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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 116 KB, 480x1067, chinkysanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40862800 No.40862800 [Reply] [Original]


>Chinasanji caught ripping off designs again. This time it's from Yamaha
>Some nip autist on niconico posted a video showing similarities between VOLTACTION's half anniversary violin necklace merch and one of Yamaha's patented electric violin designs
>Riku's damage control team sent a cease and desist to the guy in an attempt to silence him and sweep the scandal under the rug
>Nip autist reposts it on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyxJPpTGzw

>> No.40863793


>> No.40864300

You can really tell whoever's writing the vtuber articles for this site is still eternally salty after they were exposed for having a paid Holo shill, had to fire him from backlash and still ended up getting a C&D like two years ago.

>> No.40864607

Anon, they are called chinksanji for a reason

>> No.40864740

This is really petty

>> No.40864958

>Niji is bad because…
*flips through deck*
>someone sperged out over a similar looking merch design

>> No.40865257
File: 48 KB, 576x1050, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even a fucking instrument, why would they ever get in trouble with Yamaha? Imagine sued by Craftsman for using such a generic design in, say, an art depiction

>> No.40865344

Isn't this the second time something like this has happened, first time was some bag I think

>> No.40865541

With the number of patented shit in the world, you can’t even draw a fucking square without coincidentally infringing some kind of patent somewhere.
What a sad world

>> No.40865558

it's like the 17th time, chinese dont believe in copyright

>> No.40866117

Nijisanji doesn't need to follow copyright rules

>> No.40866184


>> No.40868570

Who's surprised at this point? It's not the first time and it won't be the last. Until their fans give them shit for it, they won't stop. Which they won't though, because they didn't care all the other times either.

>> No.40872316

they can't hide their holobrony bias

>> No.40873927


>> No.40878682

They'll be fine

>> No.40879023

SEA bump from 10 thread

>> No.40879128

Nothing will come up from this, the schizo is wasting energy in vain

>> No.40883921

wanna see it again?

>> No.40884870

Whoever handling merch stuff is probably bugmen, I mean, at this point it happens too often.

>> No.40885058

that literally looks like every other electric violin out there...

>> No.40885235

nvm, I'm retarded, but OP's also shit for not cropping

>> No.40885436

Yamaha's YEV violins have a completely unique shape.
Personally not a fan of them but it is what it is

>> No.40885736
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that shuts the door on yamaha sponsorships and endorsements then, i guess. kek

>> No.40885869

anycolor only cares about their chinese contacts

>> No.40885886

Luna is using her corporate connections to crush her enemy

>> No.40886820

It differs between countries. In the US it would almost certainly fall under trademark, not patents, and actually be fine.

>> No.40887918

It's not a generic design though.

>> No.40888455

I remember at least three other times, they seem to have put an actual chink in charge of their merch designs

>> No.40888824

Of course they have. Anycolor has very good relations with China.

>> No.40889873

That explains a lot.

>> No.40891633

This is payback for all the bullying she had to endure thanks to that panda

>> No.40892733

*nods respectfully before joining the circle and stroking cock*
the chinks

>> No.40894808
File: 1.40 MB, 1857x1414, stolenmerch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stolen merch AGAIN? How many times does this make it now?

>> No.40894941
File: 2.81 MB, 2048x1366, stolenart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40895108

This doesn't excuse it, but the chink in charge of design likely copied some generic chinkvolin electric that's a knockoff of the yamaha in the first place lmao
Not fond of yamaha's electric violins desu, thought I get why they chose that particular form to rip off

>> No.40895137
File: 29 KB, 132x543, bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40897337


>> No.40897453

Small public company, pls understand...

>> No.40899052

Their customers are chinks afterall, and chinks don't give a fuck about copyright. Niji did the unnescessary thing again

>> No.40899428

This one is so stupid.
The throne is obviously different.
The position doesn’t match 100% (note traced)
Sitting incorrectly on a front facing throne is a trope as old as anime itself (and there is only so many way to sit on a throne)
The gacha game has a throne picture for THE ENTIRETY of it’s character cast and they still could only find a matching position for only half of luxiem

>> No.40899867

This looks like someone on their design team just googled electric violin images and copied the yamaha one, thinking it was a generic design.

>> No.40901937


>> No.40902454
File: 410 KB, 1500x563, FXysxeRVsAMbpYp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone on their design team
Nah, it's Seraph's mama who took that design as inspiration.
This merch is aiming to re-create the small accessories on Voltaction boys, and Seraph's original design already has this violin shape necklace on it.

>> No.40902734

He should consider himself lucky no-one caught it back then, I guess.

>> No.40903328

Even if someone finds out in advance, nobody will still care about it.
Do you seriously think something that was overblown by dramatuber, only got reported by one of the worst drama sites in this fandom and posted on /vt/ a fucking week later is going to have any relevancy? This is just another stupid "drama" that literally nobody cares about.

>> No.40903975

of course not

>> No.40904461

BLACKEDsanji follow no law except the glorious chancellor Pooh

>> No.40907984

>sniggies kept the thread bumped all night again

>> No.40910988


>> No.40912047

>Nenechi trace art from an artist that actually likes her
>Nijisanji copies merchandise design once again
>T-this is nothing hehehe, t-there's no evidence of this hehe, you are just a holo shill hehe *cof* *wipes sweat*

>> No.40914282

stolen bump

>> No.40917010

chink company purisu andastand

>> No.40917052

Ah so this is why there's a lot of anti-IRyS threads today.
