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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32821428 No.32821428 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever dropped your oshi?

>> No.32821478


>> No.32821500

I dont have an oshi

>> No.32821541

Only if she collabs with males, same as this guy

>> No.32821597

I haven't but honestly it must be easy as hell to drop Ame. You're getting rid of so many passive aggressive vibes, you can watch someone who doesn't actively resent you for existing. It's far too abusive

>> No.32821608

No but mine graduated before and honestly the guy is right. After I got over the sadness of it it was kind of pleasant not being autistically dedicated to one girl for a while until I found a new one.

>> No.32821640

I dropped Kiara and came crawling back. Don’t humiliate yourself like me.

>> No.32821709

I'm ready to drop but she gives so many mixed signals I don't know if she wants me to watch her or not.

>> No.32821782
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>mixed signals

>> No.32821896

Yes I dropped Gura now I'm oshiless. No oshi waiting for me to tune in. However I've dreamed about mumei twice. The first time she found me and nursed me back to health because we were both in sort of jungle where there was traps and talking animals that eat people. And the second time i was back in this modern highschool being 16 again and mumei was my hs crush and we used to go on arcade date together. The crazy thing is I don't watch mumei and i am not subbed to her. Is this a calling?

>> No.32821944

The only thing that is keeping me in this hobby and on this godforsaken board is Gura, I used to watch Ame too but even before she signalled that she wouldn't avoid tempus the actual quality of her streams had fallen off somewhat. Still respect all she has done for Myth but just watching her streams wasn't as engaging as before.

I was just waiting for Gura to end up collabing with tempus as my excuse to find something better to do with my time but to my surprise the Shark understands her audience and has a backbone in there after all. I am happy of course but I am still checked out of basically all the other girls content at this point so I feel one foot out the door regardless.

>> No.32822015

I feel this way about a different Myth girl. It’s a sentiment I’ve been seeing a lot lately.

>> No.32822018
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>> No.32822081

I take turns dropping mumei and gura and going back and forth between them

>> No.32822234

I mean watching since the start like you have too I assume I guess it is only natural, permissions autism is the perennial problem making things stale but with JP still locked down a lot of other stuff I wanted to see happen has not materialized either.

Will still hold on for her at least until I see her finally go to japan then who knows.

>> No.32822241
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honestly I should but it's hard to let go

>> No.32822385

I'm in the process of dropping Ame but it's really hard. I want to make a clean break but I still liked her last couple streams (excluding the fortnite one where she announced the tempiss collab). But she lied to me and clearly wants to shift HoloEN into something else.

I'm going to go scorched earth. Omega will fucking pay.

>> No.32822463

You aren't doing nothing with those cheetos stained fingers.

>> No.32822468

I dropped Ame last year for a NijiEN

>> No.32822485

Hoshino Char. Because she refuses to stream and even took a break from... not streaming? I just don't get it.

>> No.32822498

cant imagine dropping my top tier oshi

>> No.32822564
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No, the breaking point is collabs with Tempus trannies for me. If she does that it means she's no longer the chuuba I like so I'll drop her immediately and with no regrets.

>> No.32822616
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Waiting is the hardest part, try to get lost in a VN or something for now, friend.

>> No.32822712
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>I'm going to go scorched earth. Omega will fucking pay.

>> No.32822720

Almost did when they collabed with someone I really hated. Go over it a few days later though.

>> No.32822729

How did that even happen bro?

>> No.32822806

Going to have to wait for chumbuds to get cucked if you want to raise an army, too many teamates even in her split are just resigned to their fate at this point. Chumbuds will actually go nuclear if it ever happens.

>> No.32822826

I was a day 1 member and used to watch all of ame's vod but then I dropped her around 1-2 months ago. I don't give a shit about male collabs, but her toxicity toward dumb chatters finally snapped me out of it.
I tuned in to your streams cause I want to relax, not to get yelled at even though I didn't do anything wrong, you dumb bitch.

>> No.32822867

Meidos really don't want people to see others who are dropping hololive, huh? Just like how they tend to delete "alternatives to hololive" threads.

>> No.32822892

Not exactly but I barely watch streams or follow her activity anymore, I just give her streams a like, leave and fap to her fanart

>> No.32822994

Ame went on a massive decline late 2021, I don't care about male collabs but her attitude and stream quality made me not want to watch her anymore. Ended up switching to Pomu

>> No.32823011

my oshi's a jp
have gotten pretty close to dropping her, but turns out your brain can end up making you hate what you love if you expose yourself too much to it when you're not in the mood
just take a break once in a while before you end up hating her

>> No.32823051

>I tuned in to your streams cause I want to relax, not to get yelled at even though I didn't do anything wrong, you dumb bitch.
Is she still doing that? I literally stopped watching her a year ago because of that reason.

>> No.32823068

the premise of one choosing and dropping their oshi is false. If they can pick and choose, that's not an oshi, that's just a temporary filler, a transfer station for your lonely heart.

One does not choose their oshi, oshi chooses them.

>> No.32823072

ooooo how scary, anon-kun

>> No.32823115

don't ask me I don't even want to remember.
I'm just glad that more people are aware of that fact now.

>> No.32823122

I like this is becoming a good thread with honest opinions on people who dropped oshis.
If we can keep this level of civility

>> No.32823143

My oshi?
No. But other chuuba whose memberships I used to have and whose merch I used to buy, yes.

>> No.32823151

If your oshi becomes a different person than the one you started watching there is no guilt in dropping them. Your oshi might choose you but if she changes too much then she is no longer your oshi.

>> No.32823180

There's a reason there wasn't a massive exodus of teamates when she went hard on having tempiss collabs. Chat had already been beaten down and emasculated over every little thing for months beforehand lel.

>> No.32823235

your oshi is not your life partner, you are bound by no oath and you can switch freely whenever you feel they're no longer for you.

>> No.32823268

You can lose them in the same fashion. All it really takes is to feel personally rejected by them, for example by their choice to prioritize shart collabs over viewer preference.

>> No.32823284

it's funny, I don't mind streamer/chat banter but with Ame her 'banter' is extremely one-sided. Can dish it out but can't take it one bit. Been that way since Day 1.

>> No.32823455
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Dropped the first one, started throwing more excuses than streams.
She's trying to make a return after realizing paychecks get smaller when you don't put out screen time
but that is none of my concern...

Pic unrelated

>> No.32823496

What is the deal with this tempus stuff and what about the perception of holo streams getting worse?

>> No.32823568
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I'd die happy if I could sniff Koyori's stuffy anus

>> No.32823625

I used to oshi IRyS but the more i get to know her the stupider she seems to be. Plus her music doesn't really jam with me at all, saying this as an utaitefag. I finally dropped her during the council ender dragon stream, that was the last straw for me. Sorry IRyS, i know you got the shortest end of the stick out of all EN, but i don't think I can support a chuuba that does not entertain me anymore.

>> No.32823894

I've considered it several times but at the end of the day no one else streams in timeslots that are good for me
And FUCK watching V*Ds

>> No.32823926

Same I took the nijipill too and gave Pomu and Elira a chance when some anons told me the two of them collab spam the least. They stream more and miles more entertaining than probably most of holoEN.

Not a nijishill but simply a disappointed ex-holoEN fan

>> No.32823927

Yes, absolutely. Never hold too much loyalty towards someone who absolutely wouldn't do the same for you even if they knew you existed.

>> No.32823975

HoloEN didn’t bring anything new to the table this year except men, which a lot of people explicitly didn’t want to see.

>> No.32824010

t. sunk cost loser

>> No.32824015

The 4chan unicorns chumbuds sure. Funny how the opinions of greys didn't matter because they were poorfags never mattered until now. Kek greys will not be your ally in this imaginary war going on inside your head.

>> No.32824018

> paying for free Entertainment

>> No.32824022

Same, was day one member but at some point in April I think the quality just seem to drop, I waited for a couple months and just didnt seem to enjoy her content as much so I just canceled my membership and moved on.
Moved on to Suisei since Im at a point where I can finally understand almost everything that is said, I dont think I will ever look back

>> No.32824050

more like nobody gives a fuck about your soap opera dogshit blogposting and the jannies should rambo machine gun it down even more

>> No.32824089

How do you get picked by an oshi that doesn't make any sense otherwise a bunch of faggots are wasting money for nothing because she did not pick them either.

>> No.32824127

Yes but not because of this no males bullshit. She just wasn't being entertaining anymore so I stopped watching her. A few weeks later I found a new oshi.

>> No.32824154

Like if you want to watch streams, Niji is the way to go. Most of them stream 5-6 days a week. Not even shilling just telling the truth.

>> No.32824167

>which a lot of manchildren on /vt/ explicitly didn’t want to see.

>> No.32824191

stop being off-topic and replying to your own post

>> No.32824208

then they were never your oshi anon

>> No.32824226
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My main oshi, no.
Kotone will always be my top girl.

My others though? Yeah.
Dropped Pomu after she invited a man into a hotel offcollab like a whore.
Dropped Selen when she got fat.
Dropped Toko when she collabed with NijiEN males.
Dropped Rushia after the mafumafu happening.
Dropped Towa when she changed her voice.
Dropped my indie oshi when she wouldn't shut up about her boyfriend
Dropped amiya when she admitted to sleeping with men.
Dropped Sara from prism when she talked about leading men on dates for free food like a cheap whore.

I've dropped a few others but those were ones I considered my backup oshis.

>> No.32824229

I jumped off the wagon long, LONG before Tempus, and my reason for it is simply that these bitches don't care. Why would they? Turn on the stream, receive money for doing absolutely nothing other than being a part of HoloEN. They're fucking lazy. Every single member of HoloEN falls into one of three categories: doesn't fucking stream, streams but it's only FOTM streamerbait garbage, and streams but only for so long as she's urged to before cutting it short. Why would I want to watch someone who clearly only shows up to collect a paycheck?

>> No.32824247

Yes, her name is Enna Alouette. She became incredibly lazy at some point, she is more retarded than funny these days and her streams are just the same shit only worse each time. She basically only tells the same jokes over and over again, and I can't even start to explain how vain, vape and superficial she sounds. Her first 7 months were amazing, but time is ruthless. Ironically, she started to get more popular as the quality of her streams started to lower. Enjoy your echo chamber of braindead and pathic yes-sayers, you dumb cunt, see you in hell!!!

>> No.32824259
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what are you crying for?

>> No.32824264

I genuinely have no idea what's going on because I've been looking at other baachuas lately.

>> No.32824268

quantity =/= quality
>b-but HoloEN
HoloEN has neither too, both them and NijiEN are shit

>> No.32824324

Have they really gotten that bad? I guess I haven't noticed because I only watched them super consistently for the first half year or so. That's just unfortunate anon.

>> No.32824337

>Dropped my indie oshi when she wouldn't shut up about her boyfriend
Who was it? I watch a good few indie 2 views and even they don't think to mention their relationships.

>> No.32824342

>Every single member of HoloEN falls into one of three categories: doesn't fucking stream, streams but it's only FOTM streamerbait garbage, and streams but only for so long as she's urged to before cutting it short
Kiara doesn't fall into any of those categories

>> No.32824472

Most people dont watch Kiara so they cant put her in categories

>> No.32824488

Her voice will forever filter me but I respect her hustle. I do wish one day she can collab with my fairy oshi.

>> No.32824491

To be fair chat sometimes has to urge Kiara to turn the stream off and go to sleep. I still remember her cracking up over chat saying “GO AWAY TENCHOU”

>> No.32824492

For a long time she kept it mostly on the backend. But recently she just constantly brings him up. Her chat never shuts up about him.

She's a good streamer otherwise. But I do not want to hear about your God damn boyfriend every 10 minutes even if it is that chats fault for bringing it up.

>> No.32824494

I followed from debut up until June of the following year, at which point I was just done. Almost a full year of my life utterly wasted. It's why I don't fault people for hanging on, hoping things will get better even when they obviously won't. They fell prey to the sunk cost fallacy the same way I almost did.
You know what? Fair. I can't stand her fucking chicken voice, but she does try, I will give her that.

>> No.32824595

>Her chat never shuts up about him.
Jesus. Good move getting out swiftly, when there's a positive feedback it's never ever going away.

>> No.32824639

Gura was my oshi. When I caught covid and spent two fucking weeks in isolation all I had to keep me sane in there was her videos I would watch both of her new and old vods to get me through the day. I even became a chumbud and was on my 8th month streak. Eventually Gura started to stream less and tried to yes master me to make up for her lack of content and I just decided to drop her it was a hard decision because I still miss her but she no longer entertained me because the magic was gone. My breaking point were all the minecraft and shill streams she did. There so much of those i can handle. Now i don't longer give money to any of them.

>> No.32824643

I dropped her during one of her puzzle streams earlier this year. She started spamming collabs with the males like everyone else and I dropped her like the rest of nijiEN.
Maybe they got better but that entire period of time was so awful it ruined nijisanji for me. Especially with rosemi and enna being such blatant cunts about it and blaming their fanbases when they complained.

It's a shame because enna was pretty funny for awhile too.

>> No.32824678
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I would drop Mumei if she slapped my mother in the face. Other than that I don't think there's much she could do to make me drop her at this point

>> No.32824723

There's a new girl /wvt/ put me onto I really like though and she's very clean and seiso. I haven't watched enough to make a rec or name drop her but so far she's great.
I do sense some heavy menhera vibes lurking beneath the surface though so I'm holding out on making her my new oshi.

>> No.32824772

I'm not even a unicorn but I would never watch a male or female streamer who never shuts up about their partner.

>> No.32824775

I get where you're coming from, given their reputation in this board, so I still stay away from the obvious bad news like finana, nina, and all of their males. I just genuinely like Pomu and Elira, plain and simple.

>> No.32824804

Holly based

>> No.32824839

Lazulight collabs must really cut you up, huh?

>> No.32824908

I drop everything after Cringe EN debuted

>> No.32824918

Wow we have opposite experiences. I legit dropped her when she really couldn't be bothered to finish her stupid Atlantis, despite being sponsored most mats by Kaela. I don't even like minecraft that much, but this flaky attitude really turned me off

>> No.32824946

I feel like a lot of casual people dropped Rosemi at that time. As someone who only jumped into her streams occasionally it was weird as fuck seeing her go 180 and not liking how some of chat viewed her when that's what was presented for endless months. Very confusing.

>> No.32824954

I really think this is how it’s going to go for HoloEN. Their management looked at the Niji clusterfuck and thought “we need that too”

>> No.32825059

It's a shame. I feel for holoen because the change once luxium debuted completely ruined nijien for me.
I was never into holoen though, even at their best they were pretty boring streamers. But I sympathize with their pain, and it's only going to get worse in the coming months.

>> No.32825098

I kinda hope some of them are here and taking notes from (mostly) sane opinions of what NOT to do here.

>> No.32825114

I got too close to her roommate then she dropped me so maybe

>> No.32825275

I'm surprised she still has fans desu, she was horrid during that time.

Idk the fact nijien didn't explode just bums me out desu. They deserved some sort of comeuppance for the bullshit they pulled but the western audience loves that garbage I guess.

>> No.32825401

She filtered me before by being a manipulative menhera on stream during the early days. I did hear that she got better over time but after witnessing her malding over numbers and the sad e-girl attitude, I think I'm already permanently filtered from that point on

>> No.32825479

Not trying to change your mind or anything but that was a long, long time ago.

>> No.32825576

I found it endearing.
It's easy to get caught up in the numbers autism when you see all your genmates doing way better for half the work, of course it makes you a little menhera.

Kiara has always been the hardest working and most caring of the holoens. It's just a shame about her voice.

>> No.32825664

That is indeed true, I still cringe when I remember that and I don't think I could ever go back. I see her hard work from outside her own streams like how all of EN she is the closest true idol of them all, her 3D concert performance was honestly beautiful. I respect her hustle, but I'll probably never stray too close to Kiara

>> No.32825734

Ex Haaton here, I used to religiously watch her streams back in her hey days. 2020 - early 2021 Haato was her peak. Then I changed, I got bored with her and moving on. Great time Chammer!!!

>> No.32825806

Not saying that you should watch them again, but the girls who were hurt most by that mass collab period have basically turned it back around by now.
Elira is almost a full solo streamer these days and even started doing ASMR, Finana pulled back on the gacha spam, Rosemi started doing creative stuff again with a long running ARG and more frequent members streams, and Millie is doing more solos and zatsus now. Cases like Reimu and Nina who doubled down on males did get punished with shitty numbers. If you're wondering why NijiEN girls still have fans, this is why.

>> No.32825950

Also Pomu has been like 90% solo streams the last few weeks.

>> No.32826034

At least they learned a lesson from it at least.
Still never going to watch them again. Especially after stupid decisions like
>lmao lets surprise invite a man into an offcollab sleepover stream

>> No.32826088

I feel like if you've dropped your actual kamioshi in a violent/strongly disillusioned manner like this, you must be an atrocious judge of character. I can understand it happening for someone you don't watch terribly much, perhaps you missed some signs because you avoided zatsudans or social media or whatever, but if you're genuinely keeping up with them, you should expect something like this before it happens.

>> No.32826173

>shame about her voice
doesn't she do the voice intentionally? I think she kinda regrets it too but like how could she just stop two years in?

>> No.32826244

Sunk cost fallacy, you invested so much time and possibly money on this person you refuse to see the signs even if they are clear as day.

>> No.32826283

People change. Simple as.

>> No.32826289

>but like how could she just stop two years in?
Suisei did exactly that

>> No.32826331

Thank god for that. I hope her current sex voice never change.

>> No.32826342

You either do it gradually or you just straight up say hey i cant do this anymore and switch. She wouldnt be the first one

>> No.32826377

She could drop a bucket of KFP into a lake and it transforms into magical gold KFP which changes her voice.

>> No.32826434

Yes they were

>> No.32826486
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My oshi dropped me

>> No.32826607
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Yes. Dropped her as soon as I saw the uprising in her menhera levels. She started publicly arguing with schizos and a bunch of other shit soon after so it was a good call

>> No.32826639

I feel like the issue as well is that distraught fans are simply way in too deep into the parasocial relationship they got themselves into. If people try to be more objective with regards to following the talent, it's much easier to drop an oshi that you dont like anymore. I sincerely wish deluded gachis would stop getting obsessive as if they are their friend/SO, it hurts much much less and one can just simply move on with their lives

>> No.32826719

An Oshi is not the same as a Waifu you dumbass.

>> No.32826743

If people were wholly objective then most VTubers wouldn't have many fans because "anime girl but she plays the game like shit" isn't actually interesting. A lot of them don't have a personality capable of carrying a stream either.

>> No.32826757

If I dropped my oshi I'd just go back to Vinny and never commenting in his chat

>> No.32826812

Yes but it happened last year
Ame => Gura

>> No.32826817

I think people just pretend this is more "obsessive" than anything else that people get upset over.

If a show randomly does a 180 and ruins the ending, people get pissed off all over the internet. but nobody calls people angry about GoT parasocial losers. but if you get upset over a streamer changing its because you're a loser who's obsessed with an anime girl.

if content i like changes, i'm going to complain no matter what medium it is. I can complain harder about vtubers because there's a chance they'll see it and actually change, as opposed to a movie or show that's more or less stuck in stone.

>> No.32826827

There are times I wish my oshi did something worthy of dropping her so I could finally be free, but she's awesome... She's JP so makes sense.

>> No.32826839
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Give indie whores a try.

>> No.32826845

I don't know if I could even consider her my oshi because I only watched her for 5 months after her debut, but I dropped Towa. I really didn't like her acting like a different person during her solo and collab streams, especially for mengen. I've heard she's not like that anymore, but I still can't watch her anymore. Some anons joke about muting a stream when Towa appears, but I actually do it because hearing her speak in a different way than from debut makes me uncomfortable
Fuck, it's been two years and I'm still not over her

>> No.32826956

My oshi is fairly heavy, it's quite easy to drop them

>> No.32827034


>> No.32827070

>I really didn't like her acting like a different person during her solo and collab streams, especially for mengen.
Never really watched Towa until she'd been in Hololive for a year, but what did you mean by this?

>> No.32827158
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I used to like to watch Ame but I ended up dropping HoloEn and only watched a few clips.
Council debuted but I wasn't very attached until a few months later when I started watching them more and more.
so now I mostly watch council(Fauna>Mumei>Bae in that order) but more Fauna and Mumei
I also like Gura and Ina but sometimes they don't stream for days.

>> No.32827329

Interesting thread, ngl. I feel like I'm reading confessions or something. Gives a lot of insight from people who were once excited for their oshi and the positive thoughts behind following a chuuba. I'm sorry to know you guys felt disappointed, though. I'm sure you'll find someone you like and will be treated well

>> No.32827475

I dropped my indie oshi and felt a lot better.

>> No.32827478

Sorry, but since most of it comes from mengen, I'd rather not. I dropped Towa, but I don't want to see bait threads about her from things I said in a thread either

>> No.32827789

Understandable, nice to see loyalty even I'd she's not your oshi anymore

>> No.32827971
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They were simply a streamer you liked a lot.
You can only "oshi" someone who's dedicated to her fans. There's a reason the terminology comes from irl idols. The inherent assumption of having an "oshi" is that her fans take priority. You "support/push/promote" your oshi to make her dreams come true and live vicariously through her. You even get some collective validation for your time, money and effort when she reaches milestones and thanks her audience for helping her come this far (every JP idol does this, almost like a ritual).

This is normal in Japan, since shitting on your audience will simply cause them to leave en-masse, and you might even get schizo antis.
The reason for bf issues comes from the fact that her fans are no longer her priority, because in Japan a women is always expected to prioritize her husband's needs.

But in EN this is not an assumption you can make. One could even say that you can't "oshi" an EN.
If your "oshi" became a different person, she never had a goal or an aim that she was chasing which her fans were supporting her for.

You were simply watching a streamer, enjoying her content, and one sidedly developing expectations of her, without any of the cultural expectations that a Japanese Idol is expected to follow.

>> No.32828176

Can't she just have dropped her original goals along the way?

>> No.32828302

My journey:
Kizunai Ai (clone saga)
-> Miko (ignored my SC multiple times = made me realize I was behaving like a simp but didn't even get a reaction)
-> Watame (Taiwan + Coco retirement + hid the reason for her sadness for 1 month before the announcement of Coco retiring and stopped Watame no Uta at the same time and my sanity couldn't keep up with her streaming time)
-> Quon Tama (changed with time, became insane with Corona to the point of sleeping with a mask and destroying her health, took a 3rd jab despite getting an extreme reaction already on her first and almost dying on the 2nd which is likely the reason for her permanently damaged health. I couldn't take it and stopped after it impacted my sleep and made me worry about her)

I don't have an oshi at the level of being an obsession anymore, however I started to like Leona more with time.
She has continuously been someone I watched when I felt like it and I considered my second favorite, but with time I liked her more and more as time went on.
I didn't expect this. I wonder if this is how a real relation with a healthy person would be like.
Instead of temporary infatuation for less than a year you like and appreciate them more with time.

I still watch them occasionally and watch their live events, but it's not at the same level as before.

>> No.32829027
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Again, such a thing is a significant decision to make for a JP "idol", and is almost ALWAYS something that is a significant announcement that's usually decided with some amount of audience input. The expectation is that you will lose the part of your audience that oshi'd you for your original goals, which might have been a huge part of your audience or a small part, there's no way to tell until you put it out there.
It's a HUGE risk, and a heavy decision.

EN does that shit like it's Saturday, because there are no fan expectations other than "entertaining content" when it comes to EN chuubas.
And EN audiences will stick around as long as they find the chuuba entertaining.

>> No.32829516

who wants to support the dreams of a shit/whore?

Gura became 3D and danced with subura was her small goal was nice

>> No.32829779

Sometimes I'm surprised by the fact that I haven't dropped my oshi yet since he's always too busy to stream or rarely puts up his own POV during collabs. But I've been watching him since 2019, so that combined with how I'm also a gosling is the reason why I doubt that day will ever come unless he does something illegal or unforgivable.

>> No.32829881

pretty much, which is why I said the original anon wasn't "oshi"ing anyone.

>> No.32829942

As someone who hasn't followed much of HoloEN in over a year, I've checked into Kiara's streams recently and her voice seems way more mellowed out now compared to early 2021.

>> No.32830242
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When she got sick I just dropped everyone else.

>> No.32830362
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>> No.32830767

Yea. Took me a month to completely forget her tho.

>> No.32830806
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If they join or collab with vshojo? Yes.

>> No.32830851

My brother in christ is just moving pngs on a screen it's not that hard to drop just like turn off your monitor lmao

>> No.32830859

Aqua was my oshi but her lack of streams lead to a new girl stealing me away

>> No.32830871
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the only thing i drop is hard shits faggot

>> No.32830922

Please let my oshi lick your butthole.

>> No.32831007

Imagine having an oshi, what the fuck are you, a 12 year old?
This is an 18+ site, kiddo.
I watch whoever makes good engaging content, I don't care who that is.
I'm not their employee, I won't work for free, if they want to grow they can do that themselves.

>> No.32831072

No, they've dropped me though

>> No.32831112

And yet there's still some people still in denial. Saying its just banter. Very one-sided banter.

>> No.32831132

He is literally talking about doing that in the post you quoted you tremendous moron

>> No.32831159

I don’t watch EN.

>> No.32831220

Can relate. Every time my ex oshi appears, I can't help but close the stream.

>> No.32831246

Yes. Three times.
First one because she changed way too much.
Second and third because I was getting parasocial and it wasn't healthy to watch them anymore.

>> No.32831310


>> No.32831329

I do that too, I now find her presence annoying.

>> No.32831339

Haachama because her content became stale and boring and she collabed with Ironmouse.Although I had already given up hope at that point.

>> No.32831361

no. it would indicate that I'm the kind of man who makes bad decisions. I'm not. I'm a go-getter, a trendsetter, a superchatter with a grindset. I gave up my humanity long ago. I sold it to support my oshi.

>> No.32831440

I dropped them all. Having an oshi was a mistake.

>> No.32831461

Not following this whole thread but these posts were really interesting from the perspective of someone who only watches EN I didn't realise the goals that they set at debut are taken quite that seriously on the JP side to the point where they might need to consult their fanbase and expect to lose viewers if one changes.

Kind of funny thinking how many on the EN side had things like "learn japanese" in their initial goals, if they knew how seriously the JP take it or expected the same from EN fans making such a difficult task a goal might not have been so common, but as it is currently it is just something to laugh at on debut rewatches.

>> No.32831479

Huh, i've been starting to watch Sara quit a bit does days, do you have a timestamp or something ? That would be sad to quit now

>> No.32831529

niggas be watching a streamer for like 1 year and a half and acting like it's a big deal

>> No.32831568

I dropped Rushia when I found out she was a lying snake who tried to get a man while telling her viewers how she didn't need anyone but us.
I don't know if it felt that liberating because she was a way kinder person than Watson is, but I can tell you I felt betrayed, and it just reminded me that women cannot be trusted.
Was betrayed once by my actual ex gf, it broke my heart and trust in people, and my dumbass actually thought that maybe it was okay to trust a vtuber like Rushia. I have only myself to blame.

>> No.32831605

a year and a half of someone's time is a big deal, yes. you'll figure that out when you hit your 20s and realize you aren't actually as immortal as you thought you were leaving high school

>> No.32831611

18 months of 2-8 hours of streams per day is a lot of time

>> No.32831624
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I stopped watching Kronii due to just being annoyed at her for barely streaming. I sometimes go into her general wonder if I dodge a bullet by getting out of there before all the drama happened. I tried to become a Irys fan but she just didn't stick with me for some reason. Used to be a big Coco fan as well but she left and I just couldn't care for Kson. I'm feeling comfy with Baelz now though so I'm all good now.

>> No.32831663

Haachama was never my oshi but I dropped the fuck out of her after SotD

>> No.32831704

Mumei dreams are very common among us hoomans. It is indeed a calling.
Try her out, you will probably be comfortable as a former chumbud

>> No.32831729

Rushia did nothing wrong and Mafumafu was never available to her. Cover is the snake here.

>> No.32831767
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No, my love for her is still going strong
I had withdrawal when she was on vacation

>> No.32831936

Yeah, I left Kiara because I got tired of her being a dumbass in games, and refusing to learn.

>> No.32832102

You sad little man.

>> No.32832178

Ask the prism thread i guess, it was months ago now.
It wasn't anything horrible, but its just one of those "woman jokes" they do where they don't realize what ignorant entitled whores they're being.
>haha one time I went on a date with this dude and he expected ME to pay hahaha isn't that so funny dudes?

>> No.32832304

Ru-chan stalked her own viewers and told them she didn't want to see them paying attention to other women, sent private messages to big donors, stuff like that. So she sets up the definitive "girlfriend experience" then she goes around and tries to hook up with some dude she's obsessed with. Doesn't matter if she could do it or not, any self respecting guy would consider the act of seeking out dick cheating.

I still like her because she's funny but face it brother, she's a psycho cheater, and regardless whatever happened with Cover was legal and had nothing to do with her cocklust.

>> No.32832420

>Dropped Selen when she got fat.
she didn't 'get' fat, she always was

>> No.32832540

Do it! I did it too!

>> No.32833165
File: 51 KB, 247x160, Zeraxos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mans
streaming has been around for like 10 years

>> No.32833576

I didn't read this the first time because it's too long and the smug Akutan looks like it's mocking me. But i get this a lot. My oshi often reminds her fans about her goals and that she's doing her best to reach it then asked us to keep supporting her. Her fans obviously trust her, because she shows her efforts and improvement. There are proofs that our supports aren't wasted. It's a promise, a contract which we've agreed upon and without that, there's no bonds or any meaningful relationship such as idols and their fan.

>> No.32833638

as long as the sky is as blue as her hair and as long as my lungs draw breath I will never give up on Suityan

>> No.32834182

Why did that post get deleted?

>> No.32834346
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Well you can just observe any post 2020 JP debut and figure out that their goals are something long term that they set according to their personality and beliefs, and are not things that are prone to change very easily.

Botan goals
> To do "home cultivation" (euphemism for the growing the Holobox) with 5th gen.
> To expand the possibility of VR with 5th gen.
You'll notice how she doesn't have any mention of singing there. She does have Covers and she might take it up as a NEW goal, but new goals will only bring in new fans. As long as she hasn't abandoned her original goals she will retain her fandom.
Most of her 3D events have been about pushing the envelope of the tech as far as she can. More of set pieces and skits, less of singing and dancing (though she's been doing that as well recently).

Koyori goals
> Make orisong
> Appear at a live(s) (with her senpai)
> Collab a lot with her senpai
> To be an "MC"-type person among VTubers, and even beyond that realm
> Appear in a game or anime as a VA
> Make a radio program (Asakoyo)
> To collab with a crane game
> To make a sake (like OG Lamy)
> To get 500k subs by end of 2021, 1M by the end of 2022
> To make a HoloX building (done)
> Wants to be liked by everyone

You'll notice that abandoning any of these goals will be somewhat of a fundamental change to her. Like for example, if she ever got tired of Sake and stopped wanting to make Sake, Japs would call her original inspiration and her fangirling of Lamy's sake as "fake" and that will do HUGE damage to her reputation among fans.

And the other stuff, ANY of those things are dreams that a lot of artiste aspirants have. And if you abandon any of them, it's akin to spitting on the people who actually have these dreams. Some of them might be even among your audience, supporting you so that you can reach the dream for them, so that they can be a part of it indirectly.

And some of them are just plain insane to abandon. Like "wanting to collab with senpai" or "wanting to make an orisong", can you imagine a holo abandoning THOSE goals?

In comparison -
Amelia goals
> 100k subs
> Investigate more holos (I assume this means to interact with them more)
> Improve Japanese [lol]
> Design merch
> 3D Debut
> Make a Hololive Game [lol]

Mumei goals
> Have a song in a rhythm game
> Learn Japanese
> Collab with senpais
> Improve and learn new skills
> Write a song on guitar
> 3D Live

You'll see how one of them (Mumei) is mostly still striving towards her goals. She's taking initiative, talking to JPs (Rust), inviting them to collabs (Towa) and generally chasing her goals. Hence she has a good impression among idolfags.

On the opposite end you have Ame, who's basically abandoned one of her original goals right out the gate (arguably you could say Holocure kinda fills that void, but still). Was she even serious when setting that as a goal? Does she actually have the coding/art skills for it? Has she ever mentioned it on stream since then?
And well... we all know how much she's actually trying to learn JP.

And now she's "investigating" the new Tempus members while having what, 2-3 JP collabs under her belt? And almost all of them were with Roboco as well iirc. Did she ever seriously want to collab with the Holo members? Or was it just something she put there on a whim to fill the page?
She's 2 years into her career and has achieved only 2 of her goals, and has shown no inclination of progress for the rest of it (other than maybe 3D Debut).

Hence the filtering of any idolfags in her fanbase, and only people remaining are the folks that like "kino" (read:entertaining) stuff that she does. And some weird retards who misunderstand how idols work and think they're her boyfriend for some reason.

Lying to your fanbase is a cardinal sin in the industry for a reason.

>> No.32834349

suppression of individual thought

>> No.32834397

I dropped Mori after a year and a half. I got tired of her making the same mistakes over and over again, and once I started watching more streamers, I realized she is not very good at it.

>> No.32834531

im dropping kiara after the cursed uno collab, well actually, no, its at the minecraft stream gura did after the uno collab, remember that scuffed guerilla collab? when gura wanted to build a tnt cannon but is to dumb to do so and invite other member to help? ame come but she didnt even do vc, ina and mori also come but they are low energy as all fuck, all in all its a scuffed stream where the only one remotely attempt to entertain us is gura because she is the one streaming it and even she, is not trying that hard because as i remember it, that timeslot isnt her normal timeslot. its just basically a bunch of friend having fun and just so happen one of them streaming it for us to see. it is dare i say the best stream holoen ever did, i have a blast watching that. this stream made me realize that i, a kfp, didnt really enjoy kiaras content, i just oshiing her because of cost sunk fallacy and hoping she would change to be better, to reach her potential, but sadly after 6 months thing hardly change and even becoming much worse as kiara start to talk with a retarded brittish accent to spice up her chicken voice. i just didnt lika kiaras entertainer mentality, it bring down the whole collab, thats what happen at the uno collab, and thats also why the gura tnt cannon stream is kino af because there is no kiara to whip the girls asses to make them realize that they are entertainer and do their job, the girls just having fun blowing themself and thats ok. most people, a least for me, watch youtube for more down to earth content, a friends doing shit because its fun, not an actor doing shit because they think its fun for me to watch.

tldr:kiara is so fucked in the mind she judge how good a blowjob is with how much she gag. some people might like that but i dont care, i just want to cum.

>> No.32834758
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My criteria is pretty simple and not hard to follow. I'll never understand why these whores always have to ruin such a basic aspect of their characters.

If you
>mention or joke about your sex life
>talk about your boyfriend/husband
>talk about doing drugs to include but not limited to Marijuana (aka pot, weed, md5sum, grass, etc), stimulants, overuse of alcohol (i.e. black out drunk, going to mixers/happy hours, etc), Molly, hard drugs, etc.
>often making low brow jokes (sex and poop humor). (Here I can let it go if it's a few tame jokes here and there, but if it's their personality i.e. nyanners, I'm dropping)
>give up on your dreams
>talk about how you're a normalfag and never play vidya/liked anime
>dont retweeting my fanart (NSFW fanart can get a pass)
>collab with males
>collab more than 33% of the time (this isn't not rounded down)
I WILL drop you without warning and I will bitch about you on 4chan.

These are easy criteria that most sane human beings should be able to follow. And if the girls is of decent moral upbringing this shouldn't take any effort as any girl of value does this by nature.

>> No.32834809

based desu

>> No.32834930

fuck this is my criteria too

>> No.32835001

I agree on everything except drugs. Anybody knows some chuubas with a heavy drug addiction?

>> No.32835076

Druggy girls fuck their dealers and have BPD, they aren’t cool stoner bros like you’re imagining

>> No.32835196
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>2-8 hours of streams per day

>> No.32835213

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>> No.32835222

>Ame banter

>> No.32835402

every time I tune into a stream with ame in it, it just further confuses me as to how she ever got popular in the first place. was confusing back in 2020 and still can't wrap my head around it today

>> No.32835423

To be fair I feel that way of all of HoloEN.

>> No.32835454

I'm a chumbud but that's completely fair

>> No.32835535

They were the 'first' EN corpo gen. That's it, really.

>> No.32835613

I mean vshojo was around before them, and a lot of the smaller corps were as well.

Having the hololive name is really the only reason they were successful. But I mean its weird that nobody even bothered to type vtubers in google and just find other girls considering how boring hololive is.

I guess brand recognition is just that powerful for retards.

>> No.32835956

Another fascinating post, thanks for the effort anon.
Looks like the JP girls definitely think about their goals far more carefully and even omit goals that might be expected of a holo anyway like Botan regarding the singing.
I don't watch Mumei but her goals seem realistic to me apart from that perennial learn japanese that I honestly don't see any of the EN girls that don't already speak it to some degree doing alongside being a full time (kek) streamer. I think she already has the rhythm game one in the bag and improve and learn skills is pretty broad.

In defense of Ame she did sketch some of the ideas that became the avatars for small 3d council iirc after she shipped it out to her team, a stretch I know but I could see kronicopter becoming a merch item somewhere down the line.

I don't know what she was thinking with the game thing, but her initiative in setting up a home 3d studio has been invaluable for myth and the rest of the girls and has facilitated the 3d we have got so far so I guess you could say she has made the 3d debut happen in the way it has for not only her but her colleagues too.

I won't get into the tempus thing as it is being spammed all over the catalog and I am sick of seeing it, sounds like it is not something that bothers you as a traditional idol enjoyer, I am not keen on male collabs and would prefer not to see them and for her to not have chosen to do them but I digress. I think apart from the learn japanese and make a game Ame maybe isn't that far away from some of her other goals and arguably has achieved one of them in a bootleg fashion.

No question make a game and learn japanese are never happening though so if that is enough to earn her some ire amongst idolfags I can understand.

>> No.32836147

Cute girl being salty gamer initially but now it's mostly the latter

>> No.32836523

Basically a mixture of a single female role model with high moral values on top.
Is funny how people brainwash themselves to believe is okay to talk shit during office hours, propagate promiscuity ideas and even rely on tactics that only red district workers do.
The talents themselves don’t see nor think that vtubing can be productive, they just sell their e-bodies and then somehow believe to be the ones with high moral ground. Dramas always make me laugh because both sides are out of touch with reality, it’s mind blowing.

>> No.32836601

honeymoon period, her genmates sucked harder

>> No.32836707

that makes some sense, gura was extremely stiff at that point

>> No.32836878

she bought a what now

>> No.32836890
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I don't see how wanting a strong moral role model is a bad thing.
I don't even expect them to be single, I just don't want it on stream. Nor do I want "GFE" like ASMR or pretending chat is their boyfriend. I just don't want relationships or anything related to it on the streams I watch.

I just want to see a woman with a strong sense of morality who holds herself to higher standards to ease my heart and show me that such things do exist in this world still.

I want role models to show me that the world can be a good place filled with good people. Is it a little silly to go to streaming to see those things? Maybe, but its where we get to see people in as they are unscripted.

>> No.32837318

>I want role models to show me that the world can be a good place filled with good people
Half your requirements have nothing to do with morality; I share most of them, but stop acting pretentious

>> No.32837403

The problem with vtubing will always remain on the GFE demand, a female pet. High moral women will not summit to strangers but their loved ones, this market to them is like oil and water. So all you have left are those whom are either greedy or loose, because you are fixated to keep watching high corpo ones. Small ones may offer something different, but in the end this hobby is short lived to them due to stress.

>> No.32837448

Drugs are bad.

>> No.32837614

I never said they weren't

>> No.32838233
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>> No.32839106

if is towa yeah

>> No.32839886

I took a break from watching vtubers for a while during 2021 ut thats about it
I dropped mumei

>> No.32841135

I know anon. Only time I've got pussy was because of x. It's actually a turn on for me so please feed me some junkie slut chuubas if you know any.

>> No.32841475

Vshojo are a porn company and Nyanners works for them. They could never have been HoloEN. If it was just brand names NijiEN would be competitive, but cute inoffensive girls playing video games without men while speaking English was something you couldn’t get anywhere else. The whole rest of the internet wants to talk about hentai degen weeb coom digits poggers and it is intolerable.

>> No.32841552

>cute inoffensive girls playing video games without men
oh no oh no

>> No.32841835


>> No.32841847

>>dont retweeting my fanart (NSFW fanart can get a pass)
I agree with most of your points except for this, you better be a damn good artist or only follow small chuubas to expect this from anyone and even then that's pretty entitled
I also do art for the girls I enjoy watching and even tho the occasional retweet is nice you gotta learn to do it for yourself because you wanna improve your art and not for their recognition

>> No.32841957

The popular girls don't even handle their twitters, its staff that goes through and autoretweets everything.

Every single girl I've drawn for has retweeted my art except for one. Most of them usually comment too.

>> No.32841982

I'm considering it but not because she did something wrong but because I haven't been excited to watch her for a while now. Feels more like I'm going through the motions joining her streams instead of genuinely having fun.

>> No.32842629

This is an early sign of a burnout, I went through this phase as well. Try taking a break from her for a week or two and see if that changes.
If it's not, then it's time to let go. Don't let sunk cost hold you down.

>> No.32843193

I wish holoEN took their goals & position more seriously like their senpai.
There's still going to be EN3 but I no longer have faith in EN management. My expectations are pretty much set on negative.

>> No.32843378

Suisei when I realized just how much she really doesnt like her chuuba fans

>> No.32843426

Gura is certainly understanding of her audience. But she simply doesn't stream enough to make it worthwhile. I appreciate that she probably has a normie life outside of Hololive. But that's not my concern, I would rather she just stream 5 times a weak like the others. For this reason she can never be my oshi.

>> No.32844141
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I just realized maybe that's why I fucking love Gura that much despite her not streaming a lot. I understand that traditional idols take months to even produce a couple of minutes of content in the form of song and dances and stuff so I'm not that bothered with her streaming frequency. She also surprisingly finished all of her goals in her debut and is adding and even finishing some of her new goals like to be on stage more like miku, interact with her senpais more, and to learn Japanese which, first of all lmao, but secondly she's still giving updates on those as well which is kinda cool. Her commitment to the bit of an idol is very impressive. She stated 7 months ago that she's happy being our happy place and wants to go find happiness together and she's said multiple times in the past 2 or 3 months that "everything I do is for you" which kinda hits the nail on the head in what you said about idols having devotions to their fans. I never realized how close Gura is to being an idol despite being an EN member and I don't know if she's actually doing it intentionally but I find it pretty cool.

>> No.32844562

Dropped Gura when I realized how much better JP was.

>> No.32844582
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Thanks for your perspective, Anon! I used "oshi" with just a simple definition like "I like this streamer." Turns out there are deeper meanings to this. I wish people outside /vt/ (lmao) know about this. Not necessarily have to agree with this, but at least they can understand it.

I think I know some EN VTuber (picrel) that explicitly say that they want to reach their dream. The most noticeable pattern is they live in Japan and have knowledge about Japanese pop culture straight from the source, even though they're not Japanese. No wonder why some people said that Kiara is the most idol-like VTuber in HoloEN.

>> No.32845024

Yes. I had no choice, she essentially dropped her fans for half a year and trust is slowly built and easily lost.

>> No.32845144

>I don't know if she's actually doing it intentionally
She's absolutely doing it intentionally.

>> No.32845418

I was a former teamate, dropped her long before the male collab stuff. Really, really glad I dropped her.

>> No.32849103


>> No.32849476

>I just want to see a woman with a strong sense of morality who holds herself to higher standards to ease my heart and show me that such things do exist in this world still.
You are unironically asking for too much. It is hard to find a man with those qualities, let alone a woman.

>> No.32849666

Pretty much everything that came out since the Discord DM has proven that she was 100% genuine with her fans all along and that she had no intentions of actually cheating on them.
I have no idea how you can follow her over the last few months since the termination and genuinely hold the views that you do.
>private messages to big donors
That was proven false. The original fag who claimed that said that he didn't have the messages anymore because "she deleted them". If you had any brains, you'd realise that even if she "deleted them", a copy of the messages would have been retained on his account because they were already sent. From there, it becomes very obvious that the guy was a fraud.

>> No.32850695


>> No.32850851
File: 638 KB, 3840x2160, 1662772983830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drop CPUs, GPUs, motherboards, and rack mounted fucking fileservers. Yes, I've dropped a png anime girl.

>> No.32851571

not my prime oshi, but Ame is the first that I used to like that I dropped Ame and the guy is right, its liberating.

>> No.32852439

yes, i got close to her and i discovered how much of a piece of a shit person she was

>> No.32855896
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Just oshi the right girl and you'll never have anything to worry about.

>> No.32856197

Yes. Clip watchers probably won't experience this though

>> No.32856400

Her boyfriend literally called her on stream a few months ago lol

>> No.32857293

I just dropped Kronii, but I was almost off her anyway so it barely counts

>> No.32858877

Cool post, gonna unmember from gura.

>> No.32859010

Never had an oshi but I bet your oshi is pretty oishi.

>> No.32859419

>It's just chemicals in your brain, bro

>> No.32859509
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i'm about to drop hololive as a whole if it keeps progressing the way the EN girls want it to.

>> No.32859603

reminds me of that one streamer whos mod posted 2000 messages in a row in her channels twitch chat with all the rest of the chat muted
was either an abusive hidden boyfriend or the most supreme of stalker groomers like just demod him you have the power

>> No.32859685

On the JP side the only girls collabing with Stars are still Fubuki and Matsuri. The other ones don't have any intention of killing their audience so soon.

>> No.32859732

theres "please be patient im female" tier bad a videogames and then theres gura
she legit plays like a mental patient who needs to be handheld just which buttons are move and shoot and she WILL forget even if theyre just left click and wasd. Mumei is cute forgor, gura is genuine concern for her safety take your meds you dumb fucking shark

>> No.32859904

haato and haachama are really like 2 seperate entities, i wont buy any merch cause its all haato merch, i want haachama merch, i understand how you feel haaton forme de original

>> No.32859934

It's honestly hilarious reading the parasocial faggots slitting their wrists over corpo streams doing group projects with coworkers

>> No.32859981
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Kiryu Coco aka Kson aka FUCKING Horus Lupercal

Reason: Betraying the Emperor, betraying the Imperium of Hololive, betraying Kanata Sanguinius, falling to the Ruinous Powers of Vshojo, the very thing threatening to destroy everything Imperial Idol Culture stood for. And to think She was once the Kaichou, the Warmaster, the Legend of Legends, the Rising Star, the mastermind of the HoloEN Crusade, one of Hololive's Greatest Heroes. The Emperor Himself kneeled before Her on Her Graduation and called Her His Successor, and countless Tatsunokos zealously worshipped Her the Messiah, the Jesus of Vtubing, the next YAGOO.

And She Threw it all away for Vshitshow.

>> No.32859997

Not even worthy of a (You).

>> No.32860869

EN girls were always whores. All they needed were English speaking male counterparts to bring it out. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the orgy like the rest of us.

>> No.32861168

yeah.... that are not gonna happen.

>> No.32861952
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My oshi graduated.

>> No.32862102

You should have dropped the monthly 100 gift subs.

>> No.32862460

Link, sounds hilarious.

>> No.32862498

yeah, I dropped Ame shortly before Council debuted. Her bad attitude and Ameway really turned me off from her. Followed Gura instead until Council debut and now Fauna is my oshi. Still watch Gura a lot as well as Vesper

>> No.32862599

Bruh, this was the exact moment that made me lose all respect for her, and I thought I was the only one feeling that way.

>> No.32862812

I dropped my jp oshi. I was becoming obsessed. It wasnt healthy and I had to move on or I would have went crazy.

>> No.32864085
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The Tempus announcement got me to start looking into Indies after only watching hololive. Now I mostly watch Fallenshadow. The only ens I still watch are Gura, Ina, and Fauna

>> No.32864288

>your oshi is not your life partner
if you don't love her there's no point in calling her an oshi
why bother caring enough to call her your oshi if you don't care, makes 0 sense as a concept. Just say you watch her, or hell just say you're a fan

>> No.32864353

>I was becoming obsessed. It wasnt healthy and I had to move on or I would have went crazy.
Fucking weak ass bitch

>> No.32864356

>Tempus makes him leave Hololive
>Ends up watching Shondo of all fucking people
Oh no no no no

>> No.32864460

>hell just say you're a fan
That's literally what oshi means.
>"Oshi" means a person who you support and someone you are a fan of. It literally means “push.” Think of it like you are promoting someone and “pushing” them forward. If you are a big fan of someone, it means that oshi(推し) them.

>> No.32864562

She is currently sucking a male artist's dick live on stream.

>> No.32864746
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>> No.32864882

>hell just say you're a fan
well no fucking shit dumbass

>> No.32865091

The way the word is used in /here/ is a bit stronger than that

>> No.32865303
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I dropped branches and companies.

HololiveEN - whole, them are just boring.
NijisanjiEN - whole, males made females insufferable shit.
Vshojo - all except Zen(she may be cringe, but she is not a hypocrite or menhera like others there)

>> No.32865354
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yes but i would really reconsider it

luna is still cute. i don't hate her...

>> No.32865382

Yeah no, this is not true,
The tulpa you invented chooses you, not the streamer.
You can move on from them.

>> No.32865595
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I stopped watching pikamee when i found out she bought comic LO

>> No.32866200

>Have you ever dropped your oshi?

>> No.32866202

Just unmembered from watson, not sticking around to watch her flirt with tempiss. Already membered to Fauna and Gura but thinking of Kiara to replace watson. Glad ame is collabing with them now before the figures and anniverary merch drops. I cant imagine buying one now after looking forward to their release for so long. Might pick up Guras tho.

>> No.32866231

This is literally a case study of the mentally deranged

>> No.32866379

Many such cases!

>> No.32866489

It’s overwhelming!

>> No.32866856

are you joking thats what makes her fucking based
a more real reason to drop her would be the ambigous nature of gyaritubers after whatever the fuck happened to magnet chan

>> No.32866966

If Gura or Fauna end up collabing with tempus, I'm dropping vtubing altogether.
I was only into it because I liked the CGDCT aspect of Hololive. But after watching long enough I've grown to dislike a lot of them. So, the CGDCT aspect with collabs is already ruined if I don't even like the people they're collabing with.
"HololiveJP is better" you might say.
Yes. I agree. What they have is exactly what I want. But I don't speak Japanese and likely won't ever know it. I can only ever be a clipfag who doesn't know what's going on and can't watch streams.
I'm not interested in watching indies, nijis or vshojo.
I was getting tired of most of HoloEN's behavior, but this tempus situation is the last straw. If it goes the way I think it's going, then I'm going to abandon ship and just watch anime instead.

>> No.32867080

>then I'm going to abandon ship and just watch anime instead
anime is a dead medium

>> No.32867143

>But I don't speak Japanese and likely won't ever know it
Do your japanese reps anon, having more options is a great thing. I started learning one just to read an untranslated VN. It was difficult but it was totally worth it.

>> No.32867182

Look at all those angry tourists that actually got filtered by basic vtuber knowledge 101

>> No.32867235

Ame also unequivocally shits on her audience regularly. When small parts of chat annoy her, she treats chat as a whole and does things to spite them, like fake endings, or changing games in the middle of the stream, or just generalizing chat behavior.
This has the unintended side effect of filtering the more casual audience. You're watching a chuuba to enjoy her stream, not to hear her shitting on you every other stream. Not many people can enjoy that, so that may have also filtered audiences.

>> No.32867256

Zen is menhera, but she just takes a break when she goes crazy. She seems a lot more comfortable with herself these days though, so hopefully we don't see that sort of thing again.

>> No.32867275

Not him, but for me there's just way too many things I'm doing right now.
On top of streaming, drawing, my actual work, and additional studies. I'm already stretched thin.

And between drawing and japanese, I'd rather focus on drawing.

>> No.32867319

I bet you're gonna drop all of those girls like a hot potato the moment they even mention Tempus. Is the pretend gf kayfabe really that strong? Is your immersion ruined? Good lmao

>> No.32867351

understandable, as long as you're happy and unironically improving yourself I'm also happy for you anon

>> No.32867429

I'm glad you're free, anon.

>> No.32867524

I have a feeling that this sort of dedication is a somewhat universal concept rather than a JP exclusive one, since it's easily seen with chumbuds.
But I've never seen it actually put on paper, it's mostly just been a vague "feeling" that something is "right" or "wrong" when HoloEN chuubas do things.

>> No.32867544

Maybe, i don't watch her much, and her biggest 'menhera' episodes i remember is when she got raped by chat in fall guys or APEX.

>> No.32867596

Not really related but
>go to vtuber event at an animecon
>talk to some people about their favorites
>not a single person actually watches streams
I mean I hate the stream format too, but seriously?

>> No.32867752

the kind of people who can drop money for these sorts of events arent the furry cosplayer teenager and more the working class young adult
they dont have the free time to watch live, either clips or vods

>> No.32867761

Imagine having a female oshi. Take the gay pill and come join us in worshipping a mentally stable and kind bro/daddy. They actually care about you and have a soul.

>> No.32867782

I dropped Ayame. I was already into her 6-month membership before she moved house and all that sick issues and took a 2 month break.

Simple, because it turns out that she is not sick and has been playing games. Luckily I'm correct, as it turns out that Ayame is growing more and more distant with her fans. Not to mention, that when holoX debut, she came back a couple days later just to shill her merch and goes invisible again. Similar to this year anniversary, she only pops out to shill her merchandise again. At this point, she is using fans money for her boyfriend condom for her sex.

>> No.32867794

I'm always busy.
I still find time to watch streams because its nice background noise while I draw.

I just watch indies instead of hololive, but if I'm going around talking about how much I love nyanners, I'd damn well better be finding time to watch SOME of her streams.

>> No.32867835

I don't mind if it's dead or dying. There's a lot of great old anime that I still haven't watched.

I've learned some in the past and got far enough to know how difficult it's going to be. I'll probably try again though. I want to at least read the first volume of yotsuba& I bought years ago.

>> No.32868205

Holy shit I kneel anon
Those are good explanations regarding the spirit of idols in HoloJP
It was the dreams and journey of both of my my oshis that appeals to me and made me have a really strong urge to support them
If only the fags that think unicornfags=idolfags and muh toxic idol culture can understand the fundamentals of idol culture

>> No.32868234

JP culture has a heavy focus on "gratitude" for things. Even US used to have that (with Thanksgiving and all) but that concept has eroded in recent years.
In mainstream sites like Reddit or Youtube, I was surprised by how much support there was when anyone was "dunking on her weird fans". As if people with different opinions to them were all "weirdos". And as if the fans - whose support, viewership, and financial contributions are the REASON these chuubas are in the privileged position they are in - were worthless, and could just leave if they didn't like things that they financially supported changing for the worse.

There's also the classic mob mechanic at play. When everything's fine and dandy, everyone's buddy-buddy. But the moment a socially dominant person (the chuuba in this instance) attacks one group, a large part of them automatically just distance themselves and isolate the group as if they were always hated.

During Kronii's yab, the biggest relief to her fanbase during her member stream was that Kronii wasn't shitting on them for having weird opinions. In fact she even told "new people" to stop attacking them. That was a first, coming from an EN chuuba.

>> No.32868285

>That was proven false
There's video + audio evidence in the archives you retard.
Rushia even named the people individually when wishing them.

>> No.32868478

> Miko (ignored my SC multiple times = made me realize I was behaving like a simp but didn't even get a reaction)
Is the point of SCs really to get them to shout your name in streams? I thought it was just to support your oshi I got goosebumps when Botan shouted my name after I SC'd her because she was the first holo to ever do this to me

>> No.32868588

Those "new people" aren't even people anon.
Here's a post explaining why they even do such thing >>32813918
Nobody sane should engage with them, especially the chuuba themselves, and I think kronii learned this the hard way.

>> No.32868784
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>> No.32869255
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it's easier than you think anon
dropped my niji en oshi and it was refreshing

>> No.32869470

>The popular girls don't even handle their twitters, its staff that goes through and autoretweets everything.
Shit like this is why I'm incapable of being happy whenever my oshi likes my tweets, the thought that it was just management trying to appease all of her fans by liking whatever garbage they spout in her tags just disgusts me

>> No.32869644
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Cringest thing I've read all day. A lot of outdated ideals and poorly veiled entitlement issues here. Your "oshi" is your favorite one, simple as, not whatever retarded definition you've conjured up. Unicorns like you really are the cancer killing this hobby.

>> No.32869730

I dropped three

>> No.32870070

I never had an oshi from Myth but have grown to dislike and grow bored of most of them, and the same goes for Council. The only one I'm indifferent to or can say I kinda like is IRyS but she isn't my oshi by any stretch of the imagination. EN makes it very hard to ever actually like them either for who they are or as "entertainers". I dropped from watching Ame very early on when she first took a shit on her audience and ever since then I've seen that she never stopped doing that. Like yeah, shit on the people that let you live a comfy life without having to worry about a 9 to 5 shit job.

Overall hololive EN is extremely overrated and aside from one or two good streams every few months, they're not even good entertainers in general. Indies are usually better or just fucking off to watch normal streamers that at the very least try to show some form of enthusiasm. The thing they got going for them right now is this whole male collab bullshit, which says a lot about how much they have going on otherwise, which is to say: fucking nothing. GFE or giving the illusion of being a single female for your mostly male audience is all they got going. It's certainly not "entertainment", so they better not fancy themselves that because oh boy they ain't it. And the EN men that are causing so much controversy? yeah, they ain't much better at all, you're better off watching guys on twitch. You can HEAR and witness much more enthusiasm and passion from both the JP girls and the JP holostars for both the idol experience or general entertainment.

>> No.32870072


>> No.32870146

Based, I will cross the river some day but i haven't found any bro chuuba to latch onto

>> No.32870435
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Go to your Pippa god and never come back

>> No.32870540

I dropped Aqua after she went from gaming maid to APEX (And occassional fotm/shill stream) cat.
Dropped Shion after she disappeared
Then I moved onto Rushia. I stayed even after the termination because anyone who kept up with her roommate before the yab knew she wasn't dating anyone. However then she pulled the Kirschtorte thing as Nazuna and that was such an egg to my face that I just couldn't endure anymore.

>> No.32870835

Ironic posts.

>> No.32871351

A little over a year since her departure and you fething Tyranids are still out in force.

>> No.32871670

Honestly, yes.
I was a takodachi since day 1, until about a couple months back, when Ina just got lazier with her streams, both in frequency and in game choice. You know she's not exactly willing to go for variety in her games when she's 22 streams into Elden Ring, with Rust now becoming her new obsession until whatever fucking yearly MonHun game Capcom shits out next. Her zatsus were (imho) the best part, I remember them being so comfy, until she just stopped doing them regularly. She's done 3 over the last 3 months.
Right now I'm not really oshi'ing anyone. I want to oshi Polka but my not knowing nip (i'm busy with life shit) filters me and I don't want to become a clipnig.
I'm planning on popping the indie pill, I've relatively given up on corpos as a whole, any corpo chuuba for the most part will become completely fucking soulless in about a year.

>> No.32872606

Dropped Mori during the January Connor cuckpost fiasco and Koopa when she fucked a fan and then sperged out about it in her thread. Just don't discuss males, simple as. Does that make me a unicorn? Don't fucking care. Don't discuss males. Have whatever fun you want, but there better not be a penis attached to any of it. I only want to hear cute girls in my streams.

>> No.32872750

Shut the fuck Faggoo cocksucker. Faggoo betrayed Coco for Chink bux and still lost China

>> No.32872796

does it really look smug? she's just eating melon.
I tend to use this for neutral-ish posts

>> No.32873142
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>> No.32873376

I say dropping oshis is not as bad if you watch EN simply because these hoes ain't loyal. With Hololive you get genuinely good women for the most part since they are Japanese, meaning that dropping her is all on you and thus you cannot be forgiven as easily as dropping an EN oshi.

>> No.32873594

Boy are you in for a rude awakening. Japanese hoes are just as disloyal as western ones. They just hide it behind a veil of 'propriety'.

>> No.32873885

At least they hide it. At least keep the facade up in front of the camera, lady! I just want you to be cute even if it takes you pretending to be retarded and having the mentality of a middle schooler simply because it makes you look cuter in front of the fans

>> No.32873957

I don't care if they ignore a SC now and send them on big events or important moments, but what I couldn't tolerate is that she just skipped my SC and read the others.
I didn't realize at first but then I got curious and checked the list of people who gave a SC to Miko in multiple streams and found out she skipped some.
After checking it out it seems she was skipping SC received from her western fans.
For me this was a sign she cared more about her Japanese audience, and didn't want to put effort for western fans.

There was a time this Japanese audience ignored her and she had more success with the western side, but being bad at English she subconsciously wanted to get a bigger Japanese audience. Despite that she made efforts to used google translation in those times, but that didn't last after she become more popular.
There was also the moment when she subconsciously let out the "doutei" comment in Uncharted which was a projection of how she viewed her viewers.

I don't care if they don't read SCs, but I care about their attitude, didn't want this one sided simp situation and don't tolerate a vtuber looking down on me.
Miko chose to focus on her Japanese audience, which can be understood as it takes less effort and is what she was originally aiming for, but I had no more place in this.

>> No.32874016

That sounds bluepilled as fuck desu.

>> No.32874239

Wait, did this actually happen? I'm curious. Did you send her a red? What currency did you use? My oshi ignored CAD for some reason but read USD, NTD, Euro, and even NOK.

>> No.32874304

I think everyone has the same initial reaction to getting your name called by someone you watch as it gives you the impression of existing in the life of that vtuber and is strengthened when done by one with a lot of viewers, but it's not really healthy and is the result of narcissism.
This is also the reason why some vtubers don't call out the names from SCs, in order to not attract more narcissistic people.

You want to feel important because of the belief that you need to put effort to get love as a reward, resulting from not receiving unconditional love from your parents during your childhood.
Getting your name called from a SC is an easy shortcut to this without solving the underlying issue.
You can get the feeling of being love and existing from giving out a SC.
But this is incorrect and will not solve any issue.

You have to love yourself unconditionally and not need outside acceptation and love, and then you will stop caring and be cured of this narcissistic issue. Then you will be able to give out SC when you feel like it without expecting anything in return.

For those with this issue Toxic parents by Susan Forward can change their life.

>> No.32874550

It was in EUR which was unironically worth more than the $ and JPY equivalent at that time and it happened multiple times although it was not red most times.
I checked out later multiple streams because I wanted to know the truth and found out she excluded most western fans and focused on SCs from Japanese fans.
This means those who get ignored are worth less to her than those she focuses more on.

If you have this issue then she cares about you less than others and you need to understand this is a form of rejection, and should move on.
The currency and the amount of a SC should not have an effect on the attention you get in an optimal situation.
For a vtuber to be successful they should not play favorites or this will cause them to create antis and lose those fans quickly.

>> No.32874725

I'll check her last couple of sc reading.

>> No.32874840

I dropped marine, then peko. I just embraced the DD life. I buy what I want and watch what I want. Yabs don't affect me now.
