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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43647347 No.43647347 [Reply] [Original]

>Links to a clip of Silver saying "fuck you" to vtweeters and calling them cockroaches
>Vtweeter trannies lose their minds over this and announce they're taking a break or graduating
KEK based, trannies lost
Silver won

>> No.43648137

It's over

>> No.43648322

>Links to a clip of Silver saying "fuck you" to vtweeters and calling them cockroaches
That's what she should have done from the start and she could have avoided this whole fucking thing that way. Or by just not acknowledging them at all because they particularly hate that.
>Vtweeter trannies lose their minds over this and announce they're taking a break or graduating
This is really funny though. I can imagine her meltdowns. I don't watch VShojo and never will but the fact that she made the trannies have that much of a meltdown is based and funny as fuck. I kneel.

>> No.43648482
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>> No.43648486

>Or by just not acknowledging them at all because they particularly hate that.
This was for the best in the long run since it drew more attention to her that will replace the tranny viewers with based viewers

>> No.43648629

>Or by just not acknowledging them at all because they particularly hate that

This is what generally keeps Holo above stupid shit like this, not always but it generally helps that most of them simply don't acknowledge randos, most of them don't even acknowledge nijis and they sure as hell won't acknowledge some randos raging on twitter or making shitpost SCs.

>> No.43649503

She’s grown too powerful

>> No.43649624

>Vtweeter trannies lose their minds over this and announce they're taking a break or graduate
When they don't even stream?
My fucking sides

>> No.43649746

How has no one made a Silvervale salt mining thread?

>> No.43649853

Are there even vtweeters raging about it? I don't think they'd keep going since they were clearly unsuccessful in getting her to stop playing wizard game and they'd just look like sore losers now who can't take the L.

>> No.43649943

>someone spent actual money on this.


>> No.43649991
File: 157 KB, 800x1075, IMG_20221204_194346_630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her breakdown was a carefully calculated 5d chess move to showcase to the world how vile and spiteful these crybully troons are. She effectively gatekept the hobby from these awful people that, frankly, should've been gatekept right from the start.

>> No.43650592

I've seen a few caps of them raging and according to OP a bunch of them are graduating.

>> No.43650702

hiro must love the retarded vtuber drama, with as much money as he makes off it

>> No.43651534

>>Vtweeter trannies lose their minds over this and announce they're taking a break or graduating
no way

>> No.43651645 [DELETED] 

indoniggers don't buy 4chan passes

>> No.43651708

That second statement is very contradictory since vtweeters never even streamed to begin with.

>> No.43651761

>>Vtweeter trannies lose their minds over this and announce they're taking a break or graduating

>> No.43652315

Did they really

>> No.43652854

it's funny that she said SPECIFICALLY that the problem is terminally online twitter freaks and not lgbt, but troons are ignoring that last part and saying that she thinks trannies are freaks and trying to use the whole "the word trans is banned" misconception as "evidence"

>> No.43653028

>terminally online twitter freaks
But anon that IS all the LGBT that's why they're so offended kek

>> No.43653498

what if we just like start killing trans people? just saying...

>> No.43654251 [DELETED] 
File: 435 KB, 907x904, i have a homophobic slur to say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be enough to stop the zoomers from self-sodomizing.

>> No.43654393 [DELETED] 
File: 485 KB, 1122x1147, let us hope it's just a phase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43654404

What do vtweeters even do when they graduate? Just.. stop tweeting? Remove their "debuting next year!!" bits from their names? Good riddance either way.

>> No.43654453 [DELETED] 
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>> No.43654496 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 385x357, whoa that's a little bit too gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43654600

But she does think all trans are freaks and that's why we all love her.

>> No.43654707

troons rape dogs.

>> No.43654804

Ironically I highly doubt Silvervale would appreciate the "trannies are done" part. Honestly her response and especially Ironmouses have been far more measured than that.

>> No.43654844

i was at a party once and these troons put on a video up on the projector screen and it was a dude fucking a dog in the ass. It was a black dog, but I don't know what breed it was because they didn't film the face. I was a bit drunk so I didn't understand what the fuck I was seeing, but they were laughing and thought it was a great time.

>> No.43655386

It is kinda funny that they just know they're the "freaks" without her even saying a damn thing. Guilty conscience projecting things onto her.

>> No.43655551

that is what silvervale believes though deep down. she's winking at us

>> No.43655699

I doubt it, but if so then at least Ironmouse is willing to be nuanced about this shit.

>> No.43655786

it's funny you actually believe that. in the real world outside of twitter sjw bubbles, everyone hates trannies.

>> No.43655881

>she's winking at us
>LGBT people are awesome.
So, what am I meant to believe?

>> No.43655982

So, you'll actually watch her now, yes?

>> No.43656046

>Or by just not acknowledging them at all because they particularly hate that.
In Silver's case, acknowledging them helped. It led to drama and added to her stress, but she came back stronger and came out on top. She became a symbol of pushback against the twittertroons and this wouldn't have happened if she didn't acknowledge them at all. Her mindshare increased. Support for her doubled. She carefully positioned her opinion to be LGBT-friendly while condemning twittertroons; effectively cutting them off from the movement. You're seeing a masterclass demonstration of divide-and-conquer at work.
Of course, generally, if you're bad at handling stress and you don't see yourself coming back from confronting these nutjobs; you shouldn't acknowledge them.
Bonus points: Silver voiced love and support for Pikamee.
To be honest, with those big titties? Yes.

>> No.43656155

Women by default are cool with LGBT - but the issue is that the T thing in particular has been warped a lot the past decade, because it's something that isn't actually a sexuality... somehow, online it's spread as a social trend where people realized they can just "decide" to become one suddenly, unlike how differences in brain architecture literally-prove that people are in fact born gay/lesbian.

This being the case, sometimes predatory dudes take advantage of it knowing nobody can prove they have ill intent, that and there's plenty of ones who think it's somehow a better option than being an autistic incel and try to "become" what their own ideal girl. that's some straight up fucking Silence of the Lambs shit honestly. but because everyone is lifelong taught that the "T" is supposed to be there as part of it, people don't even remark on this difference of how porous the T in LGBT is, vs the people being born with clearly different brain biology. They always snuck in as a trojan horse in effect, then again a few decades ago it wasn't a trend being exploited.

what annoys me is people are so fucking polar about this and don't take a cold analytical approach, they think you either are a super ally who wants to murder chuds or a super /pol/cel trannyjak spammer, nothing in between. this makes thoughtful discussion on the matter factually fucking impossible. for example IMO the medical establishment needs to simply retool itself to have a more balanced line of discussion about this instead of just giving the patients what they allegedly want. there are medications that literally make the feeling of being transgender just fucking go away and IMO this should be stated as an option, a flat out cure that does not require retooling the rest of the body to match the brain that IMO should be fucking done first and then modifying the body only later if that fails. this obviously isn't what we do however. that and the question of the fact that destroying healthy organs and tissue irreversibly is quite questionable vs the hippocratic oath when some people who undergo these procedures later express profound lifelong regret over it - is that really treating or healing them then. etc.

>> No.43656181

It's like shouting retard in a crowd and one guy turns his head and thinks you're specifically referring to him

>> No.43656405

meme ads, retard

>> No.43656465

Most people on twitter still hate her, cope. She didn't win anything. Thousands of likes on people shitting on her. She couldve just not played the game kek. The opinion of max 100 people here vs literal thousands on twitter.

>> No.43656476

Nothing stopping you from buying a shitpost ad that's super pro-Froot. Someone just cares more about Silver's plight.

>> No.43656531

I've never understood why the surgery itself is even allowed. It's like a schizo saying there's bugs under his skin and begging you to cut him open to get them out except the schizo is told to get mental help rather than someone actually fucking doing it. Even if you did do it the underlying issues would still exist.

>> No.43656536

somehow froot streamed at the same time as silver playing HL the other day, and guess who got 1.2k viewers and who got 7k viewers and a big flood of support?

>> No.43656553
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>> No.43656659

"Twitter people aren't real people" - Silvervale, Hogwarts stream
Silver capped out at 10k+ max at one point, and retained 8k+ consistently until the end.

>> No.43656680

-t tranny living in HIS internet bubble
off yourself troon

>> No.43656701

These ads don't show up for me, is there a way to turn them on?

>> No.43656774

Never watched vshojo, is silvervale any good? Kinda want to check her out now

>> No.43656791

I've never understood the whole trans thing anyhow.
Depression - drugs and therapy
Anxiety - Drugs and therapy
Schizophrenia - drugs and therapy
Wanting to become a woman by making your dick look like a hot dog left in the microwave too long - yass queen surgery and hormones.
Could just try drugs and therapy.

>> No.43657003

Anons /here/ are desperate to ignore this but I won't.
Silver is a two faced snake bitch. Simple as.

>> No.43657037

hormones are drugs

>there are medications that literally make the feeling of being transgender just fucking go away and IMO this should be stated as an option, a flat out cure that does not require retooling the rest of the body to match the brain that IMO should be fucking done first
this medication you speak of doesn't exist.

>> No.43657083

I didn't watch her live prior to HL stream, but I did watch VOD's of her running through The Quarry. She's good. She has that feminine energy that's lacking in most vtubers and pays attention to chat and the game. Sounds genuinely excited when expressing excitement. She did get excited over a gay pairing in the game, though (and also straight pairings), so if that's a dealbreaker then you've been informed.

>> No.43657117

Dont have to, they're already doing it themselves

>> No.43657149

Modern day lobotomy or big pharma's sweet plan to create loads of lifelong customers.

>> No.43657153

the hormones aren't drugs thing is the saddest fucking cope of someone losing and argument. But there's one thing I agree with trannies on, and that is that there is no cure for transgenderism. Well there's one cure, euthanasia, and it should be mandatory for every single fucking faggot lying scumbag backstabbing cunt of a too many teeth in your mouth ugly hideous fucking troon.

>> No.43657180

Just stickem on lithium and be done with it. Solved any gender issues I had, just identified as gray and empty

>> No.43657207

it's not fast enough. They're touching children and creating new troons through sexual abuse faster than we can make them kill themselves. The government needs to step in and either deport or euthanize these fucking freaks who will never ever ever be women.

>> No.43657220

I haven't done research into it but I know transitioning is inherently wrong because it sounds disgusting to me. it needs to be banned

>> No.43657239

at least the children are safe.

>> No.43657251

does silvervale agree that all trannies need to be euthanized

>> No.43657257

Nahh she is human, she supported LBGT but loves the fuck out of Harry Potter. You forced a girl unwillingly to pick a side cause 'muh crusade', labelled her an enemy of your community, and then acted on it as a majority collective to bully her. All this just to keep your reign of influence over youth culture.
Guess what, the silent majority hates bullying. Get fucked by the backlash it happens all the time here, I thought all of you are used to dick in the ass by now.

>> No.43657280


>> No.43657316

don't care, as long as she stomps troons, she's okay in my book. same with kanye, he might be a violent nigger, but if he's batting on our side against the kikes, i'm all for it. Kikes and Troons have to go. Once the kikes are gone, the nigger problem will solve itself, we'll even help them return to africa.

>> No.43657365

>Says troons are awesome
>Stomping them

>> No.43657433

She will always remember this too. Every future interraction she has with trannies will be influenced by this moment. She will always be on guard and defensive around troons from now on. This is a pivotal moment in her life. Just like how the time a tranny held a knife to my throat was a pivotal moment in mine.

>> No.43657440

I mean the only problem I have with this is that I don't believe this drug actually exists. Most mental illnesses can't be "cured" with a drug, merely controlled and often with unpleasant side effects. Name this drug you speak of.

>> No.43657447


>> No.43657450

she said the lgbt are awesome
not trannies specifically

>> No.43657464

Ad block?

>> No.43657465

Most honest transphobe

>> No.43657472

it's because she's scared. The trannies are holding her entire career hostage. Her transformation will be gradual, but she will never think the same way about trannies again.

>> No.43657495

pimozides effects were temporary. have you ever even read the "study" yourself you stupid faggot

>> No.43657509

this drug is called hammertoatrannyfacezol.

>> No.43657510

Did you get a boner while she was doing that?

>> No.43657520

I applaud her for this, and if the anti trans crowd here wants to believe she masterfully redpilled everyone, so be it. Win win for everyone.

>> No.43657529

Watch her kneel to the subhumans again in a matter of weeks.
I'll say this now, I do not support subhumans in any way but the fact that she's playing both sides like a certain holo who couldn't pick between gfe and holostar collabs, rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.43657560

I will now watch your fat tittied whore.

>> No.43657569

HoloEN playing Hogwarts doko?

>> No.43657576

Has anybody really graduated because of this?

>> No.43657629

Transexuals are part of the LGBT, that's what the T stands for. What kind of retard logic are you using here?

>> No.43657643

I believe she's being sincere, but regardless, what else could she have said that wouldn't have been immediate career suicide?

>> No.43657682

Wrong anon. holo's insistence on hiding from controversy no matter the cost has allowed some of the detestables into the company itself with altair being an open culture war fag and keeps the other members terrorised from playing 'that wizard game' because the fanbase is infested with 'ally' scum.
Purging the fanbase of these types should be as high of a priority as purging incels and unicorns and hololive will continue to have to tread on eggshells because they refuse to do that. silver has solved the problem and will no longer have to worry about these shitters.

>> No.43657709

What literally everyone said. Ignore. They'll leave on their own.
>The T in LGBT is for troons
Are you retarded or what?

>> No.43657748

I'll throw her a follow just to say fuck troons.

>> No.43657795

yes my point is that it's free money for hiro either way

>> No.43657824

How long until someone pro-trans puts an ad on there and does their own agendaposting? The shitslinging would especially get unbearable then and I just want some good old VTubing threads on the catalogue....

>> No.43657830

Holos are cowards who prefer to not act at all because of MY BRAND IMAGE.

>> No.43657872

>The opinion of max 100 people

>> No.43657907

Good question. I'd love to see some of the graduation announcements, but I don't follow or interact with any of those freaks, so I need spoonfeeding.

>> No.43657952

If /vt/ turns into /pol/ it's going to shatter any remaining reputation it had in the VTubing community...

>> No.43658006

Maybe vtubers should stop trying to shoehorn politics into the industry.

>> No.43658011

Tell me how do I support this superior being?

>> No.43658016

The view statistics indicate that the vtuber fans agree with us, and the chuubas will eventually need to go along with that.

>> No.43658040
File: 1023 KB, 2650x4096, 162654563567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want is for the twittertoons to be btfo'ed and they have been btfo'ed. Silvervale can say anything in support of LGBT, I'll see it as price of admission to watch her boobs jiggle and hear her sweet voice of excitement. She's a being of pure sex and I'm tired of pretending I'm not horny for her.

>> No.43658054

I'm sorry to tell you, but I frequent other boards/cultures and vtubers have less reputation than /pol/.

>> No.43658207

We could all learn from your example, anon.

>> No.43658260

How does that apply to this situation?

>> No.43658288

Have you ever heard of Hololive? No one here even gives a fuck about VShojo whores' streams yet white knights for them. Moona, Pekora, Miko, Subaru, Nene, etc. played this game just fine.

>> No.43658348

And why did they play the game just fine?

>> No.43658354

VTuber fans are apolitical, not /pol/. The latter would be an insane claim.

>> No.43658402

For VOD's:

>> No.43658431

The fact that it turns them into highly lucrative lifelong patients is a factor, sadly. If you've ever spent any time in the troonsphere on twitter, you'll have seen how many of their lives are characterized by e-begging and constant drama. Also, many doctors performing "bottom surgery" are just butchers, there is surprisingly little standardization of technique and bad outcomes are common (of course constructing an actual vagina or benis is impossible, so even a "good" result isn't great.) There is huge cope in the community on this issue, they think it's normal to get multiple "revision" surgeries after the first one doesn't work.

>> No.43658444

He. It was a he. Because he will never be a woman. And neither will you. Oh and I got him kicked out of his house btw.

>> No.43658447

Bad reputation vs who? the Holo reddit that gets like 900 posts a day vs /vt/'s 60,000? the discord with 50k members yet only 10 people ever talk in because people just want the emotes and know it's pointless to do anything other than praise the chuuba because god-complex discord mods, leaving only stupid 14 year olds to putter about? twitter which is full of bad-faith actors from other corpos latching onto any yab they can and even when the "fans" there are being nice will give 50k likes on a NijiEN but her actual stream gets only 1k viewers?

those """"communities"""" are worth even less than /here/ honestly.

>> No.43658490

I condemn both VTubers and VTubing fans bring overly political in any direction, regardless of who started it

>> No.43658557

We shall see. What matters to women is the bottom line. We just need to guide her, without her committing career suicide. But trust me, she has been well and truly redpilled. She'll say all the right things to stay afloat, but her mind now has been forever changed. You don't just close that pandora's box again. For some it's a slow process. She's not stupid, actually pretty savvy and she has been smart about this. I doubt she will let people emotionally manipulate her in that way ever again.

>> No.43658568

how much do hormones cost a month

>> No.43658609

What's the + stand for? WHAT'S THE PLUS STAND FOR?! (it stands for maps, the plus stands for pedophiles, and no i don't mean lolicons, i mean actual child raping pedophiles)

>> No.43658645

Yeah, but leave out the number of multi-posting schizos out of that 60k. 4chan and Reddit numbers ain't got nothing on the total of the VTubing community that is located on YouTube. They're not left or right extremists, they're apolitical or moderate.

>> No.43658654

male vtubers are fucking gay, forced on us by trannies. Unicorns are fucking based. And you're a faggot. Go watch some more men, you fucking poofter.

>> No.43658674

So you did get a boner. Faggot.

>> No.43658689

maybe if trannies would just fuck off, then none of this would happen. They didn't fuck off, and now people are waking up.

>> No.43658702
File: 976 KB, 170x196, 7CC2A0D8-F87E-48B2-AC9C-5E1D098153F2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Muh thousands of le Twitter likes”
End it.

>> No.43658746

Imagine giving a shit about Twitter in the year of our lord 2023

>> No.43658758

Non-binaries and other assorted sexualities, explicitly not pedophiles. Nice try, but you're not getting in.

>> No.43658761

that shits fucking hilarious. They deserve their suffering. I can never decide if the doctors that mutilate these freaks are fucking evil, or unfathomly based. (JK, they're actually evil, and it is literally the jews.)

>> No.43658794


21st century millenials who just want to enjoy their escapist fantasies in peace, whatever the exact forms they take, keep getting intruded upon by leftish fanatics who are congenitally incapable of leaving anyone alone in their drive to solicit participation in the forms of their religious faith.
So the former are getting radicalized against the latter as a result.
Clown world.

>> No.43658811

The T needs to be removed, just like yall have removed your balls. LGBs association with T hurts their cause. Excise the mentally ill, self-castrating faggots

>> No.43658820

>threads full of simping for Vshojo whore

>> No.43658838


>> No.43658850
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other people's tax dollars pay for mine. But I'm a man, and I take testosterone to be more manly, so I can cum more often to my oshi. You should all juice for your oshi.

>> No.43658901

you saying twitter didn't affect Silvervale? Your oshi doesn't tweet?

>> No.43658952

You can flip the same talking point against the other side. People just wanna grill, and they've peacefully grilled since YouTube began, regardless of who started this.

>> No.43658963

Although it's still "controversial", there's significant data showing that exogenous estrogen administration in males has both a direct antidepressant effect, and potentiates the action of any other antidepressants they're taking, as well as making them work sooner. It's not hard to see how a depressed effeminate male (who maybe is just gay, or needs to get on TRT) could start taking estrogen experimentally, suddenly feel much better, and incorrectly conclude that they are indeed trans. There isn't much of a barrier to this, given how trivial estradiol is to buy online or even get legitimately prescribed in many places.


>> No.43658967

cope. you faggots are harboring pedophiles. Keep putting more and more letters on the end of LGBT, it really helps normies like you faggots more. Also non-binary isn't a thing retard.

>> No.43658979

They re-debut as vtweeter

>> No.43658982

That's the only right response btw. You never surrender to these people or apologize for anything at all. Girlfriend reviews backed down and did a half assed apology and they still hate her and mock her. You did nothing wrong. These people are deranged and should be treated with zero tolerance.

>> No.43659028

I do not check any Twitter updates and I'd love if the VTubers I watch didn't even have them.

>> No.43659050

i don't give a fuck about vshojo fuckhead. If they want to be whores, let em, as long as they hate trannies. Unicorns are still based, you just mad because you can't love your oshi enough because you chose wrong.

>> No.43659079

>trannies constantly force their shit down everyone's throats and harass everyone

meanwhile "poltards" are the ones saving us from this menace ...really makes you think

>> No.43659088
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>acknowledge some randos raging on twitter or making shitpost SCs.

>> No.43659102

>as long as they hate trannies.
They don't though, that's the funniest part.

>> No.43659115
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as a natiional socialist, I'm okay with grrilling, as long as you don't where women's clothes as a man or mutilate baby penises. Grill away friend, and lettuce do our work.

>> No.43659166

>lettuce do our work
Impressive, very nice

>> No.43659180

Silvervale doesn't even hate trannies, that's the most hilarious part of /vt/'s schizophrenia regarding this lmao

>> No.43659215

Oh they do. They do. They just know to keep quiet about it. You think Nyanners doesn't hate all the trannies in her community? Think Ironmouse doesn't hate these hateful faggots? Projekt Melody has to deal with these demented faggots ruining the mood of her CB streams, and Silvervale is finally waking up. Most of Hollolive hates trannies as well. Thing is, people are born hating trannies. It's natural. It's inherent. A baby shows disgust at a tranny face, trannies scare them. That's why the kikes have to guard Drag Queen Story Hour with fucking snipers, because everyone fucking hates trannies.

>> No.43659221

Femboys are hot, don't confuse them with trannies

>> No.43659259

Least delusional schizo rant

>> No.43659332

If every chuuba who's not openly pro-trans is good, then there would be no infighting between their fans on the catalogue. But meanwhile /vt/'s biggest feud is still the EN 'holy trinity' vs the EN 'whores' that god forbid talked to a man

>> No.43659337

She might not have before. But she's learnt her lesson now. Sure she'll still tow the line, because she's literally blackmailed into keeping her mouth shut to preserve her career, but deep down she now knows what trannies are actually like as a people, and she won't forget this. Now to get her woke on the JQ. Did you know trannies were literally created by Jews? Magnus Hirschfield was a jew. The more you research transgenderism, the more jews you find. It is literally jews ALL the way down. They designed these monsters to subvert and destroy goyim, to destroy white people.

>> No.43659358

Honestly if these threads keep getting made, the jannies should start moving them to /pol/, and I say that as someone who's a /pol/lack originally (prior to the board being made almost unusable by shills.) It's a valid discussion, but a few posts in it becomes entirely political and barely related to vtubers.

>> No.43659371


>> No.43659419

nope, all gender bending faggotry goes in the trash. Femboy piss smells like manpiss, they do man farts, they smell like men, utterly useless creatures. Discard. In the fucking trash. If you want to sodomize a man's shitty ass, go do it somewhere far away from me, in a different country, maybe a different planet. We'll even pay for your ticket to Madagascar where you can have all the manpoo sex you want. Faggot.

>> No.43659450

I bet this is silvervale posting anonymously

>> No.43659458

You are objectively wrong my friend, femboys being hot af is confirmed science

>> No.43659464

>Silvervale doesn't even hate trannies, that's the most hilarious part of /vt/'s schizophrenia regarding this lmao
That's the problem. All the people who end up receiving the worst treatment from trans people are the people who don't even hate them. Trannies can't face or harasse actual transphopes because they can't win against them when it all takes for them to breakdown is reminding them how they can't be a real woman or deadnaming them or simply keep addressing them by the pronouns of their birth gender.
Ofcours people like girlfriend reviews, silvervale and most of female streamers aren't like that so they are an easy target. Keep in mind that male streamers were barley targeted.

>> No.43659483

>LGBT people are awesome
>Lesbian, gay, bisexual, troon, people are awesome.
Yeah, totally hates them.

>> No.43659501

and then there's mori

>> No.43659536

Your dilation station is ready, ma'am.

>> No.43659537

the problem is that they're male. They have no female essence. Kissing them isn't special, it's just a fucking dude, a dime a dozen. But if that's good enough for you... there's just no magic in it, it's so meaningless and pointless. What you really want is a real woman, you're just so desperate that you'll settle for a fake.

>> No.43659587

every tranny deserves abusive parents who will never accept them as their fantasy gender
it's the only way to ensure they detrans or stay in the closet where they belong

>> No.43659618

not gonna repeat myself retard. read the thread or fuck off.

>> No.43659621

>Most people on twitter still hate her
Soiunds like a win.

>> No.43659622

>What you really want is a real woman

>> No.43659640

Seething because you can't shut her up with accusations of transphobia

>> No.43659661

Inagine still being such a simp for women, you sound like the type that'd settle for your own mother

>> No.43659677

trannies never ever consider the horrible pain they cause their parents when they become a tranny. The heartbreak. It is such a cruel thing to do that the people that tried to raise you to the best of their ability. Trannies destroy families, trannies destroy friendships, trannies destroy the bonds of community, the bonds that make us human. They are the absolute evil, and I will never ever ever ever forgive them for what they did to me.

>> No.43659698


>You can flip the same talking point against the other side.
You can't really because Power. There is never any such a thing as equal playing fields at any time in any society. The alphabet fanatics are open numerous and confident because they instinctively feel the fact that Power tacitly approves of their actions. That in cases where there is a major dust-up that garners attention of Power, Power will come down on their enemies while exonerating them.
The reason this particular dust-up isn't getting traction for twitter trannies is because they are going 'above and beyond the call of duty', in a manner of speaking, inadvertently undermining the cause of their distant patrons.
Keep in mind: the game itself is full of generic big corpo diversity quota'ed goyslop, and hence from the perspective of the incumbent Power all the necessary idols have been bowed too. The actual argument for playing wizard game being 'biggoted' is so tenuous that it strains even the frankly non-existent credulity of popular discourse when it comes to these sorts of things. Normies can't follow the plot of this kind of left-on-left violence unless the voice of Power is telling them to act like they do, they can't understand how a feminist catlady who was the darling of twee wokist urbanites one year is now literally hitler the next.
Without the support of organs of Power, the only thing normies see is nihilistic killjoys who are trying to take away their bing bing wahoo for the shot of endorphins that comes from exercising power while ginning up spurious excuses to rationalize their piranha-like behavior (which, of course, is exactly what is happening); with the ultimate result of pushing them towards souring on everything associated with such kinds altogether.

>> No.43659729

It's similar to the anabolic steroids market. "DIY" stuff compounded by some troon in their kitchen, starting from bulk material ordered from China, is much cheaper than legitimately prescribed pharma grade, but also less safe and often dosed too high. It's not hard to find sites selling it if you really want to know specific dollar amounts, I'm not going to promote them by linking them.

>> No.43659735

Tranny-sisters...we lost. Let's pack it in. Time to go back to playing Melty blood and watching obscure yuri anime in our free time. Vtubing just isn't for us. We're not wanted here. Let the unicorns have their victory. They won. We were powerless to stop them.

>> No.43659740

Unironically said on a /vt/ thread

>> No.43659755

You're an evil fuck. Typical fucking kike tactic, bring it back to freudian psychoanalysis jewish bullshit. Every straight man wants to fuck their mother yeah? Nice one. Nice try you demented fucking faggot. All you freaks need to be killed.

>> No.43659762

Reminder that the real reason why trannies are evil is because they choose their own selfish delusionsl "happiness" over their parents righteously conditional love for them. Pursuing personal happiness at the cost of familial security is Lucifers temptation upon them. God and Family always comes first before the individual self, and especially demons like Baphomet.

The most evil of children become a tranny even when they're specifically told that they won't have a family to care for them anymore after being disowned or violently punished if they go through with it. That shows a true deep callousness, to go against your own parents and sacrifice them for their own personal desires. Parents must always be obeyed. God and Family always come first before the individual.

The vast majority of parents would absolutely prefer their kids being dead than their kids being trannies. Every child has the God-given responsibility to uphold the expectations of his parents places upon him. To go against his parents love by being a tranny means he's lost the right to be his parents child anymore. He's Satan's child at that point, and the parents have zero obligation to treat them like a human being anymore.

That's how the right will win the culture war - through proper parenting.

>> No.43659792

My mom works out and takes really good care of herself so she looks a lot younger than she actually is. I wouldn't even consider it settling if it were to happen.

>> No.43659793

I've never seen so many white nationalists in one place actually agreeing with each other like this. Usually it's like herding cats. What the fuck is even happening?!

>> No.43659814

this. we should respect parents rights more to rule their children properly. people are starting to wake up to this truth and silvervale and Harry Potter is redpilling the masses as we speak.

>> No.43659825
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>> No.43659829

When the fuck will this culture war even end? The 2024 US election? I can't fucking wait so everybody will fucking shut the fuck up

>> No.43659858

you should promote them, I want to see more trannies boil plastic bags and inject that shit into their veins. It's fucking funny.

>> No.43659936

hating trannies is the only policy all right wingers can agree on anymore. there's no such thing as a right winger who's pro tranny.

>> No.43659940

NTA but my mother was unironically one of the best people I've ever known so she's the one who'd be settling if anything.

>> No.43659953
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>> No.43659959

If your mother is under 50 and you aren't attracted to her you're just straight up lying, let's face it guys

>> No.43660012

the republicans fucking love trannies though, and they love kikes. They're a fucking joke of a party and should be disbanded. All republicans do is gate keep reasonably logical people from becoming white nationalists. Republicans Raus!

>> No.43660038

Incest is degenerate. Kill yourself.

>> No.43660055

Whatever, virgin

>> No.43660059

I'm not a right winger I'm a TERF.
I support Silvervale's TERF era.

>> No.43660065

unrelated but brief storytime, one of my favorite hobbies (eurorack) had one of the most popular manufacturers (who totally ran his own company) transition. so as it turns out, to help them try to fit into their new life, often transfolk will move outright, and abandon all old ties they had, this apparently led to the guy closing down his company suddenly while it was at its peak. he'll never develop new stuff for the hobby again. we lost one of the best most talented devs in the scene because of it. it definitely starts to eat at you that something about all this just kind of feels wrong when people out of the blue do damage to others and then remove themselves from your live, your community etc to pursue an intangible feeling of theirs. they definitely do not consider the pain they're causing others I think.

>> No.43660098
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>> No.43660106

There's no better proof of this board just being reddit lite than the fact that posts like this are fairly common

>> No.43660149

we need silver to read this out on stream

>> No.43660323

She won’t because she likely doesn’t actually hate trannies

>> No.43660364

Nothing in that post is about hating trannies though. It's simply about telling the truth and about being a proper moral parent.

>> No.43660554

In the presence of true evil people will unite to drive it out.

>> No.43661226

HoloEN isn't above anyone until they play the game. They're clearly either pussies or worse, they unironically support "the cause".

Same as for NijiEN.

>> No.43661551

Gotta love how that for those agreeing with her, there still now the spin, that
>ACK-tually it's not the trans and alphabet community doing this harassment and those other suddenly unrelated people are just giving them a bad name and is making it harder for them.
They really are always the biggest victims, huh? Even when they are caught bullying and harassing others on such a massive scale.

>> No.43661803

>spending a few bob to foment tranny hate
Best value for money I can think of.

>> No.43662091

If the trannies are saying she hates trannies why don't you believe them? They might kill themselves if you disagree

>> No.43662682


>> No.43663814

more trans are supporting her than not tho. calling out a bunch of twitter faggots is pretty meaningless by comparison to the sheer size of the trans community

>> No.43663896

>She literally calls them awesome
>Somehow this translates to she hates them.

>> No.43664620 [DELETED] 
File: 521 KB, 853x1000, 1655798064306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based but my christian brother.

>> No.43664680
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Absolutely based my christian brother.

>> No.43664707


>> No.43664807

schizophrenic christcucks watching vtubers is just so funny

>> No.43664830

Trannies are awful people and you lose nothing by cutting them out of your life

>> No.43664900

Wtf I love silvervale now

>> No.43665009

The hormones and surgeries and endless follow ups and consultations are worth hundreds of thousands per person

>> No.43665036

and we won't let you forget

>> No.43665323

Actually the + is for the hiv positive community bigot

>> No.43665451

t. Faggot

>> No.43665550


>> No.43665640

>assuming /pol/niggers who don't watch stream will suddenly tune into her streams now.
This is pure cope.

>> No.43665709

>That's what she should have done from the start and she could have avoided this whole fucking thing that way. Or by just not acknowledging them at all because they particularly hate that.
That's true, and I don't really watch her, but I think she needed that impetus to actually find and assess her own beliefs over getting blindsided by a hate raid. That for me is what makes the returning resolute pushback feel pretty meaningful to me. Or maybe I'm presumptuous, since I barely know her.

>> No.43665778

>game has tranny devs
>has tranny voice actors
>has tranny character models based on real trannies
>allows you to be a tranny
>game devs donated to tranny organizations
>game devs publicly separated themselves from Rowling numerous times
Trannies are unironically retarded and so are the people trying to use this shit for their culture wars.
It's likely that less than 10% of the games sales go to the only person who is anti tranny. This whole thing is retarded.
I'm glad silver is back and all but holy fuck you have been posting these threads for the past two days.

>> No.43665923

So are a lot of the vtweeters with the gay flag and the the "EN Vtuber" or "Predebut EN Vtuber" shit actual trannies? Why are they always talking like they're relevant and popular when they only have about 10 followers and are getting their likes and retweets from bots?

>> No.43666275

I'll never shit on Silver again, eternal respect

>> No.43666419

if some shithole of a country which didnt even have the right to legally own a gun can achieve 100% efficiency, why settle for just 41%? you can do it, i believe in you, burger anon.

>> No.43667834

How ironic considering those raging Twitter randos are the reason why they're not playing the game.

>> No.43668006

So what was Froot's stream like? I heard she cried.

>> No.43668081

Notice how everyone Hololive VTuber you mentioned isn't from the EN branch.

>> No.43668261

>decide to give her a watch out of curiosity
>text-to-speech constantly going off in the background
Is it always like this?

>> No.43668352

Yes. That's par of the course for Twitch streamers, it's one of the reasons I drop anyone who switches to that site.
I miss Abigail...

>> No.43668450

Welp. Guess it's back to yanking it to her Kemono.

>> No.43668482

/pol/tards and trannies are two sides of the same coin. One group thinks she's le heckin evil transphobe, the other thinks she's le heckin based transphobe, despite her obviously being, much like most women, a lib leftie.

>> No.43668755

Silver or Rowling?

>> No.43668765

The difference is the /pol/ack thinks she's a >Woman and therefore expects the gay liberal opinion and is SUPRISED she was temporarily based and encourages it. if she goes back to normie liberal behavior the /pol/ack will go away when he gets bored

Meanwhile the troon thinks she's a >Nazi and it doesn't matter how long it takes there will now be permanent troon retards who will dedicate themselves to being an anti-silver squad until (ironically) she 41%s herself
All in the name of "human rights" and "anti bullying"

>> No.43668996

Yeah that's a trend I have been noticing.
The rightoids will tell you to eat shit and die, then leave.
The extremist left will create communities that go on multi year long harassment campaigns with the express objective of getting their target to kill themselves.
There have been cases of right wing harassment campaigns that were more vicious and/or lasted for a long time but they're the exception.

>> No.43669831

Yup, and as they find more things not sticking they're getting more and more upset and unhinged. Searching silvervale on twitter is fun.

They've... Called her transphobic, racist, antisemetic, and wish death on her and her loved ones. They encourage her getting doxxed and killed. At the same time normal people are seeing how unhinged these posts are and are flocking to Silver's side. It's magnificent.

>> No.43670269

It was actually a bit interesting, in the hours during and immediately following Silver's stream there was mostly support on there. Assuming the twitter freaks were either sleeping or too distraught to form a response immediately. Then yesterday afternoon its like they got themselves recollected enough to double their efforts and now its all 'FREAKS, COCKROACHES, THOSE ARE DOGWHISTLES, SHE IS SHOWING HER TRUE COLORS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'

>> No.43671511

That's because current leftist activism encourages that sort of behavior (Rules for Radicals). Back in the Bush era it was the conservatives who were boycotting and satanic panicking the shit out of harmless things like pokemon (while the left was hippy no war mode).
I'm a libertarian. Currently the left is the authoritarian problem, so I'll shit on them. Tomorrow may be the /pol/fags who knows, I don't care yet.

>> No.43672259

I remember reading a piece on how resentful incel mass murderers like the supreme gentleman went on forums that was supposed to reaffirm his disdain among like-minded company like the misc and whatever else but they were social outcasts in these environments as well. The people there were still fairly normal, social jokesters under a shared cultural banner and they found him weird.
The crazy leftists, however, just signal boost each others own brand of schizophrenic moralized hate and channel all of their collective self-hate to hurt others. The only true banner they represent is reveling in the joy of hurting others behind a flimsy, untenable pretext of moral good.

>> No.43673844

I sure hope by "graduate" it means graduate from their fucking miserable life

>> No.43674048

>LGBT people are awesome
>I don't agree with the author

Nah, she's pro-fag and pro-globalist. I was hoping one of these dumb whores would have the brains to actually speak up against the evils of troons and globalists, but she bent the knee like a good little cunt. And no, I don't care about her past her potential role as a voice in the culture war.

>> No.43674064
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>Woman and therefore expects the gay liberal opinion and is SUPRISED she was temporarily based and encourages it. if she goes back to normie liberal behavior the /pol/ack will go away when he gets bored
Yeah remind me to this
Jumping into the grizzly bears' enclosure and expected them not to maul you because you feel that helping them maul the other women makes you a special outlier.

>> No.43674120

All "identities" get the rope. Sexual deviancy is fine, but making it part of your personality, blasting it out in the open, and demanding that we respect it means that you should die. I say this with 100% seriousness. If I could murder anybody from the LGBTBBQ, I would.

The fact that Silvervale actually supports fags and troons is upsetting, but I should've expected no less from something that is essentially a tranny.

>> No.43674133

Imagine actually posting an image like that on fucking 4chan of all places
Also my point still stands as objectively true, when has anybody on /pol/ last spoke about lauren southern?
I bet you there's still retards on reddit calling her a nazi

>> No.43674154

No she won't, lol. She bent the knee already. She's a useless pile of meat.

>> No.43674199

People hate troons and faggots. The fact that you are okay with it says more about you.

>> No.43674234

Holy shit that's pathetic. You know you can just... go on rule34.net and find pictures of her, right? If she supports LGBT, she's not worth it.

>> No.43674269

Holy cope.

>> No.43674308

You are gay. Gay people need to off themselves. You need to kill yourself. Might I suggest a helium exit bag?

>> No.43674346

>doesn't have a counterpoint
>uses the "b-but ur ebil :("

That's the cry of a loser. There is nothing preventing you from using the same tactics. You're just bad at them.

>> No.43674355

When's the last time she lost her shit over antis or twitterfags? Has she finally grown up?

>> No.43674386

Too bad you'll never have kids so you can't practice what your preach

>> No.43674422

She's not a woman. She's an ugly woman hiding behind an anime avatar to act like thirst trap to get pathetic idiots, simps, if you will, to shell out money.

>> No.43674460

LMAO the tranny woke up and is still seething
>day 5

>> No.43674464

No, they're not. Unfortunately, people still support troons. Go read '"After the Ball."

>> No.43674557

If you use the word "evil," you lost the argument.

>online psychology

The only way the right will win the culture war is by murder. You need to murder glowies, trannies, and globalists. That's how you win. By murdering people IRL.

>> No.43674661

>If you use the word "evil," you lost the argument.
(You) mean like (you) did here? >>43659831

>> No.43674753

I didn't call someone "evil," I said "the evil that they do," you goalpost moving troon.Lrn2read oir alternatively:

Please unironically kill yourself.

>get a canister of helium, some rubber tubing, and a bag
>put the tubing into the cylinder and the other end in the bag
>turn it on
>put the bag over your head and hold it closed
>the inert gas won't make you think you're suffocating, instead you'll just black out in seconds

You really should do it. Everyone here hates you. Your mom and dad love you, but you're such a disappointment to them because you had all this potential, but instead chose to waste it and be - well, you're not a NEET, but you're close. You're a disappointment to them. Yeah they'll cry for a bit, but in like a year they'll be happy to have moved on from the low-grade stressor in their life. It'll be even faster if you have siblings.

You really should do it.

Join the 40%

>> No.43674890

You know people can tell you're just another samefagging tranny who's been flipping with seethe for the past few days because the number of unique IPs didn't change between your posts, right?
In any case:


Also it's 41%. If you want to false flag that bad, at least bother to learn the memes. >>>/r/gamingcirclejerk

>> No.43675103

>JK Rowling is based about trannies but she's a liberal leftist about everything else so you have to hate her because... YOU JUST HAVE TO OKAY
Extremely low IQ take. Learn how to wage a culture war.

>> No.43675107

Wait, really? I've heard about being able to be one in game, but did the devs really do those two last points? Given how hard trans people have been seething on Twitter I doubt they would've just overlooked that. Do you have any sources?

>> No.43675242

Yeah if anything i've heard Warner Bros (publisher of the game AND parent company of the developers) offser support to JK Rowling

>> No.43675303

I need to see her tits move and I need to hear her voice. Her voice is that rare feminine voice you won't find on many vtubers, man. Tbh, most vtubers have trash voices regardless of their personalities and beliefs. I finally found a good one, with a sex model. I'm going in even if occasional gayshit talk will grate my ears. I will unleash kiloliters of sperm to her voice. Also,

Stop samefagging.

>> No.43675750

>there are medications that literally make the feeling of being transgender just fucking go away and IMO this should be stated as an option, a flat out cure
That's transphobic conversion therapy and literally ILLEGAL because you're erasing trans identity :^)

>> No.43676045

Big pharma and other merchants makes more money from people who transition over people who take their meds and continue being cis.

>> No.43676305

What if your parents force you to transition? Because it's a real thing, thinks twice brainlet.

>> No.43676335

>She's not a woman.
>She's an ugly woman
Women are retarded regardless of their looks

>> No.43676337 [DELETED] 

I don't care about what you have to say, you virgin. Make a helium exit bag and kill yourself, so that your parents are no longer burdened by you.

If Silvervale won't be a soldier in the culture war, she should kill herself too.

>> No.43676390

That's not samefagging you dumb cunt retard, that's me replying to people, you fat virgin

>> No.43676426

Ok troon. Silvervale still won and YWNBAW

>> No.43676436

Ugly women aren't really women.

>> No.43676507 [DELETED] 

>i do not support the author's views
>Lgbt people are awesome

What part of that is winning, troon troon baboon? Kill yourself for real. Take a toaster shower or an exit bag. RIGHT NOW

>> No.43676550

The part were she got the play the game that she wanted and gamercirclejerk trannies like you are still seething about it

>> No.43676709


You are also cancer

>> No.43676742

eat a dick. At worst, Trannies are victims like coalburners and druggies. Just jokes they laugh at as they celebrate white death, displacement, and despair, which your faggot church cares nothing about.

>> No.43676811

Oh wow, she played a game with niggers (the Gryffindor student and others), kikes (Charms prof), do not redeems (astronomy prof and amit), stinkditches (the hogsmeade abomination), and a message of tolerance. While saying that Lgbtbbq "people" are good and that she disagrees with Rowling's opinions. Kill yourself, you stupid fucking troon. You are a disappointment to LITERALLY everyone in your life and when you're buried, they'll use your deadname.

>> No.43676980

Are you the fucking SEAdog from yesterday?

>> No.43677301

Based and hopefully troons commit mass suicide but still is vwhorejo so please understand i cant just go and watch them.

>> No.43677375

Kek. You're so stupid you don't realize how hard Silvervale devastated the twitter trannies. With or without realizing it, she fractured their community and caused them to start purity spiraling. Telling them to go 41% themselves would have accomplished nothing. What she did instead inflicted permanent damage on them.

>> No.43678080

You can find stuff dating back to two years ago about the devs making sure that everyone knew that Rowling was not involved in the process of the game. While they don't explicitly say anything about her, the fact that they tried to tell people even back then kinda shows that they wanted to distance themselves from her
This is made further evident by the fact that they support the player character being trans and have trans NPCs in the game. Both of which are 100% not something Rowling would support if she was a part of the dev team
I was mistaken on the charity, I thought I saw that one of them donated to charity but they instead just posted about how they weren't gonna buy it.

And yeah wokescolds are retarded they harassed Hasan who wanted to do a major fundraising stream for charity while playing the game and he couldn't because of backlash because God knows they would rather be victims more than anything else

>> No.43678312

It's two villains fighting. SV is just like JKR, happy to go along with LGBT bullshit till they come after her. Women don't have principles and never expect accountability.

>> No.43679599

she still gets royalties

>> No.43679641

Reply to them all in one post else it's samefagging, faggot.

>> No.43679707
File: 1.44 MB, 1710x900, a-surprise-to-be-sure-but-a-welcome-one-when-55157418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board rocks.

>> No.43682377
File: 28 KB, 667x336, shewhoshallnotbenamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SV is just like JKR
No, she's Voldemort now. Remember?

>> No.43682441
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>> No.43682517
File: 61 KB, 479x450, 1675519195998965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduate from twitter

>> No.43682655

How the raging cockmongle do vtweeters have more follows and reach than me?

>> No.43682687

I used to not care about trannies but after seeing how they all organized to harass people online, I agree now that they all need to be fucking exterminated

>> No.43682783

They engage with others very like them, who also have the motive of "MORE FOLLOWERS MEAN MY OPINIONS ARE VALID!". It's an echo chamber of like-minded retards, each trying to scramble over each other to become the one at the top, at which point all the others under them will dig up a 10 year old tweet and eat the top retard.

Twitter is a cesspit

>> No.43682926

Oh that makes sense.
My 4 twitter followers are just starving artists trying to sell me shit assets.

>> No.43682969

Problem with trannies is not what they do to themselves, is them forcing everyone else into their delusions.

>> No.43683111

Yeah, same thing. Artists are all locked in a weird cycle of buying art assets from each other because it "supports the art ecosystem" not realising they're completely fucked as soon as most people realise AI has been able to draw fingers for months and we're only about 6 months away from being able to type "TEEN TITANS RAVEN LESBIAN SEX WITH THE MOM FROM THE INCREDIBLES" into an AI prompt and getting a 5 minute porn generated within an hour or so.

It's a close ecosystem without any outside vision, they don't have world context. Same with these people starting twitter arguments, they don't realise that real people don't give a fuck.

>> No.43683309

Wrong, what trannies to do themselves is bad and needs to be banned regardless of how they affect others.

>> No.43683409

You say that but AI isn't so great right now for consistency or intent.

>> No.43683523

Look at where it was 6 months ago and where it is now. It's only going to improve. Artists fundamentally cannot compete with it now, let alone when it gets faster and more stable.

The only legitimate criticism for it is a morality one, the initial artworks were effectively stolen, but billions of iterations later can they really claim that now?

>> No.43683545

Remember, /pol/ is trying to psyop you into giving them an inch so they can take a light year. Don’t let your feelings towards 0.5% of the population convince you into giving them the power to genocide the rest of you.

They’ll start with the trannies and end with exterminating anyone who disagrees with them. They already took away abortion rights, these monsters have no limits

>> No.43683561

doesnt that cause testicular shrinkage?

>> No.43683577
File: 3.86 MB, 3541x4992, Ricca of Mondstadt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has fought an ugly new form of censorship that is hardly safe. More like a cager freak's terms for staying alive in New WQorld Order. I would rate it Edward Snowden Julian Assange Alex Jones Elon Musk James O' Keefe tier.

>> No.43683634

What's the issue? You support killing babies?
Look at what pol did with /v/. They're stalwart defenders against the trans menace. Letting pol into the community can only help us and protect us against the troons and bluehairs who try to stop us playing our video games. that's more important than extermination

>> No.43683787

This is a parody post, you'd have to be retarded to fall for it.

>> No.43683833

Alright. I'm now convinced that you faggots are just plain idiots. 99% of this fucking board considers all of us trannies by virtual of watching vtubers. No one is being a bulwark of this fucking board when they all hate us.

>> No.43683865


>> No.43683902
File: 410 KB, 1170x1067, 9BF502B3-7DF5-4272-9690-9AD745EEB3ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> KEK based, trannies lost Silver won
>Meanwhile pic related

>> No.43683910

*99% of this site. Anons on this board all hate each other for differing reasons.

>> No.43684332

It's allowed because it typically improves quality of life without being disabling or anything. It seems to have pretty high success rates.

It also sterilizes trannies which is a net good.

>> No.43685091

>high success rates
stop believing fake sjw statistics. it's mutilation plain and simple.

>> No.43685116

I still say the intent angle is going to be the hardest.
Also its important to remember that most of what we are seeing now is basically single images. When a consistent design is present its generally of an existing character with a lot of fanart.

Consistency and intent will always be the main stumbling blocks of the current approach.

>> No.43687146

It is a legal issue, AI does not have the same rights as humans, such as copyright protection.

>> No.43687878

No faggot. I have honor and morals, not like you demented freaks. I will not lower myself to use jewish tricks to try and win arguments without actually winning the arrgument. You can't refute my central point that men are not women, and you never ever will. Kill yourself.

>> No.43687924

maybe it does in loser faggots. I wouldn't know.

>> No.43688048

My cute rapewife...

>> No.43688235

Can troons be considered humans, let alone capable of holding human rights?

>> No.43688534

>spam a word in chat that has nothing to do with the content of the stream
>surprised when it gets banned
I am shocked I tell you. Shocked.

>> No.43688636

this is just pathetic
