs .

>> No.27106017

Commission or draw it, bro

>> No.27106290

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Mori doesn't seem like a party animal, but she is clearly more social then people think.

>> No.27106467

bitch went to a succubus bar and fucking loved it. No way a virgin acts like that

>> No.27106471

being here means the others treated it as something to put some effort in
before they were just haphazard streams they were doing in the meantime and while Kiara did her recordings, now it was an actual "Reunion"
but on the other hand if Mori hadn't decided to come at all then they would've treated it as a reunion since the start so fuck her

>> No.27106659

>she is clearly more social then people think
Sure I agree but at this point wouldn't think that doxxfags would have found some kinda evidence for it? You know her being a slut?

>> No.27107024

Doxfags rely on small fragments of information and stuff that's carelessly put online. In reality they know very little about each person.

>> No.27107129

>I have no ability to think for myself

>> No.27107336

>stuff that's carelessly put online
Anon, you are talking about Mori.

>> No.27107840

her RM is literally open as fuck about everything. "Digging" isn't even a phrase to that can be used to describe looking into her life. More appropriate word would be "scrolling social media"

>> No.27111421

>should come down to the one who was wronged. Does Gura want Mori punished?
What a retarded idea. You aren't asking Gura if she wants Mori to be punished, you are asking her if she wants Mori's fans to hate her forever, because Mori's would now blame Gura for Mori getting into trouble.
Please kill yourself.

>> No.27111536

It's a representative sample, especially when compared to your delusional mind-reading.

>> No.27111856

Nah she is still the worst

>> No.27111957

wanting your waifu to get nigga dicked infront of you anon your sounding really cucky

>> No.27112259

spoonfed me on the marine and miko stuff

>> No.27112274

Nobody is being forced to be an idol at gunpoint. If they don't like the job and what it entails then they can quit and pursue a different career.
If no woman wanted to be an idol then the industry would just end. But clearly there are enough that want to do it that it keeps going. If you don't wanna do it then just don't fucking do it. Don't take a job you don't like and then try to change it to suit your needs, it is what it is, just take it or leave it. Simple as.

>> No.27112840 [DELETED] 

ywnbaw, now go back to whatever shithole you came from and take your cuck shit opinions with you

>> No.27113019

Delusional if real.

>> No.27113120

Me too, I have been wondering since I guess you must have the same problem, but all the connor dick juice has been clogging up my throat, did you find any way to fix this issue?

>> No.27113801

I wish you wellfare faggot one learns what a job is and how getting fired works.

Pathetic useless meatbag fawning over an obese white trash. Christ

>> No.27113893

Thats how it started you stupid fuck. Then stop salivating over them like idols, stop buying useless merch, like idols.
Treat them like a streamer, oh wait the talent treat themselves as idols and so does the company.

Kill yourself

>> No.27113894

I doubt Gura cares if cuckbeats hated her, they're submissive losers and would just run off to wherever Mori went next

>> No.27114314
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At this point, I'm convinced that the only people who really hate her are various parties who hate Myth, EN, or even Hololive in general and just use her as an agreed target because hating her has become a meme on this board.

>> No.27114478
File: 358 KB, 720x480, vlcsnap-2015-12-15-00h33m47s993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not idols, they are just streamers who sing occasionally. Only a few girls like Mori actually take producing music seriously. The kayfabe is paper-thin and everyone knows about the shenanigans on the JP side also.

>> No.27115105

>an adult Woman at a house party.!!!!????Noooooo,fire that biiitch.

>> No.27115212

Announcement from Cover pertaining to her. About time. How do you feel now, Deadbeats?

>> No.27115381

>it's real
I thought people were shitposting.

>> No.27115491

Actually it is just deadbeats pretending to hate Mori, because they do a bit of trolling

Fucking trollbeats...

Everyone on this board is a deadbeat, the meds told me so...

>> No.27115616

Very nice now do K-pop idols next, or is it only bad when Japan does it?

>> No.27115693

Korean idols are known for prostituting themselves sis.

>> No.27116197

I just want to say that HoloEN was a big mistake. Overseas fans are the worst.
I like gura and ame tho, fuck the rest of EN

>> No.27117502 [DELETED] 

based cunny enjoyer

>> No.27118826

ok Jeremy...

>> No.27118909

no. I have no qualms with Mori. She’s a fucking chad, and I felt closer to her when I found out we enjoy the same bourbon.
cheers, Mori.

>> No.27118940

A classic

>> No.27118952

Do you message your mom with that reddit-ass spacing? Disgusting.

>> No.27119006

They mimick western streamers alot too. Like your telling me all these twitch thots don't basically do GFE light themselves? That's why they get so popular.
There's a lot of lonely men out there and this is what they enjoy.

>> No.27119465
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>> No.27121244

Mori said:
"Yeah my family got a little too gung ho with inviting people over for a rager so I'm streaming from the closet and Gura's chilling in the next room over and is probably just going to nap. She said it's cool"

/vt/ heard:

"I helped my african American friend date rape Gura because my family told me to and now she hates me."

brain worms

>> No.27121332

There is no reason to believe that anyone with strong distaste for a pretend anime girl isn't mentally and behaviorally stunted.
Therefore, Mori Calliope is good.

>> No.27121443
File: 81 KB, 1024x989, 2918E367-2CCF-4D94-A19B-FA849188347F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do retards really take it at face value when /vt/ says that Gura got gang raped?

>> No.27121515

take it at face value in that it's proof that it actually happened or that anyone on /vt/ except the most schizophrenia-addled Mori-anti actually believes so?

>> No.27121797

Are you ESL? I seriously don't know what you're trying to convey, but you're dumb if you think anyone believes Gura got raped instead of exaggerating the hell out of the situation

>> No.27121875

there is literally no reason to believe otherwise. also, i was one of the rapists.

>> No.27122073

this whore brought a male into the same room as my oshi
fuck her

>> No.27122140

>fuck her
That is the plan

>> No.27123033

I'm willing to believe literally nothing happened
I'm also willing to believe there's at least one guy out there right now kicking himself for missing this opportunity and preparing for the next time mori hosts anything

>> No.27123535

The plan was Mori and Gura were going to show up to the airbnb first and get everything ready for the rest of myth. Since, they were still traveling to the airbnb by the time Mori and Gura got there.

>> No.27127000

that's what hololive is built on though

>> No.27127126
File: 91 KB, 256x256, 1656505727279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third day of prayer for Mori's premature death.

>> No.27127236

>Be hololive
>A group of virtual idols
>Become successful because people in japan like idols
>Make english branch
>Expect them to be idols
>They're whores
>People mad that the people they expected to be idols are whores
>"You're all faggots for expecting them to be idols"

>> No.27127277

obese whores like her die from strokes at any age

>> No.27131304
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finally a not retarded post. Vtubers and especially EN are just streamers and most of them seem to be just normal egirls or thots.

>> No.27131620


>> No.27131875

It looks like >>27101779 was correct in his assumption.
Godspeed anon

>> No.27133367
File: 2 KB, 109x125, marikneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for fuck sake first kiara and now her too..

>> No.27134909
File: 295 KB, 436x456, 1644387083481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been so much fucking rrat huffing surrounding this shark lately with legitimate schizos moving goalposts and changing stories and scenarios surrounding her that I'm seriously starting to question the veracity of any claims against Gura. Is it just her turn to be ganged up on by psychotics?

>> No.27138038

Any claim against Gura is 100% cuck fantasy, but the reason for them is Mori for saying Gura may have been up to "shenanigans" at a party she brought her into.

>> No.27139319

>2 complete non-arguments
did that sound better in your head?

>> No.27139799

Who the fuck hears shenanigans and goes to doing a kegstand and getting her cunt wrecked?

>> No.27139908

I mean get that. I think its desperate to use a fucking throwaway line at the end of her words to push something. Still, it feels like this past month or so has been a contorted effort to try and go after her

>> No.27140439

In all honesty Gura was probally just eating her strawberries
I'm more worried about the fact that Calli had to hide in a closet

>> No.27140467


>> No.27141267

>lmao this party is wild drugged up ravers and shit
>gura might be asleep or she might be up to some shenanigans heh idk
so what inference should one draw from this?

>> No.27141630

Honestly, she doesn't seem as bad in comparison to the Niji whores these days. Mori is cringe but at least she isn't tweeting dumb shit like trap is a slur

>> No.27141687

did she say anything about the gura shenanigans situation?

>> No.27141772

Are images only loading half the time for anyone else

>> No.27141778

First time seeing this and I'm confused why Mori thought it was a good idea to even say that. All it does is invite harmful speculation and she should know that by now.

>> No.27141840

The first part is literally corroborated by both Gura and Calli with Calli even telling the partiers to turn down the music for Gura so she could sleep. The second is just a shot in the dark guess that doesn't even have a real meaning at the end. Just a way to end her sentence like you'd say "I dunno, anyway".

>> No.27141954

mori has terminal foot in mouth syndrome on top of everything else wrong with her
