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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48867948 No.48867948 [Reply] [Original]

"Retro" edition

Metal Gear Solid 3! Can Nina beat The Fury before the end of the stream?

>who is Nina?
Nina is a Dutch indie VTuber and VSinger. Her content includes gaming (retro, kusoge, RPGs...), zatsudan, ASMR and singing.
Her powerful and sultry singing voice, her sisterly personality and her hard work have won the hearts of many anons on this board.

Also known as the CEO of Seiso.

>Interested in how Nina sings?
Check out her latest concert:

>Other links and resources
R18: https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ninintai?src=hashtag_click&f=live
>Unofficial VOD archives
New: https://youtube.com/@NinaVODs
Old: https://youtube.com/@annalsoflevtia2846

>Related threads
Large indies >>>/vt//lig/
Western VTubers >>>/vt//wvt/
Retro VTubers >>>/vt//vrt/

Previous thread: >>48790318

>> No.48868015
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I love Nina so much, bros

>> No.48868054
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Lads, I bloody love Nina!

>> No.48868282

Place your bets, will she beat The Fury tonight?

>> No.48868394

Certainly. Her only problem last stream was taking too many hits for how low her health was but now she'll be back to full.

>> No.48868422

Definitely, it should be much easier if that guy in the discord was right about your health regenning when you're not playing the game

>> No.48868735

yes, now she's not limited by time.

>> No.48868886
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qrd/clip of this?

>> No.48869013
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I have difficulty watching Nina because she's too charming for me to handle sometimes.

>> No.48869073

Moriko was doing a Phoenix Wright bit during her marathon and Nina showed up as an NPC. No idea why he apologized for it since it was completely harmless.

>> No.48869131

he was obviously new

>> No.48869284

the very definition of a skill issue

>> No.48869464
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Bat's monthly challenge had a storyline where she was on trial and would go to jail if she didn't beat the games. King Harkinian impersonated Nina to frame Bat because he hates her (it's a long story)

>> No.48869708

That's the best part, interacting with such an unbelievably charming girl.

>> No.48869798

How are my Ninamaniacs doing?

>> No.48869897

Pitbulls are awful

>> No.48869973

>doesn't like dogs that much
>fanbase is shibes
Shouldn't we be cats or something

>> No.48870010

She's a white girl

>> No.48870014

That's a good point

>> No.48870022

Nina HATES her fanbase...

>> No.48870041
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This dude out here asking the real questions

>> No.48870075

Vienna hate

>> No.48870085

I missed it, how soft was chat on the shitbull question?

>> No.48870089

Vienna love

>> No.48870168

If Vienna gets my wife involved in playing League again, I will anti her forever

>> No.48870258

Agreed, league is a hard no for me, even fortnite(no building) is better

>> No.48870401

Very much agrees. League and MOBA in general is absolute cancer.

>> No.48870929

she thinks they're cute but wouldn't want one in her house (just like us fr)

>> No.48871050

Nina is as anti incest as Alice is pro

>> No.48871092

Aren't her brothers deadbeats? no wonder

>> No.48871113

A lilttle Dutch solidarity for once, based Whiskey

>> No.48871149

one of them is, the other one made Nina into an aunt

>> No.48871189

Lotta retards in chat today

>> No.48871210

Yeah, me

>> No.48871235

love neener but doggos are objectively superior to cats
such unconditional love and unwavering loyalty

>> No.48871247

Sorry, can't contain myself

>> No.48871259

Anything in particular?

>> No.48871327

just a few that blew in from stupid town and had to let everyone know

>> No.48871338

Some mudskin talking about turkish and some weeb being weird

>> No.48871365

Turkroach spam account and a few randoms spamming caps and saying stupid things you'd see in a big chuuba's chat.

>> No.48871468

I want to make Nina warm inside too

>> No.48871955

the only place i have visited in the netherlands was amsterdam, and i thought it was a comfy city with its many canals are peculiar architecture

dont know why nina hates it so much

>> No.48872012

it's a capital city, they're all shit places full of shit people

>> No.48872124

the hague always felt more like the proper capital to me, even though you are technically correct

but ehh, it can be crowded but the people i met there were pretty chill

>> No.48872216

how does one pronounce the hague? the haacchhhhhhh?

>> No.48872253

"den haag" i belive? but i dont speak dutch

>> No.48872270

Den haag

>> No.48872308

so I was correct (minus the proper article)

>> No.48872359

haguechads winning

>> No.48872938

She's never going to beat the game is she

>> No.48873117

bit late to the thread I see she is still at the Fury

>> No.48873253

>everything is breaking on her
>she decided to go full time for a moment

>> No.48873824

so fucking close

>> No.48873877

Just like me

>> No.48873893

to be fair she did like one and a half hour of zatsudan

>> No.48874098

Nina is starting to sound like she has had enough of Kojima's shit

>> No.48874170

i was very frustrated with most metal gear bosses because i think console controls in general are dogshit and it makes me feel handicapped compared to mouse+keyboard

>> No.48874398

I relate to this so hard

>> No.48875041

this doesn't sound like a good strategy

>> No.48875361

How are you supposed to beat him? Fight looks like a fucking slog

>> No.48875419

Shoot him from down the hallways in phase one, then hide from him in phase two until he commits to running down a hallway then shoot him in the back.

>> No.48875427

Thats the thing, I don't remember there even being a gimmick. This was the most straight-forward and fastest boss for me.

>> No.48875834

So I haven't played MGS.
Does anyone actually consider this a good or fun boos fight? It looks really fucking boring.

>> No.48875885
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tomorrow FOR SURE for real this time (no delays)

>> No.48875903

Nope, its the worst boss in mgs3. Least interesting character/storywise too, there is not much to him

>> No.48875939


>> No.48875992

Filody in the /nina/?

>> No.48876001
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Hello again, /lig/

>> No.48876023

aw frick he got me...
I blame the page 9 bakers

>> No.48876030

when will melody collab with nina

Hi Tob!

>> No.48876064

Stomp on a pitbull. Roundhouse kick a pitbull into the concrete. Throw pitbull puppies in a sack into a river (if they don't instinctively eat each other first). Body slam a pitbull into the ground.

>> No.48876077

I beat it pretty fast so I don't even remember the boss itself

>> No.48876094
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>> No.48876258
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>> No.48876273

She keeps running into the fire

>> No.48876308

Got 'em

>> No.48876314

husband_dm_ not you too...

>> No.48876384

ya blew t

>> No.48876442

So uh
I guess this entire stream will just be Nina grinding this boss then.

>> No.48876587

She's finally figured out the rotation, she'll beat him now

>> No.48876640

The same retard...

>> No.48876675

nick cage is a femanon

>> No.48876821

>~1 hour left
Getting a bit worried about that bet at the start of the thread now

>> No.48876892

is emiri her actual name?

>> No.48876952

you mean the otk girl?

>> No.48876985

Nina Emiri Saotome

>> No.48876992

she is a neet now she might stream longer now

>> No.48877047

liggers should've never been allowed here

>> No.48877142

I'd just put em down, but it always surprises me how bad they are, even if most of their owners weren't abusive they'd still be the only breed that gets prescribed fucking prozac

>> No.48877298

sorry anon... it's the only girl i know with that name and i'm not about to dox nina

>> No.48877306

nina got some mighty patience for not raging after being stuck on the same shitty boss for this long

>> No.48877368

tru dat, i would've looked up a guide by now

>> No.48877384

I miss the Ninja Gaiden streams..

>> No.48877398

what happened there?

>> No.48877438

VODs are available but extreme patience gameplay was one of the major selling points back in the day - she was compared to Okayu a lot at that time

>> No.48877477

Shame that Ninja Gaiden III gets really bullshit after like the 3rd stage or so. To the point it's tedious even with savestates.

>> No.48877513

If she is this patient in general imagine how well she would handle kids...

>> No.48878084 [DELETED] 

Is Lucy alright? She seems off, either from a caffeine crash or her chat not letting up.

>> No.48878287

Do we have a death tally?

>> No.48878422

>anon implies nina's first name isn't nina
the gall

>> No.48878767

I can't believe she's getting filtered by Fury out of all bosses

>> No.48878889

i gotta admit i started doing some chores and stuff while letting the stream act as background noise
is she making any progress or just banging her head against a brick wall?

>> No.48879075

Fucking finally

>> No.48879090

Wonder how much fun she will have with the sorrow

>> No.48879170
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She did it, she did it

>> No.48879212

ding dong the fury is dead!

>> No.48879262
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>> No.48879305

nina for heavens sake save please

>> No.48879314

i want nina to play peace walker and listen to the santa tape

>> No.48879566

I think the talk on discord was next kojimbo game is either tokimeki or zoe

>> No.48879686
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It's finally over, we can progress.

>> No.48879753

Should've raided Miyune

>> No.48879831

I think my brain is as mushy as Nina's is now

>> No.48879864

Raided the weirdest and creepiest cunny

Lovely stream as usual, disappointed we aren't getting more streams or longer streams

>> No.48879951

excellent zatsu/10

>> No.48879960

progress, but i feel blue balled with so little i hope she doesn't struggle as much with volgin and the shaggohod

>> No.48879983

In her defense we have been getting streams that go later than usual, like yesterday's stream going to 2AM her time.
As she said at the start, she's not treating it as a vacation as much as time to catch up on her reps and backlog, so don't expect a ton of long streams just yet.

>> No.48880176

I guess you are right anon. I guess she treats work and growth more holistically than just grind numbers and hours..

>> No.48881199

since she fucked off from her work i wonder what she desires to work with long term (she is not ready for full time vtubing as an occupation at this time, lets be realistic).

does she have skills that would make it easy for her to get employed with a decent position and wage?

>> No.48881259

btw does anybody know what parfume Nina uses so that we can keep the posters smelling like her forever?

>> No.48881360

It was probably L'Imperatrice

>> No.48881391

UX design is literally fiddling with Figma and sending things for approval.

>> No.48881501

Literally has a masters in a demanded field.. but she is quite vocal about it not making her happy so.. to answer your question yes she has the skills. But she wants to focus elsewhere.

>> No.48881505

is it easy to find employment then?
i got the impression that her old job had her fairly stressed out, and other shitty aspects being that she had to travel for hours any time she got called in to office.

my point is that assuming she could easily get a new job, it would be logical that she would move on to a more beneficial employer earlier

>> No.48881614

Nah there is more nuance than that. You know the projects and colleagues, status quo is comfy. She probably was really stressed due to increasing demand to go to the office.

>> No.48881662

>not making her happy
is the issue her former employer, or does she just not find her field of work enjoyable at all?

>> No.48881716

She has joked about wanting to switch to other fields, but realistically she will stay in the IT and UX world since she has experience and can most easily land a stable job there.
With everything she already juggles and needing to find a job within a few months, she should go with what's easiest. Maybe a job that allows full remote work or a shorter commute.

>> No.48881719

I think both. She really likes streaming and singing in comparison.

>> No.48881789

it must be pretty rough to have put in five years of studies (or whatever a masters degree is in the netherlands) only to not particularly enjoy working within the field

>> No.48882128

I think it had more to do with the office environment, her coworkers (lots of boomers and pajeets) and the 2 hours of commute.
I've never heard her complain about UX design itself.

>> No.48882577

Nina should be able to get a remote job. The biggest problem with getting a UX job though is that there's way way more job positions related to actual coding. I wonder if Nina used to do user interviews and usability tests or if she was just really a Figma rat.

>> No.48886761


>> No.48890196

I hate Nina

>> No.48894350


>> No.48898533

I love Nina

>> No.48902002


>> No.48906912


>> No.48909301

