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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3063909 No.3063909 [Reply] [Original]

Today /vt/ makes 3 months of anniversary. What do you think about this?

>> No.3063926


>> No.3063935

it's shit, seriously

>> No.3063976

I honestly miss everyone just using the /jp/ thread, there's way too much tribalism here

>> No.3064005

glad i dont have to go to jp to discuss chuubas anymore, thats the only nice thing i can say about it

>> No.3064026
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I think /vt/ sucks!

>> No.3064036

About what? Azki's redesign? I like it, her original design looked really weird. It's like if she had a really long neck and a really small head.

>> No.3064049

Too much concentration of horny autists in one place

>> No.3064058

Too many EOPs and flawour of the month chuubas, jp thread is dying, japanese indies and small companie chuubas threads are really slow. Overall i think split was bad for Japanese chubas discussion, I hate it.

>> No.3064084

>Too many EOPs
>on an English board
Well excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess.

>> No.3064112

It's a Japanese Culture board.

>> No.3064115

should've stayed on /jp/. Too many tourists here from other websites. It's probably much worse than muh mutt elekshun cycle because it attracts the otaku from social media giants. Kinda like the Gaia online migration but more awful by a tenfold

>> No.3064147

I wanted /vt/ to happen but constant pink cat threads are bad.

>> No.3064185

That'd be /jp/.

>> No.3064219

Go on 4chan.org and look at the boards list. Tell me which category "Virtual YouTubers" is located under.

>> No.3064287

It's right next to Pokemon on the lower bar.

>> No.3064288

Anyone who can understand Japanese migrateded long ago.

>> No.3064336

i'm glad we pulled chuuba discussion out of /jp/. I just didn't talk about them because I didn't know there was a place on the site where they were on topic, and never would have gone to the /a/ containment board to find out

>> No.3064380

actually a good suggestion, better to lurk there with deepl.

>> No.3064419

yeah this

>> No.3064420
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>> No.3064828

I've enjoyed it overall. Despite the board being overwhelmingly Hololive, for obvious reasons, I still managed to find new vchuubas to check out. Mainly from nijisanji, western indies and 774. On the other hand, some threads feel very unhinged. Like I just entered an asylum run by inmates, for the lack of a better word.

>> No.3064840

That's the reverse, /jp/ is where the tribalism is in full force. Most of the schizos were left behind there

>> No.3064855

/jp/ threads are overall better quality than the shitfest we have here

>> No.3064940

they really aren't

>> No.3064948

/jp/ has always been worse than post-election /pol/, don't kid yourself

>> No.3065030

>implying that any board is worse than post-election /pol/
There are some things that you shouldn't just say.

>> No.3065189

Not kicking out all v-tuber discussion from /jp/ was the biggest mistake, the board is dominated by newfags from global with not enough of us to put them in their place since fans of Japanese chubas who have been here for more than 7 months are split between the two boards

>> No.3065789

This, should have moved all chuuba discussion to here

>> No.3065935

this tbqh. /vt/ should've been a containment board

>> No.3066136

should have /vth/ immediately after the creation of /v/t

>> No.3066172

the random discussion threads are nice i guess

>> No.3066190

wdym? /vt/ was created last week

>> No.3066216

/jp/ is already a containment board

>> No.3066283

More /jp/ anons are coming here anyway. Very very slowly.

>> No.3066336

>japanese indies and small companie chuubas threads are really slow
literally a good thing, they stick around for days instead of disappearing into archive

>> No.3066376

On what basis? Most oldfags I know started leaving entirely after mods fucked up /jp/ during Christmas.

>> No.3066391

Yes it is. As bad as what happened to /pol/ after the HWNDU faggotry, this board actually potentially attracts the types of newfags that would later infect other Japanese culture boards. You can already see twitterfaggotry, redditors, and SEAniggers more and more on /a/ and /jp/ nowadays. Fucking hell they even have unironic Crunchyroll discussion threads that would last for days and sometimes get archived whereas in 2015, they would get automatically deleted

>> No.3066437

we get to have HolofightZ and Nasfaq and now get a Team in the 4CC, also way more OC coming out. Most of the opinions are shit but that is every board ever, I usually just look at the nice colorful pictures.

>> No.3066462

Ironic weebs are the worst fucking cancer and this board is full of them

>> No.3066468

Yeah and look at how the quality has gone down with the ollie threads and falseflagging as "annoying fans" of whatever chuuba is currently having a happening

>> No.3066515
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threads are shit, anon. I miss the old days with 400 IPs per thread average where unity was stronger and tribalfags were told to gtfo of the thread

>> No.3066554

Mods need to actually delete all off-topic threads, there was a Yahtzee thread yesterday and they still don't delete those shit orange threads either.

>> No.3066592

/jp/hlg keeps getting worse. Last I was there you couldn't even talk about girls who collabed with EN like Watame.
Global is ok, despite the focus on the ENs whenever any of the JP girls are streaming they actually get a decent amount of attention in the thread (helps that when they're live most of the american EN spammers are asleep)
The "splitfag" threads get too much shit, most of them are comfy and slow, except for the Ollie and Kiara ones which hilariously reflect the girls themselves.
I would have accepted the AO faggotry with open arms given that they didn't try to make this into a tribe war and actually talked about AO (as garbage as the channel is). Instead they had literally like, 2 jokes, and kept spamming until their threads couldnt even hit the bump limit and now they blame jannies

>> No.3066595

Have you guys reached the point where you have unironic anituber dicussions yet?

>> No.3066809


>> No.3067157

>The "splitfag" threads get too much shit, most of them are comfy and slow, except for the Ollie and Kiara ones which hilariously reflect the girls themselves.
I thought it was amusing watching SEAposters fighting each other, until some nutcase started posting cheese pizza. That's really going overboard.

>> No.3067344

Nobody who stayed on /jp/ after the split gives a single fuck about Ollie

>> No.3067395

I will understand globalfags who hate the "split" threads so much, we have a whole board to ourselves now so keeping all Hololive discussion in one thread that's far too fast for its own good is just retarded

>> No.3067415

*will never understand

>> No.3067458

About the CR threads, I honestly think it is more because the old guard that posted on /a/ either graduated from the site or got out of seasonal watching and the new kids just don't know or understand how to torrent or use IRC downloads. Or they do know and don't care anymore since every single torrent for a seasonal anime nowadays is a rip of a streaming site anyway, so not why just cut the middleman and watch on the streaming site the file came from.
It is pretty much what happened to music consumption for people who keep up with active artists or indies, they don't buy CDs, or even Albums anymore, they just stream it on spotfy or soundcloud/youtube.
You can talk to anyone in any media consumption niche, be it anime, movies, songs, etc. every one is streaming, the old guard still knows where to get what ever they can't find on streaming sites, but the new kids just understand that if it is not on their streaming platform of choice, they will just not consume it.
It is pretty sad for the communities actually, but it is the times we are in now, and also why you see VPN ads yelling at you how you can watch foreign netflix instead of telling you how they are more secure than the other like it was in 2015.

>> No.3067464

>Global is ok, despite the focus on the ENs whenever any of the JP girls are streaming they actually get a decent amount of attention in the thread
every time some fag would say that i would check and see fuck all on discussion. this time i am not even going to check and just call you full of shit

>> No.3067477


>> No.3067501

Will HoloEN2 or NijiEN alter the /vt/s meta? Or will they be irrelevant?

>> No.3067511

The board is /v/eddit and it's funny when people try to deny it

>> No.3067571

You guys are acting like the rrats and the schizoposting aren't the best parts of /vt/

We could probably use less Kiara hate threads though.

>> No.3067652


>> No.3067670

They hate every holo that speaks English, ollie's just given them the most ammo for shitposting

>> No.3067674
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I guess, for me anyway, I like the idea of a really active melting pot of the different fanbases interacting with each other. Too much discussion of the same can feel stagnant. I also love being able to just have fun with all the different fanbases. It's fun to poke fun at each other whenever a schizo of one fanbase is outed as a cum eater or dolphin fucker. The split threads just feel like slower circlejerks about the same thing. A little bit of derailment is good as long as its fun

>> No.3067725

Yeah. In fact, the quality of posters has deteriorated so bad that fucking /vt/ has a better understanding of the English language than the average nu-/a/ user. I blame both Hololive threads for bringing in more Indonesians in the website

>> No.3067892 [DELETED] 


>> No.3068406

>despite the focus on the ENs whenever any of the JP girls are streaming they actually get a decent amount of attention in the thread
Ah yes, the mythical JP discussion on global. I have seen it several times. The only JP discussion that is happening there is hornyposting and big happenings.

>> No.3068505
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>Global is ok
Not even once.

>> No.3068798

I love Marine, that's all.

>> No.3068919

What are you talking about /pol/ is comfy as fuck

>> No.3069011 [DELETED] 
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Fuck you jannies, you cheap corporate whores.

>> No.3069131 [DELETED] 
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>Anonymous 04/29/21(Thu)19:35:57 No.3069011▶
>File: 160523629918.jpg (701 KB, 2000x968)
>Fuck you jannies, you cheap corporate whores

>> No.3069201

Global thread should be banned to filter more people into specific threads.

>> No.3069292

Complete bullshit.

>> No.3069333
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There he is!

>> No.3069341

it's ogey

>> No.3069361

one of the most cancerous boards on the entire website for sure
no wonder holoniggers got booted off /jp/

>> No.3069402

They didn't though?

>> No.3070613

They didnt. Reply.

>> No.3070881

Hey ESLchama don’t get too cocky about the SEAmonsters you still make mistakes that give you away

>> No.3071024

This board should have been /JVT/ and the western shit should have been thrown to trash, it was better at the beguining but vshojofags totally ruined it in the last month
The split is needed more than ever

>> No.3073702

The last good rrat thread was like a month ago, schizos here would rather spam kiara and ollie rather than write good fanfiction.

>> No.3077895

Not helping that those said "old guard" gatekeep their own bubbles too much that it literally kills any potential for interested newcomers to join in. Kind of annoying but well, it is what it is

>> No.3078353

you have to go back

>> No.3078610
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not yet...
fuck my life

>> No.3078647

I miss the fun of the individual threads of /jp/, but fuck them getting derailed by schizos. It's easier to ignore schizos here.

>> No.3078653


>> No.3078663

A cesspool outside of the main thread, and the main thread isn't that great either

>> No.3078689

You mean back then? Sure
Now? You are full of shit if you honestly believe that or schizo who enjoys the sheer amount of antiposting that goes on over there

>> No.3078694

/jp/ should just outright ban chuubah threads. I hate having to hop between 2 boards.

>> No.3078716

look up "anniversary" in the dictionary

>> No.3078804
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3 months?!
time really flies

>> No.3078860

Let's nuke the board. It needs it.

>> No.3078884

we havent been through a major shift yet....

>> No.3081476
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/vt/ was a mistake
but I don't think they should be on /jp/ either
almost every single thread is shortly consumed by autistic spazzing
can pretty confidently say that this is already the worst board on the site or close to it, barring the wasteland that is /b/. fucking /trash/ of all places is better off than this shithole, for God's sake.
and not only that, but it doesn't even work as a containment board, the only purpose it serves is to bring in droves and droves of karma-farming Redditors, South Americans, and trolls from other platforms, watering down what little shred of culture and lingo the original /jp/ thread had and developing it into the abomination you see before you, and there's really no way to fix it except either heavy moderation or just erasing the board entirely.

the soundpost threads are good though

>> No.3081667

>fucking /trash/ of all places is better off than this shithole, for God's sake.
Nice try furfag but you have to go back

>> No.3081684

this board is fucking awful
/jp/ is much much better during /jp/ prime time
and EN/ID just spam UOOOOHHHHHH or whatever endlessly when their sluts are streaming

>> No.3081768

even the furries are less AIDS than this place, and that's saying something

>> No.3081954

eh, it alright

>> No.3082580

Are you implying that dogfuckers are better than /vt/? Don't kid youself. I bet you have a bestiality porn folder on your hard drive

>> No.3082600

More bad than good came out of this shithole. Would be great if /trash/ western whores stayed there.

>> No.3082670

This board is one of the few places on the Web I can talk about VTubers and probably the only place I can talk with others about VSingers. So it gets points there.

>> No.3082687

Its SEAnig schizo central.

>> No.3082812

>this board is fucking awful
Because you are on it, go back to /jp/ and spam UOOOOHHHHHH when your sluts are posting fag

>> No.3082912

yes, and yes

>> No.3082923

I lift for she

>> No.3095024

Imagine thinking that this board is anything but EN and tribalist central. See announcements about new outfits.

Thread about yonkisei costumes 20 posts in an hour and already filled with shitflinging. >>3093857
Meanwhile thread about EN costumes 350 posts in 6 hours. >>3085418

JP is dead here.

>> No.3095180

I don't understand why it's so hard, if at least not enjoying both, being able to respect both JP and EN vtubers.
Some of you genuinely go retarded about it.

>> No.3095234

Good. EN are trash

>> No.3095520

I used to post in hlg but it confuses me nowadays. Outside of stream hours the threads are just image dumping and people writing the same memes over and over. It looks like a mental ward

>> No.3098413

Has it really been only 3 months? This must be what hell feels like

>> No.3098760
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honestly feels a lot longer.

>> No.3098901

You're right about tribalism but not every thread is that bad. HoloJP individual threads are fine and comfy. People talk about their oshi and the streams for a change.

>> No.3099191
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>> No.3099334

Lately I feel like there has been more threads about niji, and some of them managed to be alive for some reason.

>> No.3099616

Then what do you want anon? no gatekeeping and every one now streams on CR? or full on gatekeeping and /a/ slowly dies from less and less post because every one only watches the same old shows and can't discuss them anymore because they have already been discussed to hell and back and other old-fag anons ignore the threads that are not about Eva?

>> No.3099870

I'm a Holofag who watched only abit of Niji and I don't watch Himawari but I appreciate the Himawarifag making the threads for her Revengeance playthrough. SUNFLOWER kinda LOVE

>> No.3104062

It feels like the board has the same problem as /tg/ where the only threads that are worth using are the generals. Everything else is exclusively shitposting.
Still way better than it was on /jp/

>> No.3104177

I go on /wvt/ and various other small indie threads so it's been a net positive for me. I really don't know why people preferred /jp/ more. Even with all the split threads and anti threads it's better since those retards would have just stayed in /hlgg/.

>> No.3104284

Gatekeeping doesn't have to be "literally no new people allowed ever," most hobby boards have a guide for getting into stuff at the entry level but /a/ went full panic bunker then bitches that newfags only know streaming sites and nyaa

>> No.3104846

Nah I think the Ollie antiposting here is worse by tenfold.

>> No.3104960

>only threads that are worth using are the generals
Thats what happens when generals are allowed/become a thing on a board.
Nah, some of the stuff on /jp/ were much worse. All this Ollie shitis happening in 2021. Imagine back in 2020 when the vtuber boom was in full effect. The sheer difference in numbers.

>> No.3105006

Gatekeeping is impossible when the amount of newfags is too large. They will not integrate and continue to do whatever they want and then claim the board or site has always been like this. Oldfags leave and repeat.

>> No.3105526

one of the worst mistakes on this page, this was filled with schizo holofags

>> No.3106308

Most of these threads are dead or filled with newfags. See Suisei threads after Hi Honey for example. Luna's and Okayu's thread are probably only the decent one.

>> No.3109106
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I don't think the shitposting from the "anti thread" of /jp/ has ever reached pic related type of faggotry.

>> No.3109964
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>American creator
>American domain
>Rules in english
>Nobody writes in another language except in /int/
If you want to larp as being Japanese you should go to a Japanese website

>> No.3110362

the coomer threads are decent

>> No.3110461

Not all newfags are bad. Some you can discuss stuff with and teach about the chuuba, you gotta post links to the shit you're talking about.

>> No.3112639
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Who left the schizo bunker door open? Who let them escape? The absolute state of retards who can't hold their peace

>> No.3123038
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>> No.3123080

Feels like yesterday.................................

>> No.3123280

it seems to be a bit more tolerable now. first time i came here it was just retarded spammers

>> No.3123319

the holo thread is literally the fastest and worst thread i have seen there

>> No.3123492

a thread like that would not have any discussion. just go look at a twitch chat if you want to see everyone just dumping their turd on the site and leaving immediately after doing it

>> No.3123816

everyone is so rich now that they would rather pay for some convenient stream than deal with any of that. all that cryptoshit and skyrocketing stocks made literally everyone millionaires

>> No.3128155

Newfags are newfags. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad that's not the point. Not to mention that people still want dedicated melting place where they can interact with everyone.

>> No.3128279

Glad VT exist tho.
I can enjoy Kiara discussion especially in Takahashi Kiara and hlgg thread.
But kinda sucked when split thread just filled with cycle of same hate and anti over and over again.
Then again, little to no Doxxing post, nice. Fk you to ban evaders and samepost reply.

>> No.3128310
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>mongolian basket weaving forum
>not expecting posters to know at least an ounce of mongolian
Based retard. Also, Towa will never learn English.

>> No.3130465

It's ogey, not sure how it will fare in the future though, maybe Niji EN will give this board the variety it needs.

>> No.3130569

Deadbeat here. Our split thread is literally the second fastest in /vt/ most of the time because we can't stop arguing if we're not talking about vsingers, indies and.... you know what, but it doesn't mean we abandoned /hlgg/. Hololive Global is the main gate every newfag must go through because it's so prevalent and unavoidable and /vt/ culture flows out of it. As long as /hlgg/ aka /ameg/ exists, this board is in good hands. Niggers have to assault the castle if they want cultural change to even happen to the other threads.

>> No.3131778

that's literally the same discussion JPs ever got since barely anyone can speak nip on this board

>> No.3131828

>Thats what happens when generals are allowed/become a thing on a board
This board was made because of /hlgg/. It was bound to happen. Splitniggers need to hang on a rope

>> No.3132192

Gatekeeping generally isn't that, if you feel that's the way it is you probably got filtered.

>> No.3132249
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It's a containment board now. If you deleted this entire board they'd all flood back into /jp/ and the christmas shit would start up all over again.

>> No.3132320

They're still shitting up /hlg/ again so it's not like anything is succesfully contained.

>> No.3132356

Well it's like /pol/ it contains a lot of them but they still seep out like fucking sewage just because there's an entry point at all.
It should never have been made but you can't really "put the genie back in the bottle" or whatever euphemism you are comfortable with.

>> No.3132373

I just hope there will be a holo+western trash board in the future.
That will be my only input on this matter.

>> No.3138760

>It's a containment board now
It's actually worse because after all the Ollie shit you can safely say that we have a legit antis here. I mean, look at this shit. This is more than just "haha I shit on your Holo now give me (you)s" ebin lulz.


>> No.3138971

This board is less bad than anyone expected it to be.

>> No.3140519

/hlg/ is its own dumpsterfire. You keep warring over imaginary nijiniggers and falseflagging watame posters.

>> No.3149114

Speak for yourself, thanks.

>> No.3149227

I like Nyanners

>> No.3149263

You will never be Japanese.
