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33577935 No.33577935 [Reply] [Original]

>psychiatry stream with Noir
Is this the final yab? Will they call parasocial viewers freaks of nature?

>> No.33578067 [DELETED] 

noir is gay thanks to doxxshit so he's fine, all the shitpost was with the blue man for a reason

>> No.33578108

nah grandpa's ok

>> No.33578133

That's worse if true. It's the gay ones you have to watch out for, women love them.

>> No.33578193

Yeah. But they don't love them back.

>> No.33578204

as long as it's not the blue faggot or mr hands, the two homos who are chasing A-Chan and Nodoka are chill

>> No.33578213

He’s bisexual but he’s a genuine volcel and extremely safe. Blue boy is also more likely to rape him than any of the girls.

>> No.33578247

God I would love for Vesper to go on a long rant about the intricacies of chuubas and fans' relationship, touching upon shit like gachikois, unicorns, GFE and idol culture, management be damned

>> No.33578256

Except they do. Most gays are bi

>> No.33578268

Is he really? That's disappointing. I really liked the guy but I guess I'll have to stop watching him since I cannot condone a sinner.

>> No.33578332

Boo hoo :(

>> No.33578347

Is he a barafag?

>> No.33578362

Yes, the psychiatry stream will be for "fixing" her fanbase

>> No.33578443

No they’re not going to stoke flames

They’re just gonna shoot the shit

>> No.33578474

>Is this the final yab?
For hololive? No.
For holoEN? No.
For Kronii's credibility? Absolutely.

>> No.33578535

Only assholes would do something like that, vesper isnt an asshole

>> No.33578587

Let me know what fire and brimstone feels like :)

>> No.33578653

>Noir is gay
I'm going to have to ask for evidence given him lusting over A-Chan.

>> No.33578671

I suspected as much.
Sorry guys, I'm the perfect twink and no one has managed to resist my charm so far.
I will steal your uncles heart if he ever lays eyes on me.

>> No.33578687

That would be ironic consider Kronii’s a freak who can’t decide if she’s a man or a woman.

>> No.33578708

>not psychology


>> No.33578747

Yeah, we're gay and in-love
Kronii should really stop collabing with my husband lmao

>> No.33578761

Vesper isn't gay he's asexual.

>> No.33578822

This whole thing is a Cuckbeat deflection psyop

>> No.33578838

Her prescribed meds will be an injection directly into her womb on stream

>> No.33578842

It will be a surprise off collab and Vesper will fuck Kronii on a couch for one hour while everyone is forced to listen.

>> No.33578887

Yes, this is her Mori moment to give a middle finger to her toxic fans while signaling to the twitter outrage mob that she is on their side

>> No.33578908

Meds. Not every post is about Mori

>> No.33578970

Vesper is asexual and would stick his cock in between the wheels of his favorite bike than a woman's gash

>> No.33579018

Nothing makes a woman happier than getting bred by a superior male

>> No.33579092

You ARE freaks of nature. Kill yourselves.

>> No.33579285
File: 1.24 MB, 1688x1306, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit my otp came true

>> No.33579362

>that Vesper
put some clothes on, whore

>> No.33579372

doubt it’s gonna be some shitting on chat scenario but psychiatry does involve meds

>> No.33579402

>gay, bisexual, asexual
>married with kids, volcel
>black, white
You faggots need to get your story straight.

>> No.33579449

he's literally me

>> No.33579641

he's a black/white mixed race married father in an open relationship practicing voluntary celibacy and he's a biomantic asexual

>> No.33579698 [DELETED] 

He's gay
>RM pokemon smash or pass he chose every single bara mon and anything that could smash his prostate

>married with kids
impossible. his streaming reps, company work and off-stream apex with the boys almost ensures he has no family.
He drinks whole milk, something non-whites are incapable of

>> No.33579811

Never understood where people got he's married and with kids. This guy left his job, took a bicycle and rode around for months. No married man with kids can do that.

>> No.33579907

Okay Twitter

>> No.33580100

Aww, little bitch needs his hugbox.

>> No.33580170
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Unironically get off this board, you are the cancer that is killing /vt/

>> No.33580340

Do they have a diagnosed mental illness they are taking meds for?

>> No.33580457

This is every single corner of the internet I run off to anon :( I can't even discuss some of my favorite hobbies without twitter weirdos coming in into the most obscure forums to ruin it.

>> No.33580532

Vesper is absolutely not fully gay. He's either straight or bi. Most likely bi pretending to be straight. Either way he's the most professional of the four and the person you should freak over the least.

>> No.33580571

I'm Vesper.

>> No.33580711

>Never understood where people got he's married and with kids.
He said it as a joke and people ran with it as though it was a fact.

>> No.33580727

hello Vesper Noir, resident scholar of the adventures guild Tempus of Holostars english. how does Kronii's tits feel?

>> No.33580870

>parasocial viewers
Streaming is inherently parasocial. Every person who watches streams regularly is parasocial to some degree.

>> No.33580909

Since she's Kronni I totally believe she'll double down on this shit and make the entire stream about parasocial relationships with streamers to dab on her remaining fanbase, alienate them even more and create an even bigger shitstorm on social media. Instead of you know, keep streaming like a normal person.
That's just the way she is.

>> No.33580919

No, see, the hilarious thing is thinking you belonged in the first place. Your oshis look at you with contempt and pity.

>> No.33580995

Damn Mori got her claws in her good huh

>> No.33581035

My oshi is unironically more parasocial than the majority of her fans and more insane than the majority.
She loves me and I love her.

>> No.33581050

I wouldn't know because if I could feel them they would be 3d and 3d is pig disgusting. Next question?

>> No.33581132

they are going to fuck on camera because fuck your immersion incel. Any kronie who stays around will have a chance to win a jizz encrusted dakimakura

>> No.33581222

Kronii has been reading a book about parasocial behavior because she's interested in it.
Parasocialism is not the issue, schizing out and believing yourself to be in a committed two-way relationship wit ha streamer is.

If they do talk about this it will be probably to discuss the extend this is fine and when it becomes very unhealthy.

>> No.33581287

>schizing out and believing yourself to be in a committed two-way relationship wit ha streamer is.
What if the streamer tells you that she are in a committed two-way relationship with you (the chat), and corrects people who only call her a girlfriend by insisting that she's the chat's wife instead?

>> No.33581440

posts written by the utterly delusional

>> No.33581462

I mean either she's lying and you still have a problem or she's serious and you both have a problem.

>> No.33581527

Thats a two way parasocial relationship. She doesn't love you specifically she loves you in abstract.

>> No.33581561

What's Kronii smells like?
I'm trying to make my own Kronii sex doll and I can't decide on how should she smells like

>> No.33581565

He is 100% bi, and most likely a bottom which is the worst part.

>> No.33581612

korean fire noodles

>> No.33581627

That's called manipulation, anon. Most people consider manipulation to be morally reprehensible. And no, it doesn't become okay if the person doing it is mentally ill. Women with BPD are the biggest manipulators on the planet and everyone agrees they're trash even if a mental illness causes it.

>> No.33581635
File: 58 KB, 500x565, Me-Mania (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the schizos. Called out 30 years ago.

>> No.33581662

>Not rotting subways

>> No.33581671

>Your oshis look at you with contempt and pity.
You don't seem to understand this because you're a sociopathic normalfag, but everyone does. It's the default for people like me.

The difference is at least my oshi is willing to humor me.

>> No.33581784

>It's the default for people like me.
People like you are mentally diseased and should be culled for the sake of humanity, along with trannies.

>> No.33581787

My oshi isn't diagnosed with this, so it's love

>> No.33581807

so this is the power of the 'hidden majority' i keep hearing about

>> No.33581840 [DELETED] 

>there is nothing to dox because iron clad OpSec
got 3 different prior dox shit wrong post debut
spread lies elsewhere

>> No.33581891

is there anything worse thatn two mentally ill retards pretending to know about psychiatry because they themselves are menhera and may have read a buzzfeed article about it once.

>> No.33581988

They could've been buzzfeet employees

>> No.33582056 [DELETED] 

He's talking about shit a green office worker vtuber said. We've known about him since before debut.

>> No.33582081

Who does any of that? Because any streamer that does that deserves graduation.

>> No.33582113

But Anon...that stuff isnt real...

>> No.33582115


its gonna be kayfabe where vesper diagnoses kronii as a narcissist

>> No.33582287 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna trust the train autist who blew 1000 bucks riding bullet trains in Japan and also told his employers to fuck themselves and touched grass on his bike cross country for a year and lived life outside of a box than some random schizo or twitter nigger trying to coerce an agenda on a mentally ill autistic chubba to help said chubba.

im not gonna bite your dox bait in an effort to correct you or the other idiot, enjoy your 3 day, retard

>> No.33582377

Why should I give a shit about humanity when it constantly looks down on me and treats me like trash?

>> No.33582553

What does any of that have to do with psychiatry

>> No.33582567

You ARE trash. Society will never accept you. Kill yourself to escape the pain.

>> No.33582713

Someone that has lived life off the internet and done things they love is more qualified to tell clock woman what really matters in life instead of listening to people like us who clearly hate going outside.

>> No.33582733
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This you?

>> No.33582793

he's a control freak (in a surprisingly non-annoying way, usually that bothers me a lot) so I could see him switching

>> No.33582864
File: 62 KB, 500x500, KijKdyeiq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sheer fucking hilarity of this, kudos clock. You've outdone yourself.

>> No.33582867

>Hate going outside
Speak for yourself fag.

>Anon has never had an attentive bottom that needs to see you cum a certain way to be satisfied
Actually the more I typed that the more I realized you might be right

>> No.33582892

Kronii is gonna come out as a trans man, just like her rm.

>> No.33582901
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>> No.33582903

Psychiatry is not some self care thing, it's about getting meds for mental illness. You can travel all over the world and not know anything about prescribing meds.

>> No.33582997

You just made me realize those two dumbasses titled the stream like that, but obviously they meant psychology.

>> No.33583368

He mentioned golfing at Torrey Pines, used to work in IT, biked cross-country, is a prepper and owns multiple firearms, there is 0% chance this man is black in the slightest

>> No.33583398

nice move to filter out all the retard fans

>> No.33583554

Kronii's going to keep digging the hole she's in until she either realizes male collabs are disastrous and fucking stops or she has a severe mental breakdown over the backlash and graduates. Maybe she'll look at how Kiara, Mumei, Fauna, IRyS, Ina, and Gura have zero drama in their communities and a lightbulb will go off in her head that males = trouble.

>> No.33583624

Who knows, maybe they'll talk about the efficacy and side effects of SSRI inhibitors. It'd be nice to have actual intelligence in Hololive for once. Most chubas are clinically retarded and barely able to function in society much less be educated in something not art related.

>> No.33583736

Will they talk about the time in the 2010s when the whole industry tried to pretend anti-depressants were actually anti-psychotics the whole time just to shill Seroquel?

>> No.33583774

Boring, tell me when Vesper and Roberu collab and then I'll be interested.

>> No.33583864

>She'll fuck the viewers again
>Noir will laugh akwardly
I call it now

>> No.33583873

Anything big pharma related would probably be avoided because of potential yabs. It'd be like saying something like "Smoking causes cancer" on stream. Obvious, but Hololive is definitely the type of company to just completely dodge any possibility of controversy no matter how stupid or researched the topic.

>> No.33583924

Roberu doesn't really care too much about Tempus. At least there's Oga and Pizzaman.

>> No.33583953

>Will they call parasocial viewers freaks of nature

Parasocial relationships are in fact not good at all.

>> No.33584026

You just KNOW the males are taking full advantage of how Kronii is currently hating her fanbase.
They are getting in there, as the zoomers say.

>> No.33584110

She will be fine and nothing big will come of this.

>> No.33584257

Absolute queen shit. Gachis deserve this.

>> No.33584379

Her popularity will slowly diminish over time and this entire saga will be one of the reasons, albeit not the only one or even the biggest one (maybe not even one most will remember). Truth is almost nobody in HoloEn has what it takes to endure long term I believe.

>> No.33584473

I love you anon. you bring so much good into this bleak world

>> No.33584485

Aren't psychiatrists the ones who diagnose illnesses and prescribe drugs? Does she mean psychology?

>> No.33584490

Depends on who his oshi is anon, there are genuinely some chuubas who are more mentally ill than their fans, barely 1 percent of them but they do exist.

>> No.33584593 [DELETED] 

>Menheras act like they are less insane than (You) because literal mentally ill troon support their self destructive antics
Can't wait for this trash fire to happen

>> No.33584639

>causes people like this to exist in the first place by treating them like shit
>complains about their existence
Do societyfags really?

>> No.33584685

>namedrops most HoloENs
>zero drama
Tourist trannies will really spout all kinds of nonsense to slander the clock lady on this board, huh.

>> No.33584743

If anything that makes "she loves me" even falser, though. Crazy bitches don't love, or at least they don't love people.

>> No.33584840
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t tourist

>> No.33584847

Gura says otherwise,
her 3D was amazing
and the songs were great
she tried to save kronii
but sadly kronii chose to not save herself.
a mediocre talent that only got her sexy voice going for her, some ppl just want to rot

>> No.33584869

Nah, they're just gonna take a bunch of drugs on stream.

>> No.33584944

i don't get how dark mode people do it, everything is window blinds now after reading that

>> No.33585091

It's not the dark mode, it's a full bright white text moron.

>> No.33585162

I'm telling you, your life won't get better. Society will not magically start accepting you. Your way of thinking is wrong, period. It is a kindness to be blunt with you and tell you this. Kill yourself now and save yourself from a lifetime of pain and rejection. It's not going to get better. Why subject yourself to that?

>> No.33585464

>Kronii out to torture her fans even more
Is she really this bad? I remember when she was barely streaming and people would still donate red supas to her. Yet here she is, mistreating them any chance she gets.
I truly pity you Kroniifags. Even Ayame who barely streams at least never collabs with males.

>> No.33585502 [DELETED] 

>Fight for society to change and accept people who weren't accepted
Killing yourself double standard nigger btw YWNBAW

>> No.33585775

I would love to know what exactly is so risky and bad about getting close to your fans. Or you know, the people who literally pay your bills and you should be grateful to.
Just don't give your home address or similar personal information, then nothing else would be a problem.

>> No.33585917

He wouldn't do that, he is humble and he will stay so.

>> No.33585929

Ever heard of Mikeneko?

>> No.33585985 [DELETED] 
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>> No.33586540 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 530x530, 1660924824692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did my post get deleted?
kys Troonii

>> No.33586602

Female vtubers shouldn't be talking to any man except their husband

>> No.33587095

Her problem is obsessive antis

>> No.33587418

There's nothing wrong about that per se as long as everyone stays grounded in reality. I'd argue you're only doing something "bad" if you're outright lying to them or manipulating them. You have to be aware that if you do try to act close to your fans, you will inevitably have schizos around you that may flip out very easily.

>> No.33587492

what nature do you speak of? surely you dont mean the animal kingdoms nature? nonono this is the nature that humans made for themselves, no turning back now.

>> No.33587795 [DELETED] 

First time around 4chan cuz just heard about kronni "drama" and god this place is full of weird and entitled people who think a vtuber life and happiness is their saying... they dont even care about the person behind the model they just want to posses her.. this just tell how insecure a lot of these are.. men and women can be ONLY friends as much shook is for some. I get from these worrisome responses thet they belive if a girl and boy talk cassualy means they MUST be having hardcore sex and not that they can just like each other as a person. These people are the type that if by some biblical miracle get a GF they get dumped inmediately because they act like control freaks trying to tell the girl everything from who shes allow to talk to how shes allowed to dress because they have 0 selfesteem and cant trust anyones good will...

>> No.33587921

Not reading that novel, but never come back. Thanks.

>> No.33588011


>> No.33588027

Because you can pass the pain on to others instead. They will never understand the pain they cause you, but you can make some small part of them feel their own pain instead.

>> No.33588069

Go back

>> No.33588124

Created through her extreme level GFE stuff and white-knight mating calls.

>> No.33588278

Those people are the ones still supporting her, the antis are the ones who hated her GFE.

>> No.33588507

You will never generate more pain than you will endure. It will not bring you peace or solace. It will never make you feel better. Better to kill yourself than suffer.

>> No.33588550

nah, I used to like kronii when she did cool stuff like gfe and only collabing with girls, now she’s doing stupid shit like collabing with men so I’m an anti now

>> No.33588985

I hope so. The quicker it all comes burning down the quicker we can rebuild.

>> No.33589059

>Judge not, that ye be not judged.
>For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
>And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
>Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
>Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Anon you're attempting to take god's prerogative for your own; moreover you're taking pleasure in to downfall of one of his creations. It's very probable that you'll be allowed to satisfy your curiosity about hellfire for yourself. As the Proverbs say:

>Whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker: and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished.

>> No.33589108

The faggot trying build his own hugbox thinks he belongs here? Fuck off fag.

>> No.33589247

Give it up, anon. It's not working and it's pathetic to see.

>> No.33589320

Kon was truly ahead of his time.

>> No.33589426

Holy shit

>> No.33589447

nah it will be a nothing burger like the worms collab and dbd collab. Kronii will probably laugh too hard and trigger middle school memories of their crush laughing at another dude's joke to some retards and that will cause another yab

>> No.33589500

yeah, me

>> No.33589501

i still need to watch this

>> No.33589721

Are you suggesting the anons who are in a parasocial relationship with their oshis aren't basically in a giant hugbox?

>> No.33589780

To retards like you around here, a 4chan post would read like a long novel yeah

>> No.33589856

It's not a hugbox if they're jumping ship.

>> No.33589974

That's retarded anon. You're retarded.

>> No.33589980

>>Anon has never had an attentive bottom that needs to see you cum a certain way to be satisfied
I have no idea why we're like this.
Like, being a bottom is 99% psychological pleasure and 1% actual physical pleasure.
I used to tell my last BF he had to squeeze my butt as hard as he could when he was cumming, if he didn't do it I couldn't reach orgasm myself.

>> No.33591291

Do women not have physical orgasms? It's all psychological like this? I mean I understand the psychological satisfaction of certain actions, but physical orgasm is still another separate thing.

>> No.33591491

If you put it that way those le alpha male guides might have some truth to them if they're attracted to the psychology of it, but on my part, the 1% physical pleasure was an exaggeration, of course I want to feel good and cum as well, it's just that a lot of that comes primarily from psychology.

>> No.33591663

You know how when you develop a fetish, if you delve deeper and deeper into it you start to get super picky about what makes you hard?

>> No.33600737

based and christpilled seminary school graduate?

>> No.33600966

this guy was based though

>> No.33601755

It's crazy how much women fantasize about being raped.

>> No.33601939
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>psychiatry stream with Noir
Ah sweet. It's been a while since i've seen a psychiatrist. Bring out the ink blots.

>> No.33602089

You just witnessed a lot of people all over the world grieving over an old white bitch who happened to be the queen die They never knew her personally and she never knew any of them existed. That's also a form of parasocial interaction but don't let the normalfags know that.

>> No.33602242

>You just witnessed a lot of people all over the world grieving over an old white bitch who happened to be the queen die.
All I see are British people doing this out of obligation.
What was trending on Twitter when she died was the actual reaction.

>> No.33602845

>real life reaction is fake it's twitter that's real durrr
genuine literal actual twitter brainrot.

>> No.33603366

do you honestly believe anyone outside of Britain gives a shit about the Queen?

>> No.33603566
File: 141 KB, 720x935, spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychiatrists don't really use the Rorschach anymore. It can help with identifying possible problems but it's way too old and dated to be accurate with what we know now.
There are extremely thorough written tests (50-100+ multiple choice questions) nowadays that most board-certified psychiatrists will have you take that do a really good job of highlighting psychological irregularities prior to starting treatment.

>> No.33603779

You can quote scripture all day but that won't save you from Hell, you filthy fag reprobate

>> No.33603866

>It can help with identifying possible problems but it's way too old and dated to be accurate with what we know now.
Well that's the thing anon, they're not actually psychiatrists.

I'd be surprised if Vesper had a degree in one though.

>> No.33604188

>don't judge someone for being a faggot because you will be judged on your own faggotry, hypocrite.
Oh no!

>> No.33604936

This nigger is a pr*testant

>> No.33605548 [DELETED] 

>Yugo got so tilted from playing JP servers he's hopping to EN ones

>> No.33606751

Kronii doesn't deserve it.
Nowa musn't be shaken from his wizard path.

>> No.33607755

Yeah, true. I guess I just don't want people thinking that the Rorschach test is anything other than a barebones template for assessment (and an old & outclassed one at that; see the MMPI, WAIS, any DSM test).
Modern inkblot results are still admissible in U.S. courts of law, but only if the test was done by a highly experienced psychometrist who laid out a framework for what was being tested. I think the topic is cool as a collab idea though.

>> No.33607945
File: 64 KB, 706x569, Untitled(4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the audience shes pandering to?

>> No.33608133

>Will they call parasocial viewers freaks of nature?
It would be nice to hear them state this truth.

>> No.33608247

Is this supposed to be more pathetic than the schizo posting here in your mind or something?

>> No.33608336

>your story straight.
so does noir lemao

>> No.33608603

Unironically, what the fuck is this stream going to be? What the fuck is a "psychiatry stream" ? Are they literally going to be answering psychiatry questions from chat or what? Do either of them purportedly have expertise in this field?

>> No.33608748 [DELETED] 

Go back, Twitter tranny.

>> No.33608869

how the hell should I know? I was shitposting Doc Mitchell.

>> No.33610010

yes inshallah


>> No.33610308
File: 224 KB, 449x442, 1660893321007559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorns cry while I see nothing but two of my favorite vtubers in the same stream.

>> No.33610374

And her moderator boyfriend smiling at you.

>> No.33610460

Yeah, me.

>> No.33610547

Yeah so? Did you actually give a woman your money or something? Is that why you're mad?

>> No.33610566
File: 77 KB, 171x312, ClockKun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. 50/50. He knows us too well, and it'll be up to him how the collab goes, because Kronii, at the end of the day, is a pushover.....despite all the posturing. Ultimately, unless he serves us a master-class in no-selling....It's gonna be a definitive stream for both him and the direction of HolostarsEN.
Or maybe it's just a cheeky reference to some dumb simulator game and we're all reading too much into it all.

>> No.33610606


its gonna be a bit where vesper gets to the bottom of kronii narcissism

kayfabe shit

>> No.33610673 [DELETED] 

What a proud cuck you are

>> No.33610750 [DELETED] 

>gives money to woman
>calls others cucks in desperate attempt to regain severed balls

>> No.33610804

On Vesper's schedule it says "Psychiatry side hustle." I think it might be a simulation game or something

>> No.33611264

I think merch probably does do more. There's a reason chanels like linus tech tips hawk the shit out of there water bottles or whatever.
But membership's a pretty low bar. it's 5$ and you get additional content for it, functioning adults with jobs run around spending 3 times that to rent a single movie on netflix. Regular income's generally financially better than sporadic income like you'd get from merch too.

>> No.33611550 [DELETED] 

Gotta say, there's a lot less coping, doomer and schizo-posting in this thread than I expected. I'm not complaining at all, seems a step in the right direction to me, just wondering if the unicorns just decided to fuck off about it already or are they just not threatened by Vesper? If so, who would they be threatened by? Altaire?

>> No.33611780

truth hurts, faggot?

>> No.33612039

They're demotivated because literally no one gives a shit besides them, and some are getting banned. Just have to do your part. Simple as.

>> No.33612433

I don't give a shit if Kronii collabs with males, but I won't forgive her for inviting a plague of normalfag tourists to this board.

>> No.33613430

I doubt they'll be open about it, but Kronii will definitely make some poorly considered, passive aggressive remarks that Vesper will awkwardly try to laugh off.

>> No.33613612

those questionaires are trash. bureaucratization or even walmartification of all the psychiatric profession.

>> No.33614011
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>> No.33614198

>there's people who watch and are okay with this horseshit.

>> No.33614256

what if this whole thing is a work? i mean i know it isnt, nobody in hololive en is good enough to come up with this but just imagine

>> No.33614619

Kronii is retarded. And only the absolute retards are still seething about her. Drop her and move on. Her wanting to be a cocksleeve is not a final yab.
If anything, a Final Yab isn't one occurence, it's a long process

>> No.33616219

>Will they call parasocial viewers freaks of nature?

>> No.33616749

>Will they call parasocial viewers freaks of nature?
God I hope so.

>> No.33617331

but the thing is that everyone will be judged
there is nothing wrong with letting someone know if they are sinning, you're giving them a chance to self reflect on their actions by bringing it to attention
trying to advocate for the opposite of self reflection would make you giant asshole in comparison, especially if you twist the meaning of scripture to do so

>> No.33617510

He's 100% not a bottom. . .

>> No.33618213

I hope so. The screeching and cope would be epic. It's time to burn this board to the ground.

>> No.33618408

I was going to write a long-ass reply to that anon but you said it in a much more eloquent way than I could have put it.

There is a very clever scheme used by degenerates to change the meaning of scripture, for all religions. I have heard some liberal muslims for example claim that the story of Lot had to do with rapists and not homosexuals.

>> No.33618550

You fuckers have been saying final yab this final yab that for weeks now.
I've learned that it's never final with none of you fuckers.

>> No.33618552

I never understood the deal with the parasocial meme
Its just attachment, its human nature to get attached to anything they spend enough time with
Its no different that getting attached to a music band, a sports team or a show on TV
Its onesided, sure, but that is not inherently bad

>> No.33618603

Final is offcollab with Gura.

>> No.33618636

They arnt talking about that part of parasocial. They are talking about creating a relationship with another person where there is no real relationship. The problem is that it's a person on the other end.

>> No.33618729

You can ask him in the psychiatry stream

>> No.33618746

Watch as grandpa lectures kroni how to communicate and appreciate her fans better.

>> No.33618801

Person doing a job yes. It's like signing up for a job as a janitor and saying "Hey I'm a person I don't wanna clean out the bowls this ain't fun."

>> No.33619016

I still dont see it, its socially accepted to get angry about your sports team, and the idea that your preshow ritual will affect the real match somehow, yet the sports team are, people
Its socialy accepted to build your entire personality around a artist, group or music genre, they are very much real people, yet socially accepted
Or the folk who get so attached to reality television its all they watch and spend time on
You might argue that they dont call their favorite football star their wife, but in the end its the same attachment, just with a different coat of paint

>> No.33619063

loving a mental construct built of your fanbase is definately not the same thing as loving a person no, but perfectly in line with what that anon is describing as his relationship. I want to know who his oshi is.

>> No.33619447

>If anything, a Final Yab isn't one occurence, it's a long process
Yes, and it has started. This entire ongoing drama is a side effect of the Final Yab currently manifesting itself. Kronii is just the first victim of the ongoing internal war at hololive en aka the Final Yab.

>> No.33620248

You aren't giving anyone a chance to self reflect, you're actively taking joy in the potential destruction of one of your brethren. And now you're trying to justify your failure with lies. Do you think that god doesn't know your heart? Do you think that he'll believe your prevarications over your soul's intent? You can try to wiggle your way out of it all you want but in the end you'll have to be judged for your sins the same as the rest of us. I sincerely hope you can repent of them before that happens because personally I'd rather not see anyone damned for such a stupid reason as pride. Don't forget that none of us are worthy of god's love and in his eyes there is exactly zero difference between you and the so called tranny you were gloating at. Don't pretend to be better than you are, anon.

>> No.33620370

Okay, what part of the scripture I posted is misconstrued? It seems pretty straightforward to me: judgement belongs to god and mocking his work is mocking its creator.

>> No.33620965

Is not the ones saying that they have a personal relationship to god the OG parasocials?

>> No.33621110

You're missing the mark again anon, guy is practically harmless
>b-but he's.. he's...
He's what? A man? gay? black? white? An asshole? You're not gonna get what you might actually think about this collab

>> No.33622284

>Kronii flocks to him despite the unicorns' outrage
It's the unlikely ones who are the most dangerous.

>> No.33622287

>Will they call parasocial viewers freaks of nature?

>> No.33623783
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>> No.33623825

How about stop making threads about it for the next 30 days

>> No.33623841

>nijisanji reject?
nijisanji reject!

>> No.33623850
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>> No.33624260


>> No.33626219

I hope you like getting insulted

>> No.33626482

the point is retard, they're two sides of the same yen

>> No.33627047
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so what do you think kronii will do when she finds out that vesper has $100 tier memberships for his parasocial whales?

>> No.33627517

Join them and suck out his gender fluid.

>> No.33630121

Vesper is an opsec god even when he was a 2view so there's no way to tell his sexuality since he's always kinda joking when talking about thing he find attractive. He has shown interest in both women and men but it's hard to tell how much he was pandering to his PL audience since most of them were barafags. I also wouldn't be surprised if he's asexual with how uncomfortable he mentionned being with physical intimacy.

>> No.33630160

>Will they call parasocial viewers freaks of nature?
It's going to get clipped and meme'd to hell and back if they do

>> No.33630216

in what context? we already are aware she hates her fans

>> No.33630242

>Attracted to A-chans flat boyish chest instead of Nodokas chest.
Yeah it checks out, he is gay.

>> No.33631805
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He can't save her.

>> No.33632180

I will subscribe to her mem if she does that. Itll be based af

>> No.33632455

I sure hope so. The slaughter must continue.

>> No.33633029

How are they not?

>> No.33634312

No just the gachis, which is fair dinkum.

>> No.33635665

The final yab is a Jew and a Palestinian will join hololive and become friends with each other

>> No.33635855

by that logic, all the takodachis and chumbuds are gay

>> No.33636329

He straight up admitted that he can't sleep if other people are in the room with him and is always joking about building his volcel cave in Minecraft so yeah, he's definitely got some problems with intimacy

>> No.33636455

cumbuds are just pedophiles, and takodachis are definitely the gayest myth fanbase since they would all let Ina peg them with her tentacles

>> No.33636474

Not that anon but
>blah blah blah blah blah I'm a faggy homoman and probably fuck kids
is all I heard from this tirade

>> No.33636738
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Bro, he just like me

>> No.33641244

