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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39102720 No.39102720 [Reply] [Original]

She won.

>> No.39102828

she won alright
she won a lifetime subscription to jenny craig.

>> No.39102873

Many such cases of this.

>> No.39102884

The slampig won, my dick.

>> No.39102883
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This leech is back at it again.

>> No.39102920

This guy didn't get MF Doom back then, he's retarded. Her music still shit though.

>> No.39103153

>MF Doom

>> No.39103171

How? The Tempiss dudes that she shilled since day 1 are a failure, her newest music releases are a far cry from her 2020 peaks that she will never see again, her CCV is in the gutter and HoloEN as a whole is doing worse than ever. Even her fucking antis got bored and dropped her.

>> No.39103358
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>mentioning tempus unprompted

>> No.39103486

Don't care that mori won, but ecstatic that /vt/ lost

>> No.39103600

the strongest vtuber and possibly the strongest anime girl

>> No.39103662
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>hardest worker rises to top

>> No.39103690
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>Some dude destroyed his entire music career cause of retarded rrats.
Funniest shit Ive read all day.

>> No.39103736

She's the one who has been shilling the fags the hardest and spammed collabs with them the second the collab ban expired. I wonder what changed.

>> No.39103767

>mindbreaks /vt/
>mindbreaks twitter trannies
>earns millions of dollars

>> No.39103777

all caps, faggot

>> No.39103812

She will lose everything but the pounds.

>> No.39103827

She also said "don't pester the other girls about tempus" long before anyone coined the term "homobeggar." She collabed with them because they vibe well, she took a break from collabs because she's been busy as fuck.

>> No.39103828

Maybe got busy with her album? Mori's stream patterns look erratic to anyone if they don't know she's also working on music stuff. She'll probably collab with them again now that the album is out now and there's not much she has planned at the end of the year.

>> No.39103844

Isn't that her friend Connor?

>> No.39103875


>> No.39103887

Dude looks like a massive faggot to me.

>> No.39103891

What did she win? Ice cream?! Will she share it with the class or do we have to piss in her bag?

>> No.39103953
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h-haha y-yeah

>> No.39103960

>calls her bad
>leeches off her fame asap
indeed a faggot

>> No.39104032

Sometimes fatties gotta defend their pink haired 250 lb texan whale, it's ok.

>> No.39104156

What did she do? I haven't watched her in two years and I filter her name.

>> No.39104274
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>Antis taking L after L
Love to see it.

>> No.39104394

I laughed, they do look similar and both are fags. Somehow Connor still has more standards than this drug addict though.

>> No.39104407

I hate Mori but i survived through all of his mori reactions and some of the others he is indeed a massive faggot while he did nail some of her characters traits on the nose with the whole theater white girl stuff he kinda overhates her music. I actually kinda like her singing but he just thinks that her being sad is cringe

>> No.39104706
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>Guys this easily brigaded fan rating proves she lost
Try harder discord kid, gotta work more for those steam cards.

>> No.39104828

He's a genuine rap fan bro, he considers "I'm Greedy" one of the best songs on the album. Imagine that.

>> No.39104995

>a genuine rap fan
Oh so he is retarded.

>> No.39105025

A pie eating contest? Sasuga mori!

>> No.39105561

Damn that guy's taste is actually trash tier. He likes the worst song on the album lmao. No way I'll take his opinion seriously now

>> No.39105949

literally the worst song she has ever released from every angle and absolutely devoid of meaning or content (the 2 things that define her music) of course this vacant retard loves it

>> No.39106010
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The only good rap is the 80's to 00's, it peaked in the mid 90's.

>> No.39106089

How you not know?
Rapp Snitch is a classic.

>> No.39106181

He is as much of genuine rap fans as fucking Ben Shapiro is

>> No.39106436

>This art doesn't work, it has two black bars on the side, the formatting is incorrect
Ok, I hate Mori as much as any red blooded Hololive fan but this guy is genuinely fucking retarded

>> No.39106596

She's been hitting the gym a lot so..... yeah we can't use that one anymore

>> No.39108343

Yeah, can't listen to more than 30 seconds of her music (I timed it), I don't watch her streams, turn down the volume when she shows up on 3Ds but i'm over the moon that her album is doing well.

>> No.39109721

She's promoting an album dude

>> No.39109958
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Ah yes this album watch out it's selling like hotcakes in a christmas morning. Sure.

>> No.39110080
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Maybe she should get the homos to shill it for her

>> No.39110262

Fujos and yumes aren't interested in rap or hearing a woman pretend she's lil wayne. They're into kpop and fags like mafumafu tempus wouldn't be able to shill that album to anybody even if they wanted to.

>> No.39110332 [DELETED] 

The fat pink wigger broke the collab ban a week early just to leech off their debut buff. She is pathetic, she would eat dog shit if everyone was talking about stepping in it.

>> No.39110346

Okay, please tell me why I should buy her album.

>> No.39110386

What debut buff lmao nigga please.

>> No.39110427

Well you're a faggot so start shilling.

>> No.39110762

So is it you guys making fake twitter accounts with BLM in the bio with pronouns to add fuel to the fire or do those types actually hate Calli? It is pretty impressive if she is hated by both retarded extremes.

>> No.39110840

No twitter is so retarded that they do it for free.

>> No.39110880

Too bad he’s totally correct that mori’s music is garbage, it’s funny cause she joined hololive to promote her own music, which worked… but all it did was make everyone in the rap community lose respect for her cause all of her music is garbage

>> No.39111076

Fuck off Brad. Go cry on camera again.

>> No.39111133

This guy looks like the fucking basedjak image.

>> No.39111135

Twitter is right up there with resetera and reddit all it needs is some dickhead to be offended about something to become a trend if enough people give a fuck. Calli in particular is sort of easy target for people because she acts like shes black but has addressed blacks as niggers. Which desu it makes absolutely no fucking sense at all.

>> No.39111197

Lmao someone doesn’t listen to rap… or go on twitter for that matter cause there are numerous viral tweets shitting on her music that are more popular then anything mori herself has ever tweeted…

>> No.39111270

Anon... you can't make wild ass claims without proof lmao. Stop making shit up

>> No.39111324

>Caring what people on twitter say
Maybe you should go back

>> No.39111369 [DELETED] 

Is easy. Go outside and ask any nigger rocking baggy clothes if they know who the fuck mori calliope is. Mori is a big fucking who in the rap scene. Only retard vtubbing fan of her think her music is good when is in fact the opposite.

>> No.39111529

Better than a lot of the sound cloud mumble shit that was all the rage with people years ago. Also don't give a shit what rap fans think. Most her songs I actually enjoy are not even the rap ones. You are trying to hard to be cool Brad.

>> No.39113719

I wonder if It'll become bad enough to ensure a lawsuit, considering the retard mentioned UMG in the middle of his rant.

>> No.39115155

won what?

>> No.39115301
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Kiara's hand in marriage

>> No.39115537

Aside from her lyrics and voice, he's 100% right that the production and mixing is fucking terrible but that's to be expected desu

>> No.39116551

>more popular then anything mori herself has ever tweeted…

>> No.39116699

Actual rapniggers on YouTube love her shit, anon. Tf are you on

>> No.39117571

I've said some mean things about Mori, but I can't tolerate this.

>> No.39117759

I sort of agree that cali is better than tekachi 6ixNine whatever the fuck his name is

>> No.39117936

Mori is singlehandedly feeding an industry.

>> No.39118068

Damn I hope so. Nothing brings a smile to my face more than people reaping (heh) what they've sown. Just the possibility that this guy has gone from just being a nobody in the background to being nothing is enough to make my face hurt from grinning. This man CLAWED his way in, and then jumped off.

>> No.39118427

6IX9INE is pretty shit, even lil' pump clears him as a meme fucking rapper. The trouble with Mori from the point of view of baggy pants retards is that she isn't rapping about robbing people and hitting women. She's not "Hard" and that image matters a lot to them. It's almost ironic.

>> No.39118831

Remember to love Your Mori

>> No.39119079


>> No.39119542

I find it difficult for the homos to even TRACE the idea of doing something that is not their own business.

>> No.39119886

yeah, my boner and my unbridled love.

>> No.39119892

Why do Mori threads get spammed so much? Is it because they’re guaranteed to get a lot of replies?

>> No.39120002

Hey anons I missed the oppaibeat file the last thread and now it's putting out 404. Anyone got it?

>> No.39120090

Stop calling the genre "rap".

>> No.39120178

Rap and hip hop are pretty much synonymous

>> No.39120322

Because she just dropped album duh. There's way more to talk about then whatever GFE garbage Nijiwhatever the fuck put out this week.

>> No.39120400

>pretending like you totally don't know his name
Trying too hard.

>> No.39120425

Mori is annoying, but greasy male facecammers who invade vtuber culture are my enemy.

>> No.39120426

>Stop posting about Mori Calliope!
>I'm tired of hearing her!
>My friends on Youtube send me clips, on Discord it's fucking songs!
>I was in a server, right? And all of the channels are just Mori Calliope stuff.
>I showed my Champion underwear to my girlfriend and the logo, I flipped it and I said, "Hey, babe, when the underwear is deadbeat!" Haha,
>ディン ディン ディン ディン ディン ディン ディン, ding-ding-ding!
>I fucking looked at a trashcan and I said, "That's a bit greedy!"
>I looked at my penis, I think of a Mori rap and I go, "Penis? More like Callio-Penis!"

>> No.39120496

>wanting the acceptance of "the rap community"
Why? They're all retards that slurp of things like WAP and ganster rap. I'm not going to act like I love Mori, but they wouldn't know good music if it hit them in the face. Their kind of "music" is subhuman.

>> No.39120606

>They're all retards that slurp of things like WAP and ganster rap.
Time to sleep, anon

>> No.39120668

What kind of music do you listen to?

>> No.39121487

newfag here. Why do I see people here talk like they've seen Mori's bare tits?

>> No.39121550

I'm glad even Mori's haters collectively agree that he's a massive faggot.

>> No.39121645

more popular then anything mori herself has ever tweeted…

>> No.39121684

I kek'd

>> No.39122740

Uhh no… weeaboos love her shit, white people who listen to very little rap love her this, there’s a big difference, I want you to try finding me a single video of a black person enjoying a mori calliope song, and if it’s some super nerdy dude it doesn’t count

>> No.39122771

Gonna be honest as someone that hasn't listened to any of Mori's songs since debut. Mori hate on twitter is such a forced and cringe meme. People that do that are more annoying than k-pop stans. I hear more about Mori from her "certified haters" than from Mori fans I follow. Besides its twitter. No normal person with a 9-5 job gives a shit what people on twitter say.

>> No.39122910
File: 181 KB, 1170x743, BCD8EDCB-24EB-46B3-9313-351D7912B75A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh have you never been on the internet? People don’t give sources the first time they bring something up… but now that you ask… here you go

>> No.39122987

You just say that cause you like mori so you wanna make up excuses to why people disliking her isn’t valid… just face it, unless you’re a massive weeaboo, her music sounds like a wet fart

>> No.39123016


>> No.39123091

Literally put in reacting to calliope mori rap and 1/3rd are black wannabe rappers praising her...

>> No.39123113

Great to see her new album once again charting very well.

>> No.39123156

I don't what she won, nor do I care, but my dick is very erect. Sauce?

>> No.39123293

>that are more popular than anything mori herself has ever tweeted
anon her pinned tweet has 31k likes and the best you can find has 2k? you can do better than this. I believe in you.

>> No.39123294

You know what else she keeps feeding? She keeps on proving the haters wrong which only proves them right

>> No.39123362

Do those people know that rap and hip-hop wasn't always about robbing and killing people? There were guys like kurtis blow run d.m.c biz markie before guys like tupac and biggie existed and even then pac and big still had tracks that didn't spoke about killing people or robbing or hitting women.

>> No.39123425

I don't think I've watched any of her streams since her Guilty Gear streams that were over a year ago, so sorry but I'm not a fan of her. Forced hate against someone whose biggest crime is "being cringe on the internet" is annoying behavior. Sorry your brain is mush.
