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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30941607 No.30941607 [Reply] [Original]

I warned you all this would happen but no one listened

>> No.30941635

What happened

>> No.30942165

she sang a duet with a prerecorded male during her karaoke, which I guess is the same as fucking live on stream or something

>> No.30942343

>romantic song*

>> No.30942381
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I'm kinda glad they're pushing so hard for it since it shows very clearly why everyone treats /vt/ as the dumpster of the fandom that everyone can laugh at together.

>> No.30942482


>> No.30942564

It's always nothingburgers as usual

>> No.30942695

still going on about that shit? go outside

>> No.30942865

Never trust Ame

>> No.30942981

Is not that she couldnt pick any other chuba or song, right?

>> No.30943009

fuck off unicorn

>> No.30943255

it was an entire stream of singing karaoke duets, she literally picked many, many, many others to sing with but OH NO ONE WAS A MALE SHES PERGNANANAT NOW

>> No.30943396

>chooses a romantic song in duet with a male
>literally almost every english speaking chuba has done a cover of that song

Fuck off, cuck

>> No.30943494

Don't complain about shipping art if that's what Ame wants then.

>> No.30943744

fucking hilarious you faggots keep calling referring to it only as the "romantic song" to avoid letting anyone out of the loop know it was fucking Fly Me to the Moon. That SUPER romantic song or as everyone else refers to it "the Eva ED"

>> No.30948020
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>fuck off, cuck
Your oshi would be fucking the bird, the shark, and the octopus lady and still call others a cuck.

Take your meds faggot.

>> No.30948356

Have you never heard of Sinatra, zoomie?

>> No.30948381

Shes not your girlfriend you fucking retard. I recommend you commit suicide

>> No.30948721

>you are all I long for, all I worship and adore
>"it's not a love song you fucking incels, it's just le funny robot song"
Your excuses are getting pretty pathetic here, Teacuck

>> No.30948876


>> No.30949215

It's sung on Karaoke because it's the funny robot song, not because of Sinatra. In your imaginatation, Watame and Gura are crushing on someone right now because they sang a song about it once.

>> No.30949396

Singing a love song solo means she's singing it to (you), retard. Dueting it with male has completely different implications

>> No.30949717

Yeah, me
Just like she was crushing on me when she sang this

>> No.30949750
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>she's singing it to (you)
and the entirety of (majority male) chat. You feeling addressed exclusively is coping.
>Dueting it with male has completely different implications
You mean dueting with a recording of a male.
You know what else has different implications? Singing a man's song.

>> No.30950486

>b-but the chat
Exactly how new to vtubers are you?
>muh recording
I didn't think I'd have to explain the dynamics of how singing a song works but in a duet you are singing to the other person, that's how it works. She is singing a love song to a male on-stream, non-cucks don't want to hear that shit
>male song
The song actually originated as a cabaret song to be sung by a woman to entice their male audience, Sinatra did a rendition of it because he was a lounge singer that basically did the same thing but for women. The Sinatra version is extremely well known because it was affiliated with the US space program.

Any other questions?

>> No.30950608

The bigger issue is ame doing singing streams at all, holy shit

>> No.30950878

>I picked that song is the only song I knew.
There you have it, rrat dead.

>> No.30951009
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>> No.30951089

Most people who sing duets aren't in a relationship.

>> No.30951267

They pretend to be for the purpose of the song, you need to put yourself in the headspace of the song to sing it properly. For the record if she got the grey-haired one to voice some gross fujo lines for her and then she roleplayed with them on stream I would think that would be shitty amd obnoxious too

>> No.30951333

That would be acting, which neither of them is good at, and Ame is not even trying to act. Regis probably picked it because it's a well known song also.

YouTube recommended me the Kronii version and her performance is much more soulful since she sounds like she is actually in love with someone.

>> No.30951361

She could not choose any song with this guy, though. Not singing with the guy was an option but she said it like she really really had to sing with him. That excuse "is the only song I knew" is bullshit

>> No.30951446

His version was probably the first result on YouTube and so she thought it would be cool to give him some props by including him in the karaoke.

>> No.30951707

I don't go into a vtuber stream to see a woman pretend to faun over another dude, that shit is weird. Regis picked it because it's a love song and love songs are good gachibait

That is the most baffling cope yet, "Ame is a shitty singer so it doesn't count"

>> No.30951721

But you said the problem is because she deliberately chose a romantic song when in reality it is because that is the only song she knew. She even fumbled the I love you part twice & searched for the lyrics because she didn't know it is a romantic song.
Remove the romantic part & you just have "Ame had a karaoke duet with a prerecorded video."

>> No.30951796

That excuse would almost make sense if Ame said anything at all to that effect. She wanted to sing with a homo so she did, she even underlined it by saying "wow I can't believe I'm singing with a guy's voice, this is so weird"

>> No.30952067

>only song she knew
>had to search for the lyrics
You can't have it both ways. Also, it says I love you constantly throughout the song, even of she only knew it from the Eva ED the last words are "I love you". She's definitely lying about something because this shit doesn't add up

>> No.30952157

Holy cope. She sang this song before. She definetly knows is a romantic song. And no, skipping a few parts of the song doesn't make it not romantic. The whole song is romantic, look up the lyrics

>> No.30952177

Ame is a BL aficionado so it's natural for her to like the homos. Also literally no one younger than 40 doesn't think is not anything but the Eva song and nothing else.

>> No.30952453

You can know about the song without memorizing the lyrics, you know.
But if she wants to deliberately sing a love song to btfo the unicorns like your rrat, then she should go all out & don't skip the I love you part. She picked that because that is the only song from Tempus she knew, that's it.

>> No.30952455

If Ame wants to lay in bed and masturbate to Homo ASMR more power to her, as long as I don't have to hear their faggy voices on her stream

>> No.30952547

She wants to get back at them, but she still wants their money, and she knows they're pathetic enough to keep subbing even though she's made it clear she hates them. Throw them a bone, make up some BS excuse and they'll eat it up like they always do.

>> No.30952568

If that's the only song she knew. And is a love song. Why even decide to sing with the guy? That's what I don't understand. Yeah, that's the only song you know? Cool. Just don't sing with the guy now and wait until he sings another song in the future

>> No.30952738

Because she wants to try to duet with someone with a man's voice? Like I said, if you remove the romantic part, then this whole thing is just Ame singing to a vod with a male in it. Kronii's interaction on Twitter is closer & more personal than this, hell even chat interaction is more personal because it is at least proper communication.

>> No.30953117

>Because she wants to try to duet with someone with a man's voice?
Like I said. Just wait for the guys to have a wider selection of songs if the only one you know right now is a romantic song.
>Like I said, if you remove the romantic part...
Stop saying that bullshit. You can't remove the "romantic parts" from a romantic song. Listen to the damn duet. Even skipping a few lines she still sings "romantic parts"
>Twitter and chat interaction are more personal than a duet for a love song
Sorry but I disagree. You are right that those interaction are proper communication but singing a love song is form of expression. You're showing your feelings towards someone

>> No.30953655

>how new
>muh I didn't think I had to explain this on a taiwanese-
ffs cut to the chase. She is singing with a recording because duets are neat and popular among viewers but unless you offcollab, it's ruined by mic latency.
>you are singing to the other person
So you can't sing to chat and to another person. Ok.
>US space program
So how does that make it a love song?

>> No.30953831

>Just wait for the guys to have a wider selection of songs.
But she wanted to do a duet karaoke last week.
>but singing a love song is form of expression.
She wanted to try to sing a song with someone with a man's voice. That is what she wanted to express, she already said it, she picked it because it is the only song from Tempus she knew, not because it is a romantic song, she even had to search the lyrics on stream.
What? Do you think she is playing pretend & lying?

>> No.30953839

Come back when the real thing happens, exaggerate one prerecorded karaoke, fucking SEAniggers

>> No.30954421

>But she wanted to do a duet karaoke last week.
This is not the first time she does duets karaoke and it definetly won't be the last time
>She wanted to try to sing a song with someone with a man's voice.
That's fair but it doesn't have to be RIGHT RIGHT now. In my opinion she should have waited when there's other type of songs to sing with the guys
>she already said it, she picked it because it is the only song from Tempus she knew
That just comes as an excuse to me. I said it before. Not singing was an option. And the fact that she felt like she had to explain why she sang that song specifically shows that even she realised that it was a mistake
>not because it is a romantic song
I agree that wasn't the reason but I think it wasn't a good idea picking that type of song
>the only song she knew
>she even had to search the lyrics on stream
You're just contradicting yourself there.

>> No.30954757

Anon, I know Agnus Dei, but I don't know what the lyrics are, but I can sing it if I read them along. She even compared it to River by The Moon which chats suggested but she doesn't know about it.
It is a duet karaoke, she wanted to do a duet with many holo, but with Tempus, that is the only available option. She also sang Viva La Vida with Kiara, doesn't mean she wants to nuke Jerusalem with her, it was because she wants to sing a song with Kiara & her options are limited.

>> No.30955404

Are you trying to say that Ame looking up the lyrics means she doesn't know it's a romantic song? I said it earlier, she sang that song before and even if she doesn't know the exact lyrics she knows is a love song

>> No.30955464

the absolute fucking meltdown people are having over the simplest most innocuous shit is fucking hysterical holy shit being a vtuber seems awful

>> No.30955531


like it's not even ironic either you guys are going through the lyrics with a fine tooth comb trying to figure out if a song a professional entertainer sang with another professional entertainer was "too romantic"

you guys are a fucking social disease

>> No.30955569


>> No.30955598

Are you saying Ame read the lyrics first after she searched it? Because she started the song right after that.
And like I said, Ame picked it not because it is a romantic song, but because it is the only song she ever sang before.
That is not expressing her love for him. You watch too much NTR porn.

>> No.30955609

Don't sing love song with males when you know most of your audience don't care about males and only watch because you're a female interacting with other females. Is that simple

>> No.30955678

Teakeks who are hell bent on defending her here will be the first ones to jump down her throat once she disappoint them in the future.
Mark my words.

>> No.30955835

vt is not "most of the audience"

>> No.30955841

Most of her audience doesn't care about Moona either.

>> No.30955918
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I'll always support milady.
Please shit and piss directly into my mouth.

>> No.30955993

samefagging and falseflaggers make up 90% of these supposed "disappointed" people

>> No.30956090

Find me a vocal Jazz standard that isn't a love song, I'll wait.

No seriously, I've been trying to learn Jazz and practice my singing for years and I'm sick of all the love songs

>> No.30956250

Is this the twitter raid thread?

>> No.30956337

Whatever man. We're just repeating the same shit over and over
>ntr shit
No. I just didn't enjoy that part of the karaoke and I hope the same thing doesn't happen again. That's all

>> No.30956365

and yet, they wouldn't exist if Ame use her brain a little before saying or doing something really stupid.
But that's the charm of ameway, amirite?

>> No.30956455

You only have a problem with it because you think she romantically expressed her love thru the song. When in reality she picked it because it is the only thing available.

>> No.30956465

summertime. mack the knife

>> No.30956974

>Your daddy's rich
>And your ma is so good-looking, baby
>She's a-looking good now
You're on thin ice buddy.
I appreciate the recommendations though.

>> No.30957069

Anon, there's no way a duet love song is directed towards a third person.
The guy sang that song to his chat, he even says "I love you" to them at the end and Ame just stood silent cause it was awkard.
Ame sang this song in the past to her chat.
If they sang as a duet, the ony interpretation is that is directed to themselves. The exception here is that the guy was pre recorded. It just feels like Ame is singing to him. It's just awkard. It would be different if the guy was a vocal backtrack, then you could say that Ame was singing to her chat but no, it was a duet

>> No.30957074

Is this the worst she's ever done? I remember her lying about Nier to her fans and causing a fuss

>> No.30957162

Also who is this "Jenny Driver"? or "Miss Lotte Lenya"? What about "Lucy Brown"
Kinda sus.

>> No.30957340

Its too late for excuses honestly. Don't insult us all with these excuses, she isn't enough of a demonstrated weeb for the 'evangelion song' excuse, not with the other songs she's sung it with before. If she doesn't want this to effect her further she shouldn't twist the knife for a a few months, but I don't expect that sort of patience, nor am I hoping for something, the damage is already done. At this point i'm starting from 0 again to see whether she truly is still entertaining to me, or whether it was all just the past. I'll see if she truly deserves my membership again in a few months, and the onus is on her to be entertaining now.

>> No.30957450
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please stop forcing Ame into one extreme position or another, she wanted to sing with a HoloPro member and she did, that is all that the karaoke was

>> No.30957958

>That's fair but it doesn't have to be RIGHT RIGHT now.
it's always "too soon" for you niggers, you raised a massive fuss about a collab with Astel being mentioned like two years ago, you'd think after two fucking years it's not "too soon" anymore

>> No.30958242

Anon, she had a huge "Practice" on the title, and you can have a duet for practice purposes. It's standard in vocal lessons.

>> No.30958470

>Also who is this "Jenny Driver"? or "Miss Lotte Lenya"? What about "Lucy Brown"
All for me to shank

>> No.30958561 [DELETED] 


>> No.30959618

>literally no one younger than 40 doesn't think is not anything but the Eva song and nothing else.

Fuck off, zoomer nigger

>> No.30959798

>tribalfagging over how you were exposed to a song

>> No.30959936

From what I've seen no one expect those supporting her say this because you want to make it looks stupid.
There are fine lines and you don't care enough to understand anyway so it's waste of time to discuss.

>> No.30960039

>You feeling addressed exclusively is coping.
But Ame said collabing with male is same as talking to 6000 males in chat.
Are you doubting Ame?

>> No.30960144

>is love song
>is used in commercial
>no longer love song
The absolute state of /vt/ logic

>> No.30960216

How many homostar content she consumed to make it first result for her?

>> No.30960310

anyone with basic English know it is love song

>> No.30960526

We're hating Ame now right?

>> No.30960578

This man gets it

Nails on a chalkboard

>> No.30960724

Ame sing a lot of love song with EN girls, it's mean she had sex with all of them right?

>> No.30960884

Zoomer weeb brainrot, knowing Frank Sinatra songs should be common knowledge

>> No.30960949


unicorns think they preserved the girls' purities but they're probably fucking each other with dildos off-stream

>> No.30961103
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everyone defending this lol so when they decide to go full nyanner+bf streams, you'll still be saying it's fine? hope you enjoy vshojo cause this is how it starts

>> No.30961230

Ame's main target audience is open masochists. her singing streams fit perfectly.

>> No.30961338

this along with a kick in the head are go to songs for mobster movies from the 80's to modern day, they definitely have a modern normie fandom outside of weebshit.

>> No.30961708

Teamates think Ame is the protagonist of a harem anime for a reason

>> No.30961792

It's all going to hell, and the retards keep saying it's not that bad, when they realize they are becoming NiijiEN2 it's gonna be too late

>> No.30961879

So why don't you do something about it then? Complaining here won't change anything.

>> No.30961903

Bold of you to assume I don't like girls fucking each other.
Keep your homos away from them.

>> No.30962089

I Do, I unsub from anyone interacting with males.
If yu want me to sperg out and send a crazy supa, why would I bother? it's a case of a broken glass, there's no repairing once it's shattered.

>> No.30962320
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males or not, doesn't change the fact that you're a cuck and your oshi is getting railed

cope and seethe

>> No.30962524

> no one younger than 40 doesn't think is not anything
call the ambulance, you're having a stroke!

>> No.30963651
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>> No.30965890

eternal teakeks...
