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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4095568 No.4095568 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best flavor of menhera?
I'm a fan of Festival's self-destructive I'll-push-all-my-friends-away-and-end-up-all-alone-and-miserable approach myself.

>> No.4095609


>> No.4095652

constant depression as opposed to the clowns roller coaster mood swings.

>> No.4095698
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I love Polka!

>> No.4095732

that's not a menhera trait

>> No.4095740

Noel's, whatever it is, because it comes with big fat tits.

>> No.4095783

noel, because her daddy issues manifest as titty asmr. if matsuri ever starts beanflicking on stream or vod i'll change my opinion in a heartbeat tho

>> No.4095807

do you even know what menhera is shorthand for

>> No.4095995

Not that anon but in this case 4chan refers to menheras as nutcases with psychotic traits.
Therefore Shion is a menhera but not by 4chan standards.

>> No.4096032
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And she loves us back!

>> No.4096139

no retard. Menhera literally means mentally ill. Depression is a mental illnes

>> No.4096235

>a self destructive social autist who has no boundaries in terms of friendships
>a psychotic woman whose temper problems often lead to self-harm
>a clingy online entertainer who constantly seeks validation from her followers and serially reads anti comments about herself
yeah, i don't get how her situation is comparable to the other three. literally everyone has depression.

>> No.4096243

The one who doesn't hate her fans. Matsuri hates them and so does Shion.

>> No.4096333

Matsuri hates her fans? na. She isnt codependant with them like the other but she doesnt hate them

>> No.4096336

I'm personally a big fan of Rushia's full on mental breakdowns. I fap the best fap whenever she tweets about killing herself.

>> No.4096354

Shut up retard

>> No.4096434

Is it true that Matsuri cried on stream about Luna leaving her because she made her uncomfortable with expensive gifts?

>> No.4096492

Seems you can't read between the lines. So let me resize and say it slower for you to understand.

S H I O N-I S-A-M E N H E R A-B U T-N O T-B Y-4 C H A N-S T A N D A R D S.

Just like >>4096235 pointed out.

>> No.4096677
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>literally everyone has depression.
Imagine not being content with your current life and not having a promising future ahead of you.

>> No.4096752

Holy shit you are one dumb retard

>> No.4097013

who cares about 4chan standards. A menhera is a menhera no matter what the hacker 4chan says

>> No.4097017
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I don't need to imagine it. That's just reality.

>> No.4097021

>literally everyone has depression.
I'm sorry but that's just a lie told to you in an effort to make you feel like you're not alone.

>> No.4097131

Yeah just rub it in why don't you, faggot.

>> No.4097136

hahaha... couldnt be me..

>> No.4097195
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>my fellow anons dont want to neck themselves like me
why the fuck are you even on this board if you're not chasing parasocial relationships with bacharus to make up for the lack of having a stable social life

>> No.4097322
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I just appreciate their craft and like talking about it.

>> No.4097329 [SPOILER] 
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pic related

>> No.4097461

because 3DPD

>> No.4097520

I'm sorry you can't read and can only reflect the same insult. Maybe you should sit in a corner with your juice box and try hard not to think about it.

>> No.4098707

Ollie's is the best. Letting your dead inside match your dead outside when you're not ripping a line of undead coke is pretty in character. The sound effects are top notch too. A bonus for me is she's got that annoying and at the same time endearing little sister energy. You love it when she gets bitten on the ass and have that somewhat sad feeling afterward like a real little sis.

>> No.4098843

I’m too much like matsuri personally. But Noel is the one I would marry.

>> No.4098866
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Dunning–Kruger is in full force in this one

>> No.4100147

For me, it's Kiara.

>> No.4100218

Wow, Matsuri's just like me!

>> No.4100266

I have a nice social life but my retarded incessant need to be extremely private makes me kill off a possible relationship after the first date because I am too distant. My Oshi comforts my romantic loneliness and my friends and family are there for everything else.

>> No.4100294

Only clipfags think Noel is a menhera, people who actually watch her know it's only an act.

>> No.4100308

sexual predator

>> No.4100312

Even in Japan menhera does not cover depression, you always need to have a bit more baggage. If you aren't at least cutting yourself or a chuu2 you aren't menhera by Japanese standards. Just being a little bit sad does not make you menhera, anonchama.

>> No.4100359

not so but keep trying
you can do it

>> No.4100538 [DELETED] 

>Noel's room mate spontaneously self harming on stream and having a tendency to violent outbursts is just an act

Oh yeah, I really love me some ASMR big titty streaming with a side of autistic keyboard smashing!

>> No.4100594 [DELETED] 

What is that, what does it mean?

>> No.4100629

loving polka is loving yourself
loving yourself is loving polka

>> No.4100654
File: 138 KB, 954x961, polka my wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka love!

>> No.4100686

So you're saying Matsuri's going to end up as the StamperTV of Hololive.

>> No.4100809

When I think "menhera" the one who pops in my mind is still Matuli

>> No.4100814

is this true??

>> No.4100917

There's no such thing as 4chan standards you stupid fucking animal.

>> No.4101273

Wow, so do I!

>> No.4101496

Shit thread. Stop talking about Shion if you don't watch her.

>> No.4103450

Get the fuck out retard.

>> No.4106213
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>>Noel's room mate spontaneously self harming on stream

>> No.4106441
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matsuri, there has to be a lot of reconciliation sex, with a girl that doesnt want to be alone but pushes people away anyway

>> No.4106729

>Noel's room mate spontaneously self harming on stream
Source or fake

>> No.4107023

Search "*roommate's name* danchou" and you'll find it

>> No.4107847

"mental healther", which is a subculture just like gals or fujos. I don't understand how you faggots got to thinking that it means someone's mentally ill.
that's not what it means, you retard.
of course it doesn't, because it does not mean what anonymous thinks it means.

>> No.4111984

i find it strange the sheep isn't part of the menhera team yet.

>> No.4114129

She has a suicide pact with her chat, but she keeps her menhera under wraps

>> No.4114183
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The fact you included Shion and not Rushia is idiotic.

>> No.4114220

V-tubers have become my replacement for watching anime and being able to talk with people who like them too is neat

>> No.4114249

can relate desu
The closer I get to someone the more of a dick I become

>> No.4114341

What did she mean by this

>> No.4114487
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>> No.4114619

i know the clip, what does breaking a keyboard over your knee have to do with self harm?

>> No.4114752
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I have never had a girlfriend, resent most of the people I hang out with, and remain as distant as I can from coworkers because I know actually revealing my power level is a retarded idea. Spergs on this site are the closest I will ever have to friends & my oshi is the closest I will ever have to a gf (barring some AI advances)

>> No.4115022

Source on the self harming video, Google shows too much results, mostly shady porn sites

>> No.4115271

>it's just a prank bro!
she's been showing her enormous milkers online since highschool for the male attention her father never gave her, she's an obvious trainwreck and you'd have to be a turbovirgin not to see the blatant redflags

>> No.4115387

You are so full of shit, she never did lewd stuff until she was well into her 20s. All the videos from when she was in high school are of her wearing an anpan man mask and goofing around like a typical teenager.

>> No.4115508

(Samefagging) I searched in Bing, Yandex and Google. Yeah, I call bullshit on the self harming ASMR. That or there's simply so much shit to go through to find that probably isn't worth the effort. I've found good porn asmr tho, those are okay

>> No.4115589 [DELETED] 

she already showed her big tits and no one following her gave a fuck about her "fooling around", it was obviously a bunch of old perverts ogling a highschooler with G cups

>> No.4115634

god i want a broken menhera gf so bad

>> No.4115725

He's exaggerating, she started smashing a keyboard on the desk and tried to snap in on her knee

>> No.4115736

Don't fantasize.

>> No.4115738

No she didn't you fucking liar. NicoNico is extremely strict on underage streamers. She wore baggy clothing as well. You can easily find videos of her from back then.

>> No.4116175

I can't believe I lost time for this shit, the only good thing about this is the asmr porn I've found

>> No.4116420

This, although I don't resent the people I hang out with.

>> No.4116923

It's what I deserve for not leaving my hometown.

>> No.4117024
File: 351 KB, 3840x2160, 1620345777203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tomoshika kind!!

>> No.4117054

you sound like a passive aggressive faggot

>> No.4117117

She saw a fandead change oshis when ego searching and absolutely lost it.

>> No.4117553 [DELETED] 

imagine white knighting for a mentally ill whore selling her body on the internet in a desperate attempt to cope for her fatherlessness lmao

>> No.4118364
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I just think they're funny for a woman. Also I know japanese so might as well watch japanese streamers, but I don't like 3dpd so they're perfect for me.

>> No.4118571
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>> No.4118628

>I just think they're funny for a woman.
no you don't, that's your rationalization for your desire to fuck them

>> No.4118724

All women are menhera. It's to what degree they are that merits paying attention to.

>> No.4118726

What is wrong with Noel?

>> No.4119426

no father and only gets attention for her cow udders, she knows this but deludes herself into thinking people like her for her talent and personality

>> No.4119530

At least Noel is business-savvy enough and is financially set for the rest of her life even without Hololive. The one I'm really worried about is the young and depressed ones like Aqua and Shion. Hopefully Cover can set them up nicely for their post-Hololive career.

>> No.4119636

If Aqua saves she'll have enough to live through the rest of her life fairly comfortably.

>> No.4126046

Shion might be running her gravy train into the ground. A high school dropout has little hope of making the kind of money she is squandering away.

>> No.4126102

It seems like a lot of tubers freak out over the prospect of their fanbase moving on from them. I see this over and over. A cynic would say that it is mainly because being popular is how their bread is buttered, and I agree, but I feel like it is more than that considering how emotional some of them are about it.

>> No.4126511

There's literally nothing wrong with drinking juice boxes.

>> No.4127779

So long as I never care about member content Polka will never be a menhera to me.

>> No.4127888

so its like emo in the west?

>> No.4127992
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I'm sorry anon but I just like watching cute Japanese women who I don't understand play Apex. What other reason do I need to watch chuubas for? I hope you anons can be happy too while watching your favorite chuubas.

>> No.4128051


>> No.4129038

I am and I do, but I'm still depressed. Depression isn't tied to physical reality.

>> No.4129065

kek none of them are menheras. eops are dumb and clueless as fuck

>> No.4129078

Sheep isn't a menhera, because she leverages her crippling codependency into something resembling stability.

>> No.4130581
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I can hear the sound of her mouth opening and saliva dripping

>> No.4135813

Honestly the more I know about the women I follow the less I want them. This is the real and honest truth anon. Not everyone is a hornball like you.

>> No.4137829

I’m a fan of seeing Matsuri get cucked it brings me joy

>> No.4144198

Don't be fucking retarded
