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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3387721 No.3387721 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>dislike Marine
>realize one day that I don't really know enough about her to form such an opinion
>decide to watch a Marine stream
>six seconds in "I'M HORNY!"
>click off

>> No.3387747
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>> No.3387764


>> No.3387770

Why is she such a whore?

>> No.3387791

You made this thread a couple days ago

>> No.3387811

You could have just said that you were a clip watcher instead of typing all of that out

>> No.3387821

She takes after Choco and Mel.

>> No.3387881

You were a nigger earlier today.

>> No.3388033

Oh hey the schizo from /jp/ is back. If you’re going to make a new hate thread at least think of something different to say. This is exactly what you said last time

>> No.3388112
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op is a fag

>> No.3388120

She craves cock as any woman should.

>> No.3388230

You never heard her say "sexy foreign guys"?

>> No.3388277

Honestly I'd rather her just be straight up with her pandering vs Korone or others who """accidentally""" make sexual moaning sounds for half of their gaming streams.

>> No.3388280

Learn your own chuuba. She says "overseas sexy guys".

>> No.3388504

Remind me to make this thread tomorrow. And please don't steal turns.

>> No.3388537
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>bunch of Marine simps angry at this thread
>never disprove OPs assertions

>> No.3389088
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Ayo yo yo
Who the fuck is mahreen senpai?
Buy my EP

>> No.3389123

What were the assertions? That Marine says "I am horny"?
Why would anyone try to disprove that? Why would anyone have a problem with that?
OP is a retarded faggot who makes the same thread again and again. There is nothing more to discuss.

>> No.3389143

You're a faggot everday.

>> No.3390016

What assertions lil schizo? Are you seeing things since you forget to take your meds?

>> No.3390094

Assertation being Marine's little bit one trick pony. Everything revolves around her to be sex-related joke. Are you blind?

>> No.3390145

>don't know japanese
>only know that she says im horny from clips
its very easy to distil talents into memes if you can't understand them

>> No.3390201

I miss the old hag giving life advice Marine

>> No.3390270

I don't even watch Marine clips, though. Also other than Monster hunter and Ring Fit Stream, she doesn't seem to play much games any more. And the last collab with FBK, Coco and Kanata, Marine was almost always the first one to bring up sex-related topic, so spare me an accusation that I have no understanding of Japanese.

>> No.3390366

I dont get whats wrong with having a theme, She doesn't always talk about sex and shes been proven to be a supportive person to her genmates and other hololive talents, she has a niche and she fills it well. If you don't like what she has to offer you don't have to watch her

>> No.3390422

Her niche is bad and you shouldn't watch her either.

>> No.3390470

>Her niche is bad
that's literally just your opinion

>> No.3390542

>I dont get whats wrong with having a theme,
Overplaying it?
> shes been proven to be a supportive person to her genmates and other hololive talents, she has a niche and she fills it well.
You can say that to just about any other holos.
>If you don't like what she has to offer you don't have to watch her
I don't. I'm here to say marinefags are obnoxious like how many times I see a thread with her and how sexy is, maybe suggest them to simmer down a bit, hmmm?

>> No.3390649

In fact just ban all Marine threads.

>> No.3390707

Let's go!
On top of her libido marine is also
>A talented artist
>A great VA
>Is actually self-aware about what she is
>She's a great friend behind the scenes (allegedly)
>Her singing is nice

She's anything but a one trick pony

>> No.3390728

Are you okay?
It's not healthy to let Marine and some random anons live in your head like this
I'm sure there are better things in your life to do right?

>> No.3390798

Is this supposed to be a thinly veiled kiara hate thread?

>> No.3390917

>I'm sure there are better things in your life to do right?
If you can't refute the fact, please don't respond with non-sequitur.

>> No.3390948
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>you you you don't understand Marine you just have to watch fifteen hundreds hours of vods and then you'll get her!

>> No.3390971

Dude it took me like 5 minutes to figure out she's more than horny

>> No.3390978

But those are all opinions?
Am I supposed to refute your opinion or something

>> No.3390984

No one watches her for any of those things and they are basically never relevant on streams

>> No.3390989
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I'm not saying anything about her talents but jokes and meme revolving around her is tiresome and her fans exacerbate those tiring meme in not just 4chan board but everywhere in the internet, it becomes annoying.

>> No.3391020

this is the most clipfaggot shit ever

>> No.3391031


Literally her most recent vid has her in bed, screeching channel memes, and flirting with her viewers. Are we talking about the same Marine?

>> No.3391035

>Are basically never relevant to streams
I don't know about you bro but knowing Marine is a healthy presence behind the scenes increased my enjoymemt

>> No.3391060

>No one watches her for any of those things and they are basically never relevant on streams
This dude summed up the problem with Marine and her simps. Marine could kinda be like FBK and diversify herself but instead gets lazy and caters to lowest common denominator.

>> No.3391063

I'm gonna ask: Do self aware horny women scare you?

>> No.3391081

we have confirmed that she is horny, nobody is denying that. We have also proved that she can be not horny but somehow you keep on posting "proof" as if its gonna negate all the previous points stated

>> No.3391091

No one in EN side clips these things for her because they are all trying to get views with clickbait. If you look at any of her JP clips it's not all sex bait

>> No.3391093

>t. clipperfags

>> No.3391127

You know you can just say "I'm a clip fag" and it less words than what you just typed out

>> No.3391130

Marine's only apprsl is being horny and you need to admit that

>> No.3391134

Implying you watch every single chuuba's stream from start to finish. Clippers make these long-winded cunts bearable.

>> No.3391164

go back to watching markiplier videos if you don't have the attention span to watch a livestream

>> No.3391178

Please stop responding to and bumping this idiots bait threads. At least sage if you really have to respond.

>> No.3391198

Clippers also clickbait and monetize everything. They are literally doing the least amount of work and are the reason why people think some of these Holos have just 1 personality because they clip that 2 minute out of the 3 hour stream where it fits their narrative. I can't believe there are actual faggots here that defend clippers on this board these days

>> No.3391212

Just admit it instead of pretending you know Japanese

>> No.3391220

Best post in this bait thread

>> No.3391238

>Implying you watch every single chuuba's stream from start to finish
i can watch the holo i select for the day their whole stream, one of the perks of working from home

sorry mate if you can't understand japanese, so sad for you

>> No.3391257

your inferiority complex is leaking

>> No.3391277
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Thanks for sharing your opinion OP, but have you considered that even now, Senchou's aging womb is aching for our cum. Even as we speak, her baby room is empty and the milk man won't come unless we make an appointment. Every second we waste here is a second wasted not putting a bun in her big, fat oven. The egg carton has an expiration date and if we don't hurry all man milk in the world won't be enough to satisfy her maternal hunger. So we could waste time arguing here, or we could do the only thing that needs to be done, the thing that justice and glory demands: gentlemen, we must impregnate our captain. We must flood her ballast tanks with our baby batter. We must spear the sperm whale. We must splatter her bulkheads with whitewash until her fertilized eggs can see their reflection. We must fill every port with a storm. Gentlemen, it's time to COOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM

>> No.3391284
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>> No.3391310

If Marine is this hot and desperate for sex, she can get it. There's no goddamn way an attractive woman with a fun personality can't find someone to be with. More than likely Marine is a 40-something butterface with agoraphobia and fifteen cats.

>> No.3391339

She's not a whore, but her clips in EN and JP shows her horny so people come to see that. And she always obliges

>> No.3391379

Japanese are a work based culture. Their priority is school and work. Sex is literally the last thing on their mind. Imagine looking to get laid in a place that had to offer fuck visas at one point, imagine that and being a bi woman with preference for women in that place.

>> No.3391445

Its honestly kinda surprising considering how much historical prostitution happened. Geishas shrine maidens those naked women you put sushi on

>> No.3391456

Your roommate reps. She is younger than half of the cast, and 1 year younger than Rushia.

>> No.3391461

That's really the problem with Marine. Her living up to being a meme when she could instead use her talent to be entertaining like FBK or Rushia do.

>> No.3391475


>> No.3391499

Take your meds anon

>> No.3391513

lol imagine caring enough to actually delve into the real lives behind these fake characters

>> No.3391538

>bi woman with preference for women
She's lesbian

>> No.3391550
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>> No.3391579

She is in relationships behind the scenes but obviously has to lie and cover that fact up.

>> No.3392464

The fuck are you smoking, she is entertaining af. Just makes it obvious that you don't actually watch her or her saint clipper Shabby.

>> No.3392695

>she is entertaining af.
If you are coomer/lowest common denominator audience she caters to.

>> No.3392786

Thank you anon, focusing on what matters now

>> No.3392820

>be me
who the fuck else would you be you dumb retard?

>> No.3392973
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Thanks for your exceptional insight, /v/tard.

>> No.3393126

Weak bait because they drew each other.

>> No.3393701


>> No.3393984

Is this eop autismo still sperging out?

>> No.3395277

Well, that was easy.

>> No.3395915

>If you don't like Marine you're a clipfag
If that's the excuse everyone is going to use, then you you all have to watch western vtubers like vshoujo instead of being clipfags

>> No.3396128

Alright, I read through this thread and the consensus seems to be
>yes, we agree that most of Marine’s content revolves around her being horny and talking about sex and no, we don’t care

>> No.3396130

Why? I have never watched a western vtuber clip and never will.

>> No.3396178

No that's not the consensus. It's a recurring joke and not the center of the content.

>> No.3396227

You make the exact same thread every fucking day. How am I supposed to believe it?

>> No.3396470

There’s a fine line between a running joke and flanderization, and Marine is tightroping it.

>> No.3396557

your average "sexy overseas guy" is a 5'4" flip or indog and for americans a 5'6" spic when she's probably picturing a 6'2" blond white european

>> No.3397381

Not all of Marine's humour is about sex but her humour is still very dumb and not in the cute way. Marine is a high school drop out, I don't why Marinefags here like to pretend that she is some kind of genius making revolutionary content.

>> No.3397444

If you hate any of the VShojo girls, you should hate Marine. They're cut from the same cloth.

>> No.3397560

Most hololive fans hate marine

>> No.3397625

I love marine
I want to huff her farts

>> No.3397704
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Marine is a virgin so it's very different

>> No.3398394

Except Marine is talented

>> No.3398494
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>> No.3398698

Same retard posting the same fucking thread for the fuck if I care time.

>> No.3398745

>the reason why people think some of these Holos have just 1 personality because they clip that 2 minute out of the 3 hour stream where it fits their narrative.

it's a giant conspiracy right, it can't possibly be that the content is trash because you like it and you have the best taste in content

>> No.3399318

That means anyone that has been clipped saying hi honey with no other clips from that stream is doing trash content.

>> No.3401551
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This put a smile on my face

>> No.3404225

Pretty much this, but I figure she appeals the most to horny teenagers which seem to be her targeted demographic. Nothing wrong with that, I guess.
If you'd want a more mature approach to sexuality, there are other vtubers. (Yuugiri Oiran, Gundou, Tomoe, etc.)

>> No.3404657

Marine has some of the lowest earnings because her fanbase is like 70% underage

>> No.3404894


>> No.3404910

Gura is black?

>> No.3405268

t. EOP

>> No.3405977

rrats have gone to deep they came out from the other side of the space-timeline

>> No.3406566

Why 90% of Marine threads are bait threads ? It's the same retard ?

>> No.3406614

Me neither because she doesn't say that

>> No.3406817

Because people keep giving them (you)s and don't do what >>3391178 says

>> No.3408047

I like Marine because it's cute and funny the way she panics while playing scary games

>> No.3408151

Yeah, she's always struck me as the kind of person that wants to be liked, so she just plays into the horny stuff for western fans.
She's one of the holo's I want to learn Japanese for, she has a lot of interesting seeming zatsudans.
