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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43592446 No.43592446 [Reply] [Original]

why did she do it? (again) (right now)

>> No.43592640

It's a message that the imaginary "cause" is nothing but fart and piss ass stupidity

>> No.43592781

Actually based. I kneel.

>> No.43592842

Cuz' in the real world, troons got no actual power

>> No.43592980

Because the people complaining never watched her. And because people attacked her, she gained new followers.

>> No.43593012

white people love to larp being persecuted

>> No.43593044

Froot is seething

>> No.43593051

now watch /vt/ pretend like they loved silvervale all along

>> No.43593060

Will she do it? Is she about to break the spell?

>> No.43593135

Because fuck this "cause"

>> No.43593153
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The drama that just keeps giving, and I just have to sit around and do nothing else but laugh, I don't even have to throw fuel to the fire, the dumpster fire just keeps burning

>> No.43593181
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>> No.43593301

I will love anything and anyone who is against trannies. I rest my case.

>> No.43593322

trannysisters…it was suppose to be a mistake…

>> No.43593412

for you

>> No.43593575

never watched her before, onlu knew her as Ame's friend
now watching and following

>> No.43593806

Based, troons must rope theirself

>> No.43593910

She may not necessarily been liked, but she was probably the Vshojo member that was disliked the least.

>> No.43594281

the only people who care are from specific communities on twitter and reddit. The game isn't remotely controversial offline.

>> No.43594382

HoloEN are fucking cowards kek

>> No.43594771

She's the best of the worst.

>> No.43594792

Ame raised her well. Unironically.
Silver is a good girl

>> No.43594826

The cause....

>> No.43595366

the rewriting of history has already begun

>> No.43595467

B-but she was crying and asking for forgiveness... was that fake?

>> No.43595543

She made a mistake

>> No.43595610

How many tranny deaths did she contribute to this time?

>> No.43595627

Nah he's right, people simply never talked about her. I made a thread once about it once and the consensus was just "she exists"
The only time people shat on her was when she implicitly shittalked hololive in an interview and that was made irrelevant when it came out that the entire interview was the headcanon of a fake news """journalist"""

>> No.43595650

End justifies the means. Well played.

>> No.43595756

should have waited for like a month before streaming again. streaming so soon after announcing a hiatus makes her look like a grifter

>> No.43595804

it rhymes with Falent Treedom

>> No.43595831

the enemy of my enemy is my friend, Anon

>> No.43596104

Don't you have drugs to sell, darkie?

>> No.43596174

Never forget, Rowlings' main concern with transgenderism is men pretending to be transgender in order to gain access to womens' restrooms, etc. in order to rape them etc.

The main reason someone would have to take issue with that opinion is if they are one of those men. Real transgender people would hate such men more than Rowling does; those men harm their entire cause.

>> No.43596329

Did the anon who said would donate $1000 delivered?

>> No.43596353

Because she's a conniving e-thot. She knew that she'd get a lot of support (aka money) by doing this. Imagine being a sensitive snowflake but choosing to stream a controversial game that got other streamers in trouble. Everything about her reaction felt fake as fuck, but retards like Asmongoloid and LSF bought it, so she got her coverage.

Maybe I'd have respect for her if she didn't claim to be a "wholesome and cozy" streamer, when in reality she's just using her 2D boobs to leech money off of coomers. I hope that whore never comes back, and if she does, that this controversy wouldn't go away or evolve into something worse.

>> No.43596476


>> No.43596552

That's it.. I'm going to go like Froot's tweet

>> No.43596560


>> No.43596598

Vshojofags really milking this little drama for attention, huh

>> No.43596662

I didn't pay attention to her much because she streams when its 4-5 am in Europe but when I started waking up early because of personal reasons I started wtching her and liked the comfy wolf, that was 2 months ago. And then the troons attacked her and took my comfy morning routine. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THE TROONS.

>> No.43596705

Why do I feel it goes beyond that.

>> No.43596786

I've always loved her big tiddies

>> No.43596851

Does that number represent how many trans people she's genocided while playing?

>> No.43596852

Nijibros... Elira HL stream next week, r-right?

>> No.43596938

The trannies never contributed to society, so why just not use them to farm cloud and numbers. Asmon is doing it he even admitted that he is milking them, even hasan is doing it, its trendy and profitable.

>> No.43596960 [DELETED] 


>> No.43596968

Already watched Kuzuha play the game. Honestly, now that everyone played the game already, it is time to move to the next fotm game.

>> No.43596998

Called those twitter clowns freaks Silver wildin

>> No.43597083

Don't care either way but I guess Haruka would probably be the actual least hated. I think the power tier would be Haruka>Hime (she doesn't even stream lmao)>Bubble Girl>Silvervale>A literal prostitute>Rushia>Coco>Tranny>Powergap>Nyanners>Powergap>Froot

Most of vshojo is in the "damn 4chan really fucked your brain years ago didn't it gurl" in terms of the ex-4chan types who used to just be shitposting teens and are now really really weird adults.

>> No.43597118

Because it does. No need to lie, she's full anti-trans and has been for a long time. That position doesn't make her right wing in the UK though because a lot of left wing feminists there also hold that position and want the T excluded from LGBT.

That point is irrelevant though because she has 0 to do with this game and is already rich. Most people don't follow her or know her views, so trying to force a boycott from apolitical Normies was already doomed from the start. I've seen trans people online that don't even care about the game or boycott.

>> No.43597128

Vshojo civil war is more interesting than the Ninisaji yabs. Much more interesting than hololive's -literally nothing because they only stream once a week- shit.

>> No.43597154

He's probably right tho, mousey had haters ranging from her ties with C*nnor and the schizos that claim that she's faking her illness, but Silver got nor hate nor support because nobody really knew her well enough.

>> No.43597199

And what does her coomer audience contribute to society? Heck, you could ask what does the whole Vtuber "industry" contribute to society. The answer is nothing. If anything, it's detrimental to it. Imagine having a parasocial relationship with an avatar and giving the person behind it money.

>> No.43597290

All I've read since holoEN debut about Silver, outside of /vsj+/ or /pmg/ was:
>friends with Ame preholo
>got mad once at chatter
that's pretty much it

>> No.43597355

Management wont let them play it. Otherwise ame would play it because pissing people off is her favorite thing to do

>> No.43597380

This, so much this.
Silver stood up to the hate mob and proved that there's nothing to be afraid of.
I hope this inspires more streamers to play what they wanna play.

>> No.43597528


(Y sus tetotas, mmmmmmmmh)

>> No.43597723


>> No.43597844

It really doesn't. The whole thing came about because she commented on an article that refused to call women women. It called them 'menstruation havers' or some stupid shit to not trigger male trannies, and she pointed out how ridiculous that was, and the troons have been hounding her ever since. Just for saying women exist.

>> No.43598713

The 1k dono is real, it flashed for a milisecond after she finished the game. Holy shit.

>> No.43598870

Do you perhaps follow the incarnation of retardness Britanny Venti?

>> No.43599410
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>> No.43599599
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>> No.43599632


>> No.43600057

Not letting the twitter freaks get their way by bullying.

>> No.43600196

I will kneel to Vshojo just this once

>> No.43600226

not him. that was one of her regulars.

>> No.43600269

what makes you think the anon that pledges to whale to his waifu isn't in fact a regular.

>> No.43600298

chalk possums feeling pressed this morning

>> No.43600362

she learned you can't please twitter retards

>> No.43600365

I've already seen various cope elsewhere that the backlash to people playing Hogwarts was a right-wing psyop.

>> No.43600454

lol imagine whiteknighting for a billionaire who writes mediocre childrens books for normalfags. i'm sure she desperately needs your support.

>> No.43600524

I think troons went after her solely for her color scheme.

>> No.43600572

God, I want to deposit all my support in her barren womb.

>> No.43600620

put her on the Wheel

>> No.43601546

do you think the sign on the door is a magic spell that prevents entry

>> No.43603018

Because fuck those mentally ill subhumans.

>> No.43603086

I fucking love how lewd her model was, don't like nor ever really liked her streams though, they feel dead brained however anyone who triggers those retards as hard as she did to the point they went and did that will always be left in a good view in my eyes.

>> No.43603127

En just doesn’t like Harry Potter cause it’s gay and for zoomer niggers

>> No.43603326

i don't really care much for her or vshojo for that matter, but when someone gets dogpiled and harassed by a hate mob of trannies just for streaming a harry potter game i'll support the fuck out of them
her doubling down and continuing to stream it is a great sign of her strength and also a fuck you to twitter

>> No.43603506

I hope Shittervale gets harassed so much that she'd eventually quit streaming.

t. proud misogynist and simp hater

>> No.43603665


>> No.43603667


>> No.43603670

Ok tranny

>> No.43603784

Well, I never disliked her, that's for sure.

>> No.43603785

strong and sweet wolf girl, keep beings based and don't give a shit to fucking troons

>> No.43603811

t. malding simp

>> No.43603955

t. balding tranny

>> No.43604010

Not that guy, but that wasn't white knighting. That was explaining someone's political opinion and reason for their actions during controversy where bad actors want to twist things to appear better and make her look better or worse. It makes it hard to discern what's actually happening. But for either side, them taking the time to type that and let people understand what's happening is helpful. People can critically respond to her thoughts and motivations the more stuff is posted instead of a strawman. This entire thing is stupid but saying that's white knighting is really fucking insane. It doesn't benefit her. It's the definition of honestly talking about what's occuring so everyone can try to productively solve an argument.

>> No.43604434

I'm a guy, though. You retards really have nothing going for you argument wise.

>> No.43604510
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>> No.43604554

You will never be a man

>> No.43604869

It's just a fucking game you twat
lgbt ppl are fuciking mental cases
drag shows for kids is getting banned in like 8 or 9 states now... you know something is off with those ppl wanting to be close to kids.. and they have to have antifa guard their drag shows with fucking assault rifles.. even the gays are against that crap.. lgbt can fuck off
most of them are possessed by evil
absolute brainwashed mental cases raised by cell phones

>> No.43604992

imagine grooming kids with disgusting porn in elementary school libraries... bruh have you not seen all the school board meetings on youtube lately... lgbt is evil , they can fuck off. your stupid upside down rainbow is satanic was invented by a pdo named Harry Hay. LGBT supports nambla, you go to hell

>> No.43605018
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Fucking this.
>Silver mentions her friends telling her how much they want to play the game but are too afraid of getting hate mobbed
You know what? i'm done being polite.
This is just cowardly and unrespectable and i do not respect or support anyone who's too afraid to play the game.
The people who are afraid deserve the hate more than the people who're brave enough to play it because they're just pushovers who are letting the hate mob have power over them.
Even if they eventually play the game they were still weak enough to submit to the trannies and they didn't stand up when they should have.
And dear God Silver's friends who wanted to play the game so much were even too afraid to stand up for her, to stand up for their own friend. That really pisses me off.
I have no amnesty for this "I wanna play it but i'm too afraid" bullshit anymore.
I am seriously full of hatred for these people right now and i don't know what to do with it all.
I am tired of being nice only for it to fall on deaf ears. After all the love and support Silver got and they ignore it. Well if they've shown to only listen to hate then what kind of message is that giving huh?

>> No.43605042

Next QAnon meeting when?

>> No.43605066

All her dramas prove that Hololive is right.
That's why I like her.

>> No.43605083

nah, it was white knighting.

>> No.43605109

right about what?

>> No.43606322

I too wonder this.
He keeps saying it but he never explains.

>> No.43606350


>> No.43606443

She gained confidence because polcel who don't even watch her streams came to the rescue. She's just another casualty in this polcel vs troons war that's only happening on 4chan.

>> No.43606640

Wait, but not all women menstruate... Menopause exists. If the article was about menstruation then calling them that is technically correct.

>> No.43606835

You do know that she get upset because of the Twitter troons, right?
We defended her because that's the right thing to do.

>> No.43606874

>We defended
this chalk possum really thinks he did something

>> No.43607255

Post membership

>> No.43607293

It wasn't. It was about women in general, but trannies aren't women. So the article called them "people who menstruate". It wasn't about the blood or the cycle or whatever, just a stupid jorno wording.

Then JK tweeted something like: "huh, I could swear we had a word for this. Was it wuman? Woomuh? It's on the tip of the tongue..."
unironically kill yourself

>> No.43607342

After you, show everyone how is done

>> No.43607654

>chalk possum
Is anyone expected to know what this means?

>> No.43607766

I aided in the support and gave her bits on stream.

>> No.43607769

This, nobody really cared about silv
Froot hate started on /k/
Nyanners hate started on /pol/
Mousey is generally liked
Mel is a shameless whore
Coco and rushia are hated for the obvious reasons
And zen is a man

Nobody cared who silver was until she picked up the wand

>> No.43607834

NTA but y’all troons are the ones who have a 50% suicide rate

>> No.43607886

>Nyanners hate started on /pol/
Nyanners is a pure /a/ "product".>>43607766

>> No.43608099
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I never did and never will, I will enjoy the twitter troons being called out

>> No.43608190

And you're a polcel with a 90% rate of shooting up some children attending class at school.

>> No.43608393

Nigger lol

>> No.43608561

>Nyanners hate started on /pol/
Retarded newfags. /pol/ didn't even exist when Nyanners hate started.

>> No.43609088

>full anti-trans

Rowling literally has trans friends. The activists define the slightest pushback on any point of their radical grooming agenda as "transphobia", so she gets called Queen TERF just for saying that AGP rapists shouldn't be allowed into women's crisis shelters and little girl's changing rooms. On every other point, she's a standard libtard, in favour of open borders and so on.

>> No.43609655

They don't. The 41% meme and variants come from a self-reported online survey (lel), done by biased tranny activists (double lel), and the question was if they had ever THOUGHT of suicide in their entire lives. I bet you could do that same survey here and get a similar percentage, so clearly it doesn't translate to actually doing it.

>> No.43609658

Not enough

>> No.43609773

I liked when she had her model naked

>> No.43610381

That was her original claim and since then she has gone a bit farther with it but you can pin it completely on her getting pushed away due to all the vitriol and spite she got for not being pure enought.

>> No.43610488
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>and you’re a pol-ACK

>> No.43610645

So is she persona non grata of Vshojo now? I don't think anyone from Vshojo even defended her.

>> No.43611114

No one ever hated silvervale here, we made fun of her patreon stuff but no one hated her, her only issue was she didn't have a serious appeal.

I'm surprised, like 6 months ago I was in a silvervale thread talking about how she needed to just make the transition and join mel on chaturbate to give her some kind of appeal, I never expected that she would go for the exact opposite kind of appeal with dumping on trannies
I'm all for it, I'm glad she's doing something

>> No.43611129


>> No.43611178

the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but you are too retard to understand.

>> No.43611231

>Nyanners hate started on /pol/
bruh, she had erp drama from /a/ sings a decade ago
>Mousey is generally liked
Now I can really tell you don't know anything, ironmouse is a super aggressive DMCA copystrike abuser, people have also been tired of her picking and choosing what friends to defend and what friends to just make passive "don't bully anyone even if your beliefs are valid" statements

>> No.43611378

You lost tranny, you overplayed your hand
You actually forgot that attractive women are way more powerful than you are, and they only gave you twitter power to cancel people out of pity

>> No.43611448

this word gets thrown around too much, but this is literally the definition of based.

>> No.43611711

>Nyanners hate started on /pol/
Nyanners hate started because she was a huge SJW on her tumblr days.

>> No.43612005

>everything is satanic
go back to >>>/pol/ or >>>/x/ please.

>> No.43612179

Concession accepted.

>> No.43612230

Burn in hell after committing suicide, troons.

>> No.43612270

Go back to twitter and you can discuss with other valid women about how you’re totally a real biological female instead of an obese balding pedophile neckbeard

>> No.43612330
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>Mousey is generally liked

>> No.43614239

>Mousey is generally liked
all her rrats are constantly deleted. For good reason, but still. There's an obvious bias for her.

>> No.43614254
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don't give a fuck about Silvervale as a streamer or person, but trannies shall receive no quarter

>> No.43616411

Nyanners was hated even back when she pandering to /a/, /pol/ didn't exist at that time (technically, there was a political board called /new/ and it wasn't an unreadable mess), and being overly racist would either go unnoticed or result in someone laughing at you for being a /b/tard.

>> No.43619994


>> No.43620760

We need to pump these numbers up CMON

>> No.43621457

I like how you didn't actually refute anything anon typed because you couldn't.

>> No.43621532
File: 1023 KB, 2650x4096, silvervale_vshojo_drawn_by_sanatdraws__00b55c83e9f4ccf743ee3c0bc6d7145c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't care about her before or now, but I want to be smothered by those tits.

>> No.43623768

She's based

>> No.43624362

whore love

>> No.43628561

because she's a proud american, and WE fight for freedom!

>> No.43631471

I'm sure you seething is really affecting her, right?

>> No.43631790

She took a gamble testing to see how important twitter and vtweeters actually-are which was unironically legit-use-of-the-word brave. This could have gone badly but nah it didn't, the support she gets far outweighed any of the twitter faggotry and she even BTFO the rotten froot's apex shit with her HL.

What's interesting to note here is that her fans (and us for that matter) did a fucking FUCKTON more to defend her than Vshojo itself did. Tells you absolutely everything you need to know about them.

>> No.43632932 [DELETED] 

Your teacher, Professor Eleazar Fig, dies at the end of Hogwarts Legacy. This happens in all possible endings and can't be changed. Rookwood is the one who cursed Anne and the goblins were framed for it.

>> No.43633007

>whores turned out to be whores
could have told you that myself

>> No.43633093

I unironically had never heard of Silvervale before this situation so I imagine she absolutely WAS the least disliked. Maybe the nyanners/melody/ironmouse antis drowned out the silver antis.

>> No.43633114

>grifts an already oppressed group
>falls back on /pol/
>still half asses it and "supports" lgbt
Ah yes, i'm sure she did the right thing
Seriously, fuck white woman.

>> No.43633154

cause she is actually not retarded

>> No.43633178 [DELETED] 

Your teacher, Professor Eleazar Fig, dies at the end of Hogwarts Legacy. This happens in all possible endings and can't be changed. Rookwood is the one who cursed Anne and the goblins were framed for it

>> No.43633339
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Waiter, this pasta is stale.

>> No.43633686

The trannies ARE those men trying to infiltrate women's spaces.

>> No.43633726

"Talent Freedom" is codespeak for "every woman for herself"

>> No.43633846

I didn't really hear much about her before this situation but she gained a little respect from me for standing up to those freaks and doing what she wants

>> No.43633891

Nah we just don't care, she's horney but she owns it which gets respected.

>> No.43633894
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As though you're concerned about "women's spaces??" THIS is the most disingenuous LARP on the entire board.


>> No.43633966

I'm interested in a "women's space" if you know what I mean

>> No.43633994

Yeah, might as well be outer space for you, anon.

>> No.43634888

>nobody couldn't possible care about an issue I don't care about
Anon, you might genuinely be autistic.

>> No.43634973

Silvervale is a smart business woman and single handed elevated herself out of bottom tier status on the backs of mentally ill freaks. There is a saying in the entertainment industry. "Controversy creates cash."

>> No.43635014

You don't need to support someone to point out their hypocrisy and laugh at it.
And it's funny how 'trannies' are just AGP perverts trying to make society at large accommodate their paraphilias - and when they aren't doing that, they're also trying to use it as a status symbol to make other people do what they want because they are 'trans' and their targets are not.
Its a toxic soup of hedonism and sociopathy intersecting into something uniquely dismal, like ejecta of semen and feces churned into a froth dripping out of a sodomized anus.

Left on left conflict of feminists and men trying to hijack female social status for themselves using the same ideological weaponry, is exactly the sort of entertainment clown world deserves.

>> No.43635098

>we're not harassing anyone, we're the victims here!
>the harassment was actually a good thing and she needs to understand the consequences of her hateful actions, we're the victims here!
>actually the harassment was a right wing false flag to make us look bad, we're the victims here!
>actually the entire thing was just a grift she planned all along, we're the victims here!
You are so fucking pathetic. Can you take responsibility for just one thing in your miserable fucking life?

>> No.43635161

your use of negatives here is fucking retarded

>> No.43635179

not even whores deserve bullying from mentally ill freaks

>> No.43635298

Speak for yourself.

>> No.43635424

>only happening on 4chan.
It's happening on almost every single social media

>> No.43635513

I singlehandedly aim to raise those percentages up

>> No.43638958
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To learn to cum to the glory of daily defeat of globalist spirited persons.
See you next cum vale.
