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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41039587 No.41039587 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think they want from applicant?

A natural personality that fit the character ?

determination to be the best idols?

>> No.41039636

Willingness to be Tempiss cumdump

>> No.41039662

People that stream and aren't lazy. Council was literally a debuff

>> No.41039686


>> No.41039887

Collective mindset than individual need, no more kronii, kick tempiss out of collab and more stream like koyori

>> No.41039999

They want a group of guras who actually stream.

>> No.41040045

Kys cover shill. You dropped the ball real hard.

>> No.41040883

People who can at the very least do 5 three hour streams a week

>> No.41040891

Tempus onaholes who are willing to be constantly used to boost their numbers, but who will start doing so before they have any numbers themselves, causing two flops for the price of one

>> No.41040933

All vtuber talent in the west has been exhausted, either there will be no en3 or it will be shit.

>> No.41040949

mmm sosig

>> No.41041007

Numbers. Which is retarded, because women that already have numbers if they're already vtubers have no reason to join a corpo. They should hire some ambitious nobodies instead that actually want to stream.

>> No.41041041

Sizable online presence, some kind of talent for singing but not required, might not be so into artists right now after sana but would probably still be a plus, streaming experience but that's also not entirely necessary if they think the girl has enough talent that they'd fit in being a vtuber. This time around they're probably want some more hungry/determined girls that will actually stream

You're delusional if you think they want the girls to ignore tempus. They really wanted westerners to not be as autistic as japs and be accepting of males.

>> No.41041063

Characters that can speak english, but with a foreign accent.

>> No.41041071

>french fries
What the

>> No.41041093
File: 1.18 MB, 2551x3579, irys-x-kiara-v0-nMupb1-Nk7t4pWND6ZaRbne_tcFD6C0mIqixgpIEePU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only pray that they're being more discerning about finding an entire group of girls who enjoy singing. It's supposed to be an idol group for fuck's sake.

>> No.41041104

Probably bananas, but they should try to find a JPs that are fluent IMO

>> No.41041131

Man I could go for a shitty cooked breakfast like this one. This is the kind you only find at cafes

>> No.41041209

wanna bet EN3 has some adventure theme going on to complement tempus lore? Tempus 1 + 2 has shown they're moving to a more collective mindset rather than there being little ties between the talents like in Myth

>> No.41041257

Can I ask a serious question?
Who thought this was ever a remotely good idea?
Introducing tempus has made /vt/ even more cancerous and full of trolls than ever before.
If I’m watching a vtuber, I want to see a cute girl doing cute things. I don’t want to see some fag going “HEYYY WAZZUP GUYS THIS IS CUMGUZZLER YA BOI WITH ANOTHER BASEDFACE REACTION VIDEO!”.
Who actually wants that besides some delusional fujos, who weren’t welcome here in the first place?
Is cover just so up their own ass they think they can force the dudes on their predominantly male starved-for-female-interaction fanbase?
It boggles my mind.

>> No.41041298

cover was delusional to try to force the coed stuff. The wanted westerners to accept it, forced it, and blew up HoloEN. If new girls embrace tempus they are DOA and HoloEN is dead.

>> No.41041352

>Council was literally a debuff
Council literally has on average higher viewership recently than most Myths (not named Gura, who doesn't stream anyways). And as for laziness, Myth isn't one to talk either, the only ones who stream with any regularity now are Kiara and Mori, maybe Ame too if you're charitable, but Ina and Gura are streaming less than even the worst Council girl (and sure if you want to include Sana, at least she had the decency to drop out after a while)

>> No.41041375

i want sosage

>> No.41041390

needs about 2 more eggs but yea

>> No.41041758

>Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us
EN is a lost cause and if you think gen3 will be any different you're delusional. It'll be full of lazy whores and nepo hires like Myth and Council who will get mysterious health issues preventing them from ever streaming. Take the small corpo and/or indie pill and move on.

>> No.41041869

Who the fuck knows at this point. They hire people awful at singing and playing games so neither really matters.
People are memeing they want girls who will be willing to collab with tempus, maybe? That seems to have been their agenda for a few months already. But maybe that was pushed by the EN management and choosing new talents might involve the main JP office too so it might not be as straight forward.

One thing is for sure, they want numbers and skills.
It doesn't actually pay off that well for them but I guess it's how they try to filter people.

>> No.41041988
File: 541 KB, 2000x2000, 1667873925105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, i'm hungry now

>> No.41042118

They'll want 2 Moris and 3 Kronii's, so they have something the boys can leech from. They've been pushing Tempiss and Tempoop so hard now, they're not gonna let the girls take the spotlight.

>> No.41042306

this you dont just include male collabs in a branch of a corpo that focus's on unity and expect it to go well the decline in the branches stats are proof of this, I mean fuck they could have just segregated the branches and that would have pulled at unicorns and gachis more because the girls would have the option to collab but not do so

>> No.41042353

Going off of their history I'm pretty sure that Cover is just waiting to copy whatever the next brief but successful trend that some other corpo stumbles upon. Their JP talent is pretty much locked in and they can just sit back and ride it out on that side, the EN branch in comparison is much more nebulous territory and Cover has never been particularly proactive in their success in the first place.

>> No.41042613

How willing are you to get passed around by management and male chuuba cock.

>> No.41043114

ummm male chubba?

>> No.41043738

You can always refer to this application guide:

>> No.41046626

hag love

>> No.41047085

Why does the EN side push that lore autism anyway? What's wrong with "dog who works in a bakery" or "lazy gamer lion"?

>> No.41047097

I don't know what they want, but what I want is a cute european loli

>> No.41047130

Someone without dignity which is what you'd need to actually join Hololive EN at this point.

>> No.41047139

Was this before or after she married Ethan Ralph?

>> No.41047344

What they want is numbers and """"talent""""
What they need is ambitious up-and-comers who know how to stream and display a vibrant personality while streaming.

>> No.41051607

>Sizable online presence
Good luck with that after taking a whole year to even pay attention to female auditions. Everyone worth their salt is already in a good spot as an indie and doesn't need Hololive's brand attached to them or went to one of the many agencies who didn't waste their entire year only focusing on the male side. Even NijiEN is easier to get into nowadays if you don't have a dick between your legs.
>streaming experience but that's also not entirely necessary
Yeah, because that's working wonder for them right? The so called "streamer branch" being more incompetent in the streaming side than the JP idols, who have to "waste" their time doing idol shit and still manage to beat pretty much all of HoloEN in streaming time and consistency outside of Kiara and maybe Mori.
>This time around they're probably want some more hungry/determined girls that will actually stream
If they're looking for that they wouldn't force new hires a 1-hour time limit for the first month on a timeslot that might not be the best for them. Thankfully, afaik, all of the Tempus 2 guys are from NA timezones, but if Cover finally stop hiring people from the same place and get some Euro girls they will be forced to stream during the middle of the night if they enforce the same rules they're trying with StarsEN, and I'm sure they'll do it. Also they should replace the entire management team with competent people who do their jobs and don't tell the talents to take as many breaks as they want if they're really looking for girls who want to stream.

>> No.41051737

For them to stream. That's it.

>> No.41051876

First, they want them to have a penis. They retweeted the homo auditions three times (first two where for Tempus, third one is probably for the third gen of homoEN). And even though the girls audition as supposedly "permanently open" they never ever tried to remind us on Twitter that the audition page exists.

Second, homo and live alike, they look for voices first. Not necessarily beautiful singing voice, but voices that are out of the ordinary and/or that fits a particular character. That’s one of the main differences between hololive and other vtubing agencies. They don’t want generic sounding girls. It can be high-pitched, low-pitched, mickey mouse, breathy, nasally, or anything. But not generic.

Third, they want one talent of any kind. Looks like they want at least one Japanese speaking talent per gen as verified by all gens from EN, ID and even homos. Always one JP speaking chuuba per gen. Other talents can be dance, singing, drawing, etc. Could be anything but you need at least one.

Fourth, fitting a character. Live2D avatars and characters seems to be created before the talents, so you can be (un)lucky simply because your voice/personality doesn’t fit the characters they have created.

Singing seems to be irrelevant (unless it’s your talent), but you’ll NEED to train as soon as you’re recruited. Motivation is always a plus of course.

>> No.41052264

>streaming experience but that's also not entirely necessary
I'd say that's the exact thing that should be mandatory. If they're going to spend most of their job hours streaming then they should be experienced streamers.

>> No.41052293


>> No.41055440

>And even though the girls audition as supposedly "permanently open" they never ever tried to remind us on Twitter that the audition page exists.
They probably get a ton of female applications and not enough worthwhile male applications. One of the JP homos alluded to this.

>> No.41055636

>They probably get a ton of female applications
Yet they still not able to debut EN3.
Really makes you think

>> No.41057237

If I had a penny every time I saw the same excuse for why they're not pushing the female side of auditions I would be fucking rich. They will also bring up the "they lost one/some of the members midway into process and are unable to fill the spot" or "they couldn't find anyone good enough for the gen", both situations that would be fixed if they just shilled the goddamn thing on official channels.

>> No.41057463

It's literally just /here/ people who have such strong opinions about it, there's not enough backlash for them to really consider it is a serious problem.
So they will keep pushing the mixed collabs

>> No.41057630

