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34013939 No.34013939 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.34013977

>I trust my wife.

>> No.34014138
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When is Kiara flying to Indonesia?

>> No.34014215

what the fuck do you think they were doing while it rained all week in the Maldives?

>> No.34014327

Their bed sheets must've looked rained on by the end of that

>> No.34014348

she talked about how little she saw her mom this year so i'm not sure she will travel anywhere for the remainder of the year.

>> No.34014448

They already did once.
Or maybe not, maybe Kiara was too dense to notice Reine’s advances.

>> No.34014550

Kiara literally called Reine her "baby" multiple times during the amongus stream. And not in the age sense.

>> No.34014616

Both are super duper straight

>> No.34015255

Yeah, and don't forget to make a video of it.

>> No.34015362
File: 178 KB, 508x355, Put your tongue in my peafowl cunt Kiara God i want to be your submissive little pillow princess i will quit streaming and be your good little housewife fuck me Kiara oh God my pussy drips just for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34015395
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>Kiara... I thought I was your real yuribait ship...
>Please, Kiara... W-We're different than Takamori, r-right?

>> No.34015632

Reine please get off 4chan, it's not good for your mental health

>> No.34015784

try to trick Kiwawa into homo collabs, you get shown the door.

>> No.34016908

Ame... You don't flirt with girls by accusing them of being sus in Among Us, just compliment her and shit like a normal person

>> No.34018542
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>> No.34018708

muh dick

>> No.34020658

they'd make a good lesbian couple. Honestly don't mind if they're dating

>> No.34021553

>he lacks critical information

>> No.34021590

They already did, though.

>> No.34021722

Kiara is only pretend gay

>> No.34022291
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Rain season was the perfect excuse to stay in bed and have kissy gay sex for days on end.
And they were wondering why their butler was treating them like a couple?

>> No.34022478 [DELETED] 
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>I'm going milk this ship for money as long as I can look incels cute girls doing cute things you like what you see?

>> No.34022623

Kiara is European

>> No.34023685

Kiara isn't dense. She knows what she's doing. She just gets a rise out of toying with the emotions of confused lonely women. Look how quickly she moved from Ame to Reine once she managed to get Ame to refer to her as her wife and shit. Calli was the smart one for shielding herself with her autism energy.

This DEMON must be stopped!!

>> No.34023939

>uses such bold and serious terms as "Ame's nr.1 Gosling", trivializing the meaning of the blood sweat and tears of Ame's actual goslings
>actually manages to convert Ame eventually
>months later
>haha is just jork, i don't love her or anything
God, I feel so bad for teamates

>> No.34024109

Reine must administer rape correction for this crime.

>> No.34026474
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They're already married, did you not hear about the vacation they took to the Maldives?

>> No.34028500

But they're not gay.

>> No.34031412


>> No.34031484

You just know the next time these two meet in person that its going to end up happening
I hope.

>> No.34031639
File: 178 KB, 508x355, I need to book my flight to Austria so I can go suck Kiara's tight teutonic pussy I should have fucked her in the Maldives she was raring to go but I chickened out Dear God I need her spicy juices in my mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34031772

This is the truth. It's unironically a problem for actual lesbian women
>hello. I am a lesbian. I find you, a fellow woman, attractive.
>Hee hee! Me too. I'm like, such a lesbian
>Then let's have sex?
>OMG lol that's hilarious yeah let's have sex
>I'm being serious. I would like to go to your house for sex right now
>Lol you're hilarious!
I like to imagine this is how Reine's life always is

>> No.34031860

don't worry, Reine contributes to the higher domestic abuse stats Lesbian couples have.

>> No.34032546

It's true. I'm princess peafowl's ex-maid and ex-secret lover. She hurt me so badly that the only thing I could do is spam mori hate threads and post on anya-petra thread.

>> No.34032688

The sad part is that Teamates actually still think it's real. Whenever Kiara is brought up in their split, they burst into love for her. Whenever you call them out, they get fucking pissed and spam Ametori fanart at you.

>> No.34032788
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>dude look how cool i am for being a contrarian xD

>> No.34033219

Isn't InAme the popular ship? but even so, the few times Ina initiates, Ame just ignores it. I thought she was bad on the defense. maybe she understood what the Kinpatsu Hunter Tako is doing or probably took a yellow fever vaccine and is immune.

>> No.34033340



>> No.34035200

Sounds based

>> No.34035298

Teamates deserve to be cucked.

>> No.34035307

I hate KFPs.

>> No.34035859

Kiara isn't straight. Kiara even shit talked Gura on stream about playing gay chicken with her because Kiara is down to make out with girls.

>> No.34035860
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KFPs in your head

>> No.34035939

I dont think it is kiara doing it. I think the issue is that kiara is legitimately annoying so she gets pumped and dumped all the times, both literally by guys and figuratively by friends and was shocked that she was able to spend time with reine and not piss her off. By the time Kiara left the myth off collab ame had to apologize for bullying her

>> No.34036157

>she was able to spend time with reine and not piss her off.
Reine is very patient and polite. Bless her.

>> No.34036452

if she can put up with kiara, assuming kiara is just annoying and not abusive, I hope they get together. Kiara is like that bae >cheesed to meet them they leave meme but irl with how she gets pumped and dumped. I feel bad for her

>> No.34036816
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>gay chicken

>> No.34036859

Anya...or ROBschizo...

>> No.34036905

>>34036859 (me)
meant for

>> No.34037018
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>> No.34037191

I didnt even realize I did that. kek. go watch the poptart stream. gura tries to yuri bate and kiara says they should just straight up make out on stream and gura spills her spaghetti and kiara tells her not to play gay chicken with a girl who actually fucks girls

>> No.34037624

100% it has already happened.
With the resources available to Reine, they didn't sleep in the same bed out of necessity.

>> No.34038639

She's literally asking for it

>It's not a joke it's a statement

>> No.34040097

they already did

>> No.34042114


>> No.34044982

just now with me

>> No.34046761

yeah, me

>> No.34046962

Bend over, they're gonna dp your ass

>> No.34049661

Her next 3D live

>> No.34049968

I'd already sell my soul to marry Kiara but being in a polyamorous threesome with Reine would be the single best thing that could happen in this universe

>> No.34050994

>tfw you will never fuck Kiara doggystyle while she eats out Reine
Why even live...

>> No.34053963

>he doesn't know

>> No.34054038

they did

>> No.34055416

they need to fuck REGULARY. even faggot understand that every day or every other day is what you need, and when you watch them you do get why.

>> No.34056221

don't ask so much of my hag oshi weine can't score even once much less every day

>> No.34059080

>Teamates keep posting Ametori fanart, when I shit up their Split by seething at Orange woman
Get filtered Kiaraschizo, Teamates are based for doing this

>> No.34059300

RM reps, now. Kiara always has been pretend gay

>> No.34059636

This is the summum of fake gay, you're just proving his point. Even "straight girls" kiss or french each others for "fun". That fake kiss represents Kiara's "gayness" in a nutshell.

>> No.34059718
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>image is called file.png

>> No.34060152

she recommend pinki to date only girls, and once said that she could be a lesbian (not exactly, from what i see)

>> No.34060214

i mean, in the end she doesn't seem to be exactly a lesbian
dating guys doesn't mean no girls

>> No.34060356

That's because Kiara is very much into the idea of liking the female aesthetic. But she isn't sexually attracted by females. She could be bi curious at best but even with that she's 80% more into men.
I personally don't even believe she experimented sexually with girls. Nothing from her past indicates she actively dated any.

>> No.34060446

Oh hello Straightschizo did you get tired from being shat on in the Kiara split?

>> No.34060451

>girls literally kissing each other on the lips
>”yeah well that just proves she’s not gay”
Jesus fuck, I’ve heard of schizophrenia but this really takes the cake.

>> No.34060523

>Anything that is not women licking pussy on cam is fake gay
RUMAO do you hear how demented tou sound?

>> No.34060652

I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not that Anon. It's just the logical conclusion from the infos we have. Also I never said she was straight retard, I said she was faking her gayness.
If you have actual statement of Kiara saying she is dating a girl (without it being a joke or staged for content) I will admit I was wrong.

>> No.34060725

Yeah bro sometimes straight girls even have sex with each other for fun. Totally fake gay.

>> No.34060765

I always assumed she had half a dozen Filipino girls locked up in a literal sex dungeon.

>> No.34060789

That kind of kiss is literally the kind of fake kiss actors do because they're not into each others, you fucking morons.
If a girl that has an history of dating men can't even actually kiss another girl on the lips for content, there is no way she's into girls that much.

>> No.34060898 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34060963

Anon, I need you to step off from the screen for a while. Maybe drink a coffee, go outside, take a walk, then come back here and read your post and realize how dumb you sound. Because I swear, no one’s gonna take you seriously with all this nonsense you’re spouting. ‘Fake gay’? ‘Actors’? You got a phd in kissology or something?

>> No.34060991

I mean, to recommend that to a friend, it is very likely that she says it from her own experience. He has also said that she's fine with the idea of a girlfriend. and she literally say that she was in love with that girl she kissed. So, idk, she's obviously attracted to girls, it would be too sad if she never got pussy in her life.

>> No.34061237

Two girls literally making out and you’re yelling FAKE FAKE FAKE while pulling some dumbass broscience-tier shit about kissing.

>> No.34061315
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So, give Reine a chance, if what she said before is true, and she "would love be a uke in a relationship with an onee-sama type".
Or is Reine the part that doesn't want to advance here?

>> No.34061414

Kiara was sitting nude and watching Reine with dead eyes
Reine was on her phone

>> No.34061436

>My girlfriend and me
Anon your post is losing credibility with that. That's from Instagram photo with her friend at Disney. It's obviously a joke on the same level as "Reine/Ame my wife".
You removing the context from it completely shows you're trying to trick people into thinking she had actually a gf. But I did my reps.

Also, everything else is already known. If she's talking about her being bi/gay it shows that she never actually dated a girl before. If she's talking about being asexual, it has nothing to do with her being gay and the following answers are just jokes.

>> No.34061533

Reminder that Gura still thinks about it, she mentioned it in amogus collab

>> No.34061607

Anon if she really wanted to get some pussy, she would've get it with Reine. Reine is obviously open to the idea.
Yet as Kiara said in during the birthday call, when she was so tired that she let her true emotions talk, Reine is only her friend. That's why it makes no sense for Kiara to be actually gay

>> No.34062252

>it doesn't make sense for Kiara to be gay because on a public call she sort of implied she didn't want to fuck a specific indog
is this ironic? am I being autistic?

>> No.34062392

(you) probably are. That conclusion doesn't come from that event alone, Anon. Come on read the thread...

>> No.34062983

No, if I cared that much about your shitty sexuality timeloop I would definitely be autistic

>> No.34063131

>If I just repeat my delusion again that will make it true
Why are you like this?

>> No.34063623

You "Kiara is gay" fags are the delusional ones.
>Kiara has a known history of dating men
>Always has been flirty with girls but no trace or ever dating one
>"I don't deserve a good guy"
This is just literally the facts. Even if she's something else than straight she's bi and not purely gay.
Now shut the fuck up or post some actual proof that she ever dated a girl.

>> No.34063780

Kiara in amogus asking her "wait, you pretended to be a crewmate? You said things a crewmate would say on mic?" and Ame having to teach her that was part of the game was baffling but very cute

>> No.34064586

>Why Kiara isn't in a relationship with someone she met once, said people living in the other side of the world ? Must not like woman
Is this what /vt/ do to people brain ?

>> No.34064618

Nigger read the rest of the thread >>34063623

>> No.34065108
File: 432 KB, 1736x3462, literal asslicker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34067043

This is good shit
Sorry Reine but your suffering is better than most romcom animes

>> No.34067136

The rest just says she likes guys which no one has denied? Maybe you should read what other people are saying

>> No.34067220

are we just gonna ignore that she couldn't even finish the sentence without cracking up?

>> No.34067850

Holy retarded reading comprehension. That's not the point, moron.
Why would someone like Kiara that has a publically known dating history with men would have 0 (zero) known dating history with women, if she's bisexual?
Unlike for men, nobody was capable of provding any actual proof that she ever dated a girl. Because she most likely hasn't.

>> No.34068151

She dated me and i'm a girl

>> No.34068266

Show tits

>> No.34070838

She said that she dated girls in a member stream

>> No.34071120

Ok, now this is getting desesperate. You can't just make shit up, Anon...
I'm a member and I would've definitely remembered her saying that.
But I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Timestamp?

>> No.34071127

Kiara is queer as a three dollar bill. Reine is even gayer than that.

>> No.34071265

idk, i've heard some kfp say that, ask them at their split.
I only put this to show that you live rent free in this matter kekekekek. Get over your obsession or at least pay the rent, you lazy piece of shit.

>> No.34071288

I didn't say she was a fill on dyke. just that she wasn't straight and is fine with kissing girls
yeah, because kiara can't hold her down and kiss her when it is over the internet. Though, knowing Gura, she is both weak enough that Kiara could have overpowered her and subby enough that she would let a girl make up out with her, so long as the girl forced herself on Gura

>> No.34071453

>u are hanging my wife
Something that Calli never and ever would say

>> No.34071490

>Source: I heard some rrats
I am a kfp you retarded nigger. I don't need to ask because I know everything there is to know about Kiara. My only "obsession" is people not getting the facts right about my oshi.

>> No.34071686

I remember pre-eggs some anti retard going crazy that Kiara potentially dated a Japanese woman and would spam about her being a disgusting homo.

>> No.34071927

kiara is gay AND european
