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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 179 KB, 991x356, holoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4266657 No.4266657 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4266685

Nah we have wactor.

>> No.4266694

Why is it green?

>> No.4266716

this week for sure i will put my dick between choco's tits.

>> No.4266722


>> No.4266779

HoloESP x DBS when

>> No.4266796

>no coco or anya spanish streams

>> No.4266823


>> No.4266872

es blo haba con mi el salsa tu?

>> No.4266888

I feel like a Hololive Espanol/Mexico would have multiple Guras, as in multiple vtubers suddenly get overwhelmed with hundreds of thousands of subs then drop drastically down to manageable levels.

>> No.4266894

twitch exclusive

>> No.4267279

You mean facebook exclusive

>> No.4267364

Roomates color chocolate...

>> No.4267389

It would be better if they hire a Japanese girl that can speak Spanish.

>> No.4267447

ok but hear me out chinga tu madre nimu

>> No.4267511

Hololive Latinx

>> No.4268515

They open one but they're all Spaniards that speak REAL Spanish and not subhuman apemen that speak partial Spanish interspaced with monkey-speak. Fuck South Americans. Mexicans too.

>> No.4268598

>YWN be relevant as a EU nation or as Spanish nation
Catalonia's right for wanting to leave faggots like Spain.

>> No.4268635

good one

>> No.4268687
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ahora dilo sin llorar

>> No.4268726


>> No.4268809


>> No.4268849
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Ugh, japanese people who barely speaks spanish and doesn't understand anything about their culture

>> No.4269036

>he doesnt know

>> No.4269094

>he doesn't know

>> No.4269125

WTF, my link disapoofd...

>> No.4269181
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>> No.4269263

I figured it out. I have my 4chins normally auto update, but for some reason it didn't this time.

First time in years that's happened to me.

>> No.4269275

No por dios o se llenarán los chats de panchitos, ya es infumable ver algunos streams por su puto autismo, lo peor es que no todos son así pero madre de dios la gran mayoría es el cringe personificado

>> No.4269299

it happened to me too, i feel you

>> No.4269365

Ok, but who gets in? Let's assume an ID style branch with 3 members per gen

>> No.4269431

Callate mierda, qur me importan ellos. Quiere decirle a una Holo que quiero lamber el sudor de si vagina, tengo que decircelo, anon, tengo que. Esta es mi oportunidad de mejorar mi vida. Mis palabras le llegaran a su corazon de la holo, como su sudor de la vagina llegara a mi boca.

>> No.4269516

How old are most of the spics that type like that anyway? 15/16 I guess, it's impossible to be an adult and have that level of autism

>> No.4269565

30, yes i given up on finding a gf, if you were wondering.

>> No.4269590

>"Esto se va a descontrolar!"

>> No.4269610


>> No.4269642


>> No.4269650


>> No.4269679
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Paso nada mas para quejarme de Argentina, no se preocupen no molesto.

>> No.4269703

Querer acerle sexo oral a tu oshi no es ni lo mas raro que alguien a dicho en esta puta board.

>> No.4269730

Holo ES would be cringe as fuck
t. mexican

>> No.4269740

che asi no macs que la pego un punetaso en el rostro que lo dejo loco jaja

>> No.4269753

Cartel chuuba soon...

>> No.4269848

Que ni se qeje que las argentinas estan bien ricas.

>> No.4270016

No si ninguna oshi es mexicana.

>> No.4270119

>Supported by BiliBili
Fuck off Zhangs

>> No.4270175

>This spanish
Hello chicano de cagada

>> No.4270208

I didn't say that she was or wasn't Bili backed. Just that you were wrong.

>> No.4270271

Buen punto

>> No.4270289

The Falklands are British

>> No.4270320

No me hagan bully plz. No onions chicano, onions de bolivia i vivo en NY.

>> No.4270344

Thanks ARSbros, your currency is a lifesaver for my wallet

>> No.4270405

>My indie oshi speaks spanish but streams in english
>I look at this thread
>pure unalterated cancer
Yeah, I'm hoping this never happens or that she doesn't apply

>> No.4270459
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Para que mierda quieren HoloES? no han visto la interminable cagada de gente que ha traido HoloEN?
Imaginen la 10 millones de muertos de hambre como los que hacen este meme "delicioso papu" en el chat de HoloES... da nauseas concha de tu madre

>> No.4270492

I still won't support this company, it's a fact they used the hispanic comunity to boost their vtuber's subscribers and get some chinese money, they literaly sold their talents to China, I honestly feel bad for them for having that shitty company

>> No.4270558

Mi oshi no habla español, si lo hiciera le diria como quisiera lamberle las patitas, y poco poco poner my nariz un su hermosa vagina.

>> No.4270560


>> No.4270569

Hopefully never. We don't need more Latinx spamming the Hololive chatrooms.

>> No.4270581

En mi opinión HoloES solo será un éxito si logran traer a españoles y no latinos, quizás alguno o 2 estarán bien, pero una generación full latinos es auto sabotearte tus expectativas, más que nada mirando la tabla de Youtubers, la cual en el lado hispano los españoles son los que ocupan la basta mayoría de seguidores y récords, además de forma no irónica el meme de España y el Minecraft encajaría bien siendo que en Hololive se juega bastante a ese juego

>> No.4270622

Y aqui viene el puto que le gusta chupar pinga española.

>> No.4270651

How does it feel to be known as the Nexico of europe?

>> No.4270676

they have more freedom than most other companies, you dont even watch them how the fuck would you know what they feel?

>> No.4270721

Gallego no tenes numeros, a HoloEN le chupa un reverendo huevo Europa y a HoloES tambien. Lo mejor que pueden hacer es tener venezolanas/colombianas/mejicanas que hablen en neutro.

>> No.4270755

El problema no son los talentos sino a quien vayan a ver esos talentos, y la mayoría siempre van a hacer autistas de latinoamérica

>> No.4270786


>> No.4270811
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te fuiste pal culo por que no captaste el punto, no se trata de pesos argentinos o euros, no importa si eres español, mexicano o sudaca, la mierda es la misma del otro lado del charco, ¿o vives engañado pensando que españa está libre de cagados mentales?

>> No.4270858

They have ''freedom'' because is still a small company, but you must know that wactor girls used to stream in japanese before targeting the hispanic audience, it obviously was an upper decision, also it's time by time until Bilibili tightens the rope in their necks

>> No.4270966

Ojalá haya una mina que tenga la voz profunda onda Towa, que filtre a los virgos inmundos que son tipicos fans de las Korone/Pekora.

>> No.4271029


>> No.4271104

speak for yourself

>> No.4271200

Sois vosotros los que no aceptáis otras opiniones, sois vosotros los que decís que queréis producto latino, pero luego veis a Ibai, Grefg, Rubius, Auron o alguno de estos, primero que nada, no hablo de tener 0 representación latina, lean bien, dije que centrarlo en Latam seria muy mala idea por que aunque si, retrasados hay en todos lados, es bastante evidente que el entretenimiento por streaming está más en España que en Latinoamérica, no se dejen llevar por el odio, si lo que digo es básicamente: 1-Basándome en hechos 2-Pensando en lo que sería mejor para una generación a largo plazo.
Ojo, que quizás traigan a latinas y lo hagan muy bien, y sería genial de igual manera, pero sinceramente creo que las probabilidades aumentarían de esta forma, 1 2 o 3 latinas y 2 o 3 españolas

>> No.4271265

No le respondas a los virgos esos y dame un beso galleguito lindo

>> No.4271291

>Anna Iriyama as a vtuber
Could work

>> No.4271343

Never happening, spanish speaking e-celebs are adicted to drama, Cover would be walking on a minefield.

>> No.4271379

por favor,no.

>> No.4271387


>> No.4271388

Te hice tag incorrectamente, a ti quería decirte otra cosa xD
Si, en eso tienes razón, el público sera mayoritariamente latino haga lo que se haga, pero eso correspondería a las streamers hacerse cargo de el y no dejar que trepen sobre ellas, para algo aplican a Hololive y para algo las van a pagar, o sea, ni que Cover fuera a agarrar a cualquier chica que viera por ahí, hoy en día tienen procesos de selección para evitar eso

>> No.4271448
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Tengo medicación por si gustas

>> No.4271776

deliciosa suisui

>> No.4271871

A ver mis negros se que muchos se enojan pensando que Hololive va a tomar puro indie dramático pero no se olviden que de las EN solo 2 eran streamers antes de unirse y solo una de ellas estaba en la onda vtuber.

Personalmente creo que van a reclutar gente que tenga talento aún sin haber sido vtuber antes

>> No.4272044

>Spanish more broken than Haachama's English
Sure buddy, sure

>> No.4272068

El Kun Aguero vtuber

>> No.4272134

ese solo mira clips

>> No.4272164

>messi calls him on whatsapp to celebrate his vtuber anniversary

>> No.4272195

But anon that's what I love about internet

>> No.4272308

Son todas unas histéricas ni te gastes

>> No.4272518


>> No.4272536

Necesito esto en mi vida lmaooooooooooooooo

>> No.4272660

Eh? Yo pensaba que la escena Vtuber estaba muerta en España. Aun así lo que dices es cierto.

>> No.4273007

Y está muerta de momento, pero básicamente por que nadie empezó a hacerlo en serio, quitando lo que hizo el Rubius, que en su caso es trampa y ni lo cuento como vtuber, pero vamos, normalmente el panorama es así, quien produce el contenido es España y quien lo consume es Hispanoamérica, ojo, que sigo a varios canales latinos y son muy buenos, pero no abundan tanto, pienso que sus talentos residen más en otras cosas que en el streaming, que en parte y por desgracia, también se debe a que por lo general no se cuentan con los recursos para empezar, una pc buena, o conexión estable a internet

>> No.4273439

>sois vosotros los que decís que queréis producto latino
no anon, jamás, yo estoy bien con solo holo JP, así como nunca me ha gustado el anime doblado al español, en su lenguaje original está perfecto

>> No.4273902

>las EN solo 2 eran streamers antes de unirse
>El no tiene el conocimiento...

>> No.4273962

>las EN solo 2 eran streamers antes de unirse
>el no sabe

>> No.4274035

>las EN solo 2 eran streamers antes de unirse
>nadie le ha dicho

>> No.4274159

>por que nadie empezó a hacerlo en serio
400 viewers...

>> No.4274180

gracias por los (You)

>> No.4274284

can I shill a japanese indie here

>> No.4274326

>En serio
Esa ya tuvo su ataque menhera, ya quedó perdida desde que decidió confiar en Asria
(Por dios, casi me confundí y escribía Artia, ambos nombres se parecen y ambos personajes fueron unos traidores)

>> No.4274382

>lacks of accent mark so no idea if anon is talking on present or future tense
>"Quiere decirle" instead of "Quiero decirle"
>a lot of mistakes in basic spanish words that not even a toddler would make
>"Mis palabras le llegaran a su corazon de la holo"

yep, that's a chicano. Not even the dumbest teen write like this, anon

>> No.4274420

spic hororaibu? kek

>> No.4274461
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>> No.4274474

Yo estoy también contento, pero generalicé por que si que vi mucha gente pidiendo exclusivamente latinas en la posible generación de habla hispana, lo que dije es lo que creo que mejor le vendría a Cover, aparte si son divertidas no me molestaría verlas (eso si, sin cambiar a mi oshi)

>> No.4274651

no se quien es... y prefiero no saberlo, mi conocimiento de vtubers que hablan español o castellano que muera en Emberlith

>> No.4274920

Fuck off with your gay lisp.

>> No.4274938
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>> No.4274983

Hola mi hermano

>> No.4275188

Hole mi queride latine

>> No.4275213


>> No.4275242
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>> No.4275284


por favor shut the fuck up

>> No.4275365

Actually liking this Gura.

>> No.4275385

ina parece calamar frito...

>> No.4275388
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>> No.4275398

Why do you want spanish holos if they'll just end up speaking english most of the time like the IDs?

>> No.4275438
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>> No.4275444


>> No.4275580

SSL retard chicano YWNBL

>> No.4275620

No puedes sufrir en Latino america si eres blanco

>> No.4275668

¿De qué nacionalidades serían las integrantes de HoloES?

>> No.4275729

Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and some japanese mutt

>> No.4275747

>No puedes sufrir en Latino america si eres blanco
sufres si los negros de mierda te pasan robando

>> No.4275764
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>> No.4275780

>No tiene muros alrededor de su casa

>> No.4275867

Uruguay, Paraguay, Portugal, Guinea Ecuatorial, Filipinas.

>> No.4275893

una Gaucha argentina, una chinita(huaso mujer) chilena, una española medieval y una mexicana o algo asi

>> No.4275995
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>> No.4276005

I came to this thread just for more brown edits.

>> No.4276034
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>> No.4276071

tomate la pasta autista asqueroso

>> No.4276096
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>> No.4276165

Ina gorda.

>> No.4276168

What the actual fuck man

>> No.4276185


>> No.4276282

That would be a smart move
My unironic guess is United States, Filipinas, Spain, Mexico and Perú. Maybe Brazil since they won't make a HoloBR

>> No.4276347

Different spanish speakers hate each other more than burgers hate brits, strayans, irish, fake australians, etc.

Mix and matching mexicans with argentinians, chileans, spaniards, etc. will never work. Fuck, even if they're from the same country they'll still hate each other.

>> No.4276375

literally huehuehue

>> No.4276446
File: 276 KB, 720x832, Screenshot_20210527-180245_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously think kyOresu will be en HoloEn2 or HoloSP
>meme girl
>voice like Gura/nyanners
>Speaks Spanish, English, Russian fluently
>decent singing

>> No.4276458

that's kinda' erotic

>> No.4276484

Hololive Haiti

>> No.4276526

esta si me gusta

>> No.4276539


>> No.4276944

Kneel to the future queen of spics

>> No.4277018

nunca voy a apoyar alguien que se arodilla ante bilibili

>> No.4277086

no te cansas de spamear esto?

>> No.4277115
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>> No.4277187

spamear que? es la primera que lo posteo, a otro lado con tu delirio

>> No.4277280

No creo que le gane a la loli no irónica

>> No.4277387
File: 553 KB, 780x1060, 1611720857317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear this is not the first time I saw someone here post a video with "loli cover" in the title today

>> No.4277724

She's kinda cute
>supported by bilibili

>> No.4278528

Would HoloES be a 3 or 5 member gen?

>> No.4278605

3 like the indogs

>> No.4278730

vtuber "muda" que fue hombre y se fue con el dinero que le dieron

>> No.4278851

>gyaru Calli
Sale paja?

>> No.4278957

Sale a mano cambiada

>> No.4279039

una cosa que si me gustaria de vtbubers latinas en general es que sabria que nunca podria enamorame por que todas las latinas son unas malditas histericas y yo no lidio con esa mierda

>> No.4279098
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>> No.4279409
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>los negros de mierda
o los Bryan

>> No.4279459


>> No.4279497

>Gaucha argentina
sorry narizones, aunque ofrezcas números, después de venezuela, tu moneda también solo sirve para limpiarse el culo, así que solo en sueños Cover va a invertir en tu pobrerio de mierda

>> No.4279516

algun stream o solo sube videos?

>> No.4279521

hololiveMX or hololiveARG?

>> No.4279537


>> No.4279572
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Based dogfucker

>> No.4279637

No irronicamente la unica forma de que las vtubers en español es si traen a japonesas(o anglosajonas en el peor de los casos) que sepan de verdad hablar español, porque? Porque es la única forma de que el acento no suene Castroso.

Solo miren a la nueva vtuber de Wactor, es literalmente la primera vtuber en español que es soportable de ver y escuchar

>> No.4279646


>> No.4279732
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>> No.4279793

no seas sin vergüenza argentino...

>> No.4279959


>> No.4279976

Y tu no te hagas el primermundista negro de mierda

>> No.4280178

>una castellana
>una catalana
>una gallega
>una asturleonesa
>una aragonesa
>una aranesa
>una portuguesa
y faltan las latinoamericanas

>> No.4280400

Sube covers, aparentemente streamea en Twitch, pero la última vez fue hace 2 meses y no hay archivo

>> No.4280733

Take the Harry Potter bullshit to >>>/lit/ .

>> No.4281134
File: 58 KB, 688x533, EUoofn9WkAI1aBR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nadie se cree nada, y no te ofendas porque te digan la verdad

>> No.4282324

Esto es Cover y no pasaría porque los japos no gastan ni en comprar cámaras para su talento, pero una vez habiendo elegido a las chicas, es trivial pagarles un curso de dicción. El español 'neutro' para doblajes y noticieros está bastante formalizado.

>> No.4282392

IDs speak english because there's no audience in their own language. You think a lot of indos are lining up to watch vtubers when they live in a country where chicks that don't wear towels on their head get the cane?

>> No.4283059

espanoles.... no

>> No.4283334

mi morenita tan hermosa

>> No.4284285

Sure, why not. Good indies are always welcomed

>> No.4284454


>> No.4284567

If that shit ever happens we will be able to have pinpoint precision when talking about the downfall of hololive

>> No.4284632

>El no sabe
Anon el Gosling es un efecto universal, cuando menos te lo esperes empezaras a simpear por una vtuber que te dice que ya te comas tus empanadas y te vayas a mimir

>> No.4284639

Too all the south americans in this post. You are 70 IQ subhumans. You are worse than the plague. Every south american exchahnge student in my university was a complete retard that regreted leaving his brain dead country.

>> No.4284683

Ahora dilo sin llorar

>> No.4284803
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>> No.4284848

You have the crime levels of africa. The corruption levels of africa. And the mental capacity of africans. Except you don't have the same amount of resources lmfao. But yeah I'm the one crying kek

>> No.4284861
File: 1.06 MB, 1880x1156, ahora dilo sin llorar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4284895

unfathomability based

>> No.4285016

I've been to Brazil you fucking retard. They're skinnier than the chinese, the women have bigger arms than the men. Where is the testosterone at lmfao?

>> No.4285074

This is an english site, you br fucks.

>> No.4285170

We have nothing anon...

>> No.4285264
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>I've been to Brazil you fucking retard.
And clearly got your ass expanded there, because holy shit you're basically in tears.

>> No.4285308


>> No.4285314

what? Your living conditions are worse than africa but yeah bro, I'm crying. Cool story. Enjoy getting robbed 30 times per week and having the wage of an indian factory worker.

>> No.4285404

you are the one coming to a thread crying out of nowhere, it seems someone from brazil fucked your gf (male)

>> No.4285425

>Your living conditions are worse than africa
Is this what you tell yourself to feel better? Holy shit, are you that 5'6 manlet from Ohio that got blown the fuck out on the last Kiara split? You type exactly like him.

>> No.4285492

El Nene...

>> No.4285579

>Your living conditions are worse than africa
So much cope HOLY FUCK.

>> No.4285630


>> No.4285700

Tacobell is not mexican food.

>> No.4286099

A quién le vale?

>> No.4287567
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>empezaras a simpear por una vtuber que te dice que ya te comas tus empanadas
no anon, si eso fuera cierto no escaparía a este mierdero de 4chan, porque el ingles filtra al 99% de las comunidades hispanoparlantes, ese nivel de autismo es inmensurable y repugnante, al contrario extraña que digas esa mierda, a los mejor extrañas tus grupos de facebook

>> No.4287602

>Real Spanish
They completely butchered their own language, they talk like shit and have a literal thousand of different accents spreading across the country. The closest thing to a neutral sounding easy to listen Spanish to me is Colombian Spanish, and I'm not even Colombian.

>> No.4288079

Here in Colombia there are also so many accents, and some of them are very disgusting. But the Capital accent is pretty neutral

>> No.4288093

porfavor no chinguen a su puta madre prietas haciendose pasar por japonesas

>> No.4288512

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETvpJiscdKM she is learning some words from brilla brilla estrellita, her 1 year birthday is on the 1st

>> No.4288952

Holo Mex
>fifa streams
>dbz fighterz
>dbz xenoverse lp
mexican vtubers bantering over dbz could be cool

>> No.4289875
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>> No.4290111

>Mexican holo
>weekly DBS watchalong when it comes back
>no sponsorship, no perms even
>dejate de tonterias, ESma, EL EXPERTO ya dijo que si puedo

>> No.4290125

would you watch EL EXPERTO vtuber?

>> No.4290148

EL EXPERTO is based, but not vtuber material and likely not an entertainer himself.

>> No.4290273


>> No.4290338

>no habla español
>piensa que su opinion importa
Every time. You're no better than blacks, the lot of you. That being said, the state of streaming culture in burgerland should have meant holoEN would suck, but it's pretty good all things considered. I believe in cover to achieve a KINO holoES should they try.

>> No.4290398

Latinx general

>> No.4290490

A veces duele ser tan poderoso y potentemente viril.

>> No.4290580

Guey, fijate a Ame y dime que es una mente cuerda. O hasta a Gura. O las menheras de JP. La histeria y bipolaridad no detienen a los goslings y menos a los salvadores. No detuvieron a ningunos de tus antepasados tampoco.

>> No.4290589 [SPOILER] 
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But what about HoloRU?

>> No.4290613


>> No.4290618

Hopefully never.

>> No.4290644

Mexican, cuban, CHICANA, spaniard, and one SSL to get bullied for not knowing slang.

>> No.4290678

Does he? I don't see it. Plus, for an asshurt kyle to be autistically fixated on these threads, he's have to have some trauma, which I doubt he could have gotten all the way in ohio.

>> No.4290957

Gotta say the possibility is about the same as HoloES
Frankly quite low

>> No.4291508

English speaking website by the way.
Jesus christ jannies, you guys are such fags.

>> No.4291782

There is no rule that forbids speaking other languages

>> No.4291872

Why does >>>/int/ exist? Checkmate hermano

>> No.4292321

Today I will remind you

>> No.4292792

Japeruana is a streamer who is Peruvian Japanese. I feel like if she auditioned she'd be picked

>> No.4295399

her name itself is cringe, i don't even want to imagine her videos

>> No.4296077

t. never been in argentina

>> No.4296112

t. porteño puto

>> No.4296272
File: 478 KB, 645x749, 1611557145885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go desu

>> No.4296295

>that 5'6 manlet from Ohio that got blown the fuck out on the last Kiara split
What the fuck did I miss?

>> No.4296310

t. corta cañas de azúcar por trabajo y por hobby

>> No.4296568

Kiara flamenquito

>> No.4299141

No onions un argentino, pero quiero una novia Gaucha, y mi moneda almenos tiene algun valor.

>> No.4299220

Si no sos argentino no te mereces una argentina negrito quintomundista

>> No.4299247

>Real Spanish
Not a native speaker, and imo Spain's spanish is incomprehensible compared to the tardy latin americans.

>> No.4299541

Mira weon, a mi me gusta argentina, es un país lindo con gente buena onda y con fuerte carácter, pero cocnchatumare weon tu si que eres octavo mundista, todos tus políticos le prenden velitas a un weon muerto mientras ignoran todas sus ideas y ademas son marionetas de kirchner
Si yo onions quinto mundista, entonces tu eres 9^2343521237364237486738293746vo mundista
Al menos admite que eres un quiltro, un "mutt" como dicen los gringos, José Andrés Fortunato Goldstein

>> No.4299677


>> No.4299717

>google languages by population
>SOPs = 470 million
>ROPs = 150 million
In terms of raw numbers spanish looks more likely at least if they want to farm ad revenue by views, but there are other factors to take into account, don't know how is the average economy of all the spanish speakers countries compared to russia but my guess is that it's worse which would put them around the same level, then, hololive has the Id branch which suggests that being closer to japan gives an advantage

>> No.4299764

Hahaha he's taking the joke too far haha...

>> No.4301952
File: 418 KB, 702x702, Mexican Kiara[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fifuvlo.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4301983

damn, it's good

>> No.4303665

Pinche chicano cagon

>>>>>>>>>real spanish

hello irrelevan't eurocuck nation

>> No.4303917

Theres a difference of actually hating each other and banter, the latter being the most common. I have many friends from all over latam and we get along very well but we do joke about our nationalities.

One exception is Argentina and Chile, Puerto Rico and the rest of latinoamerica.

>> No.4303987


>> No.4304196

I will put my dick between Noel's tits this week for sure

>> No.4305619

+is pro-loli

>> No.4306477

>edad: 15 años

>> No.4306861

si porfavor

>> No.4314648


>> No.4315410

Kinda similar how some Hololive JP girls started doing EN content, instead of japanese only. But let me Guess this time is Bad because muh Bilibili Even thought 99% of asían vtubers also stream in bilibili

>> No.4316261

based gaúcho

>> No.4317625

Do espñols even have money to superchat?

>> No.4317792

>Do espñols even have money
No. Only the privileged have money, and they already know English.

>> No.4317869

the ones with money are a few and they already watch Hololive EN or JP

>> No.4318007

>El desconoce la información requerida para escribir en este tablón

>> No.4318118
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>> No.4318164
File: 412 KB, 1383x1050, HOLOES quints.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check 'em

>> No.4318193
File: 78 KB, 194x271, 1617118149191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering Argentina and Chile felt for the socialism meme, and the rest of us will be probably next, Holo ES won't be able to pay their internet unless they go for Spain or Mexico shekels.

>> No.4318283

Hope they hire Ky0resu so Cover can try out both gen0 Spanish and Russian

>> No.4318376

Better than the og

>> No.4318572
File: 893 KB, 1366x768, inside job meme review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chile... socialis- what thwat the fuck, is this even chuuba related at this point!?

>> No.4321605

Pero que punto quieres dar?
No creo que siquiera leas los comentarios de YouTube, aunque no te lo recomendaría, además de que también se encuentra reddit que es básicamente como facebook y sin agregar que sin importar que, habrá gente buscando crear drama, nada más mira a Kiara y Pekora
Ademas, yo si quisiera a una chuba que me hable en español con cualquier acento que no sea de puerto rico
Y agregando que muchas de las comunidades de las chubas siempre se terminan ajustando a ella, un ejemplo son los teamates, los seguidores de nene y los de coco, así que el autismo solo vendría si ellas así lo dejan entrar

>> No.4326166

Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit

>> No.4326499

You'd be surprised how many threads get political. I can already bet you weren't on the last Futakuchi thread.

>> No.4327174

you think there were no politics involved on how ARS donations become such a meme? Chilean peso is next.

>> No.4327479
File: 85 KB, 435x183, How.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fuck up so badly?

>> No.4328212

kek, what is the real spanish again?

>> No.4328393


>> No.4328490

isnt this just flare

>> No.4328620

>no está la haato (vacío)

>> No.4328892

Rent free

>> No.4329003

Economy wise both options are not worth it imo, both are poor af besides maybe Spain and Baltic states(and those are still quite poor by EU standarts.
I think their best option for these hypothetical branches would be to hire talents that can speak english and/or japanese in addition to spanish/russian(so basically like most IDs).
I don't see why would they bother with such branches, but don't think it's impossible when ID branch exists. Or 2434's ID, KR and failed IN

>> No.4329116

Get rid of that godforsaken lisp and maybe you'll speak real Spanish someday
