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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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40961572 No.40961572 [Reply] [Original]

>be Tempiss
>know /vt/ hates you
>instead of making counter-hate threads and trolling, make threads about your love for Nodoka
This honestly pisses me off more than if Axel was just calling us faggots.

>> No.40961667

is this because Axel is confirmed /here/

>> No.40961951

this will never work, you must be a massive idiot to do something like that

>> No.40966777

their persistence is admirable

>> No.40966815

of course

>> No.40967002

reminder that your guys tempus hate threads probably get screenshotted and mocked by the official holoEN discord server.
unicorns are getting laughed at daily by their "pure" oshi and her bros for defending her "purity"

>> No.40967107

its okay T-chan, no need to shill your discord here

>> No.40967145

let them hate so long as they fear.

>> No.40967312

The girls have the same discord

>> No.40970221

They were the ones that tried to push red shota not long ago

>> No.40972062

>unicorns are getting laughed at daily by their "pure" oshi and her bros for defending her "purity"

Lol, right, incel's worst nightmare, being laughed at. Stop projecting.
If someone laughs at me for doing something good or for being honest about my feelings, that just reaffirms that someone is a shit human being.

>> No.40972165
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>>know /vt/ hates you
Talk about yourself, unibrony.

>> No.40972448

>/vt/ hates you
I only hate Magni, I like Vesper and I don't have an opinion on the other 2 guys.

>> No.40972493
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>He thinks I have an EN whore for an oshi

>> No.40972573

>all those people laughing at some rapist getting shot? They're trash people, yeah, not that poor poor rapist!
You're lonely and you refuse to become a functional and acceptable member of society, you can justify your state however you want, but don't blame anyone but yourself for people laughing at you.
>doing something good
What good are you doing? You're overly attached to some streamer and from what I've seen posted by parasocial fags, you're likely a creepy stalker that monitors every move of the streamer you're overly attached to while being prone to attacking the very same streamer you're stalking as soon as she does something "wrong" as perceived by you. I dunno, seems weird to me and kinda funny in a morbid way. If Lui of all people calles her viewers ATMs, then I can only imagine how someone younger and more social would perceive their fans.

>> No.40972618
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>tfw the girls know they are getting called whores here
feels good

>> No.40973139

What is there to fear?

>> No.40973190

It is a honest life

>> No.40973236

These fags are 100% attempting trolling but everyone assumes they are sisters on their periods.
>know this place hates you
>Still come and show it lives rent free in your mind
Many such cases

>> No.40973741

kronii got called whore here

>> No.40973791

Stop making threads about them if they bother you so much.

>> No.40974269

>You're lonely and you refuse to become a functional and acceptable member of society, you can justify your state however you want, but don't blame anyone but yourself for people laughing at you.

You are enslaved to the people you fear, tourist, and you fear everyone. You're not a "functioning member of society", you're "acceptable", couldn't phrased that better: a pathetic attempt at adjusting your outward appearance, actions and views to match whatever trash might have looked funny at you in the past. Because you fear, you fear being laughed at, you fear going against the flow even a little, because after all the adjusting you've performed on your own self, you don't have anything left besides that flow.
You're now a hollow husk carried by the waves of mediocrity, and that makes you feel existential dread everyday. To fight that dread, you try to fill the husk with the mediocrity that surrounds you, to revel in these foreign ideas, dull pleasures, but that doesn't bring you any enjoyment. You are unhappy. That is why you shudder at mere sight of people going against the flow so freely, you are envious because they have courage to do what you could never do. So you try to bark for your masters, to go around spitting vitriol, but that doesn't help at all. You'll never be happy, you lost your chance forever.

I despise people that laugh at others being different and impose their views, but at least they are also expressing themselves freely. But you, and others like you? You are pathetic. You're scum under the boots of the strong, and you deserve nothing but being laughed at, forever.

>> No.40974511

Tchan is an ugly black gorilla nog.
The "T" stands for "tranny".

>> No.40974898

Too much text, but tldr:
>I'm the truly free one, everyone else is just sheeple ur scared but I'm brave also I'm happy and ur sad, ur just an NPC and I'm the protag *he types with fat trembling hands behind his PC that he barely leaves*
LMAO, you sure know much about being scared of others and what they think of you. Don't project your insecurities and mental illness on to everyone else, you're just reaffirming how pathetic unicorns are and why you're laughed at hence why you hide on /vt/, even on the internet. Remember, there's a reason why you don't have anyone in your life and you know you're at fault. You can rationalize and justify your pathetic existence however you want, it won't change anything. Also holy chuuni, kek.

>> No.40975191

Seethe all you want, drone, that still won't make you any less pathetic.

>> No.40975560

>screenshotted and mocked
Their first mistake was allowing my shitposts to irk them enough to do that. What takes milliseconds for me can live on eternally in another’s thoughts; I’m content with such on premise alone,

>> No.40980549

>make threads about your love for Nodoka

>> No.40980934

This kinda goes hard fr fr

>> No.40984087

nta, you kind of beat him to the punch with your Anonymous Agony tier monologue

>> No.40984293

Why make counter-hate threads when you folks can't stop talking about them anyway?

Rent free.

>> No.40988097


>> No.40988279

The guy enslaved to his mom basement sitting on his 2 week old shit stained underwear wrote this

>> No.40988350

fear what? An ugly japanese fatfuck has far higher chance to do something to the talents than some random whitey/seanig

>> No.40988547

>not fearing whitey.
The fact that it's mostly asian fans makes it a lot safer.

>> No.40988573
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your homo rent free in my head as my laughingstock

>> No.40988734
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The only people who'd be afraid of whities in japan are the women. I mean these are the people who think japs chicks will fall over their heels for them or that there's a secluded feudal era shit hole village with farmers willing to gift their virgin daughters to the fabled white gaijin.

>> No.40991096
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>> No.40991627

>This honestly pisses me off more than if Axel was just calling us faggots.
as the native 4channers say: stay mad [derogatory term of choice]

>> No.40993634


>> No.40995043

Okay, wow. This is excellent.

It has that iconic pathetic /r9k/ tone but with enough seriousness and conviction that it's hard to tell at first glance if it's a pasta.
It's like a real human being said this seriously. You almost got me there, good sir.

I'll borrow this for my next incel LARP. Thanks!

>> No.40997927

bad op

>> No.40998874

kek, looks like I struck a nerve

>> No.41005468

This You?
Stop posting these, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.41007092

Shiver me Timbers

>> No.41007298

Getting lost in his fat rolls, you'll never find your way out once he gets you...

>> No.41007393
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>> No.41007464

Mi esposa es la más linda
