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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42915443 No.42915443 [Reply] [Original]

>I was suppose to uh...kind of get a thing and uh, I didn't get the thing that I wanted
>Sure this may sound pretty petty and please don't make theories on what it is
>I don't want to uh, I don't want it to be a big drama thing but I just want to
>I just want to talk about it in like the most vague-est things possible just so you can understand what happened.
>But not actually saying what it is... I'm just trying to word things to make you guys understand what is going on

>I worked really hard.
>Put a lot of effort into The Thing
>I put a lot of time and effort into the Thing.
>And I didn't get the Thing
>That Thing.

>Normally wouldn't bother me as much.
>Normally I would just be like "Y'know what I didn't get the Thing.
>That's fine!" Y'know?
>I don't know why but like, something snapped in me.
>Something in my soul and I suddenly processed everything in the last year since the merge.

>Everything went insane in my head and I went through a mental-like rollercoaster out of no where and I couldn't bring myself to stream.

>It all hit me that...Nijisanji ID is not here.
>The thing I started with Sunset.
>Is just gone.

>I love Nijisanji, I don't want to hate Nijisanji.
>But I'm starting to dislike it a little bit.

>I fell in love with Nijisanji and I love it so much but....
>I don't know how to process the feelings all at once.

>I will be honest, there is nothing, nothing my staff is doing wrong.
>I love all the livers I love all the staffs.
>Its just a sad and unfortunate situation that ID is in.
>It just hit me we are in the gutter right now.


>> No.42915492

who cares

>> No.42915518

Maybe she should not work in a black company next time?

>> No.42915540


>> No.42915548

>Nijisanji goes public
>reaches insane unrealistic market cap
>Riku sells all his shares
>share price tanks
>everything goes to shit and the company is mismanaged
Doesn't take a genius to figure out he gave up on the company now that it served it's purpose of making him a billionaire. Expect more of this shit until the company goes out of business.

>> No.42915621

Being serious for a sec. What does this actually mean for the rest of NijiID? Does Mika still get her 3d since she's close with NijiEn? How about Cea and Miyu?

>> No.42915671

As a Unironic NijiENfag, I Don't feel bad for them at all. Starting from the whole cosplay circle nepotism thing, the root of "Niji Family" Bullshit (even worse here since I've never seen the case of crab bucket Mentality on NijiEN, where the if you started to get a little bit of succsess, the other one will starts ostracize you from the clique.) not to mention, "Uhh no. i'm already comfortable with my positon rn" mentality that they have, like dude. you are working in a corporation and the point of the corporation is to make money. i'm also glad that they're gone since they FUCKING RUINED MY CHANCE TO BECOME A FUCKING ID REPRESENTATION OF NIJISCREAM (the one that Ike and Hayato are currently synonymous of) sorry for the long rant. i'm just an assblasted crippling indog aspie who's probably will never get to any big corpo. (No don't give me a hope for starsID. I'm glad that's never going to happen seeing the state of Tempus)

>> No.42915692

There's no NijiID anymore, anon.

>> No.42915755

yeah, they all got upgraded to the main branch

>> No.42915766

Don't fucking vaguepost. Say it outright or stfu. If you've got a good reason, fans will have your back. All this just turns into a pity party.

>> No.42915793

>Have the entire EN vtubing audience to yourself through most of 2020
>Getting clipped out the wazoo
>People check your streams out
>Go full retard, side with e-thots and filter your new audience
>"wtf why my branch dead!??
She can't possibly be this retarded? Maybe she's just mindbroken by the fact that not only has her career been ruined it was her own actions and nobody elses that ruined it. She made some fucking piss poor decisions when she had every opportunity to becomes a successful EN streamer and she threw it away for virtue points on twitter

>> No.42915824

>Seeing the state of Tempus
Stop threadreading and do some actual research, they are doing ok

>> No.42915848

Go cry to your "dad" you fucking whore.

>> No.42915912

Doesn't sound like Hana considers it much of an upgrade

>> No.42915953

It's very obvious they completely gave up on ID and KR KEK.
Black company.

>> No.42915966

I love NijiID but being honest I'm done with them, they're not suited to be corpo vtubers, they want to stay on their little pathetic corner and get frustrated and they're forced to care about being in a corpo, they've been whining for over an year now about the merging, pretty much blaming it for ruining everything when in reality they're at the exact same position they were begore the merge, which is terrible when other people like Seffyna put on the work and grew a lot since, they should all graduate and start their own indie circlejerk where they can be happy being 2viewers who stream once in a blue moon because even calling it a hobby would be too much for them

>> No.42916043

Is thing code for baby?

>> No.42916220

Who's Cea or Miyu? I don't think I know any active members with that names

>> No.42916273
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Nobody wanted NijiID.
I don't say that to be an asshole, its the truth, NijiID had models designed by indo artists and the livers primarily spoke indonesian, nobody gave a shit, Hana herself inclined purely due to the EN crowd flocking around around her when the EN market was starving for an english speaker.
Nobody gave a fuck about HoloID either till much later and the only Indo only huge success they had was Kobo, the rest just speak english and have 90% english chat.

There just isn't a market for them, the simple fact that they haven't been graduated is honestly impressive but a mass graduation like that would probably be a a bad PR move, that said Hana is menhera as fuck so take what she says with a grain of salt.

>> No.42916282

The thing was probably to push ZEA and Taka up on the 3D queue because that's how Hana works, she's always willing to undermine her growth in order to try to push her dead branch along, not realizing that wasting her chances to promote them from the top is doing more harm than good

>> No.42916335

>The Thing
Probably a change to a male model
If you know you know or else search the archives for a /#/ thread mentioning he/him or hana macchia

>> No.42916577

you're retarded and just wanted to timeloop this male model shit

>> No.42916619

Stop coping, Hana is a dude now

>> No.42916700

Why does Nijisanji hate the ID and KR branches?

>> No.42916782

Cuz they got EN

>> No.42916894

ID just wanted to have fun with themselves instead of earning money (with the exception of Mika) so of course they are on the shit list

>> No.42916924

I mean Hana's 3D is basically "ready" already, for all intents and purposes. They put in all that work so it makes absolutely ZERO sense to just... NOT showcase that, at the very least.
If anything they'll get a share of all the superchats and merch sales from the 3D showcase, so I have no idea why they're not taking the money that's right on the table.

And if the situation is this bad for Hana, who already HAS a 3D model, then you can bet that the rest of the ID nijis won't be getting SHIT from management anymore.

>> No.42916974

>People check your streams out
Not just random people either.
This is the same chuuba that Mick fucking Gordon visited to see her play Doom.
No other chuuba has had that honor.
It's quite sad to see her in this state...

>> No.42917074

KR is doing great. Or at least doing significantly better than when they were still a separate branch. Iirc Suha was even on that official Nijisanji NND variety show with Chaika and someone else I can't remember. ID just refuses to put any effort into anything.

>> No.42917704

They're basically getting "japanese salary manned"
>management wants you gone but doesn't want to fire you
>They put you in a corner doing menial tasks
>Visibly ostracized from everyone
>Just wants you to take the hint and quit already
The problem for them is that NijiID isn't getting the hint at all.

>> No.42917810

They could just put Hana into EN.

>> No.42917880

She would rather graduate, hana does a pretty bad job at hiding how bitter she is towards en

>> No.42918095

No one cares about IDs that don't tangle with JP.
Some members of KR are actively going to collaborate with JP so there is a little room for growth.

>> No.42918136

if she would have embraced it more instead of having all these weird social and personal hang ups she could have been even more popular then mika but hindsight is 20/20

>> No.42918273

>been in the corner doing menial tasks your entire career so you don't notice any difference, much to the bosses annoyance

>> No.42918296

>>Riku sells all his shares
All lines are real but this one. You know people keep track on this religiously, right?

>> No.42918363

That logic doesn't really work with Hana since they already made her 3D model. The work has already been completed, the riggers paid, and it has even been used in their festival program.
I can understand the rest of the IDs not getting 3D, but putting out a "3D showcase" for Hana is literally free money.

Oh wait.
I just realized.
This is the same girl who delayed her 3D in order to wait for the rest of her genmates to get the subs required to be eligible for Niji3D...
I wonder if "the thing" wasn't her own 3D, but rather her request for 3Ds of her genmates getting turned down... then maybe she said "if they aren't getting 3D, I won't go through with mine either" and they called her bluff, canceling her 3D indefinitely.

>> No.42918543

To begin with, Niji-sanji gives a reasonable chance to those who make an effort, but does nothing for those who do not.
ID no longer shows any signs of growing, and is a lazy person who failed to establish a fan base before the holo ID came along.
On the other hand, those who do nothing are not kicked out.
That is an agency that can be enrolled without any streaming or activity for 3 years.

>> No.42918712

Melissa also put in so much effort but she still got canned in the end.

>> No.42918837

It's not the same situation at all

>> No.42918880

>that is an agency that can be enrolled without any streaming or activity for 3 years
didn't know you could spin that into something positive
wouldn't put my faith into a company who follows no quality standard

>> No.42918943

It's either that or she was pushing for a male model change, including 3d, and got denied

>> No.42918991

Idk about hate but ID is giga insular.

>> No.42919136

Melissa wanted more control over her music, it would be like Mori demanding full control of songs under the Mori name, it doesnt work that way and any corpo would say no.
Every single line is bullshit, nothing has changed beyond the changes to KR and ID.
Niji pays no salaries, you either stream or you don't.

>> No.42919245

For members whose main focus is singing, there is a limit to what they can eventually do.
Even if they write original songs, the rights eventually belong to Any Color and cannot be passed on after graduation.
In the case of her and Warabeda, they were engaged in activities other than vtuber, and graduation would be a step up of sorts, considering that they can take with them the fans they gained from their vtuber activities.

>> No.42919261

Could've had so much more if she hadn't thrown it away in the first place.

>> No.42919276


>> No.42919344

The stock was initially evaluated below 2k yen, sold by 5.6k during the IPO, reached above 12k and is plummeting down (not much surprise here.) To Anycolor this doesn't really matter, they already pocketed all the money obtained from the IPO and probably did everything they had to do with it.

>> No.42919501

The story is that there is no fixed salary to begin with and no one gets kicked out.
It is not a problem, especially since it is free to belong and the company does not pay you a salary.

>> No.42919602

the branches have always been pretty insular and even holo was just as insular before. It was oddly enough because of the holoen and the en audience that the other holo branches began communicating. Niji never had a chance of getting that kind of culture change (because of hana).

>> No.42919603
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Yea thats my point, the stock has fuck all to do with NijiEN managers being stupid, nevermind the fact NijiJP is going strong as ever with multiple merch announcements, sponsorships, upcoming events.
And the stuff about Riku, where do people create the rrats?
>Yea the CEO totally sold his controlling share in his own company.

>> No.42919699

>NijiJP is going strong as ever
the latest wave is tumbling into 3view territory very quickly and only 2/7 of them have managed to hit 100k subs after almost a month. Doesn't bode well for the future.

>> No.42919729

She could of saved NijiID, but she decided to be an idiot, instead.

>> No.42919821

>Muh ccv
>Muh dead subs
# is 2 blocks down numbercunt.

>> No.42919828

>could of
speaking of idiots

>> No.42919904

The stock falling has to do with investors realizing that they are overvalued and they don’t trust that Anycolor can produce stars at a good/fast enough rate as an agency. They’re making money but not enough money to meet investor expectation basically.

>> No.42920021

Not even remotely accurate.

>> No.42920257

I've been subbed to Hana for 3 years now, watch most of her streams, and I legitimately have no clue what the fuck spawned the "male model" rrat. The male!Hana stuff is her wanting to be fucked by her ideal man, no different from guys playing MMOs as their ideal woman.

>> No.42921182

Anon if HoloEN are pushing Tempus as a success then StarsID is very much a probability

>> No.42921256

Why? There's ENs like Elira and Selen that seem pretty welcoming of her.

>> No.42921371

Because they achieved in a month what ID couldn't do in 2 years

>> No.42921476

Why is this rich cunt complaining about a fucking 3D model?

>> No.42921590

She has been bitter towards the EN scene ever since Myth debut and made her a literal who. She never really tried to befriend NijiEN when they debut either.

>> No.42921637

Didn't she shout at her chat once for calling her EN 0 or something?

>> No.42921672


>> No.42921732

It was less that and more for being called "Daisenpai" IIRC.

>> No.42921873

tldr hana has a bunch of weird complex about being considered an english liver and its why she never wanted to branch out

>> No.42921966

>Could've had so much more if she hadn't thrown it away in the first place.
This. Bitch got fat and lazy, thought she was too saintly and humble to actually push her own branch forward, and now is whining everything went to shit.
Newsflash Hana, you wasted the biggest opportunities in your life and have nobody to blame but yourself for it.

>> No.42921967

Now she isn't even considered an ID liver kek

>> No.42922165

The worst thing is fucking Mika is now the face of the disbanded branch and will probably get 3d first.
And all because she has more ambition than the rest of the IDs combined.

>> No.42922356

Can someone actually pinpoint the moment she went retard? The moment she sided with thots? Any videos? Tweets? Anything
I just want something substantial that shows this

>> No.42922375

No, what made her a literal who was the fucking PSO2 arc where it was obvious she was killing herself to stream a boring game well after her sponsorship ran out. Then Sega gave the big cosmetic pack to Holos who had never even heard of the game, let alone played it on stream. Not that she should've gotten it over the Holos; corpo deals gonna corpo, but it feels like an extra stab after she basically nuked her viewerbase for the game.

>> No.42922450

>Numbers suddenly don't indicated success for some reason
NTA but all of your replies read like a coping shill.

>> No.42922562


>> No.42922575

She literally has a youtube channel where she tries her hardest to speak with a male-ish voice and the twitter account connected to that channel has he/him pronouns in bio
Stop coping and fucking do this >>42916335

>> No.42922605

NTA, but you obviously want to numberfag very badly brony to serve your rrats, do it where it is actually welcome.

>> No.42922666

So, you're saying that the latest wave is a success?

>> No.42922737

Isn't that roleplaying?
How many girls in the past have turned out be guys?

>> No.42922754

if rikku smart, he would move hana and mika to en for more coverage, they will bring more money and left other id members as part of main branch

>> No.42922819

More like graduate Hana and Mika can become EN

>> No.42923156
File: 472 KB, 415x670, 1652322113075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mika and Hana stand out because they're English-speakers in the ID group. If they'd debuted in EN they'd be lost in the noise.
Person that speaks my language but not in my language's branch = Exotic and Novel
Person that speaks a language that isn't mine in my branch = ESL and Pointless

>> No.42923246

>Flayfag and Axel streaming under 1K viewers
>Regis being an SJWoke
>People like Ollie and Kobo who are guaranteed ain't gonna leave you alone.
>"Holopro" Unity bullshit.
>Homobeggar Reddit fanbases.
Yeah.. no. I'll rather become and manwhore like Vox and Hex who panders exclusively to femcorns

>> No.42923357

You can't make a claim of "niji jp is going as strong as ever" and then be mad when someone brings up the numbers proving you wrong.

>> No.42923475

Roommate stuff

>> No.42923506

they both speak english, maybe you meant accent, so niji will never approve a russian chubba as part of en?

>> No.42923586

now do niji

>> No.42923650

>rather become and manwhore like Vox and Hex who panders exclusively to femcorns
He did. No other males in niji en are relevant.

>> No.42923878

>So no Russians in NijiEN?
I'm not dumb enough to fall into this trap.
What I mean is that if you speak fluent English in a non-EN branch, EOPs will think you're more interesting than your peers, but the inverse is not true. An English-speaker in the EN branch is expected, and being able to speak other languages isn't enough to get the attention of EOPs on its own merit. Half of NijiEN is bilingual, in some cases trilingual. It is not a standout feature.
Hana and Mika would not survive if they had debuted under an EN wave.

>> No.42924101

>Melissa also put in so much effort
She barely streamed. I won't defend Nijisanji but she had to leave eventually. She was never canned, she simply quit and could not be convinced to come back, after she returned to her RM.

>> No.42924160
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Now she fucking cares about 3D? What about when she got offered the chance even before myth debuted and passed it off? She is literally the real life personification of that meme with the bicycle and the stick.

>> No.42924515

>ESL and Pointless
Hana is a native English speaker, though. She was born in burgerland.

>> No.42925151

??? Most of them are doing very well CCV wise. Only two are 3view

>> No.42925421

>Most of them are doing very well CCV wise
not really lmao

>> No.42925512

>so niji will never approve a russian chubba as part of en?
Nina is Ukranian.

>> No.42925563
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>yet another thread filled with /#/trannies and holofags spreading lies

>> No.42925703

There was some real discussion sprinkled between the usual shitposting, quite a feat for the catalog

>> No.42926218

>they don't have 5 digits CCV so they're failures
okay holobrony
now go back to you anti-thread or wait until may so we can see the financial reports again

>> No.42926563

sister, they barely have 4 digit CCV and it hasn't even been a month since they debuted. really fucking bad sign of things to come.

>> No.42926872
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I used to like watching Hana quite a bit. No hard feelings or anything, just fell off. Probably around when the PSO sponsor shit started too, just like >>42922375 said.

>> No.42926970

This might have more bite if you weren't such a massive faggot anon. Really. think deeply about why people don't take you seriously. You keep being told this and you are too stupid to take the hint.

>> No.42926969
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Shame she wouldn't read this one out loud though.

>> No.42927038 [DELETED] 

Obviously, if you're not pulling Gura or Pekora tier numbers, you're a total failure and need to be graduated.
You know, despite even low 3views being in the top 0.1% of all streamers.

>> No.42927044

>they're doing better than 50% of the company
it's over...

>> No.42927052

so, you're saying that they could go toe-to-toe against holoX?

>> No.42927218


>> No.42928958

ID doesn't get shit
I'm genuinely shocked Mika got a new outfit or anyone got improved rigging

>> No.42929240

And yet their fan mail gets dropped in a shredder

>> No.42929291

most people already think Mika is EN, or just forget she's not an indie

>> No.42930112

Ironically all niji id love to filter their audience. Its hard to be a new fans of niji with their inside joke and "muh we are more superior than neighbor company"

>> No.42930719

>Zero arguments just ad homs praying nijisisters will fall in line and praise him
You must be 18 years old to post here kiddo. Maybe twitter or reddit would be more your speed if you can't take someone disagreeing with you

>> No.42932054

I can't help but imagine if my father said "newfag, do your reps" when I became 18y old and asked him to teach me how to drive

>> No.42933342

Bullshit. Mika is super charismatic and is the entertaining kind of crazy. Even if you call her collabing with EN as leeching. It was a smart move by her because at this point she probably has 0 support and no management help. She got herself out there on her own and was interesting enough to retain some of those people who found out about her through the collabs. If Mika had the EN tag and had the support EN gets she would at least be doing better than Aia, Scarle, Maria and Reimu.

>> No.42933851

Ok mika

>> No.42934260

He doesn't know...

>> No.42934290

true, not all but he do sell some his share

>> No.42934939

that's BS, look at selejo girl with lowest number already got 3d. niji just being done with ID.

>> No.42936111

None of ID do. ID management tried very hard to promote ID and they canned them, they have less merchandise than ever and promises that were once made about eventual perks such as 3Ds seems to be non existent.
KR benefitted because their branch was headed by people who actively gave support to someone who is now being sued by former KRs because of how shitty of a person she is but for ID there was no benefit

>> No.42940519

slighty off topic but what did the kr head manger do I knew can find anything other then vague people saying she was a bitch

>> No.42941257

Essentially allowed for a person who was bullying and doxing livers in the branch to continue getting away with it which ended up driving away several members graduating because of harassment within the branch.

>> No.42941417

This is kind of her fault for not accepting the deal the first time around. The dissolving of NijiID hinged on her and she blew it. Just because she now realizes her mistake doesn't absolve her of why the situation became what it was. Her 3D getting cancelled once she accepted it is like karma. A lesson learned. When opportunity knocks, you better take it and ride it out.

>> No.42941674

KR management was incompetent and showed favoritism for Chae Ara who was at this point bullying a few of the KR talents and talking shit about them to the managers who listened to her. Because of that like 4 KR talents graduated pretty close to each other. Nijisanji JP realizes what is going on Chae Ara basically gets the can with out any announcement and disbands the KR branch dragging ID down with them.

>> No.42943413

I still cannot fucking believe it, she had the opportunity to not only hog all the EN audience but also cull Myth's success by a 70% if she weren't so retarded. Is this what that hot dog seller felt when he rejected being part of aerosmith?

>> No.42944980

ZEA literally came out and said she would usually get the scanned version of it and was able to take it back when she went to Japan just like ex-KRs.
I don't know why Reza doesn't get his but it's not like something that happened to every ex-ID and ex-KR

>> No.42945065

Maybe she was just woefully naive about the situation and just thought her fans would stick around forever.

>> No.42945156

Iirc she would bully the shit out of anyone who was more popular than her.

>> No.42945314

Let's keep in mind there's a real chance some of them don't get fanmail at all. Heck, I wouldn't doubt some JP not getting it. It's one of those things that you have to advertise and make it clear how it works to direct fans towards it.

>> No.42945658

>Doesn't know they got culled like Xsoleil and Council
OK /#/niggers

>> No.42946600

Why is it only Niji that gets culled?

>> No.42946658

>only Niji

>> No.42946842

Burn the black company Hana
They don't deserve you

>> No.42947472

Which stream is this from?

>> No.42947694

Why didn’t she capitalize on being the breakout EN star during the Covid boom?
Why did she ignore and insult all the tourists checking out her content during this time?
Why was she not using her 15 minutes of fame to boost all her genmates in NijiID, who LITERALLY do not make any money off this?

She’s a MENHERA self-centered halfu twat, and deserves all the humble pie karma brings her.

>> No.42947905

Hana's made mention how she's always felt weirded out by her own body, but to go as far as to get a male model? I guess I could see that.

>> No.42948696

Done and done

>> No.42948753

Lack of ambitions
The bullying issue go out of control

>> No.42949303

you're talking about success from business perspective, you braindead retard. Of course number matters

>> No.42949664

this is a nice thread compared to what niji is getting these days

>> No.42949765

despite abandoning the KR market, most of the KR livers that are left are doing better than ever. they've even gotten physical merchandise, something that was deemed impossible before.
frankly, most of the livers that graduated because of the merge are the ones who screwed themselves. Siu's PL/small corpo identity for example average 30-40 CCV, Kiru's reincarnation is often sub-15, Yami's PL was doing sub-30 for awhile, etc

>> No.42950105

>despite abandoning the KR market
The most ironic part is that some like Suha, Hayun, or even those who mainly go for JP and EN now like Nari, and Seffyna literally get a bigger local fanbase after merge because of NijiEN's Korean fans.
Now Suha is able to maintain 700~800 on twitch with a Korean-only stream, which is unimaginable before the merge

>> No.42950241

ok, calm down now Mika. Without the ID label, you are just a worse Reimu.

>> No.42950830

>read it from the top
>Don't make theories or a big drama
>I'm starting to dislike Nijisanji a little bit but the staff and livers are cool!

>> No.42951098
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The state of Niji ExID

>> No.42951136

Expose the black company

>> No.42951462

Anon even if Tempus beats the shit out of all NijiEN it won't make starsID a thing since ID management will obviously look inward for starsID justification, not outward to EN

>> No.42951592

StarsID would barely change a damn thing though so I don't understand why people are acting otherwise. ID is already the most friendly and open with not just Holostars but male collabs in general. It wouldn't change the branch culture much at all beyond this board deciding to shitpost about it.

>> No.42951936

It wasn't about branch culture at all, it's just that ID management aren't sure if now's the time for males in ID, mind you that the holofans demand for starsID were already there since ID2 auditions, but management sees that the concept weren't proven yet for ID unlike how Luxiem justifies starsEN

>> No.42952717

Seeing how stars perform even in JP, do you really want to make a starsID? I wouldn't be surprised if they get ex-ID Niji numbers.

>> No.42952862


Come home to ID4

>> No.42952980

I think management is correct that ID is too niche to support a big branch and that the current set up of 3 new girls every few years makes a lot of sense. Because if a new gen performs terribly they can stop releasing new ones after that point and just focus on getting the numbers up.

>> No.42956679

What went so wrong?

>> No.42956957

Good. Why waste time and resources into someone who constantly bites the hand that feeds? She purposefully throws her growth at any given turn. Her demanding 3D is asking for a $500,000 toy she'll drop after 2 streams before graduating into her tranny alt

>> No.42957311

This actually made me fucking tear up. Fuck Anycolor, really. I've been watching Niji since Lazulight but these past few months have been blackpilling me on this company. Poor Hana...

>> No.42957348

>Can someone actually pinpoint the moment she went retard?
The legendary tweet

>> No.42957448

Well well well speaking about EX-ID

>> No.42957555

Ehh, at least 1/3 of them already restarting their old RM account or making a new one. While the other focus more on IRL stuffs than being vtuber. People who search them would find it sooner or later anyway.

>> No.42957596

Nah, they'd do just fine like the rest of trilinguals in the branch

>> No.42957599

holy newfag

>> No.42957679

>>The thing I started with Sunset.
what's Sunset?

>> No.42957729

Oh my god how can anyone stand her voice? the mouth breathing is so annoying. it's like she has a clothespin blocking her nose

>> No.42957792

Yeah people got into vtubers myth and LL man what a surprise

>> No.42957862

>fact is now lies
the absolute state of nijiniggers

>> No.42958265

i couldn't care less subhuman nijiwhore

snap out of it and find some pagpag to eat

>> No.42960180

Her debut group name

>> No.42960207

i can't believe wesker was anya in disguise this whole time

>> No.42960559

A lot of the attention was honestly because of the streams with her dad, who was entertaining as hell. And then she refused to ever stream with her dad again because him getting all the attention hurt her ego.

>> No.42961034

Mika has been kind of saying the same shit in her member streams as well

Niji ID seems kind of fucky

>> No.42961295

But why male models?

>> No.42961678

Man I hate the pettiness of women her dad was a hilarious dude, and she deprived me of that

>> No.42961835

thread should have ended here

>> No.42961842

the perfect brotuber we never got

>> No.42961845

I also really enjoyed their streams together, sure he was funny but I just really liked the idea of father daughter bonding and playing games and talking with each other. it's such a thing so far removed from me i just sat there in awe and had warm fuzzy feelings. but nope had to nip that in the bud i guess

>> No.42962090
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big this it's comforting to know that there's a parent and child who get along so well and are able to bond over similar hobby in our modern situation..

>> No.42963634

>NijiEN Event cancelled
>NijiID fucked

Are they having actual money problems?

>> No.42963791

NijiEN is much more profitable on a per liver basis so they are trying to lower the costs on the EN side to prop up the JP side

>> No.42964280

Wtf is this male model rrat?

>> No.42964945

All of them have, although I think Mika is just being swayed by the ID pride gaslighting of the others, nijien ex-id isn't a real branch anymore and there's no reason to think they're being specifically targeted

>> No.42965329

The fuck is LL?

>> No.42965411

He got kicked off the stream because he was shilling for political shit, which they're not supposed to do

>> No.42965906

Guy was going on rants about why communism is good on her stream and got banned from showing up again.
I buy the rrat that it was initially supposed to be smaller in scope until other livers complained to incorporate the rest of em. Then after announcing it they realized they couldn’t organize the whole thing that fast (this shit takes several months to organize on top of all the 3D debuts at the same time).

>> No.42966372

Why are livers streaming? Shouldn't they be inside the body?

>> No.42966468

Hard times call for desperate measures

>> No.42966857

good get fucked stupid disgusting cunt. fucking hate you and hope you suffer immensely

>> No.42966865

>the rrat
It makes no sense unless you're one of those retarded that buy the whole Luxiem favoritism narrative.
Also, if you really watch their stream, they had been under stress since November of last year and mentioned working under pressure before and after it was announced. The more realistic scenario would be that they did't leave room in scheduling for any unforeseen circumstances to happen, but it happened, which made the whole thing derailed.

>> No.42967497

got troonified

>> No.42967761

It’s stupid since not even a week after cancelling the concert they announce three more concerts for the JP side. It’s just really tone deaf.

>> No.42967816

so, you're saying there's a high chance that the EN concert will still happen?

>> No.42968112

Selen outright said it was delayed but worded as "canceled," which is the same as every "canceled" concert before, like Fantasia or SiTR Tokyo.

>> No.42968179

PR code for "if it's actually canceled at least we said it, hopefully we don't need to because all the marketing expenses have been paid already"

>> No.42968518

They might do a revenge concert at the end of the year or something if Anycolor really cares about them. The whole thing just makes management look like retards but as long as the JP side is happy then it doesn’t really matter since EN fans tend to be doormats.

>> No.42968598

Yeah, it's more like the wording to prepare for the worst scenario which is that they really need to cancel it.
But every "canceled" concert before got a "revenge concert", which probably will be the same for AR live as many members now are confirmed to be in Japan. And the revenge concert sometimes got more hype even than the original. So in a way, no publicity is bad publicity
>at the end of the year
It probably will be in the middle of the year, judging by how some members react to it.

>> No.42969299

I unironically feel bad for her, sure it's mostly her fault but she's just a random broad who probably just wanted to do some small time ewhoring in what at the time still looked like a niche subculture thing, and now that she understands the opportunity she squandered it's too late for her to do anything about it. At the end of the day not everyone is cut out for this type of work, it's just kind of unfortunate I guess.

>> No.42969377

It means upper management is subtlety pushing ID and KR talents to graduate. They get to reap the rewards of graduation streams while being able to shutter the branch and cut overall costs.

>> No.42969461

I don't think they want the likes of Seffyna, Na Sera, Suha, Nari, or even Mika to graduate. This doesn't mean they're going to help the others members of the absorbed branches.

>> No.42970524

I still don't know if I believe that, because she still sounds like Hana with that male avatar, not even trying to sound different.
I just cant see it as anything but her just messing around with a male vtuber avatar right now or dipping her toes in with her male side.

>> No.42970573
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>> No.42970578

>Commie dad
What more do you need

>> No.42970659

nijifags love commie shit. it's funny, because anycolor is the most soulless, profit-focused corporation in the vtubing sphere.

>> No.42970692


>> No.42972971

>IPO is a good thing, they said

>> No.42973037

it made riku lots of money

>> No.42973059

I mean, look at the numbers nigga, it's working very good for corpo's health

>> No.42973099
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what numbers?

>> No.42973178
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>> No.42973279

lol at the rate they're declining they could be lower in the next financial report when their competition is non-existent in comparison

>> No.42973646

Unleash the Salome bots.

>> No.42974545
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>> No.42977784

Don't sell holoID short, Kobo might be massive in comparison to the rest but the others aren't exactly unknown in indonesia, and all of them are miles above nijiID

>> No.42977814

yeah, even iofi and anya mog the top nijiIDs

>> No.42977882

Thats not hard just look at this dude, everything looks like shit
40 viewers as well

>> No.42978035

Maybe if she was a good girl and not an unrepentant cockslut things would have worked out better for her.

>> No.42978610

She literally had a meltdoown being called EN when she's ID. Kinda like Oliver did, but he was way more professional about it

>> No.42978652

i remember that. she started banning people that said it.

>> No.42979065

I wouldn't be surprised if he fully cashing out in maybe 1-2 years

>> No.42983238


>> No.42985007

Oh hello there anon. I'm also sad about how they cancelled what could have been a big hit if they decided to take time until they realize brotubers are the proper meta in ID.
cry and rage and curse enikara along with me as we watch this trailer of what you could have been, anon https://www.youtube.com/live/39PNIIBwh2M?t=6h52m13s

>> No.42985250

I keep hearing this about going on a rant but no one ever posts a clip. I understand it being gone from her channel but there must be some kind of archive of said moment out there

>> No.42985402

Shit was almost 3 years ago, and people weren't as trigger-happy about clips back then. I wouldn't be surprised if nobody has it anymore.

>> No.42990842

brought it on herself

>> No.42991878

Good get fucked stupid bitch

>> No.42996659

Hana sucks

>> No.42997375

This thread was made by a Nijisanji employee to distract from the fact that NijiEN is tanking the stock price on the daily and the JP livers can't carry the brand on their own and are losing relevance.

>> No.42999585

Hana literally has a second twitter just for appreciate her lewds and there's no break like Finana
Hana likes to have a pussy and wants to feel a cock in it.

>> No.43000412

when your members that inclined are strongly tied to EN's branch audience, of course you're fucked
only Mika and Bobon had a big growth since nijiEN's debut and bobon is super irregular on his streaming
And I bet on the stupid ID pride for alot of them, some become relatively close to nijiEN but barely does things with the EN branch

Not wanting to be a leech was the fastest way to irrelevancy

>> No.43001630

and that's Mika's greatest strength, being absolutely shameless and blatantly leeching
that's what it takes to make it as a streamer

>> No.43001639

>because anycolor is the most soulless, profit-focused corporation in the vtubing spher
I think you mean Hololive. INB4 seething.

>> No.43002398 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.43002538

current hololive maybe, but the pre-2021 era hololive is SOVL

>> No.43002909

i want Hana NTR dojin on her 3 year saga.

from lalalala everyone will grow together, to this point where she get depressed and resorted to seeggggsss

>> No.43003807

Both companies have a shit ton of problems honestly.
Hololive has issues with getting their talents 3d and flat out neglecting them to the point where Ame has to create her own home 3d since her Corp won't send her the shit and moona is on record talking about how she had to pay for her tickets to Japan and everything else while there
Nijisanji gets stuff like 3d faster and people like selen have talked about how they're given a budget for shopping each day but completely drops the ball any time they have to do anything for a branch that isn't JP and seem to be actively trying to kill both KR and ID despite force merging them into JP

If this board wasn't so obsessed with what are essentially console wars but with vtubers there'd probably be a lot more people who realize that corporations in general just kinda suck

>> No.43003858

If it is real, that is quite funny to think since the reason they merge of KR and ID is to raise their stock value in the eyes of the investor and now one year later it is actually lower than it was before the merge.
