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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29355534 No.29355534 [Reply] [Original]

After much thought, I am dropping vtubing as a hobby. I will no longer subscribe and give supas, it's become all too tiresome.
It's too time consuming for little entertainment value. It's taking up and wasting all of my free time. It's all just gossip in /vt/ and searching for the next ""yab"". It's all meaningless watching of a chuuba stream that could easily be shortened into clips by competent clippers.
As such, this is my last visit to this shithole of a board. All you fags do is absolutely meaningless gossip/numberfagging/yabposting/whatever. It's the worst board in this site, hell, even worse than /b/ and I haven't been there in 14 years.
Goodbye. I will now just watch the occasional clipper from now on and put my other remaining free time on videogames, anime, and maybe other stuff.

>> No.29355561

*cums on you*

>> No.29355568


>> No.29355659


>> No.29355663

Seething corpo shills.

>> No.29355721
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I want to have sex with Marine

>> No.29355738


>> No.29355748

Sir this is not an airport no need to announce your departure

Also see you tomorrow

>> No.29355752


>> No.29355799

I think mods should help you out and just ban you from the board forever. That way you wont be tempted to come back.

>> No.29355803

Sir this is a Wendy’s

>> No.29355861

See you in multiple threads tomorrow anon

>> No.29355878

Based as fuck, do your thing, King. Glad you're leaving this shit hole, make sure to spend your freetime on family and friends too!

>> No.29355986

Don't care nigger

>> No.29356278
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See you tomorrow

>> No.29356314

He is lying. You will see this thread again.

>> No.29356325

>tired of /vt/
>stops watching vtubers altogether
okay retard

>> No.29356421

I'll be honest and say that I've turned into a complete dramafag. The novelty of vtubing has worn off and their content is stale and boring, leaving only the drama for entertainment. Probably not very healthy. I should consider quitting too, or at least taking a break.

>> No.29356434


>> No.29356502

based if true
this board is a shithole, this industry is god awful and people working in it are fucking subhumans

>> No.29356532

That’s great anon, but I think /b/ still has this board beaten.

>> No.29356675

Yeah, just trying to be positive but I do believe he'll be back, lurking through the shittiest threads or posting them just so it can give ideas to people is unironically addicting.

>> No.29356729
File: 89 KB, 728x863, bad advice korone 83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29357650

>It's all just gossip in /vt/ and searching for the next ""yab""
i hope you die of ass cancer

>> No.29357879
File: 2.12 MB, 372x298, NijiCN's lapdog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I liked the taste.

>> No.29358374


>> No.29358677

See you next week.
Your fellow Nijinigger will be waiting for your return /here/.

>> No.29360664

>not having a chuuba on the background while working or playing a chill videogame
>actually gives them money instead of just watching for free

ok idiot, you know you don't actually HAVE to engage with the drama and you can just watch a streamer for entertainment, right?

>> No.29360726

I'm so horny for chuuba pussy

>> No.29360801
File: 23 KB, 112x112, batatBigSippy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch indies

>> No.29361718

I thought that's what all gossip posting anons did already.
It's true, the majority of live stream content is just mundane content. At this point I only watch streams to improve at Japanese or particularly special streams.

>> No.29361792

nice blogpost faggot

>> No.29361933

Anon, no body in VT actually likes Vtubing. They just want to fight so why did you come here to discuss vtubing in the first place?

>> No.29362350

literally no one watches holo for entertainment i have never seen a holo other than pekor or laplus being described with おもろい

>> No.29364429

Vtubing is not for fun, it's for making a parasocial connection to get horny at when you're so down in the dumps you'll literally settle for imaginary friends. Sounds like your life is improving OP and godspeed.

>> No.29369895

> drop vtuber
> back to vidya, anime
Oh no no no no

>> No.29370395

heh faggot got filtered
